Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Nov 1907, p. 4

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The list of King Edward's birth- day honors ietbin year 3 compare- tively short. one. Sir Charles Tup- per has been made a Privy Coun‘ eillor, Chief Justice Moss of the On- tario Court of Appeal, has been madea Knight Bachelor, and Dr. R. M. Coulter, Deputy Post-mantch General, has been made a Compan: km of the Order 098. Michael' and St. George. The two first named gentlemen have grown old in the service of their country, and no one will begrudge them the honor con~ Sorted. Hundreds of admiring friends in; York County and throughout the Province will hedolightcd to hear (Hint Dr. Coulter was remembered. Though a comparatively young man llo has to his credit 21 career of pub- lic usefulness. anhn ~ ed by a fine {rublic spirit. While practising as a physician in Aurora ho was one of the most prominent figures in the Hiding ei‘Nor-zh Yorkbaud his force of character and aggressiveness» on else public platform won for him the admiration of bozh political friends and- political uppOllCan. A striking wersomility, coupled with naturai’ courtesy and kindness of heart could not fail to draw to him men of d2 rinocion. Dr. Coulber seems to have acquired a faculty and a capacity for hard Work from his former Chier Sir William Iiulcek, evidences of; which may he men in the Post Office Department. Let no repeat, hosts of friends throughiut the Province will be pleased to learn of the honor con- fen'ed on Dr. Couitcr, and in no place will the pride he felt to a greater extent than in Richmond Hill the home of his birth. aides to accept from the hands uf his leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, a po- altion in the Senatuwu feel mm: his many friends will be pleased at the bouor conferred upnn one so wothy. It seems to be practically settled that Mr. Arch Campbell. M. P. for Centre York wiihbe honored by a Beat in the Senate Mr. Campbell has been for many years one of the hardest and most earnest workers iv the House of Conmaons. He has not only been zealous in the cause of Liberalism, but he has been a most newesle politician. After a siren- uous contest. he l‘e'dfiemcd the riding of West liem,‘ and coming to To- ronto Junction he redeemed. West fork so long held by the late Um. N. C. Wallace. Iffilr. Campbell de‘ oides to weeps from the thdSUf his leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, a po- Should Mr. Arch Cmnnbcil go to tho Senntea bye»clc<;1.i0n would in. all probability be held in Ccntro Y‘ork b‘efure the end of the present month. And it scams [0 be gunm- ully understood that. the standard bearer fur the Liberals would be Dr. BXCHMOND HILL. 051.. Mcbual 1V bile fiihcrnl. [he following i TO BE MADE A SENATOR. C‘JNCORD SCHOO BIRTHDAY HONORS. Liberals would be Dr uodbridge u rmon. (he rap-Mt for CC \Villi thy 1 “Hera uni" "do! hu um, "‘ 05-. [H I (I‘m hm nu in Nuv. 14. [W7 lllll‘ 0:1! (ll "Tl. “'0 regretto hear farmers in this localiby complain of the shurtuess of ‘thc [my and straw amp in this section. They should be thankful to Fun i- dence for the good inn-vest, of [907 giv- en those in this section of Ontario, and be ready to sell to the needy What thy}, have u? spare. Unpluin McLean of the city (If l'et- (‘rlmm made armngumoms for u re- lmiuuuf the clun of McLean at, the old lwuscm [mum in Mum”, Pleasant nu Thanksgiving Day. Oct. 31. van- ty-l'mu- members of the chm were SH”.- I‘tfflt the dinnm- table. They had it pleasant lime. and the weather was delightful. 