__.__..â€"â€"-â€"'_ ._ .__..‘-.. ..â€"...... W There is one roof that saves moncy because it Will last 100 years. Guaranteed in writing for 25 years. “OSHAWA†GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES This roof saves you work because its so casy to put on (do it yourself with a hammer and uni s). and save you worry because they ï¬reproof. wind roof and weather-proof the building (my cnvor. \Vrite us about it and hear all about 207 ROOFING RIGHT. Address {Eat’d The PEDLAR People ml). ' Oohnvn Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Wlmlpq: “Hun. __. ,. .. . .. ;.. - 5" NEW YORK THE NEW FI‘K'EPRUOP ' HOTEL lifillARRE Wh 510" I. - T 11h Ave. ard 38 h at. 300 F'ET WEiiT 0F BROADWAY, Minimum of Luxury at Minimum Cunt Accessible. Quiet and Elegant. Within Five Minutes‘ Walk of Theatres. Shops and Clubs. New Dutch Grill Booms Lai- est'ln City. I Cable tiara Pass Hotel to at Railroads. European Plan. $1.50 per day Without both, I 32.00 per day with bath. Suites $3.50 upwards. Send for Booklet. STEAR‘.‘ 6: DA- R. Prop: â€"W ..‘m. FATAL SLEEPING SICKNESS. Prof. Koch Finds That Crocodiles are the Cause. Professor Koch has given a intrrcsling account. of his. recent. ox- pcriments in East Africa to a special correspondent of the Loknlanzciger, of Berlin, Germany. The pmfasspr. who is in the best of living health, said that ho had boon for the last- eighteen months on a dc- solate island belonging to the Sossc group. in the middlc‘ of Victoria Nyair zu_ with an army medical sergeant as his sofe white companion. 'l‘hcy dwell in a straw hut similar to those occupied by the natives and saw only three Eunmcans lhrouglr out their stay, two of them bcing \v'iennrsr doctors and the third 11 Ger- man oilicia‘... 'I‘hrir only means of «communication with the world was a primcavul nadin Loaf. fashioan out of a tree trunk, which convrycd them to thr- mainland. Sleeping sickness is particularly pre- valent in the Sossc Islands, the inhabi- lnnls of which are gradually dying off through the ravages of the disease. l-‘rofessor Koch has ascertainrd that whcrcvcr cmcodilrs are found the dis- ease may be discover-d. but only in places near the banks. The bIOod of crocodiles forms the chief nmirishmcnt of the glossina palpalis, thc insect. which conveys the germs of the disrasc. 'l‘lu- insects suck the blood between the plates of the animal‘s hide. The cxtcrnnnalion of the glos>iua is impossible, but the sumo 0nd may be reached by destroying the crocodiles 01 by the ri-moval of the bushes and undergrowth where the animals lurk. l‘ivifessor Koch made attempts to poison crocodiles with prcpnrcd meal. but had great difficulty in preventing lln- natives from seizing and eating it. 'l‘hc principal outcome of Professor Korh's investigations is that there is a possibility now of making a. certain diagnosis of sleepingsicknoï¬ and of adopting methods to combat it. Sulrulnnwus llljrCtimls of arsrnir have prode efï¬cacious. but the chief means of fighting' the dismsr lie in Con. stunt medical ntlcnduncc and in prc.[ venting patients from going into hith- erto uninfected Pill‘lS. 1551‘!) NO. 418â€"07. mos 1.. STRIKE“) STARTED BY SPOOKS. Many Other Trades Than Miners Are Similarly Affected. At the moment of writing, all the rol- l'crs in the great Abhooz coal-pit ncar large, in lcluium, urn on strikc, the cause of tllrir (fL.\$lll_l(lll of work bring in apparition of a female figure draped iii) wlulr. This, of mursl‘. is no nrw thing, for minch arr pmvrrbinlly Sllprrslllh'ius. lnrlvrd. it. is only a fr‘w yours shit» :1 pivcisrly similar (wcurrcno: took place at lhr (ilynmrrwg (Xilllcry in tilmnorâ€" gimshirï¬â€™ In this rnsr llu‘ “wonmn in w. as shc plot to bc callrd. was lhc t‘l.:.