ttlttltlH Ill SltltttttH Hitlititl Bl PEâ€"Htt-tlt. M DE. JOSEPH BEAUDOIN. Mde. Joseph Beaudoin, 59 Rue St. Otivir, Quotec, P. 0., Can, writes: “Pcruna is wonderful for indigestion. I eat whatever I want and no longer feel any oppression. “Having had dyspepsia for a long time and having tried various other remedies, I decided to try Pcruna and with the fourth bottle of it lwus perfectly cured. "For this reason. 1 recommend it to all those who are suffering with that. terrible malady, dyspepsia. “I hope that all who are afflicted in this way will take l‘erunn as I did." The 'rxperienee of Mde. Bcaudoin ought to be SllmCICIll pioof to any one of the value of Pcruna in cases of ca- tairhal dyspepsia. If you suffer from stomach catarrh in any of its various forms. give Peruna a fair trial, avoid- ing in the meantime all such indiscre- lions in diet as would tend to retard a cure, and you will soon be rewarded by a normal appetite and healthy diges- lion. mm A DIFFERENF FOUNTAIN. They were strolling in the park. “Dearest.†he said “let. us go and tin- ger at yon beautiful fountain.†“If it‘s all the same to you, George, we'll do our lingering ata soda fouir lain." A monument has been erected in the graveyard at Banshal, Tipperary, to Darby ltyan, author of the famous song, “The Peeler and the Goat,†and other ballads. ~ DO NOT ALLOW yourself to become alarmed ‘becauao you have lost your ap etlte and are losing mosh, but. commence taking ‘E’ermrim †the best tonic. It will build you up quickly. Benson: “I say, old man, did I ever tell you about the awful fright I get on my wedding day '3" llcnson: “Slit No man should speak like that about his wife." "(7". Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious llch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- fcrd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Anthropology Instructor: “What effect has the climate on the Eskimo?†Stu- dent: “Cold feet." It Nc;ds No Testimonial.â€"lt is a guan antcc in itself. If testimonials were "0‘ quircd they could be furnished in thou- sands from all sorts and conditions cf men in widely different places. .fany medicines are put forth cvii' year which have but an ephemeral = . :tence and then are. heard of no more. Dr. Thomas" Eelcctr;c Oil has grown in re- putation every day since it first made its appearance. ' A SKIN ‘I‘llA'l' BURNS with eczema, and is covered wii‘i eruptions that iliseliargo a. thin fluid, E5 be In“ ,0 Milanâ€! and slightly with Weaver's rate. But. tlii i external relueiy should be used tin couJuuuUw :iih Wuuvsr': Syrup. A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION. "That ic:‘~cri‘am freezer you .sold inc." cried the angry woman. “is a lake. It doesn‘t do the work you e'aim it does."' "No," replied the new salesman; “perâ€" haps you- -crâ€"didn‘t the the best qual- ity ice. The ice must be very cold, you know." , . [ï¬rst l; M). »v POPULAR MARHYING AGE. Men 25 and Women 21 London Returns Show. From a rclurn just issued by the. Lon- don (England) county council it would al’pear that the most popular marrying ace among,r men is twenty-live, for dur~ iiig the past. year 12.958 men who had reached the quarter century entered the matrimonial state. while they were closely l'ttIl h3\12,735 at the age (.f twenty one. With women twentyâ€"one is the favor- llt‘ period, for 15.848 went. to the altar at tlial'age, and at twenty-lire there were {5.508. while two girlis- of fifteen and two of sixteen eaeli married men of fifty-five. One girl of fifteen married a bachelor of lucntydlvc, and another one of thirty. At the. age of sixteen. thirteen girls and two boys entered into matrimony; a; seventeen the figures were 122 and six respcctively. At sixty, five spinstcrs took husbands, while there were two bachelors at. that age and two at sixty- ll‘.‘l‘ who got married. Altogether there were 34.031 marriages between spinslers and bachelors. The unions of bachelors and widows totalled 1,477, \vidowt‘t's and spinsters ?,()0E), widowch and widows 1.151. mali- IDLE a grand total of 30.658 marriages. Of the ceremonies 26.343 took place in the Established Church, 1,529 in the R0- man (Zatholic, 1,887 in Nonm'nformist chapels, 8,371 in register cfliccs, seven were Quaker, and 1,5.‘31 Jewish. Other interesting facts in the return are that. in 1905. the births in the county of London totalled 126,559, of these tit,- 149 being males and 62,410 females Stcpncy heading the. list with 20,744 births, and Stoke NL\VlllglOI] being last with 1,078. Based on the increases or decreases in population l-etween 1891 and 1901, it is estimated the present population of Greater London is 7,217,939. and of the administrative county 4.785.217. com- pared with (3,006,163 and 4,544,870 rwpec- lively at the census of 1901. ' Deatth for a year totalled 16.629. Drink killed 498, there were .513 suicides and 53 homicides, but only seven execu- lions. -_____..x.