In Nil FLtllll-lS BlllllllS Fllll LEADING... Tons of Castings Fell on the Heads of Workmen Beneath. A dcspatoh from Oshawa says: \s a result of an accident which happened at the works of the Oshawa Steam and (ins Fittings Company on 'l'hlu‘sdny nznrning. one man is dead, one pro- bul ly fatally injured, and several others are more or less seriously injured. On the second ï¬at of the building, at the west. end, is the store room for small ï¬llings, and in here was stirred tins of these articles. The weight was more than the iloor could stand and it gave way. emptying the contents on to the hcuds of sever-at men at. work in the mill room Lelow. completely burying them with iron and broken timbers. and tearing a hole about twenty-ï¬ve lt'tl Hjuure through the building. The accident happened about ten o'clock. and it was not until noon that the lnst of the unfortunate men were iv-lvasetL There were ï¬ve in the wreck. Ilurvey Perkins, Wm. Jones. 'I‘hos. All- inan. \\'. tluscsell and T. Lewis. Per- lx'uH was: dead when removed, and train the ueg wound on his head, must have Ile‘n killed instantly. Jones is so badly j injumd that he is not likely to recover. The others are not very seriously in- jllt'l‘tl. {I l'vrkins was born and brought up in Oshawa. where his parents still re- side. He leaves a widow and two small children. CANALS BEAT R.\IL\'{.\\'S. n.1l2atc of Growth oi Trafï¬c in Fast Twenty Years. ._ A despatch from Ottawa says: The annual blue book containing the canal statistics of the Dominion for the season of 1906 was issued on Wednesday. The ï¬gures show a large increase in the busi- ness between Canadian ports during the past twenty years particularly with re- gard to westward trafï¬c. The gmwth has been considerable from Canadian 10 United States ports. The up-bcund traffic has been in larger vclume than t‘.at. moving eastward. Since 1887 the trade between United States by Canadian canals has grown largely. In this instance, however, the movement downward has been greater than upward. There has been an actual (shrinkage. in the up trailic between United States and Canadian ports. The eastbound business, however, has prac- bcatly doubled. ‘ The expansion of business with canals is relatively larger than that shown by Canadian railways. _i The trafï¬c moving up and down has increased 287 per cent. during the past twenty years. The westward busine$ shows a gain of 368 per cent.. while the easttward grew to the extent or 257 per cen . \\’.hile 57,966.715 tons of freight were carried by Canadian railways in 1906, as compared with 16,356,337 in 1887. the betterment was 254 per cent., as against 287 per cent. on the canals. ___»X¢_‘ TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON. \\'ouId-be Murderer of Girl Sentenced at Sherbrooke Assizes. A despatch from Sherbrooke, Que., says: \\'ednesday was sentence day in Hz: King‘s Bench. and George Albert Greenhill, found guilty of attempting to murder Lilly Linn. at Melbourne, on the 3rd of July last, was sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary. SORRY, AND \\’ON‘T DO 11‘ AGAIN. Sn Says Sir \\'ilfrid to Japan, and the Mikado Accepts Apology. A despalch from Ottawa says: “Ills Excellency the Governorâ€"General andthe Canadian Government will be pleased if you will convey to his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan their very deep regret for the unfortunate occurrences at Vancouver. and if you will also convey to his Imperial Majesty the assurancos that the Canadian authorities will use their utmost efforts to prevent any re- currence (.f such regrettable cvcizls." 