Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1907, p. 6

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in WI with and 5})00 lflhll‘ swcu cup and full. are u an i1 lard. Over onion and I ric an Ing [in in Blown Bread Puddingâ€"Half a pound of siale bhown broad grated. ham 8 Pound of curmnls, dillo of shred suet‘ sugar and _nutmeg. Mix up with {our eggs. a spoonful of brandy, and twice as much cream. Boil it, 'm a cloth or basin for llu'oc or fom‘ hours. W++++++++++++++H: Pe-ru-na in Tablet Form.â€"For two years Dr. Hartman and his assistants have incessantly labored lo create Pe- runa in tablet form. and their strenm ous labors have just been crowned with success. People who object to liquid medicines can now secure Pe» runa Tablets. which represent l~he me- dicinal ingredients of Pel‘una. Each tablet is equivalent to one average dose 01 Peruna. Mrs. A. Sloufler, Capioma. Kansas, writes: _ “Peruna has given me hoallh and strength; it is the best medicine that was ever made for women. My friends say they never saw such a change in a woman. I talk to every one about reruns. Icannot. say too much for ‘NII j+++ ++++++++H++H+++++ + Allen! the Hausa 335111 T 111' 111: MISS HARRENGTW 0F ‘DETRGW lleallh and Strength Restored. spoons butt *0. cream. om pecan nuts. dl an (h COOKING RECIPES. Bread Puddingâ€"Hal u! flit T \w HT MISS CELIA HARRINGTON. Ill lll 1! 11 y \\‘ lil (our -Boi1 H and 1a]; Cl SI: und )f >0“ 511g rd fine S\\'6E 1K JI‘ ta )3] 31' id ODIN: 18X men stuff one 11‘ two mns )oms M 11nd fl 3k [LIN Light B tartaric aci carbonate ( two ounces rants‘ one-' Second Ave. Detmil, Mick, wrfics: nths of my life with suffering. a severe 001d two years ago which set- on it an 11- wi 1h wl ,7_ r_l.r‘.. nun-u. Bani-ury Cakes.â€"Make a good puff- pasie. and roll it out thin; divide it into halves. and cover'011e~hnlf with Banbury mincemeal; then moisdnn the edge with the white of an egg, lay the other ha]! of the paste over it press together. and mark it out in oval forms. Glaze it over with «he white of egg and upounded sugar, and bake on a [in in a \veiiâ€"heuied oven for half A- v, 10w -1hesc to boil until (and? tender add chopped meat. (I Cooked). Also add nearly rice (cooked). salt. and pepper Banl:ury Cers.â€"Make a {I Mrs. William Myrtle SL. Beve Peruna, has don good for catarrl For Years an Invalid. Mrs. Charles Gros Louis. Indian Lorelle. Quebec. Canada, writes: "For years I suffered from a disease that the doctors did not understand. “One day I read in the paper about your excellent remedy, Peruna. 1 proâ€" cured a boltle of it and took it accord- ing to directions. It was not long unâ€" til I observed a change for the better. “I can say lhat Peruna has cured me. I could not take any nourishment ex- ccpl milk. “I will at. all times say a good word for Peruna. I hold it in the highesl esteem.” with the regulzir tuncfions of the u rm n t a hols Calarrh of Head and Throat. 5. William H. Hinchliffe, 20 16 SL, Beverly. Mass.y writes that m has done her a great deal of for catarrh of head and throat. Iry HOL faithful helper. as it enriched Bu.ns.â€"0ne-half acid. one-half tea a of soda, one :05 loaf sugar, pl le-ltalf pint mi! Rub 4he tartari together through but-{er into me 1101 Mix lhose well t in the middle of ll SEHOLD HINT (h the Th 1] Helper. I Heartily Recommend Ami Found iia Faithful Pe-m-mz. a Severe Cold Which Selflea’ in 1H] “1 Caught I Began Takmg Pe-ru-na eel a young g( in weight. sh Th1; is dvvlici Vh'lpped cream. Catarrlz. well E0112] SAYS: IH‘ un 1y one acid. hair I] 1! ‘. \Vhon I‘eviously A cup of 10 taste. 00d puff- ut ‘03“). Spoonful nfuI bi- d flour, or cur- ether flour h 1h- SCI‘VG icv a kc the y mix ,0 US in 31‘ mnls the fee sel‘ts [hat 1 and that it h in the survh In puppies NalurP’s Purpose in Bvsum'ing Animals. is melted. Use V floor or furnilu Lw When a cinder flies into owe eye im- mediately close the olhei‘ eye. put your finger on it to keep it closed. Then keep injured eye open as far as pos- sible. Don’t give in, but keep it up. The best way to break in a new pan is to hold a lighted mulch under the pen for an instant, and then plunge it into the ink. This will remove all lhe oil or grease on the surface. Use no f-erliliz‘ers until your plants begin to grow again. A plant limit is not growng is not in a condition to make use of