Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1907, p. 7

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Mr. Alfredl’lcau, an expert nzachz‘m fist, 173 St. falm $1., Quebtc C it]. Can. write: a letter to [/25 Parana Drug Ill/g. C 0., given lie/ou- .- 1 PEHUNA STHENBTHENS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. "Two years ago, an accident necessi- la‘ed niy confinement for several weeks. The good hcallh I had enjoyed was slipâ€" ping away and there developed a com- plication oi diseases. My physician said my case was one of general debility. "Among the many ailments which de- .veloped was a serious attack of catarrh. which annoyed me considerably and kept me awake whole nights. “I docile to give Peruna a trial and soon found it. acting as a wondcrtul Ionic to my system. The catarrh grew less severe and shortly afterward disap- peared, as did also the various other maladies. “I attribute my prompt relief .and ullimale cure entirely to the use of PC- .runu and gladly recommend it." nival "Professor" Exposes Tricks at a Fasting Couple. Professional fasling men have fallen mil, with the result that one. known in privale lilo as Frank Eich, jeweller, of Rhyl, England. and professionally using the lille of "Sacco." told a remarkable story in the wilnoss~box of alleged fast- ing “tricks.” against the olher. Clarence Slevens, otherwise “Profossor Sucre.” Sacco, whose leasls in London and the large [owns of England have broughl his name somewhat 1')rominenlly before the public in roronl years. sued “Succa” and his wife, Mum. Melodeo. in the Rhy] C(unly court for £7 55. 9d. Included in this was a claim of Us. “for food sup- ccunly court {or £7 55. 9d. Included i‘ this was a claim 0! Ms. “for food su; plied lo Mme. Melodce whilst she we rusting in a box at Rhyl World‘s Fair during the season past. Sacco, who arranged the fast, said h Sacco, who arranged the fast, said he lent the tasting couple money. and ad- vanced the man 355. to buy a dress suit. Madame was “sealed up" in the usual windowed box, so that apparently no- thing eculd he passed 'ro her during the days of her fast. But one window was a sliding pane, and was not sealed, and through this (1 dinner was daily handed in to the lusting lady. The food was necessary. snid Sacco, because it was early apparent that Madame was not able to do without it. V’Mndamc (Sacco continued) was suc- ceeded in the box nflor her fast. by the prof05_501‘,‘her hUSbund. \vhc "fasted" for twenty-one days. but was also secretly fed by ihe same means. Madame and her husband mnphaticaiâ€" lv denied the allegations. on oath. but the j‘udgc held that the genuineness of their {nsi had nothing to do with 1119 cuso. He gave judgment for Sacco, but only for £3 105. money lent. and for me ("955 suit. Madame declared mat. the whole aim of the story was to injure her prciessionally. protessor, her nusouna. \vno "lasteu" (or twenty-one days. but was also secretly ted by the same means. Madame and her husband emphatical- lv denied the allegations, on oath. but the fudge held that the genuineness of their fast had nothing to do with the case. He gave judgment for Sacco, but only tor £3 103. money lent. and for the dress suit. Madame declared that the whole aim at the story was to injure her pretessionally. ___.‘_q._.__... AVOIDING UNLUCKY 't‘HlRTEEN. lie was on trial [or bignmy. "What." queried the judge, “ever in duced you to marry fourteen wives?" "‘ ""' ““r‘v *.r w Fluid Extract Dandelion. one-ha}! ounce; Campound Kargon‘ one-ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoontul utter each meal and at bedtime. A well-known physician is author- ity that. these ingredients are all ‘harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mix- ture has a peculiar healing and sooth- ing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure. and otten overcomes the worst. forms of Rheumatism in‘ just. n little while. