Ontario and all Easflem Canada is deeply disappointed that Mr. Kipling, upon the occasion of his recent. visit to Canada, should have only seen "The West from a Car Window†and the East, not at all. The older provinces are always proud and never jealous of the West, into which they are send- ing their Shekels and their sons. With all his powers as a word painter. it. is hardly to 'be expected that Mr. Kip» ling can do justice to all of Canada. He has not. seen the thriving cities and towns oi Ontario, with» its splendid railways, mills, and manufacturing in- dustries. He. had only a fleeting glimpse of Toronto, and saw nothing of the score or more other industrial centres of the Dominion. It is too bad, Cana- dians believe, that he should have spent the most. of the time which he was able to give to the study of conditions in the Dominion to the troubled shores of the Paciï¬c. With no desire to mini- mize the seriousness of the labor dis- turbances out there. or to disguise the fact that Canada is in sore need of more men to carry forward the work in hand, Canadians would have been proud of some pen pictures by Mr. Kipling of the industrial East. where the people are prosperous and happy. This conviction is by no means local -â€"it is widespread, universal. (“Caner Possible Boarder: "Ah. that was a. ripâ€" ping dinner. and if that. was a fair sample of your meals 1 should like to come to terms." PLACED AT THE BACK OF THE SPINE, ' The D k L " Menthol Plaster allay: nervous ex- cite ment, They are equally as efï¬cacious in mm mlgia. backache and muscular pains. An old gentleman ï¬nding a couple of his nieces fencing the other day with brocmsiicks, saidzâ€"“Come, come, my dears; that kind of accomplishment will nol. help you to get husbands.†“I know it. uncle,†responded one of the girls, "but it will help us to keep our husbands 1.. order when we have them." Never neglect an opportunity. There ma: many people today who know that they have not won either wealth or fame hmause they were afraid to venture, afraid to take the path which suddenly opened out to them. To sucxtecd wants courage. If an opportunity suddenly looms before you, there is no time to ponder as to whether you have the necessary qualiï¬cations to undertake it. The place is there ready to be filled; it must be taken, and you must at once resolve to ï¬ll it. Makr no enemies. This at. ï¬rst, may seem impossible. but nothing is impossible to him who wills. “It you have friendskyou have enemies," V Scoich Farmer: “Before we gang any lurther, was that a fair sample 0' yer appetite?" In Nature‘s Storehouse There are Cures. â€"â€" Medical experiments have shown conclusively that there are me- diclnnl virtues in oven ordinary plants growing up around us which give them a value that, cannot be estimat- od. It is held by some that Nature provides a cure for every disease which neglect and ignorance have visited up- on man. However, this may be, it is well known that Parmelce’s Vegetable Pills. distilled from mots and herbs, are a sovereign remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. Create a personality. This is perhaps we of the greatest secrets which lead to success. Amongst. your own little circle 10! your influence he tell. gradually the circle will be widened, and you will have a larger ï¬eld to exert that influence. Never neglect an opportunity. There 11%: many people today who know that they have not won either wealth or fame because they were afraid to venture, Hp: “Mabel, you every day!" She you do exaggerate every other day 1" HER ONLY HOPE. Tess: “Mary Brown is spelling her name ‘M-a-e‘ now.†Jess: "Let. her; that‘s about the only .Niégszrflmt her; that‘s about. the only chance she wil ever get. to change her name." ITCll. Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form or contagious llch in human or animals cured in 30 minules by Wol- [m‘d's Sanitary Lotion. ll. never fails. Sold by all druggisls. The teacher had been class about lhc great, I “And now, lmst' aflerwm‘d. “which one the nine that has the l “And now, boys,’ she annoul atlex‘wnrd, “which one 0! you can tell the pine that has the longest and sh est needles ?" Up went a hand in the front, row. "The porcupine, ma’am." tile popular belieff'but that is not so FINGERPOSTS 'I‘O FORTUNE Mr. Kipling‘s Canadian Tour. London GETTING RIGHT. REAL STICKERS ling you grow more beautiful She (pleased): “Oh, Jack; Brute !" He: “Well, then, NO eon reading at {crests of Nov. 16m , 1907.) If Amer armour :an tell me and sharp- the "Have you broken off your engage- ment, old man? What's the matter?" "W11. 1 was hard, up, you see. so I qua relled and had all my presents re- turned, and was able to realize upon them. Couldn't possibly have raised the money any other way." A cure for (Zostiveiiess.