Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Oct 1907, p. 1

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AT THE USEFUL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOU-SE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. VOL. ‘(XX 01113 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J '1‘ Saigeon. Mute imam}. 571T"‘E1T'\v. *AND‘ERé'dN, IS PUBLISHEDEVBBY DH URS DAY MORNING Iliaoused tuitioneers forthe Countyuf York Hi as “somledhoou fihorfiesbnoticcand 3. rec. Bumble rates Patronage solicited Will he Licensed .tuoaionaar (or the County or Yo k (hams sold on ounnigamoan Genera.) sales was etc promptly abaandedco at reasongoh n.508_ Kesidunue Unmuville License Anoaioneex 10': the County of Yor re- pumtully 5011mm your pan-0:10.28 and friendly iudnanne sales “waded on the shortest notice and at, gonaonubemzds. P.0.u.ddmas King c. L114 by day and night promptly at- tended to. L} R Gouldmg, Nu‘vih‘firookagenl [or the above i‘. F. MGMAHON. JOHN H. CAMPBELL, A large stncknf anpml F: kept. at, bank place: RICHM’JND HILL & THORNHi Having n electricity locate fun-oi examine f1 trout NE: RIIEUMATI such as C u Being a. g Hospital. I Unspiirxl. mam)in Pupil and J d i was M. nw y interest pl-upex-fy (hr. U:u'lt,()n and Ynnge Sts., Tomntu Will he in Richmund Hill on “70:! Iii-'adil.y uf each ww-k. Oifim, next (1001' nuth of Stand- ;u'd Bunk. ()"flm Ham'sâ€"$3011.. m. to 5 n. m. $1 per annum, in advance.] ‘0 . H. SANDERSDN. VEI‘ERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Undertakors .w Emhnmu-rs, Inspitzll. England, I am prepqu (.uuine the inter-Eur of [he e-ycs iseasa, and test, for gl-wwe. J ’ltifilll shnuid rvquh-e glasses I 0! hem fur him. Nnae and throat work u spamiaxltj Office convenient, tn the Metro; m and G. N. O. R.1ilwa_v stations. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Instruction in Money to L0 BUSINESS CARDS. VEFERINARY SURGEON, 'Phornhifll. B (A) Y D ILL, ONTA R} D”. S. J 1 RICHMOND I Sui am VVRIGHT BRO S 0f {bull'sâ€"$3011.. m. to 5 p, m. Wmm Emma J: qunnxmon m“? 1. El. PI entice. lbtentis D. G. BLGFTGII. mcer .1. complete . appn m Lus igl: bndics l (Ill can a; NlcEwcn. «Veterinary 'vr‘n M Pinnn-plnyiug and a uf huIIPS DISEASES, )RBID :i‘uml my and static [ am able to the body, and J Ix McEwen Wasnun n-fivld’s Eye prepared to ho e-ycs for [559%. If a, sses I Older If woiulty. M vtropoli- prr r-r-nt. :zgeâ€" â€"f.u'm Also to Gummy: ROWTHS, fishing Piano) huury)‘ 1 LL Rivhmnnd Hill Oflima south-vast «w- m-r of Lane Bldg., (wery Thursday urn-rum)”. BAR-Rile-IH, Suuu'ma, NOTARY, ETC. 'l‘oruum Offlcv. 33 Richmond St. \Vt-st. \VPslcy Buildings. Richmond Hill Ufllce. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday itflrr- UIH’HI. Money to loan or. land andchmtel mortgages at low-35L rams [immunitiesâ€"Rammed co the old post 0310.: one door west or the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmurket omceâ€"Three doors south of the pastorlice '1‘ Hranzna-Laxxox U 82" MORGAN Aurora. Newmarket MONEY 'l‘O LOAN A': LOWEST HATE8 LENNOX & MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E, TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DEN'mx, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF anlv, Thursday aftm-nunn. Munoy to luun alt Fix 0 Per Uth (33; DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Curmu- King & Yunge Streets‘ TORONTO. G G S LindseyJi C A G F lmwreuce W Ridous Wadsworth Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark Private and Trust Funds to luau luwust cur-ran rates. Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, 86c. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold [it-lit!) BMW). 00:. Adelaide & JAS. N EVVTON HIGH COURT OFJUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIt‘E. Riohm ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEIJG'IN BREEZE/S NOTA RY I’UBLI C, GofllflESIUKZF !N THE (kmnnercizd stabl’emam :XGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. J. M. L A ING Barrister, Soliciton Etc Pbonn Main 311 Turman Oflh'u, 36 Turnntn all-wt. RICHMOND H [LL. ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3], L007 H. A. N ICE-I OLLS '11 V Cmmnissinner. Cnn~.'u>.yancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issucr nf Marriage Licenses. {arr}; Wright iOMKISSIONER. CON VEYANCE REAL ESTATE". 13‘ THORNHII risk-rs an"! Solicitors. anton. Dunn & Boultbee J. EDWARD FRANCES NOTARY PUBLIC THE PALMER HOUSE vPry Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. 3L ’I‘E EF‘i”. (filling puhlic NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Snlicturs, Etc. WILLIAM COOK Ban'iswu. Solicitors, Etc. Victoria‘Sts” Turonto accommodation for the Icaal. 011C In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials,"liberty; in alltlzz‘ngs, Charity." u‘ellcrs JATE. ETC. Guud rnnms Phone Music 2984 Hill Aucmiw O Gnd our he “'1: [bank '1 cure : / Our souls and Imdivfi Thou (1‘ And frwa gh‘wzuhmuhnt Thy prmnisos will nmvr fail. Fur all thy crvulul‘os “ill uv: Thv mu (1) rvspund: tn Thy him: will. And in hvr yiv-ld 'l‘hnu dust pnn‘id». Fm- mun and hmst tn hun- (hvir till; And Imlhing nuvdful is denied; And nut nf thy PXhEIHSLIPS“ sun-v. Thuu dust; in hunnlcuus uu-asuw pmu'. Thy hhssiygs full upr I) Hi? g-vnd And on lht' evil (mes hrsidv, “‘v u“ n 'l‘hy loving Fatht-rhuud. Trust in Thy Son V'th for us died; The em (I) is Thine, its fullness tun; Th0 song of praise [,0 Thou isduc. The cattle on a thousand hills Lin up their heads to 'l‘hve fur fond; And (he ymmg ruvvns‘ crying stills, ' As 'l‘huu supplies the hungry l1‘.md; Nu spun-0w fuils to cutr'h Thy eye. Ur feutht-nâ€"‘d u-ihes that cleave the sky~ Thy sun fiends forth his myé tn wake . And warm In life theslvfiping em'th’ T13: rail} to ir_rigal.e. apd make The planted s‘éed (u lnaf burst forth, To propagate m‘w yivlds of grain, Till harvest time returns again. The freighted hmnvhes of the trevs I’z Incluim our father’s ge-neruus hand; Man's: every cqqnfmfi-t knows and» sees, showered Upon us when “'9 Walked. or slept, Till mind und lmdy WPI‘P restored. And waste-d tissue did renew, To give us strength our mka to do. In low va'OVidt'S fur every land; His every nevd, with luxuries. He scuttt'l's free as mountain luevze. For all Thy mercies Lord accept. Our gl';:1t,€flll limuks; fur blessings “’9 thunk Thee for averted ill “7 hon dungerst0ud in presence near. “'mds fail our gratitude M (011., For n” Thy uu‘rcit-s through the your; Our lives pn-srrved from day to day, As we pursde our busy way. "\Vith gnudnfss than (last crown the yvar.‘ And blessings in thy pathways drop, \Vith bulging grain supplies the wu- Nur dues Thy bounty wel- stop. The fields bring ful‘th at, thy con:- mamd Dispensing plenty o’er the land. 012- wintefu! hgnnrge \vg wnulfi give Tu Tl‘H-‘B our Father all our days. In Thth we aw and move and live Our guide hast been in all uur Ways, ()ur humble tribute to “we bring Thou Lm-d uf all Supmun-ly King. P. L. GRANT. Richmund Hill, Oct. 26, mm. To the Editor of Tax: Lmunu: SlR.â€"V\'<;uld ynn klndlv allmv me to mentivu the unsatisfactory condi- tion 01’ Mill street. sidewalk. I am a re'sitlenb (m it over 50 years, and it was always a had mud. The cows are nllnwed to go where they please. and last Sunday in was in a shocking slate and almost impnssuhlv. We have taxes to pay as well as those who have» a. durum mud. Om- cuuncil slu-uld try and fix it. up a hit, and nut, spend all their mom-y on Centre street. October 29, 1907. Those who have tried it. say that it positively overcomes pain in the buck, clears the urine of sediuwnt and regu- lule urination, especially at. night, curing even the Worst forms of blad- der weakness. The mixture is said to cleanse and strengbheuzhe clogged and inactive Kidneys, overcoming Buckuchv. Blad- der weakness und Urinal-y trouble nf Every man or wnumn here whn feels that the kidneys are out strung or acting in u bmllhy manner uhnuld mix this prescripfiou at, home and give it. & trial. as it, is said to do wun- dvrs fur umliy'pfl's'ous. all kinds if lukun befure ihc st Bxighc’s disc-age. The Scramth (Pa.) Times was first. to print. this remarkahlv p2 e<crip5ium in October of1906, since