A very prI-lky lumse wvdding took Ince ut the- hnnw nl' Mrs. Rvuhen Euguley. NUI‘III 'l‘m-nmu, un Wvdnesj, duly ewning. Oct. 30. when hl‘l’ lhiI-d daughter Elnm-n was united in unu- I‘lflgu I," Mr. “'lu. \Vuu. of Fuil‘hallk. Net-I‘Nnnny was perfm-mod by the REV. N. Wellwmnl uf Eglinlun. The \mide wnu Ruin-d in point d'Euprit over ailk und hmkml w-ry pigeuy. She- wax «(u-mini, My her sister Edvlle. who “'IIS guwm-d in whice w-Hi-nne cwel‘ pink with pink vvh (-L trimmings. Little Olive Pllgsit'y uf Suttun .wU-d flaring heart-r. 'l'lw bride curried“ rhvnf of white éhrysnnlhenmms. Mr. Alf-Pugs!†(of 'l‘nlumu. cousin of the hride. etflcu-nlly waited un the gnu-m. The CI'H‘IINIII)‘ \ms [H‘I'ilnlllt’d under um mch of cnrnnLinns and Chrysanthe- mums. The hnuse wus prufusvly dec- v-rntrd with czu'nutinnu. pulms and IUSPH. leuorenmny was pvrfnrmed In the pH-m-ncc uf about sixty- invited meats. nflu-w‘bixh all sat down to a huh-fully and t-lznhuruu-ly [twinned deft-min; Thv prvsc-nw to the bride won-mmly and almost innuuwrahle. The grvom's pvt-sent tn the hide was u-guld hunp‘lnrnwlm wt with pearls. I" the hridt-anmid a pearl ring, to the Oil) lwnrora guld luckI-L and chain. 0m to Min Lona Puguley who play- Id the wedding nmrch a pearl brunch. The |Irid9 was gin-n away by hm- h‘ntheer. John l’ugsley nf (inlka- IOwn. The teeth iLiL-s uf' thvut’vemng \eing Pnded the happy cnuph- left ‘ " I h J ...£.‘|..... Eur chrml. â€"'u-r umid shown; o‘fi-I-rlue and gnnd ‘wishvs. Im- a short houeynmun. Mr. and Mrs. Watt will noide nt Fuirbnnk. Wu.†The maeunic hall was crmvded nn Wednvsdny awning of last week when the children of thv public schmul gave their annual nuncert. Evury number of the li-ngthy programme was creditath rendered. and leuclwl‘b have reason (.0 congratulatv [In-m- ndrea on the Buccesa (If their enter- ininmvnt. Mr. J. T. Saigeun presidod nnd made an uxecllent chairman. The proceeds unwanted tu $35, and this will ha used in purchasing books {01' (h? lilvl‘ul‘y. . I... u .w The \V: M. S. purpose hoIding a vumpkin pie nociul nu Tinusday, Nov. it. Thochu‘iruf King Ui|y Metho- dwt church is expected to he prvsvnc Mid furnish the musical part of the Evgmmnw. Rn. Mr. \Valkfl' of "mg has also been invitvd, and Mr. I. G: MLDmmld, Miss M. E. Mm-risun and others will take part. There will be u charge of twenty Crnts to tea and concert and IS cents Lu concert ulnne. “ 0. Baker of Toronto Junction :lsiwd over Sunday at Mr. T. Cuna- n'a. -_iil'l. \V. O. Sanderson and daugh- (cr of Toruutn are spending a few Gaga at My. l._._Richgldsgn's. A llulll‘rlrtr‘rl‘il-VI'UIII hem-e attended the League ruliydn Yonge Sc. lehudisk church on Munda_y._ . .\ . . ‘zrthers. Buck mm'ed (o theh new home ut, Eglintnu last, week. MI. and Mn. G. Gal-raw spent thanksgiving day at Lungumn. Mr. and Mill. 0. Muinprizo of T0- umw Junction spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mm._ '1‘. Unusins. ~ 'Mrcrbo‘rn’ald spent, swvral ddyu last week at, Orillin with her hivud. Mitts Jeâ€"ï¬des: Ml‘. (L. Laurie has been very suc- mssful in uhuwinpg his fowls nt thv l1“ (nil-s. tan-curing: a grout many priz- m, lie nlmumdia number hf guud l valve of fowl-I. 7 7d RICHMOND HILL “ii;;it:l:hi-égiéiarmd Miss Lizzie Wil- vou of Mimivu spent, a. few drugs» [mat mun-k wilhamne 0!; their old school- The (uni-Intuit blu- lnte Mr. Eli Sni- dul (wok place 00 Maple cemetery (le Inluudny afternoon and was largely atâ€" tended. The underun-Mhionod clvrgymen will preach inst. Andrew's church. anle. wanxlly vacatud hy