Newmarket-a. m.. 7.40. 8.40, 9.40. 10.40, 12.40; p. 111.. 2.10, 41.40. 6.40. 7.40, 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€"a. m., 8.50; p. m., 4.50, 6.60. glueeusvilleâ€"u. m.. 9.00; p. m.. 5.00, 7. 0. Kegxï¬ï¬‚â€"napn 9.10; p.111.. 5.10, 7.10. Roache's Pointâ€"41. m.. 9.15; p. m., 5.15, 7.15. Jackson‘s Pnint, Arriveâ€"a. m.,10.00; p. ru., 5.40. 7.40. Jackson‘s Point, Leaveâ€"a. 111., 7.45; p. In.. 2.45. 5.45. Roache‘s Pointâ€"a. 113., 8.00; p. m.. 3.00. 6.00. 6.25. Sharonâ€"a. m.. 8.30; Newmnrketâ€"n. m.. 9.00. 11.00: p. 111.. 1.00, 7.00, 9.00. Kéewickma. m., 8.10; 6.10. Auroraâ€"n. m 9.10, 11.10; p. 111.. 7.10. 9.10. C. P. R. Urnssing(Torontn). Leave. â€":3. m. 6.00. 7.0m. 8.00. 9.00. 11.00. p. m.. 1.00. 3.00, 5.00. 0.001“. 7.00. 9.00. York Mills 1’. O.â€":1. m. 6.15. 7.1 3.15.; p. m., 1.15, 3.15, 5.1 (1.13. 7.15. 9.15. Thornbill P. O.â€"â€"â€":\. m.. 6.35, 7.35. 8.35, 9.35. 11.35; p. 111., 1.35. 3.35, 5.35 6.35. 7.35. 9.35. Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45. 9.45. 11.45: p. 111.. 1.45, 3.45, 5.45. 6.45. 7.45. 9.45. Bond's Luke JOLâ€"a. m.. 6.55. 7.55. 8.55, 9.56, 11.55; p. m.. 1.55. 3.55, 5.55. 6.55. 7.55. 9.55. Aurora»:l. 11).. 7.15. 8.15. 9.15. 10.15. 12.15: p. 11).. 2.15, 4.15, 6.15. 7.15, 8.15, 5‘ 5! v “.50. 7.50. 9.50. an-k Mills P. 0.â€":\. In. 9.10, 10.10, 12.11); p. m.. 2.10, 7.10. 8.10, 10.10. North Tmnntn. Arriw’na. 3.40. 9.40, 10.40. 12.40; p. 111., 6.10, 7.40. 8.40, 10.110. Hiclnnond Hill 8.40. 9.40. 11.40; p 6.40. 7.40. 9.40. 'l‘hm-nhill 1’. O 8.50. 9.50. 11.50; p “.50. 7.50. 9.50. Winter Time Table 1907 GOING NORTH “’edm‘sdny and Saturday evenings a. late car lean-s (Y. 1’. R. (Ix-msng for Newmzu‘kvt and intunnvdiute points :1t11.30p. m. ' Every \Vedm-adny and Saturday night. 5 Into. our will leave vamurkc-L hu- Tm‘mxto and iutvuxaedizxte points at. 10.45 p. m. fCuuuect with S umber; Anrnm Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION 10.15. flours fm‘ issuing Money 0rde MORNING . EVENING N. B.â€"Registored letters must be hamlet! in at. least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentions“ hours for closmg. u- Oahu muuuu Camp Filmms 0 B â€".\[eote second and fourth Wednesday B. T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigade-4H9“: ï¬rst Monday of ovary month Public lernry and Handing Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Baturdav evenmga. )mvoth Leanneâ€"Meets evorv Monday Junior Epworth League meets every HOD- duy afternoon at A. wvuwus ;-“~nuuu, . v . v Richmond Lodge. A {3%}: A ‘M â€"uem Mon- dnv on 911 [galore full mï¬oog -n, ,A- _L__;s __.l of 63.011 m‘dn'tb Until furhhornotir‘a Mails will be closed 11!. the mchmnnd am Post Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" MORNING Egg EVflNING ,. .6. niié-VQLx-ï¬d’aï¬y'hï¬Ã©iré a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Church-Services 1.: 10.30 a. m..and 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer mggcjng lezgsdpyw‘vefling.‘ A ._ p 11--.- u-.. Lax-ets 5 For RICHMOND H Meiiabm flag!!! tullwn)’. ln uddiLiun (0 [hi wee-n New"! H'ku ; vint u : Harkul: M or Jacky Church of Englandâ€"Service: at 8p. m. In, 2nd and 41h Sunday. Third Sunday a: 11 a. m. Preabytoflun Churchv Services u 11 I. IL. aznd 3}). m. Bunday Bolxool at 2.30. Prayer meetmg Pduesdug (waging.- .. .u. -1».- Any uu u: uuuuv u... an"... Courtniohmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and ourtb Friday Ivy podgehA 0 U Wâ€"-Moeta thin Wednesday :‘m‘ H1UH Mk ng munggry Queensvillefla. m., 8.2:); Bond‘s v vulluu-ID Roman éa‘EL‘gl‘ic héhurchfseryices on ulter- POST OFFICE NOTICE OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster . it: WAN Village Directory. Lnkv Jct GOING SOUTH. MONEY ORDERS u'kvt, and Junkï¬nns .1 var will leave Suv- Snlul'du.’ at 12.40 noun ’uint. H. MOOR E. M 9.10; p.111.. 5.10, 7.10. â€"a_. m.. 9.15; p. m., ‘ 6.10, 1.10, 3. C Sweet to Eat Ill A Candy Bowel Land". . 4.00, 6.30. 00. 8 00+, . ll] .00, . 00: P (i 3 ' .00, 6.01â€. . 7 5 TREF xtï¬t fx‘c I" 1.48, l1] “.10. "I {Y CO p. m., .10. 