-i(‘ of a loss to tho nrigblmrhood from which it has own now hardly ru- llrrly recon-red. In \an'\\"r|\x\‘liirr. again, in hill. or- cnrred a strikl: which laslcd nrarly :1 your, and cost over $150,000 in wapt‘s alone, the allcgrd cause being a “luminâ€" ous buy." 'l‘hc. apparition haunted, it was said, a Crrluin disused drift. lnto this drill one day. a mincr. boldcr than his fcllows, vcnlurrrl to penetrate. with fur result that Ihc "luminous boy" was found to ho nothing more tcrriblr. than a past. rlolhr-l in drraying fungi. It must not lie sinlposcd. howowr, that lhvsr‘. spook-iinlucrd strikes are entirely confirmd to minors. 0n the contrary, llr.‘ British hluc books on slrikrs. whirh m2 publisbrd annually, mnlain many instnnrm of other trades bcing similarly afflicted. Thus, in Norlh London. not. long since. a numbcr of buildrrs declinnd to continue work in a "haunted house," and a similar occurence was, about the same time. reporth from Glasgow. There has evrn been recorded a strike of clovedorcs duo to an alleged ghost in the hold of a vessel they were unloading. ~__._.x.___._._. llliitlthtlS 33 A PENNY. n O. Sixty Million llcrrinqs Iandcd at Yar- Inouth One Day Rccrntly. Thch wore remarkable serum at Van lnwulh, England. thr other day. The town was full of herrings. It is esti- mated that. 60,000,000 fish were landed from the boats. and prices dropped to as low as 2s. 6d. per cran of 1,000 her- ringsâ€"thirtyâ€"lhrcc for a penny. The work of unlcurling proceeded that night. .along.r a stretch of nrarly thrcc vuilns with the aid of flare lamps. Hun- dreds of horscs and carts were occupied ,till past. midnight carting away fish to ' the curing lionscs, and the Highland herâ€" ring girls, pursuing their work with the aid of naphtha torches. lightened their lalors by singing rhorusrs. Rome boats wcrc divcrtcd to Grimsby lO‘TaSG off the prcssurc. Hundreds of baskets and barrels filled with hor- riugs had to remain all night on the quays. Every man in want of a job was able to find one during the day. One firm report that the average catch of their fleet of a hundred boats was llltlï¬tlt) ï¬sh. The sea under the influence of a good tide and a full moon seemed lL-vming with licrrings. __._..u___. Simple Homo-Made Mixture â€" Makes Kidneys Filter Acids. When an eminent authority announc- cd that he had found a new way to treat SIMPLE PRESCRIPTION. EASILY MIXED AT .IIOME AND CURES ALL RIIEUMATISM. Full Directions to Make and Take This tism, with just cxmnnon, everyday dings found in any drug store. the pit-y- szcinns were slow indeed to attach much importance to his claims. This was only a few months ago. 'l‘oâ€"day nearly every ncwspapm‘ in the country. even the metropolitan dailies are announcing ‘l and the splendid results achieved. It is so simple than any one can prepare it a home at small cost. It is mode up as follows: Get from any grod drugâ€" Fluid Extract Dandelion, one- ouncr; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsalgiarilla. thrco ounces. Mix by shaking in a bot- th‘ and lake in teaspoonful doses after each mcal and at bedtime. These are all simple ingredients, making an ab- solutely harmless home remedy of. little cost. thumatism. as cwry one knows, is a symptom of deranged kidneys. , It is a condition produer by the failure of [hit kidneys to properly filter or strain front the blood the uric acid and other matter which, if not eradicated, cithrr in the urine or through the skin pores. remains in the blood, dccomposos and forms about the joints and musclcs, causing.r the untold .srlfl‘criug and formin of rlu‘mnnlism. ’l‘his pr._-scripli<~n is said to he a splen- .dtd hcaling. cleansing and inv, rating gist. half LIG- ‘lunic In tho kidneys. and give! uliiiost immcdintc relief in all forms of bladdcr' and urinary troubles and IJLItIva‘IltJ. â€"â€"â€"â€">l~~~â€"~ AGRICUL’I‘UR.