__ LIKED IIER MEDICINE. “Let me kiss those tears away it" he begged, tenderly. She agreed to it, and he was busy for the next fifteen minutes. And yet. the tears flowed on. “Can nothing stop them?†he asked, breathlessly sad. “Nope,†she murmured. "It’s hay fever, you know. Bud g0 ed with the treatment.†v “4 HANDS TERRIBLY CRACKED. Mrs. Yelien, of Portland, says: “My hands were so sore and cracked that. l ,t'euld not put them near water. I :seemed quite unable to get relief from anything I put. on them until I tried Zam-Buk. it closed the. big cracks, gavei the ease, and in a very short time heab ed my hands completely." I ZamvBuk heals all skin injuries and diseases. or all stores and druggisls at' 50 cents, or from ZamBuk (to, Toron- te, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25. Malâ€".â€" “lt‘s a shame!†cried the young wife. “Not a thing at the house fit to eat! I’m going home to papal" “If you don’t mind. dear," said the husband, “1’11 30 with you.†Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Bickle‘s Ant-i-(‘onsumptive Syrup at the first intimation of irrita- tzon in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglected colds are the cause of untold suffering throughout the country, all of which could have been prevented 13" the application of this simple but‘ powâ€" erful incdicnie. The price. :55 cents, brings it within the reach of all. Many a t lessing in disguise is a bless- ing only because it is disguised. MONTH AFTER MONTH a cold sticks, and seems to tear holes in your throat. Are you nwue that 'even a stubborn and long-neglected cold is cured with Allen's Lung Balsam? Cough and Worry no longer. Customer tat department store): “Where is your complaint department?†New Salesgirl: "Foinplain? Guess you've come to the wrong place, mister. This ain't no hospital.†The Most Popular NILâ€"The pill is thi- most popular of all forms of medi- cuie. and of pills the most popular are ,l‘ul'inc‘c."s Vegetable l'ills, live-nuke. they do what it is asserted they can (in. and art: not put forward on any llliititious Claims to exci‘ttcn'e 'I‘tiey compact and portabic, they are ‘ .' taken. they iti not iiaizscate llC‘l‘ . , and they gnc relief in the most lsllllrll‘killl cases. ItltitlliS'l‘ QUEEN IN Tlll’. \VORU). ‘ "1.3!, pgnn Queen is s-i rich in jew- ,.;[-5- as the Supreme Damn it Kain. (Hui-ml. mm} 1.. arts gal rt; fiifvl‘lA‘. t, tin !' ‘.‘.‘i\‘i s “nil 0111‘ ll < 5‘": (1 She hu~ ;‘. litiye sofa « r lliillkl- lVI it l.0litl"ll ï¬l‘;|1_ rcpt iiiai'\e'.<:::s net Il‘i':i-il-'ts_ :iiitilcfs of ii C ... (,islwt, util l.il_‘ lit“. ‘ Nil .1 ‘. \it,’ .‘ lLt. 1' 11,.‘11‘, je'... ti-r ‘i.i~ ‘t .‘ ' i' g t dcr tr is: mun w iiii if grw- Iry to lv 0- \'- tl.‘ i\' 11-; --\ei\* ytai‘. n. eh (i f; straiiutwtt no, g 'i.c ‘i\'\. t t ) .‘- tr. __‘zi:ii r; . [N- twl _\ ui int k lt'i'lll your liiiiieyiiinczi biioi-e this began." ENRICH THE BLOOD EOI’LE who drink good beer with their meals can’t be aenemicâ€"Ahin-bloodcd. Because beer, so (I r a n k, actually supplies the. food ele- ments that-make the blood rich. Also beer assists thc’stomch in getting all the good possible out or air inc food that. enters it. Put aside prejudice and learn just how good for almost every adult good beer really is. #8231! II I term whteh our: law. Lkl. port" and mat; and. in tho practice of cums-lo bran". 11-pin My nude undnr halt hvflonle untlltons. from (lututo m (the butt- tho world) malt. low. and pm mm. )0: .¢- W KNEW WHAT WAS COMING. Wife: “Well, I dcolarc. Here‘s an o’d school friend of mine who has just. made a fortune.†Husband: “All right, my dear. Go ahead. Tell me that. you might have married him." PS did it. They supplied the Menthol (ogrglltht‘he " D d; L" l’lasstor, which re- ueres instantly backache, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism and scmtica. Many a young man is sorry he spoke after spending a day pricing furniture. FOODS 'I‘IIAT AGE ONE. “Milk and eggs, after you are‘ 30, shoutl be dropped from your food list." said a chemist. “They age you more than grief or work." "Age you?" “Yes. indeed. Milk and eggs, you see, are striaturc flerniers. They make bone. ’f‘liey harden. stiffen. strengthen. Hence f_.i' babies and children they are the best possible food. “But when onc‘s structure is Slllllf‘l- ently formed, then milk and eggs do (he harm. They shorten the breath, they take away elasticity and supple- ncss. they harden the arteries. “You, my dear sir, nre,.franl;!y not“ ting on in years, and you find it dif- ficult to run upstairs. Well, (imp eggs and milk a month, and l warrant you'll find yourself skipping.r to your bedroom, two steps at a tiu.e, like a very boy again.