Owing to conditions which pro- vail the flood of immigration will probably not be so large ag it has been for some time past. The lumbarcamps which ordinarily attracts. large num- ber of men from various parts are not, owing to the stringency of the money market, taking on so many men this year as lush This sum- mer 72.000 immigrants have come in Ontario, but the C. P- Ry have notiï¬ed the department that they are Selling a large numlcr of steer-age tickets (or the return pas- eegt“. And arm†having been in operation for thirty years the Ontario [X-partuionc will discon- I'nue the work of distributing immi- grants in the. Provinéé nfber JanUary 1. The department has advised the Grand Trunk ltailwnyauthorities Lhatthtir tenancy of the quarters which the department has been 00-7 copying at the Union Station will‘ crâ€"aso aflér the date mentioned, and notification of the provincial Gov.‘ c-rnment's intention to dibclmtinue‘ :le distribution has also been for- V?» will make to your mi-umrr‘ u gonu’ne {in-(rt: TwM-d suit, Winn-r weight. va‘ht style, (he very best :rin‘d’tthu'rQ Si! . awwd (hnmghnut. a "Mo-ct m xm‘ Atkinsnn & :I‘e distribution has Valso been for wank-d to the‘ Domihion Immigra :ion Department at Ottawa. i'flie Toronto Wm‘ld is showing considernble animus these days in i aeflbrts to induce the ratepayers 0“ the city to vote for (be . by-law in January to raise 2,500,000 for a power plant. But. the .World seems to be actuated by a desire to‘ Show that The Globe is on the wrong side of the. question. The Globe, the News, chmMziil and Empire and other Toronto. . papers allow that iherearc two sides which may be worth considering. The World ad- mits of but one side. It is always cafer,hr.wever,to discuss such im- portant questions on their merits and much better to avoid calling nasty mum‘s. Our attentionbas been drawn to the careless habit of splttingzand ex- wctorating on the sidewalks in our. village. The habit is not only a ï¬l- Hw one, but also a dangerous ove in this age of weak; lungs, In some mnnicipalltiesbyulawa are passed pmh‘illlting the pracn‘ce. It is hoped ihfat it will not be necessary to refer {rain to this very disagreeable sub- joct. A little forethought and a de~ sir‘to be agreeable is all that will be ncceesars'. "When Sir William Mulock want- ed a deputy to rule the Post-Office Department, as he desired it should he ruled. be sent to his own constit- uency for a certain Dr. Coulter. It looked like a cheap way of reward- ing a political henchman. Subse- quent events proved that Sir Will- iam knew what he was about, when he ï¬lled the position. Dr. Coulter has not on‘ly main'tained an econom- ical department, but he has kept it progressive. Moreover, he has fol- lowed. his old chicitain’a ambitions with success and has asaisted in re- moving from the Canadian post-ofï¬ce the great burden of distributing tons vi'cheap United-States periodicals. l-‘orhis service in this respect and in‘tl‘e cause of cheaper periodical postage between Great Britain and Umadn, he has been made. a Com. pnnlon of St. Michael and St. George an honour none too great to com- memorate one of .the grandest re- forms which has been accomplished in recent years." svitzor The last number of The Canadian Courier, a national weekly published in Toronto, contains an- excellent phocograveur of Dr. Coulter. Deputy- Poatmaster General, who has recent- !y‘bcen made a C. M. G. And ac- companying the photograveur is the following personal reference :â€" RICHMOND HILL. 051.. DR. COUL’I‘ER, C. M. G. Nov. 21. 1907 ymmghwhies. .The wholesome green lean-s and tender stems of a lung. healing,r mountainous shrub, furnish thu cumlive properties uf Dr. Shoop's I CnuglLCure. It, calms the cough. and heals (ht:7 surevand sensitive brhnrrhial membrunés. No opium. no chlm'n- 1 form, nuthing harsh LISNd to in'ure m' i suppress. Simply n resinous plant 92(- . tract. that helps to heal aching lungs. . TheSpuuimds cull this shrub which 1 the dnctm‘ uses. "The Sacred Herb." ' Dvlnaud Dr. Shnnp‘s. Take no other. I \V. A. Sanderson. Mr. James (‘msgmv-e and Mr. Jnhn Hickir‘n had a numhpr of sheep wor- ried and killc-d by dogs a {(-w nights ago. The wmuins 11f M35. Fishm‘ nf Tu- l‘nnm were intm red in St» John‘s cem- ctmy. Oak Ridgvs. 