$1 per annum, in advance] I , E: . . f7 “ disc "gytbsml IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY cHURSDAY MORNING AT THE "thl‘ri. J. M. 'LAING Barrister, Solicitor. Etc, Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. smith-vast ('0?- ern Famine I PUBLISHING HOUSE ""“ "f “"1": 3’48" “""Y Tim‘s“? RIOHMONDHILL,ONT. a “noon. ‘ 1 _ Toronto Office. 86 Toronto st root. 1 . 13' . (f- A G N, Murder 'ro LOAN :.7: LOWEST RATES. I Emron £3 Pxormcron. WILLIAM COOK D5. BARHZSTER, SOLH‘I’I‘UR, Nortnv. I-Z'rc. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, \Vesley Buildings Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce, Standardl Burk Building, every Saturday after- noon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Fire Per Cent (Tiff). BUSINESS CAR m. . ilflmtl. ma. Hi "Willri’n‘ii‘ Dentist, RSON, m N Fix *3. MORGAN, Barristers and Solll'llors. Money to loan mete nd audchntbel mortgages at ‘ lowest. rates auroranmne~neinovcd c0122.!) old pout oftan one rtoor west oi the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket oï¬lceâ€"Tlrree doors south of the p ass (mine T Hmwmn Lsxs‘ox u S'r'r‘ Mona/«s aurora. Newmarket (lair. Carlton and Yungc Sts Toronto “'ill be in Richmond Hill on \Vezl- Destiny of euclr week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Standâ€" ard Bank. O’ï¬m Hoursâ€"3.3!) a. In. to 5 p. m. illuminant ~ ~ â€"~ â€" ~ «wenâ€"Hmâ€" â€"~-_~.. Danton, Dunn & Boultisee Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL. TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. 19.. TORONTO, (“arm-Ida. FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. Dom: VETERINARY SURGEON, "Phoruhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill ‘ ged 50 me< \V. MULUUK BOI'L'I'BEF I. II. SANDERSUN. 1’â€??? “diff: VETERINARY SURGEON Mules . lee. Milliken 8o RICHMOND HILL Clark 6111:: by day \ Barristcls. Solicitors. Etc. I DOMINION BANK OIIAMBEIIs, S.\V.‘.‘A-" .‘... J. ll. PI entice, U)““l~‘.‘3§§\§frgung(' bL‘Hm’ Licensed Auctioneer for the. Ceunty of Y0 ii i Goods soldun oonsiwument Gonm-ai 53,1†Private and Trust Funds to loan at‘ area eta prompt! auremic: ‘ “ma Residence Iymummedta at. reasonablt tones! current rates. “if: Gouldmg, Newton Brook. agent for the and night prom-)tl at.- tetrded to. l y G S LindseyK C F Lawrence G â€"...A-.- L_ A . n. V (3‘ Phone Ma’ 2’84 J T Samson. J R McEwen W Ridoutu‘auswcrth m J I “a ’9 as on - Snigeon dc lllcEwc-Viia.t Lindsey. Lag’l’er'ï¬e & W sdsworth, Licensed Acct Barristers,Sclicitors. Notaries, 8m. Stressttouded sortable rate Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg). Cox. Adelaide & Victoria Sis. Toronto. Hi ioneers for the Count-yo! York. to on shortestnqsicpund a. res.- s Patronage solicited p. G. uneven, Linens e Auctioneer for theCounty of Yer < re- .periuully solicits your pntrousae and friendl Influence sales attended on the sLorteat. notici and at rsssonabemtus. P. 0.2dttress King JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. ELGIN MILLS M. Teasers. it «5" s "- a“; ï¬ner . VVRIGH Under-takers d- Embulmrrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furn isliing kept at both places NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONEBXNTBK HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . H.AfNIOï¬OLï¬s_ N OTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyancer, etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Richmonc. Hill J. EOWAHDIIIINCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Pupil of A. S. Your. Mus. Dm‘. (Piann) and J. II. Anger, F. It. (‘~. 0. (Theory). DR. S. J. BOYD RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Having a complete X-ray and static electricrty apparatus, I am able to locate foreign bodies in the body. and examine fractures of bones -\.l<«) to . . . ' - - (unrrs'r sax. (‘oxy r v. .