T119 Epwm'lh Imam]? next Mnnday evening will he in ('hurgp of the Iï¬lr~ vrury l)vpnrtm+-nt.. Th9 snhjm-l. "\tht is man wm-Ih“ “ill be taken by Mr. Alh-n. ‘ The ‘V. C. T. U. home “HHL‘. LL I‘. dny ufh-rnmm nt 3 Om milkmun has ruined t-hp mil-0 of milk tn? Nuts a quart or 15 quart tickets fm- $1.00, “’9â€. I :«mmmss> Wu z-hnnld lw lhzmkful that the- prion wasn‘t raised lung ago as it was in Othr plnrvs. Mrs. “'ilsun of Newmurkvt Sanl’. Mundayzuud Monday night with hm sister Mrs. \V. A. Sundursnn. Divisinn Cum-L will hf‘ huh] Iwre SM- urduv of this \Vt’t'k. Thuw is quite .L numho‘r uf vases in tho d-mket. Inclntl lug u jury (ruse. Rev. A. P. 8mm- Iust. :I vquuhlPJPP- say cmv nnP duy last woe-k. Th9 aniâ€" mal fnund hvr \vny tn .u hux of out. Chnpand utm- to surh un oxlvnt that the vetvrinnry cnnld nut suvo her. This «waning at 7.30 a spm‘iully in- taI-Pstinz Missinuury \vuok night Sor- vit‘e is to hr- hvld in the .wlmnl mum M the lehndist. Phlll'l‘h. SPVPI'H] sppak- N's frnm here and from at distance and Qpr‘cinl music will he- part of (hp pl'n» gmnmw. ‘ An (upon (-nnfm'mxce \viil’h» a foutuw nf the «awning. I TIM-rogular meeting: (If the Thum- hill branch of East Yr rk V‘Vnmvn's lnstitntt- will he held at the l'r-‘Sidvnr‘fl nf Mm. D. James at, Langemï¬ on PH. day :Ile-nnnn and m‘uning of llw 22nd inst. Suhjm-tszâ€"Chl'istmns: Tth" svtting: Our m-ighhnm. A program Hf music and singing in the evening. Subscriptions for the New Mon \Vnman’s Magazine mwtaken at THE ELBERAL “flit-.9 at, 75 cents a year. There was a. little tumble over thv postage to Canadian subscribers last year, but, we are plepared to NH“ guarantee that that excellent woman’s journalsawflfhe sent to anv addrves in Canada fur 75 ¢encsi The magazine is cheap at. $1.00 a. year. ' A single plank walk almost crmnI-‘r‘fs the asphalt pavempnt with the C. N. 0. Station. East, Centre Sin-pet. lf twn pvnple :u'p semi wnlkihg on it side hv side it. \Vlll he an indication lhal tlwv are not on unfrienle terms. Hnw. ever the plank walk will answpr :- gond purpnse until the asphalt paw-- wont is completed next sumuwr. Mr. Edward 13mka spunk, n few K‘mfv‘r’ lilst- \w-I'k in Sluuffvillt- with hi- sun Mn Mmle Burko-v. Miss Ellwl 81mm uf Tmnntn and Mrs. Kc'nIII-Ll) Sim-In of Ulnwrnw. Scutâ€" lund. visited at tho hnnw nf Mr. and Mls. D. 81mm on Saturday. Mr. Niclwlls ropm-ts the transfer of anmlwr pm-col (If Real Fistula lust Wenkl The prnpm‘ty Sï¬lll \vns that of Mr. \an. Gnuld I'll Arnold Strum, to Mr. VVhitmm-v of Conan-d.- Mr. Glllllll nonlizvd n gnod prim fm- his snug lmnu‘. ' Orders for bnnkhinding should he left nt this ofï¬ce. It is surprising how mean. volume can he made of these magazines. even though they are snmowhut soiled fmm much handling. Hunks, mugnzines or pol-indicala hnund m' rebound in any style ‘at' very rea- sonable prices. Blank books. such as journals. lPdgms; day books. with unv kind of ruling made to order. All work warranted ï¬rst class. Mr. Flank Robinsun, whose reputa- tion as n mill-wright slnnds second to nun» in this section of country. has purchased (119 business at, the foundry and machine shops at Boyle‘s Pond. furmorly run by Mr. W'. Mager. My. Robinsun is :1 ï¬rst-class workman. undï¬huse who_patmnize him can de- Mr. Daniel Phillips (lied at his home in Aurumlast Friday. the result, of Heart disease: He had lwun ailing fol wverul years pasl, but was able tn unweurnund until within a day ur m0 of his death. The funeral took place to the Aurora cemmury on Sun- .iug’and was largely attended. De- 3' ‘aaed was a. memln-r of tho Ancient, Urder of United \Vorleï¬wn. and also :uiOddfellow. both of whivh lodgc's nuirched in procession tn‘HH‘ cemev h-rY. He leaves n. widow. the ~daugh- lr-r of the late \Vm. B. Rii'hul‘dsun. Wauâ€" "MA ._ )0, pvnd bn' gottiï¬g every satisfaction. He will make cider. and do chopping n-H'l‘y day in the week. Rmammn HILL. 0m. Nuv. 21 DEATH FROM HEART TROUBLE. Toche'ck :1 cold quxckly. got from \ uul‘ druggist smne little Candy Cnld 'l‘ablets called Preventivï¬. - Dung isls - xerywherc are » now dispensing rc- wntics. for they are nut only safe. 3-1: decidedly certain and prompt. ‘revcntics Contain no quinine. no lax- iw. nothing harsh on sickening. hen at tha "snu‘ze stage" Prevent.