Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1907, p. 5

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3'. r-.'~.'~.'.v~â€"r “on. . . gait-mt. [Elie H" mmuxo llrr.r., Our, I'Jr-c. Into; 1; ()0 £11454; Do not forget the sale of work in‘ me Masonic Hall on Dre. ll. under the auspices of “St. Mary‘s." Mr. R. A. Mason of Markham Village has been appointed Returning Officer for the bye-election to he held in Centre York e‘r’r‘ the 23rd inst. llei". A. l’. Bruce is in Port, Perry nt- tvnrlim: the Annil'Il Session of thel lit-and Division of the Son of Tentperl :rnr-r' of Ontario. Mr. J. N. B rvle has. been appointed by the (‘omrty (Iorrnr-il a Trustee fut" the lticltlnond Hill High Sr-hool. suc- :’-r-r-ding the late Mr. M. Naughton. I Nl‘xt.3trirtl:ry trror ning at. the Method- ik’tt lllrtrreh Rev. Mr. Brat-e will preach ml “T he Cure for Perplexity". Rev. Mr. 'l‘t:‘j>te will preach in the evening. ‘ The date set. for the annual banquet, i of Kng and Vaughan l’lowmen‘s :‘rssociation is Thursday. January id. to he held at the Irlo‘yd-Sm‘age House, King City. John McNannu-u. well known‘ here :Ls a tuck-pointer. died in Toronto on 't r'resday, aged :30 years. Interim-tit in . St. Michael's (Jemett‘y this Morning at. l !t o'rzlo :k. i \‘rars. ‘she was but a | Pres., J. Special value. in canned tomatoes. PW“. Corn. and salmon; 2 (-ans (flurct' Lt‘uf tâ€"almon for 35a: 2 runs Sunflow- t’t'. 25th Atkinson & dwitzw. The Ladies of Richmond Hill have been energetic enough to tune ar- ranged for it meeting on Monday. at. 3.30 pm. sharp at the High School. for the purpose of organizing a llorkey Club for the coming Season. This organizntion promises to be a success :Ea even the Councillors have shown an extraordinary interest . Kl'l‘TY 1:. BACK Mum. Mr. John Paluti'l' is the owner for the thitd time of the Well-known trotting mare. Kitty 1%.. with an ice tCCtlI'tl of 2.lill>. Mr. l’almer took a trip li-(ltllllpltl‘llftlt‘d one day last Week. and brought back wilh him the old {tn-exite- wh'ich had been owned by Mr. D; A. Uwr-n of that. town for several _ Kitty it. won her first noted race at the Toronto Exhibition when (:olt. She Was then mvurtl by a Mr. Rogers, was entered in the Farmer's Trot, and was driven by Mr. Palmer Wltn purchasrd her im~ mediater after the race. The mare is looking well and is an excicllent driver. URGANlZlCD FUR HOCKEY. An enthusiastic meeting of hockey layers and friends of hockey was reld at. the Palmer House Thursday evening. The large attendance Settl- r-d drmn to \rrrsine53 zml reorganized with the following o reels: Hon. H. Sanderson; Pres” Geo. Sims; lst Vice-Pres” J. Michael; 2nd Viceâ€"Pres. R. .\l. Byrne; Sec‘y-Treas.. A. Sardine: t‘vupt... A. Bovle; Commit- Those who wish to purchase Christ. tee of J anagement. J. Naughton. A. n‘ms gifts will do Well to inspect thel ' pretty filings preparr d for sale- by tl’le t (""t- \\‘oman‘s Guild of St. Mary's in the Masonic Hall. lticlrmond llill: it‘r'rll stock cleaned Filiatr-a. oxidants. cleaned Pair-as rurrants; cleaned Yos- ti7.'