Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Nov 1907, p. 7

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of V“ 0'1!“ \\' l Produced More Than Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The Root 0! Stable Fell on Him 3! Cor- dova. Manitoba. \ dospalch from Cordom. 3131].. says: “onlwa Rvar. postmaster here. was kill- ml on Saturday evening by the roof d a slnble falling on him. ONTARIO RAISES MOST GRAIN '1) pr "tiursdny night. after a three wooks' hunting trip near the headwaters of the Nopisiquit River, and had with him the head at a moose he shat ten days ago. it; nntteis had 11 spread or (38% inches. which is the largest. of which there is any record. The host previous record was 67%. Mr. F). C. Russell. on English 51 crtsumn. killed this season one with a spread of 61 inches. "hursdny night hunting trip near Nt‘pisiquit River, head of a moose It; nntlexs had 11 which is the 1513 any rpmrd. ’I‘h m. Munro, 0! Providence, Kills It in New Brunswick. \ despntch {mm Fredericton. N. B.. 5:.ys: The record for New Brunswick moose has been broken. Dr. W. L. Munro, 0! vaidence. arrived here on o be able to break. “There is room." he said, “(or a hundred millions in Canada. ‘i we don‘t take the trouble we will lose our chance, and Canada will be filled by somebody else. We ought. to be sending all! from this overcrowded land more nd more loyal Englishmen. Emigm‘ ion is largely the cure of our ills, and i ii is a Godgiven cure both clergy and ‘niiy might give their brains to see it properly carried out." Bishop ol London Would People Canada From Motherland. A dcspnlch from Londcn says: The Bishop or London, speaking at Fullmm on Wodnosday on the subject of “The Church and the Empire." said that what impl‘esm'd him most on his recent tour was the wonderful loyalty of Canada~ linnndn. lho granary of the worldâ€"41nd 12..) vast possibilills of this great new ~mlion which is bound to us by ties of ‘ulood and religion, which nothing ought A despntch from Lethbridge, Alto. ways: An Indian, his wife and boy were ~'IIIHI on Sunday by some children in 1., neighborhood of Fifteen-mile Lake. he children thought that the Indians arre drunk, and did not go near. They ‘ld a boy named Taylor, who informed :i\ father after going to the spot and hiding the dead Indians. After seeing -'-I himself Mr. Taylor went to Raymond and telephoned lo the Mounted Police -I Lethbridge. Coroner Rivers of Ray- ncnd was sent to the scene. and found he bodies covered with a cloth. There was every indication of murder. The man‘s head was blown off as with a .shotgun. All of the bodies bore marks of violence. Superintendent Wilson of the Mounted Police says it is certainly a case of murder. but further than that will not say anything. An Indian who was camping near the murdered family on Saturday is suspected of the crime. 'Hhor. Mulhrr and Son Found Dead Near Raymond. Alherla. A despatch from St. Petersburg snys: Awarding to the official report oi the recent mulinous outbreak of sailors at. \’!udivoslnck, the crows of three torpedo- tout. destroyers, the Skory, Sordin and. "I‘revotshny, niutinied. hoisted the rod flag and shelled the port, doing con- sidernhlo damage to various buildings and killing some soldiers and civilinn~:. ‘ho Skory, on board of which were three. revolutionary agitators, including one woman. took the lead in the mutiny. the crew rising at. the instance of tho agita- ters, killing the commander of the boat and wounding the other omcers, who were overpowered and confined below docks. The fire of the rebellious torpedo bcnl. destroyers was answered hy the batteries ashore, and from the gunboat Mnndjur and the torpedo-boat destroyers Grosovoy. Smely, and others. They sur- rounded the Skory. and poured n raking fire into her. which buttered her to RED FLAG WAS HUISTED Soldiers and Civilians Were Killed at Vladivostok. I’OSTMASTER REAR K "LED. SEND OUT EMIGRA NTS. INDIA N FA MILY KILLED. THE BIGGEST MOOSE. Irom of l Ottawa me Do: “There is roém.”