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by Iorcing the Kidneys to filter and strain from the blood and “Superstition. your honor‘“ replied the systemail uric acid and foul. dicxmposed prisoner. lucky number.” “1 Consider thirteen an un- waste matter. which cause these amic- tions. Try it it you aren‘t well. Save the prescription. If a cook has a good temper it's a sign that she isn‘t a good cook. FED THROUGH A TRAP. MR. ALFRED PLEAU. WRIT) NO. 53â€"07. British Admiralty pGuins Control 0! ' Nigerian Supply. Reports have been published in the American press that the British Govern- ment had obtained important. oil con- tc-ssions in Nigeria, and intended lo gxrhslllute oil for Welsh coal at all naval Lascs. Inquiries show that in March last an ordinance grunting power to two com- panies to operate in Nigeria was drnwn “n n, Inquiries show that in March inst an ordinance granting power to two com- phille to operate in Nigeria was drawn ‘ up. In it is stipulated that the “Gov ernment. shall have pre-cmption of all exude oil raised, and in the event. of ‘war the Governor, on behalf of the Gov- ernment, shall have the power to take control of the works and plant.” The London representative of the two companies concerned stated on Satur- day that. wells have already been sunk in West. Airicu. and that the oil obtain- ed was or satistactory quality. lle stat- ed that. negotiations were- going on be- tween these. two companies and his Ma- jesty's Government with .the View of Supplying oil to the Admiralty when it 1: obtained in large quantities. This, of course, does not, necessarily mean that the Admiralty will suhsti- ‘tule oil for coal if the operations in Ni- ecrin are successful, shows that the Government is fully alive to the possibilities of oil fuel: for the navy. The colony will, in accordance with the Government’s ordinance, 'reccii'e 7% ‘per cent. on the business done. GIVES RECIPE FOR SIMPLE HOME- MADE KIDNEY CURE. I 1 I I l A remarkable feature in connection with the extension of the small hold- ings movement in Lincolnshire is an agreement adopted at Moulton, near Spalding, England, where the tenants on taking up land have to bind them- selves to marriage within “a reasonable time.” No Small Holdings [or Bachelors a! Moullon. The Clerk of Moulton Parish Council slated the other day that the project jg one associated with the name of [1an Carrington. and that a corn farm at 750 aeres is to be cut up into small holdings. Thirteen houses will be pro- vided. and it is these that the Parish Council require shall be occupied either Ly married couples or by tenants who intend to marry. There has been a large number of ap- plications for the holdings, and although possessién has not yet been given. the tenants have been chosen. Six of them are eligible bachelors, who under the arrangement come to will have to pro~ vide themselves with wires shortly. 0f the six selected bachelor tenants some are already engaged to be mar- riea, but special interest ls being taken mm regard to two of those still free. They are currently reported to be searching diligently for suitable part- MAKE THIS YOURSELF DOI'S Inexpensive Mixture 0! Vegetable In- gredients Said to Overcome Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Here is a simple home-made mixture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes lhe siale~ menl in a Toronto daily newspaper" mat it will relieve (illnesl any case (:1 Kidney trouble, if taken before the stage c.’ Bright’s disease. He slales that such symploms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especi- ally at nighl; painful and discolored urination. are readily overcome. Here is the recipe; try il: , Lu” A man who, with his spent several weeks at 1 summer resort. discovered that he had lost hi: pocket ing it p055ible that it mig found by some employee al which he was slaying, his 1055 to the landlord. "That's. too bad, Mr. Jc that functional-y. “I’ll m about it. What. kind of po “Russia leather,“ answered the “What color?" “Dark red." “Any distinguishing marks ab( “It had a clasp." “What was the shape of it?" “Flat. 0! course," said Mr. J( ‘Haven‘t [ been here more month?" same people make room at the top by pushing others 09 ~ OIL FUEL IN THE NAVY. ‘TS MUST MARRY. AS MIGHT BE EXPECTED physicinn is author- ingredicnis are all easily mixed at home in a boitie. This mix- .Guins Comm] 0! said Mr. Johnson here more than a his family, had a! a fashionable red one morning rcketâ€"book. Thinkâ€" Johnson," make illql It have he reported "He says his whole life is a fizzle." "Is he so pessimistic?" “Not a bit of il. He’s merely the clerk that attends to the soda water drinks." A Clear Ilenllliy Skinâ€"Eruptions oi the skin and the blotc‘hes whie‘h blem~ isli beauly are the result of impure. blood caused by unhealthy action rt the liver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Parâ€" melee’s Veg-stable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. *3!