Rev. W. G. Back. on (he {:01anng dates. Nov. 10. G. W. “one. Mono Centre. Hut. 1?. H. R. McOmcken. Rue. 24. A. S. Kerr. Bxult Ste. Mu- lt". Mich. Doc. l. P. T. Welsh-r. Knox College. Dec. 8. l). M. Hebe-0d. Dec. 15. D. 2:1. McLeod. TrinIOaL-trrh treatments are being mailed out flee. on request. by Dr. Bhnop. Rheim; Wis. T'H'Be Lents fll‘e proving (u the penple â€"â€"\vi(h(\ut n an- ny'o cuntâ€"the grime value of (his scientiï¬c prescription known to drug- giste ever when: as Dr. Rhuup'u Rem~ My. Bul by W. A. Sanderson. Story petfwruaer whose» u;u.me‘np- reared on the bills was in hi9 mud her pkce at, the ccnccrt 'l‘hsnkagiving eve~ wing in aid“ lho Public Lihx'ary, and the msmlgw-u a mast evenly balanced uni enjoyablu programme. The only disappointment was that more of IHI!‘ «Him-us did nut turn out and pack- !heï¬tsonic 21111. There was null:~ lag of a tun-th nature. and then- was plenty of cari 1, in the programme uhich consisted of highclms vocal selec’inna, int-netiog H-cimtiuns and aplcnd (I Count Bolus. The [ullfiwiug wulrilmmd vocal selection.» Misses Mary Tmnch. Alexina Muflaan. Ethel Switzor. Illa. Glass. J. M:Cl~‘.lmd. G. llovouan. B. Mitchtu. D: M. Derry. IL Sanderson and W. A. \Vright. and all were well receivci Tho piano accom ammonia were played with 00d e PM by Mr. Rule Nawtuu and (Lies E. Donovan. Miw Jan Sun: gave several recital/tons. and. My: 1.1.1 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONCERT. WEDDING'BEL-Lï¬. Maple “7051ԠNov. 7. 1907 Gal-row spent Glass also made her debut as an c-ln- cutinnist. Mr. E. Mason also delight- ed vverylmdy with his cnrnet snins. Asatlw programme was lengthy the chairman. Mr. P. G. Savagv. cunld nut allnw (‘IHYDl'é‘S- This was a little disappnilltingas many of the artists did su wall the audiencv Would like tn have [wen fawn-ed with a repvtitinn of some of the sale-Minna. Befnw clnsing. Mr. Savage, on hvhalf nf the Library Bnard. e-xprvasn-d his thanks tn the ladies and gantlemrn who had so kindly assisted in the I'IIU'I‘LHlII- ment, (‘rvlyulll‘ having cnme ahsnlutv- ly {H‘P hf charge. The PIIt.P|~tainlneht closed with tlw National Anthem. One of the most, successful Plnwing Matches evvr hu-ld in eil her uf the [WM townships took place on the 5th inst. on the farm nf Mr. A. B. Well-Ir near King City. The weathvr was favor- ahh- and the ï¬t‘ld was mm of the lws‘. Theattendunce was Inl‘gv, many prnm- inenl men hving present from a long distance. Gmud meals and accmmuw datiun were px-m'idvd at I.h9 Metropol- itan Hotel. After a summing up by the~judgvs, the secretary, Mr. L '1'. Szligmrll, read the names uf the prize- winners as fulluws :â€" FiruL class in sudâ€"’1‘. McLu-an l. W. Haustmwwr 2. G. McLaughlin 3, S. McGlule 4. Sevuml class in sodâ€"\V. Baker 1, W. Carson 2, J. Allen 3. Third class in sudâ€"Ed Mulloy 1. Fourth clnssin sudâ€"But Kennedy 1. C.‘ \Valkingtnn 2. .000†Walker 3. Fifth class in sudâ€"\V. Bislmp 1. Sixth class in stubbleâ€"J“. McCullum l. E. Cooper 2. Ruht. Gray 3. L. Fin-- guunn 4, Roy. Legge 5. Stanley Tyn- dall 6, D. ltuwlings 7, H. J. Fun- 8. J. M. O'Cmnnm- 9. Seventh class in stubbleâ€"C. Uluhine 1, \V. 011‘2. R. \Vulker 3, \V. Barry 4. Eigljtli class in stubbleâ€"\V. \Vilsnn Ninth class invatubhheâ€"T. Lawson 1. Best 6 (TOWN furruws in ï¬rst class- T. Mela an. 1. A79. wens); J. >H_.