whvn all the lending newapnpers of va Ym-k. Boqtun. Philadelphia, Piushuxg :anl «)lberuities bnw mudr mtu um! Amer-â€" mcms of it to thcix x-uudvrs. AfiALL FROM MILL STREET. THANKSGIVING SONG. PRINTED BY REQUEST. .le in Limos uf nerd. Thee fur Thy \vuudmus SUBSCRIBER. mt. fwd, shun: pmu'. " Mr. J. Adams of Toronto is visiting his friend Mr. Cecil Keys. ‘ Mrs. Shaver of New [LlVPn spent. ’lnst'l‘hnrsdnv with Miss Devlin and , callvd nn a number of old fnends. A Kunming under the (umpisz of thv \aneu’s auxiliary was held in St. Andrvw’s church on Monday evening whvn an address un Fwnch work was gia‘el! by Miss Rutti. A Thanksgiving service will he held in the Me-thndist church on Thursday at. 10.30 H. m. Next Sunday quarterly services will he held in the Mt'Lhudiut church. At, a Inveting of the chuircommittve in the Methodist. church 1.1% week. Mr. Fun-0st. Oliver was nppuinted Ivadm of the Chnil" Mr. and Mrs. A. Pnnnabuker and two childrle of Hespelvr visited over Sulldny ap Mr. T. flLKey'fi. » The work on the Cuvan Swamp drain is progressing rupidly. O\e1- one hulf of it, has been opened. It. may not, he completed this year if the winter should set in too easily and severe. The illness of the Public Schnnl teacher has caused the school to be Closed fur :1 week. The dWPHillg house, outbuildings, :md.all this year’s crnp owned by Mr. Harry Law, was consumed by fire on Sutulday, the 19th nf October, at about, 11 a. m. It. is said the origin of the fire was some children using matches in the ham. His loss is ver heavy, abme $6000. Our sympathies are extended to him and family in theil trnuhle. The fifty-second annual meeting of the Mount. Plvusant Branch Bible Suciety was held on the 17th Uctuhex. The agent, Rev. Mr. French of Fene- lon Falls, delivered a very zihleaddxms on the work done and nmv heng dune by the Bible Society. During the meeting a presentation was made by the President; in Mr. Janws McLean, Esq., of a cex-lilivale of life member- ship. he having, as Secretary-Treasurâ€" er, been present, at all the meetings -â€"â€"with one exceptionâ€"during his fifty- twn yHu-s’ servicv. His name. now is the highest on the m-ll of nflim-rs con- nected with the Branch Societies. Apple buyers have seem-ed nearfy all the apples in this section for {or- cign markets. “’2 have grout, reason to express our thanks Ln Gud. the gin-r of uvl blessings. fur His goodness to us in this section 01' Cum: i0. The Grand Jury, who were allowed to return tn their home-s Tuesday uf- ter a seven weeks? session. visited mum than a. score of public institu- tions in the city. They passed through this village at few days ago in antmnuhilrs nn thvir way to inspect, the Industrial Home nem-Newmux-kel. \Ve uhsu-rved as they passed through. the familiar {acre of Mr. W. Mil- huurne of this place, and M99313. J. S. MPNHiI‘ and R. Smuerville uf Vaughan. \Vhile the members «if the Grand Jury were ut dinner and looking (War the gmumls and buildings at The Home the drivers 0f the uutmutihilrs kindly gave a number 0f the inmate-s :- quick drive in their new mm‘him‘fl. Th0 vi§iuu~s oxpi esscd the-luseh 03 Well leased with the nppmranve of the Iowa and its surroundings under the superintendent,and mutt-nu. Mr. and Mrs. Armitugv. The trip wus M'- 1~ungvd through the courtesy of Mr. Nne-l Mnrshun, president of the Stand- ard Fuel Co. l'1'1t‘l Aulll'fillr'l“, plt’:iuf‘UL L'l uu' CLAIMA- au-d Fuel Co- iThe-London Mut~- BU’I‘TONVILLE HARVEST HOME. ' 113,1 and The Harvest Unnw sux'vh-va of the“ Buttnnvillv Mvtluydist, church ww-e hle on Suuduv and Mundny, ()Ct.f 13th and HM). Rev. 1LT. F‘vlgusml ‘ B. A., B. 1).. End Tunmin, dulighted i evening the church dour. Splendid sex“ by thp addresses m" and Kmun. Miis 1 lnnhrunk Exhibited an elucutionist wh 'I‘nlwrnucle mule Q great, attI-actiun l good music. The P uhinsun occupied cm-ds amounted L0 lays. lSL'n and 14th. B. A.. B. 1).. E the congregn his thnughtfu! Pain anywhvw, pain ;'I painful periuds. Neurulgiu all pains can be prumptly :1 thoroughly safe little I Tablet. know“ by Dung who-19:13 Dr, Shaun's Hue lets. Pain simpiy moans 1 undnu hlnu'd pIGSsing a thI-e- pain exists. Dr. St ache Tablets quickly equal natural blond pressure. at! mediutely departs. W: in Rucino. \Vis., and get u in ago. Large lmx 25MB.