80 said Sir \Vilfrid Laurier in his let- ter of apology to Japan [or the Vancou- ver riots. “His Majesty received the message from the (‘voveriior-Gcneral of Canada and the Government of Canada with the greatest gratification. and notes with n.uch satisfaction the earnest inlen‘iion (1 the Governor-General and (‘zm'ernmenl oi (Zanada to promote cordial and friend- ly relations which exist between the Bri- tish Empire and Japan." So says Ambassador Macdnnald in reply. Thus the two nations are friends again. -~â€"â€"â€"*I‘ ALI-‘ONSO A CONSUMPTIVE. \\'ill Consult a Specialist During Visit to London. A dospatch from Madrid says: alarming reports circulatcd earlier l The in Alfons) appear to be conï¬rmed. It is understood that his Majesty. who will leave] under the. strictest lllcoyliilo as Duke of Toledo during his coming visit in London, will submit to the examin- ation of a specialist in lâ€"tll.C!'C'llJSlS. from which disease his father died. The .Ix'ing‘s open air life has thus for kept lthc hereditary disposition in ulcyance. and an operation was pertained on him rrvently in the hope of checking tht'. growing symptoms of conunp- lien. lllll’lH it around Terrible Destruction Reported in Calabria. A despatch from Rome says: The de- tails received here during 'l‘hursdny re- garding the earthquake in Culabria on \\'rdncsduy tend to show that the dam- age done was much more extended than at ï¬rst estimated, but that the loss of life has not been great. The, low- (-t estimates place the, number of killed at about :20. and the highest at about 120. The shocks were especially severe ‘11 1h:- southern end of the Calabrian ne- ninsula. but throughout Calal‘uria on Thursday there were scenes of deso- lation and despair. The first shock was a tremendous one. and was followed by two others «I longer pmportions. which entirely destroyed two villages and reduch many houses in several o'b ~r< in ruins. The ï¬rst shock. fortunately. thought the entire. population of the village< in- t-:. the open, many reaching the hills {1‘ open plains. Torrents «it rain great- l': increased the suffering among the 1‘. meless people. Hall the houses at Ferruzzuno and Bliiii-‘ulniie collapsed and many per- sons were buried in the ruin». and at Sir-owl and St. Illario many are said to l uve lost. their live<. I‘unic prevailed everywhere. llocelln. .l-inicn. lil‘fl'd-H (tvsauza. llaracdio. tiitla Nova. Palmi. (irricu Munina. and other towns “1:0 suffered from the shocks. lut not se- vrrell‘. The ancient cullintlial :11 Torr" (it‘l‘tlt‘i‘ was thmwn down. as was rm ancient lower. tlnlt liu- houses in the viiioce rpm are in ruins il:_;'il'~: the crnlus on roused l'\ ' 1. J mlrl‘njuuke \liw‘k. 1hr primnhr. .. li..- tail {ll ('n: . llilillllli‘tl .ind \ «r» wiltliu‘tl with great uitlirulty. The fen l.‘ priwuei: hf rnud. *0 50‘.†p; 'z-t-l 1hr ï¬rst Sr‘li‘ulll and >ll£.:’ 1",: tiw "‘f lie- 0 ding e\- lock they lngan ll ’ - u- | 2m .10 manding their release and beating the dots until the whole place was in a lirrible uproar. The prism ollicials ’did everything DOS>llilC to calm the in- .matts, but panic broke out aiiesh every lune another shock was experienced. l So soon as possible detachments of trcops with relief trains were hurried to the scene. LATER. l The latest reports from the. al'lmled idistricts place the number of diad at {over 1.00 and the injured at 1.00.1_ The troops are doing their utmost to dini- nish the suffering of the ptople. \\‘.rk sleudily. umnindful of fatigue. burying the delud. rescuing the living. ,deribuling food and clothing and jr,.