/.a. cur-rants. each of extra good quality" Selected Valencia raisins. tfalil'ornia seeded raisins. Atkinson & Switzer. . A nrrnrber of our citiZI‘n‘s: attrartt-‘t‘il by the illumination in the western sky Ilrore m‘er lo the burning of Mt“: H. llmnhle‘s barns Friday evening. an ac- rount of \\‘hirh is giwn by our Maple rorrespon‘tlent. . llr. (‘assidgx who (tomes here. highly reronrmemlt-d in his prr.fession. has U. Geo. Sims and 1’. mm ed into the ofiiee and residence re- cently \‘aeated by Dr. Boyd. The lat.- ter will remain here for a few weeksl before reuzo\ ing to Nervnmrket. h" "“t miss tho SM" "f “’m'k’ l” “1“ J. Br)‘don and [1. Patterson; S. Grif- Masonic Hall in xi. \\‘rdnesday ei‘ening. 'l‘hose to take part in the (:otrCert in the evening are Mr. (Elatworthy. Miss Switzer. Miss Mut'sltrf)‘: A iss Trench and others. For partirular-ssee bills. 0. N. 0. STATION. (train is tnming steadily. From 9!.) to 93 is being paid for fall wheat. (it to no for barley. and 45 to 47 for oats. A car load of bran and shorts. also a car of American corn No. l have arrived. The t‘l‘tttnlrernf- names presented by the petitioners in York township did not reach 2?) per cent of the total vote so the Township (touncil decided not to submit a local option by law to the. people. Although extra. cars have not been :rdrertis‘r-d on the Metropolitan Rail- way. a number of extra cars run Satur- day aft,enr.ous. outside of the regular serViCe. There is an hourly serrice. after 1 o'clock pm. Saturdays. Mr. ClatWor-Lhy. a. member of the TorontoSymphony Orchestra, \\ ill give several violin Selections at the Christ- nras‘ Sale. of \Vork of the \Vorurrrr‘s Guildof St.- Mary‘s (‘rhurch to be held in Masonic Ball on the evening of Dec. H. The Christmas Globes are promised fer-s [9â€"day or toâ€"morrow. Those, who left. their orders at. THE LIBERAL “like will kindly call for their Copy. “'e have ordered a few extra copies for those who may not have giver.“ their orders earlier. ‘ Mr. A. J. Brace, familiarly len‘own as “The Trooper Chaplain.“ now General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of Victoria. B. 0.. was in town on Fri- l. day and Saturday last» He had been , to the Triennial Y. M. C. A. Inter"! national COrrtenti‘on hr \\'.â€"~i:ingtor The byeelection for Centre Voile will take place on Monday. the Zirdl inst. Nomination at ’l‘hornbill. Mon-l day. Dec. 145. The voters lists risedl throughout. the constituency will be. those t-f 1905 exeept Lot- lift-huronrll Hill and “Earth-idly: where the too? ' lists will bruised. l Trial Catarrh 'fi'rrii'tment‘s are heint.v l mailed out free. on request. by ill-.l Shoop. Racine. “'is. These tests are proving to the people outirout 3: penny‘s costâ€"the great \‘ralus: e: this svienttic prescription known to dtt;;.-' gists ererywhereas Dr. Shopp'xl‘atar r h Remedy. Sold by i". A. Sanderson. My. Hobt.8. Gonrluy one ef’l'or‘r‘mto's ; :rhlest Christian business men will all» » dress the young people of lllr‘ l~‘.pwor th . League on Monday evening next. hit. Hour lay is the president of the l’reslvy~ tr-rian L‘hureh Extension Board of To» :nntJ. No our should miss this oppor- t‘ruity of catrhing inspiration from w firm a Christsan man of :rté‘rrir ANOTHER \\‘Arrxrxr;.' Four men at Beatrisvillr- Laue been - admitted for trill for taking part. in it trt'tllltttl'f taCle lit-1 ;,,nd tzr- keys. The men \\‘L'ze caught in the ~. r of throwing dice and exposed by ~t,/- Baptist minister. The I)"lt:tll_v‘k.'itlt in» made irnprisourrler:‘.. A tv.:u tr; ‘ r. .