Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1907, p. 5

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At the lEpwm-th Imng'uu nu Monday r-vunin ' M r. L-unuu will give u talk on ‘ 'I‘hz- fiignily of lnhur." Everyone i-l invited to attend. Mr. Henry a stuxlont at Queen’s Uni-varsity. KingsLnn. is acting Prin- ('ipéllil] the High School during the illness of his father At \Vnndhl-idgo Sun“: of Melxillu squash (he \wighL “18. Mr. Trench was awarded twu first prizvs and a second prize fm' thimble- NkPin wagguns at \Vnudlu-idge Fail. He also secured two for buggies and one for cutter. ‘ Stl-nyod how the residence of I]. B. Stirling. Yonge SL. Sunday owning. A black kitten. Findt r kindly rvturn, m- )L‘IH‘O inl’m-nmtinu at, above address. It. pays to rend the advertisompnts of entvrpx-ising home merchants. They me. the people whn make it, pnssihle to haw cum'enicnces right, at ynur dom- an tn spvak. @3119 iiibcmio A union Thanksgiving sex-vice will he held in the PI'PSQDleâ€"‘l‘ifln church on Thursday. October 31. (-nmuu-ncing :n 11 u. m. The sermon will he px-enchvd by Rev. A. P. Bruce. Kips. Harris and family dvsire to ex- press tlxvirl'lvartfelt, lhunkfulness 1’01- the kind Lukvns of sympathy from frivnds and m-ighlmrs in this their hum- (af deep sun-ow. Munymm‘vtnwns die for Want, of (:nnfidvnce on the {MM nf business men and luck of puhlic spirit. than from oppnsibiun nf m-ighhming towns and :ulu-rse sm-x-uumlings‘. qualities {Ill-(l grad kinsun & Swilzmx Mrs. A. L. Slu‘clv :mtl- hvr suns dc- siu‘ tn (‘Xpl‘OSS thrir sinr-m-r- apprecia- tion of the kindness and sympaLhy 9x- lvmh‘d tutlwm by their friends and [numbers of Richmond Lodge during Llwir recem bereavement. Blue ht. suits $7 Hwilzvx As Thanksgiving-Day mums on our xugulur publishing day. Thursday. THE LIBERAL will he publislwd on \Vr-d- Imsduy of next wvek. CUI'I'E‘flHVndlelS and others will kindly lwul- this in mind, and sendin copy early in lhl‘ m-Qk. Neighbor {\Iannughy has shown us :7. sample of putntnns gmwn by Mr. Umnisky on Llw nwdnl farm. 2nd cnn. Markham. Tho potnhu-s :H'L‘ sumuth and well fm mod. \Vhr-n placed on the scales (m4- (If the pomhms weighed 1 1b., 10 02., the nthv-I' llh.. 0 Hz. TH E THR EE B’s. The \annn's InsiitulP will hold their monthly mnnting :1! Mrs. \Vil- mnt Brumwvlh’. Vit‘fnl'in Square, on \Vednr-ednv. 03+. 30. Subjects __ Brpad. Buns. Biscuits. taken by thrvv Indies. A grand programme is expect- vd. Allwvlonmo. The . 0. T. U. will mr-vt :IL Mrs. ‘mnt‘s mrxt Tuesday afternoon at A: usual 1mm. Trinl Catarrh treatnn‘nts are being lunilednnt free. on request. by Dr. Hhonp. Racine. \Vis. Thpsv tests :u-o proving to the pimpleâ€"without a ponâ€" ny's cost ~tlw grmt value (If this wienmfic m'vscriptjmr known tn drug- gistn everywhere as Dr. Sbncp‘s Cut- :u-rh Remedy. Sold by \\'. A. Sander- The perfect Weather last W'vdnesJ day 'nnd Thursday heflpvd to make! \Vnn‘dhridge Fair one of the hast and most enjoyable ever held. The ex- hibits werv gnod. the speeding in the ring was fast. and the hnnquet was" thoroughly enjnyed by all who were present. President J. A. Garner-m1 m-psided. and the spr‘akg's were Arch. 1 '{Lunphnil M. P.. (“:11 Dr. Godfrey M. P. I mu. D‘l‘. McLean, T4 Men‘s heavy wnnl ribbedl :: nd drawers 50 cents pu- \ivn's Wool flew-mid Shirts at $1 per suit. Men‘s thvy 1 shirts and drawers 75 vent: mont. Men‘s flnn wool win shirts and drawers $2.50 p0 special values. Atkinson ("I 10'". Mr. Mnflxlvn of Aurora will vnch hmho Mvthudist church next. many nun-Hing. / k R. C. Y. C. lwlt, pin. Finder use leave at. THE LIBERAL Office. The best weekly newspaper. a fam» I ly umzazine without an equal and an gricultural paper second ‘tn nnne is I leat, one gets in the