strong food. The applica- tion of it will do harm. instead 01' in 1h) Bent pieces of whalebone can be strengthened by being placed in mld water for two or ltlu‘ee hours. This will make them pliable. They should then be pmssod under a heavy weight. To make polalo cakes, peel enough potatoes; grate on a coarse grater. and stir in three to five eggs: then add a 1little flour; stir well and fry in hot 21rd. dark and dry Heat, light and‘ moisture are the arch cnemics of canned fruit, preserves, jel- lies, and similar shores. For this rea- son the fruit. closet should be cool. ‘un. load Steel shoe buckles which have beâ€" come rusty and tarnished may be 8111‘, cessfully cleaned with emery powder. Utilize the fire in range or heating stove ihe day befom to give oatmeal the hours and hours of cooking it needs. W When making fruit or lelios, if the syrup boils over, a little salt sprink- led_ on it will stop the smudge. the finest ripper imaginat in the sewing room. are 1 when your material,.having the hi on top. Then pom" down the kelllie carefully a cup waier, cover and cook sic“ hour and a hall, adding [)0 and Iiowols are essential whi Whiio spots on furniture moved by rubbing with spir phor. 1181‘ tables; two (:1 Mix 1h mm c set to the pi two si of the put .3 them. an inch betwecr this operalion 111 1! a standstill. The down of miter and Clea] han do fealhers Save wooden 1 are useful {on 3E ) Sn turr Don't ions of bz‘c 1110 oven ugh slowly ch nutty I th 10115 I“ ci n n :11 in it‘len en tin eti 1e 311 \Rl-l YOI' TICKLIHH In SO“ Apple use ru bl m e m of w Jse w .‘ll and f [at qu18 of butter and two sha Jghly and use m with salt, mu )k in a hot 0‘ 1‘, disoosc the Jart k es with springs m n'or unlill uH-cr \vhi will. a 11‘ until you having 11) in ch w the 3 [he kitt lh nin [hon slice y0L about rthe san plat llV' 3mm, etc. (y razor t .vilh mi mi iish at an m fittest n ji \vat fillin 'ed on m lowed to e found nlikc that vhile hot alcr the; app wax jar. u rran L if rip )ut 1m stri ha for plan into commas 1“: a] L009 until 0th ( en mi 3V in?) :m'vatl'on. tam part It [you lin de makes Keep one 1H ma Basic )5 at )1811 Is at rowlh is 11} 1y 1t Pepper DOM' n grate nent 1t dough ide of mi'l‘ing )1‘ one fin pint jar a] 1t li-E and 11D 1r at. an Steam-turbines, 5 Nature, have hardly of the practical as great ships before ' with the rivalry 03 116 l] It 131” ally released upon the payment of large sums of money, but the care of the tomb was taken from them. Since then the bomb has been forbidden to the Jews. and. like most Moslem things. i‘ now shows sad neglect. Yet should we follow the Jewish woman as she crosses the 01d boat bridge we might see her lum toward lhc lamb and from a distance look l-nngingly at the door- way which she is forbidden to enler, while her lips utter a prayer with the hope that the long buried leader, even so far away, may hear and answer it. bel. of them to be arrested as 1hoy were bear-mg the body of a noted rabbi there for burial. They were imprisoned for attempting to bury a Jew at the shrine Cf the great, prophet. They were I‘m- :alf hidden with the strings and rags tied about it. each to represent a pray- er, and could it speak it might, tell strange stories 0! the contagious which the contlding,r women have poured out to it. So with the tomb of Joshua. There the wumen gather, and pray for all kinds of lawns, firm in the belief that the prophet. will in some way cause them to be granted. Less than half a century ago the bomb 0! Joshua was in Jewish hands, but the Turkish officials caused a num- fififi‘fi‘é@fi@¢®$@®@©é¢$®¢®@®¢¢§ It was but a mpolition of the picture of Hannah, the mother of Samuel, while she was at the temple weeping and praying before Eli the priest. In the shrines of the East- the picture is still common. Before the Government buildings at Bugdad- stands u big can- non which the ignorant Arab women. aware 01 its tremendous power. believe can answer prayer. The old gun is a Child. Is missin of the c about “(I strings 01 o! the v scriplions decoration: The [om dome is I gular pan: helped By its use. [non may The the Old Gun Coverpd \‘.’llh Prayer Symbols ~Thc Tomb of Joshua. 1ppe ‘ surroun At the 0 pring tl‘ m MOSLEM \VOMEN'S SHRINES Mach’echn England. 1 .iS 1t 11pac lne. an-goin g ges clam alt MOTORS FOR 'K 611 [ht J] J] hem Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother’s system is needed. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Scott’J EmaIJiom contains the greatest possible amount of nourish- ment in easily digested form. 1k l‘l He sh bem walk the thin white coat nore ancient I’Iebraw in- ich were once the interior ie of Ba vegapds 1'0 11g demon powerful arg< It’s a heavy strain on mother. fed h'r 'ursing baby? 't h ey 1‘ nd Pfiéfi$¢$¢¢¢$®®®$€9fi ntemd mom tru nsf< the centre of m- y a large rectan the i [u 10 at i'tem where a panei a, At the head [in projeclions. a number of \V l armw Bcent SHH Aral Marta nce for Tigris. stan ture in will Among 1 motors a rmation 'e lighbne 1h "HS rt furniture 1015 which centre is I the walls ashed. yet white coat :en the says the selcss to .lpparent m IIcnec Mr 1-Fm‘ xpcri‘ 1m mam [or baby are wonderful]; 3-K ton an: 50c. AND smo all ‘0 OOUI‘SG Perhaps, however, the most wholesale series of instances oi ruin bmught about through a name occurmd during the Boer war, when dozens of people whose surnames chanced to be identical with that or the late president of the now de‘ funct South African Republic. were literally hounded out of house and home by unsympathetic people at ultra-patrio- tic tendencies. Thus. in one week, durng the height of the war fever. an East End London fishmonger named Kruger was forced to aLandcn a flourishing and lurrative business; a journeyman bakm' hanged himself because he. could not face the jeans and taunts entailed by his Posses- sion to! the same unpopular puti‘onymic; while a certain Emily Kruger, a factory worker, wax drivmi insane by her mm- pnnions’ 50115010385 and cruel banter. At the ttmo when all London was flocking to see Plnero’s clever play, The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith, a real Mrs. Ebbsmith committed suicide. At the In- quest it. transptred that, certain discredi- tube passages in the early life at the mythical heroine of the drama coincided with certain passages in the life of the deceased. These coming to the know- ledge cf hcr clientsâ€"she was a Court. dressmakerâ€"her business suffered, and in the end she chose death in preference to facing the ordeal of the bankruptcy court. Needless to say, that the nomen- clatory coincidence was altogether for- tuitous. so far as Mr. l’inero was con- cerned. 30 11C name. After a similar fashion an lslington baker named Shoriweight was brought to undeserved warty a couple of months back; w ile an alien butcher, summoned at the \Vhitchapel County Court about the same time, attributed hls insolvency to the fact. of his being named Katzmelt. Dr. C. B. Gravestone, a physmian 0! England. who was made a bankrupt; recently, informed his creditors the other day that he had been ruined by his Wlwn PPcple [lave Committed Suicide on Account of a Surname. Almost any drugglst in the smaller towns can supply the ingredients named. as they are commonly used in lhc prescription department. Gel, from any good prescription] phar- macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion‘ one ounce Compound Kar- gcn, three ounces Lompouud Syrup Sarsaparllla. Mix by shaking in a bot lle and take a tezxspoonlul after meals and al bedtime. Also drink plenty of water. You can't drink too much of it. Just try lhls simple home made mix~ lure, and don’t forget, [-119 water, at the first slgn ol Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that lhe kidneys are not nclmg just, right. This ls said to be a splendid kldhey regulalor, and almost cerlaln remedy In all forms of Rheumatism. which {5 mused by uric acid in the blood, which [hp kidneys fall to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. macy one-half Dandelion‘ one gen, three oux Sarsaparilla. M (la and take a and at bedtime Gives [loaders Adviceâ€"Also Telis 0! Simple Prescription to Make a “on Made Mixture. DRINK PLENTY WATER HILLS "(HY T0 CI'RE RIWIATISM AND THE KIDNEYS. \Vhen see if \Vhat 11‘ 155' -t from RUIN THROUGH A NAME. 1k in IOl THF Ill obj( m‘ D 3' l'HING TO J! \V 11 lllacl‘ patent s is the ox‘ity. w} Kidney 1 baker hanged d not face the 1 by his posses- Ilar puh‘onymic; ruger; a factory ne by her mm- :ruel banter. IO w l‘ a height London )rced to um‘ntive hanged a Home- It to do manu- 5 great 1L1 keep a of an 's that

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