-\l.. “Thought you .«uid you had pl-’~lu:lmcl that ten-acre'ficld'.’u said the first form- Fr “01). 1 sec; you‘vo over in your mind! merely turned it It is y’uissilllc to druw out a man and makc h:m intrrrslnug_bul “'5 dine... 'cut with a si-rmon. l HO I< llldl‘t’t‘l It For“ youth who npycrl [sent his first girl Functiung :1“ _ fruit, candy or lc‘ters. “l must. get ytu_ another chair fr»;- lhc kitchen. Knit“. 1 see you barn only one.“ “Shine, you nordn‘t mind. mn‘am. l have none but gintleman callers." tilm‘k: "This lctlcr is too heavy: you must stick another stamp on." Woman; "But you’ll only make it heavier if you do that." ICMERGE FROM CIIIIYSA LIR. Turkoy Dally Modernilod. ““omrn of Becoming (‘ompnrrd with fillet-n yours ago. cvnn thr outward nppcaranrr of the Women of Turkcy has changcd appreciably. 'l‘lu- Yaulunnk. or vvil. is being more dis- carded. and when still worn concrnls lunch loss (1‘ the Iilt'l‘ and figure than be- fgrc, Ilrvss prurrully has now :1 dislim-f wrslrrn look about il. and morn often than not a nlmlrrn br‘lt is worn around Ii't‘ waist. I‘i-l'hnps the most. noliw-nlvlc hmlurr of thr altrrcd conditions of lifc is tho mmparalfvc frcodtim with \VIlIt'II nmdi'l‘ll 'l‘nrkish women more about in Public. Fornu'rly kcpl. undvr strict guard by tho cunurhs. thry now show lhl‘lllk'f‘IVt‘S frroly in the company of main l‘l‘lllll\'f‘.\‘ and friends. l’hysirmns ar. no lonucr dcbarrod from administer- ing mrdirnl aid to Turkish wonu-n at their own hoiuc'ann unlu‘urd of pl'ac' IIU.‘ lc>s than twenty years ugh, _. "wk- NOT A (LIIIII-lel‘lfl. BRAND. “Haven‘t you any milk that chcrrf‘al than this?" (lllf'l‘ictl boarder as he poured liquid into his coffcc. “Why, What d. _\'t.lI mean by that?†qurrird lhc landlady.‘ is more, lhr nrw some of the "Oh, nothing," rejoian the n. b.: “only this milk scrms lo Ilthu the blues." A Successful Mrdicinc. â€" Everyonr vishos to ho surcrssful in any undin taking in which he may cupagr. if is lhcroforc. rxtrcnmly gratifying.t to the propnietors of Parmclce‘s \‘cgulabll‘ this to know that. their efforts to com- pound a nudicino which would prove a blessing to mankind have l:=ccn suc- (-(‘ssful bcyond cxpcctntins. The en- dorsalion of lllrsc l‘ills by the public is a guarantor: that a pill has loch pro. <llcld which will fulfiL everything claimed for III. “llalloa. Jack. old boy. writing home for money 7" “No.†“\tht arc you taking: so much lronblcovcr, thcn‘l You‘ve been fussing and fuming over it for the last two hours." “lin trying to write home without asking for money. AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases is the one geuorally described by the word Eczema. In all its forms it resists ordinary treatment. but is completely cured by Weaver’s Cerato used in can uectlon with Weaver‘s Syrup. It’s simply irrrsistiblc the way a puckcr roosts on a pretty girls lips. A woman drlcsts a man who flatlcrs almost as much as one who doesn’t. These two desirable qualifications. pleasant. to the taste and at the Sillllt) limo effectual. arc to be found in Mother Graves Worm Exterminator. (Llrildrcn like it. Gathering cabbage is one kind of head work. Some people‘s charin consists in giv- lug advice. ITCII. Mange Prairie Scratches and cvery form of contagious Itch on human on animals cured in 30 minutes by We]. lord's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Many an inn seems all right until it is found out. 