Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Nov 1907, p. 5

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l tilts gtfirmt. l‘..::a\(o.\'n HILL. ONT.. Nov. 1-4, moi 11!")(3‘ A1496. i‘he- talk of everyone is: the WIN" and mt’urt and good Wearing qual'r'ty of A: ' m Savant-'5 hunts and Slititwi. fwy Lnttgm N... in. A. o. U'. W. '.:lllnPet, next. \Vetlnesdav evening. ix w. 20. Members are requested to at- 11.1. l‘ountzillor .l. A. Cann-rou of Vaugh- \vas a judge at the Kent York 5"mving match on VVrdnesday of last. ‘."..l'kg The new lilirary hooks haw- lwen t'.-.1nlogtied and placed on the slielvps, :1. that the I/ilv'rarivrn \vill ho prep ll‘t’ll v hand them" out S.\ltl~t‘tl‘.':‘f7 of Lilli reek, 'i‘he [Cpu'orlh League n‘rxt Monthly “wiring will he in charge of Ihe Christian Endeavor Department. MiN Hallie Bruit h \vl'll Kite a paper (m “The Life of Moses." lll\'ll,;li.'t~ll to all. Tllr. Scott McNair of Vaughan ship- [ad on Tuesday from the (l. N. O. staâ€" tion to Alquggie & (‘o.. Montreal. 650 bushels of l’ease. \Ve understand the price paid was 88 cents a handrail. A: rot-effing of the Carling t7lnh \vill l~(‘ held in Mt. Mellotialtl‘s shop Fli- day e\enin;‘r of this‘ Week at 8.30. As skips will he appointed and ar- rangtmenls made tor the “inter mutt-hrs a full attendance is desirable. Dr. Boyd had made airaugemnnts todi<poseofhispraclirc to Dr. (‘a~‘- fiidy of Toronto Junction and remove to Newmaiket. On account of hiu Wife's serious illm-v‘. lioner, Dr. (lassilly is tlliallle to come. and (nurse. un-ntly Dr. Boyd continues here as u:.ual. 1:11: [ftA tunings. '31-):- following cont’rihi'itions for King and Vaughan l’lll\'i’ll.t." match fiver:- rv-r-eived after the hills had hi-eu priii‘t- eti:â€"-l)aly 'l‘ea lompnny, Napanee, 23 Hrs tea al.35e: .loh‘n \Vanlege & Sons Tut-onto, Jewelry "it‘ll; J. T. Ian-lie. 'l‘oiont'J-I. agent for \Vestern l‘mm- :mce (‘.o. co. ($3: Lloyd & Savage. Met- ropolitan lioSt-l. King City. rash $1”. Tn l‘l LARGEST YET. Mr. D. Hill has hut-(it’d us a potato \\ hlelitllli\Vl‘iL:‘l1S hy two ounces the largest potato- previmrslv ref-'t'rl'tl to En 'l‘utc LIBERALâ€"namely 1 lb. 12 oz. Till: was not grown hy our village l».|kt‘1' and ('onfet'tiom‘r. but on his father's farm at .\lo:~rne‘.tone. 'l‘here xveregmwn‘ on that. farm last year 1,400 bags of pinatoes. and the crop’ls ' equally as good th's year: The sam- ple shown usis of the Delaware \‘;|- riety which commands the highest. price, in' the nun Rel. \Vhen the Stomaeh, Heart, or Kid- ney neives get \veak, then these or- gans always fail. Don‘t drlrg the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart. or Kidneys. That is simplj‘ a. tnakeshil'st (’let a preseript'ion-known to druggkt- everywhere as In. Slit-op's Restora. live. The Restoratim is prepared ex: pecially for these weal. inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, hu‘ild thrm’ up wit h Dr. Shorpr Restorativeâ€"tah- letSor liquidâ€"and see how quickly help will come. Free sample Lost sent, on request. by Dr. Slump. llaeine. \Vis. Your health is surely worth this sim~ ple test. \V. A. Fanderson‘ A number of young men in the rear of the hall made»thmneelvm disagree- allle at the sehool enter tainment Fri- day eVeningr hy stamping on the l‘ltnll‘. henna-en the \‘al-‘iutt's selertions. This was most annoying". especially to the ladies Who Were for-"ed to sit in that. part of the hall. There was ahsolute- ly no good reason for doing: a< they ditlaltei: they had heel) asked to (l?