Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Nov 1907, p. 5

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H inland. ‘ Eire HICIIJI IND HILL, Oxr.. Nov. 2%. 15m? I.()(‘J AIJSS. Atkinson 8; Sivil7.ei"s for a winter r-iitt‘i't. Christmas is approaching and will be here again in less than a month. Slushy weather means lliihhers. Saughton’s at the I‘llgiri alivays have the size. The November session of York (‘ouiity Council opened on Monday of this week. Mr. Mulloy,l.’ublie School Inspector, paid an I'filt:lttl visit to the schools he_re on Tuesday. The Ilesidl'oul Sabbath Heliool ol'lin r-i‘alsnrtrnd to hold their Xmas gath- t‘l ing and Tree on Monday, llec. 2.53. A meeting of the Fire Brigade will he, held in the Council Chamber- next Monday mening. Dec. :2. at. a‘ o‘clock. Men’s grey and fancy fl‘lllllt‘l shirts from $1 to $1.45. Atkinson & Swit- Zer. Rev. E. H. Toye will ireach in the Methodist L‘hurch 5: why thinning and Rev. S. L. \'\'. IIarton of 'I‘otten- ham III the evening. tevivril Services are being held in the 'J‘uiiker Church at Gorniley. The tm-etirigs ai e conducted by Ite\ . ti‘rciw in Hearss of Itidgeivay. New raisins. L‘Ill‘lilllts. lemon. or :riige and cit-on peel, figs, dates. at, Iowrst ligiues. Atkinson .K' HWILZI‘I'. The. Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold their annual Entertainment and Christmas Tree on Monday even- ing, the 23rd ot‘ December. The \Veston Times has great faith in advet Using. The (‘ll~llt)l' puts it this \vayzâ€"“lt your business is not Worth advertising, advertise it for sale." The Elobicoke Township Council haw decided. to pass a Local Uptiou by-law. the vote to be taken in that municipality (in the 6th of January. At. the Epworth League next Monday evening. there- \\'ll~l be given the third of a. series of subjects taken from the Sermon on the Mount. Subject, "The Salt. of the Earth and the Light of the \Vorld.” to be given by Mrs. Sloan and Miss Storey. s \Ve iii-yer tamper with the quality of our groceries. New. pure goods and fair prices. Naugbton Bros... ISI- giu Mills. ’ HOCKEY MI‘JI‘JI‘ING. A meeting of all interested in hock- ey will be held it) the front sitting monoof the Palmer House on Thurs- day evening, at 8.30. for the purpose ot‘organizing a hockey elub. Be on hand. A convention of the Liberals of the riding of Centre York for the pur- pose of iionrinatiuga candidate for the House of Commons, will be_held in Victoria Hall, Thornhill, at 1.30 p. m. sharp. on Saturday. Nov. 30. The an- nual meeting of the Centre York Lib- eral Association will also be held at. the same time. and place for the pur- pose of the election of officers arid general business. See. adv. on another page. Two Mission Study Classes are be- ing held under the auspices of the Ep- wor-th League this year. One is held oii Monday evening before the League service. led by Miss Edwards. the sec- ond on -’I‘hursday evening at 8.30 folâ€" lowing prayer meeting. led liy Mr. R. Shaw, B. A; All who intend to join can meet with- either or both, and had better commence soon or miss the ear- ~ Ivy part of the hook studies, “The Up- ‘Iift of China." “’0 absolutely guarantee our Men's Leatherâ€"Lined CornItitration-Tanned \‘Vrttt‘râ€"proof Boot, at Naughton‘s at the Elgin. EAST YORK REFORMERS. The annual meeting of East York lteforni Association Will be held in the Y. M. U. A. Hall. East Toronto. on Monday, the 2nd of December, corri- IIIt’thillgilt-I.3U p. in. Hon. G. P. ’la'aham. Ilou. A. G. McKay, Mr. Arch Campbell, M. P.. Mr. .I. \\'. Cirr- ry. the Liberal canidate for the Legâ€" islature and others are expected to be present. All Liberals are invited. NOTICE. an. J. Follocl;\nf Maple advertises that he is taking orders for American Iv'ilndried corn at 67 cents a bushel. ' Also hran at $24 a ton and shorts at $26. sacksineluded. Should the market ‘ in any of the above go lower. he is prepared tosellaccordingly. Chopping done at. his mill Friday and Satuuday " each week. Mr. I’olloek keeps on ‘ -’1 hand nut, stove and soft coal at lowest ‘ prices. l to check a (‘oltl quickly. get from" your druggist some little Candy (‘old Tablets called I’reventie . Druggists . verywhere are new di pensing I’ie» \entics. for they are not only safe. but decidrlly certain and prompt. l‘reventies contain no quinine. no lax~ oive. nothing harsh «r sickening. ‘t‘ !keii at the. “sneeze stage" ‘ ..