Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Nov 1907, p. 6

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MlSTAKES THlS TlME. i diugilOse all sickncssc»? from the pattenl‘s eyes. Now. your] right eye tolls me that your kidneys; are nflectei i Pfltlentâ€"“EKCUSP inc, doctor, but myt right is a glass rye." Dochrâ€"“t How to Cleans» the System.â€"â€"l‘arme- lcc's Vegetable l’iils are the result of Scientific study of the effects of extracts of certain roots and herbs upon the di- gestive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many instances that they FP- gulatc the action of the liver and tho kidneys. purify the blood, and carry off all morbid accumulations from the sys- tcm. They are cosy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial. its almost as cosy to he as it is to lose money. WEAK WATEBY BLOOD cause much tronblo. Thai tired fading and many mum sym tum: ' (allow in in wake. 'l‘ry “Fen-Minx." It: a the best tonic to ask. you strong 5nd well. All drugghtl ull lb. The .restaurnnt-kccpcr hung out thn it‘liowing sign: “Coilee such as mother used to make." A customer. pointing to the sign. asked: “is your coiiee really such as mother used to make?" “it is,‘ replied the proprietor. "Then," said said the customer, with n reminiscent look. “l‘il take 3 Clip of tea." ____.x.__.._ MOTHER‘S SACRIFICE. Every mother knows how iretful the. little ones are when they duvulop Mur'ps. and the many nights i‘cst she is colic-d upon to sacrifice. Nlrs. S. A. Hammond. oi Mlinico, sags: "iiy three children have had the mlrzups. Iand i used lam-link {or all (.i then. wi‘o excellent results. Zam-Buk did my ch;ldrcn a world of good. lian will nlwayi keep it handy as a hous<L hold rcva. l would recommend it to all mothers, and think that no home should be without it." lam-Buk cures Cuts. Burm. Chapped Hands. Ringworm, Spruins, Bad Legs. Bolts. Ulcers. Running Sores, Scalp lr- ritalion. Poisoned Wounds. Piles (blind and bleeding). Abscesses, Enzema, etc. Of all stores and drugglsts 50 cents a box, or Zum-Buk Cm, Toronto, on rc- ceipt of price. 3 boxes for $1.25. .______a. ___._._.- “i'll give one of you boys ten cents ti carry my bag to the station," said a CP-OSs-eyt‘d man. pausing before ihreo ragged fellows. “Which one. mistcr?‘ piped the boys in ciiorous. “You.” said (he cross-oyod man. "Which one:P "Yout" There was a pause. Finally one little fellow said: “Fair do. mister; close one eye and look at the kid you want. will you?" _._.__.p_..__.-- AWARDED SLLVER MEDAL NEVVCOMBE PIANO “INS IAIIBELS AT JAMESTOW'N EXPOSITION. Mr. Albert Shaw. the well-known editor of the Review of ltcvicws and presidmt of the jury of awards oi the Jamestown Eximsitiom ha: notified tth Newcombc Piano Company, of Toronto, that a silvrr modal has been nwnrdcd them on their new patent piano equin- ired with the Howard l‘uirnl. 'l‘cnsion Rods. which they are exhibiting at the Exposition. The Newcomhc‘s succcs is nnothcr tribute to the skill of Cu- nadian manufacturers. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-P “l hnvcn'l got any case," clir-nt. “l have money." aslcr‘d the lawyer. “Ten thousand dol- lars." was the rnply. “Phewt You have the host raw l cvcr llt'llt‘ll of. ill $00 that you ncvcr an to prison with that sum." «aid the lawyer, cheerfully. And he didn'tâ€"die went thch “broke.” said the “How much '3” it chps the Musrlns Plirlnt.