- ,iiding shelter. The torrential ruin which fell duringr ‘tlie \ll n'ks added to the disrtunful‘t of tin: pnvplt‘. \\Iio. utter the lll‘>l qllillil‘\, I‘Ualli‘ll from their homes. and even \1'l rtfuwil to ;_‘) lllltll'l' cover for fearful .Olllt‘l' MOI? \\“lllltl I stun-ks. ,liuve been killed had it not he fuel that tlu‘ majority ‘ll inhabitant; .rusbeil in the open after the ï¬rst slim-3k iand escaped to the hill-s and plains. The most damage was done in the S'Ullli'tll end of the (inlal riuu l‘euinsulu. where two villages were alllltl<l l‘hlll' plchly destroyed and many dwellings lduinuged in others. Ilw‘ellu Ionicu. Enigma. liaisenzu. lll‘lzillixi. (Zilaizm'u. tl‘ninii. (Ia-race Marina and villi-"r villages liji' among those damaged by the shin-k. 1 Among the terrifying..r scenes during I'Lc zjll!!l\«‘< was the panic at the jipqun. er». in the jail at tiulunzuro. .Tlu‘y muli~ tdCd at the host. sll.‘cl< and screamev'l and jpcui‘dul on the doors and \\ t‘l‘e quieted with gleut illlllclllty. ' l Shocks wire still mnlinuing on Thursâ€" day melting. and the i-nrtlujunke was 5.22.: almost to equal the quake of 100.3 in extent and devastation. tll.)lllllll‘\'§; ll ful‘ llu" the month regarding the health of King: They , l MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Oct. Elkâ€"Winter \\'heak- NO. 2 white or red. SLUT to $1.05; No. 2. $1.04}; Manitoba \\'healâ€"Xo. t northern, 51.14 to 951.14%; No. 2. $1.12 to 51.12%- Barleyâ€"h‘5c to line, according to (jun- lily and location. Oatsâ€"No. 2 white. 55c 1n 5.33.40 out- side; mixed, 5ic to 55-!" outside. llyefls‘flc to Site outside. Peasâ€"tide. (Iornâ€" .\'o. 2 yellow American. 72c To- ‘onto trelghls; No. 3 yellow “74“- h‘ai‘iâ€"fï¬ifï¬tl in bulk. outside; shorts, $20. Buckwheatâ€"75;: l! The outside. I"lourâ€"Onl.:n-io_ 0') per cent. patent, its-initially :nh-out $l '.'; Manitoba pul- enl. special brand. $0 to $0.20: second patent. $5.40 to $5.00: strong bakers". $5.31 t.) $5.40. COUNTRY PROOLTZW. Bulturm'l‘be market holds ï¬rm. but prices are unchanged. (,.rcamnry, prints do solids . 5270 17.200 .. . . . . 211i" 10250 Dairy. prints . . . . . . 23141230 (lo sdids Elctoiflc (Iheesrv-13lge for large and 13%c tor twin; i. jab lots hero. I-Iggsâ€"Qu ilations are 23c to 24c per (l-i‘leh. in «use lots. Poultryâ€"tlhickens sell Sc live weight; hens, (Bl/go; 7%0 In SC. l‘olatoevâ€"Easlern are. steady at. 75c in car lots on track; Ontarios. 70c to 75c. Hny~Timotby is quoted at $17.00 to $17.50 in ear lots on track here. lloney~Firm at 12c to 13c per lb. for strained and $2.50 to $2.75 per dozen fol com'lxs Ilalcd Strawv-Sï¬ljo to $10 in car lots. from 7);? to 1. ducks, a we. PROVISIONS. Dressed Hogsâ€"$8.75 and $8.25 for heuvins. l’orkâ€"Rhmt cut. $22.75 to .. barrels: miss. $30 to $21. Lardâ€"Firm; tlerCes. 12%0; tubs, 12%c; pails, 13c. Smoked and Dry Salted \lealsâ€"Iong clcnir bacon. lie. to 1|};e for tons and Cases; hams. medium and light, 15c to Lil/ï¬e: heavy, 11-};c lo 15c: backs. 161/20 in 17c; shoulders. 10%6 to lie: rolls. 1i}§<:: breakta-st bacon. 15%0 to NBC. (Eiren meats out of pickle, 10 less than “naked. for lightweighls 0‘) ) for MONTREAL :‘.IARi{ETS. M:n1lreal. Oct. Ellâ€"Flour â€"â€" Choice s.