“ II a total wbm on." In". den. 9am. Ind “out; And. fin the punch: of ammo mm. lmpflal beam-I mun undur molt hygsalnc wndmom. from Onmrlo bushy (flu but In the world) man, hopl. And pun “lot. to! Piule Peteâ€"“You seen er suspicious looking individual with a horse thiev- ish appearance hanging around here lately?” » Sh'crirf-J‘Yes; last Thursday. Planted Friday.” Be There :1 Will Wisdom Points the Wainâ€"The sick man pines for relief: tul he dislikes sending for the doctor, which means boillos of drugs never con- sumed. He has not the resolulion i-o load his stomach with oompouhds which smell villainously and taste worse. But if he have the will Ito deal himself with his uilmen’l, wisdom will direct his ntlention to Parmelee‘s \‘ege- table Pills, which, as a specific for indi- gmtion arid disordens of the digestive organs, have no equal. Moths do not eat furs or cloths. Theyt lay their eggs in these rich stuffs, and‘ It is the worms from the eggs that do the eating. There are no shooting stars. Stars me immense bodies, many times larger than the earth, and they do not move. The so-cnllod shooting stars that glide so splendidly across the nocturnal sky are meteorsâ€"fragments weighing, as a rulc‘ but a few pounds Sunstroke is really heat apoplexy. it is the moisture in the air, rather than the actual rays of the sun, that causes snnstroko. In dry climates such as (jairo‘s, with a summer temperature of 122‘ degrees in the shade, sunstroke is much rarer than with us. When you hear a man say "married life is me only life" it‘s a sure sign he has been married nearly 11 week. HAT little alcohol there is in Ontario-brewed beer greatly aids the stomach to digest its food,â€"â€"ask your own doctor if beer with meals wouldn't be good for you. Beer increases the flow of gastric juices, and so helps much to cure dxspE'pSia. The right use of beer tones the whole di- gestive finchâ€"makes the system get all the good of food instead of but part of that good. I You can $113 on a roof that will last a bun ed years and be the right kind of a roof every minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof that will probabe Jeak gfitgrfihe. firgt rain that will robably leak atterfine nrsv; ram hits it, andp keep leaking till it IS rotted away. Either roof will cost you about the same in money qt thg gtqrt. But the “ Oshawa ” - shingled roof will be , .. FIRE-PROOFâ€"literâ€" If; '~.¢. ally; and wind-proofâ€" actually; and lightning- proof â€"iositively. That’s the hundred-year roof! And 1; at ” Oshawa ”â€"shingled roof will be weather-proof for a century. We’ll GUARAN- TEE in every way for a quarter'centuryâ€"from now till Nineteen- Thirt§7_Two_r 7 - A ’ Guaranteed in writing for 25 yearsâ€"and you needn’t ever paint it, even! That’s saying something, i§r_1’t it ? “V --------- o7 "~77 ~ '7 - v ’ mill-man say If you . a nutshellâ€"cost the same asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even as Wood - shingles; fire ~Pr°°fr Water- Proof, rust- ten years ? He certainly would make remarks! fi‘fi‘fihAu 1131395?" rigs; thia‘ileashtfwal’Pgmg’gémggd! And even the best cedar-shingled roof Will be Tell us the measurement of any roof, and we’ll tell leaking badly inside of ten years. youflXBctly what it will cost to roof Seven out of ten of them leak the it With less work and for less money. first time it rains. No wood- shingled roof is fire-proof for a minute, and the first high Wind that catches a_ loose _ shingle-1 Plenty of facts that concern your pocket-book come to on as soon as ou ask for our free oak, “Roofing ight.” A post card will do to ask on. 3213 Craig St. W. 11 Colborno s that catches a loose shin 1eâ€" whoosh! goes half yam: phingl roof Jvâ€"eâ€"z: into {be next to'wnship. 104 MONTREAL Tononrg . 913M MISTAKES NOT DEPRESSED SHORT SHRIF’I‘ WE MAKE. st. 423 Sussex "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century “Wen, Pat." said the sympathetic om- ployer, ‘did you go to your friend's funeral." Lulu». â€".. “Did I go, is it .or'?" returned Pat. enthusiastically. "Sure an’ I dfd, son an‘ had the time 0' me life, scr. That wake wor a dramel” A Merry Heart. Goes all the Daylâ€"But one cannot. have a merry heart if he has a pain in the back or a cold wilh n racking cough. To be merry one must be well and free from aches and pains. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil will relieve all pains. muscular or other- wise, and for the speedy treatment 4‘! Colds and coughs it is a splendid me- (llcine. l’l‘Cfl. Mange, Pram. Scratches and every [cm of contagious Ilcn on human or animals cured in 36 minutes by Wol- lord's Sanitary Lotlon. 