AT THE LABESAL’PMNTING a PUBLISHING HOU-â€˜ï¬ RIOKXIOND HILL,ONI‘. VOL. XXX. {falls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. (S PUBLISHED a:va EHURSDAY MORNING Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yo I; Goods sold on cousignmeno Genera) sale? mun 0:0 prompely wounded to at. renxsouuulc rushes Residence Uninuville d R Goal-hag. Newton Breakagenl {or the Above License Auctionaex {or theCouusy of Yor c :9- peqtmfly solxoxm your patronage and friendly Suflneu-m sales utnPuded on the shortest notice 3nd It. r‘msouabemtds. P. 0. address King Licensed \uctioneer: Bmieathtaudedto on a .unsbla rates Pam J T 8345011. I R. McEwen Mauro Wesson Saigcon a; McEwen. A. large stnekof Funeral Furnishing kept, at both places T011th “'ill be in Richmond Hill on \Vc-d nmsduy of each week. Diï¬lit‘, next. (1001‘ north of Stand- ;u‘d Bank. 0111». Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. WWWâ€"m3 RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL ll: JOHN R. CAMPBELL, calls by day and night promptly at- tended 'to. Pupil and J Boing :I {luspiml examine db: Mummy interest prupvrfq‘ Undenakcrs a: E $1 per annum, in advance.] (C J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Instruction in Pianwplaying and Thvnry mi] of A. S. Vngtv. Mm. Dnc. (Piano) (1 J. H. Anger, F. R. U. 0. (Them-y) Money to Loan. VETERINARY SURGEON ' 'Fhoruhill. BUSINESS CARDS. H. SANDERSON. ETiRINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘ur. Carlton :I WRIGHT BROS Elle gibtral DR. S. J. BOYD 1‘. M'GMAHON. £93m. Himâ€"VCANDERâ€"S’O’N’, ] ) e n List, Emron LL- Psormmon 1. ll. PI entice. l). G. BLOUGII, ctioneers {or the Cpnuty of York 3,“. fl, . to l on wettrizmry nahortestuoticéabd a. Tar; {rouge solicited ï¬r L! BS AL OFFICE BMW king? St mbalmers, pm‘ (‘9 n t. age» ~fiu'm Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce, southâ€"vast (-mx “(Jr uf’Lurnu Bldg“ «Very Thurs‘dny after-main. lowest rates Aururr "theeâ€"Removed to the old post 0mm, one door we“ of the entrance to the Outanu Bwk Newmarket oï¬iceâ€"Thre'e doors south of the 11 mt ofï¬ce '1‘ Banana LENNOX G STV Maizan Barristers and Solicitors. Mouev be loan onland audchntbe! murmace BARRISTER, SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. annntn Oï¬iro, 33 Richmond Sc. \Vest, \Vvsioy Buildings. Richmond Hill Ufl‘iue. Standunl Bank Building, every Saturday aLftnu uunn. LENNOX & MORGAN .x TO LOAN AT Lowxzsr RATES Barristers. Snliclul‘s, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada FRANK DENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2], 1907 Muple, Thursday zlftm-nmm Muuey to hum at, Fiu’. Per (1' JAS. N EW'TON G G S I.iudsey.K C A G F Lawrence W Riduut Wadsworth DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Comer King & Yonge Streets, Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, 35:. Home Life Building (formerly Free bold 119m Bldg), Cm. Adelaide ‘& HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current rates. Richmonq Hill ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BIIIJ] 4S M. TEEFY. NOTA RY PUBLIC, travelling public. Good mums fox- Cunamercial Travellers. Attentive AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Harry Wright PROPRIETOR Phone Main 311 COMMISSIONER. CONVEYA NCER. ETC Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Tux-unto Ofï¬ce, 30 Tux-011m sin-Pt H. A,. NICHULLS THE PALMER HOUSE J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC enton, Dunn & Boultbee THORNHII Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. )Iemun ‘mmnissinnex, Cunveyum‘er. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer uf Marriage Licenses. NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK J. M. LAING lax-vistas. Solicitors, Etc ictoriuVSLs†Turonto‘ OOHXIBEXOHEBIR 1'32 uccmnmodatiml TORONTO. amt. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Aurora. G S'rV‘ MORGAN chaLaei mungageaaz Plume flain 2984 Cmt (5 Newmarket for the Mr. “K T. Rhlï¬nmm has pln-ch: tln- Slt‘t'k nfdly gnu(]\‘ and grow fmm Mr. Cecil H. Keys, un‘d 1 Int-Incod lMsinvss lmst “'f't‘k. fmm Mr. Cecil H. Keys, un‘d (:(‘mb Int-Incod lMsinvss lmst “'f't‘k. The ymmg pm-plr-‘s claw of th‘v Methudisl t-lnn-vh spent. 'l‘m-sdny eve- nng of last \vw‘k at the lxmm- nl' Miss l’utvrlnmgh. l‘ltlgvley. A plouszmb timv was spent by all pu'svnb. A gund llllfl' is (‘Xlll'Cth :IL lllv pie suciul in the Melhmlist chuqu on Thursday rn-ning. ‘J'hursdny x-n-ning. A «uncut in nid of Sr. Sh} vhm-uhislu he hc-ltl in thv M hull unvFI-iduy mmning uf (his w Rev. Mu Muflnn-kt-m u gmdu; Knox ("hilt-sn- nccupird the pn} ï¬t. Andrew‘s church on Sundu y mg. Rev. \V. Gnllnway lmd an vxchungp of pulpits with Rev. Harold 'l‘nye of Riclmnmd Hill and Rev. Philip Junes with Ruv. F. C. Keum of Newton- brnnk un Sunday last. A (mute-rt, in aid uf the public library ix‘ to be given hn-l'ee in u few Weeks. Mr. Emilius \Vilx‘nn wlm lms hevn in tlw Klondike fm- sumo, time is home on u visit, tn his nmlhe'r. Mr. \Vm. Harps-r has removed to Alll‘tn'a wherv he will reside until lie n-lmillls in the spring. "The annual Cluistnms entertain- nu-nt will lw‘heltl (m (‘rhristnms Eve. A Cantata entitled "Santa. Ulaus’ Dn- ings," will be prosvnte-d. Mr. “’ultei- Svntt has been north on a hunting trip and u‘pm'ts luts uf grilflt‘. Mrs. Grnhzimnf Alum-a is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bnynton and other friends. usual diet, but, drink plenty or guou \wator. This mixture, writes one authority in a. leadin Philadelphia. newspaper, has a pecu iar tonic effect, upon the kidneys ; cleansing the (tugged-up poresnf the wliminutive tissues, fl'l'c- ing the kidneys to sift, and strain fi-um ‘ the blood the uric acid and other puis- i onous waste matter. overcoming Rheu- matism, Bladder and Urinary troubles in u Shul'L while. V Mr. Hui-per wishes to thank the friends and noighlmrs fnr their kind- ness und assistance at, the late ï¬l't' and since he has been at this place. Though the loss by ï¬re was heavy it would hzu‘e been much hmu’ier had not the mï¬ghhurs done such goud wm-k. The “'omvn's Institute will hold their monthly uwvting alt Mrs. R. L. Nichnln‘, on \lenesday Nm‘. 27th. at 2.30 p. m. Suhjvcts â€" Inexpensive Christ Inns gifrs. Christmas decorations Chlistmas duinties. A good program pm} idod: A ll Welcnnw. The Indepvndent Telephone 30m- pany have extended their line south as furus Mr. C. Sande-son’s and in- stalled ï¬ve phones. and east, from Mr. \V. 8001’s to Mr. R. S. Frishy’s two. Further developvments are awaited. A young man frum the Square, oh how utter. Set Hng’s Hollow all in a flutter. Thn’ sharp as a cat He lost. his best Hat And came home in a. terrible splatter. Rubbersâ€"Long Rubber Boots Ist. quality $3.95. Lelitbel' Top Snug- Pmof Rulll'd Edge Rubheis $3.00. Snag-Prnof Felt lined 2.75. Snag proof rolled edge ()us‘nionliued two buckle ni-lncod 2.60, one buckle plain 1.75. Boy’s one buckle pluin 1.25, Sucks 50c. and 75c. Oversth 1.65, Men’s plain nvesz5c.90c and $1.00 in all lusts. Women’s plain overs in half sizes and all lusts 60c. Boys’ plain overs size. 1 (051“. 70c. Misses plain overs 500. Uhilds plain overs 45c. Naughton‘s to 5 at. 70c. Uhilds plain at. the Elgin. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the coun- try people coming in of this simple home-made mixLure curing Rheuma- tism and Kidney trouble. Here is the xeci e and directions for taking: Mix by s nking well in a bottle une-lmlf ounce Fluid Extract, Dandelion. one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sal-sapalilln. Take as a dose one Leuspounful after meals and at bedtime. No change need he made in your usnuldivt, but drink plenty of good A New ank di-uggist who has bud hundreds of calls for Lbese ing‘reéients since the. ï¬rst announcement, in th‘e newspupens last Oéto‘uer stated that. the peopie wide nude try it "swrau' by in†‘: ecially those who have Urinary and idney trouble and suffer with Rheumatism. The druggists in this neighborhood say they can supply the ingredients. which