Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Nov 1907, p. 2

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__â€".w .‘r .~.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" KING AND SCHOOLBOY. Lad Who Wrote to His Majesty About Attendance Medal. A tourhin;r lllllt' incident about a [st-Loon Schoolboy who wrote. to the King regarding his school uttr-udance A, medal was related at. a recent meeting “of the London County Council. The Edutation (Zormuittee had pro- posed that the practice of awardng medals for regular and punctual attend- ance should be discontinued, but the Progrezsivm were successful in moving that the proposal should be sent back, and furthcr. that the. committcc should consider the possibility of extending the mcdal system. During the debate it was pointed out that theso medals arc an (-xce‘cdingly popular institution in London schools. Queen Victoria allowed her effigy to ap- pear upon them, and quite recently King Edward gave a special sitting for a like purposc. Consequently the award of medals has the very highest appro- val. The system was started in 1888, and ‘ in that year 6,000 medals were distribut- ed. Last year no fewer than 57.442 scholars earned them. Therefore, E‘s. medal system must exercise a marked influence upon the attendance returns. Mr. Hastings Jay mentioned a boy who was competing for his seventh me- dal, but lost it through falling in the playground and breaking his leg. The lad felt it so keenly that. he actually wrote to the King that he had lost his medal. Mr. Jay, apprehensive lest othm‘ little boys might do the same thing. up- pealed to the Council to stop the system. k“ MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Say that eight persons out of ten suf- fe“ at. some time or other from piles. Whether the piles are bleeding or pro- truding, or itching or “blind,” Zam- Buk gives immediate ease. ' Mr. Neil Devon, \Vebwood, Ont., suf- fered with piles eight years. A few boxes of Zam-Buk cured him. He since says: "i have had no return of the trou- ble. so that I know i am permanently cured.” Zam-Buk cures Cuts, Chappcd llands, L’lcers, Burns, Sore Legs, Abscesscs, Poisoned Wounds, Boils, Eczema and all skin troubles. Rubbed well in it is a splendid embmcation for Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sciatica, etc. 50 cents a box of all druggists and s'orcs er post-paid on reocipt of price from the Zam-Buk Co. 3 boxes for $1.25. ' an Of course this world may be growing better, but a lot of new jails are created every year. ‘ A FIRESPBEADS in dry grass, so does an ammation m the throat grow down into the lungs. Dealprumptly with a cold as with a. fire, jaud a:i'nhen you begin to cough use Allen’s Lung ~â€" lloslcss: “And I suppose you went, up the Rhine?" Affected Youth (who has been bothering the company with his travelling experiences): “Oh, yes, and many other mountains." A Small Pill, but Powerful. â€"- Thcy that judge of the powers of a pill by its size, would consider l’ai'znclec‘s Vegetable Pills to be lacking. It is a lit~ lie wonlcr among pills. What it lacks in size it. makes up in potency. The remedies which it carries are put up in these small doses. because they are so powerful that only small doses are re- quired. The full strengthct the ex- tracts is secured in this form and do their work thoroughly. "What is the most aggravating thcing ii.- married life?" risked Dorothy. “Some times," said the bachelor friend, “it‘s the husband. and sometimes it's the wife.” ' N0 SUBSTITUTE for "The D <21 L Health I luster, although smno unscrupulous dealers mat} y thoro is. Recommended b ‘ doctors, hospitals, clergy and everybody, for sti uass, pluorisy, etc, ’l‘om: “i don‘t are why you should heel insultcd just lm-ausc he said your eyes were like stars." Belle: “You don’t? \\-'hy stars keep winking at you all the time." Nothingr 10"ka more ugly than to see I person whose hands are covered over with warts. Why have these disfigure- nmnts (in your person whom it Slll'l.‘ re- mover of all warts. corns. ctc.. can to found in llollcway‘s (Lorri Cure. \\'l.