VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. A lirge stock of “Funeral Furnishing kept. at both places Liconied \. BJnesutoud unable re RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL J 'I‘ Sxigeon AT THE Ltï¬EflM. PRINTING a PUBLIBHINS HOUSE RICHMOND mum“. 1‘. F. MUMAHON. Licensed auctioneer for the County of Yo k duo 1-: sold on coasignmeub Genm-al 9319! am: etc nromptiy tbteudedbo at renaonabl: rues Residence Unionville G R Gouhhug, Newton Brook.agont for the above czlla by d VOL. XXX. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, “(in he pa Pupil of mud J. I ‘ "1&ng!†WRIGHT BROS C H URSDAY MORNING License Auction painfully snllclcs muonoe sulesv. m1 .Lt reasonabet X2111) Undormkvrs é; Emhninu-rs and Bank. 0 Bee Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 J. EARLE NEWTON 1 {avi Instruction in $1 per annum, in advance. Ofï¬ce, next dwnr ‘6 RH ETEI'HNARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS CARDS. )ur. Salgeon a; NICEWcu H. SANDERSUNI H @112 3521;112:211 IS PUBLISHED EVERY Carlton and Yonge Sts . TUI-uutu in. Richmond Hill on “'93 llchn)’ (If Each week. :tioueers forthe Countyuf York ledto oush3rtestnoticcnnd a. rear uses Patronage solicited Emma L» Pnomunon Ipsioneex In: sum MON :l WI l_)9utis:. . G. BLOIIG", cm :11); M Wtcrinzzry El. Plenlice. 31341118 1m and night, pmmpfly tended to. . J. BOYD HILL, ONTARIO bus um nux‘th of Stand- County of You ra- ouazo and friendly the sLorcest naainï¬ ,‘uidress King M ll) lying and 0. (Th y and 5:! 1m ahle e bodv. J K McEwon Woman 0W Ms iunn) m. rl “PHOENI- aouuxasmxnnm In: HIGH COURT OF jUST!CE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFH‘E. jAS. N EVVTON Money to loan on land sndohntbel mortgages at lowest rates Anroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post 01110.1 one door was: of the entrance to the Outanu Bank Newman-km oflice~Three doors south of the __ _ puscotï¬ce M. TE E FY. NO'I‘A RY PUBLIC LENNOX & MOREXK '1‘ HEhï¬hiï¬â€˜ meox RICHMOND H ELL. ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER ].2. 1.907 \Vest, \‘Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce, 2- Bauk Building. every Suturd uunn. Barristers, Snliclnrs, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO. Canada FRANK DEN’I‘ON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. M ULOCK BOULTBEF anlo, Thursday afternoon. Muney to loan at Fix'c Per C< Private BARRIS'I‘ER, Suucrron, NOTARY. ETC. Tot-unto Oï¬iEe.__ Richmond St. 111 . x-r Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark S. “C Conn-1' King & Yunge Stree'ts G (i S I.indaoy.K C A G E' lmwrouce W l‘idouc Wad-worth J. M. L AING Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Richmund Hill Ofï¬ce. south-Past. cl-r- m-r uf Luz-nu Bldg. every Thursday afternoon. AG MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST ILA-r155 ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEIJG}E1“{ NEIL] 1S Phone Main 311 H. A. N IC HOLLS Bzu'ristels. Sulicitm-s, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS Barristers , Solidtors. Notaries. 3:6. nmv Life Building (furmm-ly Free hold Loun Bldg.). Um. Adelaide & Victorian. Sls.. Toronto. J.EDVVARD F NOTARY'PU Barnum-s and Sollcllors. e'wton. Dunn & Boultbe? Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth, 'm-nn (,n 10h NOTARY PUBLIC mmissinner Insu m nee. NCY (IS WILLIAM COLTK AMt and Trust, Funds to 10‘ lowest current rules. 