AT THE £$8£RAL PRINTING 42 PUBLISHING HOUSE ' BIOHMONDHILL.ONT. VOL. XXX. 04113 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ‘rs PUBLISHEDEVER!’ EH URSDAY MORNING Licensed 3, xctim sues “tended to soluble rateui J T Saigaon, Hapla Licena 6 Anot’loueox tor the( perm!tu solxcnts your patro influence sales ntcv‘uded on sad 3% reasonaberates. P. O ileum. (RTHTW. ‘ANDE’REC’N, Uut‘. Carlton and Ynnge Sts , T041 a n I u “'1†be in Richmund' Hill an \Ve'l- nusduy of each wvvk. Olï¬â€˜m, uext'dlmr north of Stand- ;u‘d :mk. â€"S.30.-L. m. to 5 p. m. Ofï¬ce Hour zvae License-I \uctioneer Iorche Country of Yo k 600135041011 consignment General sales atoc etc promptly attended no at reasonnuh um Residence Uniuuville , G R Gaulvlmg, Newton Breakagemfor the .I...:.. JOHN R. CAM cmlls by day and night promptly tended to. RICH-MN!) HILL & THORNHILL’ A large stock of Funeral Fur kept at both places Pupil of A. S. Your and J. H. Anger, F Having a complete X-my and static electricity apparatus, I am able to lncï¬e fnroigu bodies in the body. and «\wuniue fractures uf hours. Also to tkat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMATIS such as Can Being :1. gr Hospital. 1‘] such as Cancers, etc. Being a. graduate of Mm Hospital. England, I am ‘vxumine the interim- of l \diseusv, and test. for g1: patient should require glu thvm for him. ‘ Nose and t-hl'tmt work a Ofï¬ce vmwuniont- tn [ht tam and C. N. O. Railwav: propel 3 I per annum, in advance.) H Undertake: J. EARLE NEWTON ' Pianist Instruction in Mon Money to Loan IHN R. CAMPBEI VETERINARY SURGEON. 'E'hornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. .H. SANDERSDN} ETEHINARY SURGEON RECEINLOND RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Saigcon was 293th WRIGHT BRO S DR. S. J. BOYD 1‘. MCMAHON, Eamon a Paopmmon J. ll. [’1 cnlicc. ugly I) e 11 1753-5 :ctioueers for the Countyot York ed to on shor‘tesuxotioeund a, ran.- bea Pntronage solicited p. G. BLOL’GH, tioueer Wetsrinary J l'lulh) Theory to? the County of Yor r rs» ur patronage and friendly '1ded_oq the shortest. notice & NlcEWen. IORBID &' Emlinim (-l‘s, of Muorï¬eld's Fly I my prepared _t MuS. Doc. (Pinnn) R. C. 0. (Theory) nun-t RAL OFFICI address King ml nyin J R McE wen Weston CHROXK GROWTBS‘ moiulty. . Metmpoh ut‘ions. nishiug I Oldt Ind at Richmrmd Hill Ofï¬ce. south-vast («'1‘- m-r of Lurle Bkig..‘ (-wery Tluusduy .szLvnmon. BAmusrmz, Suhlmromxa'mny. ETC. Tor-min. Ofï¬re, 33 Richmond St. \Vr-st, \Vosley Buildings. Richmond Hm Office. Standard Bank Buildipg, every Spulurduy after- ' 1 nunn. Muuev to 163.1) an hmd audchsttel mortgages at luwest runes \ururaefliceâ€"ncmoved to obs old post ofl‘xc.’ one door west of the entrance to the Outurm Bank Sauna/the: omegaâ€"Three doors south of the p15: ofï¬ce T HERDERTLEKXOX 8 8x11 Hanan! iumr N'ewmnrket LEN N‘â€)X & MORGAN RECHMOND HILL. ON"., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1.907 Mupls‘, Thursday aftm-nnnn.’ Mnney to 1mm at Five. Pm- (,‘r-nt (5 NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.‘ TORONTO, (‘anm‘in. FRANK DENTON. K: C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. M CLOCK BOI'L’TBEF DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Gumm- Kin'g & Yunge Streets, G G S Lindseyli C A G 1“ Lawrence . W Ridout Waqsworth Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark JAS. NEWTON HIGH COURT OF JUSTKCE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Pri vat? Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries. 8zc. Home Life Building (furmorly F192 hold Loan Bldg.), 00:.