A despatch from interview with the Thursday Minister Huynshi said that ity Japan’s Foreign Minister Says He Will Control It. WILL RESTEIUT EMIGRATHBN Fcrest Reserve. the area of which is nearly 250 square miles. Part of the are: covered by the Turtle Mountains is included in the Turtle Mountain Re- serve, with an area of nearly 110 square miles. A put at the sandâ€"hill country south~e|st 0! Brandon has also been set Ipartcs aforest reserve, and within this experimental work in forest planting has been done; the area of the Spruce- woods Forest Reserve. as it is called, is 110 square miles. in Saskatchewan there are four re- serves. Of these Porcupine Reserve N0. 2, the largest, adjoins Porcupine Reserve No. 1; it has an area of 360 square miles. In the Moose Mountain district. north of Arcola. the Moose Mountain Forest Reserve. of some 160 square miles in area, has been created. The Beaver Hills Forest ltpsorve. ' in the Beu'or Hills, west of Yorkton, covers twu town- ships (Ranges 9 and 10. Township 26): aru. 7: square miles. Southâ€"east. of Prince Albert is “The Pines†Ferost R0- Srrve, coven’ng M5 square miles. In Alberta there are but three rosorvos. The ingest is the (making Lake Forest Reserve. out of Edmonton; its area is- 1174 Square miles. Right down in the southeast corner of the province. hav- ing the International Boundary as its southern limit, while its western limit. is three miles east of the ï¬fth Meridian a township and a halt of land has been formed into the Kooicnny Lakrs Forest Reserve. Another small reserve, the Cypress Hills Forest Resorve. consists cf halt a township (the south half of Township 8. Range 3, west of the fourth Meridian). In Manitoba there have been set- apart six MOTVGQ. The largest of these is the Riding Mountain Forest Reserve, with an "en 0t 1535 square mttes. A short. distance to the north is the Duck Mount-am Forest Reserve, comprising some 1250 square miles; and to the northwest. of this reserve is Porcupin Forest Reserve No. 1. with an area of Iearty 335 square miles. West of Lake talitoba is the Lake Manitoba West Forest Reserve. the area of which is nearly 250 square miles. Part of the fire: covered by the Turtle Mauntains By the "Dominion Forest, Reserves Act," of 1006. a number or trnrls of wooded country throughout. Manitoba. Sulutchewun and Allmrla wrrr Swt Iside as permanent forest. I'vsm‘VM. Of these a number had prm’iously been srl aside by orda-in-Cauncil; the arms of some were, however. lessened. while a few new ones were added. The total areas now so reserved in the different provinces are as inflows: Manitoba, 3.575 square miles; Saskatchewan, 740 Saunre miles; Albertat 186 square miles; Briqu Columbia, 890 square miles. waited hr the hailm‘s at (he mum to explode llld blow him and tho ml:- bcm to pieces. on Tumsduy night. The night, engian was jusL turning water into the boiler utter his lunch when four musked men covornd him. The] knocked him down. Hod his hands behind his back and carried him to the 'A dospnich from Vancouver, says: Sa‘pr'tswd by four burgln held guns at his lwnd and H101 his hands behind his back am Engineer Bound and Helpless in Hands of. Burglars. him under a labia, \\':|lh-1‘ mginaa‘ of the Vancouver waited hr the hailm‘s at ( explode and blow him :In born to pieces. on Tumduy Many Square Miles Rel Apart by the “kwslorn Provinces. SI ‘nce and f1 MinisQu‘ migration us umttu; ibiic mind GOVERNMENT FOREST RESERVES. 