are easily [mixed at. bume. There is said to be nu better blond-cleansing agent, or system tunic known, and certainly none rum-c bill'LIllrSS or sim- pie to use. RECKPE MIXED OFTEN. Victoria Square, Maple ~{Aid nf Sf. Stq-pheu‘s hc-kl in thv Mnsunic nu: pit, Illl D: Ls» Hus om- U‘f le Cuuncil of the Municipality of Vaughan mot in the Township Hull UK) [he 12!.h 0f Nnvomber. MHnlwl-s prwrsntâ€" Isaac Devins, H-v‘x‘r : D. U. L0mglun'.se. dopuly-reev»; J. A. Calm-run and W. Thomas, Cunn- ('illnl's. Minutes of last week had and Thu fnlinwing sheep claims were. prewntt-d :â€"~ me John \V. Dunn, ’J‘hmnhill. fur :3 shwp and 3 lambs injurml by dogs}: from James Bun-y, lot. 34. Cum. 4- furl sheep killed!- (mnmmnicutiuns were laid on the table as fullmvs :â€"â€"From A. G. F. Law- rence with statement. of uccount to (late; fun.“ J. E. Francis asking for grauL for Thornlnll Public Library; fromJ. B. McLean néking for grant. Lo Maple Public Library. Mr. Hillman. U. E., representing the, lanudiun Paciï¬c Railway ()0. up- pvnred before the Council with plnn and profile of railway crossing be- tween luts 10, and 1!, am 8. 'l‘hunmsâ€"Camoronâ€"«That, the trous- ux-er he and is hereby uuLhnrizud to [my tlw following claims for sheep and lambs killed by dog or (1039, beingg value of same :â€" To John W. Dean, 2sheep and 3 Lnth killed and 2 lambs inâ€" jured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21 00 To James Barry, 1 sheep killed. 6 A66 Lnnghouseâ€" Uamerunâ€" That; the T1 eusurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to A. G. F. Lawrence for legal ad vice $5.00.-â€"CurI-ied. Thumasâ€" ' Lnnglmuseâ€" That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorize-d to any to J. E. Francis for the Thorn- hllxl’ublic Library the sum of $15.â€"â€" Uzu-ried. Lunghouseâ€" Thomasâ€"- That. the Treasurer he and is hereby authorized tn ay to J. B. McLean fur the Maple Pu )lic Library the sum of $1.3.~â€"Um~- rivd. L<mghouse~Cmneronâ€" That this Council does not approve of the plans and proï¬le sulnnimed to them by Ml. Hillman 0f the O. P. R. x-e crossing be- tween lots 10 and 11, con. 8, and con- sider it- necessnu-y than a. subway should he maintained by G. P. R. at the said crussjng.â€"â€"Curried. _ Cumernnâ€"Ltï¬ghouseâ€" That the Glen k be instructed to band the notes held by this '_I_‘<_)_wnship3gainst George lunpe; and Tl'hums .Siï¬lpsoï¬ Vtur tie Ulc-rk of the \Vm-dbridge court for collectinn.â€"-â€"Uarried. Lunglumseâ€"‘l‘hunmsâ€" That the Treasurer he and is hereby authorized tu‘pay the following road ELCCIIHXHS: “7. Bone, Putting in bridge, lot 55, con. 1 . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . $ 85 00 \V. Bone. hauling from Innes’ Mill and ï¬nishing guard at. Premier’s .. . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 L. Innes 6; Sons. hemlan &c... 6 41 J. Naughton, 6510uds gravel. . . . 6 50 C. UlOUk, putting in culvex-L... l 10 C. Sinclair. irun posts . . . . . . i . . . 7 80 J. Watson, 4 bags of cement . .. 2.2 5 E. Hutchinson. teaming 4 9 5 E. W. Lawrence, repairs fox grader . 1 30 J. Ringlund 4:} days, 7th cnn, & Marshall‘s side~ruad &c. 10 Thus. Rnunlxee, drawing plank for bridge in sidewad, lots 5 & 6, con. 7 &c. . . . , . . . . . . . . 4 00 G. H. Hoover, sharpening picks, etc . . 2 40 A. A. Rankin, iii) S'dé.nérnl‘éll: 11 00 J. Piechy, repairing mad sum.- per- &c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Alex. Lawrence. lu'er for roafl machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .' 70 Ed. \‘Vhite, putting new top on bridge, lot. 2, 3rd con . . . . . . . 33 45 (Yuhge St. acct. i to be paid by Mark- buan W. Ohattex-ly, 12 days’ wm-k 18 00 nndcnrt .. .. .. .. . \V. Chatterley. 13 lbs. nails. . . . \V. Cluhine. 6611HLdS gravel .... D. James 2* days with team). . .. J. \Val'vcl, 1 10-12 Luise etune.. E. Shearer) 2!; days . . . . . . . . . . . A. Porter 3; days . . . . . . . . . . , . . A. Lowxey2 days. . $1.75 ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. John Craddnck 31} dys at, $1.50 A. Dutfey 2h dys. at $1.50 . .. “ “ 1; hrs. with hnr<e . “ “ 4 dys 3 hrs at $1.75.. \Vm. Cx-Paser. 