‘Adelslide & Victoria Sts.. Toronto. {USEY T0 LOAN AT LO‘VES’I‘ RATES ii. A: NICHQLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commisslunei, ‘Cnnveynncm‘. etc. Insurance. and ReulrEstate Issuer Hi Mal rizige Lite-uses. Richmong Hill J. EDWARD FRANCI§ NOTARY PUBLlC co MMISSIONER, Cox VEYANCER. ETC. AGEch ROYAL AND BRITISlIi ' “'hut will appear very interesting to mnny people here is the article tak- en from a New York daily paper, giv- inga silllplu prescription, :15 formu- lated n noted authority, who claims! at he has fulllld a positive l-uuedy to cure alumst, any (use of backache or kidney 01- hladder (le- lrungement, in the fulluwing simple prescriptionï¬f taken before the stage uf Bright's disease: Fllnd Extract Dnndeliun, one-half l mince; Cnmpnund Knrgun, one ounce; Compound Syiup Sursapmilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle nnd take in tt‘nspmmful doses after each ‘ meal and again at bedtime. _A well-known di-nggist liereat home NOTARY PUBLIC, OGVMIEBIONEB I N TEE H. rry Wright. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGII‘Y 31114] 483 Phone Hat ~~ J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor. 112m Tut-0n Lu 0!? ‘u'cllil lbl THE PALMER HOUSE ‘ 3nton. Dunn & Boult'bee B :ze-N #lcrs a n (I s elf-fliers . THORNHILL lIHOI'CI RE. 'I‘E E 1937. ‘indsey. Lawrence w adsworth. Barristers, S: rlictnrs, Etc. WILLIAM COOK Bax-listens. Solicitors, Etc. AMERICA A1515. COS. AL ESTATE, ETC. and Trust Funds to luu‘cst current rates. ll] lowlmnodntiun public iicv. 36 Tumnto st rent TORONTO. Travel 10 1-5 In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Léim'ty; in xii things, Charity." +01 PRO PR I ETC Phone Mann 2954 rooms for for 1mm tteut :LL he At the 1350, social lust ‘wvvk n. gum! programme wns gin-n by the King ! Uityglee-cluh. Randiugswcmnlsogiven by MISS Bc-ssiv Nixun. Miss Morrison, ‘ Mr. J. G. McDonald and Mr. '1‘. McCar- - muck. The pn-cevds mnmmtvd to $23. The masonic hull was Well ï¬lled lust ‘V Fliday evvning when Mr H. Liï¬ng- mime gave his r-an-inmnent in aid wf St. Stophvn'achm-ch. The programme I “313 inten-sting and “as enjoyed by was all. Mr. Beddim'ï¬vld has purchased a lot near the station from Mr. J. Cnnmhk. and intc-nds to build nn it né-xtsummr-r. Miss Sundel'snn bf Tm-nntn Visited nvm Sunday at the home of Mr. H. C. Buik‘y. Rev. F. Lnngfnrd of Victoria Clullvgf‘. and Rev. A. P. Latter nf Allistma will preach missionary sermuns on the Maple circuitnext Sunday. Mr. \V. Gurney left for Vancouver last, \vwk. Miss Maris- )iiller of Toronto is spending :1 fmv days with Miss \Vond. Miss Lydia Yt-vmws has returned home from the North \Vpsb. A cmwert is to he held in the school 11mm on Monday. Dec. 23. under the auspices of the Culomiue old boys and girls. Mr. Gm. Miller has been busy late-- 1y hauling gravel fur the foundation of his new barn. ~ Mr. Ruht. Kellnm had the threshnrs fur three days. He has a very ï¬ne crnp. amnunting to about 3200 bush- 0150f grain. Thevfall of the price of grain has caused some If our farmers to sell it. NUGGETS FROM “SUCCESS MAGAZINE." Mun of met! 19 turn disappointments into 'hvlps as theI oyster turns into ppm-l the sand \Vhit'h annoys it. Let a man get the idea that ho is he- ing wronged, m' that everything is against him, and you cut his earning c: )unity in tune. , The [dowel- of .‘L (“lean record as a. sur-cess factur uunnut, be over estnnat- Conï¬dence is the kpy that unlocks the bank tn the yuuug man who is trying to establish hims'e-lf. To fear or to worry is us sinful as to curse. They wlm give nothing till they die, nmer give :u. all. If one gmvd Chang-n goes by you. just lie low and gm!) the next. Utah‘s personal enjnyment is a. very small thing; line's persunal usefulness is a very important thing. . Manny an hum-ruhle career has re- squ-d frum a kind word spuken in seas-m 01' the warm grasp (If a friend- ly hand. The pyramid of knowledge is made up of little grains nf information, lit,- tle observations picde up fxom e\ ery- wherv. H9 is :1 grout man who sees great things whure others see little things, whu sees the extraordinary in the or- (Hum-y. Tbgfellmv who iï¬nnking the most, (If :1 small juh is wally ahead of the fellow who is making a butch 01" a bet» ter (me. Sweeter than the is a reputulinn for u unselï¬sh nature; a. to do for others any powu‘. \Yhut will uppe to many