â€"\lnn given to musmlnr Sports and (‘XGl'i'lfi- (s and those who slllfi‘l‘ lllllS‘Wlitll‘phlllS from bfcycln riding will (ind llr. Tho~ mns’ Fx‘luztric Oil 80m01hing worth tryingr. muquns pliable and fire from llillllh which oil-2n follow mustunl use of them. without softening or impairing their strength. For bruises. sprains and contusions it is without :1 poor. llO\V THE YOUNG ll)l§.»\ SHOOTS. Many children are so crummml with everything tiiut they really know no- thing. ln prowl oi um. rrnd those vcrilublyc sr~v\ciii.evis of tlntlnzlwna. written by jltil'llL‘».\Clli‘0l t'llllillcil: “Stability is tuh‘ng were of :i .xtn‘lofl - “.\ iiiu.~q'i t-i X: the ch.lil of bluck (ind :‘ \\‘llli\‘ pin-nuts.“ “.\lwlll\$'.("l')’ i< lb» place lwr iii-“"slrrsj' Toxin is N‘ilzwlliliiig to do with git ting drunk." “Esnws‘uldtioll i; to han til» Nimit- pox." “(Tuniiiluil i< tun lirullmr‘ will kilh-d ouch -thx‘r in tho ll‘ivli‘.” “Arumiry the '.i\ tun lwly. which ' 9 me‘W AN EASY VlCTtM TO {GNEJMPTION The run dowu system hi an inviting flold for the "arm of Tuvaronipsll. You , count); avoid break in tho :orms -- they on era'va at 5 robust. a r ton to immune tron their all.ka I‘D rebuild s weakanod 51mm them in nothing that ennui“ on much virtue u (302) LIVER 011., but: the virtuo in not. in the grease. In (wt. the grease retards filo benednlAl notion of the really Valnnbh final)!" at the (ML by derangln; the d zest-ton. In "BRl‘t‘JnK'S Jlflgklimfl; 3;: roam) is o inat . tr son . 5mm. pdnainlea or 010 Livnn OIL in a what-lo form, combined with phxmhozoua in the form of the (mar , pound Syn: of Hymnhoapliitm. the ' nutrition“ l quid Extract ol’ Matt and the Rmohinl Topic and [imitative Fluid Extract, of Wild tlhorrr Hark. l ARM YOURSELF AGAINST CONTAOION. “BRICKS TASPELESS" will build 119 the omen-vow system and win cure Bronchitis. Pulmonuy Amateur. and tho deranged or (“nutter-ed nuvouu Iy-mm. Make your body healthy and ion need have no fear of germ: or lam Rand Brlok'l marsntce with each bottle. “BRlC‘K'S TASTELESS' in put u in olght (3) ounce hottlu. remit oe fifty (Ht cents, and in twont, (lit) ouuuo bowel, retail price one (1 ad or. W” A PROSPEROUS COLONY. in the State of Victoria, Australia, the railway revenue for i907 iiscal year was 320.050.000, the hlgllcfit on record. while the working evpcnscs were ltlSS than 52 per cent. oi the revenue. the lowest for twenty-eight years. The number of savings bank depositors in- creased by 25,000. Forty per cent. oi the entire population has deposits. The amount at their credit on June 30 last was $64.000,000. an increase for the year of $5.140.0(l0. Overseas exports exclusive of gold. amounted to $62,- 000,000, an increase of 250 per Cont. over 1903. The colony‘s Ovcrscas im- ports nmountcd to S75,noo,im. ’l‘he exports to other States were nearly $25,000,000. The Government. revenue for the year was $41,565,000, and the expenditure only 337.505.000. creating a surplus of $4,060,000. A cough is often th: iorcrunncr of serious pulmonary afflictions. yet iherc' is a simple cure within the rcoch at all in Bicklo's Anti-Consumptive Syrup. on old-time and widely recognized rom- ody, which it resorted to at the incep- tion of a cold, will invariath give rc- lief. and by overcoming the trouble. guard the system from any serious mnsrquences. Price 25 cents, at. all dealers. Gunnerâ€"“A wirel«:s.