- wise is sufiicient. x"? w:- r. r . ' rock and it. “'ilson: No. 9. F. N. Hop- |Graingr-r and J. Graham; No. 11. J. Glass. l<‘. Dennis: Team Committee. Sims. J. Michael. A. Sawige. " sweater-s should be left. Orders roi- ;\vith .\lr-. Arm. rim-“gr. on or before l \Vednesday of next week. I The colors will be garnet and black. Fl R E ll EN‘S t‘ONTES'l‘. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade are Mfr-ring pt‘i’LeS lo the members for the best Couplers. and are having a prac- tire on Tuesdth night. Dec. 17, at 8 o’clock. At a‘ r’r’re‘eting of the Execu- tive Committee the trains Were selectâ€" ed as frillows: No. i. F. Lynett and A. Martin.- No. 2. T. Trench and J. Tifiin; No. A. G. Savage and \Valter Ben- son; No. 4. \V. I’elllir'k and J. Casrly; No. 5. F. Leeee and B. Newton: No. Hill; No. 7. C. Glorerand 'l‘. Lamon: No. 8. T. His- rwr and L. l‘lr’rt'tr-rson; No. N. F. Sim-top and \V. H. Pugsley; No. 12. fin. spare Ina'n'; Hedpath‘s S'r’rg:i‘rs~-Extra Granulatâ€" ed. Powdered icing. Paris Lump. Yelâ€" lowâ€"and a big dollar's Worth here. From the isstte of THE LIBERAL this Week till the slot e closes on Saturday night. we will give 31 lbs. Redpath's granulated sugar for $1. Atkinson & Swltlr'l‘. THE REV. IRL R. HICKS 1908 ALMA‘NAU. . Is ready for delivery and excels all for mcr editions in beauty and Vtfiue. The cover is a. beautiful design in colors. the entire book is full of fine halftnnes. astronomical engravings and interesting matter. It contains the Hicks weather forecasts complete for the whole year. finely illustrated. The price by mail is35 cents. on News- Stands 30 cents. \\‘ord and \Vorks the Rev. Irl ll. Hicks’ fine. monthly magazine. contains all his weather forecasts from mouth to month. to- gether with a vast. amount. of the. best family reading. The price is $1 a year and one almanac goes with each sub- scription. Address. Worm AND WORKS PUBLISHING (70.. 2201 Locust Street. St. Louis. MisSt-n'li. Write for rate on :rtrnarracs in quantities. Agents wanted. Call and see‘r‘tt‘r fur-lined coats. At- kinson 3L Switzer. BIRTHS. Joan‘s At Thoinhill. on Friday. Nov. 2t). to in. and Mrs. C. P. Johns. a Hill]; PERSONALS. Mrs. ll. lA-YH‘ and son. Toronto. spent over Sunday with Mr. 5: Mrs. l". N. Hopper. Mrs. Edwards of Hamilton visited our Sunday \\ith her daughter Miss M. l'ldn‘ardrrr. The \V. t'. T. l'. lrl‘tzzt- t-t' .‘rlts. .l. P. “(Ext .L'l. .‘riu‘cl-It‘lt. Glass, Tuesday The Misses Newsrrrrre of Toronto and ; M r. l’. (itnurljr-an of North Bay visited the Missr s Stu-rig m or Sunday. Miss (it-I‘ll trrlr- Derry of Toronto r Sp‘dr: from Friday evening till Monday ' Wm mm.