\‘li. "Stung l" exclaimed thi- stranger, "Mosquito or mining stock?" queried the man who had cxpcricuced both. Mcivlmnt: "Yes. we are in ut-r-il (if a i pcrtcr. \Vllt‘l‘C were you Pfllf‘lOyt-zl last?" Applicant: “in a bank. sir." Merci... ;t: “Did you clcau it will ‘2" Applicant: “No, I aw. The cashier did that." MALT hascertain food- the blood , elements which : the sound" t h e b o d can ; transform in, t o - the health, an 6 healthy blood the surcr the quicklyand with 5 body to combat ' the least digest- ~ disease effective- - ive eflort. , ly- Beer, by some H O P S countedanintox . . icant,isnot soâ€"it > contain a. mcdi- ‘ is ablood_mkerI calprinciple with barely which tones the ; enough alcohol HE better - nerve? Without ' in it to help the reaction, and so . . , stomach do its ; supphcsncrvous , k f b tt energyandsavcs W“ a! c er‘ it as well. . Beer with meals ’ B E E R* is good for 997 as brewed in . People out 01 Ontario is made 1 every “WWW I; from choicest ' â€"-â€"andisspocinlly . Ontario barley . good for women. malt, selected - Ask your own . hops' and the “T' doctor about itâ€" est of water, ealt , with under condi- beer ‘5 Prom“? ' good for you. tions which insure purityand quality. ' a . 7 _ _ w I QBEER Is a term which cwenlager, iiJu. panama m; and in tho usun of Ontario brewers. "nle ivv mde underpinust hvg‘lxntc condlfilmn [mm Ont-um (the boxttn the valid) mull, hop“, and purr water. 1 . * \1‘1"'1~Sl$'.: > ‘ v 1:1.» M 'l'l lB CUSTOMER I’LED. A gentleman in a restaurant the niher day thought he would have a jr,l\-c with the waiter, and asked him if he had ever seen a sausage roll. “Yes,” replied the waiter. “I have not only seen a sausage roll, but. I have seen a biscuit box, a table spoon, a bicycle. pump, a penny stamp. a chimney sweep. a chain link, a nose gay. :1 camera slide. .1 garden fence. a sword fish, a spoke shave, a wall l'lowerâ€"â€"~” But when he got to “a fire escape” the gentleman thought it was time he es- capcd. too. As he was going the waiter went on withâ€"“a tap turn, a cake walk, a mmm. lain climb, a sky lurk, a honey combâ€"” But by this time the customer was llu;rryin,iz down the street in q dazed condition. A Time for Everythingâ€"The time for Dr. 'l‘homas‘ lick-civic Oil is when crcupy symptoms appear in the Chil- drcn; when rheumatic pains beset the cld; when lumbago, asthma, coughs, colds. catarrh or car-ache attack either young or old; when burns, scalds, abru- sions, confusions or sprains come to any anlllllt‘t' of the family, In any ('1 these ailments it will give relief and work a cure. M Would-be ’l‘cnant: “llut there are holes in the roof 7" Landlord: “Wcll, I can’t help that. If you can‘t afford a few umbrellas, don't take the house.” ___. ONE OF THE BEST old time remedies for all skin affections, such as Eczema, Ringworm, Scold- head and similar affections is Weaver's Comte. It is an ointment; that has brought relief to thousands. l'lobbs: “Your brother is very aggres- sive: tle threatens to kick me. What would you advise me to do 7" “Sit down whenever he appears." They are Carefully Preparedâ€"Pills which di$ pate thcuisclws in the slo- mach cannot be expectcd to have much effect. upon the intestines. and to over- come costiveucss the medicine admin- istered must inllucuco the ilClltill of these canals. f’armclce's Vegetable Pills are so made, under the sniervision of ex- ports. that the substance in them in- tended to operate on the intestines is retarded in action until they pass through the stomach to the bowels. “Listen to this. Maria,” said Mr. Stubb, as he unfolded his scientific pa- pcr. “This article states that in some old Roman prisons that have bcen un- earthed flu-y found the petrified remains of the prisoners." “Gracious. John," 1‘6.- plicd Mrs. Slubhs, with a smilc, “I sup- pose you would call them hardened criminals.“ lTCtl. Mango Prairie Scratches and cxcry form of cun‘agiius llch on human k-l animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. TAl’fill'l llth A LET‘QON. A young rhcinist’s assistant. who hat heard the story of the negro who asked {in- [lt\".»i“ lorer (‘xr'lt'f-fl'ik‘l'l‘ and was 'givcu lulu-k try the uiNi-xanl sliojimgmd plain-d the lll"lllrlll nun; sliil‘x‘lio'lfi‘ and du‘iili‘xl lg. use it at [he in.“ eppniundy. Alli-r uniny months ( f waiting, hix‘ l: s when a young neg-4. ~ i 53.1.. [lush-.1 D- .n uin . J, l.\vj' l. l BEER*MAKES BLoo mm lli izxs mental“ \\l.: l’«' ll: ‘. ... >‘ to Cl :r'tArrlmiuli." stir. ' TIME TABLE OF ABUSE. v Motrinmnial Troubles of Mrs. Florence (Zlcmcnts Carefully Schcdutcd. The matrimonial troublis of Mrs. Florence Clcmcnts, who summoned her husband at Slratford l’vllr'f‘ liouri, Inu- iden, England, for persislcnt cruelty, may host. be judged from the following time table (if the said husband's doings (in Sept. 24. as related by tho \vifc:-* 1.30 fl.ltl.