Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Nov 1907, p. 5

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(in-.- The Restorative is bropzued es. Pt‘('l.‘.:l}‘ for these weak .mside nerves. Su-l-ngthen these nervvs. build them up with Dr. S‘nmxp’s RestuI-ntiveâ€"tub- lt‘LS 01' liquidâ€" and sue how quickly I c'p will come. Free sample: test sent nu xuquoSt by Dr. Slxonp.-R:wme. \Vis. Yuur health is :urvly worth this sim- ple test. \V, A. Saudemun' h Rx-mvmhur thv Puhlic St'hunl (Intf‘r- Uurmwnt tn he gin-n in Hip Mnsunic Mull tu-mun-uw (Friday) evening. Purlm- matches. Princess lit-uan 11m) in- lmx. 5m: sulphur umtcht-s. full (Hunt, 11v. lmx. Atkinson & Switzvr. Sum? fo‘nm's weI'P anvd duwn. stops wm-s- rvnmve‘d and a ‘fa-w uths-x- fnnlish tricks \vm-u pt-x-pelmtorl nu Ilallnwv'vn, hub litle (hump,th was dune in thv village cumpuwd tn; fur- mvr years. guns \‘cmu Kidm Nn‘nrlyonq- hundred from north of Tm-nnm atténrh-d the Sunday Sx-hnn} and Epwm-th Lvnglw InsLiluu- Rally nu Munduv l:l.’~‘Lill Yonge St. Mn-lhu- distchurch. Those who wm-v presvnr speak warmly of the. inspiration nf the eve-nth At. the Epwurbh Lungue m-rvire nvxt, Monday evening, being Mission- my night Miss Annie Trench will givr "Mow of my impressions at the Sum- Iuc-l' Schch ut \VhiLhy." Twn sLudy n‘lassvs :H'P being funle for the com- ing season and mow wishing In join 4de consult Mr. R. Shaw. B. A. have special services on the 17th and lth "inst. 011 Sunday Rev. C. A. Simpson will preach M 2.30 and 7p. m. and an Monday a concert. will he held in the chumh. There will he recita- :iun9, music etc.. and uddrPSSL-s by‘ (ms. Simpson and Rol)iuson., R-- xu slunents .will be sen'v(l.. \Vm-d :umPs fmm men Pugslwy Hut. tlw whmlt 0111;) at Indian Hr-ml. Husk, is good, and little- injury {mm the frost in that suctiun. A great Missionary guthe‘ing uf a” 1hrdvnmninalinns frmn all parts of the prurincp is [wing held in Janis St. Baptist chum-11ml Thursday, Fri~ day and Saturday ofthis \vvek. 'l‘hv px-ngrmmne is uf uml'e than urdinnry “writ. The friv’nds t-£ the Zion :«ppnintmenL .m the Newtan Blumk circuit. are Ln Th0 guild in commotion with St. Mnry’s chmch nf England Durpllfir‘ holding a <=|lp of wur-k (m \Vt'dnr-sduv Dec. ll.’ Furthvr particulars hut-1'. vvvning. Missionar) A change has taken platte- in the lnrmngenwnt (If The Leader and Re .zurdc‘r puhlisbt-d at, Tnlmnlo Junctinn. Mr. H. H. [)L‘HIGI‘S who has been Imm- Ager for the past two years is succeed- rd by Mr. A. J. Brown, formerly of the town of Pulnwrsmn. nf Mrs. Reuben Pugsley of Eglintun. The funeral tuok place on Sunday. Anumgrelutivvs from here who at- tended was Mr. R. C. Smiles. Just arrived :I car of B. C. shinglos.‘ Ala thwse wore bought lwfm-p [hp ad- mnuv it will pay yuu tn plll'ChuSP mnv H‘Pn if _\'nu do nut want In IISU than) hc-fm-u spx-mg._ H. A. Nichnlls. 