â€"Cosli\'cness comes from the refusal ot the excre- tory or ans to pm'iorm their duties regulary from contributing causes usually disordered digestion. Parme- lee's Vegclable Pi’lls, prepared on sci- entific principles, are so mmpounuï¬d that certain ingredients in them pass through the stomach and act upon the bowels so as to remove their torpor and arouse them to proper action. Many thousands are prepared to bear testimony to their power in this re- spect. MARK THIS DISTINCTION: A purely local disease of the skin, like barber’s itnh, is cured b Waaver‘a Carine alone. But where the blood {5 loaded with in: urity, such as 8.111: Rheum, Weaver’s Syrup 8. so should be used. llu “He doesn’t spend much time at heme, you say?†"No, he has become so gmuchy of late he puts in his time at his club and leaves his wife at home alone.†“Why, he used to dole on her 'I" “Yes, but now he‘s using the club as an antidote.†will help many anxious mothers." Mothers Take Heart. Don‘t be dis- couraged because everything has failed 3:; heat your chitd until you have tried ZumBuk. Zsz-Buk is Nature's Heat- ing Balm, and quickly evercomcs and remows all skin diseases. It is equ- atly good for young and old. For all skin diseases Zam-Buk is without equal. It. cures ulcers, tester- ‘mg sores, ringworm, cuts. bruises. chapped hands‘ boils, eczema, etc, etc. All stores and druggists sell Zam- Buk at, 50 cents a box, or post-paid (mm the an-Buk 00.. Toron'ï¬o, A striking example of presence of mind had just. occurred in the history lesson and the teacher considered it an opportune moment {or inculcating upon her class the many advantages or rewumefulness. “Now, children," she said, “supposing a tiger were to seize one of you in its hungry jaws and carry you off into the jungle. what would you do?’ No reply. “You tell me, Tommy," she continued, pointv mg to one of the brightest youngsters. Tommy hesitated. “Ocme, Tommy." she said. “Would you cry -for help?†“No, ma’am,†said he; "mother says little boys shouldn‘t speak at meal times.†Often what appear to .be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many are dis- posed to regard a cold us a slight thing. deserving of little consideration, and this neglect often results in most, seri- 0115 ailments entailing years of suf- fering. Drive out oolds and coughs with Bickle‘s Anti‘Consumpttve Syrup. the recognized remedy for all aflw lions of the throat and lungs. “Your daughter is a skillful performer on the piano, is she not?" asked the family friend. “Yes†answered Mr. Cunningham. “The way she can play for hours without getting an eamche or u sprained wrist proves to me that she‘s unccminonly expert.†4-year-old boy suffered since he wa months old from a bad leg. 1 LI many salves and had doctors aih him, [but none did him any good. ’ doctors told me it was in the hlc and he was in consumption. I 0 wish now I had had more mm Zam-Buk, for it immedinlely healed boy‘s leg. He is now nearly 4 ye 01d and looks far from being CORN)! live. He is now a strong, healthy h thanks to Zam-Buk. I hope this 16 will help many anxious mothers." Hoâ€"“Tcll me, confidentially, how much did that bonnet cost. you?" She DOCTORS THOUGHT BABY \VAS CONSUMPTIVE. A LETTER To ANXIOUS MOTHERS L~; wriHen by Mrs. F. w. Kit‘tlea of Kirkdale, P. 0., who says: f‘My 1111}? â€"â€"“Gm1‘ge, «here is but. one way in which you can obtain the right to 1'1} spect my millinery bills.’ He popped. "Do you know, my husband had 3 [er- rible habit of sleeping in church, but he broke himself of it." “How ‘I†“Gave ur- going.†WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who are run down mmic, pale listless? “ Forrovim,†the bet. tonic. It buifdn, makes stron , it gives new life. There are many tonic: but; on one " Frerovhn. His Nephew lmpm‘smmted Him to His Nolary. ly-ï¬vc penal svn‘llude. for «MmudinQ Lau- L‘ent's uncle. who had prumism [0 keep ' a sharp eye on his wayward nephew. ROBBED l'NCLlS m Holloxvay‘s Corn Cure is (he medicim remove all kinds of corms and war}; ad onlv costs the small sum «of twen ) we 1‘ CURING IT. afternoon SMART THICK req u was 18 tried attend .1. The years <1) mm “31y your my in the Joakley: "There‘s a fellow who gives himself dead away every time he starts talking." V Joakley: “He makes his living by pos- ing as a deaf and dumb beggar.†H Canley: “You don’t say trouble?†Trial Proves its Excellence.â€"-Thc best loclimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas†Eclectric Oil in the treatment or bodily pains, coughs. colds and affections of lhe respiratory organs. is a trial of it. If not found the sovereign remedy it is reputed lb be, lhen it may be rejected as useless, and all that has been said in Its praise denounced as unlruthlul. 11 a link): Lv u..