â€"~(:ltll§!lll her by the neg-k and flung:i tu-r to the floor. in a.m.~'l'luuupcd hcr on the han with his fists and threatened her With a saucepan. tt a.m.~$cratchcrl her and said, I“Now I'll do you in.” ti.t(l-tl.51lâ€"Short interval for .slccp. 12 noon~'t‘hrew her down again and attain; threatened hcr with a knife and again said, “l’ll do you in." Previous to this the woman had had the following,r articles thrown at her:â€"â€" Fall of water. Chopper. Jug ditto, Stones loaves of bread, Continuing her story, Mrs. Clements said she had bu‘ll assaulted fifty firms in the last. six months. She lllltl gone away from her husband once, but. he h'gged her to rcturn. She (lid so, and within twenty-four hours he had fill- r-d her to the ground. The husband then gave his version of the family disagreement. He said he u‘id his wife got. on vcry well until others camc between thcm. it was his wife's mothcr and a young woman who came thcrc as a scrvant. 'l‘licrc had bccn no cruclty wlmtcvcr: it was all a pack of lies. lie was quite willing to be bound over for her. The bench ridjourncd the case for a week to hear other witnesses. .._.__.-_a._ ._ .. If your children moan and are rcst- less during,r sleep, coupled, when awake. with a. loss of appetite, pale ocuntennnce, picking of the nose, ctc., you may depend upon it. that the pri- mary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Gravcs’ Worm Exterminator cf. factually removes these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. “I didn't know the Bartons kcpt a donkey. flow long have they had one ” “Oh, ever since i have been staying with them i” A LITTLE QUIET is the best: of all diet, yet. at will not make bane and muscle but; "Ferrovini " 81:11 Try it. All drug and general stem. 81 u it as. “Maryl” yelled the poet, “why don't you keep that kid quiet? \V‘hat's the matter with him, anyway ‘2" “1m sure i d-rn't know,” replied his patient wiic; “l'm singing one of your lullahics to the little darling.” t Bicklc’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain rclicf for irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. If used ac- cording to directions it will break the u.ost persistent cold, and restore the air passages to their nOrrnal healthy condition. Thch is no need to recom- mend it to those familiar with it, but. to those who seek a sure rcmcdy and are in doubt what to use, the udyiceis ~try Bickle's Syrup. Palâ€".â€" A FEAT IN FASTING. Victor Reaute Suhsists on Plain Water and Cigarettes. A recent issue of the Aberdeen Evcn- ing Gazette contains a rcfcrcnce to the feat. of endurance the fasting man, M. Victor Bccutc, was at that time attciupl. ing and apparently with some good proâ€" spect of suvccss. The notice reads: Al- though be (M. llcziutc) has now bcvn enclosed in his glflss prison at Hum- ber‘s Waxwork, George Street. for 3-2 days, M. \‘ic'or Bonnie is still alive and hearty, although he has sulsistcd the whole of this time on citlicr soda water cr plain water to the extent. of about one pint daily, and a couplu of cigar- ettes per day. ’l‘tu’xiughnut the ordeal M. l‘euute has liccn always cheerful and cv. irady to discuss any subject, be- sides transacting,r his own arr-«spand- encc and keeping liimscli \vclt in touch with the various topics of the \Vtil‘itl. Naturally he has had (‘lll'lzvllS experi- ences since he has liceu mom-d up in Aberdeen. Audiv‘uccs, which havc averâ€" aged some 2.800 daily, have diffcrcnt nicods, according to their varied tcm- imramcnts. A fairly large proportion of the visitors to the muscuiu huvt- not hesitatcd to say that. the whole thing is a "fake." and some of thcir arcuv rncnts for this opiniwn arc. to say the least, amusng. As a inattcr r-f fact the jpllexi, “i took a look into your cheque, mr-rc wastinr! (-f a strung. healthy man K. the (‘Nli'lll (if or. .- two stones in four \i'ccks or hi to convince the mast. sir-p- !mat (it. tlzc illitlltlit"? that. there is .slniellih‘ic iii it. If this \‘.'t'l'i‘ n-it rc- at the pliutligrnnlis ‘(l‘llrfwb a t,‘ r .‘.- ill‘l le-_' ' ,iiL‘ lilli'. 'l'lif‘ ill-art turn}. r4 us t! ]w: T‘ !"'l- lifl'f‘.‘ t'fiu‘: i-E ~. 1!! . i: l'l‘l.“ 1.' t.‘ . Xil'li r- n ‘.\"ll".'l \t ll‘: in. T ' ' i (if (in. :' i ‘1\': 7‘ Its - 1' : i‘ i . ‘ . l .. ,i l ‘i ‘ f ‘ ’l I ‘l i.. l ’ & ~ .\l '::': ~. V. i .‘i‘ l. l.) :l‘E'I.l' >' 55 i, f ill}; f.l.’i.