'I‘Wt-nty-fh e im-h Tartan chucks. fast. cnlnr. 7c. _\'d.; Tun-tun l-ihh’hns. 2:5-inl-t widih. 16c. \‘d; men's hem-er (‘lu’h‘ fmulinvd cups. 501:. each. Atkinson ck Switzpr. Rm. A. P. Bruce will (wcnpy the pulpit in the lelmdlst chm-vb (m Hund.1y morning taking fur his sul» 3-H: “\tht haLh God wrought?" Rev. E. H. 'l‘nye will preach in llw ffpning. The topic all day will he‘ 0n Hallmvv'rn llw Sign with finger puinting “To the Public I’m-k” was r-xchanged 1m- :uuathur with the SHIN“- whnt, approprin words. "Tu the Public Barnymd." Our Ci'iZFlh‘ must not hp tnu hard (In the Put-k cmmnit- :0;- whn gut $10 for rent. Men's blue hem-er own-coats at $6.95: uwn‘s hhu- beaver ovt'l'cmlls at $9.50; men's leathm' tWe-ed-lined cunts. $6.00; nu-n's umdurny vests, $1.75. Atkin- a In & Switzor. A fowl supper was given by Mr. and Mrs. P. me3. “Potato King Farm." Thanksgiving evening. Later in thr- eveuing dancing was indulged in and A good fime was spc-nt. by the family xud im‘iu-d guests. Fifteen cmrplos were present. Mr. Friend Morton of Kcswick. a much respected and progressive farm- v-r died on Thursday last after a short. illness. The deceased was a brother Elli: fiihrml. 1 hl‘ \V. M. S. will mum, at. tln- hnme ers. Mnmn this nfteI-nnnn (Thurs- n‘j) at, 3 u'ciN'k. n The \V. C. T. U. will Int-mt nt, the urn-- nf Mrs. Sluun next Tues-(lay Mf- umnn at 3 .n‘vlock. .Jflfli TI . \‘ilmtn the "hulund. A. iduy exrning. In nigh-L that several monthly ml l'vpnl'tsand abhor NPWS Items crnwdoâ€"d nut, till "ext “‘(H’k. uz the Stcmmch. Huart, 01- Kid- rzres gvt weak. then these or always fail. Don‘t dxug the .sch. nni' stimulate the Heart, 01' 5'5. That is simply‘a makeshift. prescription km-wu todruggists \vhex‘g‘us Dr._ Shnnp's Restora- HONEY POT NE\\'S. um Him, Om, NM. 7, 1907 tn the P. mmwort Cum-L will nut ll'll'Pt I On Oct. 29. xi quiet, Wedding was ‘ snlemnized at. Woodlawn.Newmarket, ' the residence of Hon. E. J. and Mrs. Davis, when their daughter, Edith Velma, was married in Dr. Alfrt-dl 1 \Vcbh. The ceremony was conducted ' by the Rev. H. 8. Matthews. an old !friend of the family. The Mid? was lattended- by her sistmg Miss Mable 1 Davis, and the gruum by his cuusim. Mr. Jesse \Vulton. The two little 1 nioces ()f the groom, .‘diss Ada. \Vehh 1 and Miss Ruth \‘Jehb, extad as fluwer. 1 girls. The heuth m' the bride and l [Ix-(mm \vus pi-opnaed by Mr. Elias Rug- ‘el-snf anunln, unclv of the gx-nnm. ‘ The event had a two .'u|d interest to. 1 the relatives pll‘nCIJI-‘ it. [wing thv 331d " nnniversar ' of Uu- wwdziing i»! the mother nu fsthur of the lu'idl‘ A tickling cnugh’. is quickly Stup'pt‘d- laugh Cure. A’nd-‘i‘; harmless and suffix tells mothem mmy: without hPGiLhLI'fiFJ ynung babies. ’l'u‘v r leaves and tends-r A healing mmmtnnm.) the curative prupm‘i u Cough Cure. 1: c;.l:. heals thesm'r and My unemhi‘mws. fx'.