0t in! civ inl‘ SDI“ of 18 Mountain Fen X‘QSQYV 18 square mile: an River; Nis way bell nly mile n British 00 rglm-s who then bound miles on ded by the These re- The names '.ong Lake ,nce south- uu‘e miles; few miles and lhrcv n‘ewet‘ics, plant (0 tmeycr I bhw ‘ tally < minut Fiancee of Arlhur Russell. Dead Near Cobalt, Sails to Meet Him. A dcspalch from MCn‘J‘L‘ï¬l says: Ar- thur Russell. the unfortunate man whose naked body was found near Cohan, was well connected in Mayale, England. and left a good position in me C. P. R. here owing to ill-health. His ï¬ancee is new cn lhe ocean to meet him. gemus cases “Pyocyanase†edy. It is ; lation of py< Rvport of Work on “’cstprn Division of Grand Trunk Pacific. A desputch from Ottawa says: The monthly report of progress in the West,- em division of the Grand Trunk Pnci- ï¬c shows that up to the end of 0610- her 205 miles of, 1rack had been laid from Winnipeg westward. of which 5:1 by! been harllasted. The company is sfi [1‘8 Munich Professor Says Pymyanase Quick and Sure. Ward was rec/0‘ day that Rich living on Lot 1. tions' Reserve, Hagcrsvmo. had of his wife and it] square mlles in extent. and {he Larch Hills l’orvst Reserve, lying between Sal- mon Arm and Mara Lake and having an area of about 25 square miles. Wife and Stepson Said m B? “(xenon- sible [or Death at Indian. hhw the sn-fe with nitro-g‘ly‘ccrine, mon- lnlly calculating that. within a very few minutes the lack of wafer in the boilers (I the plant, wauld muse an explosion that. would bring the building down about, [heir cars. At the ï¬rst attack on H]: safe with explosives the police 1r- rived and opened ï¬re on the gang. who escaped. The engineer rolled out to the boiler and was freed. He rushed to [he engine-room. md was just in time (a save the plum. kmliih Forest Reserve, lying west of Lake Niskonmh. with an area of about 1‘25 square miles; Tranquille Fewest Re- serve. an area of 1.4-9 square miles in the Tranquill-e Plateau. “Grill-east of Kam‘ loops Lake; Hat Creek Forest, Reserve, around the headwaters of Hat Cch. with In u‘ea of 206 square miles: Um:- uld Forest Rem-we, adminng the (i. P. R. on the north and Mst sides for some dismnce on each side of Donald, 72 square miles in extent. and {he Larch main och of lhc bro was thrown under a 1 He watched the bur; hhw the sax-Ye with nitn’ [ally calrmuting that. w minutes the lack of WA! M the plant would cnu that would bring the about their ears. At 1h YOI ENG GIRL'S DISAPPOINTMENT ll slant of laborers. Two hunhred LCk laborers were required for work 31‘ Edmnlon, and aft-er the most 'enuous work only 32 could be ob- ned. an of pyocyanaeus bacilli in liquid cultures. App ‘le by blowing it mm the KILLED IN FAMILY FIGHT. NEW’ DIPHTHERIA CURE SHORT 0F LABORERS. mn S. and ‘II produc eus bacilli. develop. ‘es. Application is l inla the throat. .vory, \ nbk PI‘C‘D'AT CFC The butter mark-ct is quiet. Quota fc-day in round lots quoted at 271/: 286, according to quantity and dis Cheese prim; show a wide range, Quebecs may be quoted MAM/ac to Townships. 