< piano i: the lat- cst." Guycrâ€"“ll‘mt \Yhon they invmt ii soundlcus one life will be worth liv- ingt’ BY BRIBING THE SERVES with opium you ma. stop a cough but; the inflammation goes from b- to worse. Allen’s Lung Balsam, contamin no opium, goes to the root of the trouble an cures (loop-seated affections of throat and lungs. Magistrateâ€"“l hone l shall not son you here again." 01d Oilcnder~“Not sun 'mi‘ hcrc again! \\'hy you ain’t going to resign your office, are you?" Not a Nauscating Pill.~’l‘hc oxciuiont of a pill is the otlbsltlllllc which Pilfi'llds the ingredients and mille up [up pm muss. That of Pill‘llleleo's \'pgei;,y,1,, t'ilts L»; 5.0 commutide as to pres-ch? their moisture. and they can bc car- ril‘d into any latitude without impair. lug thcir strength. Many pills, in m._ As n lubricant it will hoe-p lliol idcl' to kcep them from adhering :11'0 mailed in powdms‘. which pm“. ,‘HNML atmg to the. toxic. Pairinetce's \Vogfltahll. Pill»; are so prepared that “my um agrecublc to thc llluSl dCllCafe. There‘s more money to be madc by lmmoring penult- ihun by instructing them, but money isn't everything. i null. Mungn l‘rnirie Scratchcs and min-v form of contagious itch on human Ml zuiianuls cured in 30 minutes by \Vaiâ€" lord's Sanitary Lotion. It ncvcr toils. Sold by all druggists. Laughter may b0 hmutiiul, but it must b-x u scri-les malt-r to ho tickled to death. WE CLAIM that “ Th5 D it I. ".lllonthol 1:193th will cure Lumbtgo, lbw! Stun,th or hour-J1- gia. Punia uich‘r :tv..l.u Lt I all”: plaster. R8- commenilea by o\‘el;v'bl-it_v_. l ._,__ F.\'lDF..\'t'.li liN(':L Gll. “'l‘ril inc. lrolhnr, “lb; l“; I:\'(llu)wi‘il tn )‘l‘ll'f'y “Yuan “\\'.-ll. you irzly be Sure he hin'ub i illivilily.” t i< it pus<ilnli- to l~-‘ llubx‘rt brow that 1 {till :iu liciz'ch‘?” \‘v'nmnn (Zonirx‘ses Tint lilllrd "pr Sisterâ€"in-lnw. Bunion She Minn. Rastrrctuif. lhc widow wt 2'. 1m. ii'.»‘Vll‘ .it tlm univcrsdy oi .\l‘]bi:‘)\\', \\'.‘l>, l'lfift'lllll’ found lllttl‘ilt‘l'l‘fl it short dih- tancc from her country rmidcnm; .1 A few lllllt‘j out of Moscow. Mum. 't‘orpinsliy. u aistcr‘iiiduw, lliy ,ii (i fillllltllg condition \lllill‘l' mini: bushes llul fur nwuy. \\'lwn sh", lllltl sumcieniiy rccnvcrcd shc .stuimi tiirit allv I-lllil .\llll(‘. lhulzrcl-in had bcr-n ut< tur‘h‘ml by ruhhnr-:. Mum. llastzreitiiii. who was viiorni- ,ouhly wealthy. luld (l.i--d iiitmlntn, and 1' 3;. Mm», ’l‘erpiiisky wus her ncuri'st H’- ' lnlivc auspicmns wci'c arousal that 5;}.‘0 llllxl llll’i‘lllt‘l‘l the story oi the murder- cur. attack. Minn. 'l'crpinsky has now confessed ‘ thnt .xho committed the crime, nnd is in prison awaiting trial. .4”. FEELING \\'ORDS. I “You can never tell," observed Uncle Allen Sparks, "what .inny be acmmplishnd by an oarnmt ‘word spoken (ll tho right limo. Many n mun has lltltl the bllill)‘: of his most: life by calling another looting rcsults [changed for man a liar." HELP Yi ll ’ ll RARY. No mother can export her tittlc onn: to 95:?an all the minor ailments of childhood, but she can hr reasonably sure that. her (‘hlll'l Will be healthy if she gives it an occasional dose of Baby's Own ’l'uhluts'. And shc mu furl absolutely sale in giving this medicine. as sho has the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst that it contains no opi- ate or poieonous soothing stuff. Mrs. ‘Uria Cressman, New Hamburg, ()nL, suyszâ€" “l have uscd Rahys Own Tab- lcts {or stomach troubles and consti- pation with the greatest sucrcss. l always tool safe when l have a box of Tablets in the home.' Sold by all me- o’icine dealers or by lllilll at ‘25 ccnls a box inom The! Dr. Williums' Mcdicinc 00., Bl‘tJCh'VlllC‘, Ont. â€"â€"->r When all is lmi save honor some men get on their dignity. Use the solo, pirasont and clicclual worm killer. Mother (irnvcs' Worm Ex- terminator; nothing C(ltiills it. Procure a bottle and take it homv. i AGENTS WANTED. 