people he en from a New Yo “'henasked irgnx-diii'g this prescrip- tinn. stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good prebctiption pharmacy, or the mixture would be put. u if asked to do so. He further state that whilst this prescriptiuu is uften prescribed in rheumatic ufl‘lic- tiuns with splendid results; he cnnld see no reason why it would not, he a. splendid remedy for kidney and mi- nary troubles and backache. as it has it peculear uclinn upon the kidney structure. cleansing these most impor- tantm-gems and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul ac, ids and waste matter which cause sicknessund sufl’vring. These of “Ur l'leCI'S who mifrr can make no mis- take in giving it a trialr %m§ EASY TO MIX THIS. Coleraine. Maple. Miiler of Toronto is days with Miss \Vond. Ye-um-s has returned North \Vosb. perfgme of roses >kind, charitable, ready dispositiun good turn in our :5; n, good the King nlsogivon Morrison, Council met at. Unlonvill'e ml the “3th with all the members present. Ulvrk SLivm-rend the minutes which were conï¬rmed. 7‘m)municutinnsz-â€" From J. E. Francis, on behalf of Tlmruhill Public Library. asking for usual gmut of $15. me Jus. Thom son, asking the cmmci! {nvc'lvnn out itch on Std (101)., between Ints 10 and Il. Frmn J. Urquhzut, clerk of Stouffâ€" Ville, returning cheque, stating smne \vmald not, much more than cover plice of bile taxed: I meJus Curtis, with account for waiting on G90. Schell un indigent. found sigk in front nf_his gate._ John Hicksnn was hem-a under oath re damage to his sheep wm'i‘ied by dogs during night of l-lth inst. Two shi-ep were killed. it. thm‘ubred Shrop- shire ram and a. well bred ewe, which be valued at $25. Jns. Cnsgrrwe swm-e he had six SliW‘p killed liy (logs two on the night. of the 8th and four (in the night, uf the 10th â€" (m9 rum. two ewes, and three ewe lambsâ€"Which he valued at $50; also eight Worried. which he put at $10â€"‘-'$6l) in all. Padgetâ€"Nigliâ€"â€"th2it J. Hickson he paid tWH-thix-ds the. value (If his sheep killed $16.66m1d Mr. Uosgrove $10 for 6 killed ulnd'8 injured. Jas. Penny was heard asking that ditch heopeued (m the 8th :con., in front uf lot 5. Mr. Naughtnn was heard asking for grant. to hx-lp build cement sidewan 0n» Xupge‘Spm Mr. \Ueighill was heard asking for grant fth'_Uninnville Public_ Ifihrnl-y: _ A pvtition was presented by Roht. Geexmd lhirtynsevcn other rate-pay- ers asking the council to assume Gen- tre street, the mud between int 46 and 47. con. 1. the petitioners agreeing to Contribute some $250 towards the oxâ€" pense uf putting the road in shuva A Messrs: R. Juhnson and Geo. For- rester were heard asking the council to make a grant to improve the. \Vhit- chm-('11 tnwuline at Gm-mley station. about 130 rnds. It was estimated that it, would take 300 yds. of gravel which Mr. Nigh thought could 'he put; on at Seventy cents per yard. we‘ï¬ty Eugi‘ueui' Mchugal sent Ln certiï¬cates fol payment, of $L61.ll and 493.60 to 0. L. Hicks fur work on Nigthadgetâ€"thnt :1 giant hf $125. he made tow-ands gmvolling the Mark- ham and \Vhitchurch tmvnlilw, ho- tweentheiir‘duml 5th cnu. nu condi- tion that \Vhitchurch grant a like amounl; and that J. Nigh he n. trum- miesiuuertnnct in conjunction: with cmmnissinner appointed by \Vhit- church council; amount. payable on his Ul‘dl‘l'. Uninnville bridge. A large number of general accounts Were ordered tn he paid. Pndgetâ€"Morrisnnâ€"that Mr. Nigh be pruinted com’r bu roped: bridge opp. Int, 8 con. 5; amount payable on his older. Nighâ€"Mon-isunâ€"thub Mr. Fudge-t ' he cmn’l- to repair bridge. opp. Int 3 con 3; amount. payable on his M'der. Nighâ€"PHdg’Ptâ€"thut Mr. Morrison be appointed com'r to “pair bridge between luts 20 and 21, Cum. 9; amount- pavnhle on his order. I’udgetâ€"Morrisunâ€"that Mr. Nigh he crzm’r to repair bridge opp. Int 9. con. 6; amnunt payable on his (nu-dry. Nighâ€"J’adgetâ€"that these grants he made 2â€"3525 [0 Unionville _ Public Li- lmuy. and $10 each to Markham Vil- Inge and ThOI'Uhill Public LilgaI-ies.