12%c to 12%;; Onta 12%c 10 12-340 for current receipis. Provisionsâ€"Barrels short-cut 11 $22.50 to $23; half barrels. $11.? $12.25; Clear {at backs. $23.50 to pure la 1' Ontario bran shorls. in bags bran, in bags, 5 2'7. Newly-laid eggs are quoted about 30c 1‘0 32c per duzen in case lots. while sales of selecied steak were made at 266 be 270; No. 1, 22c 10 230; seconds, Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, 110 to 11340 for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 150 in 15%0; heavy, 14%0 la 150; bucks. 16%0 10 17c; shuulders, 10%0 tr; 11v; rolls, 110 (0 ï¬gs: breakfast bamn. 150 to 15%C. Green meats out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. Dressed Hogs~$8.75 [or lighlweights and $8.25 for heavies. Pork~Short cut. $22.75 ta $23 for bar'- I‘els; mess, $20 to $21. Lardâ€"Firm; tiel‘ces, 12%0; tubs, 12%c; pails, 13c. P0357430. CGI‘H~4V-L 2 yoHaw, American, mil/ï¬e. Toronto Heights; Na. 3 yellow, GEN/4’0. B'uvkwhnt~7|n «Maï¬a. Runâ€"£2! to $31.50 m hulk outsidv; shorts, R3 to 368.50. F14Ml‘»~&lh[‘i0, $20 per cmL put-111.9. about 88.†id, $1.5 Inked; Mnniinba patents. spoon! brand. £6 10 $6.20; SPC- cmd plants. 35.49 to 85.68; strong hak- e1‘5'. $5.30 {0 $5.40. al Potatoesâ€"Ontario; are ï¬rm at 730 to 500 in car lot; on track. Beansâ€"Steady at $1.80 M $130 for primes and $1.96 to s: for hand-picked. Bale! Hayâ€"Timothy is quoted 31 $17 50 In 818.50 per ton in car lots on two here. Butterâ€"Market is very strong qunuh'ons are unchanged. l‘k‘camory, prints .. .. 2.991 Honcyâ€"Sirained steady at 116 lbfll‘ic per 1b.. and combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per dezvn. Barleyâ€"Na cum, 80c. mixed, “3; gaosc wheat. Manuel): Wheatâ€"N0. 1 No. 1 northern, $1.05; No do solids...“ Dairy prinls H de solids “Cheescs‘steady 'a'i Med STI‘Mvâ€"Firn at $9.56 to $10.50 per ton on track. LEADING M Eggs~New laid r1 Me. 250. Buffalo NPHlnd g to size; brc indsor‘ hnoon attoir-dresserl $6.25. Poultry ens. 5c 11‘ N'FAV YORK \VHI 'or LIV MONTREAL MARKETS No COUNTRY PRODUCE BUFFALO â€"â€"Easier low , 66 53 %c. â€"Chickcns. (Ire to 70; dud-s. '2 turkeys. 120 to No'r. l!.~â€"0nlario Wheat c or red, 98c to 98%0; Na. ; goose wheat, 89c to 90c. r be quoted atJIZC to 120. 12%c to 12%0; Ontarias, ;c for current receipis. ~Burrels short-cut moss. 3; half barrels. $11.75 to [fat backs, $23.50 to $24.- hoavy muss. $20.50 10 $21.- BREADSTUFF.‘ PROV’KSIONS )V “S Barl on im he mammal nominal $10.50 m $11.25; dry “on, 10540 to 11%0; 13f 13Â¥ MARKET 1.6 $26; Manitoba $23; shorts, 325 La MARK AT MARK E'I half lard. ; ken ;c to noon. MEKETS to $1 ï¬rm at 300 Msâ€"I .Vâ€"Sl W heatâ€"Spring ‘02; winter low‘ 16‘ Wheat .. 2.2010241: and twins at Meatsâ€"Long for ions and light, 150 to hacks. 16%(: 110.; rolls, 110 150 to 15%c. 5; half but bl‘lS. hoav; barrels do. hard \u 16‘ Quotations at 9'7 1/n In $1.03. 