1!. never nib. Sold by all drugaisu. says If a man is to be trusted at. all it is when he is sick in bedâ€"so a woman Only those who have had experience can [oil the torture cams cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them nitâ€"pain night and day; but relic! is sure to those who use Holloxvay's Corn Cure. fle is a wise man who doesn’t iet his business interfere with his pleasure at all limes. One of the greatest blessings to par- cnts is Mothm' Graves’ Worm Extermin- ator. It. effectually expels worms and gives health in a marvellous manner to the little one. .The Pedlar People 3:23;. 02 Oshawa 69m“: A midnight paper is to be started in Berlin, Germany. This is only a natural development of the life of the Berliner, who is just beginning to enjoy himself about. twelve o‘clock at night, and keeps hIS innumerable restaurants and beer- liulls busy at all hours. HIS FIRST INFERENCE. “What are those dun clouds 'going to ""Guess they are trying k; collect rain." When Mr. Casey died he left all he had to the orphan asylum." “Indeed! That was nice of him. What did he leave ?" “His twelve children.” Since we are in the airship age, And talks go sailing to and fro Across the sky on pleasure bentâ€"- Man wants but little here below. Shiloh’séfi‘ Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY â€"t mc d 01 C I thz 6V1 m1 it ‘ ba Sh BERLIN‘S MIDNIGHT PAPER. NEW’ REALM OF DESIRE. A GOOD TIME. $12: 915% A'Plen’gy‘ Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold. thesharpcst cough â€"â€"try it on n guar- a n t e e of y o u 1' money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,â€"â€"nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh’s Cureâ€" 25C.. 500.. 51. up ‘ Yet cedar shingles cost you 'ust 7 about the price of these guaranteed “ Oshawa ’ Shinglesâ€"figuage tough- ened steel, dou le galvanizedâ€" god for a_cemtury, guaranteed in writing till 1932 â€"fire- agd-vggdfiand-wiathfiz- roof and lighcglng-proof. ' on o arsâ€"an -a- a are u s “ ” Galvanized Steel Shingles sq“ y 0mm -â€"ten feet by ten feet. Compare that with the present: price of cedar shingles â€" how does it strike you 'I And you can put on these “Oshawa” Galvanized tee] Shingles yourself, eaglly, â€"}vith no _tools but a claw-hammer and amps. Slmplest thmg you knowâ€"can’t; get ’em on wrong. “ Oshawa ” Shingles lock on all four sidesâ€"whole roof is practically one_sheet of double-galvanized steel, that never needs paintmg. (asâ€"Dime» St. 76 Lumbmd St. 6l5 Fender 8L 'Lonnon WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ILLEGAL. Ethel: “That sixteen-year-old boy asked rm- to marry him." Edith: “And you threw him over." Ethel: "Yes; h the law to catch Plenty of facts that concern your pocket-book come to on as soon as ou ask for our free oak, “Roofing gight.” A post card will do to Some persons have periodical attacks 0' Canadian cholera, dysentery or diur- rhoem and have to use great precau- tions to nvnid lhe disease. Change cf water. cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such per- sons we would N‘commend Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysnnlery Cordial as bang lh: best. deicine in the market for all summer complaints. It a few dmps mo taken in water when lhe symptoms are nolicod no further trouble will be experienced. Makes Baby Strong 800 lights, firstâ€"Class order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to GOO-light. machine taking its place. S. Frank Wilson. 73 Adelaide Street. West. Toronto. Buflalo make, number four, 9â€"inch ver- ticai discharge, 24 inches high; perfecl condition. Superintendent. Trth Build- mg, 73 Adelaide St. West. 'I‘oronlo. tad faded Bun: would look bound arl. If an “em I! flash: your Lovn. wnu: direct onuenl. Box 15' Nurses' & Mothers’ Treagm ;;oislflloliablc mediainc for bu . Uaed over 50 can. Fin! compels: ed by Dr. P. E. iuult in 1855. Renown [he linl; 0mm to purist-.1 health. Gives noun); sleep, without n to ' rd ‘ 'm‘io wheat-35¢. “mafia?” "Nummma‘ommlco. 139.1%..qu BRITISH AMERIOAH DVIINO CO. FAN LOWER YBUR OVERBUATS Why don’t you ask now? MACHINERG FOR SALE. LY 00.. WI):er oi? Gonna Agent» for Can a. DYNAMO And GUARANTEEDâ€" don’t overlook that. Guar- anteed in writing, over the seal of a company with a quarter-million capital,â€" uaranteed in plain fi‘zlnglish, withut any ifs or buts, for 25 long ye§rs._ told him h lobsters him over.“ it “'5 against so young."

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