- will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchit- l.;t Grippe. etc. Ilcncvn (heunnme- «\‘entics, Gl)ud..f0l‘-fEVQ-rish child. RICH M 0ND HILL FOUNDRY. . 48 Pn-vontics 25 cents. Trial 995cm. Sold by “'. A. Sander- \VOMAN’S M AGAZINE. BOOKBINDING. Murat nlx'd'é E. will mac-t, at, [hr Ulusf. nuizt Tues-- 190‘ 'I‘lw Misximmrv Campaign whivh is “Mug aniuctt-(l H1 llu‘ Moth-dist Chulsch' wili I-mch its climax on Sm» '1?l)'lH’XI. Ztlvh. “'hs-n the- cnngu-gn- (inn will vulunhn-ily place un thv pintâ€. thI-ir “ï¬t-ring fur this great. um». It, Inn-urea n peculiarly inter-mt- ?vv::1|1.d‘giz~‘i'snnul rhnmctc-r this ymu- :vs the Rithllmlld Hill (Jim-nit is nim- inp: n! suppm-ting n MiSNihllfll'y of thv-irnwn in th nt'OiR‘ll ï¬eld. espec- inlly is it sn in View of the fuck thnb one of the! ymmg men of the Gil-mm has nfl’u-x-vd bimsvif for China. The gm] will he rem-hm] by an increase- of 50 pm- m~nt on the givings of last year. :|l(l and \\'vekly Star is tn-duv easily \an‘tll an times the subscription price in any fnl-lm-r. Its Value in fact, can- not lwnver-rstinmle‘d. It, is a won- derful t-nmlninalinn of :1 Weekly news- pnpul" family magazilm and :In .\gli- mllturul le‘l'llHl without an equal. Furmvrs. if ynn do not fluid the Fan» ily l‘lf'ruld and \Veekly Stin- uf Monâ€" tiunl. you should give it, :1. trial dur- ing 1907. Do not wait till January. but i-vmiL nne'dullar now and you will ne‘er regret. it. nvy nmn's get weak, then these orâ€" gans always full. Don’t, ding the Smm-lch. nm- stimulate the Hem-L (Il' Kidneys. That. is simply a makeshifst Get'd pvavripti’nn knmvu to druggist- evvrywhH-P as D1. Shunp‘s Rvslnru. live. Th9 Restorative is propelled es- pecially fur these weak Inside nerves. Strengthen those- m‘rvvs, build tlwm up with Dr. Shnop‘s Restorativeâ€"Lah- lelsm- liquidâ€"and see hmv quickly help will cme. Free sample test SPnt. un quuvut by Dr. Slump. Racine. \Vis. Yuur hmllh is suron worth this sim- ple twat. \V. A. Simdorsrm' NEW IDEA “'OMAN‘S MAGAZINE. H'l‘HUUK BY N AUTOMOBILE. Mr. Jalm-s Hunt, 111' Carnillv has Pn- hn-vd an mtlinn against an autumnhil- id. Mr. Hunt. whuwusdliving along Ynugl- SLIPr‘t, guing nm-th tIi RIL'h‘ numd Hill yesterday. claims that an :ullnlIn-l-ilixl running hvhind him wnudvd his hm-n, when he (Mr. Hunt) tm nvd nut, nmu- thv ca r track to nlluw Lhu- man-him» [u gn past. The automo- l-ilv. hun'ovm'. caught. the hind wheel of rhc- huggy. nu-I-tm Had it. and threw Mr. Hunt nut. on his shnnldL-r. The rig \Vus Ninaslwd and the ni-cupunl prwlty‘wvll xhakvn up. Th;- ('ih‘t‘ will la- heard hI-x-P hvfm-e Mr. Sanderson. J. 9.. Saturday: :lth-l-nnon. [New farm 11011503 in Cnnadn will he fnlmd \vitlmut. the Family Herald and \V'eoâ€"kly Star. Hf Mc-ntrvnl. Thuse hmm-s that do not wcoivv it are mis- sing a grunt treat. The- anily “(‘1’- \thn the Stomach, Hour nvy um \‘05 get weak, 7 then Miss Anne O’Hagan, whose charm- ing stul'lrs are well known to readers of the New Idea \Vuman‘s Magazine, cnntrihutes tn the December number a delightful :u'til‘le entitled “Christ- mas by Double Entry,†in which she hegins by making all our preparations for the holidays. our way of spending them when they come, as well as their after-effects. seem very ridiculous. and then ends by convincing herself and her readers that. the present way of doing things is a pretty good one. af- Ler allI and we would not? change it if we cuuld. Read it, and you will want Lu begin your Christmas planning at once. WILLIAM DI MOND SHOT. \Villiam Dimnnd. 