Collision Occurred on c. P. R. Main Line East of North Bay. A despnlch from Ottawa says: A ter- rible accident occurred at. 11.45 on Thursday night near Moore Lake, on ï¬le C. P. R.. 35 miles west of Pem- broke. A light. engine was proceeding west. and trying to make Moore Lake ahead of the Soo Express coming cast in Ottawa. The express was sharp on time. and the two met with fatal reâ€" suHs. Francisco wrtnqunlx’c, and later lenrneu that she was in Los Angeles. Going there he (lisoorered her, threatening her with instant death it she refused to give up her children. In order to gain time she consented to take him to the place where they \\ ore. His suspicions being aroused at the long trip on the car, he charged hor with playing false: and on her declaring that she would disclose the hiding place next, day Cook pressed the muzzle of his revnlver against. the body of his wit» and began shooting. She tell «lead; and the passengers fled to the platform. ("00k wvvrï¬l thé tmin crew with his gun untl escaped in tho dark- ness." Mi‘srï¬ook was {1 Mi" tnnie Harvey. daughter 01’ Mr. Henry Harvey of Linkletter, Prince Edward Island. Cook fonnerly lived in Summer-side. .\ hand of outlaws in the Island of Furmosa killed lcn Government ofï¬cers, bu! were repulsed \viLhieflVy loss. A Los Angeics, California, dcspaich says: "Asserting thaL he had shot his Wife.- on 3 [ns Angeies streetcar on A1.gusi 19, Frederick D. Cook gave him- sx-l: up at lhe souLhâ€"westorn detective agency. 000k said he was separated from his wife and children after the Sam Francisco wi‘thqunkc, and later learned that she was in Los Angeles. Going there he (liï¬GOVQI‘ed her, thrcalening her with instant death if she refused to give EFFQET T0 EWE BEQES Navigation Will Be Kept Open As Long As Possible. even people were killed and cre- maued, and eight others injured, but not seriously, in the affalr. Grime Committed Before a Car Full 0! Passengers. J IRVINE. Bagungemun, OHawu. J. YOUNGE, Engineer. North Bay. H. K. PHENDERGAS’I‘ and P. PEN DEHGAST, Passengers, chwood. The big locomotive was running light from :Chalk River to North Bay when it met No. 8, the eastbound ex- u-ess {mm the Soo. The accident is She most serious since that at Azildzi. it was apparently due to the engine hound light for North Bay failing to take a siding at the pmper place To allow the $00 express to pass. No speciï¬c orders were necessary, as No. 8 was on her lime. and had the right of way. JOHN NADEAU. River. North Bay J. CLARK, Express Messenger, Mont real. ALI". ROBERTS, 08 Nelson 5‘ Olinwa. MRS. GELMAS, Ottawa. D. LYNCH, Hintonburg. F. HYLAND. llulL THOMAS FERRONE, New York C. LaBEI.LE, Monlreal. -â€"â€". MADIGAN. Mnnlrenl. E. MAGUIRE, Ively, Ontario. M. MALONEY. Mt. St. Patrick. WILFRID MALONE. manner in \\-l CC-ODCI‘ A despatch [mm Ottawa say 1 1‘ KC considerable m'ay never be known just how the HENDRIE BALL. Fireman, A'OFUI Bay. slight FAILED TO TAKE SIDING SHOT [HS “1â€? DEAD. INJURED KILLED. 1m ulmion as 68 Nelson Street nocr light. englm‘ ireman Chalk There | I the dimles a severe winter The demolished cars burned up like tinder, while those pinned in them or under the locomotives were either burned to death or cremated after death had resulted from their injuries received in the collision. Those around were powerless to aid. The passen- gers on the forward cm- were thrown, The crash caused the ï¬re boxes to be emptied, and a moment later the wreckage of the front cars were aï¬re. Eddie Roberts‘ the mail clerk‘ of Ottawa, managed to crawl out, hulthe ï¬reman of the Sm train and the others on the locomotives, the baggage and mail cars were pinned in the wreck- age and before they could be rescued the wreck took ï¬re. Old Man Died While “latching Boys Scramble {or a Quarter. A despatch from New York says: A i]: of laughter, due to the efforts of a cmwd of boys to recover a 25â€"ccnt piece which he herd hissed into the fountain in Madison Square Park, caused the dcth of Cornelius Keenan on Tuesday. Mr. Kocnan. who was 83 years old, was a frequcnlcr of the park, (ceding the squirrels and the birds and occasionally tossing a quarter into the basin 10 see the boys scramble. When he laughed on Tuesday the blood rushed to his head. He fell, striking his hood. He was dead when an ambulance surgeon came. Chi?! The extra locomotive, N0. 1715, which ï¬gured in the accident, was being transferred from Chalk River to the North Bay division, and was in charge 0! Engineer Hendrie and Fireman Na- deuu. ’l‘he east-bound Soo train was La charge of Conductor A. E. Wright, 0" Ottawa, the rest of the crew being Engineer-Youngeï¬i North Bay, W. G. Kent, and Baggageman Irvine. of Ol- tuwa. The $00 train was travelling at a good T8313 of speed iowards Chalk River, the divisional poini‘ while the locomotive, which was on its way. was going equally fast in the opposite di- rection. At the point of the accident there is :1 curve, preventing a clear view of any great. distance ahead. When the heavy engine met with apâ€" palling impact. they (\ompletely de- moralized each other. while the mail and baggnge car of N0. 8 and part of the forward passenger car were also smashed. A (lespalch from Winnin says: Chic! 'l‘hunderer of the Chippewas nar- mwly (3503me being devoymd by wolves near War mud, Minn., across from Fort Frances. "The pack attacked him in the woods, “but he succeeded in standing them on with an axe, with which he killed one and mnimed another until help arrived from his camp. The Indians believe this early fury of the wolves in- rule was violated, as the crew of the west-bound engine was killed. were powerless to aid. The passen- gers on lhe forward cm- were thrown, from their souls while broken doors, windows and moï¬ng resuliod from the Clash and passengers sustained mom or less severe Injuries. None 314‘ liker m be fatally hurt, however. Wrecking mixiliai‘ies were sent from Chalk River and Norih Bay, doclox‘s were hurried {mm Pembroke and Ma!- mwa; to the latter hospital most of the injured were gken. (‘11 mm niox LAl‘G-ll'l'li“ KILLED HIM FOUGHT “1TH “’OLVES. Thunder“- RUN OF LOCOMO'I‘IVI HOW FIRE STARTED CARS CAUGHT FIRE loan. They are the Dan the Imperial Bank, the ‘c and the Bank of Hamil th‘H’r OK the Chippewas Nearly Killed. need to iver to the s in charge 'u'eman Na- train was lin was Wright, w being , W. G. nen illon LEADING MARKETS Barley extra. 71 cheese fa I‘olaloesn75c to 800 in car lots on track here. Beansâ€"Steady at $1.80 fa $1.90 for primes and $1.90 to $2 for hand-pickvd. Honeyâ€"Strained sieady, at 110 10 12¢ per 1b. and combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Baled Hayâ€"Timothy, $18.50 per ton in car lots on track. Billed Straw-Firm at $10 to $10.50 per ton on track. Flourâ€"Ontar asked. $3.80 bi special brand, $5.20; strong 1 Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Long clear bacon. 110 to 11%0 for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 15c to Inge; heavy, 1334c to 14c; backs, 16540 10 17c; shoulders. 10C to 10340; mlls, 10%0 to 110; breakfast bacon, 150 to 15);: green meats out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. Dressed Hogsâ€"$8.50 for lightweights and $8 tor heavies. Dairy prints do salids Cheeseâ€"'13 twins. Eggs~Ne\ dry-picked turkeys are in satisfactory demand at 140 to 15c. Polalnesâ€"75c to 800 in car lots on Poultry~Nicc mt chickens are we from 9c to ICC, with inferior stock : ling amund Go lo 70. Choice ducks z geese are seady at, 90 to 10c; fat, (‘19 Mmlircal, N0. 