'l‘womy-fnurufthe mem- bers-were absent. l’cmbinu,‘ I'm-mun, Pt-tcrburu and Richmond Hill were ltepveseuted, All \H'l'c delightvd wiLh the. time spent, at, tho put-emu] hume- Mid with the nmnuer m which the Captain did lug duty. My. Mclnduu the cheese maker has finished his Work here for the seusnn. Frqu reports he has given gum] satisâ€" faction to the patrons who wull p101»- ably engage him for the season of Mr. JUSvph Bland has made arrange- ments w umvo mw the house “(run- picd by Mr Finley, hm ing purchased the premis ' Trial Cuban-h ll'uuuueuta are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shuop, Racine, \\’is. These tests un- pmviug lo the peopleâ€"Without a pm:- uy's oustâ€"«LIN 5.1 cal, value of [bin ‘scientific pwsuvipuuu kmmu to dxng- gists everywhe'z-e as Dr. bhuup‘s Hun- edy. Suld by \V. A. Sanderson. The snund Of [he “Hashim is heard in mu secbiun. and (lw prist of hum px‘nduce puid now vull nurcly muLe the furmur'zy heart glad. The following is Lln- report for IV. Auln'rv Nicol. I‘llgin Nicnl, ily Rankin (nu) hisuvry.) Sr. 111. Nellie Page, \Vinnie E son, Fwd Simpsun. bLl'warL Page zie Rankin. hens lezlpnmâ€"ll. Jr. Ill. Katie Chapman. 81-. 11. Kathleen Rankin, Alum. nl ((-qual.) Leslie Richards. Jr. lI. Austin Baker, Ellsw L’m-L l. U.â€"-btvhel bunks, Johnnn Rankin. B.â€"â€"hm. W’eldx-ick. Ida Richards Juh’nhiv \Vhiu‘. A.â€"-\‘Vvsley Thompson. Edgar Simp Subjects of Exzmlinntiuns fox 95 UL} and LV. \VGI'E :â€".â€"-H.L~:tm-y. ing. Litomglreuiyd Gmymxur; \Vt-ldrick. . Part II. Elm» V'Veldxiuk. Dennis “'hite, Georgie Lnngstnfi‘, Dudle \‘Vhite, Lm'uie ‘vVeldI-ick, NelsonSimp- SUI]. Etcâ€"wart. Page. absent frmu D111 and Literature. Ilene Chapman Lizzie Rankin absent from Hist“! The Public Sclmnl Eniertuim lust Friday evening was a. smwe every particular. The Mamnic was packed to the dams, lheseli-ci were well tendered. und4 the u progmnmw was given by pupi Hm schunl. The back (If the a was neatly decorated with pictm' King Edward VII. and the title Q Victoria. on u lmckgrmmd (if U Jacks :md Unaudiziuflags. The ( uses by the school schnlm's, inclu “The Maple Leaf“ and “VVhex-e Shgnx' Maple flows” were 1m rticu We” snug. m) the. patriotic dl‘il girl‘s (llessed in white and can Hugs was (me of the lu-sL over exi 80H HElgs wu ed hem. forqu the mu difficult cuu'm fun'] f pros happy f mk- E. A. NIGHGLLS, Richmond, Hill When Yon Paint Use The Best Painfi, are the best mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 different tints. Always ready for use. IJLflND CITY FLOOR PflINTJ' l dry hard in 8 hours. Always durable. FOR SALE BY H) :ntul.‘ It. \x-u PUBLIC SCHOOL UONCEE Ll Mount Pleasant. std (h II the nnvr. Many (If "'9 worthx her is so i um Langsnafi. mun-1d 1 hi the Ethel IUD. M} (hr 1» cortil Fm (.1 ichnn flags. The clmr- ‘clmlurs, including and “Where II): were particularly nMrloLic drill h} v 1h :2: \Vinnie Simp mvart Page, Liz repulggfoy Ogrt- ‘lll f Lh cien mu; xtes lll Alum Ni( Ellswm-lh Johnnie IN class I): a w Iséarzd City 911! Pamm Mr. Bmm‘ also [minted nut that. Gl‘l't- 111th Derry won the schnlurship nifvr- ml by the Newnmlkt-L School luml'd fm-thn highest marks taken hv any student in the county «if York. This schhnship inc-Indus two yvm-s‘ tuition in [he vamnrkset‘, H‘igfimSchnok Mrs. Mi-Cunagh-y. und‘ Miss D4,. Trvllch pluyeti flhe piumwmcnnmunimvms d wr- the evening. :mfi' hsfl'vre lecwnclminn- of the pmgmmum PI'incile: Laxme expressed his thanks fur the gmwi-mm ani-ulmge accurdvd tt-nchm's am] pm pils. The prngi'nmnw (:r,>n(:luiled-\\"i-th “(ind Save thv King?" Thu i'PCPijflw‘ were :I lrifiv m‘vr $43. This is lzu'gr- when it is ronwmhei-ed that all the scholars “’(‘l‘e admitted fl'Pf'. Thv following are the studvnls whn “’le awardedi their Ol'l‘LifiCntl‘S:â€"G(‘ngr‘ Allison. Margaret, Gowit- (zhnnnmi) Germudu Den-y (honors and srhulur- ship.) Margarot. Duylv, Lloyd Hill (hmmst Curl Hill (hmim-SJ Kuthlvvn Innvs. Isabel Mac-Kay. Alive Mt'Nnir (hnumsJ Ralph h‘I-uLiunnghy, Myrtle Smith (himm'm) Ill 1 Exnmine (by quality and 911‘“ of‘ the men‘s nvgliguvshirts \vo are 5v”â€" ing at, 7?»: each, thr fur lined hhwk and blue beaver ('ups at, 500, the fine “ans-ted swwm-rs at $1.00 em h. thv Muck hih m‘m-nlh th'n large sizvs M . Atkiusnn & Swiizor. Miéis Alice Mchnnld is- spvnding this week wiLh rennin-s at. K»er Bkuch. » Miss 801th" PMqu wr-ek \viLb‘Mrs. F. H R. Frid New Miss Bvrtlm \Vubt‘enhnimv Hf Tn- wnm made avisit with-her Siffll‘l', Mrs. DL Hill last week. Mrs. F. Shlyth :md lvww little Suns uf Toronto spt’nt, Tuesday nncL \Ved- nvsduy with Mrs. T. A. Mapos.~ Newmzu'kk-t Expross-Humldvâ€" Mrs. W. H. Pugsley of Richnmml Hi”, <peut, Sunday with Mrs. R. J. David- sun. Rov. J. A. Grant mui Mrs. Grunt, have gone. to the City to spent. Lwo’ weeks with Mrs. Tnylur. Miss Alice Stihhurd of Indian Head. Susk.. is spending :1 few \vveks with \lrs. Glass :znduuhm 1-91.15:- Mr. and Mrs. Al liLle son Clm-nnco [Ash Thm sday with 3103'. Mr. Robert Gurhntt and Mr. Hmn‘y Shearsmich nf Tux-(mm spent. Skim"- «My afternnun in [IN \‘illugvand culled on a number of nld friends. Misa Janet McDonald spent. Inst. week in 'l‘nnmtn with Mr. and Mm. HPIH‘Y McDonnkL 1J2; ’( u-nnto. -r++++Â¥m+¢+++++MH'P++++ Ml Pure Prepared il( W'hen buying awat our advice buy best _m0vement. y purse will allow. ’J case is less import Watch, Advice 1‘01 :cliable, economical and V. and Mrs. F. Elliutt spvnt f1 mu my LiH Monday with fait'nds in market. fi. l’u-bsnn and baby of Toronto t, Saturday and over Sunday with grandparents Mr. and Mrs. G. .L’ERSUN.ALS Il'C Alex. Thompson and so of Tumult!) spent ;l1-L\13v. Jnluv Kenmorâ€" is sponding this thputrick in the Weekly GEO-be, with filmstrated edi- uoumfllJan. 1,. 1909 , Weakly Mail and Em premlum “Golgo‘mhaj’ The Toronto Daily ’World 4 months The Daily Globe. one year York Coumy only The Daily Mafi and Em.â€" iro, one year (Tio'r'k What mam: Sflfiscri’pxions 1333:: Weekly am}; dafly yapers taken " 31'h's Liberal” Office. N81 a take fafiawingi: - - (Bounty) The 33201118 Journal, one year The Daily Star,. reoeiveé on day of publication The Daily Stay, not receivâ€" ed day ofipublioanion Family Herald and "Nash Ly Sta}: Statin-a village: STEA Also I cattle and hogs. pam V II) Far '1‘er In ni 1nd highest possible prices Kay HM)” H M I :75 3. i §.RAM§31T u-l Q'OAL ll kinds of grain bnu l‘, STOVEJ/‘URV‘ Best Scranton c'oai'. M] anc “C ECOAE Auction Sales or de the hreshmg cngme Ilc' n Picket-in propm'ty u 1 (fcluck :0” lmnenis “perky 19â€"Cz'edit clog, hullSI HVBTG vator & .‘vch nti +41). etc King DI ll! fie ‘11-” W5 1d I’ll 20.000 bus-119154 0.2 Cidel'aud ifieeling; zkp131§e ' Fm ty '1 f1 mu In about L fixawm (Marv. 5900 aA’LLoNs 50mm .1: w (mt twenty lw and prelim I will puy 2.30. [1H yapafg ? VV A. N ’i‘ bf \\’hiL m 9 just I'E’CPH't‘d an mder for as of Apple- Butte-r aside regular trade. I will m-ed :nty lhnusnud bushels of Ruling apples. y 2.3a. pm- bushel for peeling which I net-(l about, 5.06.) Peeling nppies may he wind- 10 1’8 "ll HI 11H , Wit-h- 7543, Mm 215% $3.50 win 596., IDER an EC 3) for pee“: 1.1mm, 5.0 :xy» he win :nnr' upplc QC. flu U m very hf! hes EYE"

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