-ring wheat patents, Stilt) to $0.30; second, $5.50 to $5.70; winter wheat pulents. $6; straight rollers, $5.75: (10.,- i"- bags. $2.70 to $2.75; extra, $2.05 to ll). . The local demand for oats is dull. but pliers rule ï¬lm, with sales of ordered Cups of Ontario and Quebec new crop < Ids a1 56: to 50c per bushel. as to qual- ilv. Ilenvy Canadian short cut mess pork, :n tierces. $33.50 to 55:“; heavy Canada short cut mess pork. in barrels. )0 to $23: (Iannda shortcut back poik. $22.50 to 823: heavy short cut clear pcrk. all fat. $22 to $22.50: heavy short .ul clear pork, lean on. #22 to $22.50; l-cavy llank pork, $22.50 to $23; very heavy clear fat. backs, all fat. $23 to $2. 50: heavy Canudu short cut mess l<.l‘l\'. in half-barrels. $11.50 to $ll.75; (’nnada short cut back pork. $11.50 to $11.75. ldll‘tlâ€"T'.litilO‘l‘ll-d. in tierces of 275 its. 0%: to image; parchment- i:l.el boxes 3’1 le.. 10C to MZC; tubs 5') lbs. 1201. 10%,0 to IUch; wood jilll<. 20 lbs. net. 14010 to lie: tin pails. 1?)“. gr. liï¬vj’e to loge: tins, 3 to In lbs. in cows. ï¬ll/gt: to IIXC. (Ihe u--â€"Qu.lIe-‘<. 1223:? to 13c; town ‘3'! ships. 3.: l» till/5:; Outarios. 13%: to [Kl/(V. , l‘illl't‘!‘~Qlli-lilllxl'ï¬ to-day ranged anv- wl "o from 27v 141 :31". Iggguâ€"HSI'I‘ls (\l made (It 1’13": No. l. 10%" to 171:. >1 'ected stock were 211- to 23c; seconds, Rt'i’l-‘AIO MARKET. nan-n». Ot‘l. 29.â€"\\lleutâ€"$pring, un- settled: N». 1 Ntrthern. $1.13; N; 2 red, 31.01334: \\'i‘ntel‘. ï¬rm-r. Corn â€"- l-‘Iiner: .\'ii. 2 white. titl‘fc: No. ‘3 vel- low. Gin/,c. (id'sâ€"Strong: 2 maï¬a, 5259‘: No. :2 white, 55Vc Barley -â€" $1.05 to $1.12. Rye#92‘r._ic. trick. Cu- l‘:ll freiglits Steady. XI‘.\\‘ YORK \'\'lll-‘._\'l‘ .\I\Ill\'l~IT. New Y-‘lli, Oel. 21l~~\\'lie--1â€".<‘.n t ï¬rm; 1. 2 red. 91,097,} elevator: .\'o. ‘3 red. Du- lllfll'tl .\' SLIIEE; T.".l). niluul; _\'I-. 1 llVl'l'It‘I‘Il. lirth. $1.13T f.o.b. nlloat: .‘hv. 2 \\Llllt'l'. $1.t ;, f.¢).b. alloul. a 35 l.l\'I-‘. STOCK MARKET. '1', “mg, or 20.7Trade was fairly C..1;.,i.1m-iz:_r the quality of offer- - ,\ int <i «\tra choice cutile. of gut] 1b:,_ Mid zit an lndlc aliun pay for: (Eood butehers' v ut 1 cf what. buyers are willing.r to the right kind of >ltlâ€. wild tivun St to $2.23. medium $3.73 34)] $7: choice cows swid from $3.25 to $3.50, ‘1 with common cows. runners. MC“ [mm 753 t. 32. Quite a number or mm,“wa :‘I-‘l e1 “5 sold nl Si. 5‘5 and $5 mp1,. t‘r LLl heavy TK‘Ptli‘l“ \\'.}j'o Sp†h “it $3,121,; lu $33.0 f~:-i steers. w"h bufls :.t 52.125 2‘ $2.50. Light stock-rs ii Tin. t. tin-i Its. wire a elri'v “It ti.- (io-d heavy milkcrs v.11 9th to $50. one lunch of lit" >0l~i ,' ill Sli'. ti-il \\‘.ll calms \\ti-u it; .1 i 4" to 6; ptr 15.. in 0m : on it, ,u‘. 'illlti _n.s.lu_v utterxnon. reporting the lv :1 1\\’nd. a Tragedies C says: at Mill WHlSKEY DBANK The Consumption of Tobacco Also Has Increased. A (lospatch ' 3m Ottawa says: The report of the Department. of Inland lle« vrnue for the last ï¬scal year ‘_nine months to March 31) was issued on \\'ml- ursduy. The revenue was $1.091Wiin‘ as compared with $14.l:l5.0’i2 for the preceding 12 months. The quaulily ‘f mj‘irlts produced was $5.ll}1.380 pro-oi gallons. All Canadian whiskey has [0 be kept in \\‘.arehousc for two years be- fore it can be sold. .\t the beginning 4‘1 this year 17.03-l.120 proof gallons wire in warehou.