- - q -. treat NERVOUS DISEASES. (‘illx‘ONh‘ ‘7 ‘ U L I“ i“ I "‘ l 1‘ RHEUMATISM. Momun (Zaowrus. AU l‘1N(‘\ RUYA I. AND BRITISH such as Cancers. ctc. living; a graduale of Moorlield's Eye Hospital. England. I am prepared to examine the interior of the eyes for disease. and test. for glassw. If al patient should require glasses I oldcri them for him. Now and throat wnr k a sp-‘rialtv. Ul‘ï¬ce convenient to the. unwind Ian and C. N. 0. Railway stations. AME II .‘A ass. cos. REA I. ESTATE, ETC. TEQRNIâ€"EEILL THE PALMER HOUSE flrl‘ lair-Ills ac: nnnnodation travelling public. Good Travoll--r<. Every the ‘ l Money to Loan. Blouï¬y iâ€"h 5?, pop vipnr. .ehylrloyn-"I ,..,‘...(.e.‘_ - for (‘onimerrial _\tleltlivr to loan. at Monte. A very dest I uctirc tire took place last Fl idav evening when Mr. H. Rutnblc‘s barn was totally ('ntis‘utned, with allf tho sew-oil’s crop of grain and ha y. and I a number of new implements including; a new binder. Fire \alualrle hgrsI-s perished in tho flames. The. loss is estimated at about $30M). The. loss on; the buildings is partly covered by in-I surance but their was no insurance on the t‘mllr'llts. The origin of the ï¬re 1 cannot be nt'l‘l’ltlllit‘tl for. \Vhile play ing with matches last. Saturday "turning the little fv urhyrnl‘. old daughter- of Mr. Strode ignrted lrrr clothing. and was so badly burned that slrr- hall to ho taken In the. hospital. Very lliill’ hopes Were entertained Of her rI-eovr ry. A convert. in aid of the public library “'lll be given in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening. Dec. 13th. A good pro» gramme of dialogues, choruses, solos, ducts and readings will be given by local talent. 1 Mr. Arthur Keys of \Vyclil‘fe College and Mr. \V. Kale of S. I". 8.. visited “ it h friends here from F1 iday till Mon- day. Mr. Gen. Keys of Brussels visited over Sunday with his rou~in Mr. T. H. Revs, ‘ ~vâ€"4‘o- .__A _, TIIORNHILL PUBLIC SCHOOL. IV. (llrl.~\SS:-Velma Grice.Ada Farr, Norman Francis, Gladys Ball, Jessie Hot-an. Cecile Pearson, Franky L‘ox. Alan Francis. Sarah Chatterley. Florence Gooderhain, Barbara. Duff, Stanley l’mrson. Ill (lLASS:â€"â€"Edgar Sangster. Amy Ball, Jennie St'flgt‘l. Francis (Jar-hon. Eliza Brooks, Marie Muldonn. Violet. (‘aseley. Norman McDonald. Eliza Mul- dorm. SEN. Ii. CLI‘.SS:â€"Cecil I-lenricks, Vernan Forbes. “'innieCousins. Frank (Thar-Iron. Mcrlyn Phillips. Arthur \Vorvilie. .l UN. ll. (TLASSIâ€"Martlm Claplram, \Yilllc (Tlapham. \Valter Duff, Agnes Eluldonn. George \Vatls. PT. ll. CLASSkâ€"Aggie Hor In. SEN. I. (ILIXSS:â€"â€"Glenrry Robinson, Blur-jot ie Phillips. JUN. l. (JI.ASS:-May Campbell. Jimmie Dulf. \Villin “Ru-ville. Annie, ' )luldov n. Nelson Forbes, Marjorie Farr, Alfred \V'Or ville. _~â€"... I Concord. Report of Concord School for Nov. (-inlsorzu SEN. IVsâ€"elleiizh Page. Lloyd “'liit- more, Louise. \‘r’itty. Norman Bowes, Euston Harrison. SEN. Il1.â€"Edna Fisher. Millie Van- derburgzh. Ernie Poole, Lyle Murphy, Percy Harrison. J UN. llI-â€"-Hazel Page. Helen \Vbite, Grace (irudon, Isaac Banker. Bertie. Baker. Fred Gordon. GI ï¬le Evans, Arth'ur BOWe-S, Hilda (Ellis. Howard Baker. Lily Evan, Gordon l‘lxeard. PA HT II.-â€"Fanny Evans. May Iludd, I Ilarrv I’m-lo. Ernest Clarke. 'lerin \Vitty. ()harlle Harper. PART I.â€"(a)â€"Dorotliy Gordon. Mar- 'ol'ie Cooper, Harold Gordon. Bert Vilty, Ollie Murphy; (b) Allan OstI-I‘. Neil McDonald. Average attendance for NOV. 1%. How about a pair of felt lroots? ‘annrn's felt hoots with dongola. or grain l'oxing for $1.50. Men's low, felt.»lIne<l, grain boots. $1.93: and men‘s high, felt-lined and topped grain " " Naughton‘s at the hunts. at $_.li). Elgin. __,«w.