0n “'ednasday of last wet-k. Dem'used was a nine of Mrs. F Dibb of this place. Mrs. “'ilo-y: of Sutton spnnt :1 day with friends here on her way to visit Mr. Gen. MuOngue and othex relativvs at Vistm-iu Sqmn'P. \Vurdeu. Baknr of “'hitchurch :md Reew- Maeâ€"of King-will mth at El- am Mills Friday nf this week ~tu View Lhenow bridge and give their opin- ion as to the proper height of the our tragk ng_t_h_is place. Miss Minnie Ruwlings sppnt the week end with friends in Toronto. Misai Imuie Naughtmi .05 Toronto spent frum Sntuxduy till‘Thesday with her parents hex-(:1 Miss Stella Murphy of Clem-view Faun sponta few days with friends nmr Schnmlwz‘g‘; MissAnha G.errS\wll is spending [hr week whh friends in ’l‘m‘onm. ’ A tickling cough, frank-any C'HISP. is quickly.‘ stnppvd .hy DI. Shunp's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and snfe. that Dr. Shonp tells mothers evvx‘ywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young-babies. .Thejvholesmne green There was abn-ge crowd of poop]? at. the auction sale of hm-svs, cattle &c at the Metropolitan Hotel yesterday and the proprietors. Messrs Lloyd and Savage. were kept busy attending to than'antanfltiwirpem'ons. Auction- eer Blough got some good prices. but owing to the scarcity of feed in some quarters stuck is not selling as readily as a year ago. Mr. G. Lt Stewart of this place. has been appointed by the Dominion Guvâ€" eminent to go as a delegate tn the British 13195 in the interest, of Immi- gratiun. H9 is to leave Canada per 8. S. Empxess «of irelund on the 29th inst. This‘willba. Mr. Stewart’s Sec- ond¢rip~on the same business, and as he kopt in touch with the distrilmt~ in agents in Ontario last, summer he wi lhe in a position in inn-liigently pl (‘~ sent their needs for farm lubnrers and dumpstics before the booking agfuts in the Unitvd Kingdom. .. r u gravel .. . 3 50 J. T. Stm-tup. work on streets etc 3095 G. Allison. watching ï¬re on Cm)- t-re St; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . 75 “'m. Gould. watching ï¬re on Centre St. . 75 The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Thos. Hopper re thv wmuml of céutaini. stones on Centre St., cum- plaint having been made tn the Coun- cil with regard to the same. Council adjourned. The following accounts w'vw pm- seuted and the Treasurer ordered to Ii‘ny theysame. . Lueshy. work on tanks ...$ 23 00 L. lnnes& Sona,lumber .. . .. 81 98 Jos. Hall. oil. glasses , 49 015 Jno. Empriuglmm. shovelling Tin-Council met on Novemhm‘ 5th in the Council Chamber. Px'esvnt Councillnrs Sn ndorsxm; Trench. Burk- er,’ and Nicholls. In the uhsemre 0f the Reeve, Cnuncillor Nicholls was voted into the chair. The minutes of th- lnat‘; meeting were read and approved. A tvrrihle catastrophe occurred at the mouth of the water works tunnel, Toronto [3144 nd. Tuesday night. A cable snapped suddenly while seven men were being hauled tn thosm-fm-p, the cage fvll duwn the shaft and four men mot death. Two of the mvn Were killed outrightm third died on the way to the hospital, and the fum-th lived ‘only a few minutes utter reaching the hospital. The thl're others were se- riuusly injurodaml all of: then. may die. A 500 Hi. weight dropped like a trip hamnu-r (m the falling cugv. Always reliable, economical and durable. \Vill not crack, peel or chalk. Superiorto any other mixed paints on the market. Require only 8 hours to dry. Think ofit. Island City Enamels, Liquid Gold and .mun‘zznum. Island City varnish Stains, Gloss Carriage Paints. For; SAL]: rt Island City Paints VILLAGE COUNCIL. Elgin Mills. N ews N ones. King City. Pure Prepared . NIGHOLLS, Richmond Hill IJ'MND CITY FLOOR PflINTJ‘ ++++++HM+++,++.+.+++M++++ “’HAT‘S IN MCCLURE‘S. Th9 December MoClnro’s abounds in strong features. Burton J. Hwndrick’s “Great, American Fortunes" is tho history of [he vxpluitalion by a few 1mm) of the richest country in the World. The present installment, doals with Ryan and tho MPthpolitafl Railâ€" ‘ way Company Cleveland Mni’fPt do- isnrihes the m; lntion of the oldest 0! stops. the spinning. top, into tho gyro- fC'dl'. which hills fair In revolutionize [the lift of the world. Harry Smith S \Villialns follows this up with “The l Gyroscope and Ocean Travpl," anotht-r ‘ use of the gyroscope, which promises ‘tn abolish. seasickness. President, El- iot of Harvard. in “The Canadian Act," give: an interesting acoount of what the Dominion Government, has done to aid in the prevention and set- tlement of strikes in mines and in- dnsu-ivs connected with public utili- Lies. Professor Lowell‘s "The. Planet “am†is the very latest. word from our m-ighhor planvn “Some Alnvri~ van College Boys." Ivy Cameron Matr- kenziv. is a tln-illin account, of the Onrm-ll Uniw-rsily hl‘P, whirh proves that, heroism is not dying out. '++++'l'++ +++++ ++M+H+++++++++ That’s exactly what you do when one of our Gilbert alarm clocks calls you. The bell on this clock is nearly'tour inches ‘in diameter, and is struck very rapidly by the ham- mer. No clinches or riv- ets to hold the movement together, but every part adjustable and conven ient to take apart, which makes this clock inex- pensive to keep in‘repair. §Wake Up ! f++++++M+HH++++HM+W Exmninn the quality and slyle t-f the nwn‘s negligvv shirts we me sell- ing at, 75c ouch. the fur lint-d black and Mm- heave-r cups at 56c. the ï¬ne Worsted sweaters at $1.00 each. the black hih overalls vxtm large, sizes at 75c. Atkinson & Swilzvr. Rinans Tabqu cure bad breath. moans Tabules cure flatulence. Rlpsus Tabulea: at drugglsm. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. (D. We send i“ free on re- quest 0 u l‘ catalogue of t h e b e s t books on 02mins; life and recreation. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its sunloundings. J ERRY SMITH “yo STREAM/3 o}â€" ~ze'Vnâ€"d us twenty-ï¬ve cents for four Weeks trialtri . A P large illustrated weekiy journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natunl his- tory and yachting. A for pen'ences of 311313551551:- ers and campers, or yacht- mg; or Adventure if you are in- . terested in country life. ask your newsdealer {of 5 “FOREST AND O STREAM," or send fus twenty-ï¬ve cents‘ for our Weeks trialtrip. A large illustrated weckiv Guaranteed one year. Price $1.59. apart Ansonia alirm clocks 346 Broadway, New 'Yoxk. If you 9 like to ‘ read of the ex- periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- A comfm-tamlr, 7-ronmed hmmv. with») aelu’vnf :.nd. 1 mile south (2f Richmond‘flillu Aygply {le THURSDAY. Nov 21â€" Executm-s sale of farm stock. implements &c, at, Victnria Square; the property of the estate of the late Anson F. Stouten- ‘ burgh. Sule utl o‘clock. Terms3 months. Saigeon & McEwen, aucts. FRIDAY. Nov. 22â€"Auction sale of a cal-luad of draught colts and ï¬lliea, ‘rising- I. 2, 3, '& 4 yrs., at Svewart's Hotel. VV0()db1-idg9. the property of J. H. Brillingcr. Credit, till Oct. 1, 1908. Saigeon & McEwen, aucts. ‘ SATURDAY, Nov. 23â€"Auction Sillfl‘nf me stumps m) gravel road. nem- inP Grove. the property of Fred Cousins. Terms 3 months. Saigeon & McEWe-n, auctioneers. MONDAY; Nnvu 25â€"'Sale of hardwood and soft wand at \Vilcnx Lake, the property of Mr. Thomas. The Wood will he'sold in small lnts. _ TBI‘RSDAY. Nov. 28â€" EI-edlt 'sslp m! Battle at Steele’s Hutu], Ynngv Sr. Sale at} p. m. - Terms 12 months. ‘ Saigeun & McEwen. uuct-J: l cattle and hogs. For sale at the C. Station, or delivsred village:â€"â€" All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. Also Tile. STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE Best Scranton coal. The Toronto Daily World 4 months The Daily Globe, one year York County only The Daily Mail and Emâ€" pire, one year (York County) The Home Journal, one year The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receiv- ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New Idea Woman’s Maga- mnzms ,Tabulee cure biliousness. Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken-at “The Liberal†Ofï¬ce. Note the following-- Weekl Globe, With illustrated edia Lion, tillJan. 1, 1909 v 9 )0 RipanaJ‘abules cure dizziness. Ripanu Tabules: for mamach. What; about J. H. RAMER Bran and Victor Feed for COAL '1‘?) Rent Auction‘Sales. LITA)! FBMCLEAN. in the N ewspapez‘s P Saturday, . Nov. 2 Lu The Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Runmr, . The‘ proprietor of Phasnnt View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester White Hogs. Lot 29.; lst 001)., Vaughan (Thm-nhill) has fugfsule some googi young stuck. Thoroughbï¬Ã©d btill «ma hogwkrept for service on the reunisc‘s. . G. GOODERHAm, . DIHISIUN - WWI. Thmtnbill, Nov. 1. 1907. Thu factory will be 0le every ï¬n)‘ for the purpose of buying apples n to Nov. 28, but, will do custom wor‘ only as advertised. JESSE WINGER. PLEASANT VIEW FARM I will need about 15,000 bushels of cider apples for which I will also pay an ndvzmcem‘er former years. I will pay fmm 20c. to 25¢. per bag accord- mg to quality. If you have any ap- ples that. will not, sell in the City bring them along and tell yourfrieuds an_(l nPighhors. As‘ I have just recelved mg order for Forty Tons of Apple Butter aside from my regular trade. I will need about twenty thousand bushels of cider "yd peeling apples. 1 will puy 25c. per bushel for peeling apples, of which I need about, 5.000 bushels. Perling apples may he wind- falls, and either swact m- squ- apples. but they must be ï¬rm and free from rot. and at least about 2 inches in dimnvlm'. 20,000 bushels 0t Cider-and E’eeliug Applse At EDGELEY CIDER and JELLY .LVlILLS RICHMOND HILL Cummpncinq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON, CLERK ‘V' :&:N 'I‘ E I) ON roprictm‘