14MB Honor. Judge Winchester, al~ I) promised > to look closely into horse stealing cases which have oc- curred so ofbon recently in the coun- W of York. The World of Saturday, in report ing the east York Conservative Con~ vention, states that Mr. [1.0. Marr of Markham, in seconding Mr. McCow- an's nomination. created a sensation by saying that “Mr. W. F. Maclean made much noise, and was wrecking the Conservative party.†Many of those present twenth the charge, and defended the member for South York. "We would suggest" continued the jury,“that in order to prevent the disgraceful scenes that occurer on July 12th last, that no street pa- rades or processions be allowed on the public streets unless they are un- der the absolute control of the po- llee, so as to in future prevent inter- ference with street car or other traf- tic." The Grand Jury Monday after- noon made their presentment before Judge Winchester, in the Court of General Sessions, and Were relieved of all further duties, having been in sealed about seven weeks. The Grand Jury had evidently been alive to their duties, they had visited most of the public institutions in the city and ceuuty, and made a num- her of recommendations. In dia‘ missing the jurymen the Judge said that he concurred in their opinions and hoped that their recommen- dations would receive due consider- ation. He referred to their long term. and was pleased to know that they had performed their duties in a creditable manner. With other imfmrmnt recommendaa mans the Grand Jury made an earnest protest; agilinst street parades which interfere with peaceable citizens in the diechdrge of their everyday du- nes and often endanger human life. It is diï¬icult for a body of Conser- vatives to meet together in conven- tion without a discussion on “the leaves and the ï¬shes" At the East York convention last Friday Dr. Walters. president of the Association, in dealing with the dismissal of civil servants (as reported in The World) said: “With respect to the dismissal of civil-servants I- advocate either a wholesale adoption of the plan, or the placing of the whole matter out- side the realm of politics. and‘suhject L0 merit." If the present ofï¬ce-hold- ers are to be consulted in the matter we surmise they will select the latter plan. Stomach (roubles, Heart, and Kid- ney. ailments. can he quickly corrected with a. pl’oaox‘iption known to drug- gisls everywhele as Dr. Shoop‘s Re- sturative. The prompt and surpris~ ing relief which this remedy imme~ dim.er brings is entirely due to its Re~ sturative action upon the controlling nerves (\Hhe Stomach. etc. W. A. Sanderson. Mr. J. H. Bl‘ydun visited with fri -nds in the City am. Sunday. Mr. Fer Hepburn is the new 0. N. 0. stabiuu agent here. Miss Anna Rawlings of Elgin Mills is spending the week with. friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. VJ. Wilton of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr... J. 8mwnloo. By their fruits ve shall know thab Atkinson & SwiLner are repared for a. lively Thanksgiving tr e. Rev. A. 1’. Braw attended a. Pro~ vincial Sunday School Convention in Brampton. Mrs. A‘lon of Rosclawn with Mu- xere Molcolm and Ernest are spending the 'l‘hauks-giying holidays in Paris. Mrs. A. E. Cook and daughter Mala iicuwo HILL. 0217.. Oct Rev. 0. J. Dohsnn of Markham preached Haxvcah Thanksgiving aer- mons at, Aurom on Sunday. Mrs. A. 19. Cook and daughter Mar- garet. of Durand. Mich. is visiting her sister Mrs. A. L. Slicelo and family» :or a. few days. @hr iiihrrul. THE GRAND JURY REPORTS. PER SO N ALS. . 31. [907 A conventinn nf.E:Ist York (‘mnser- vntives was held in Markham lust Fri- day when Mr. Alex. McGowan, the present member was tendered and ac- cepted the nomination for the local legislature. Tllleo other nominations were. made, Dr. \Vulters, Gen. 8. Hen- ry and John McGregm'. but all relirml in favm- 01’ Mr. McGowan. Besidus the nominees with their movers and seconders. speeches were nlm made by Capt. Tum \Vallace. R. R. Gumuy M. L. A. and T. H. Lennox M. L. A. The meeting closed with cheers for the King. Premier \Vhitney, the can- didate and the chairman. Here's a Snap :â€"â€"while thoy last, boys buff Bals size-.51 f0 5 in hulf leat h- er with Dongnla tops and double sole for $1.25. Nuughtnn‘s at the Elgin. Trial Cutm‘rh treatments are being mailednut free. on request. by Dr. Shnap, Racine. Wis. These tests are proving to the ponpleâ€"withnut a pen- ny‘s costâ€"Lbs great value of (his scientiï¬c px‘vscriptinn known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shot p‘s Cut- arrb Remedy. Sold by \V. A. Sunder- son. Mr. Gn-n. Cmnphell, a clerk in the Bank 0f Munu‘mtl at. Port Arthur. spent, a few days Ibis week with Mr. Hurry Sanderson. lie Wm auvnmpuns iod by his sister, Miss Alice Uzuupheï¬ of Isliugtun. Messrs. P. G. SavagP, J. H. Sundrr- son and H. A. Nicbulls attended the Emt York Conservative cnnvvntinn held in Markham village L'le Friday. Mr. ‘Vilhur SkePlv. who arrive-d here from Regina, Sash. lust Wt‘vk. is spending a few days