5 MAKE MONEY, Bays nud Girls, selling Ulla Pcns. writ/031009 words without dipping in ink. Samples laconts (silver). Big profits. Valuable ItmraILL emu, Auburn, rm. ATHER DYElNG ct and Curling lid KM alon- cleaned The: can nonhuman!“ mom: plan-l. 'BBIFBSH AHEEWAH BYEIHG ca. 3031M Every homo in micro-ind and uh uld know about me won and MARVELWhirIingSpray The new Yuan-ml Syr n‘ Beatâ€"M on convem tumult cleanses ' I! y. l i uymrdmggmlorlt. t he come} mvly the A873 . accept [:0 manna: lend. um to! :11me b0 , ad. It gives particulars till-action: tn- nius ll) to baggy!) " WI DSO'R LY 00.. Windsor. 0:: N General Menu for Canada. Eat ’ “A. last a bun ally ; proofâ€"positivel And that; “O weather-proof for a century. now till Nineteen- T'nirty-Two. _ Guaranteed in writmg for 25 yearsâ€"and you needn’t ever paint it, .: even! That’s saying ;" something, isn’t it ? t l l ,. ...u...~. “,unurw. ...:m..w«1,:i v .1; -.-u 0 You can ut; on a. roof that: will (1 years and be the right; kind of a. roof every minute. Or you can put: on a ten-year roof that will robably leak after the first rain and’Windjané-Weafller- 00f “Nighttimeâ€"profit. ” . hits it, 21ml3 keep leakingEtill it. is rotted away. G1; ‘l’ggggé‘dflrs‘fgfwaige: “Que-1‘9 buys Oshawa E ither roof will cost -â€"ten feet; b ten feet. you about the same in Compare that with the money at the start our; P23: mm: 0‘ H " But the OShaWa ' strike you? shingled roof Will be And you can to“ these FIRE- P R O O Fâ€"literâ€" actually ; and lightningâ€" y. That’s the hundred-year roof 1 shawa ’ ’-shing.led roof Wlll be TEE in every way for a quart "Oshawa" Shingles every way for Twenty-Five Years W cu.“ â€"r “I EER’“ 15 noon FORMosr FC’LEQ (HARDLY ANOTHER BEVERAGE FEEDS 50 WELL ‘5‘ EER really excels milk as a food-drink far most grown peeple. And many, many people cannot digest milk easily, ecause it is so lacking in solid food~contents. Moreover, milk is so liable to contagion that it is seldom pure when we get it in the cities. But Ontario- brewcd taccr is really pure,â€"â€"brewed in cleanliness, of sound materials, in a sanitary way, and brought to the user in the same flt-to-drink state. Beer Is No Stimulant Drink beer with meals and at bedtime, as an Item of diet that will help the stomach do its work better, and will feed the body besides. Don’t cliorse beer as a stimulant, though,â€"it does not contain enough alcohol for that. Use it as a food-drink that induces lazy stomachs to do their work well, and so helps them get more good out of all food. Makes Better Nervea Ontario beer is not only deliciously appetising and refreshing. because brewed of pure malt and hops only; but, besides, all the power that hops possess to repair nerve wastes is kept in these brews. That is what makes beer so particularly good for women to drink regularly. Ask your own doctor what he thinks of beer for your household. after and stout; and. in the Practice of Comic yg‘ienic conditions from Oalario tin-Loy (the (unison- l * BEER is a term which covers Inger, ulna, ENVH". imptiu bevel-aim made under most the world) molt. hopl and pure water. For Ladies “Ladies' Flanged Beavcr” is only one of a. dozen styles, we make . v d. ‘ , especxally for La 1:5 use. You will find just the Skates you wantâ€"â€" for fancy skating, rink use, hockey and racingâ€"in Starr kates. . Write for the 1908 Skate Book, it your dealer does, not handle Starr Skates and ” Rex ” and “ Micmac " Hockey Suds. The Starr Manufacturing Co., Limited 18 TORONTO, Ont. DARTMOUTH, N. S. CANADA. BRANCH OFFICE A snuill boy \vcnt. to a drug store Customerâ€"“t want u plrrrc of lllt‘lil without tut, Donn m‘ gristlc.