- ~i~t. and it is Sflfl‘ to say that. some of :lir-m at least, will feel ashamed of themselves for lnu in;r eauwd the an~ nayance. ‘dr. P. Bassingthu‘aite. finding llv'll meter was l)i|l'kill.‘,' up in his w-ll ~- t i 9 O . . . ‘ , . . . . ~ . .pphed to \ alighan ronnril m annxv ‘ llt‘ftl: on‘aervod about 3.3.0 a. in. Mr. l 9‘ \‘Ve ': re man-1 to offer 9' v~ -. . .. -v .. x. .. .. i..1, .-..» -<~ h“ ,5 ,5, mm t-odig; a diam and la} tne with l (I u. il-Ufl"! u ho snap: (nun stairs. 9 I w «t his risit‘lence along Yongt- <tu-t-i. heard A crackling li"'h‘t‘ at the haek 1, ‘3 in? {WC \\'e(:i'.‘:;()nly it SWCli The reeve and members of in» ('nunri] e‘ part, of the house, and gave the alarm t 1' ., i ,; . , , ' .r, . 9 - . t . . - . » g 1..e o. Slut.» dad ov v1- v‘dellllH‘tl the plare on tsatunlay. and ‘ to tale. mixer lllt‘tllllt‘ls ol the faintly . ‘ , ¢ granted the reques‘t. The joint «min. i who were asleep tip-stall'fi. As man). I f; C0115 at poptlidl' prices: 3 i of Maikliain and Vaughan will ~, (or file neighbors have telephone: a ‘ ,3, I n 0 ':._ve a tile drain ("rinsing Yung :inoihei of people were soon on tho? Q (,1'.e:vr~..:<, regular 1:2.llliz‘r-1tlthl. : uni-pt, Deputatiaxh fioni hot]. m 3;“. 1 spot, nut in. less than Hirerâ€"quarters l g V " ‘ " “Whirl” 11h)- 0 El- also met .ilr. ('. l.. \\'il~on of tho I o;' an lliul._ large, hetel. whieh ram: 0 t-garn litl‘ll tr!‘ I _ . ¢ \lt‘ilt‘rflllllttlll llailwav with a vi -e.- “1‘ l: '1 .m tn. Ining. wau :Ilfill:_~§ 'lut‘pl Q tor 9.0.1, 3 ~ ' \ - . ’ t . -. 1 up “' “"‘l"ll.‘»5 lhe tra"k at lulum Mill-1.; 13m (H raid. Sunroof the fame ; g Lulldlo. ltla‘vzl. Q [tit-'1neonsultationitvva<(ll-eidrd to i ". .» :u we‘l, but w'ry liltls of the ¢ , v I o .’ l1“: the Itmtlv'r 10 the l'utttil)‘ t'. lil~l " V‘ l' >r 32‘. 'v '- 3 l 1 SS? 21:3 LOVI'J lit lC'SS I; v,‘ti~~‘i.rileix~‘. item e lh‘Hii": l).-pt;l_\‘ u . 1 ¢ ,‘i E l C05: Prices fl”. 2 a ltnt \e Lungnous". and (Mint-illotvi; .3 _ ‘ é ti :3 and t‘ameror Were present. on ; ‘ €> ‘55! c (5.12.: z in if of \iaughan, and llrme Slater . 't = t g at" ) make :1 3,32; 9 ml U-runeillor Padget on irritant ti. o - , l, t) .V; H,“ g r“ . we - 0t nrumdwaroer g . .«. . A 1‘ I .l I). \ l I: 4 Over 300 sazm f; in c :(t‘ tango p11 4 ‘. 11> ‘.':l}" i , W‘ l___“ V x {,3 ‘l ,1 1‘, \A ‘.\l \‘t‘. trade with a mix: \vho don" ;: l_“e" ‘0': " ‘l‘kn lOC‘J‘l‘E‘”) 9 ’ ‘. rtisv i."von \vant niwu. fresh, ’ ‘ a p I} ,z- unable pi ‘t t'.\'. Hind . l',-Ul who .i.-.‘ nol :tii'.._‘r':~‘ anill ‘ ,'> v. Ll vial lint] a man \vl:~ ix aa r!:~"l j .> ¢ suit a? fashioned a< the 1: . whim: ‘ .3 9 I} "‘.~. w)..r.gto\>rl., llit‘ l‘t'.f'l\ii‘.‘. i' ‘9 J; awful": tine i.‘. ma;.v : e 'l’i‘a-re‘ <» ~> i . . ". .~ '~-l <1 0 r 5....- (Mi, .‘tx. l." I .ial... ‘> n' Eur '.-’l our on n t« at}. in. so i" 0 q r.o cowl l"'l\’t‘li \vlw tlli‘l '\ l. l .. ... o.» x? . - .. ~ .. o “i .u litl-(‘illttlii motor. annual _,,I1.A...g- _' é 9‘ ".l‘[ :anv' ise' and ztl ml»: 1: will hp.” e, .0 ‘ liit‘ll' ll~ t‘l* .