~__ SIMPLE HOME RECIPE. Get from any prescription pharma- cist the folk wing: Fluid Extract Dandelion. one-half Ollllm‘; Compound Kai-got], one UllI'le; (‘ompound Syrup Salsaparillet. three. lllll‘il'(‘\'. , Shako'well in a bottle and take a tea- spoonful dose after each meal and at. lu-dl title. The above is considered by an enri- neut authority. who writes in a New _ York daily paper, as the ï¬nest pre- scription ever written to relieve Back- arhe, Kidney Trouble. “’eak Bladder and all forms of Urinary diï¬â€˜lcultics. This mixture acts promptly on the eli- minativu- tissues of the kidney-r. on- abling them to filter and strain the uric v :H'ld and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Sonic persons who suffer with the aï¬â€™lictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture. yet those who have tried it my the results are simply surprising. the relief being effected without the, slightest Injury to the stomach orother Ivtgalis‘. l iix some and give it a trial. It certainly comes highly recounneudwl. It is the prescription of an eminenti authority. whose Iâ€"ntiI-I- reputation." it is said. was established by it. .‘ ~i1 'i ' i ‘2‘]. for.“ :‘ - pm- my an? r , .. .- .. -- »..-,I ; in Nou-Essantials, Liberty; ia alltjrings, Charity." ‘ R. ll. Reynolds. Assistant. A. ..r. . ACLEAN FOR CENTRE 1 YORK. The largest and most. enthusiastic1 CMM‘NLinn ever held in Centre York ‘ was that. in Thornhill last. Saturday . when llr. P. D. Mel-earl of \Vondbridge ’ Liberal nornsnution for" received the the Hoer of Commons, the vacancy being made by the appointment. of . Mr. Arch. Campbell. the former mem- I hrs. to the Senate. argI-ly represented, and never was the unanimity and enthusiasm of Centre York more apparent than when Dr. ‘MCLa-an roso to accept. the nomination. Those nominated were: Dr. McLean. \Voodhridgc; A. F. “'ilson. Markham; G. \V. Verral, \Veston: L. Annie. Scar- boro, and A. J. Anderson. Toronto Junction. After makingbrief speeches in which earnest, constant. work until the close of the poll was urged all withdrew except Mr. “disco and Dr. McLean. After a vote was taken the chairmn n, MI". i‘VuliPl' Scott. announced that Dr. Mela-an had won by a substantial majority. Mr. \Vilscn at once rose and mova that the nomination he made. unanimous which was carried with murh enthusiasm. Dr. Mchan 1 thanked Mr. \Vilson and those pica nt. ; for their generous support, and ex- r ,ressed his belief that, with the. help (If is friends Centre York would remain in the ranks of the. party supporting Sir \Vilfred Laurier. Rousing speeches were afterwards made by Senator Campbell. F. (I. [In wmrd. Hon. G, 1’. Graham, and H. H. Dewnil. , A series of resolutions were passed. expressing regretthat the riding Was deprived of the services Of Hon. Arrh. Uampbell as its representative in the Commons; expressing conï¬dence in Sir “'ilfred La'trrier and his cabinet: expressing Conï¬dence in Hon. A. G. McKay. the new Ontario Leader; and exrossing regret at. the death of the former President of the Assnciation. Mr. M. Nanghlon of Elgin Mills. and of deep sympathy with the bereaved family. The Convention closed with cheers for the King. the leaders. and the candidate. â€".c.â€" To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Uandy Uold Tablets called PI-I-ventics. Drugg‘isls everywhere are now dispensing Pre- ventics. for they are not only safe. but. decidedly effective and prompt. Preventics contain no quinine. no lrxativc. nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at. the “sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis. La Grippe. etc. Hence the. name. Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 2:3 cents. Trial BUXI‘S 5 cts. Sold by \V. A. Sander-sou. ~-~ â€".'-k Headford. The following is the report of S. Q. No. 3. Markham for the month of November:â€" SR. IV.â€"â€"(.\Iax. 250)â€".‘Iary Irwin 208. Florence Richards 189. Vern Irwin 177.1da Barker 167, Emma Barker 16L Arthur Cooper 149. Elias Elliott 89, Clelland Caldwell 81. SR. TILâ€"(Max. Ellll)~-â€"Hatlic Brodie 15$), Gladys Helmkay HG, Mary L't‘mper 130. David Hislop 30. JR. [ILâ€"Max. Winâ€"\Valter Hislup 43, Tommy Smith 22. SR. Il.â€"(.\‘1a.\'. ï¬lthâ€"Elsie Hart 172, Hercy Elson 170. Roy Smith 133, Preston Elsnn 1'50. Beckie Fountain 111, Tommie Fountain Ill). Hector Patterson 118, \Villic \Vr-llnran 93. thlldll Barker 57. Murray \VI-llman 4' . 