-s will prevent I‘ireinzmnia. Bronchit- H. La tirippe. etr. Hence the harm" .".-e\entics. ‘ for feverish child- (Lint. t"ll. 45‘ I‘re\rt‘.ties :5 cents. Trial 1- -xes;3cis. Fm LI by \V. A. Studir ~ n. l l l’tt‘Vt‘llb » . soil. has now twenty-four years. son of the latter, holds the record if L . .Yery sprawl-at value in. Men‘s Blue and Black Bib‘ 09$}le Black l’aiilS. Mole I’auts. Hem-y Socks, Sun-atlas Cardigan Jackets. Cordurojiy V6315- Atkinson & Switzr-r. A GENTLE MI‘IAIINDI'TR. Many a hoiisetvii‘e would be without a' sewing machine had it no‘l been that they \\I'l't‘ reminded by the agent. that they were in need of that aln'iosi in- dispensable lioimeholrl artif'l‘e. Many a merchant has greatly iiicve‘as‘rtl the volume of his business by Iii-in): re- minded by the home newspaper that he should advertise his grinds". If we lime peeii remiss in our duty let us again say that some of our business men can make money by a little judicious advertising in THE LIBERAL. DANGEROUS COLLISION. Monday evening,' afti-r' dark- Mrs. .Iolin \Yoods accompanied by Mr. Russell \Vilson. was driving south on Yonge sweet. Mr. Frank Graham's hired man was driving north. Opposite Mr. Ilarrison‘s residence the rigs collided. Mrs. “'onils and Mr. \\'ilson were both thrown out. and the former was badly hurt. She was carried into Mr. Harrison‘s. and is not yet able to he removed home. The rig was upset and the shafts and harness broken. Trial Catiirrh tieatm‘ents are being mailed out free, on request. by Dr. Shoop. Itat'iiii. \Vis. These tests are lpioving to the peopleâ€"without a pen- riy‘s costâ€"Allie great. value of this scientific prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as U‘t‘i‘. Shorer Rein- ed_\'. Sold by \\'. A. Sanderson. MISSIONARY. The Inst of a series of sermons along Missionary lines was preached in the Methodist church last Sunday. Vol. notary subscriptions were placed on the plate morning’ and evening. The olferiogs reached a point nevi-r attain- ed before. Many friends of the cause. are yet to be heard from, and there seems at present to be vei y little doubt but that the 50 per cent, advance will he reached. and the circuit, will iii the ‘ near future be in a position to send their own representativi-Is the foreign field,- VICTORIA SQUARE. One of the liveliest auction sales that has taken place in a long time Was held here last Thursday by' the executors of the late‘Anson Stout-enbiirgh. There was a large crowd i-ié’ people. and those present seeinret'i far enjoy themselves as they would at a social gathering. Fresh milch rows went over the $70 mark. 2 year olds brought $39. and im- plements went high. That the credit was only lbw: months seemed to make no (genera-e t.» the buyers. The sale was , initiated by Mr: Smigeon of the firm of Saigeon & McEn‘en. A STRONG FAVORITE. \Vith all classes of people. profes- sional men. businessmen. mechanics, farmer?etc.. the Family Herald and Weekly Star. of Montreal. is the. pup- ula’r paper of Canada. Its Slltrm‘Ss is well deserved. too, far certainly no paper in Canada gives such big \ alue. How such a papi-ri-an be supplied to subscribers at one dollar per year is a mystery. Few homes in Canada will he found toâ€"day without the big Mon- treal paper. “'e learti there is a greater demand than ever this season and those that want to receive the paper regularly during 1908 should send in their orders at once. DIED I'I‘wz MIIAVA UKEE. The following death notice is copied from a recent issue of a. Milwaukee paper. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. James Mc\\'illianis of this village;â€" Mrs. Mai ia- l‘l'iinitett. widow of Patrick PIunketLanI’t mother of Capt. Philip I’Iunkett of engine company No. 6. died last night at her home. 798Ma rshall street. after an illness of two years. She was 78 years of age. and lived for forty years in ttie house Where she (lied. Mrs I’Irmkett was born in Ireland. and came to this country with her parents when a yoiing‘girl. She lived in Milwaukee for over fifty years. Mrs. Plunkett is survi‘Vi-d by two sons, Philip and Henry~ 13., and three daughters. Miss Mary Pliinkett. Mrs. John C. Hirsch and‘Mi's. Richard Duetch. IIJGH SCHi -(‘~I. I.IS;I‘ERARY SOLIE- v ’I '. \‘Vednesday. Nov. 20, the High School Literary Soriety held their weekly meeting in. Form I. The meet.- iug was largely attended, and a. good programme was prepared. Miss Gladys Legge occupied the chair, and after a short but. very appropriate speech, called ’onthe Glee Club for a. selection entitlid "Old Black Jae.” 'I'heri followed the Symposium on “(‘lioice Phases of Life" or “That is the Life forMe." given by Miss Minnie Ilouek. Miss llelle Read. Mr. Jesse Bowes. and Mt. Lorne Grinder-ham. The next item on the programme was an instiunientabsolo by Miss Laura Naughton. followed by a recitation by Miss Ulive Morgan. After the critic's speech by Mr. Henry the nieetingclos- etl in the usual way by singing the National Anthem.‘ FUI'I’. GENERATIONS. The four generations of the Jackson family. whose photo appears in this ‘ have L"?ll{t‘lll!ll¢‘(l :onsiilerably to the printing fraternity of Canada. lso l."_\Hi-I I‘:t‘.t\l|l\ Jackson. Neiviiizriket. who is the Iii-ad ot‘ the family. was president of the t ~ll.”.£ll.tll l’ress Asstleiiri. :i in 157" "or .i'iree years he was <‘~C‘.r'I‘ll‘)’» titer. in addition to serving elr-x- rs on the executive. was editor ri‘ the Newiriarket 'iia'ii his son. (. Edgar I.. .lantitson being the tastes! lanolin.- operator in " l" ‘Ii LL}. Mrs. I':I'.r‘:l’.‘3 Jack For thirty" . nearly four ' : PEctoral for coughs, colds, l l Lyman ti. .lzu'lbl "dusted for the past ‘ i l . I . son celebrated their goltIei-é‘ Wedding years ago. an’d Mr. and Mrs. Lyman (1‘. Jarkson their silver Wedding a couple of months prm ions- Iv. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Jacksorn reside in Montreal.~l’rinter and Pub- Iisher. I A tickling cough. from any Cause, ' is qi'riikly stoppitl by Hi; Steinp‘sg Cough Unre. AMI-its is so thiro'ig-hly . harmless and safe, that Ur. Shoop tells motherseverywhere to gife it without hesitation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung- hr-aling mountainous shrub. furnish the curative properties of Dr. Sboop’s Cough Cure. It, calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium. no chloro- form. nothng harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant ex- I tract. that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the doctor uses, “The Sacred Herb." Demand Ilr. Shoop's. Take no other. \\'. A. .jandeison. g. c H iiis'rriéxs SALE. There will be a (‘hristinas Sale of \Vork in the Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill. under the auspices of the \Voni- an’s Guild of Mary's church, on “'ednesclay. Dec. 11. afternoon and melting. A magnificent.assortnn-utuf Christmas gifts. aprons, childre'i’f’s clothing, dolls, toys. books. (‘hristi'nas cards. girdles, kirnonas; hat. pins. Christmas hells. paper n'melties. cal- endars. pictures. lemmeznmde candies, eter. will be for sale. These articles are all beautifully triatlo and chosen, and will be sold at lowest figures,- made possible by the generosity of friends. Truly Christmas bargains brought to your doors. Afternoon tea will he Served Club Style. In the evening an entertainment will he pi‘e- ‘ Sented and the special features of the ‘ day will he opt-tied. These will Ill-| w ~++++++++++ s+++++++++~ ++~§r¢1~Â¥+++++++++++++++++++++ clude the Fish Pond. where swim val- uable fish of all kinds: the Rose Red. wherein lie buried treasures: a Towel] l and take table. eie. Refreshfiwnts of coffee, sandwiches. ice cream and cake will he' served. Doors open at 2 and 7". .Aid'iiiission in the afternoon, 1 5PM: in the owning. 