‘he mllllons in Canada. trouble we will lose M‘ :Qlll A despnlch from P; G R. Barrett, who at Johnston, when the 1 save his mother from tell. will now be chm LS the unfortunate lad l-.1l here on Monday ni Will be Prosemed to King Eduard on Saturday. Kin GUM A dospalch from Frank. Alberta says: Reports or danger of another mcuntuin slide similar to that which causnd such terrible devastation here {our war; nm are alarming the r%idents of Coal Creek. A crack has appeared in the nmuntnln above that. town. and alarmisls claimâ€" ed it was widening at the rate of sev- eral feet, per day. However. experts claim the town of Coal Creek is in no danger, even should the slide actually occur. Experts Say it Will Not "arm the Tenn 0! Coal Creek. 0n The Manufacture and Importation is Forbidden. A despatch from HeLsing‘tfnrs. Fin- land. says: The Diet on Friday adopted unanimously without a roll call the 2.1- c :holic bin prohibiting the manufacture or aloohal in Finland or its immrtntinn into Finland. .As the measure cffocls Russia's tariff relations with foreign countries, it is not certain that the Em- peror will sanction the measure. In view of the passage of the bill temper- ance celebrations are being hold in every part 0! the country. Ill ' lhc g-csz's confession of the assassinal-ion at President McKinley, were dosiroyed. The fire was of incendiary origin. Two Cumpanies of firemen were caught in the collapse of the root and cupoln and eight men were seriously injured. None will die. Three attempts were made to fire the building on Friday. llullalo Police Headquarters Destroyed by Fire. A daczpnich from Buffalo says: Police headqum'lers at the corner of Franklin street. the Terrace and \\'(\st Seneca slrrel burned on Friday allornoon. l’olicc records. the rogucs' gallery. and mzmy important docummlls, in- (‘II ding [he original copy 01’ Lmn Czol- ’l‘he muliny on board the Trevolshny was quollod by her own crew. after six or the mulineors had been killed and six wounded. General Count Untorbergor, command- ing the ..iililury District of Amur. has arrived at Vladivostock, and assumed charge of the situation. The United Slates Embassy here on Friday receivnd a despalch from the Consul at Vladivoslock, saying that lhe American who was wounded during the bnmbardmenl. of Vladivoslock by the mutinous lorpedn-boal. desli‘oyers i: Hurry Nielm‘l, an employs of lhe Pacific (lommvrcial Company, whose building was struck by a shell. 50“ pieces. exploded her two boilers and caused fire to brmk out on board. Nearly all the mutineers of the Skory were killed in lhe vessel. The three or [our survivors threw lhémsolves into the FINLAND ADOPTS ALCOHOL BILL. “'ILI. Bl". CHANGE OF MURDER R. Barrm Shot THE Cl 'LLINAN DIAMOND. llOGl'lZS’ GALLERY BURNED. MOI 'NTAIN 15 CRACKING )06 was 08 19.300000 b 1S1L000.000 hu tn Shot His Prince Allwrt ck, 7,381,000 bus} 1bia, 2,682,000 bu 2,46%,000 bushels. 0 shot his stepson, 1: {le latter interfered tn mm a beating by Bar charged with murder night rince sin c died in the h Tl Albert say Slepson :11 Jshels am am a: $51) 1 hard, cm, 31 $l.00% 96 dozen; 5811 Cheeseâ€"W killed nI-n $9.50; niiV Townships died and 10 $2.10. Manitoba. bran. in bags, $23; shorts. $20 10 $28 per ton; Ontario bran. in bags. $21 10 S25; middlings, $27 to 52!), milled muuillie. $28 to $32 per ton; slruighl grain, $35 to $37. Provisionsâ€" lim'rels short. cut mess. 22.50 to $23; hulerrels. $11.75 10 $12.25; clear {at back, 823.50 10 $24.50; long cut heavy mess. $20.50 10 821.50; half-barrels do. $10.50 10 $11.25; dry .5311. long clear 1m- con. 10% to “)4; barrels plate beef. $13.50 to $15; lmlfâ€"lmrr‘els do, $7.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy mess beet. $10 to $11; hull barrels du. $5.50 to $6; com- pound lard. 9% In 110; pure lard. 11% 1-) 1:30: kellh- rcndox‘cd, ‘13};1014c; hams, 131/2 to 160: breakfast bacon. 1-1 1(; 10¢; \Vindmr humn. 15 lo 160; fresh killed nl-nltoir dressed hogs, $9.25 to $0.50; alive. $6.: to $6.50. Butterâ€" Dressod hogs in car lots are quolcd at. $8.20 13 $8.25. Cured meats are quoted as followszâ€"Bnccn, long clear, 11 lo 11%0 per 1b in case lots; mess pork. $20 it 321; short cut. $22.50 to $23. Hamsâ€"Light to medium, 15 to Ifixc; do, heavy, 14 to “>40; rolls. llxc; sl'mulders. 10% 10 11c: hacks. 16}; to 170: breakfast bacon. 15% to 16c. Lardâ€"The market. is unchanged; lierces. 12%6; tubs. 12%c; pails, 13c. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, ch. 5.â€"Old crop Manitoba No. 2 while oats quoted at 620, and new crop Ontario and Quebec at 56 to 590 per bushel, ex store. There were no new developments in the local Hour siluah’on: (:imico spring wheat, palents. $6.10 to $6.30; swunds. $5.50 to $5.70; winter whcul patenls. $6; straight rollers. $5.75; dd. in bags. $2.70 to $2.75; extra, $2.05 to $2.10. Manitoba bran, in bags, $23; shorts. $26 h) $28 per ton; Ontario bran. in bags. $21 to 825; middlings, $27 to 3!), milled nmuillie. $28 to $32 per ton; dczéri Applesâ€"Winter, $3 to 33.50 per barrel. Beansâ€"$1.89 to $1.91) for primes, and M to $212): hand-picked. Honeyâ€"H lo 120 per m for siraincd. and at $1.75 10 $2.50 for combs. Hayâ€"N0. 1 timothy quoted at $17 to $15.50 here in cur his. Strawâ€"$9.50 to $10.50 a ton on track ht‘nx [‘olaloesâ€"Onlnrio are quoted at 70c per bag on track, and New Brunswick at 750 per bng. l‘Oultz‘yâ€"~'l‘urk0_v5 dressed. 14 to 150 for choice. and 10 In 110 for thin: chick- ens, alive. 7 lo 7%0; dI‘QSSQd. 9 to 10c: ducks. alive, 7 be Sc; do, dressed, 9 to 10c. Cheeseâ€"Large twins at Me. {THE W ORLD'S MARKETS Minneapolis *r. 81.03}: t Barleyâ€"TIM market was quiet and un changed. N0. 2 quoth at. 87 20 88c out side. N0. 3 extra at 8:30 ouhside and N0 3 at 80 to 820 oulside. Oatsâ€" outside. nominal Comâ€" Branâ€"«Tho hulk outside. In $21 outside 71c St. Louis. NOV. 5. v; Who: yJC; lwcembor. 92%9: May, Milwaukee. Nov. 5,â€"Who: a. 1 Noflhom, $1.06 in 5| arthern. $1.02 to $1.04; Xe. [lyeâ€"N0. 2. 76 to 77C. 1. 2, 910; sample, 53 to 9m I\\’|‘l'Z N0. 3. cash, 55 lo and No side. Toronto, Nov. 5. â€" Flour -â€" Onlm‘lo wheat 90 per cent. palenls are quoted at 5.3.90 to $4 in buyers' sacks outside for export. Manitoba first pawm. 86: sccond pnlonls. $5.40 to $5.50; and strong balm-5'. $5.25 to $5.30. , Wheatâ€"Manitoba grades in modem“8 demand, with prices lower. N0. 1 North- crn’ quoml at 311.14, and N0. 2 at $1.12. lake ports. Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2 rod winter {and N-;. 2 while um quubod at $1.04 outsule. and No. 2 mixed at $1.03 to $1.03% 0”" fl’riccs ol Cattle. Grain. Cheese and Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. $3 REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. ‘0; second ; clears. Si 0 to $3.70. ‘rs' cattle per cwt. were quoh )ice hutch -ont UN [Tl-ll) S'I‘A'I‘ES MA RKETS $1.05 03% Wind nI-utto niive. LIV! $3.50 TI IE DAIRY MARKETS N0. 2 Ontario while oats are 510 west. Manitoba NC. 3 white are ‘wl. No. 2 A'thfl'icnn yellow is quolod Tomnlo Heights, and N0. 3 at $1.01 Flour The market is dull nl. COUNTRY PRODUCE stern. 13c u. 160; bl-c-ukmsz bacon. H dmr lvumn, 15 to 160; fresh air dressed hogs, $0.25 to . $6.25 1036.50. Butlerâ€" 23 In 290. Eggsâ€"N0. 1 can- ustruigm receipts. 24c per ts. 270: new laid, 30 to 320. HOG patenls T( 5.â€"The very bes were saleable an Light to medium 9: 1 at 8-! to 84.40 per *rs' cattle, $4.60 t< $4 to $4.60; good c ammon cows and n :\\'1. up: canners. 7i $1 narkol is dull nl. $22 in Shorls are quoted at $23 lambs, w PRODUCTS. \'. 5.â€"\\'healâ€" 0’»; Maya $1.00 N0. 3 NOFUK‘I‘IL 94% ‘ix‘st. patents, to onls. $5.30 to $5.50; 1 SHO; second cleans, 1m~In bulk. $20.75 to $1.03 04: quoted at 13%0, and K MARKET â€"â€"The very grudcs in modemm lower. No. 1 North- Whom. â€" Cash. May 31.03%. When!- [n 5 l .0‘ ,Lâ€"Lower; 07: N0. 2 December, Barleyâ€" (“mmâ€" hGC; May. around expor- Docem X: No North- rlhern‘ cwt Xe( A despatch from Montrea Thanksgiving Day was mar fire in this city. Late on ' tcrnoon fire broke out in tr $100 Heavy Damage in Montreal on Thanks giving Day. 310.000 A dl‘SDavah from Fort William says: The new Catholic church which was nearing completion IN. the coal docks was totally destroyed by fire on Satur- day night. The building was in flames before an alarm was turned in, and the brigade could not render any aid when they arrived. The building was being erected for the use of the foreign ele- ment of the oily. The loss will be over Sacred Edificc at Fort William is a [Imp 0! Ruins. A despalch from Vancouver. B. C., says: A little girl named Marjorie Mus- son, aged fourteen years, war; humrd to death (n Saturday. She was attempt- ing to light a fire with coal oil, when the stove exploded and her clothrs caught fire. She‘ was tsrl'ibly burned about the bcdy before neighbors arrived. and dim] 1 few hours afterwards in the hospital. Mariorie Musson ol Vancouver Sets Fire lo Her Clothing. A dcspalch from Vancouver, 13. (7., says: A little girl named Marjorie Musâ€" of this piaco. lock his’ life by shooting himself through the heart with a shot- gun. The art is supposed to he the out- come of some trouble the young man hm! during the duy with reiniives ro- gurding his marriage 10 a young lady (‘I about his own age. a few dnys ago. Deceased has been a resident of this place since childhood. lilgin Bochlel‘s Family Obieclod 10 His Marriage. A dospalclf from Brigden, Ont... says: On Friday evening lilgin Bechtel. 19 years of age, a son of Mr. Jr‘ssc‘ Rouhlol, Prizes lo he Given for Essays \V’rillvn by Canadian Children. A dospaloh from Toronto says: Two "Nelson plucques," made from [heI copâ€" per of Nelson's flagsliips “Victoria” and “l-‘oudroyanlJ' will be givr‘n as prizes [er in: best essays writlm by Cnnudl’an school children, boy uml girl, under it) years of age. In this plan “10 Minislm‘ of Education is co-opernling wilh Hm Brilish and Forcign's Snilors‘ Socion or London. Lord Slrnthmna has givi‘n £i.000 in the society to aid in a plan for giving Nelson shields to every sch-ml in Canada. . the option of returning 10 work upon its terms or being locked out, They prosecuted. and, as a result, the con- viclion was obtained. First Conviction Undt‘r the Lz‘mioux Act in Alberta. A dospatch from Frank, AWL. says: What is believed to be the first convicâ€" tion under the Lemicux act was secured here this week, when tho‘Hitlcrest Coal 5: (Bake Company was fined $200 and costs by the inspector for locking out employees on the cicvmth and [wottth instant while the arbitrators were dis- cussing the difficulty between the em- ployees. The company gave the men the option of returning to,‘work upon \\’ {15 A despalch from Montreal says: Two men were killed and another prcbnbly fatally injured in an accident on llic Canadian Pacific Railway near Eastman. I'll-the eastern lownships, on Friday in the eastern townships, on Friday afternoon. A Canndian Pacific freight train was on its way to Arlontrcal, and while crossing a high turtle over the tracks of the Orion] Mountain Railway Two Men Killed and One Fatally Injured in a C. P. R. Wreck. SHOT HIMSELF TllROl'Gll HEART. THE BRIDGE GAVE WAY NELSON “BLISS FOR SCHOOLS NI‘I\V (llll'liCll DESTROYICD GIRL BITRNED TO DEATH (30A L COMPANY FINE-ID , Que., says in getting saving the ten. W1 on duty; being ne was-making {cur o‘clock in smoke coming lht. oil is kept rung in, and sponded. The A despalch from Ottawa says: The Customs receipts of lhc Dominion {0| October were $4,930,031. an increase 51 $273,500. and {or the seven monlhs, 1h: receip's “are 836,3i2566. an increase 41 $.‘..GDI.790. ’l‘hc revenug? from all sourc- f"? for the year will hundred million mark. Canada's lnmmo dummi Hill 0'1 and Jo and a 1 and H( City on A despnlch from Lahore. India. says In a collision here on Wrdnesduy be tween a passenger and a freight train thirteen persons were killed and clever injured. Collision liatm‘on Passenger and Freigly 'l‘mins Near Lahore. Heal, Earl anpin, Arley Hammad. Hurl Howe, and Francis Long. They am said to have lied Sinner lo a tomb stone in n cvziielm'y. Sloncr was sc severely ii'ighti‘ncd that in his attempt: to get free he pulled the tombstone ovex on himself‘ breaking :1 bone in his leg Hr: was confined in a hospital for severs' weeks. I'wo Falally Hurt and Many lniurcl iv Maniloba. A dcspalch from Keown, “L, says. For hazing (ilmrlcs Slcner. a student 81 :1 Bradford school, five young men ol Bradford must pay $14,000. according to a verdict broughl m on Monday nigh! h} a jury. The defendants are William Heal, Earl Luppin, Arley Harwood. l-Zurl Howe, and Francis 1.0m; Thev Gruesome Story 0! a Young Man's Bereavement. A despalch from Naples, llaly, says: A particularly gruesome slory is being told hero of an incident which has just come to light in [his cily. lilisu Soalisl. a beautiful young woman. was engaged lo he married in a young mun named Alessandro. hul. she died a few days be- fore lho date set {or the ceremony, and was buried in a local cemetery. Ales- sandro was heartâ€"broken over his be- reavement. and one night he dug up the body and onrrind it to his lodging. He cmbalmed the corpse of the young wo- man, dressed it in its bridal clothes. and kept it in his rooms for a fortnight. Neighbors finally grew curious from the fact lhal, the young man never went abroad, and pooping one day through his shuttered window they saw Ales- sandro sealed alongside the dead body of the woman who was lo have been his wile, alleclionalely holding her hand. The police were informed and Alessan- (lm was arrested. The body has been buried a second time. Young Illinois Student Gets a Verdict 0! 316.000. su badly injured that his life is (155] of. The trestle had been filled in ( that part which crossed the other road tracks, and it was here the Ir" occurred. ‘ The damage from 1114 r is estimated at $50,000. 13 DEAD ()N' INDIAN HULROXD despatch from \V'innreg says. A nmile explusion occurred at. Bird': 0'1 Friday. in wh'ch J. \. Smith John Henderson were fatally mm a numbu' at people injured. Smith Hendean were brought to lhv DAMAGES AGAINST HAZERS. gfrom 11' the huildin When the) RHV'ENI'E HELD "AND OF CORI’SE DYNAMITE EXPLODED. a special train lnrnmo for the Year May [5(- roed ’l‘hal Amount. flre men aflex 810013004100 a hard fight control and tal brlgade re- the one

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