†Signals of Bananaâ€"Have you lost your appetite? [lave you a Coated tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your head ache and have you dizziness? If so. your stomach is out of order and you nch medicine. But you do not like inedi- cinc. lie that prefers sickness to medi- cine must suffer, but under the circum- stances lhe wise man would procure 9 lox o! Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pitts and speedily get himself in heal'h, and strive to keep so. It requires a lot of strenuous will- power for a girl of twenty-five to act as Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator if she didn't want to get married. has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when purchasing. SI‘ICONDJIAND ENGLISH. Swede (to Englishman, at Colorado Springs, noting that the Englishman's accent was unlike that of the other in- habitants): “flow long you bride in dese country '3†Englishman: "Nine months.†Swede: “You bane spake do language putty goof, already. \'cn you Lane in dose country two years you vill spake as veil as dc people here." Englishman tannihilatingly): “Man alive! I am from the country where this language is manufactured. What. you are learning to speak is secondâ€"hand English.†It‘s what you do that countsâ€"not what you are going to do tomorrow. ‘ OHENILLE OUR-rams ml all ktnda of house Hanztnu, also list}! tillltTlllt S “‘51:; an.†Write to an about your: III‘I'IM AMERICAN I'll!“ co.. Box 1“. Montreal He can't get away beamin- NEWHOUSE TRAP. Radian-Tn»- win-nun u WWIIâ€"milk mwunflmmlï¬mhh-‘a , ummmmmu an .. mun-I‘M; m". b 'MOUIDI‘nd colâ€"I an)... I ltd-Mu- Trapâ€"un ~ "g ' onumi cauMUNIw. uh. ' go wrong. They shedding on any and proof against Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s sh‘ears,â€"can’t sides, are self-draining and water- roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings ï¬reâ€"proof, weatherproof least. in the long run. gauge toughened sheet steelâ€"only one quality used and that the bestâ€" Bcggar: “Kind lady, please remember the poor.†Lady: “I’ve no money with me.†Beggar: “Oh. anything,r will do, a piece of jewellery, or your furs." aw .i run .<-_\-.. _. . ' “.N' _ tried he .0. i,\.‘-" you a, '1. -. » '....~.~..‘.~<.~, EVCI‘ r Shiloh's is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine and colds. It has been curing coughs 25c., 50c., and $1.00 a bottle. ' '55“ . . .‘r;'.\:'u;.w -\ g 71‘ mg. Night“; WI Power, Heat, to Lease for a Central location. About four floors and basement. aaaiimi r. wase , t ,.i.-.: razed STEEL lock on all four cost; far ch ‘ Oshawa †lightning. Cost Made of 28- With the US ï¬lm cough Get a bottle to-day from your druggist. It doesn’t cure you QUICKER than an ’11 gim :9 Standard Fire Sprinkler System. painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in ï¬rst gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft. x 10 ft. area. of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it can really afford to buy. Teething Babie are saved sufferingâ€"and mothers given restâ€"when one m Nurses’ud Mothers’ Treasure Quickly relievesâ€"regulates the bowels â€"â€"- prevents convulsions. Used 50 years. Absolutely “to. At drug-stores, 251:. 8 bottlea, ma National Drug sighemlul Co.. Halted. 80k Propneurn, Manual. 41 F a firstâ€"class business; the owner wishes l‘t SALE â€" PLOUGH AND PUMP businessâ€"in the village of Jarvis:- to retire. L. Miller, Jarvis. MACHINERY FOR SALE. _“DYNAM0 300 tights, first-class order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to GOO-light machine taking its place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. FAN LOWER Buffalo make, number four, 9-inch vero tical discharge, 24 inches h' h; perfect condition. Superintendent, "ï¬ulh Build- ing, 73 Adelaide St. West, Tomato. Jâ€" ._ Clonmcl rural council is appealing from the decision of Judge Fitzgerald, who have Lord Ashtown $700 and costs for damages sustained in Glencaghry bomb explosion. Ttios. Sabin. of Eglington, says: "I have removed ten corns from my feet with llolloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. CURE ything onack a. kest e girlie & cold OUI’ \.‘; Y cu» .u \ v. .s i ~.»,- ,a,-.-,; w» v. for your children's coughs and colds for 34 years. All druggisis~ TH Electric Light. Term of Years. ten thousand square feet In Excellent shipp'nz facilities Lew insurance rate. eaper in the long run. Galvanized Steel Shin- Tell us the roof ou e t: cheapest bent cold and doable-galvanized. send Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily- . you FREE booklet about this rooï¬ng questionâ€"tells some things you may not. know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century Send for MONTREPL TOR ITO OTIAWA ICESDON WEH‘ZIPEG 321-3 Craig St. W. 11 Coibcme St. 423 Smsex EL Cal 1“: 'as St. 76 Lomf-J' ‘ St. * ’ - v.'â€";-.-_rr-..;.~';.'=‘-'7'~.-,v..aa-u.i~1,.vf {'flm-m' --~ _, , ,.