'f‘alkulivc womcn are naturally open- fact-d. A Cal-chilly Prepared time and nttcntion were the rxpcrhncnting Pillâ€"Much rxpcndrd in with the ingredi- ents that enter into the composition m! Parmclce's Vegetable Pills bcforo they wore brought. to the state in which they were firzt offend to the public. Whatever other pills may be. Pamiclcc‘s Vegetable Pills fll‘r the re. sult of much expert study. and all pur- sons suffering from dyspepsia or dis- order/ed liver and kidneys may confi- dently accept thrm as being what they are represented to be. ' y “Fine feathers,†remarked the man with tho quotation habit. “do not makr [inc birds." “No.†rejoined IIK‘ fulllt‘l‘ of seven grown daughters, “but they make fine fortunus for millincrs.†FERROVIM, “'I'IAT IS IT? It is the name of the but tonic. It builds up the syn-tam. giun new life, makes people wall and strong. Be uure you get. the geuume “ lv'errovim." Popular music is probably Sm callcd l'rcuim- it. soon bcrcmcs unpopular. Mum-anal may not b0 bliss. but. it gzoniralcs u lot of Coulr'nlmcnt. all (‘lI-Ilf‘ r corn prcpn ra l ions Hollmvny‘s (.orn (Zurc. N0 and no luconvcuicnco I \\hcn lfml. tly pain whalrvrr. in using it. A (1A [‘th HOLY“ A I’PETITE. “11‘: “Viking trying. this catering to a .bI'ZI‘. girl." Mrs, licugluss COIIIL‘SSMI t0 the fritndly visitor who had calhd to m- ultirc for Amy. “‘1 bclicvc this convalt-scent business comes harder on me than hci- I...“ sick “1:55,†continued Mrs. Douglass. \vjfh a deep sigh. “I‘m that put 10 ,1 to L,“ Minclhing that .xlic‘ll Cut wxlh a relisha ll gel. all riled up sometimcs flying to i trinpt. her.“ The visitor murmured Falllcllling svm. lpnthetic. and thus cumin-aged yin-R lk‘nglass went. on. “Only yesterday] shc said. "l 'pork Chop and ï¬vo (rt-1115’ “toy-u») of marshmallows for bor din“: and if you'll believe inc she l-urnrd hp hm. nose land. said she coudln‘t cat a mitt !‘ got her a Builders of air rasllrs do not have to worry about labor strikes. Renovate; the entire system. Cod liver oil is nauseous â€"- Knocks out the stomach, That tired feeling which Sec yr ur druggist today about B RICK’S TASTELESS †So that very few persons can take it. Take a dose of “ Brick’s Tasteless†And note how pleasant it is -â€" Starts you eating at once â€"- relieves Every one speaks of from time to time, and the Languid feeling disappears immediately. Every bottle taken is guarantzed to show improvement; So why should you hesitate to take it? Two Sizesâ€"8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 15 palatable and can be easily assimilated. “ Brick‘s Tasteless.†WITH Power, Heat, to Lease for a Central location. About four floors and basement. Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Electric Light, Term of Years. ten thousand square foot In Excellent shim: n3 facilities low Insurance rate. MAKES A DIFFERENCE. “If a man, loses his pockelbook," said. the moraliz r, “he thinks the chap who finds it. is 0 better than a thief if he‘ doesn‘t return_it.†“Yes,†rejoined-the dcmoralizer, “but if he finds some olhcr fellow‘s pocket- hookâ€"well. it comes like pulling teeth to give it. up." The efficacy of Richie‘s Antiâ€"Consump- live Syrup in curing coughs and cold.« and arresting inflammation of flu». lungs, can be cslablishcd by hundreds of testimonials from all skirts and con- ditions of men. It is a standard rom- (dy in thcse nilmcn's and all uric-o lions of the throat and lungs, It is highly rcoormncnded by modicinc ven- (ICl‘s, iccausc they know and appreciate its value as a curative. 