6. ~10, 3. 44), 6.50. $91 PM ice Im- .kinn‘s I“. “I “HIRE 3.45, 3. 20‘ 40, 4:), Vaughan Counsi‘ issue a policy free trom restrictions, with guarantee values and with protection and investment all combined. Mercantile. Western, Norwich Union, and York Fire All business will have my prompt attention. Write for rates and literature. P. G. SAVAGE 4&ecideni Policies from $I.oo per year up wards. This IS what every man should have. AGENT GEO. MCDGNALD, Richmond Hill Eavetroughing and Tinsmithing of all kinds attended to. Poultry Netting, oiled and anâ€" nealed; also Galvanized Wire, Garden Tools of all kinds; Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes; every- thing in season at reasonable prices. GGflEEDERMEï¬ï¬ HFE ASSQSIMW FALL AND WlNTER is now complete comprising lack and Blue VVmsb Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserinqs. Overcoatan etc. h) Ecst Quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, My Stock of \Voolens for Tailor, Richmond Hill Fi 1'8 Insurance he] sted in ( Lax-ets 5 Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls' from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Our work is standard, and it is the cheapest ynu can buy. “79. can nï¬â€™ex you special indum-nwnts in a" line-s [If harness and other np<tn- date horse furnishings. Hvre is n chance for real economy. Uulnt‘ in have a look at; what we have. W. HEWISON The man is simply To weak and ailing women. them is a: least one my to help. But with that my. two treatments. must be combined. One is local. one is constitu- tional. but boil: are important. bath essential. Dr. Sheep's Night Cure in the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative. mo Constitutional‘ The formerâ€"Dr. Shoop's Night Curr-is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy. while Dr. Shoon's Momtlve is wholly an internal treat- mr‘ut. The Restorative roaches throughout thc entire system. sucking the {Yer of all nerve. all tissue. and all blood ailments. The “Night We". as its name implies. does its won; while you sleep. It soothes 50m and inflam- ed mucous surfaces. hash 10ml weaknesses and discharges. while the Reswmtive. eases nervous excitement. gives renewed vigor and ambition. builds up wasted tissues. bringing about renewed erenxth. vigor. and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restomiiveâ€"Tg blets or Liquidâ€"as a general ionic to the system. rot positivs 1043] help. use as well EM Wamemm1mm a §h909’$ . flan-ma HO USE PAINTER, PURCHASE ONLY STANDAth Gvi’)ODS who purchases pom- harness burning his money up. RICHMOND HILT. C Sweet to Eat A cm» Bowel mum. The Creditm‘s of “'illinm late of the 'i‘mvnship nf Mark the County of York. Farmer. d1 who died on or about the 215th September. 1907, are heleby no‘ send tn the undersigned by p( paid, on 01- before the 20111 dny cvmbm'. 1907. full particulars ‘ (claims and the nature of 5901' any. held by them propel-{y ' Immediately after the 2Akh of ‘ bur. 1907. the asseis uf the said ed will he dixtxihuu-d uumu parties (-ntillvd ‘thH-‘tu, ha‘v‘iug Exquisitoly printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-knmvn pvnple. of current events, hf things beauti- ful and curious. About one- thousand square incle of pictures in each issllP. Appeals t-n Canadians as the grunt il- lustrated papers of Landau nppeul tn the English penplv. Nun pnlitical. AhSUqu-ly no ax“ to glind. Its aim solriy in please and tn inform. Must. be spa-n tn hp appreciutt‘d. Trn cents a copy. Onndullnr a your. The Pic- tmial Publishing Cu..142 St. Pt-terob‘tu Monti-0.11; Zlâ€"tf THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE N0 2 No.4 PARRY SOUND .. x 9.00 an x .. WASHAGO .‘ . H H 25 am 6.45451 TORONTO ....... . 