19.] R. Il.~«Als in Smith 103. Jessie [.ily SR. PT. I.~«l\Iaude Hart. Viola Cald- well. Freddie Henricks. Charlie Rich- III-Ils. JR. PT. l.~â€"I{r>sy IIrnIirks, Lilian Calvert, Percy ('aldeAll. M. I.. PORTER, Teacher. _â€"~â€"--- ~V EAST YORK LIBERALS. The East York Liberals held their annual meeting in East Toronto on Monday. with Mr. John F. Russ, Prus- ideut, in the chair. The following officers were elected by acclanratinn: President. John F. Ross. East. Toronto: Vicn-Prt-sidI-nts. \V. Bruce, Markham 'I‘p.: R. .\..\la~‘on, Markham Village: T. H. 'I‘rench.Rich- mond Hill; C. R. Fitch. Stoul‘fville: Councillor Abbott, East Toronto: (‘. Fitzpatrick, York Tu: \V.Doughmty. Scarbnro; A. J. Reynolds,Sec'y-Tr«as; Good sprcclu-s were made by Dr. McLean, Liberal candidate for (it-title = York; A. Semplo, ex-M. 1).: F. (2". In-‘ wood. Councillor Phelan. Maon linss‘, I and J. W. Curr-y. the Liberal candi- l date for East. York. The latter FDt-kt‘ ' in words of praise for Mr. Air-(Marla. the present lor‘al member for the lid. 7" '. i» ’“l :; Nursing: QP!‘[-I'h 4'\ H“ ‘ v.,.~.x[;. -:r» ;: ICHMOND HILL. ONT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER LOO? Victoria. Hall was , packed. every polling subdivtsion was - News Notes. ' __ Mr. Hugh Murray. Grand Secretary ' :Masonic Grand Lodge. and one of Hamilton’s most, Worthy citizens. died suddenly last. Thursday, following a. stroke of arm-piety. ' Judge. Min-sou has. been appointed by ‘York County to investigate. chargm made against. Hamish-ate. \Voodcouk and certain county constables. John O‘Gorman. \Villiam J. Mulloy, ‘. Daniel \Viley ntrd 'Gvorge M. Reid 1 were found guilty of conspiracy in the. London election trial. 'Cold-W'enther Footwearâ€"Rubbers i for socks in snag-proof and rolled» edge. in one-buckle. two-buckle. laced. i and leather-tops. All sines. all prices. in everything in rubbers. and Iva-y rice the lowest. 'Naughton's at the .igiu. W.“ COMMON SENSE Lea. most 1 telllgenl. people to use only Ines of nown composition. There- fore t is the Dr. Plerce's medicines, the 515 open desirous et. um lV . merits , Iled Being who 1y mac 0! the activo I: re rial principles extracted from na- tive forest. roots. by exact. ~processcs original with Dr. Pierce, and without tht use of a drop of alcohol, triple-reï¬ned and chemically pure glycerine being used in- stead in extracting and preserving the curative virtues residing in the roots employed, these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doing harm by creating an appetite for either alâ€" coholic beverages or habit. - forming drugs. Examine the formula on their bottle wrappersâ€"the same as sworn to by Dr. Pierce, and you will ï¬nd that his "Golden Medical Discovery." the great. blood-purifier, stomach tonlc and bowel regulate â€"the medicine which. while not recomme ded to cure consumption in hit advanced stages (no medicine willdo that) yet. does cure all those catarrhal condiâ€" tions of head and throat. weak stomach. torpid liver and bronchial troubles weak lungs and hangâ€"onâ€"coughs, which, if neg- lr‘cted or badly treated lead up to and finally terminate in consumption. Take the "Golden Medical Discovery " in time and it is not likely todlsa point. you it only you give it a thqmug v. and fair trial. Don‘t expect miracles. 1r won’tdo supernatural things. You must. exercise your patience and persevere in Its use for a. reasonable length of time to get its full beneï¬ts. The Ingredients of which Dr. Plerce’s medicines are composed have the un ualiï¬ed endorsement of scores 0: medic leaders~better than any amount of lay, or non-professional. testimonial): They are not given awa to be expero mented with but are sold y all dealers in medicines at reasonable prices. n I AGENTFOR _ London and ‘Lancashire Ass. 00. . The London Mutâ€" ual and British I AmeriOaFire Ins. Cos. and DEERIN Gr ‘ * Farm Implements