23 years of age, son of James Dimnnd,2nd concession York. west of ‘= Lansing, was accidentally shot one day last week while on a deer hunting trip in the North-West. The deceased in Company with a relative. and two other friends, had gone from home about ten days before. Having killed a deer the party were extract- ing the shells from their rifles when Dinmnd’s gun accidentally went off, the contean lodging in the upper pan-t of the arm near the body. The re- mains were brought, hmm by Mr. Sid- ney Tavlur. and the funeral took place from his father‘s home last Friday. The‘third and last of H Series of Mis- sionary sermons will he preached on this circuit next. Sunday as follows :â€" Rev. A. P. Quirmbuch. for ten years a missionary in China. author of "From Opium Fiend Lo Pi-racher,†at Rich- mond Hill 10.30; at Patterson "at 2.30, Victoria. Square at 7 . m. Rev. 0. A. Furnmn of Victoria College, an expert on Missionary topics, at Hendford 10.30, Victoria Square 2.15. and Rich- mond Hill in the evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Tnye and Rev. Mr. Brace Will axouipany these ministers. Sim- ilar services are living carried on in 68 churches in and around Toronto ulnnr. 7 TbéPictori'akPuhlishing Company, “ESL Péter SL. Moutrval. Themm-e [wuple are educated the more thev upplcciutc and value: pic- tures of current. events-4'01- thev cun- lnliutc delightfully at. a glance to a still further education. The less people are educated the more thcy appreciate and value pictures because they tell tht-m all a glance of intervat-s of which thev cannot. or pvrhups will not read. Tb‘ntviswby thvy please and instruct. the chihï¬en. Everybody likes pic- tures and no home should be Withnllb its picture pa 91‘. The cheapest, and best, is the "Lnnadizlu Pictul‘lul.†It is in Canada What the “London Illus- tratcd Né‘ws" and “Graphic†are to Britain. The Canadian Pictorial con- tains abo'ulwa thousand inches of ic- Lurcs and costs about 11. thousand ()1- hrs each issue. Only ten cents acopy.’ One dollar a ycay‘. - (Aw Puck Rival-duh brunt], mum- ~-4 cm H and puns at very r‘lmw prin- 1'01‘ u fmv links. New raisin-4. new rmnls. dates. my, pl't‘ls. just to mi. Atkinson & Swilzvr. FARM ERH. DON‘T MISS IT! M ISSIONAR Y SERMON S. PIOT U RES. Hk‘fll't, or Kid~ -_ ...... V.._x._v,_r,‘ v Outï¬tter ‘ 1 ed. . t . G. F. ALLEN. _ MHMï¬Ã©QMNQQ§§éHÂ¥HV ‘21-! lat. house south of Hsgb Fcbool o [o '9 9 Trial Catnrrh treatments are being mailed nut free. on request. by Dr. ï¬h-mp. Racine, \Vis. _'I‘hvsc tests m-c proving to the peopleâ€"~wi9hout u pg-n- ny‘s tmstâ€"Lhe great value ‘nf tigid‘ scientiï¬c prescription known to drug- gists evm'ywhet'c as Dr. Shunp‘s Rem- edy. Sold by W. A. Sandersml. The Richmond Hill Curling Club met, in McDonald's shup Friday eve- nipg. 150v: 15'}, 1907. Mr. '1‘. A. Lumen. president. in the chair. Minutes (If Armme meeting read Hqu “£1â€?!de ._....,L J LL_L L, ..A Mr. F. E. Sims and Mr. A. G. Sav- age Were elected skips fur the District Clip cnm vbitinn. and Mr. O. P. Wiley and Mr. . A. Nicholle for the Tank- urd. 0n mntiun of A. G. Savage and G. 00in it was decided to allow the skips to select their rinks fur the Cup competition previous to the Selection of the“ rinks fur the Tammi-d, those whn played fm- tht- Tankard last year being hm-rrd from playing for the Dis- trigt Cup this year. Mr. Nichnlls reported that, he at- tended meeting uf Ontario Curlers‘ Association. uleu the Exvcutive meet.