Family Herald ' lad Weekly Slnr of Mnntwnl. Three ! m'hlicsxtions in one and each the lit-8t. , If its kind and all far one (lullar :3 l rear is the explanation of the wander- : nl success of Canada’s greatest. nows- - mper. No home in Canada. should he I without the Family Herald and \Veokâ€" ; Men's readyâ€"m-er overt-nuts $6.95, md vullw. Men‘s hmn‘y Mack and ne beaver nvorcnuts $9.50. Men's IilS $7.50, $9.00, $12.00. Atkinson & mum!) HILL, On, Oct. 24, 1007 51430 AXIJN. tar nf Montrva'l w dollar a year. keep posted on all the differvnb fies and grades of our stock. Al. VVOODBRIDG E FAIR. THREE IN ON!- STR A Y ED LOST. elu und- hvr suns dc- u-ir Sinffl‘l'l' appreci~ [955 und sympathy ex- hy their friends and Fail" Mr. Charles Cros< vxhihitml :n, uf which was 2?. mt 191d. The on! )eeding in the 9 banquet was‘ all who were! F. A. Cameron Lm‘s were Arch. Tnm “‘nllncv. J. ankie \Vil» ‘. \Vallace and_ en it'cc rshix-ts rment. I'H \VE‘I‘S only wan}- ight All ' Among the piizos offrm-(l by the officers and (lll‘t'utul‘s of the \Vund- bridge Fair was one for “host dressed , fowl." Several uf the exhibits in this class looks-d tempting to :u hungry l man. but Miss French of Eldvr‘s Mills had no difiirully in landing the red (ticket. This yuung lutly mmceivvd 'thvideuof dressing in lHtvSt style a well-hred-musterand his mate. The furnw'r wme a pair of blan pants: nnd cut-away enat. The hon was cus- tnmvd in plain skirt,uupe &c, and both won- [ms to match. “’0: give our customers the best vul- ue we can for their monvy. “it: 6911 straight for cash. satisfivd with a small profit; nu x-(mm fur lmnus tickâ€" OIS. nm- p1 izes a-f any kind. Examine these figures : 21 lbs extm granulated sugar for $1.00, Tonmmes lU crnts per a”. Sugar 6:. Cremv Cum 9!: ‘tin, Sugar perm 8c Lin. limb quality this season’s pack. Men's Muck ('ushmere hnse 20c pn. men’s 4~ply linen collau-s 2. for 25¢. Atkinson & Switzer. “'9 never insist (mu cusmmer buy- ing: what he or she dues not want. At- kinson & Switzer. Posters are out, unnmlncin the An- nual Pluwing Match (If fing and \[unghan Pluwmen's Asmcintinn tnhe held (In the farm of Mr. A. B. \Volls. lnL5,1'ear31-d mm. Vaughan, King City, nn Tuesday. the 5th of Novem- lwr. The match is open to all Canadn. There are nine classes. and the prize list. is large. including a. large numher of specials. Lunch will he provided in the field for pluwmen, and meals fm- all comers at 3110 Metropnlitnn Ho. tyel. King City. All communications In he addressed {0 the secretary, Mr. J. T. Suigvon, Maple. At the semi-annual meeting of the Onmx-iu'Cm-lex-s‘ Association held in Tux-(mm the following grouping will inlm'est, curlers in this Se‘ct‘inn of cunntx-y. For the Ontario Tankard, Group No. 1.â€"Linds:ly. Port ane, )uhnurg, Toronto, Tnmntu Lakevivw. 'l‘gimnln GrnniLes, Toronto Prospect Park, Newmnrket, Milton. Richmond Hill. Plnyut Tnmntn. Umpire Mr. J. P. Badgers. For the District Cup, District No. 3.â€" Pens-tangnishenv. Meuford. Elmvalo. NPwmaI-ket. Allis- tun. Uollingwuod. Chm-chill. Barrie, Richmond Hill. Play at Newmmket. Umpire, M1: T. H. Blunton. Tut-heck n cnld quickly. get from your Lli-nggist sumo little Candy Cold Tablets callpd Prm‘mitics. Druggists evmywhereare now dispensing Pre- “(’llllL'S. for they are not unly safe, but decidedly certain and prumpt. Preventics contain no Quinine. no laxative, nothing harsh nm- sickening, Taken at the “smmze stage” Prevem tics will prevent, Pneumonia, Brun- chiLis. Ln Gl-ippe, etc. Hence the ‘Hélan, Preventics. Gomd for fevvrisl) children. 