‘ Nighâ€"Padgetâ€"thub Mr. Morrison be a com'l' tn open up ditch opp. lot. 5, con. 8; amount payable on his urdér. Nighâ€"Lappâ€"that Mr. Padget. be cnm’r to repair culvert opp. lots 6 and 7. mm. 3; amount payable on his or- dm‘. Lappâ€"Nighâ€"that Joseph Curtis be paid $19.85 for care and attendance of Gem'ge Scheli. an indigent. who es- caped flow the House of Refuge ut \Vhitby. and that the clerk be instruc- ted to bill Outzu'iu County with said amount. Mm-risonâ€"Luppâ€"that Mr. Nigh he cum’rin conjunction with com‘r fur pickering township. in expending grant an Pickering townline; amount pu 'uble on his (u'dezr. Mm-risonâ€"Padgetâ€"that be appointed com’r to rc between luts 5 and 6. Co paiabhf on l1i§ order._ ‘ Padgetâ€"Lappâ€"that Mr. Nigh be com‘r to repair bridge opp. lot 14, con. 5; amount payable on his order. A hy-law was passed providing ful‘ the holding of municipal elections fur- 1908; nomhmtiun on Munday Dec. 30. at Victoria Hall, Uninnville. at 11). m. polling on January 6th. (.Thzls. H. SLh er, returning (Iflicex'. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 1L Lien lirown. R. A. Stiver F. H. Quaint Gen. Rnhb. E. K. Moore Ofï¬cers unau at Mr. La pp repair bridge con. ;amount London and i?‘?Lanoash1re , Ass. mi 00. (Rmncil udjnu ï¬fth, at 10 ll. m Our stock of staple and funny dry goods is cumplete in all departments: no better value; can he nhmined amyâ€" where in Cam-Ada than W0 sin- giving. Atkinson & Switzer. Jm‘ige ‘V‘InChPSLQ-r, w n is Chaim nun Hf the Board uf Audi (In; in Ymk County. has reported that. excosa‘i‘ve payments of fm-s hm’e hoén made to several county consmhles and Magisâ€" trate \Vnodr-m:k of Nuwmurket. in cmmectmn with the criminal justice accounts. Mr. W'oodcuck says there is ntthing in the charges. and thntv he can explain the nccnunts satisfac- torin tn the County Gnnncil. V 7"Dr. Pierce‘s Medical Adviseruooo pages- ls Sent, free on receipt. of 31 one-ceni mp5 for pager-coveredmr 50 stamps for cloth-bout: copy. Addressas above The woman who has periodical headâ€" aches, backache, sees lmaginary dark spots or Specks floating or dancing helm- her eyes. has nawing distress or heavy full feeling tomach, taint spells. drag- glng-dow ellng in lower abdominal or pelvic re on, easilyvstartled or excited. lrregu :- or painful periods. with or with- vic cat h, is suï¬erlng from erangementstha should ntion. Not. all of above I likely to be presan in any :me._ TheLondon Mutn ual and British AmericaFire Ins Cos. We very 555E ingredients known medical science {or the cure oi woman‘s peculiar ailments enter into its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug is to be found in the list, of Its ingredients printed on each bgtle-wrappgnand ï¬nesth under oath In any condition of the female system“ Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription can du only goodâ€"never harm. Its whole eï¬ect is to strengthen invigorate and regulate the whole female system and especially the‘pelvlc’ organs. When these are deâ€" ranged in function or affected by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves are weakened, and 8. ng list at bed, unpleasant symptoms 1' llow. Too much must not. be expected of this “Fa- vorite Prescription.†It will not perform miraclos- will not cure tumorsâ€"no med- icine will. It will often prevent them, is taken in time, and thus the operating table and the surgeon's knife may b1 avoided. Women suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult. Doctor Pierce by letter. free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacred†conï¬dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. leï¬nlo‘ N. Y. ééiass Eovmedircfï¬e cxgam has sueh a. 19,113 RICHMOND HILL Farm Implements DEEBING flâ€"J. A. Mitchell. 10â€" D. aner. ll»â€"Thos. Smales. i1 adjourned to meet on Don [Single Copies, 3 cts. Bad Symptoms; 17% A GENT FOR and