‘ (4 form, nothing Inn-v... suppress. Simnly u - tract, Um! help: 2' The Spaniade cull ‘ the doctor USI'S, "Tb Dvumud Ur. Shunp‘_ \V. A \Ve quote fur the hvsL goods prim-s \‘01'5' fm-uruhlo tn ‘CllllSllllH‘l'S: selectvd Vulmnciu raisins. 3 lhs. fur 25c.; clean- ed Pall-as curl-ants. 3 lbs. fur 25m; Riven-dale brand Tumalnvs‘. (1w finest. llu. can: Riverdale hmnd 0mm. the finest, 100. can: Riven-duh- ln-nud pi-ns. tlwfinmt, 9c. can: prime California smuiml ruisim. full 1607.. [Michal-2140.; clnnive California seeded raisins. full 16- 07,. pnrkugo, 12m; 25â€"im-h Elvmv figs, 120. pe-r lh.: table raisins. oxh-u deser clll<U-I'~‘, 20c. pvr 1h.: 16-07.. bottle mix- ed pivklps. Jx-hn Bull brand. “)0. At,» kinsnn & Swim-r. The. \Vintol' schedule on the MM“)- pnlimn Railway wmnt inm furcv (In the first of NUVPHI‘H'I'. By the new time table the cars each way between 'l‘nrnntn and Nl'\"lll'rll th mo cunevllvd. There will he nu (-m leuVing Tux-onto :ul lUnnd 12a. m.. 2. 4. and 8 p. In.. and nu cars at lhess hum-s leaving vamnlkot. The lute cars on \Vud- uvsdny and Saturday are mmtinnod as ht‘l‘t‘tflfhl'I‘. IL shun.“ he z'ean-mhm'vd that, the cars going north lem-e liivh- nmnd Hill at 15 minutes (0 ti)? hum-, and thnsv going sumh at 20 minutes Ln lhehnur. Sec time table on' em- ULIIvr page. SUDDE‘N DEATH. Ella Flnrvncu I’cthick. duughtrr of Mr. and MN. F. J. Pekhick. 3rd mm- m-ssiun nf Markham. died on Friday, thelst uf Nuvalwl'. the. result nf a paralytic slrnkv the day before. DP- (:wlSHd had hex-n in her usual health until Thursday morning when hm- Iiuht hand and side Wet-0 ofiecn-d. 'l'hv first stroke was fullnwvd by three ()thvrs. and at 2 o’clock she hvcamu unrunscious. Svrvice was cnndncted atrthwe house hy Rev. Mr. Brace on Saturday. and interment, tnnk place at the old home, Fenelun Falls. on Sunday. Deceased was 21 yrs. 8 mos. Mr. and Mrs. Perhivk dk‘Sll'P. to thank the many flivnds and neighbors fnl‘ Iheir kindness and assistance in their ln'n'avenwnt. On \Vetliwsduy evening next there will he a nntulnle concert in the Mn- snnic Hull. when the Heather Mule Quurtt-Me will he heard fortlivfirst time here. This quartette has been greeted by large audiences and em hus- iastic praise from musicians and the press wherever they have been in the largest cities in Canada. The HmLht-r Quurutte comes snppurtnd by Miss Gnu-e Merry. elncutinnist. (if Tot'nntn, and a pianist. and nu lnver of refund entertainment of the highest m-dor should fail tn hear this splendid quar- tette of singers and their company. Tickets 25 and 15 Cents: Rcsm-vvd svutsfficuuts. Planuf hall on Mon. day at. Mr. Arm. Sawugc'a store. Uude-I- lln> uhm'e handing the Glulie s:u)'>':â€"- “The Prm‘im-inl Bmu‘d of Hmth has “('00 notified of one 0115!: (If smallpox