3.00 pm 10.10 am Observation-Dining Parlor Cars between Toronto and Parry Sound. serving meals a la carte. aniw except; Sunday. Oflices; \Il Sag-Lions. alsor'r-r. King and Toronto and Uniuu Station. Pnnue, Main 5A79 " CANADIAN PICTURIAL“ TORONTO . WASHAGO PARRY SOUND WINTER TIME TABLE, In eflect Dec. 9, ‘07 NORTHBOUND min and Of \YIILIA"! BEATTY, Deceased Our Bread and Pastry made by best brand of flour. Our Chocolates, Bon- bons, and other sweetmeats are alwavs fresh. RENE $299, Oranges, lemons. and all seasonable fruxts always in stock. Lowest prices to retai dealers. flfl'!’ 11"- Richmond Hill, 0111 In our Savings Department. Deposits 3f$r and upwards are rgccivcd, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Dzlays in making Withdrawais Interest added four {Limes a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with a“ Branches. PARRY SOUND Benny Bakersxnd Confectioners Wholesale and Retail BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MA: F STOUFFVXLLE HGGINS 6: DOI mt litms uf “'illinm Beutty. 'i‘uwnship uf Markham in of York. Farmer. deceased. 1 nr thnt th 26th day (if 1907, are hereby notiï¬ed to uudvrsiguod _h_v postxpxc- RECHFï¬GND HELL 3:: 110 Yang? St 1 \V) '. :‘dll said E SOUTHBOL’ND SHGRT LINE will AND MUSKOKA OF CANADA Head Ofï¬ce - - - - $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT 1. Benny hon h No. I No. 3 x 9.00 mm x 5.30 pm .12.45_ am 9.00 pm 3.10 pm ‘ E. Bï¬.~.Byrne, Manage: tmt 20111 dny of De- icnlnrs nf their of svcmily. if 11me veriï¬cd. 20m of Dccvnr mgst :suausto 1973 thr 3,23] Sad Story of a Mother of Four $1.93. Children laid low with [PM Consumption +++++++ What am Canadians doing to Combat this Disease? Touches the flea“ “fa are shocked at, the tragedies fhli‘ the newapapers record almost daily. through railway acvidents, explosions, falling buildings, and other causes. Each incident must, surely draw upon But sad and lamentable as these are, the results are insigniï¬cant compared with tho loss of life and prolonged suffering that comes to thousands in the Dominion stricken wiLh that dread disease Consumption. Each incident must, surely our sympathies. 3,000 die annually in the province 0! Ontario from this disease; probably double that; number, taking the Dom- inion throughout. \\’e have on our desk :1. liitle booklet, issued by the National Sanitarium .eXssociatiou. by whom was established in 1902 the Muskoka Free 'rlosPital ful- ()(msmnptives. In these pages 4214: ï¬ghlished a. few of the It ‘Lvl'a Linn, urn ing constantly l-ecvivcd fran appli- cants seeking admission to this Mus- koku home for Consumptivos. Let us refer to one simpiy to empha- 617. the purp0§30 or: this u:- The s-mry is of u residmt in the village of Lucanmu mother. The friend writing on her bchnlf says that a few months ago this person, it Mix-4. Carroll, buried her husband from ('(m- sum tion. He was an all man. I)»: ped led oil around the (ruun‘u-y in hi1 Waggon. There are four ï¬uxull L hi‘dX‘PlI: Now the mother has bevn lnkcn ill illlll her physician diagnoses the (use con- sumptionâ€"the infection doubtless oh- tained in nursing the hmbaml. The Muskoka. Free Hospital fm- Cun- sumptives are being asked to admit this patient. Run [t is u pleasure for the mm of this institution to be able k at no time since the dam-s we} wover ï¬ve years ago-- has n s plicaut been 1'efnsedadmis>io: of his or her inability to pay. This means a heavy strain Ii (m the Trustees, who year in out have; gone on with the‘xw iug further extensions and their hnpe in the good will m osity of the Canadian public. “'0. do not know u more ( charity in Canada. The can is funnd everywhere. and v append to this article the m of the booklet, that mu- made ++++++++++++++++++++++4 “Business Knowledge" and “her: lasting Push" are two essentials to success. Attend mgsom TORONTO. ONT. Toronto ,‘timn, Sec-'1‘ Associat ior )l'onto. Ont. that; our to: 1 to mamta ‘. Meredith zondc 11a] iAM AND a. more deswviz'g The consumptiwz re, and we gladly iclc the suggestion our readers help us maintain just such St Sp «so-TN mother of I resident in the mother. The bchulf says that; n‘n I Sum n ï¬nancially in and yea;- 7work, umk- and ï¬lm:ng were npcnt‘ at single n} >ion becaus ZZ/Jé’. .d- gcnei 'Cl'nel 3"