‘ at u“, 1 A ncunstvle Christy. with her g.tur.lp.r‘rents, Mir. .5: Mrs. (i. 1 war -_r-. M r s. \V. R. l’rowtortrnd )lissKathler-n ‘ Prr-r-Lor of 'l‘ttti'tiiu were in the \ illuge orer Sunday and Were, guests (:1 Mrs. ‘ P. U. Smut-go. Kr. and .‘lrs.l‘:~\1‘r‘.i; lloppt‘t' of \Yy_~h \Vt‘trtl, Toronto. \isitt-d t'Yr‘l' Sunday » with relatives. 'l‘lre'.’ were guests (.f 2-2:. and Mrs. ll. ll. Hopper. A Cordial imitation is rxtr-ndml t" thwgeneral rrrrlvia: to attrrai the >.lit‘ :f Work and entvrnitrruorrt. i-tr \\'r-tl_. Lasdry. llec. El. in the .‘tltsr nit- llall. 3L. Janrr 5 Hill or l'lltrrvale. \\‘lllt had bet-r :zr Toronto purchasing t'liitrtmas sum goods, ~pr-irt Fri-lay night \\rth ' lrislrotlrer. I11. D. Hill. Many if his uh; friends “we [ileitSL-Li to trcmic .- ..«“-. r. in huh. t I Canada. rTelephone Brand. little luss than full r l count. 15c. box; parlor matches. Prim ‘ ‘ cess Brand. quality the best. boxes of +++++++++++++++++++++++P++++H+++~t~ V+++++++++++++~l Matchesâ€"Sulphur matches. harm: Brand. full count. good quality. llc. box; sulphur matches. “Larrr-ir-r“ brand.qu count. quality tlrc best in live. box; sulphur rrnrtclres.. .3. 5. 4. ‘ .g. +++++++++++~t++++++w+ HM wew-r-WH-r-HMM *- For the Christmas Trade . Having bought early, We can offer you a great variety of liltttt for 5c.: parlor matches. Tog“ : Brand. the \ery best. boxes of 500 for l 5c. Atkinson & Switzer. Colerame. \\‘e have now got ourfriend \Vinter back with us again. and we will soon hear the bells as they merrily ring. Mrs. \Vrn. Lockhart \\‘ns visiting Nobleton friends on Sunday. Our village blacksmith has just be- gun his liaryesb. Master Archie Arnett has just. finish- ed his hire with Mr. John Uulham. Tormore. A" meeting of the school trustees was held in the. schoolroom last Monday night. was Thornhfll. The Brotherhood of the Methodist Church of Thornhill met last. Friday. After the business part, of the meeting a progrmn “at? given by A. Stout. and 'i I + 3 i i i + i I I i i i I 3i: or- i i ~1- I Japanese and German â€"+++-;~++++++++b+++++++++ ++++++é+++++++++~r+++++++++ ++W++H+++++++++++++ '1'+++++++++++++++++++++++++ his staff. the following address- es being gircn;~â€"F. Bell. Subjectâ€" . "Success"; A. Stout, "The Ideal Church of the 20th Century": 0. James. "\tht the. eople expect of the Minister"; R. litLlethirrgsofhife“. Theruusicrender- ed by R. Casley‘s phonograph was" very m'u‘c'h appreciated. The meeting ‘ their adjourned deciding to hold the next meeting Dec. 20. The Thornhill Rink will soon be ready. The building is almost com- ‘earsorr. “ The Glassware, and other Fancy Articles +++++H+MM+M++'3“?+++++++++H+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ q. + + q. 'l- + + i 4° 4- *1- .1. q. .3. 'l- .5. + i 11- .g. 0*. + + + .l' ‘i' '1' + 4' 'l- 4- Ti 4- I .1. i ‘l- 4‘ pleted. og- During the past, week this dvantage : E has been the scene of two we ings. ' - - On Thursday evening Nov. 28th in i 1 the English Church Mrs. Nellis and 3'. 1 . - Mr. John Breakey were united in + + nrarriage.. 4- + Miss Briton and Mr. Robt. Pearson i i w“ . were married by the Rev. Mr. Robin- . 4.. é. ; son at the home of Mr, G. Lowery. on :3: rt- . 