‘\Vells 3. Best cruwn in fourth classâ€"B. Ken- nedy. Best, crnwn flth classâ€"W. Bishnp. Best crown in sixth classâ€"M. Mu- Callum.. Best crown in seventh classâ€"R. \anker. vBéétrmV-(errvn in second orthird classâ€" \V. Bukvr. Best cunvn in ninth classâ€"'1‘. Law- 80“. Beat ï¬nish. ï¬rst classâ€"W. Haus~ ti‘fl“‘8t‘l‘.. ' Mud classâ€"\V. Baker. Third class â€"E. Malluy. Fourth classâ€"C. \‘Vulkingtou. Fifth classâ€"\V. Bislnvp. Sixth classâ€"E. Cnoper. Seventh classâ€"\V. Burl-y. Eighth classâ€"J. H. \Vells. Ninth clayâ€"1L Lawson. Special prizes-f6» plmvmen holding plow m host positionâ€"Sam McClure: Beétrrérown in eighth classâ€"A. J. Wells. r‘kés‘twgl'brvvxured Quid equipped team in cogâ€"O. \Vulkiggtuy. Best gI-(mmedunnd equipped team in Itubbleâ€"Rny Uggv. 38% in ï¬eldâ€"Roy \Valkerâ€" Beat guiug Loam manned by plow- mau or falherâ€"& Man-"g The ditectors are \V. \Vulkingmu. 8. Lemon. J. McLean. A. McNeil. R. Jones. 3. McClure, A. Di Carley. R. Thumam, A. McCullum. T. H. Le g9. J. R. Campbell, Geo. Phillips. J. ut- ton. B. Jumieuon. P. McCulluuu. \V. Mallny. T. Butt, [1. Fisher, \V’. Glues. D. G. Bluugb, \V. Mathieann: honor- My mrm‘nem A. Cameron, J. \Vells. The iudges were. ï¬rst class. J. Mor- gan. ‘i'illuwdule: N. Mulon Vaughan ; . Forester. Gm-mley; Genrge Smith, \leile Rose : G. Fun-stem \Vhite Rosa and Marl-“Gillam. King. Lady judg- es. Mu). G. L. Stewmt. and Misses \‘v'inlem and qu'ww. Best louking pluwman in andâ€"J. Allen. Best looking plowumn in stubbleâ€" RLGmy. .u. lIv ‘- u ,VL_» .x Miss Elsie Palmer, General Hospital. 0. Thauxkagiviug Day. Mrs. l). W'ebstel an. 0m spent yeslurduy Lâ€. Iï¬cI-izthou and Fat!!! MI. I, Puï¬ine of Arthur cam? over {and spent u few days with old friends Miss Alia? Tucfy apent a few days with bu Biatur Mrs. J. Mulcahy in Orillia. Mist; Edwards of Hamilton is spend- ing afcw dnyu with her sister Mi“ M. Edwards. . W Will not Crack; Peel nor Chalk if properly applied. They are made in 60 different tints, and are absolutely the best mixed paints on the market. Island City Pure Prepared Paints 3 are best for every purpose. Island City Floor Paints dry i118 hours. FOR SALE BY KING & VAUGHAN MATCH. PERSONALS. . NIGHOLLS, Richmond Hill 1 baby a. nurse in th- zuue hour: fur \Vul kj "ch11 . Island City P a i n ts 1 Mrs. w. Steinhufl‘. Gnlumlms, Obin. ‘nnd Mrs. Misnvr. Simcm-. 0nt.. spout 4 a few davs last. week with Mrs. Goo. " McDonald. i Mr. 'I'mnmce Bruwn, Miss \Vulko‘r. ‘ Mr. Churon Brown and Miss Gnuldnn. ‘uf Tul'untu. spent, the holiday wnth ‘ Miss Brown. 3 Mrs. A. I). Cnmphell of Nulvlvtun Espem Thanksgiving Day with hi'l' sis- Lt’l' Mrs. '1‘. Hoppl'l'; also Mrs. \Viii- ford of the same place. MP. and Mrs. Frank anpm' of To- rnntn spent Thanksgiving Day with ’ Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sims. and Friday I with Mrs. O'Brien at, Maple. Mrs. L. Gaby and Mrs. Brown visit- ed a few days with their mm ht'l' Mrs. \V. Glass. nnd (-erl-vlutvivos. Miss Agatha Gamble Went tn Tn- rmnn General Huspiml un Friday to train for a. nurse in that inMHMiun. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brown spent Thanksgiving Day in Tm'nntn wilh their daughter Mrs. (Din) Spnulding, Mls. J. Divker and her little grand. daughter Evvlino Dennis uf Aurnrn, spent, Thursday afternoon wuh M125. .los. Rumble. Mr.ulu1.Mrs. R. ‘V. Glass and Mr. \V. E. Stoddnrt 0f Cmvkstuwn dran duwn and Sprint. Thanksgiving and few fullu-wing days with Mrs. Glass and family. Mr. \V. Glass, nf the High Srhool. Midland: Mr. \V. Trvnch of Nun-{h Buy. and Mr. F. Harrison of Arthur. came hnnu- and spent the Thanksgiv- ing holidays. Mrs. R. E. Law was the gin-st. of Mrs. Amos VVI'igmr fur a fi‘\\‘ days. Mr. Austin Law and Miss Rust; Law alsc came up from the city and spent Thanksgiving Day at Richmnnd Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hnrvvy. Miss Helm: Hurvvy and Miss Bruce uf 'l‘u- rout“. also Mr. and Mrs; A. G. Sims of \Vrstrm spvnt T‘mnksgivmg Day at, “Glenkillmm†the home of Mr. and Mls. G. 8. Sims. Miss Alexinu. Mm-tsnn, A. 