1!] spring wheat pale] second patents, $5.! wheat patents, $5.75 rels; mess, $20 to $2]. Lnrdâ€"~Firm; ticrccs 12%;; pails, 13c. Mnnix‘cal, No. 10.â€"Flour.»Manitoba spring wheat. patents, $6.10 to $6.30; second patents, $5.50 10 $5.70; winter wheat patents, $5.75 to $6; straight 1'01- lcr's‘ $5.50 to $5.75; in bags, $2.60 to $2.70; extra, $2.05 to $2.10. ' Millfccdentario bran in bags, $24 lo $25; shorls in bags, $25 to $26; Mani- toba bran in bags, $22 to $23; shorts. $25 to $27. The local oat market was fairly quiet tau-day. Manitoba No. 2 while, 60c; On- lario and Quebec No. 2. 590 to 59%(3; 576 per bushel, cxâ€"storc. Provisionsâ€"Barrels, shorH $22.50 to $23; half barrels, $512.25; clear fat backs, $23.50 long-cut mess. $21 to $23; ha (10., $1050 to $11.50; dry salt ] bucnn, 10%c to 11%0; barrels 1 $13.50 lo $15; half barrels (10. 87.75; barrels heavy mess bei Sill; half barrels (10.. $5.50 to Buffalo, Nov. 19.â€"\\'heat .slmnger; Winter. ï¬rm; N0. (hrnâ€"Unsemed; No. 2 white w h r08 merv Oatsâ€"No Tomnk Porkâ€"Short cut. $22.75 to $23 for bar- ammsz \IES to $1.10 BREA DSTU FFS. rm, Nov. Iiiâ€"Ontario white or red, $1; No. ~ose wheat, 89c to 90¢. tuba Wheatâ€"No. 1 he \V YORK \VIIE outside. 880 to 89‘ r87 MONTREAL MARK ETS COUNTRY PRODUCE BUFFALO MARKET thorn, $1 [cries eW$ sold about 25‘ :w-Iaid 306 to 350 [0 88¢ outside. 2 yellow, American mto {reighlm N0. 2 ‘ dairy rims A'I'I‘LE MA RKI PROVISIONS for M while, 536 the clash comes an .1 butler. outside r large and winler $1.0 {0. 2 while, (Me; No. Oa‘lsâ€"S‘eudy; No. mixed, 46%c. Bark ‘d Mnnitnt -N0. 1 hard, $1.13; 11; No. 2. $1.09. :No and No 19 in bul AT MARKET -Wheat. elevator ‘10 ng uLside; mixâ€" Mk 'tâ€"Cuh mess. s, 811.75 to 30 10 $24.50; half barrels ‘t long clear 5 plate beef, 10.. $7.25 to bed. $10 10 k outside 1cm. 4, 56%c fat, clean, atisfacbory down 01 sier tom Wheat- ! mixe 13 Spring red, $1 to we! tom No. 68 MC :110\\‘, $3.90 tu bs , com and rth BANK MANAGER FGUGHT Daring Robbery of La Banque de St. Jean Napierville, Quebec. ’ $3.75 to $4. with bucks and culls at $2.50 to $3.25. Lambs were 25c to 5009 lower, at $4.75 to $5.35 for choice 6nd $3.50 m 34.50 for common and medium. Hogs were quoted unchanged at the recent decline. Selects, $5.75 (0 $5.80; rough thin hogs about $1 less. A despatch from Montreal says: A pitched battle between city detectives and a hand of supposed hank-mbbing crooks occurred on Sunday evening at at. Lambert‘s, just across the river from Montreal, which resulted in the arrcst of two of the crooks. Although thch were six detectives and six crooks, all 0t whom were busy emptying revolvers at each other, not one of the whole party was injured, and the detmttvm scored a bloodless victory. Chief Carpenter of the city detective force, was on Sunday even- ing informed that a band of men, sup- pcsed to be robbers, were camped near St. Lambert’s, and he despatched halt a dozen of his men to gather them in, guided by the man who brought in the information. Whilo‘on the way the de- tectives met four men on the mad, but passed them, thinking they were not the men they were after. Later they found two of the men sitting by a camp tire. is soon as the detectives appeared the strangers opened ï¬re on them with re.