~.e under lliu supervis- ion of excise, ollieers. In the nine months 303.5% gallons were exported. as against 277,005 gallons in the pre« ceding 12 months. The tomign demand for Canadian distillery products is sit-adin increasing. The average quantity of tobacco intro for consumption during the. past four ycars was 13.800030 Imuuds; for the last nine months the total was 12101,- (iTts pounds. a substantial increase. The number of Cigars taken for consump- tifin was 154253.200. as against. lSQ. 178.436 in the preceding year: The an- nual consumption per head of spirits was .0i7 spirits. as against. .801: beer. ghl meters 10.201 were presented, 0.- :1 were correct. Split; lust, and 4,231 MONEY IN DI’AD LETTER OFFICE. The cuirelcsuiess of some people in tiranciul 'lllllllCI‘,\ is evidenced by the annual report of the l‘ost-Oï¬ite Depart- ment. During the last nine months 3,- 000 letters, containing $15,002; 1,700 cheques for $21:l-,31'.l; 3.305) money and express orders, tor 351.002 found their \Hly to lll‘ llr‘utl letter ()1liPL‘. The gm.» revenue of the l’ost Ofï¬ce tor the ll~t'u‘ll period \vu $0,535,003. and the expendiluiw $5.I3‘3."01. leaving :1 surplus (El 31. >§;.301. The lllllillwi' of postalle in opera- tion on .\ lnl was H.377. The gross postal revenue of Toronto was $003.- 051. the highest of any city in Canada. Other CHI-“5 are:â€" Iluini'lnn ..$123.711 London . . . . . 00.869 Kingston 32.511 \\’indsor .. . 25,191 llranttord .. ....... 37,328 Ottawa . . . . . 125.059 Montreal (300.217 5.555 gallons. as again-st 5.255: wine, Quebec 87.077 .002 gallons (no increase), and tobacco. Italilax 77,09l 2.0.33 pounds. as against 2.777 pounds. St. John . . . . . . . 73.505 During the ï¬scal period 20.151 gas \\'.nnipei.r . 374,020 nirters were presented for veriï¬cation. tillln‘dl‘y - i - - - 33-346 3.9m \\'i‘l‘e Correct, 9.781 worn running \‘illlc‘titlvt'l‘ 1ll.fl75 too fast and 13,310 too slow. OI electric Vic i'ia . . 533035 lull was slow and easier, selling d'ku S to Export. ewes sold from $025 to $11.10, Demonstration ‘wilh culls and bucks from $2.50 to 55.1.50. Lambs were steady at $5.25 to $5.50 for selects and $3.50 to S5 [or Common and ordinary. The market for hogs was easier. Sc- lecls sold at $0.25. with light rough hogs slow at $5.00 to $5.25. _â€" .__,Fâ€".__ “'C‘JLD SHOOT THE KING. Ir Man Suspected of Designs on "is 1.3.“!- jesty‘s Lite. A deSpulch from Newmarket. England, says: The police here on Friday arrestâ€" ed a man slispccted of having designs on the life of Iiing Edward or the Prince of Wales. The prisnnr. who was a member of the Bcclninnuluinl (South Africa) l’olice, named J. 11. Peal-so, was found wanderingr in Chi-p- pcnham Park, wlnre the King had bt‘t n shooting last week. and in which the Prince is going to shoot on Monday. Pearse when taken into custody said l‘e: intended. to “shmt the boss who was shooting here.“ After a preliminary examination in the Police Court he. was renumdcd for further inquiries regard- ing his past life. It appears that he pur- ticipaled in the Jameson raid in :he ’l‘ransvnul. and L5 laboring under the, impression. that he has a grievance against King Edward. v v __ u.4.. SHOT BY IIIGIHVAYXHCV. Young Montreal Mun Probany Fatally \\'ounded. A despalch from Montreal says: A young man named lscur Delome, 2:} years of age. was held up near the Shamrock grounds late on Saturday night. by m]. masked nn‘n. \\'lleil he rclused to give up his money they ï¬red at him. One of the bullets lodged in his head and will probably prove fatal. The young man was on his way home to St. Vincent de Paul when he was set upon iv the two liigliwuymen with a demand for his money. Ilis refusal to Comply with their demand-s has lodged him in Notre llame Il...