82c; No oulsid nder )l to H to 10‘ :, nnc ': Na $1.10 SLOT $6.10 mc ut Rate of Immigration to Canada Since April Last. Reid coming up a darl cided to make him 134 holding him up. Tiu‘ but he did not catch on started defending hinm and gave one of the g The girls then started One of Them Gm u Black Eye and Now Seeks Roda-35.. young man named Hugh Reid was tried on a charge of assault, preferred against him by three young lady friends. On Thanksgiving night. these three dressed in male atiire, blackened their faces, and started out for a frolic. Seeing Reid coming up a dark street they de- cided 10 make him believe lhey were they AVERAGE TAAUSAND A DAY the you 1' says: A Inn-rim: on Friday nighl, ago to docks and paly. The gns ‘ the [urine dawn} the stern], and H1 du‘kneas. A n killed by mllami The prices 63 per 11). Export cw Presented to King Edward per (‘WI t3 $3.50 pm‘ cwt worth S: b.) $2.2! Good milch cm 356 each. 0011 brought $20 to $ to $5.41! for inferior Imi mainlance *iia' the 114 .I; did 110‘ T1 mnfusion an 31‘s GIRLS PIAYED FOOTPA DS f) GREATEST 0F DIAMONDS ‘espatch from Monh‘ écorder's Court- on Terriï¬c Hurricane Sweeps seflles, France. ead‘ imi s of calv :h from Marseilles, :I‘rimno swept over l igm, causing immm: : and «lher water In gas works wero Ho: dawnpour that um»: 1.11 1‘ his, but cla up business cognac them n started 1; the dun not guilty that (he 11 D U >O\VS \VOI' Birlhday. 1 at $4 to A] $3.50: la )0 (lama sing immmsn dam- cr water from pro- “ wes‘o “$141641 by - lhat ummpmied ,y was plunged inln :m‘ of pmmo were houses. but rkness it is ady 1f an rolic. Seeing treet they de- :Vc lhey were grabbed him, the joke. and with his ï¬sts. L a black eye. explain who HIS Mfr 31d In m hs to $4 .11 s: Thur Old at bulls ‘ at $40 fair co that they well that ho an “is 35 and iiaiely. ‘n was xon the n the moos- BI from . the only But. $2.6 who we. )1 A despal, ï¬re. which develop int {mus conflz which \vipx 1.000000 of mill The she {m hm‘ has Trying to \VBS sil most pronouncm mre acute thrm the South for c the lake seasons burg coal kings 4 to Iake on men thought they hi than can be ï¬lh the coal was or CUI‘I‘ ï¬sherman. r< im safely int Pittsburg Concerns Drcline to Supply a Million Tons. an '1‘ k “N \ Ropeiilion of the Nil )l 1t m of South Franco continua: 1.0 suf- frmn the floods fodkswing the (moat \- ruins. In many plum; tho inunda- m an! worse than 1&0 hocncrs which ‘owvd the Squaw sum}. The «x- sivo can! slalion at Grnwaic lens 1! complmdy flooded and all work : been suspended. FOUR MEN SVVI‘II’T TO DEATH 315 was sw Mr. Per $100,000 FIRE AT TORONTO Um V wiped out nearly lawn wholesale distr wholesale house at 7U Jturdny evening, inll'u XLOOO or more on flv manufacturing ï¬rms out only a short d'L wt. in which the big and [he [not that its 11 immedi SD and aim ORDERS FOR COAL icierminc (h 520 an J a repc gralion 1‘0 ltur building is ï¬ve s one of those :rmn until burg z in the It We :hipmé 1r Montreal 801 31 'om Pitts g 500.000 1m and r Avortod l‘\"( anspor‘l t!1( inC )lton m< ends D01 nuld not ' coal or '0“ Over Mar- ml) 3.092 19M Hulowusl he 11K The \ continua: m suf- ‘(kxwing {he um! plum: tho imde- WO hu‘mrs which 1i 1'] ( In II) was 51 OI] 1113' district, ( at 76 Bay inflicting: from nh‘eul )ront cxlen and the num- 158598. The red with the )at nwrenu ‘01} ï¬re of lhr has ha demand 191 hqu )gl the ow Forlier )mpnny :sir St: Iili Was 3ilts- \vn y it is D H‘Lh- Tl“ SU lir mt. 'im. Mr. rur- U10 “31‘