- _ ,w.. - and day we ue sun It will borrgE’ne, but. in stiyg with us. Allen's Lu lesam will check its ad- vance 3nd restore has Eh. She: "I'm surprised at your kissing me in the conservatory just, now :" He: "My dear Miss Pmchleigh, it's a failing of mine. I'm a chronic osculatory klep- Iomaniac l" It is better to trust to your faults than to be false to your trust. Mrs. Fondmaâ€"“There! Isn’t baby the image oi his father?†Oldchumâ€"“Ab- solutely! Same lack of expression, same red nose, no teeth to speak ofâ€" and. by George, prematurely bald, tool†Teacherâ€"“The trunk is part of the body. Fred teacher, 1 mink you'd be“! circus and see the elapha The notary arrived opened to him by l ducted him to the sm bedmom. The wim The notary arrived. The door was opened to htm by Marcel, who con- ducted him to the supposed sick man's bedroom. The windows were closed and the curtains drawn, darkness be- ing relieved only 'by a night light. In the bed lay Vincent, who, in a feeble voice. broken with terrible fl‘ts 0t (roughing, explained that. he wished the notary toprepm'e a power of attorney In enable his nephew to draw the $4.- 000 worth of securities from the bank. {The notary, who said he was com» pletely deceived, and feared “that his cltent might. expire at any moment. drew up the document. The nephew obtained the securities, and decided to go to Paris to negotiate them, when the notary accidentally exposed: the .plot by meeting one of M. Laurent‘s friends, and asking him if he were still alive. The youths were arrested at the station. There is nothing equal to Mother Graxnes’ Worm Exterminator for de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY IT'S EASY TO LIP-I" a. galdl hang on. Each Mght ,. ___- L... :> "Law- Address our Nearest Warehouse: Send for FREE Bookâ€"“Rooting ‘Right " Get Our Offer Before You Root 8 T111113 4.3. _A_-__- AmA'IVA 'n‘vnn SILENCE VIS GOLDEN Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s shears,-can’t go wrong. They lock on all four sides. are self-draining and water- shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings ï¬re-proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost leastin the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steelâ€"only one quality used and that the bestâ€" bent cold and double-galvanized. Last longer with no painting than ‘ any other metal shingles heavily- Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold. thesharpcst cough -â€"tiy it on aguar- a n t e e of y o u r money back if it doesn't actually CURE Quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,â€"-nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cureâ€"- 25c. 509. $1. 315 is the middle Freddieâ€"“I say, better go to the rphanu†What’s the Roofing V Right MONTREAL There is something wrong with the bride who doesn‘t select a homclier girl than herself for her bridesmaid. “Does your husband sleep sound?†asked Mrs. Cobhs, ’m the course of a call upon Mm. Dohbs. "Sound?" re- sponded Mrs. Dobbs. “Well, I should say so! I don‘t. believe you or any- body else ever heard 31ml) sound. It's enough to slop an alarm clockl" WWW“ i THE VALUE or i rnn IIVFD nII Special Notice. 5 85.00 cash will hay new upright pm: ullI Inn-whetk Wyn. M“! Orig:- Dmnmot E1111 1.3.503 {uho ()0. Ltd.‘, Mun-“1, m Practica‘ player in yeaxsâ€"ha: I 6 different sty “Rex†and “M strong and accur: Our 1908 Skate Book illustra ‘l’v;fn ‘no- u ‘r‘n nnnw The Starr Manufacturing Co.; Limited WITH Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for 21 Term of Years. Central location. About ten thousand square feet In four floors and basement. Exoeilent shipp n3 facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto TORONTO OHAWA 11 Colbome St. 4‘33 Sussex 8! BRANCH OFFICE Our 1908 Skate Book illustrates and describes them. Write for a free copy. Practically every prominent hockey player in Canadaâ€"for the past forty yearsâ€"has used Starr Skates. 16 different styles, to suit all kinds of ice. “Rex†and “ Micmac †Hockey Sticks are strong and accurate. " ’ DARTMOUTH. N. 8. CANADA painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shin les in ï¬rst cost; far cheaper in t e long run. “Oshawa†Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof on can really afford to buy. et us send you FREE booklet ’ about this rooï¬ng questionâ€"tells some things you may not know. Earr-ï¬mï¬w LONDON For Hockey Cloning 1nd Curling 3nd Kid Gloves clenod Thu. can bc sent by post. In per at the hen pine h fulï¬l-MW 8mm“ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIHG 60. MONTREAL FEATHER DYEING his and n. tiiï¬ib and ‘w'e autq‘aou w )0 watch an ring. Fl: l . ll UPPLY 00.. Dept. ma nut-u. Ila“. Gull) WATGII Al“! RING 2 l TORONTO. ONT. iguana-8 "not: 1 an on“. yrth 0 a??? FREE