48P1'eventu:525(:t,s. Trial Boxesficents. Snld by \V. A. Sun- 'dvrsun. The Can-'Idiun Grncer, one of The MucLeml Publishing (30‘s well-knnwn newspnpvrs, is looking for an editor; The best man that can he got in Can- nda is wantrd. and in under to Secure. him the Company is willing to pay a salary of $2,500 at the outset and $5,000 when he has proved his wmth. The Grncer is roenguized as an authnr- ity (m fuudf‘ufffi and provision trades in Uzinudu, but also in Great Bi'itnin and the Cnutirwnt. The new editor will be supposed to still further stlengthen the paper. There should he numerous applicantq for this posi- tion for it, is undoubtedly one of the prizes in Canadian journalism. In the Canadian Magazine for No-- vvmher, Capt». H. S. Scott Hui-den re- pilPS 1.0 the articles that. Saint N. Sing has written regarding British rule in India. Captain Scott. Han-dun gets right down to the suhjvct. and with: nub them-ising' or philusnphising, shows what Great, Britain has dune for India during the lust tifly yen-11's. The nnmbor contains ntht-r interest- ing cnnbribntiuns, including "Shakes- pere and the Latter Day Dmmu.” hy \Vilfrx-d Campbell um introduction to the narrative of Col. David Fanning. by Judge Sawary, and the first of what premises to he advlight-ful series of axticle‘e on Frvnch-Uunndiun folk- lore, by Dr. Lewis Frechette. Painanywhere. pain in the head, painful periods. Neuralgiu. toothache, :Lll palm can be promptly stupped hy :zthoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tahle known by Dxuggists every- wlu'u'u‘! Dr. Shnop‘s Headache Tab- lo-ter. Pain simply nwans congestionâ€"- undue lleOd pressing at the oint whrxw‘ pain oxists. Dr. Shnop’s out :xcm- 'P.{l)lr-§H quickly equalize this un~ natural blond prvssuro. and pnin im~ .vuoediuncly tit-parts. “'lite Dr. Shoop. Ruin", “’35.. and gvt it free trial pack- ~ hm; 250ts.â€" Druggism. will he M r. H Mr. D KING & VAUGHAN MATCH. d circula’te-s very widely. nut, nnly Uzinudu, but also in Great Britnin d the Cnutirwnt. The new editor 11 be supposed to still further lengthen the paper. There should ‘llumvrnus annlicantq for this posi- 4?" NB FOR TANKARD AND CUP. U0 NOVEMBER CANADIAN. AN EDITOR WANTED. AN EASY WINNER. )1 L 3 LIB Den ;‘mme'n committee. have X'.")y o! talent for the com '13 in the Munnic Hall on .g evening. Thursday. Oc- i:-h should pack the house. )1; will take part: Massrs. .d. H. Mitch-4!. G. Dono~ M1: J. Eule NeWLon, ~‘., and act-nmpunist: Miss {w 9, Miss Muly Trench, Q-v‘itzvr. Miss Idu Glass, ts; Miss Jean Scott. 9]. Mr. \V. A.’\Vright. Emu-i- ARY CONCERT. k, norm Imomu: hv On “’cdnesduy afternnon there was held in the first form (if the Rich- mund Hill High School the first meet- inguf the newly organized Literary Society. On the whole it might be considered it decided success. After a suitable address was given by the chairman, Mr. Walter Scutt, a chorus was sung by the Glee Club. follnwed by u recitation by Miss Norma. Morg- an and an instrumental by Miss Edna Manir. The next and most exciting feature of the. afteran was the de- lmte. the subject being “Resnlved that Que-en Elizabeth is us worthy of admiration as Queen Victoria." After careful judging the decision was givâ€" en in furor of the Affirmative side, which was supported by Miss Hazel \Velsh and Mr. Lloyd Smiles. The meeting was brought to a clnse by an- other chorus given by the Glee Club and the critic‘s report by the, Princi- pal. After the singing of the National Anthem. the Schlihl dispersed. much pleased with their first efl’urt given to form the society, and with a. hearty wish for its success in the futme. MCKAY~AL Richmond Hill. Sept. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKay. a daughtvr.’ lNNEeâ€"In Richmond Hill. on the leh of Octnhm'. to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Innes a, son. CLIFTâ€"AL Elgin Mills, October 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clift. a. daugh- ter. - COUSINsâ€"In Richmond Hill. Octobvr 19. to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cousins, a. daughter. GOULDâ€"In Richmond Hill, Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Gould. a daughter. BRACKINâ€"BATTISBYâ€"In St. Andrew’s Church, Uhnthum. nn Wvdm-sday, October 16, by Rev. Dr. J. R. Buttis- by, Ph. D.. fnthm- of the bride, An- na Mpllis Buttishy, to Robert Liv- ingston Brackin. all of Chat ham. SKEELEâ€"At Richmond Hili, Octuher 21. 1907, Andrew L. Skf‘t‘ie, in his 88th your. Funeral snrvicv at his late residence, Wednesfiay. October 23, at. 3. p. m. Interim-ht at, Arcade N. Y. ++++++++++++++++~K~+++~§~++++f 2; Try our store i before you buy + y} o u r Thanks- ; giving Suit or 3? (Dvercoat. yam. SAVAGE . . 3» Also manu: That’s tombad! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. is esaential to moves: in the lmsineeq world of no-rmv. T'ue srhnol that, provides the best training along these lines is the British American Business College YONGE & McGlLL STS . TORONTO Practical Education Superior conraes in all subjects. Students assisted to positions. Enter any tune. W rite for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, Principal Is Y0 u r Hair Sick? H. S. LITERARY SOCIETY. Besides our ready-to-wear which we assure perfect. in MT and QUALITY, we have an excel- lent umge of samples for gab ments MADE TO ORDER; if you have not. seen them, come in and innpect. Our price-s will be sure to THEFT YOU TO BUY. Fine new range of Furnisings â€"t.iee. collars, shirts. underwear, suspendersâ€"everything for a good dresser. Bnots and shoes in the latest fall styles. for ladies and grrms. The best kind of a testimonial- " Sold 101' over sixty years.” ma. if .7. c. Ayer- Co., Lowell. Miss. A IO mlnummron of O utfitter MARRIAGES. DEATHS. BIRTHS. SARSAPILRILLA. PILLS. CHERRV PBCTOIML ichmond Hill +++++++++++++++++++4;-x-+++-:-+:-++++++++++- Â¥++4+++++++++++Â¥ ++++++++++++++éé +++++++++++ +++++++N+++MH+WW+ An organist. and choir leader for the Richmond H111 Presbyterian church. Apply to REV. J. A. GRANT, the Manse ~~7~ <r‘n Six 2nd m BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORONTO. Prunes Mstriculssxon. Y. M. C. A. tree. $3M! rutway R. A. FARQUHARSON, 3.1.. Yo BY MAIL ++++++++H~PHM++++++++H+ ++4~M+++H+++++++++ 9++M++++++++%++M++++¢++M++++++++++++++++++$+ 6on WM. INNES. yearling u. Vang WANTED FOR SALE New Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Daily Special Values We quote: Heavy, striped. 3‘6-mc‘n Flannelette, 11c. yd Cream, white, and pink Saxony, [06. per yd Heavy, Loch Lomond, Shirtings, at 10, 12},- 15, and 17c. yd. ' The best standard cotton Shirtings at 15c. yd Men’s heavy, well-made vests at 79c. Men’s brown corduroy vests, $1.80. Atkingon 6: Switzer Oct. 10, 1907. Richmond Hii! Hardware Stare And assure you satisfaction 1n quality and price. Tinsxnithing in all its branches. We solicit your order for V77. MSRY WI LSON Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. Cotswold ewes, lot ‘23 Ranges and Heaters - We advertise to induce you to visit our store and see our stock. We rely upon our goods and prices to make sales when they are brought to your notice. We mean just as much when we talk to you in our advertising as we do when you hear us talk over the counter, only by this means we talk to more people. . SMILES n Mil BRITISH CANADiAN Lax-m 5 Yong: and BI Mill. Arnold St. Commel day Octobvr 16, Cider will the public every Tuesday and Saturday. - gmnlity of cider apples x 2 Richmond Hill Creamery Arnold St. Commencing rday. Wanteei fizénioued. Anni-eel F. LYN COLLEGE cs wank Manager .Ireday and Cide '1‘qu

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