4- VVednesday morning. Dec. 4th. + i A 4- Miss M. E. McGregor has resigned 4, 4. O it her position as teacher of Thornhill ‘4. at- ' Public School. After New-Year she I: z i will commence. teaching in the city. 4. - A meeting will he held on Thursday + i ' . I: evening the 5th inst.. in the Hotel. at f- i .5. 3, for the purpose of organizing 1 + i a Hockey Club. All those in any way .5. + + interested please, attend. : 3‘ 4!: '1‘ in + . 0 i + ‘5' ’ .2» 't- "i‘ ‘ + r t Z 35 ~22 : Dec. 5, 1-907. 11‘: + ‘5' + .t. + + g H-‘i‘H+++++++++++++H4++++H+++++++++++++++++++Â¥ + This is one reason why Ayer’s ‘ : Cherry Pcctoral is so valua- _ i, his in consumption. It stops : the wear and tear of useless ‘ :1 coughing. But it does more _ --lt controls the inflammation, ; qulets the fever. soothes, heals. 1 Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a testimonialâ€"- “ Sold tor.- over sixty years." Stare l liturmanil Hill Hating We solicit your order for Ranges and ' Heaters And assure you satisfaction in quality and price. I. O. Aym- 043.. Lowell. In... A o manual-en of , smmm ~ ers ‘ HAIR "002. We have no M! We' publish a... formula of .u out modicum. on ecoe pl t bowels regutar wtt Ayer's Ptllo. EVERY ST UDEN in our school succeeds. because we % provide sensible courses. employ successful teachers, and give indi- vidual instruction. Enter any time. “him: for catalogue. British American Business College TORONTO 'I‘insnlith’ing in all its branches. \ OW THAT OUR XMAS STOCK IS COMPLETE. We'll offer a few suggestions for Xmas gifts:â€" A swellâ€"designed Broadway Suit or overcoat. l} Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. A fine Camel-hair lions: (Kurt. A fine shirt". .i Doz. t‘ollais. 1. li‘r 7.. Linen iiairdkerrlzir-ts. '. a V BRlTlSH CANADlAN IlGSINEd‘Z COLLEGE, TORONTO. I’rar-tieut an t Ltr-rr}; .r an ‘1‘ l 1:1,“. iziurorciul. and Matriculation, Y_ M C. A. free. Slut) railway tare pant rt tins page. .; ‘. tr..~__-u_ a.“de ‘ R. A. FaRQt‘flARStH. 3a., Yungc mm Btocr 515.. Tomato. .l A rte \v Tie. A combination of Suspenders. Arm Bands, and UIU‘tt-x s. A nice Tie l‘in or t‘iii‘i links. Au Umbrella. A pair of Gloves. ' W.__._._-â€"â€"q } . w .. .. c . -._ @l iSlQil “ BtiilRi t " it Next Sitting filii'. rsir n Court tr 3, (‘mrrrty ia‘ ‘r'r-r‘lg. r. ill be hr id l1: l.l.c ("J'JLZ “truth. “Lest. 0n VVednesday. Ziltlr Novr-rnln-r, in the. Vicinit‘,‘ ..â€"? Elgic Mill»... a small {T white and tan lisaglr' l.r-t;n'l. \ eiy: shy dog iLhS\'-':-llllg to the name of A suit of [indeeran .\ pair of our special-priced Hut ts or I! lit‘ttst‘ Slittr‘s. PM Hu'r‘ll range ll Boots :rni Shoes and ' ‘ ' ’ 1' v > " 1. I. Ullict‘ or 1 .rsâ€"1 .th'ysl z I..l\li l ll‘xr R‘ “'“d “1 I‘m“ \ . . , n-r' -\ r' H ” ‘ ' ” " r Harry‘s sow mpr ~*â€"’-â€"’ EICHMuHh n lLL We invite V011 t; inspect our Kara: = r * r ' A H ' A l n? a . .JQA .- a deuce s , . r ,_, a DJ”-.c.J".. JdJUA1} ,. -‘J . ~ "~ . e.» . . if”. .. _. ,_ I r }l"‘»‘0{l"l'i ‘13 l""t~'“t Th‘d‘ “L” 2" '_.7.rct!r.;t:,. Hi. "I s in i r tn-n to) T 3.11;. t . ‘r p.1tr. 3:3 \\ ~iffi‘.’%!’~lu Amt T {6:1 , .. r u _= 611 51'

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