-h“)-.~}l [\lvA"‘ 2 gttilr‘. im'f“ “ll” " 1'“ \Lt oil Litl‘a‘ f 3 ‘ 9 ind mqu j.‘ 2:: .mez... 'h ' v WW“. “My ., .. [1,. ,l ¢ 0 i“'.‘ ‘3 “~l'\'l1t-.‘. -‘ --d '1!“ ’a ‘4'? New pack Hivr-rdale hruud. tonin- toes, (torn and peas at, very elose prie- es for a few «lays. New l‘tllsll‘l‘. new run-rants. (lull-s. figs. peels, just to hand. Atkinson &' Switzer. .--,,,,.-,.,__. 93 () LVT BOOTS. YP‘QI'I'tlTI)‘ Mr. H. U. Bailey of )l'a- pie [llntjc'd on «ale 326 pairs of \vonn'n‘a girls’ and lm_\'~‘ hoot: and shoes for UR cents a pair. The rt-gnlar priee of these gladl‘ ranged i'iom $13510 $3.5M prr pair. Mr. Bailey notified his err-s- t"nn-rs' to ire on time \\'talne.~tla_v m’ornii'i‘g. \Ve want to >.'l_\‘ a good \\‘Hltl for the man who meets his small (ililigfillnns promptly. 'l‘lievare not .'I\‘ plentiful as they should he and the man need< eneomaging. Most. men will pay, hut, fewer will pay promptly. Almost any l'rrm will testify that, counting the lime, postage, costs all some élt'L‘UlllllS are “with to eolleet their). and at 3-H the man owing it. to them is pet feetlfi~ l'KNpotmil‘l’le in a linaneial Way. [1. Very often hap‘peth that the worst sinner in this partien- 3 l'rlr is the man who is taut. able to pay. l.)AlltYTU\\'N. 'Fltx‘f mflin‘ S‘ret’t of Hiirytoivn is rapidly asmt‘n‘ing‘ the appearaureof Yonge St. of tuenty years ago. The 'nap. nap of loaded wagons in rapid surcession going to the U. N. 0. Staâ€" tam, and the rattle of the empties rev twining is now at- regular feature of (his o‘net- quiet hnrg. The returning lalmer wears a genial smile, reflected from the suhstantial wad in his pork- et. The only “sore spot" on an other~ \vise exm-llent road is hetween the 2nd (ton. and the nation. To t'lieck a cold quickly. get from yourdruggistsome little Candy (fold '1‘:ilrlet.~mlled l’reventirs. Draggile everywhere are now di<pensiug l’re- \entitw, flu they are hot. onlv safe, ,lat’rl decidedly certain and prtnipt. l’rt-xenlitw eontain no quinine. ur- lax- ative. nothiug harsh or sickening. Taken at the “sneeze stage" ‘r’ievent- it"; will prevent Pneumonia. Bronchit- ix‘. La Grippre. etc. lleue'e the name l’re\(.‘n[i(‘:<‘.' G-nal foxt l‘everisll (‘l‘llll- rent. 48 Prevention 2") cents. Trial hoxesficts. Sold hy \V. A. Sander- Still. MlHHlONA RY GAM‘PLXIGN. Next» Sunday, Novemln-r l7, Mis- sionary St'llllt'th‘ will h;- preaened in all the Methodist ehurehi-s in the dis- trirts‘ in and around Toronto, and all the-ministers will have an exehange ef pulpit-N. Rev. Mr. Galloway of Maple \vill preach here in the morn- ing. and Rev. Mr. Rollinmn of Thorn- hill in the melting. llt‘V. Mr. Gallo- way will also preach at Patterson at 2.90: and Vietmia Square at 7. Rev. Mr. Rnhinshn will pit-aeh at Headfoid at 10.30 and Vietoria Square at 2.15. Rev. A. l". Brace will preaeh on Mis- sit‘tln‘ on the Thornh‘ilt cirruit. and Rev. E. H. 'l‘oye on the .