- volvers, and the detectives pulled their guns and tired back. The shots alarmed the four on the road, who were also nxomlwrs of the gang, and they at once nan back and attacked the detectives from the rear. The latter, however, won out. and the tour decampcd, leaving the original two to be arrested. The latter gave their names as John Brown and Will Hudson, but their names do not count for much, as yet. It is thought that the gang was composed of the men who have been travelling through the province-e. burglarizing banks and stores, lately. Monlreal -Dcm‘lives Attack Supposed Bank Robbers. Hmt he could scarce] pure], and one of 111‘ him a heavy blow A dospalch from Woodstock says A local newspaper bells u slory of a case in which a woman’s conscience awakened amen thirty years and she paid into lhe cuslems ofï¬ce the duty on a dress which she brought into the ccunh‘y when she came here when :1 young woman. The areas was worth $30, and the thoughls of deirauding the customs lay heavily on theiwoman’s conscience all these years, sh: told the customs omgjals, so she do- cided to make recompén’se. She in- sisted that she be allowed to pay $30, the full value 0! the dress, but the cus- toms ofï¬cer would only accept $10.50, which is the amount of the duly accord- Curr In m-ummr rates. The dress was («ms ofï¬cer would only a which is the amount of the mg to present. rates. The brought here from the old 1 A \Voodstock Woman Pays Duty on Her Dress. One Woman Is Dead, and TWO Others Are IlL Mrs. J. Holmes Saturday, in her ghtmare, but 1} ho was also a was no dream Ins bade the wt BATTLE “'ITH ARMED GANG AFTER Tlilii'l‘Y YEARS. died at Clinton, on 102ml year. l, leaving the L The latter . Brown and tunes do not It is thought nh'y 1k n taken to the City Hospital and is lhoughl JL 1‘ thy will recover. binntion. ihat tho remeth and can was lefl to gum lhrew blew 0pc Eli-Bering and d< bills and over S“ Conductor and Engineed of the Gale dun Wreck Go Free. A (lespatch from Brampton says: After listening for four days. to a mass of technical and othen evidence, the jury who have been trying the engin- eer, George ikdge, and Conductor Mat- thew Grimes on a charge of negligence in, connection with the terrible railway disaster which occurred at the Horse- shoe Curve,- near Caledon, on Septem- ber 3rd, returned into court at 8.45 on Saturday night with a verdict of “not. guilty" against mm defendants. The announcement of their verdict was the occasion for one of the most remarkf able outbursts of popular enthusiasm ever witnessed in the old Court House here. Although =both oi the defendants: are strangers in Brampton, there has been marked sympathy shown by people' of the 1own and district on Lhci half. They are young men; and seemed to feel the seriousness 01 position. Hodge. especially. was ing pale and’wom from the ï¬rst his palior increased as the trial S-z'crclary For Agriculture Issues An- A despat Secretary the annual 1121. His re More Than Double That of Other Race: in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: Th4 annual report of Dr. L. Laberge. Medical: Health Olflcex' for the city, was issued m». other day. He states that in (he yea: 1006 the death rate of the city was 10.28 per 1.000 of population, being 1.32% than the! of the prevmus year. The birth rate of the last year is returned at 37.35 per 1,000 of population. or 1.5’; per 1,000 more man in 1905. The birth among I’rench-(Zanadizms was 47.66 per L000: among other Catholics 21.63 per 1,000; and among Prntmtants 21.20 per 1,000. Among the French-Canadians the pro- pnrtions of marriages was 10.83 pa: gles 1 ,000 FRENCH CANADIAN BIRTH RATE. GOOD CROPS IN NOVA SCO'I‘IA ;sed JURY ACQI 1TH THAINMEN. 110; com for ens 95; buckwheat, 99 nual Reï¬ew 0! Season. ATE Open the safe Wllh niU‘O-‘r I decnmped with $2,400 m r 8600 in gold. Napiervillé >eiween Montreal and the border, and it is thougnt' go: across the border. Hrs again. One man} him, while the otherl the safe with niQm-J amped with $2,400 m ) in gold. Napiervillé cmp yield 0 Hay. 90 per 3; barley. 95 ensiluge, 90 .r and knock-' The leader of3 comrades not} kill him and' on their be [he ni 1e, and north. both' them; look- pm- wo rk werq