with his ninth- el‘and brother before returning llullIL‘. The prices on thP winter underwear for memwomon and children at, AL- kinson & Switzer's, are at, this Thanksgiving seusun Very favorable to the. buyer. The Next, Sitting of Divxsion Court to: No. 8, County of York, will be held in We Court Rbom, GET THE BEST Saturday, Nov. 23, 1907 ()nmmencinz at 10 a. m. T. P'. MCMAHON. CLERK A number of barrels of greenings and snow spples. A. MOODlE. NWSIU‘N - EGURL EAST YORK CONSER VATIVES. .cuomrjï¬'riailomf" muflrbhd mum i‘ubllahors. Springfield. H569. Always reliable, economical and durable. W'ill not crack, peel or chalk. Superior to any other mixed paints on the market. mmuam Island City ISLAND CITY FLOOR, PAINT: 2 Require only 8 hours to dry. Think ofit. Island City EnaInels, Liquid Gold and Aluminum. Island City Uarnlsh J‘mins, Gloss Carriage Paints. For: SALE 1:! 9. (a c. MERRIAM 00.. RICHMOND HILL Paints For Sale. Pure Prepared . NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill SATURDAY. Nov. 2â€" Auction sule of cur loud uf colts. ï¬llies. SIJ'E‘I'S. fresh milk cows, and a few work humvs ut Maple Hntrl. Terms 10 months. Snigmn & MC Ewen Hucts. \VEDNESDAY, Nov. 6â€"-Auct,inn sale nf lumsehnld furniture at Thnrnhill. the prnperty uf Mm late Duniol Sul- li\'an. Sale at. 1 u‘clnck. Terqu rush. J. H. Prentice uuct. VVEDNEBDAY. Nov. 6â€"~Au(-tinn sale of fresh milk cnws. young cuttlv, etc.. at the Palmer Housv Yards, Rich- llmnd Hill. S‘dlt‘ at. two o’clock. Terms three months. Suigcun & McEwen auctionem-s. FRIDAY, Nuv. 8â€"AunLinn sale nf Hol- stein cmw, steers. lwlfms. calves, etc" at. Maple, lllv pmpvrtvy of H. A. Jifkins. Sale at 1 n‘clurk. Terms. 12 mos. Saigeon & McEWe-n, Aunts. SATURDAY. Nov. Qâ€"Auction Sale- of hnusehuld furniturv, shoemaker-3' tools, etc. Ht his rosidemwflhurnhill. the property of Peter Huff. Sal» at! one o'clock. Terms cash. No 1-9- serve. J. H. I’wntima Auct. TUESDAY, Nov. 12â€"Oredit sale nf farm stuck. impleuwnts, furniture. etc, on lot 8. con 3. Eust Yurk, tho prnp- MW of the late Ruhr. Bond. Sale at, 12 u‘cluck. Terms, 1'3 mos. J. H. Prentice. "not. TUESDAY. Nuv. lQâ€"Crodit sale of horse. cow, vehicles. household fur- niture. etc.. on Pickering sL.. East Toronto. the props-My of R. \V. Frazer. Sale at, l u'clurk Terms, 9 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. Lot 30, con. 2. Vaughan, the prop- ex-ty of Wm. \Vashington, consisting- of 200 acres with two houses. harm. outbuildings. etc.‘ Will be 801:} at a bargain to a quick buyer. Apply onthe premises. .c... "v . a ..... “MA‘U For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village:â€" 18-4 Came to the premises of the under- signed. lot 56. lst con. Markham. early in Ocmher. a light red and white cow. The owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. T. J OHNSTON. 18-3 On Thursday, October 31, in addi, tiou to the regular service a late car will leave Newmarket for Toronto and intermediate {mints at, 10.45 p. m. A late car will u so leave North Toronto for Newman-Ref, and inbexmediute points at 11.30 p. In. 17-2, Came to the premises of the under- signed, lnt 53, lst con..Vuughan, a large, white pig. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying expenses. F. GIBSON, Farm For Sale or T0; Rem: STEAM COAL Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. 17-3 Also file. NUT, STOVE, FUR\TACE J. H. RAMER Estray Notice Best Scranton coal. For threshing engines. NOTICE Auction Sales. WM: WASHINGTON. Elgiu Mills P. 0a Strayed Richmbnd Hill. Jefferson. in the Your Local Weekly and one of the Best Agricultural Daily Newspa- pers in Canada almost given away, The Local Newspaper is part of every household. It is your friend and benefactor. In fact it is part of every home. The Toronto Daily World 4 months C. The Daily Globe, one year 2 York County only ‘ The Daily Mail and Em- 2 pire, one year (York - ~ / Th Cï¬nm J 1 e ome ourna., one A , year The Daily Star, received ,3 on day of publication 2. 21} The, Daily Star, not reoeiv- I r“ ed day of publication 1 . 00 Family Herald and VIeeâ€"k- Ly Star 850. Toronto Dofly World All the men love the old farm, its stock, its fruit, its vegetables, its dairy, or its lorestsâ€"â€"in tact a love 01 the farm lies deep in every heart. The \Vorld is up~to-date as a {arm daily. Special pages are given to Agriculture twice e2 Ch week. Subscribe at The Liberal Ofï¬ce, and A Gre at Subscriptions for weekly amt ciain papers taken at “The Liberal†Ofï¬ce. Note the following:- - Weekly Globe, with illustrated ediâ€" tion, tillJan. 1, 1909 G Weekly Mail and. Empire, with premium “Golgotha†7 5 C The Toronto Daily World 4 months C . The Daily Globe, one year 2 York County only . The Daily Mail and Em- Dire. one year (York Th Cï¬nm J I e ome ourna., one A , year The Daily Star, received 2 2 nn (lav nf‘ hnhlinntinn hat ab 11% Till January 1, 1908. for 60 cents The Liberal ES IT EQVJ Newspwer P AN D '1‘ H I5 the bi abreast of the times. The Daily paper from the centres is necessary to man who wants to be