‘l l0 lllÂ¥l \ ii i . iivr- l l l 56 Entries MSTEtESS ” REGISTERED j" It is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of pure Cod Liver Oil without the What it is nauseous grease, combined with Phosphorus in the form of the Compound Syrup of Hypophos- phites, nutritious Extract of Matt and the Fluid ‘~ Extract of Wild Cherry Bark. It will promptly relieve, and if its use is con- tinued, permanently cure chronic bronchitis, all pulmonary affections, croup, hoarseness, nervous disorders due to an exhausted condition of the system, prostration following fevers, debility at l change of life, or constitutional weakness at any age, and all blood disorders. What it does We positively guarantee “Brick’s Tasteless" to do exactly what we claim it will do as printed on the label of the bottle, or any advertising matter, and every druggist who sells “Brick’s Tasteless ” is authorized to refund to his custom- er the full purchase price i one bottle does not show a dcudcd impimemcnt, which improve- ment writ result in a complete cure if additional bottles are taken. We therefore request you to try a. bottle of "Brick’s Tasteless ” on our recommendation, and if no improvement is shown after taking it, return the empty bottle to the druggist from whom you purchased it and he will refund your money. Can we be fairer? Two Sizesâ€"8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 1: 13.374.) :0 "552:1: Electric Power, to Lease for at Term of Years. Heat, Ligh t. Central location. About ten thousand square feet In four floors and basement. Excellent shtpp n3 facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler System. low Insurance rate. lil'dlilllw F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto .‘ cozst WANTED. [CLEA Ml MG 3* mar" MAKE monzv, Boys and Girls, sellinir una ‘ ’ °UT"‘° PcnS.‘ writes t000 words without dipping in ink. l ' ' ' sun's bump-es 10 cents (silver). Bic profits. Valuable j 0‘: be don. perfectly by our Frown Process. Try 1|. premiums free. DAMPBELL “135,, Auburn, N.V. I BRITISH AMERIOM BYIIM GD. ..-_- - _. Wâ€" nud angina know About. the wen Emil _ MARVELWhlrIingSpI-ay l‘. Thenow Vaginal yrl-‘e. an Beatâ€"Men on'vem . , lent. It. “uses As: your gyiatfortt. If he cannot. suppzy the H A R 1113 Lt1 ace‘ccp! a: , t1: 1 u son a m - ,. iiiul‘da‘ced hookâ€"5e 2d. It gives 31/} l . I A. j full particular: and directions tn- x., ,l | i l l l - .. FOR ANY STORE The right metal ceiling lessens Ere-rink. beautifies Anyintarior, is cleanly and tart: almozt forever. Such a ceiling to easily ut up. and cost: no more thanthe common kin . Learn dicfacu about PEDLAR QTE‘EE C E. I L I N G S Nloretl’zea 2.000 designs. suitable for every use. Sideâ€"wail: in equal Vcrlet to mlch. Let u: mud you a book that tell the whale story of the ocilingtbatohowano seams. Addmrâ€" 211 The PEDLAR People ‘35? Oshawa Hontrut Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg valuable to I die- ’ r n uphnv co. Wlndsor om. waDsoGener-nl Axonu'tor Canada. MACHINERO FOR SALE. ; DYNAMO 800 tights, firstclass order. Will be sold 1 l cheap and must be gotten out of the way ‘ lowing to GOO-light. machine taking its place. S. l'rank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER ‘ 3‘3 l Buffalo make, number four, 9vinch ver- "l was going to ask you for a ucwj tical discharge, 24 inches high; perfect brunet. dear,” said the loving wife. "but i condition, Superintendent, 't‘ruth Build i won't because i see you can‘t afford 1 mg, 73 Adelaide St... West. Toronto. it i' “How did you find out that. deal-‘3"! â€" asked h r husband \Vcll, thc lady rt , WFNEN SAQP THE NEW FIREPROOP HETEL HfighfiElE 1th Ave. and 38:5: St. 300 FEET WEST 0F BROADWAY, Maximum of Luxury at Minimum Cast; _.- l l u-__._»._ book this morning. and I saw you had} only one cheque left." i to cure your cough or cold, No “ifs” or “buts” â€"just a j straight statementâ€"Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough or cold and do it quicker than anything you ever tried, or your druggist will return the purchase Get a bottle to-duy, and cure that cough or cold. glailoh’s Sliilch's Cure is a 5:.fe and sure price. cures colds v and Cold mcdidnc for l I. has bccn effecting CO. Clii l All drug- I cur 3 f‘r 3‘; vcnrs. ‘ (able r' . . . » ' . Lurcpe Lil . , 'liy With guts-25¢” 5°C" and $I'oo' {2. i; y-cr ll" ‘‘i mill. Su'rv iip'.i.irl.. rend for law l; , STEAI?\S & Lâ€"Ai 2,. *r. p,» â€"â€"-â€"=â€"___.___ . aâ€"(t -â€" \‘L

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