5 dy.» at $2.35 . “ “ 14; bbls. cement. Long Pnint Uider Vinegar h stronth of pmnf. \Ve 5911 it 4 per gallon. Very extm \‘uluu kinsun & Switzer. Juhn’Cmdd‘uck, u dys 3 hrs at, The quowing By-lauv was passed: By-Inw Nu. 839 unsealng By-lnw Nu. 096 uppuinting Mr. A. G. F.‘ Lawrence sagging- fox- tbe township of Vaughan. $2.30 .-. . . . . ‘ . . . A Killnugh. 3 loads gran " “ 2111‘s with team )\IIIl-IL"I Ah; luL' Lununulp UA v (Illsuuua Th? Council udjunnwd tn [um-t mu ‘ the 10th of December at. 10 u. m. o’â€" LongPuint, biglex Vinogjuf has {he VAUGHAN COUNCHL 3131qu StMgte Labor. horse $ 66 00 Câ€"ux-ricd. :Lt hns the at 30c. 24:. Al- ldupt- 50 65 72 02 338’. 0f) Miss Rusnnmnd Dunn. Won tint. prize given in the Star contest [9r walking. Thediatance was 81 milea. and Miss Dunn's time Was 1 hour. 35 minutt-s, 25 seconds. Thrre Were about 80 sturturs. Mr. H. A. E. Kent. hnahoen a‘ppoink- ed Re-gistmrt‘nr \Vest Turuntn. sur- cvoding Dr. “K Bennie Nesbitp. uml ex-Pulice Inspector Juneph Johnson succeods Mr. Pm'yis as Chief License Inspector for Hie Uitvy. The jury who tried the- engineer. Geurge Hodge, and conductor MM,- thew Grimes an a charge of nogligvnm in connectinn with the tPI-rihle milâ€" wuy disaster which occurred at the Horseshoe Curve near Oulednn, on September 3rd, returned a verdict of “not. guilty" against, hnth defendants. In all cases where there is a. wasting sway of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak . as in the early stages '01 gon- i n. there can be no doubt. that gly- cerine acts as a, valuable nutritive and e G lden Seal root. Stone root, ’s to z and Black Cherrybark in gram 'n igestion and building up tin esh an s rength. controlling the cough and brln ' 3 about a healthy condition or the w e s stem. 0! course. it must not. be 9 ct to work miracles. It. will not. cure nsquption except in its eaglie; The glycerine ebpioyed in Dr. Pierce‘s medicines greatly enhances the medicinal properties which it extracts from native medicinal roots and holds in solution much better than alcohol would. It aL°o medicinal properties of its own. being a. valuable demuloent, nutritive antiseptic and antifennent. It adds greatly wtbe eï¬icacy of the Black Cherry- bark, Bloodroot, Golden Seal root, Stone root and Queen’s root, contained" in “Golden Medical Discovery" in subduing chronic, or lingerin'g___coughs, bronchialt throat and lung itfl'ectionSLi'or all 6! which these agents are recommended iiy stand- ard medical authorities. ~ and brln ' g abo o! the w 1e 5 st not. be 9 ct tc not cure nsump stages. c will ( London and Lancashire Ass. 00. The London Mutâ€" ual and British America Fire Ins. Cos. I! Is no! so effective'.‘ T513 ln the lingering hangâ€"on coughs, or thoso of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding‘from lungs. that it, has performed its most. marvelous cures. Prof. Finley Ellln 00d, M. D., of Ben- netit. Med. College, hlcago, says of gly- cer no: â€" “ In dyspepsia it serves an excellent purgeâ€. Holding a fixed quantity of the-peroxi e or hydrogen in solution. it is one of the best manufactured products of the present time in its action upon enteebied. disordered stom- achs, especially if there is ulceration or ca- tarrhai gastritis (eaten-ha! inflammation of stomach). it is a most eflicienc preparggion. Glycerine will relieve many case-5‘0! py‘msis (heartburn) and excessive gastric (stomach) acidity] “Gordan Medical Dlscovery†enriches and puriï¬es the blood curing blotches. pimples. eruptions. scrofulous swemmrs-and old sores. oriulcgrs. ‘ _ « Send to Dr. R. V. Flore of Buï¬â€™slo. N. Y.. for free booklet telling 211 show. the native medicinal roots composin this wonderful medicine. There Is no moo X In it. A Most Véluable Agent. -' RICHMOND HILL Farm Implements DEERING [Single copies, 3 cts. News Notes. AGENT FOR Eirséneï¬g 55, in acute con 5! R18 [I] the lingegng ’nIU