- ing, and that, Richmond Hill Club Was tlansforred frnm Grnup l to Group 3. fm- “1P District, cup. play to take place in NHWInnrkt-L. T. H. Bx'unmn umpire. Mr. McDernth. the new 0. N. 0. station agent. reports that elevvn deer arrived Saturday from the Pm-ry Snund District. A number belonged to King City Hunt Club, and the rest to sportsmen in this vicinity. On motion of H. A. Nicholls and R. Shaw it was decided that the Slate: trophy he luvt‘d for by President vs. Vice Presi enL rinks. poian to count. The meeting ndjuurhed to meet. at the call of flu- President. Although pricvs in grain are down a little there is a good den] of grain mm'ing. This week frnm 65 Lo 88 has been paid for barley. 90 to 93 for tall wilont. and 80m 83 for goose whey!" The. engine has been overhauled and is nnw running nicvly. The husiuvss has been steady and the agent, is kept hn_s_y wiLh_shipnwnls in and out. Mr. C. H. SLivvr of Unionville. the ï¬rm of Stiver & Ramer. called midi-{:1th un Tuvsday. 9§§§§§¢§§¢¢§§+§99999+0OON in mu schnol sm'coeds, because we provide sensible courses. emplny successful teachers. and give indi- vidual inst: usliun. Enterany time. \Vrite fut cutulugue. British American Business College TQRONTO .My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save ‘“ what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. “Eggs-AW ' :Z‘L'z/erfs We are going to offer for two weeks only a swell line of suits and over- coats at popular prices: Overcoats, reguler 13.00 for 10.00. “ “ 15.50 for 12.50. Suits, regular 10.00 for 7.50. " " 12.50 for 9.00. Am: $AVAGEi 3 .. H 13.00 for 10.00. These are down at less than cost prices for 2 weeks only. \Ve also make a spe- cialty of made-to-order clothing. Over 300 sam- ples from which to choose from $12 50 upwards; mind you, ï¬t guaranteed or no money. Call and makeâ€"a selection. BOOTS, SHOES. GENTS‘ FURNISIF INGS 'WWNONNM ON The best kind at a toatknonldâ€" ; “ Bold tor over lety yam." '- EVERY STUDENT C. N. 0. STATION. cum M suns E3. O. An: 09.. Leah: I0 Manchu-on of SARSAPARILLA. PILLSL CHERRY PECTOIAL. +++W+++M+++MHHWH++WH+ m+++++++++++++ ++M+WH+H++4 +++++++~H++ +WWH+WHH An excellent, vuppnrtnnizy for an in- telligent. boy who wishes to learn the p:_inting business. Apply mvvn finnpr) A Y ADDVDD BY MAIL BUSINESS cogpgpg. :I‘QRON'QQ. EEt-Fiéï¬giioi. Y. no: ++++H++H++++H+H++++H+ ++++++++++++++++++++C P+M+H++H++++W+HW+++++++++++++++*}'++’i: smnll quantity of Mungolda want.- “MW If You Can Tell Us Boy Wanted Atkinson & Switzer’s You Shivering Men Nov. 14, 1907. Call at Concrete House Richmond HillHardware Store And assure you satisfaction 1n quahty and price. 'l‘insmithing' in all its branches. Wanted We solicit your order for 'iï¬'é'LfB’EIiAL OFFICE. ‘ Ranges and. Heaters SampEe line of pocket cutlery at cost. R. A. FARQUHAQSON, Bum, Yonge and Bloor 3:3,, Toronto. Will be out now looking for warmer garments. The cheapest place to buy Furnishing Goods is at Heavy Underwear from 50c.to $ t .25. Good Working Shirts for 50¢. Wool Pants, 95c. to $4 pair. Gloves and Mittens, 25c. to $r.5o. Hats, Caps, Men’s Sweaters, Cardi« gan Jackets, and all kinds of goods â€"the best value in the trade. A nice line of extra sizes Pants and Vests. The best fleece-lined underwear on the market. Men’s tweed-lined leather coats, $6; and examine goods. How to serve you better, we will obey the hint. TORONTO. Pmctical .m-A unprgugn Bl'mrtha. nd, Commercial. and A. tree. 53.00 railway 13m bald I! this vsper mentioned. Addreu . SOULES BRITISH éï¬Nï¬blAN THE. . - LIBERAL Custom work done at, (b? above mm. Arnold“ 9L,- Tuesduy, Thursday. and Saturday. Sweet. cider always on hand at. the mill. F. LYNETT, 19â€"3 Creamery Cider Mill - Subscribe for AT COLLEGE Manégen > +4- “Md-I