‘J'lnplr' circuit. s! \Ve will make to your measure, a genuine Heotrh Twred suit, \vinter "Weight. E‘wxent St}lv the very host tiiinining< sill; SPH‘l'd throughout. a perfect lit for $l8.5tl. Atkinson (v Su‘itZer. RESOLUTION PASSED. Atna reren-t. meeting of the Toronto Conference Temperance Committee it \\':15 “Resoln-d that. this ’l‘eniper- ance conunittet- of the Methodist. Church desires to express its grati- tication of the (lei-p interest taken in the llll)\(‘lllf“l"t for the suppression of the har-rmun, 3‘3 m‘:n'lit'e:ated in the many Local Option eontests that are under \\a_\'. and also its giatilication at the efforts of the Government to se- enrv a thorough enfticement of the liquor laws generally, and further re- lsulved that. it is earnestly hoped that the Govermm ut. and Legislature will, at. the next qemtion, repeal the threeâ€" lit'ths requirmnont which now inter- t‘cies with the adoption of Lot-a] 0p» tion By-lxtu'a in many localities in which pnhlic opinion is in favor of this useful method of restraining the liquor etil." HUTEL BUltNlCD. . and occupied hv Mr. Harper and sm‘. [ was hurried to the ground early Monâ€" iday morning. The shed was alao l horned, but, by hard Work on the part Lhu atalvl‘e was saved. hooking, and llkk', it. ' ‘ the l ‘ pre\ lullaly 2 aliout, the Heather Mule Quartettu amâ€" | l l less than 1.32 reserved seats living tak- Ien. Shortly after 8 o'clork the Chief; . l . l l I l l ‘ Th0 hotrl at Victoria Square, owned I ‘ ‘ marriage, ; ( ents send the. usual itz-ms not. later 4 ience was large may be judged from - the tram that. this receipts were $t0; no: ‘ Bro. 3“; Newton,- introduced Bro. l“. S. ‘ l moment. “’9 trust our friendiI will' not misunderstand us. \Vc appreciate. items of news, but we Imh't. haw them in reasonable time. if a death C(IllCt‘lt or” other ment lilkrs‘ place say \Veduesday evening : we shall always try to give it a notice ‘ following morning. This can ‘ fienerally he done if our correspon-I than Tuesday. SCOTTISH CONCERT. 'l'lieexrellent concert. gnen in the Mah'lltrl't Hall- last evening under the auspices hf Lord El‘gin Uamp‘. Sons of SCatland. fully justihrd all that 'had been said and written shard by Miss Grace Merry and an accomplished pianist. That. the and. Meaiiixf; Deputy Grand Chief. who made an ahle and happy chairman. .\lr. Mum ns referred to the prmperity of S. U. and among other thingx‘ said there were now 220 local calllpfl hm ing a int-inhelship of IUJ'Utl‘; Every l tneme‘r of Lhe male Quartette, name- ly H. Hogg. I“. UilVillsun, \V. Gillespie and (3. Mt-Eachern. was in good fol in, and sun): solos. duets. tlios antl quar~ tent-- in a manner that pleased every- hndy present. Most of_ the Soottish Selections “'(‘l‘t‘ familiar airs and were thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Grace Merry an an elucutienist. gave un- hountlcd satisfaction. She has :el pleasing and commandng presence. herdress was elegant, and lver selec- tions were decidedly funny. Nearly every number on the programme called forth an encore and the artists cheerfully responded in every ease. The concert. \vas another evidence that a programme can he high-class, patriotic and particularly humorous without th‘flnldance ot‘ vulgarity.- ‘ foret:lo.