‘ Rutcilnr and asked [or five (‘l’lllla' wuth oi salts. (after having: carefully (‘thllllllt‘tl lira While the man \vu.» weighing it. he shuddk‘fi'ou'd better have an egglssiid: “Say. boss, don't give full weight. ma'aml" its me that has to lt-lliC it." How3 you tried llollowuy's Corn (turn? it has no count for removing thos-i ironbtcwmc cxcrcscnci‘»~ ilS many have instilled who have tried it. SCALD HEAD is a disgusting and obstlnnu‘ disease, troquent ln chililrou. Treatment: Por~ feet: cleinlinow and a genermu up iicutinn of \Vomer' Comte. this. Mothers will be g ad to leuu Yet: cedar shingles cost you just about the rice of these guaranteed “Oshawa’ ShhoglekZS‘g'uage toughâ€" _' ened steel,’ double galvanizedâ€"good . for a canton; guaranteed in writing till 1932,:flre_ "Oshawa" alvanized Steel Shingles yourself, easily, - with no tools but a claw-hammer and -‘ snips. Simplest; thing you knowâ€"can't get; “em on -' wrong. : “ Oshawa " Shingles lock on all four sidesâ€"whole roof is practically one sheet of double-galvanized sheet, that _ never needs painting. and wind-proofâ€" We’ll GUARAN- er-centuryâ€"from A n d GUARANTEED â€"â€" ; - don't overlook that. Guar- " anboed in writing, over the seal of a company with a quarterâ€"million capital- _ fiuaranteed in plain ' ngh'sh, without any ifs a Centuryggariuw. for 25 long Galvanized Steel: ar e GUARANTEED in u to Last < a . .ra'W'I'. Ju yin-(duh! .1“: n . 1.x. minor. crud-chum :. tin howl. the What would your n That's the argument in flush i.lnil v. .- bli.]ili}"t.l'i\. lilo lii'lll gnu. mnl man say if you a nutshelli~coat the same a,n< lo 15'.“ rm. ll‘:i:n-. 1! :iliy, 'l'lil “ ' , . _ ' ('1 - 1‘ -v , waterâ€" L‘t'i-‘l “lilti‘ill‘ '11" “mix film it i asked him to guarantffe cedar shingles for even fiii'yoyoo‘liiglfglrlihfiL'slll‘oil't: “3;; to palm?“ r211: the liver. 'i'lg >tllrn j: i~ detail-d a.) ten years? He certainly would makel'emarkS! :UAiiANTEEn} That‘s the “Oshawa” proposition! 13“: \hm“ 8‘ "1 “MM H“ 1'“ m" “W‘ l" " And even the best cedar-shingled I‘OOf Will be To“ us the measurcmmt of any roof. aid We’ll tell ;: c. l. o, u. and s.i::!-\iii::i_~; \‘v' and y." )qu exactly what it will Cost to roof Is} 1 .- nir' lc.m1ng badly inside of ten year: , . t, la‘ work and for l «cs mo e . Seven out of ten 01 them leak the ‘ 1h “55 b n y M in . rv :2‘ first: time it rains, N0 wood- Plenty of} facts that. concern your “mi” 4"": shinqled roof is fire-proof for a P“?5f§f"§’i {313342775 23 “35‘” “‘1‘” ' minute. and the first hiar‘n wind ll“) 74'5" MA post mi” v'ltl éo’mii’: riff,” :‘ that catches a loose tingleâ€"- askon. .“ ' '.‘ “fl " ~‘. " ' j whoosh 1 gig huli’ your shlizjl-J roof “‘5” ‘_ r ' m UM “‘ 5" H” 0'. or into the next ‘-.C:v:r.r'r.ip. “33’ do“ ‘ yiii 57'"; “Oi-'7 ? rtvu ,lifl ". m r .. ‘ , :*'3hmw~mzetmw~ ~-:rzz:-:;x .5. -. I gm-mmeEx'clrf-r‘: :. -15 i x RE .1. TOEL‘N 1.3 CTTA’A'A EONCOS VJU‘L‘UTLG f M. \V. ll C :udfu; .rt. 41:5 Suaeirx .‘f'. if) 1)'ludlâ€"B 5:}. 7C Lombr. ii rc “=er ;

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