<,pilnl. The doctors have given up hopes for his rutovery. llis us- sailunts have not. been capturid. 'night. S'l‘iilil. S’I‘OOD THE TEST. at ll’liot‘néxvillt', l’enn., in the Quebec Disaster Inquiry. A dispatch from Philadelphia says: It the presene" of Henry It'ilgate. .l. G. (1. Kenny and l‘rofess'n' .l.ilni Gullnuith, mcmbrm of the (.Znnadinn Government’s, Quebec llridge (Lininission. a steel eye has tliirZy feet long. fourteen inches wide and two inches thick was subjected to a strain of 882 tons in the testing depart- ment of the Phoenix lrm ('Alllljlilnj' at l’hocnilele on Friday. The bar was similar In those 11>C‘tl in the structure of the bridge. \\'ith 28 square inches of surface. the strain was 03.000 1H.l.llds to the square inch. The commissioners were gratiï¬ed by the test. and the ofï¬- eels of the Iron t'k‘nnpuny made no' secret of their elulion. The bur was not, made specially for the test. but is one of an order which the company is ï¬ling for a bridge, to spun the .\.ll\-.0tll‘l lliver at. St. Louis. 5‘ DARTNH SAFE BLOW'NG. Fruit Auction Premises Robbed. Montreal Company's .\ dcsputch from Montreal says: One ~11 the mus-1 daring sufeblowiugs ever jerpelrated in this city was accomplish- ed in the curly hours of Sunday morn- ing, in the Montreal Fruit Auction Company‘s- premises at 3'3 Mountain street. The police say that as u pince ct ï¬nished work it is one of the ï¬nest they have ever seen. Apparently there, were three attempt»- befor.‘ the men 50‘ cured entrance l/l the building. but once l.'.'.‘ltl(‘. they cleaned up things in an ef- fective way. They secured cash and cleun amounting to $500. â€"_+_ SE-ZIZE D ILLICIT PLANT. Revenue OffE-‘t‘rs at Branttord Also (ioniiscated Tobacco. hdund _.\ (lespatch from Bi'anth‘n‘d says: (‘01- lnclnr Donahue. of the Inland Revenue Department. and a posse of county con- stables made an important seizure of an illicit tobacco and cigu making plant on the outskirts of the cily on \\‘ednmwlny Over 1.000 pounds of tobacco were conï¬scated. The t'tl'endcrs are known and will be proswutcd. SWEPT DECKS .f.‘ l. 1 the Great Gale 0n the Atlantic. A (jg-cmâ€, {mm Xfll‘lll Kydney. .\'.S., [ ished when a mighty wave swept over \\’ilh Stars irlltl Stripes limit a; hull-mun! frwm 11:1: uninmast head. the tii~,iii«.'i-~l-.-i' rL‘lEOMHM‘ 'lituliiu. tinpt. I’atri»-k \‘ale. sailed into j‘lJl'l on \\‘el (1’ it man. and showing slgus of hard nx. ’l'he .‘perience in Monday's :iwtnl gale. ; Titania 0 Gloucester Thur~duy lu~t. on hand ng trip to the Banks. rd.n;: l l ‘inm n v ~in of eighty milms an 'l'uws‘luv '.\ .Iuhn Maimberg. a Swede. \\lzo on the watch. was heard to (1 1. male, here's an awful 'l'ln- cry wos scarcely ï¬n- \\:!\ isl .l‘n: vll'l “M; a c mug. ingl 1!: r, (Zapl, \‘ale. attained. nz-irnlng about onejwedge. e side of 112-? schooner and washed Mulmberg overlwurd. at the some time vanishing into kindling wood the only dury on deck. \\'ednesday morning the Gloucester schooner Maggie and May. Capt. Alex. Mctizicheran. which left here for the grounds last week. put into Louis'burg ’l'lml in a crippled cvndition. all her dories gone and one nan. Basil iourdreauit. aged about thir'y. a native tit Tusket-‘ Cumberiand County, washel overboard. It look but one mighty Sea all the Grand Banks to sweep every boat and every movable thing from his schooner-'5 deck into the se .