'I‘. C. M.. sung mumng and evening at thv Hur- vvst Thanksgiving snrvice held in St. Allmn's church, Nnhletnn. on Sunday, 27th ult. Miss Murtson was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Lat-kin. Miss Laura Richardson 0f Mapiv who prvzlh-d against. the decisiun uf Linh examiners, basiween granted her certiï¬cate. Part II. Junior Lvuving. This adds another to the successful list uf teachers from our High School. To check a cold quickly. get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets cullt-d Preventics. Druggists everywhereure now didpenslng Pre- ventics. for they are not Iva 54%, but decidvdly certain and‘ pl-(znnpt,. inentl'rcs cuntaiu nu quinine. nu laxv alive. unthng harsh m- sickening. Taken at the “sneeze stage" Prevent- ics will prevent, Pneumonia, Blonchit- i3, La Grippe. etc._ Henca the name 80H. G4)t)d for feverish child- ren. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial hoxesScm. Suldhy \V. A. Sander- The following bills were ordered to be paid :â€"â€"- . Joseph Billings. month’ssalal'V$- 33 33 T. H. Lennnx, Bul. on account.. 27 60 Frank Aitchisuu reps. t0 culvert. 2 00 Ruben Armour. digging ditch.. l 00 Francis Jacksun. 16 yds. gravel. )r 60 Neil Mc Donald. reps. to bridge. 5 00 “I- P. Clnft. ï¬lling in Wushmlt. 2 80 Gen. 3. Phillips, kepp of Indig- Council IDFt at the Metropolitan Hotel, King City. on Saturday, Oct "Members all present. Minutes of last n)ee‘ï¬llg‘reat.l.i_l.nd cnnï¬rms-d. . ens . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell Telephone 00., i yr‘s rent of phone and con. _ . . . . . . . . . . ' Norman Winter. digging ditch and cedar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5! J. \V. Kneeshuw, ï¬lling in washout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Phillips, 25 duys‘ S. L. 1907 . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . 1 “'m. Stewart. cedar and reps. to bridge . . . . . .. . 11 P1)mipsâ€"Dvac(3i{;i'in':£' the full ing sheep claim he paid hcing 23 no. of same, Isuuc Shwu'dm‘;n 84.00 ‘ Burnsâ€" Phillipsâ€" that. and se-curity of] Rube-x: and Lloyd Honingshead. r. taxes for \he pmsent year, hL-m-hy acrepted. _ Mk-‘Billl'ï¬hyâ€"BUI'HSâ€"thilt iauns ht- puid the sum uf S balance on ï¬rst. cnnu-m;t. On motion of enuncill m-uuuii udjnuz-ned tn meal " McMm-uxiyâ€" Phillipsâ€" that, King Pluwmen's:msociation be pzid usual grant: uf $20.00. King Council. hf councillor Phillips ' t 1 meet at Temper- . :‘ -'. (:11 Sun/Itchy. ‘( u.‘ the Bonds Rutherfmd :unecturs of 40 )lluw- 5900 1000 150 Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken at “The Liberal" Ofï¬ce. Nete the following-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tion, tillJan. 1, 1909 a. e. ,1. Weekly Mail and Empire. with. . premium “Golgotha,†7gp The Toronto Daily World , 4 months {3 . The Daily Globe, one year 2 York County only .3} The Daily Mail and EHL 1) r0 plre, one year (York w 0 Th County) T 8 Home l 0111mm, one i†‘ , year alga. The Daily Sta-1“, received 2 @5’ on day of publication ~ “v The Daily Star, not reoeiv- g f“ 0 ed day of publication A . a) Family Heml’l and W’eek- P 137 Star 808. What about FRIDAY, Nnv. 8â€"Auvtima sale of Hol- ‘ stein cows, slPex-s, hl-ifels, Halves, etc.. at, Maple, the pmpvrty of H. A. Jifkins. SHIP at, 1 o’clock. Turn"). 