>;ita;.tr the chairma‘n made the aunouu‘Ct-lnent that the. loeal camp purpose making,r thi< bt)"lHl function an annual affair. The entertainment closed with “Auld Lang Sync” and “God Save the King.” Gormiey The Brethren ('l‘unker) Church near Gmmley Which has heen lilUSi‘d for four \W‘E'lts for interior runovatimnwill lie IP-(lllt‘llt’d for wrviues next Sunday. Services are held there every Sunday at 10.30 a. In. and 7 p. m. . Mme. - Then tell him about Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral. Tcll him .- how lt‘curcd your hard caugh. ,I. 2 Tell him why you always keep .2 it in the house. Tell him to 5: ask his doator about it. Doc- tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. ‘ {the best kind oi a mammalian-â€" “ Bold. (or over sixty years." i I t i mm h .110. Ayar Co.. > 0W5- 3. Jan manulwturera of I j 9 SARSAPAIILLA. 3‘ .5 ‘, » PILLS. :1 HAIR VlGOR. s. We hnvo no secret“ We publish tho Ionnuhs of all our medioln :;u.i‘.»..~»e--â€"-~» - r .. :y':-;_»~'-~â€".u.tac.; w m. ., n of Ayer’s P lls at bedtmne will hasten recovery. Gently laxatlve. ..I*S‘.I'-M~“ EVERY STUEENT in (rzr Sullivli‘l surenetls, hneanse we ' lprovido sermilile cont-ens, employ a sum: <9l‘ul teat-hers, and givo indi- - Vlt linvt! nv-tion. Enter any time. \Vl‘itu fl” analogue. l Bvlzlsh American Busznsss Eollcge l Tomato of the neighbors who soon gathered, l Q¢¢§¢¢¢§¢¢4¢Me9+¢4¢§°¢469 The tire, wag l Bi»- - i +~é~+++++++++ iv'M‘c-tutul-++é-++4'.++++++'Â¥+-Â¥+‘l7'§4t+ H++++++H++>§r M+i+f+++++++ ~ .me r++fih+++++ b+++++++++ r+a~++++++++++++ I +++++~1~++4~H~+++++++~H~++P w++¢+t~+++++ \-+~:~++~i~++++~i~++++~$‘ ++++++H+++W+++++4k H++ Hi-i-Md'fi-é‘ ++++§~++++ You Shivering Men garments. The cheapest place to buy Furnishing Goods is at Atkinson & Switzer’s Heavy Underwear from fix t .25. Good Working Shirts for 50¢. Wool Pants, 950. to $4 pair. Gloves and Mittens, 25c. to $1 50. Hats, Caps, Men’s Sweateis, Cardi- gan Jackets, and all‘ kinds ol goods ~th-e‘b‘est value in the trade. A nice line of extra sizes Pants and Vests. The best fleece-lined underwear on the market. M+M++H++rb +++++++4~P++++Â¥+++H+++fidiv§+ +42+++++++++++++++++++++1-H Men‘s tweed-lined lelther coats, 856. If You Can Tell Us How to serve you better, We will obey the hint, +-1-++~t~+++++++++++ .3. W W+HYFMHMMW WWW‘PHHi- HWMHi+++++$$++++++ +4. 0 o .3.+.;.,g..§..§..§..§.. +.g++++w+++++++qo+HH-§m+ é++++++++++++tw+++++++é+++ ++M$+H+++M*++++++++iti++ +- aux-+4» Call at Concrete House and examine goods. Nov} M, 1907. . I; J. . +r+++++ "F.1d"? Obi-+4"? 309+ P++4¢+++++~§+++++~Â¥+++-5+M+H°}*+'P+++++'§3H%++++++$ ++>§~'l~+-§~+~1Ȥ-2«t«l~++-t~~§ +++++++++++ +++~i~+i~++~2~++++++++~iW 43.11:?“ vuâ€"z: 3:2 en: E We solicit your order for Ranges and ' eater And assure you satisfaction in quality and price. Sample line of pocket cutlcry at cost. 'Einsmithing in all its branches. mun-3W n ...._.,.........-.....W_ i l .. CGl.l-EGE .. l’tLL-ZZl-Iltl v.11 l ta. . y Lire can. a 1.. BRITIS JELLY-)GE, TOKOJ ro. .mi: 'i. Ill. (3. A. free. :VL’MJ r.» H, A. l’tRiH‘fllRi’Ofl, in)... . . “fluxâ€"rim») - . :1lâ€"q , ,_ a. ...â€".â€"â€"â€"_w_'â€".. .- - r Warden. . n: opportunity for an 2:. I - ‘ ho wishes te luau: ti » W. Appr l I. cit. Lei-"row: ' ’ ‘1“ h L X i '1 lArnoEtl 5L, Saturday. liziiitl n'. L.. ‘ ..-..l. "a .i w“?! toagauu a? ll. ', \V .‘C l’ll'l‘. Hating} ‘ '4 1. - 03‘ L' l i'r'll' l‘ \“ : tilt: .lefl

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