in Aurora. two at. New: nmrkeb. uudum- at Suuun in Yurk county. In each case the local ‘mk-(l- ivnl ln-nlth authorities have taken nll necessary pI‘t'Cunliulls. There are n numlmnof suspectvd cases in several lmvnships and an the snutll shore uf Luke SiIm-uv. Medical men in t.hv vicinity lime lweu roqurated tn- make an invuslvigntiun. and Lo xcpmt at once tn the limufl." . A Great Missionary Cnmpnign is he- mg nrgunimd in the Mt‘tlludist.LlllIl‘Cll- vs nf the LlisLx'icls in and alumni] 'l‘u- ruuao. It. will C(H'l'l' lhl‘Pl‘ Sundays in vacll chm-ch. On Sunday hm; lOIh. ouch pn-uuln-r will occupy his own pulpit and lnki‘ up the suhjo'cl. 0n Nnv. 17Lh run-y minister in this u-r- ritnry will change pulpils. Uh‘ Nuv. 24th H special (‘xpelt on me anlujc-ct of Blissimls will hl' in vacfipulpib. Mr. Ann. Suvngc-‘s shmv windmw; have presented quite a Thanksgiving uppuumpm- sincv lust, Thursday. Bo- sides sample: nf latest necktios. huts. umlvl-wym'. Brmndwuy cunts &c.. the snnlh “winan shnws some uf Hu- fruils of th l‘l‘lfe'flt hut-man while in l-he nnrth Wiman msy apple‘s. ps-:u-<. CHI'HIIF. kenul-v mingled with fancy slippers, slums &c. on u Hunt of Muva loaves. SMALLPOX IN THE COUNTY. THANK-r-KNVING WINDOWS. SERVICE R EDUCED. THE DATE NOV. 13. ‘V EBBâ€"~DAVIS .J I-rhuxg lungs. )is shrub which 3 Sacred Herb.” 'rum any cause. by Dr. Shnnp's iusu thoroughly (5.x: Dr. Shhnp «mu-e to give it vu'n Ll‘ \‘Pt‘y ll' 'n Ln \‘Pt'y r‘Shlllt' green 3 (If v. lung- .1'lez. furnish E Dz. Sl‘nop'g U U :h. u-nd ‘ ml-hial' i'hIUI‘U- ‘ul‘e orl Pt. l. A.â€" Albert. Gibbons. Jnhn Snidel. Pt. I. B.â€"May Refit-r. Hazel Thum~ as. Vinla \Vhitmm-e. Sr. lll.â€"â€"Frank Locke-and Sid Smith (wqunM “'urI-vn \Vhillnm'v. Jr. [ILâ€"Laura. Mm'hm.‘ Renh ‘Vhit‘ mmo, Edgar Williams, Jim Arming. Howard Thm‘nbaek. Russ ‘Amlrrsun. Alvin Robb. SNIDERâ€" At. his late residence. Vaughan. November 1. Eli Snidt-r. eldm sunul Hemy/ Snider, in his 42nd ch'. Funnml to Mapk? cumotery. Mon- day. 4th inst. Sr. II.â€"-Nmm:m W'illinms, Edgar Aiming. Gordon Andaman. Jr. ILâ€"-Ad.~1‘thh, Lilly Lynn. Joe- Kr-f’h-r. Rwy vafor, Elswm-th KEITH'. PL. Il.â€"â€"Mux Smith. Allan Smith. Laura Aiming and Joe Guido-n (vqnnl.) View: Hugg, Hazel Mortun. \Vinnio Rnhh, Hamid \Villianw. The Scnttish concert under the anus- imra‘uf Lind Elgin Uunip. SCO. 5.; of Ytichnmnd Hill. will smer hen. huge sncco-ss in in My way. if the qnulity (If the programme is any Warranty hf a full hallr 'I‘he Heather Quartettv, which has been secure-d as :L ft-ntul-e, is atzknuwlt-dgl-d UIIC of the bust in Alm-rica. and is appearing at all of the largest Scottish 'Onncerts in Can‘ ada this scum-n. They apps-anal last \w-ok at the Mnntrt-nl Culvdnnian‘s Concert. and wet-v given a must en- thusiastic I‘ecvption. Thu-y a pear this work at the 481h Highlanders nnr nnnl cuncn-rt in Massey Hall. It ia fol-[unatt- lhat the local Sons of Scut- land have horn able to bring artists uf such a high order to Richmond Hill and it sen-Ins contain that their an-rprise is tn he rmvnidt-d with :m :nnlivncu that will pack the Masonic Hail. Sr. IV.