'l‘iy it. A professor was rcproving a student for his idleness. when the latter said;' “It’s no use ï¬nding: fault; I was cut. out for a loafer." “Well,†replied the pro- fessor, surveying.r him critically horn head to foot, “whoever cut you out understood his business thoroughly.†WELCOME AS SUNSHINE after storm is the reliuf when an obstinate, pitilesx cough has been driven away by Allen’s Lung Balsam. No opium in it. The good effect hats. if you feel like shakin‘g a friend when hr is down, shake his hand. Many a man's belief in his superior wisdom makes a fool of him. Cheapest of All MCIIIL‘IllOs.~C0nFidop_ in}: tho curative qliull'lirs of llr. Thomas liclcrtric Oil it is the chimp- vst medicine now offered to the pub- IlC. The dose rcquu-cd in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many doses. If it wore valued at the beneï¬t ll confcrs it could not be purchasedi for many limos the price asked] flu- it, but inrroased consumption has simplified and chcaprncd its manufac- lure. Fear of nlinwny is ono reason why lllc men are shy about marrying. MAKE A NOTE OF IT, "The 1" ill I." Menthol Pluto. i; guannteod to cure the wan-d. one of b ickache, headache. stitches. . Amid substitutes. Get the genuiuï¬iuapo by Duns 6‘. Lawrence Co. A teacher who askcd a girl to plllY‘lï¬â€˜RB :1 grammar. rmcivcd the following note from the little girl‘s mother :â€"“1 do ml, desire that Matty ingugc in grammar, and I do prefer hcr to ingagc in more useful studies. and can learn bar to write and spcuk proper mysrlf. I wont throgh two grammars and can‘t say as lhcv did me no good. I prefer Matty to ingth in German and drawing, and vckal music on tho pcano.†AGE HTS WANTED. MAKE, MONEY. Boys and Girls, se‘llng ans. writes 1000 words without. dippin Ultn in ink. Samples it) cents ( i'ver). Biz proï¬ts. kin-Able premiumsfroa. CAMPBELL "133,, Auburn, N.V. Special Notice. $|35fl0 cash will buy now u ri ht ' fully wuruptod, Write Mall Ordefllgisirgxlzgrfiz' {run LEAGH PIANO co. Ltd., Montreal roi- xllustrated catalogue. ' dyeing I Cleaning I For tho "r7 Mat-m4 your work to t!" “ IRITIOII AHIRIOAN DYIINS 00." Incl- !" “out II you: Iowa. or and Gina‘- Hontroal,Torooto. Ottawa, Quota. GAPAG 69L!) MINES OP" lTD. Capit’ll 5:0.ooo.'ooo Shares 5.0. Pays 407, dividend. 100,000 shares left to be sold on the following terms : 5076 upon subscription 2531 Feb. I, 1903. 257. "by I. lot-8. I. 1. \‘AN NOTE. Trens., 161 Summer St., Boston. Essay horas la interested and would know about the wondarnl MARVEL Whirlings ray I The new Toxin! r age. Beltâ€"Al on conven- lmt. 1t cleans" .Ingumtly. As: your druapm for it. If he cannot auppl: the MAB VEL accept no other. but lend star" for “imitated hm 2a»; cd. It given . I fall minim-nan and directions in- v . Innhl» r.» Indies. ' INDSOB SUPPLY ('30.. “'lndnnr. Ont. General Agent. for Canada. ass Ellis W in American Norman: ntc w A Gold Fluted Cuc. warranted to keep correct time, similar in appear. me to a. Solid Gold Wslch war. . mod for 15 - nns- 515936: d ~ tiled Bum pot . with a Sparkling ‘ lit-in. hotn givrn free for rrlllmz only 24 Jewelry 230mm", 3: 10c.eac"- Rand your . name and uddru: for J-‘wt‘lry. When Ir-ld mil us the 52.10 am. we unit you tri- wueh and ring. FRI t.\ I) SUPPLY 00., Dept. 6:8 Boston. Mun NOT EMOTIONAL. Staying at an inn in SColland, a shant- ing party founl th11r smrt mutz‘n inter- ftrud with by ruin. Still, not or line, liar (.ld»fashioued nuromclrr, hanging in ill-'3 hull. pcmislcnlly pointed to “Set. Fair." Al Iallfliil m..- of the party drcw ll.“ landlord’s utlculion to the glass, say- lug: “f'km'l you think now. Dnggald. there's something: tho mattr-r \\'.lll y-...l' .‘ “No sir." replied l)u;:nld, with dignity; “she's a gacd glass and a powerful glass. but she's no movcd Wl Lriflcs."