12 mos. Snigmm 8: McEn-on. Auctg. SATURDAY. NOV. Qâ€"A‘xctifm sale of hunsvhuld flll'nitlll‘v, shnonmkm-a’ tools, etc. at his residrum-,Thm'nhil]. the property of Peter HniY. Sale at, one ()‘clnck. Terms cash. N0 nu serve. J, H. Pn-niico Auct. TUESDAY, Nnv. l3â€"«Cl't'dit 15‘:th of farm stuck. implements, fiu'nitm'e. Hm. on Int. 8. Can 3. East York. the prop- erty of the lute Rom. Bond. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms, 12 mos. J. H. Prentice, allot. TUESDAY, Nov. 19â€"Cx-edit Rule of hm'sv. cow, vehiclos. hnusehnld fur- nituw, etc†on Pickering st" East annnto, the prupm'ty of R.- \V. Frazer. Sale at 1 o‘clock Terms, 9 months. J. H. Prentica, auct. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village:â€"-â€" STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE, FUR'SI‘ACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. cattle and hogs; All kinds of grain bought and highest pOSSibIe prices paid at the Elevatov. yvsn'ling 2nd con. Vaug Arnold Satan} 3. H. RAMEB. Bran and Vietor Feed for Creamery. Cider Min GOAL For threshing engines. FQR SALE Auction Sales. ’1': may WILSON. Elg'm Mills P. o. Cut 8W! 11d owes, Xut u’lll. Newspapex P’ in the [K As I. have just, renewed an Older for Furty Tons of Apply Butter aside fmm my regular trade. 1 will new}: about LwenLy thnuszmd bushels ui cidm- and peeling applr‘s. At EDGE bEY CIDE R and JELLY “41141.18 20.000 bushels of Cideraud Peeling Apples I will [my 250. per bushel for peeling apples. of which I'need about, 5.000 bushels. Peeling apples may be wind- falls, and either sweet 01- Sum apples. but they must lN‘ firm and free flum rot, and at least about, 2 Inches in diuxm-Ler. I will nee-d about 15.000 bushels of Clth’l‘ apples fur which I will also pay an udvancv m-er fm-mer years. I will pay frmn 20c. to 25¢. per bag accord- ing to quality. If you have any up- ples that, will not, sell in the City ln-ingvthem along and tell your friends and neighbors. The factory will be 0an every day for the pin-pine of huying apples up to Nuv. 19, but will do custom walk only as advertised. JESSE WINGER- Thnruhill. Nov. 1. 1907. the undersigned. and endorsed “Tender for Asm-onnmical Observa- tory. Tornnto. 01m.†will be received at, this ofï¬ce until Thursday. Novem- ber 21, 1907. inclusiwly, for- the cou- strnctirm of an Astronomical Obser- vatory at Int-onto. Out. Pluï¬s and speciï¬catinns can be seen and forms of Lender obtained at. this Department. und at. the oï¬ice nf Burke & Ilnrwnnd. Architects, Toronto, Ont. Persons tendering are notiï¬vd that. tenders will not. he considered unless made on the prints-d form supplied: and signed with their actual siglm- tarps. r . ~ Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cthue on a chartnx-ud hank. made payable to the order hf th Hunum-able the Minister of Pub- lic “’urke._equul to gen per cent (It) this .u... _.,‘..-. _, , p. c.) of the amount. of the lender. which will he forfeited if the person t9ndcring decline to enter into a con- Lx‘act when called upun to do so. Ur if he fail to complete the wan contract- ed fur. If'Lhe tend†be not. accepted the cheque win he returned. The drpnrtmem. dues not bind itself to accept the lamest. or any Lender. By Order, FRED. GELINA-S, EALED TENDERS ndercsst lg :‘WSDHDPX‘S men: of Public W’m'ks. Ottawa, Ocunhm 29, 1907 mamns will not. be pui ‘m-Lisemont. if they ins: aub‘mn-izy from the De N ’1‘ EC 1) C re RAL 19-: