Riobmond badge, A P (Lu dov on or before lull moon Oourtflicbmond. A O F mum, Fifiduy n '1 ‘1' II_‘ Church at Englandâ€"Service! u 8p. m. In. ,‘2nd and 4m Sunday. Third Sunday u n s m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Sen!â€- M. ll 5. m.. and m. &uu«|ay School at 2.30. Prayer mooring ednosvlay evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Serviced on um. Mme Sundays nt9 3. Ln. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist; Churchâ€"Services “10.30 a. m.. and 1 p. m. Sun-kw School at 2.30. Gonorslymynr [useth Thursday. evening. Rinbmond (.ndgpuA F aud A Hâ€"MMW 'tiry Lodge. A a: gym [Hf-nth 0! non mnnm jsz 13121113 0 B â€"Meecs second and {earth In! nan lav, ‘ R T of’I‘empamnceâ€"Mcets ï¬rst Wednesday or onch mnutb Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every mnuih Public [nbmry mud Reading Boomâ€"Open Tufmlny. and €93.leer awnings. bnworth Lemmeâ€"Moons evnrv Monday 'Jnnior 12pm:er League meets every Mon- d Ly Mceruouu on. 4. POST‘SF‘FICE NETICE 1139i! further notice Mans wm be closed at the fllcbmonnl Hxll Post Oflico as follows:â€" MOHNING 835 an: Tantti & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOUTAN DlVlSlON Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€"â€" MORNING . . . . . . EVENI‘JG . N. B.â€"-Bagiatered letters must b 0‘ least Fifteen Minutes uurlier than ansnï¬oned hnm‘s for momug. Winter Time Table 1907 GOING NORTH C. P. R. Urnssing(Tm-unto). Leave. ___a. In. 6.0â€. 7.001. 8.00. 9.00. 11.00. p. m., 1.00. 3.00, 5.00. (1001‘, 7.00. 9.00. York Mills P. 0.â€"‘a. n).=6.15. 7.15, 3.15. 9.13, 11.15.; [3. ul., 1.15, 3.15. 5.15, 6.15. 7.15, 9.15. Thornhill P. O.»â€"n. m., 6435; 7.35. 11.33; p. 11)., 1.35, 3.60. .35. 9.35. 'chmomi Hillâ€"a. In.. 6.45. *:),--11.45: p. 111.. 1.45, 3.45, ‘10: Hit:- 0:019:58? C .L- I A. 7.45, 9.45. md 5 Lake Jotâ€"«n. m.. 6.55. @ï¬ g? 9% : "‘ no l "l .. _. V. U! '9 E H U 9‘ C» b1 s» . . v.uu, - .vv, .. Am~m~u~. 7m†7.1.5. 8.15. 9.15. 10.15. 12.15; p. m., 2.15, 4.15, 6.15. 7.15. 8.15, 10.15. Newnnu-kvt-u. m.. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40, 12.40; p. m., 2.40, 4.40. 6.40. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€"a1. m., 8.50; p. m., 4.50, 6.50. QueensviHeâ€"a. In., 9.00; p. m.. 5.00. 7.00. Kcswickâ€"a.m., 9.10; “@1510, 7.10. Kcswickâ€"a.m., 9.10; p.m.. 5.10, 7.10. Roache‘s Pointâ€"a. uh, 9.15: p. m., 6.15, 7.15. Jackson's Pnint‘, Arriveâ€"n. m..10.00; p. m., 5.40, 7.40. 'vkkéiï¬vkwa. m., 8.10; 6.10. Roache‘s Puintâ€" 3.00, 6.UQ._ Shnrnn-a. m.. 8.3( Newmnr .Lâ€"m. In 9.00. 11.00; p. 111., 1.01 7.00. 9.00. 7.25. 0.25. Richmond Hillâ€":\. (IL. 6.40. 7.40, 8.40. 9.40. 11.40: p. "3.. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40. 7.40, 9.40. Thnrnhm P. O.â€"2l. m.. 6.50. 7.50, 8.50. 0.50.1150: p. 111., 1.50. 3.50. a 6.50, 7.50, 9.50. York Mills P. (1â€"11. m., 7.10. 8. 9.10. 10.10, 12.10; p. (11., 2.10, 4.10. 6. 7.10, 8.10, 10.10. Nl-I'Ll] Tmnntn. Arriveâ€"n1, m., 7. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40. 12.40; p. w.. 2.40, 4. 6.40. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. \Vodnesduy and Saturday evenings a lulu cur leaves 0. l’. R. Crnssing for Ncwuml'ket and inh-xmediuta points an. {1.30 p. m. . . u n1. 3.- 9.10, 11.10; 7.10. 9.10. Bond's~ ] In uddiï¬un to the regular sersice 1w- twunn Newul u-ket, and Jackxmx‘s Puint :1 special car will leave. New- mzuket, m pry Saturday at 12.40 noon fur Jackson‘s Pnint. Everyr “'odnesdny and Saturday night, a lute car will lt'HVl' Newman-kph fur 'l‘m'nntn and intermediate points at 19.45 p. m. ..... u n: meBI‘JVngctfwiLh Scbmnherg & Aurora Railway. 7 Court of Revision \‘utico is hm-vhy gin-n blunt a Court will he hk'ld purwuut, [U the Onuu-in Vulnrs‘ Lists Act. by His Hunnr Judge- Moi-gnu. Jl'dge of the Cuuuty 0mm. of the County 0f York. at, ‘he Masonic Hall. Maple. on \VEDNES- DAY, THE 201‘H DAY OF NOVEM- BER. 1907, at 10 at. m., to hear and de- termine the sew-ml cum hints of errors and omissions in the uy-i-s' List nf the Municipality nf the Tuwuship of Vaughan. for the year 1907. All persons having business at. the Court are required Ln attend at said, time and piacv. J. B. MCLEAN. Cloak of the said Municipality. Dated at, Maple this 5th day (If No- vvmher. 1907. 19-2 ueensviHeâ€"n. m., 8.25; Auroraâ€"a. GOING SOUTH. Jackson‘s Point, Leave-â€"-a. 11)., 7.45; “1.. 2.45, 5.45. Lax-ets 5 ‘3; or helors xuu wuuu ,iucbmond . A O F ~XQAM Second 51:11 Friday mlgo. A 0 U Wâ€"Moettthhi Wednesday hvwmn OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P Village Directory. VAUGHAN 5, @135; p. 11).. MUNICIPALI'I Y 0F Lukl- Jetâ€"4|. m.. MONEY ORDERS \V. H. MOORE. Manage!" m., 6.10. 7.10. 111.. 1.10, 3.10, 5.10, M. TEEFY. Postmaster nust be handed in Bier than the above L; 3w"! to m Rimms 1‘3me :1er billeusness A Cudy Ms! W ï¬iyana 'i‘abules‘ to: soar stomao] >. m.. 4.00, 6.30. 1.25‘ Sweet to Eat 6. 25 . m†3.45. v 0 ‘1 7.5 ‘. Dlu UV OI 8. 10. 6. 10. Poultry Netting, oiled and anâ€" nealed; also Galvanized Wire, Garden Tools of all kinds; Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes; every- thing in season at reasonable prices. Eavetroughing and Tinsmi’shing of all‘kinds attended to. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond H111}. issue a policy free lrom restrictions, with guarantee values and with protection and investment all combined. Jiccideni I’olicies from $1.00 per year up wards. This 15 what every man should have. Mercantile, Western, Norwich 'Union, and York Fire All business will have my prompt attention. Write for rates and literature. P. G. SAVAGE AGENT He‘d! no mire. bu! Chou Inn mm Shawn (l Co. . Pom Ind. Mum uni“ waive (mt. (all infnnnnuon nboul work ï¬nd they um do. nnfl h“ at bnmeahn‘ wi“ ray Ihomï¬-om 85 w 8% per any. Sums hum arm-d aw-r 5w in a My Enhu uex. you“; at old. Civiul am requlrem You Ire IIInM {rte Thou: ‘bnrufl M on“ m tucking Inn a! um; um- lullnm All I m. BUNFEDERATIUN LIFE Aggwmm Iï¬wire Insuran 00 "" "7 " ’ †' ’ ‘ -7 " TORONTO. . ‘ WASHAG‘) The man who purchases pom- hnrm-ss ; mun sown is simply burning his mnm’y up. Our work is standard, and it is the cheapest. you can buy. \Ve can offer you spocial inducvmonts in all lines (If harness and other urn"- date horse furnishings. Her is a chance for real economy. Come in have a lonk at What we have. HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON Lax-ets 5?. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICH MON D H ILL Baked sweet apples. with some mm brim prompt wife! 10! Constipation. With «hr-m. coarse alehcat bread will have the 5mm cued Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable nmuly to relieve ever! ulment knownw man. if phrafdanz am but ï¬nd Nature‘s way to beanh. And um n mlkinxh' true with regard to (bummuon. . The bark 0! a certain tree inCaiifomfaâ€"m mm Sagradnâ€"oflexs a most excellent aid to am end. But. combined with Egyptian Senna.81‘.p- pery Elm Bark. Solid Extract 0! Puma mt. thil same 035mm bark is given its greatest :cesiblo power to correct. consï¬vauou. A momme (hndy Tables. called Lax-eta. is now made at 1h. Dr. Shoal) stonwdes. from this insenumu and most eï¬cczive prescription. Its died or. (Towi- vatlon. Emu-15m“. Sour Stomach. Bad Bream. Ballow (bmolexlon. em. I: indeed prompt bud flushing. No [flying no unpmam “(at W um er pericnced, 9:? Lax-cu am 9‘“ an in Mam-“m lithocraphec mesa) boxesuScenu and '21: can" per box. PURCHASE ONLY STANDARD GOODS Cansiipaï¬an W. A. SANDERSON. RICHMOND HILL C Sweet to Eat madâ€"mm ain’t») “mamamn' ï¬n“: -- I KO 2 N0. 4 11.45 an x .. WASHAGO 213 pm 0.45 ms TORONTO . .. 5.4.5312: 10:15 am Observationvn'mlng Parlor Cars between Toronto and Parry Sound. serving meals a la cane. XDni!y\o.(cepc Sunday. 0310932 \U Sancinns, alw cur. Km: and Toronto and Uni-m Station. Put-He, 31.1â€; 5175). PARRY SOUND '17 (7 LOCAL SALESMAN “CANADA‘S GREATEST NURSER A permanent situation for the right; man. fur whom the ten-itm-y will be reserved. an weekly; free equip- ment. \Vrite for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TBRONTO in our I-dm Came to the- pn'misos hi" the unde- signmi. Int 56. lstcun. Markham. vurly in Octnlwr. at light red :1an white cmv. The owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. T. JOHNSTON. Savings Bank THE STANDARD BANK 18-3 CIDER (NELLY MILL Starting Monday, Sept. ‘30. will run ï¬rst two days of each week dur. ing October and November, up to and including Nov. 19, 1907. And adjoining count} As is well kman we make raw cider hailed cider, uppie hunter, and jvlly. all fun?) your own apples. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jrliy apples should be well ripened and two thirds sweet. Pal-ties wishing apple butter shuuid keep their peeling apples svpuratu from the cider applr-s. » “"ill buy a few popling appies only. Nu cider apples Wantvd. . V As we have now after many im- provmuvnts. 1: capacity l.f;li)(llltr$3.000 gals. hf cider. boiled into jeliy and up- ple butter per day. we hupe to give our customers every satisfaction. Customers are respectfully l-eansted tn do business on L119 above mention- s‘d days as we live a distance from thP factory and custnmm‘s coming any nther day would ï¬nd it very incum‘en- ient. ’.x 1 \Ve hnpe to sm- all vrs had: again this wiIh us many more 2: “nu u.) “...â€: ... Thanking the é?nE‘l’lil public for past. favors. we snhcit u cuntmuunce of the same in the future. On Thanksgiving night. lwtwaen Mr. Geo. BIchllgald’s and the MPH-o- pnlitan \Vniting Runm. x Ludy's Back Comb, Th8 ï¬nder NEH pimlsv mum- at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 6A ‘Vill run on cuutnm wmk during Octnhn- and Nuvemhor as follows:â€" RIQE‘XMQND Bibi. BRA E. Pi. Byrno, Manage? DRANCIIEE £1.50 A’A‘ PGAPLE. PiAR #nnquï¬h-ï¬d,vl r r! PARRY SOUNB RICHMOND HILL FONTHILL NU RSERIES J. WINGER Deposits of$1 and upwards arc recch Savings Department. rent rate of interest is allowed. on which the highest cur No Delays in making Withdrawab Interest added four times a year gs Bank Department in Connection with ail Brand FALL TIME TABLE NURTHBOUND V’V an s (3 d (Over 800 Acres) EDGELEY Strayed SOUTHBOUND Sï¬ï¬ï¬? WE lhost OF CANADA Head Ofï¬ce - ; - ' FOR MUSKDKA AND $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT all mu old custom- )is spasm) as usual 9 as pnssilxlv. .1 general public for No. l x 9.00 am . 12.35 pm 3.!5 pm y, to represent 5’50 ISTABUSHED ‘I 873 Jefferson. No. 3 x 6.30 pm m 0;: pm ONT. -I--}- +++ +‘I'+++++'§'++‘ Getthe best; it pï¬yï¬ Attend the Popular and Progressi +r:~:--1«+>}--:~:-++ +>§~¢~+++++++~§~++-:~+-; EALED TENDERS 3601-0314953 tn me nudevsignod, and Hulnrsnl "(Ft-ml» r for :nltm-atiuns and and udlli- [ions in Post Olï¬ce Building, ’I‘m-untn, Ont.†will he received at, this “flim- until Tuesday. November 5, 1907, in- clusiwly. for alterations and :ldditimw tn the P. 0. Building, Tumnln. Plans and speciï¬catit'lns can he sm-n and fur-ms of tenth-I- nhlnined at, this Department and at Llw Ofï¬ce of MI; Thus. A.H:\stingï¬, Clerk of the \Vm'k<. P. W'.I).. Custom House, Toronto. Om. Pei-eons tendering are notiï¬ed LlINL tenders will nut he (-(msidered unlms made on the printh fut-nu supplied, and signed with their actual signa- tun-«s. Emch thder must he accompzmhd by an accepted check on :1 chnx'lm-wl hunk. made payabh tn the mde‘r ux‘ thv Honourable the Minister of Pnhliv VVm-ks, equal to ten per cent. (10 p. c.1 of the amnth 0f the tender. which will he fulfeiled if the pelsun teudm'. lug decline to enter into a euntxne'v when culled upon to dn en, 01- if lu- fuil tn cmnplete Lhe work contracted for. If lhe tr‘udvr he not accepted thn clwque will be wtmned. ’l‘lln- DPpax-tmont duos not him] it self to accept the lnwest ornuy [cud-:1 By Oldmu FRED. GELINAS. Departnwnt of Public VVox‘l-zs. Ottawa. Ocluher 18. 1907. Newspn pol-3' will nut ha paid I‘m‘ thfc advertismnvnt if [ht-y insert it, with:an nnlhurity from the Department. 17-2 Nobice to Creditâ€" In the matter of lb? l‘stnN‘ nf Mirhud Naughtun. late of the TUWllship of Vaughan. in the County uf Yul-k, Meuthzmt, deUEHSHd. Nntice is hP‘I-Pby given pursmmt In) R. S. U. 1897. Uhap."P-29. Sec. 38. and illlH-‘ndillg acts that all pormns having clililnsnguinst the estate (If the swirl Michael Naughth wlm divd on (-k‘ about the 26th day uf August. 193â€. are I'qulll'ed to send on nr before tlw llllh day of December m‘xt t“ Mary Jane Nunghtun. Elgin Mills. Executrlx of the amid Michael Naughton “full stntemvnt of their claims and tlw nature of the security. if any, held by them. And take furtth notice that ufzm‘ the said last mentioned date the Exvc- utrix will proceed to distribute the :t.<« sets of the said deceased among (hr. parlivs entitled thereto, havng l't-gaul only for the claims of which slu- slmll then have received nuLi " d [h W3â€. Farm For Sale or To Rent Lot 30. Nm. 2. Vaughan. the propâ€" erty of \‘Vm. \Vashingmn, consisting of 200 acres with two houses, Imrm. uuthuildings. etc. \Vill he sold at. .5 bargain to A quick bnym‘. Apply on the- premisvs. \VM. \VASHINGTON. 18-4 Evg'm .‘dills P. O. and he THunuUGuLY vducutvd fur busim ss life. hf this schuul m-c uh‘sulutvly sm'u of getting pnsiliuns. cellent time to enter. \Vrite fm mand Is than the supply (Cur Yunge and Akxnnder sla.) TORONTO. ONT. QRAN CI“. “(I'D nwmn “NW1 lingue. PiAR KIiI’c-M ANZ Toronto Ha G. F. LAWRENCE, W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Freehold Building. Solicitur for the Execu! 30m duy uf October. A. 194 considerany grtmtcl v+++++ Now is an ex All graduates ++++++++ The dc Seen-Km y. ‘ivcd, ivc