- \‘v‘. A. Sanderson. GRAND JURY VISITS HOME. L’di” 3AM) IS _ mgestIr-WA ‘ W a hlnud pit-‘55)“: ‘ *r» pain 0): V L th point . _ r ,_ , _ . Slwup‘.‘ Jim-JL " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ t: 'LxMets quacHy rqllél ize- lhi< m-- . . r . m-nl bland px-rsml'v. an :1 pain hr- , ' ’ ' . lintelv duua‘. Ls. ‘v'v‘: iLa- Dx: Sit-my . _' ' . '- v “in Mount Pleasant. gm.“ Maple. prumpHy stuppvd h; xfe little Pink Cund) by Dnuggists e-w-xy mup's Headnclm ’i‘uh rly moans congestionâ€" pxésflng at. Ll“- pain} Kev. H. '1‘. Fergusuu t Tut-(mm. dvlighted mg on Sunday with rumns. On Monday 'ch was packed tn the service was rendered m" Revs. Bruce. {:Ie L9 Uamplwll uf van M] marked ability e13 while the Bmudwuy Quartenc proved .1 1 In any lnve-r of star the bout i1. . .’ Fruâ€" i eighty dn|,! :Di'. Show 9 trial pact. the hvnd, ttluthache, quizi w. A pnrty‘of tl'nvvlling men in a Chi< cngu hotel were one day boasting of the husinoss done by their respeczlvn firnm. whvn one of tin-drummers said: “Nu house in the,. country, I am proud tn any has morn mun and \Vum- en pushing its lii’ib} ‘n'f‘ gmst than mine." ~ . ' “\V‘hnt do you sell ?” he was nsked. “Baby carriages! 1’? shouted the drummer, us he fled from the l'muu. â€"Suucess Mugnzimx A Wonk Stnuiach. canning dyspepsia. a. weak hem-t. with palpitation or intel â€" mirlont pulse. ulwuya menu wen): Stomach nerves. m- wank Heart nerves. Strvngthun these inside or conlmlling nerves with Dr. Shnop‘s Rrstnrmive and see how quickly muse ailments disappear. Dr. Shunp of Rut-inn, ‘Visq will mail samples free. “Write for tbmn. A test will tell. Yum-health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by \V. A. Sunder- 30". Naturally makes them shrink from the lndellcate questions, the obnoxious ex- aminations, and unpleasant local trent~ ments. whlch some physicians consider essentlal 1n the treatment or diseases of women. Yet, if help can be had, it is better to submit to this ordeal than let the dlsease grow and Spread. The trouble is that so often the woman undergoes all the arm me and shame for nothing; tlon wrl reclatlon o! the care which dls the examlnatlom: and lace] "calment. W cures Heblllfiiflng amine, irrég'ulfit'y and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It is strictly nun- elcohollc, non - secret, all its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper; con- tains no deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every native medicinal rem entering into its composition has the full endorsement of those most eminent in the several schools of medical practice. Son. of these numerous and strongest of pro- iessional endorsements of its ingredients. will be found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, 06' Bufl'alo, N. Y. These professional ei- dorsements should have far more weight than any amount 0! the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. Qom _n_ 7 " E‘ayoflw PrésErI'EtToh. The most intelligent Women haw-Mays (11313: on knowing what they take as med- icine instead of opening their mouths like a lot. of young birds and gulping down whatever is offered them. “Favorite Pre- scription" is of KNOWN coxmam‘xou. It makes weak women strong and sick women well, ' London and Lancashire Ass. Co. Dr. Pierce‘s Medics] Adviser [3 Sent five on receipt. of 9& w paiex use of mailing (ml Sen to Dr. . Pierce, Bnfialo. N. .. 31 oneoent stamps for pa- per-covered. or 50 stamps for cloth-bound. It sick consult. the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacrwa confidential. n- Dlnmn Ulnacmnt Dallnte Invirrm-am Dr.‘ fiéfigé s FIEEVSEfitrPéIIets Invigorate apd regulnepmmach. liver and Domain RICHMOND HILL . Farm Implements DEERING [Single qgipie’sv, 3 cts. A PUSHIN'G' LINE. AUEN '1‘ FOR Modesty of Women and J‘f'r“! ‘escrl tlon." “i? lrregujan'ty my? 18

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