10c.; children. 50. Bronchitis : For over sixty years doctors I} .- have endorsed Ayer’s Cherry : weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can truss-a The best kind of a testimonial â€" “Sold for over sixty years.” ..... .0"... .~. Made by J. C. Ayer 00.. Lowell, Mus. Also manufacturer: of . , SARSAPARILLA. l, PILLS. V a... HAIR VIGOR. We have no scorch! We pnhltnh Pill I e be reg At vegetable and gently laxative. in mm school sail-ceeds. because we pl‘UVil‘I‘t‘ sensible courses. employ sricceszul teachers, and give indi- vidualinstruction. Enter-anytime. Write for (catalogue. British American Business College TORONTO i Special for; one week Men’s tine. upto date Box Calfand Dongela Kid, extension oak-tanned soles, to purchase elsewhere will cost you 4.50 and 4.00; to advertise our perfect. lilting and good wearing’ quality, \ve‘II sell at 3.75 and 3.50. We also have a fine chance for the ladies to test our goqu. Fine, tip-to-date Dougola Kid, patent toe cap, easy lining boot, regular price all over 3.50 for 2.50, and 2.50 for 1.70. ARNE. SAVAGE: . @uffr'ffer ‘nll dr. and live at bomathsl will ; a, F an «area. But those VM writs l ' >0“ .‘M‘n .Purtinnd, Xlfiiu€.')ll rereivl .i. 1 .. from 5"» to 3':- pcr day. Some have t 9. . g... s i ,.1 figs El'ihl‘f scr. your: or old. Capi'nl » i. Y- .. an: Hanoi {we Those uhc out a: «mu l I full information about work which not - \m muim} rut. cf at; Irv}: twins.» .All rue-.3 - +++++++++++++++++++++e§ +++++++++~r++++++++++++++++ > .1 I”! +++++‘+‘+’-t.++++r++++~r+sfiér~re~r++er+++++++++« it~$4~$+~z¢~z®+ 14"!"2' +4- -r-+-:-+++++~zâ€"+++++++++++-i- ++++ ++t+++++~t~r+++++++++ °h++++++++ '2'. “Will be out now looking Ior warmer garments. The cheapest place to buy Furnishing Goods is at Atkinson 8: Switzer’s Heavy Underwearfrom $t.25. Good Working Shirts for 50c. Wool Pants, 95c. to $34 pair. Gloves andMittens, 25c. to $r 50. Hats, Caps, Men’s Sweaters, Cardi- gzm jackets, and all kinds ct goods -â€"the best value in the trade. A nice lire of extra sizes Pants and Vests. The best fleece-lined underwear on the market. Men's tweed-lined leather coats, $56. If You Can Tell Us How to serve you bettier, We will obey the hint. Call at Concrete House M+++++++++++-Â¥++~§+++ +ab++++++++++>h++++++++++4'++ +++++M++++Me++++++++++++ ++ +++++M++++++++++ir++++++ 03‘ H+4‘W++N*+ *Q'i-‘i'iul‘i'd'H¢+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++4®+i- ++++W+$++H+++++é++++lh Hui-4 ~r++++t++++++++~i~e+++++++++++++++++++++m++++++++++++++++++++++*+Â¥++ + M+++M++++f++++* and examine goods. g Nov. 14, 1907. I i i HutH-+++++++++++++++-i++++++++++++++++++++++++++‘ ; + ' + + «M 'l' -§-+++ l Richmond Hill Hardware Stare We solicit your orderi for Ranges and; Beaters And assure you satisfaction in quality and price. Sample line of pocxet cutlery at cost. Tinsnnithing in all its branches. m“ l __â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- BY MAIL AT COLLEGE ' d BRITISH BUSINESS COLLEGE, TOttOs I'll. Pi‘ncttcnl -~.i Matricuzatinu. Y. MAJ. A. free s;5.00 mum.) taro R A. FARQIJliARSON. But. long: and M. . .mtiirblland, Commercial. and II this paper uzcrtioued. Addreba :oofszs” Toronto. magmas iiiismii - Gflllll'l. An excellent opportunity for an in. telligent boy who wishes to learn the . pzintiug L'trsii‘.es~‘. Apply ‘ tit“ Till} LIBERAL OFFICE. The Next Sitting of Divreion Court lot No. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL *QNH On- Wednesday. 241th November, in the vicinity of I‘llgin Mills. a small: white and tan Beagle hound. Very ‘ shy dog answering to the name of! Trixy. Reward at. LIBERAL Office or; Bailey‘s Store, Maple. 2.27.; Saturday, lanuary 25, 1903 Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MGMALION CLM'! -

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