â€"Cm~:\ Lmtke‘. Cum Jackson. Russ Kvfl'er. Edna Reed. ++++++++++++++++~I-H+++++++ is essential to success in the business world ; of co-dnv. The nchool fihal pruvides [119 be u 3 training along these lines is the Superlor courses in all Subjm'ls. Sunlents I neaiutud to pnsitionl. Eutér nuy tune. ‘ Write for catalogue 1151. WATSON, Principal i .â€" 4“ paw-Ma.- "Wm" ’vqer’s Practical Education Help/Help! 1"" P701519; Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The best kind of . testimonial-â€" “ Bold (or over “xty yuan.” Higr-nt itztinz Ant: British American Buslness College YONGE & HcGlLL STS . TORONTO EDGELY SCHOOL REPORT. Boy Wanted. SCOTTISH CONCERT. boy whb'wish business. Ap H!“ DEATHS. 0. Ayn Cm. Lowcu. m- mmtmu of Muir PILLS. CHERRY PW :HAL OFFICE 3' Mr an in- to learn the the prwzsiscs of the under signed; lut,~53. 15!. can. Vaughan, : large, whim pi". 0Wuex- may 1131‘: the same by proving: property. um pa; 'ugt‘zpenscs‘ ++H++++++++++++H++++++++P+W+ HM++++++++§++ +++++++++ ++++++é ++++++++++~il +++++++++++M+++H$M+++O A number of 1nd snow apples BOEINEB‘! COLBEGE Hatriculniiun. Y. M. C. BY MAIL E’sfiray Notice P+Hi~§~+++++++++++++++ ++H+++++$+++++++H++-§*+++; ++++H+++ 5 Atkinson & Switzer’s Patrons -_I-+++++H++++++++++++++H++ W+H~HWHH++ and Gooci Wishes Oct. 82, 1907. Thanks Richmond Hill Hardware Store And assure you satisfaction 1:) quality and price. For Sales Tinsmithing'in 31145:: branches. We solicit your order for C. SOULES Sample line OfYPOCRet cutlery at cost. .EGE, TORONTO. Practical mnl mgran Bhorzha. ml, Cnmmexciul. and , a C A. fuse. $3.00 railway {he 1mm u this nnpar mnntionau. Addxen A. FARQUHARSON, B.A.. Yugo and Blocr “9.. Toronto. barrels 0f greeni n39. Ranges and Eieamers F. GfBSON to the host of patrons who have favored them with their orders. The season of. Thanksgiving calls for especial’ attention, and we are happy to think that to at this season oi year are appmpri- ate and right. Atkinson a Switzer express thanks 40-inch Dress Goods, regular 50c. value, at 40c. yd. the Thanksgiving season trade lasts the year through. Come and see their latest bargains. We are selling now a nice lme of 24:inch Tartans at 7c. per yd. Uchun A. MOGDI E Bfifié H 'CANADIAN Bezwcen Naughton’a stow. E1533 Mind. and A. Jones’ hump, 3310 ii: Esq-d for leaving same M. 7 The under-5i nod hue fur sale on 10; :0, 2nd con.’ izzugbnn. a number c: good ewes. - "TH 231.1323 Al; O TFIUE For Sale ALFRED REA MAN. Lost AT COLLEGE .+++$A.$, '++++++' VFW-F

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