0mm. 36 Tux-onto strw-t uf M ROYAT ERICA TORONTO. A umra. .amm. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity 'dl‘l'la m \‘ G STV Ofï¬ce. Standard \ND BRITISH EY'A NC i1 E‘ Lice RANCIS BLIC Phone Hnin 2984 1H =tate uses. 'owmarkel Hill ! USE ('nt (5%). uy :m at af 1e1- A Well-known authmity mi Rheu- matism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper th fulluwing valuable, Vet, simple and harmless pre- smipliun. “'lllCh:il-lly une can easily prepare at home. 4 = Fluid Extract Dandelion; one-half ounce: lumpound Kai-gm), one ounce; Compound Sui-supiirilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking Will in a bottle, and take :3 [mispoonfu'l after each meal and ' Fluid Ext ounce; Comp Compound S Mix by 5113 take a toaspc at bedtime. jurin; many Deep sorrow is felt, in the sudden death of Rev. C. L. \Visswaesser. pas- tor (if the Lutheran church at, Sher- wood. Deceased had had an attack of pneumonia. which kept- him fmm conducting his usual services for sev- eral Sundays. but he seemed to grow strmigernnd hud resumed his labors, preaching in his own church. also at Uninnville and Butï¬mn'llle on the Sunday previuns to his death. Friday afternoon he druve to Richmond Hill hy way (If Maple. hut while on his way hnme he was seized with violent, pains, and lived only it shurt time after reaching his hmne. The funeral tmik place from the Pursunage Tuesday afternoon, and was largely attended hv members of his Congregation. and by friends from lieurund far. The church was appro- priately draped fur the solemn horas- imi. and many a tear was seen to full as the friends lucked upon the face nf their heloved pHSLUl‘ lot the last time on this side if eternity. The choir sung the very hymns that; had been selected by the deceased for last Sun- day's Si~i'\'i(:eS, and it. was remarked that the selections were strangely up. prnpriate for his own funeral. Sin rt, hut impressive addresses were given by Rev. Mr. BaCK of Eglinton. Rev. Mr. MeKinnnn of \Vondhridge, Rev. Mr. ’Jmies nf Maple. and Rev. Mr. Bruce (if Richmond Hillâ€"nil memheis ()f the Ministerial Assnciutinn, uf \Vllit'l) association deceased had been Bruce of Richmond Hillâ€"all nwnihoxs of the Ministerial Association, of which association deceased had been an esteenwd member. The speakers were pleased to hear testimony to his cheerful disposition, his Christian hopefulnvss. his s‘r‘oug religious cou- victions and his scholarly attainments. He was a friend, good and ti-nP, and he had the welfare of his congregatiun at, heart. Surely, said one of the brethren. a prince has fallen, hit his life should he :1 lllcsslng to lhosc who learned to know his genuine \vm-Lh. Sympmhy profound is exprvssod on eveiy hand for the bermn-ed widow and children who are ll'ft to nimnn the 1033. phan \ eget ll Liberal Candidate for Centre York Ht Thi‘ urlv TELLS HO\V TO MIX [Tl DEATH AND BURIAL. UPC DR. P. D. MCLEAN hat ll] mime )andvl {ax-g0 rilla, 1 "pH in \fter e \' 20 ingm ivliun. one-ha} gm), one ounce l, [In-(re ounces in a bottle. am harm! ent his isb C“ n The foilmving lesolutinus were adopted at a. jnint nie-eting of the Church Councxls (If Vaughan and Markham. in connection with the dvarih of [hair push-1':â€" VVhH-eas, nur Heavenly Father. in- ï¬nite in His Wisdom and mvrciful in His providence, hath suddenly l‘HHPd frnm the :uixinus activities of this life to the peaceful joys of the future life, our dear and lwiuwd pastor, Rev. C. L. VViSSszsser; and \Vhl‘l'PilS, we. the memhms of the UhurchPS uf Vaughan and Markham, desire to express the c-stwm in which our h(‘l(|\'('d pastor was held and to give IIHPI'HHUL‘ to the sm-rmv which his sudden death has brought to mu- hourts; therefor“. be it, RPsnlved, That while our hearts are and suI-l A'l mi have Part I.â€"G: Ellwl Banks, Jnhnnie Rankin; B: Inn \Veldx-iuk. Ida Rirh» ands, Johnny \Vhitv; A: \Vs-sley Thompson. E‘ng r Simpson. Alm-ntâ€"Nollie Page. Stewart Page. Resolved, That while mu- hem‘ts are saddened by this grant hereavonwnt. “'9 patiently and humth submit to the will of God, who (10th all things wvll; and Resolved, That, we thunk Him for pym the ( pasu puwe to at s‘m-I-owing ‘ heartfelt, sy man can (:ï¬'e ing human against Such Almightv In IV.«â€"Emily Rankin. Senior III.â€"\Vinnio Simpson. Irnne Chapman and Fred Simpson (equal). L'zzie Rankin. Junim [ILâ€"Katie Chapman. Senior ILâ€"Knthleen Rankin. Leslie Richnrds. Junior- II.â€"Austin Baker, Ellsworth “’eldrick. Mrs. J. T. Saigeun visited in Toruntc uvor Sunday. Mr. Edwin Brown of McKeespm't. Pm. is visiting at, Mr. H. C. Baileys. A guod tinw is expected ntthe library Concm'tnn Friday evening. Admissiun only 15 cents. Mr. T. H. Keys and Mr. J. Martin 1m- se-rving as jurors at the General Session. Mr. Rny Kirby, whn with his brother. has bven in the real estate husinPss in Vancmn‘m'. B.C., is linme for a few weeks holidays. Th9 following is the report for NC vomherzâ€" All the community was shocked last, Friday evening when it, was known [hut Rev. C. L..\Visswm>ssel. pustur of tho Luthvmu Church, had passed away. He had heen ill for sume time with pm-umunia, but was able to resume his \vm-k n couple uf wot-ks ngn, prouching four Limos (m the Sunday previuus to his death. On Friduy he drove to Rich- mond llill. but on his return he was taken suddvnly worse and died about. an huur "fa-r he arrived hump. The fnnvrul tnnk place on Tuesday after- nmin. A service was held in the church after whit-h the interment took place in the adjoining Cemetery. The he- rvaved family have the sympathy of every one in their great loss. \de was received last we-vk nf the death at, Elmvale I-f Donald, eldest snn of the late Archibald McQuarriv. Messrs A. & M. McQuarrie. brothers. and Mrs. Burr sister of deceased went up to at_tend the funeral. I’m-t II.-â€"~N('lsnn \Vvldrick, Gun-gr La \Vhite. Dvnnis \Vhite Mr. Isaac Snider. for many years it Imsidvnt of this village, passed away at the hnme of his fntht-r-in-law. Mr. A. PH-nticv, lust. Thursday. The funvml tank place on Satmday afternoon. His daughter has the sympathy of all in her herem-ement. RESOLUTIONS 0F CONDO= LENCE. solve-d, That we thank Him for Jhlislinu life and example of our w. and the great, intellectual 3r with the- fnculty of et-nve‘ying hex-s the rich stores of knowledge tlmnght he possessed, wlm wlth zmlnus devotion and faithfulness aimed unto us 5le ChristTï¬hd solved, That \)wing family [felt sympathy LANGSTAFF SCHOOL. luwmg lesolntmns were t a joint me-eting of the ‘unncxls (If Vaughan and in connectiun with the -â€"~Nvlsnn Simpson, Elva Gan-gt: Langstnfl'. Dudley. Maple. possessed, w [inn and fnit us the \thl H th the In! The London Mutâ€" ual and British Amerianire Ins. Cos. London and Lancashire Ass. Co. Thrnï¬gh the fronts shnno his tum, As he wheezed through his nose “’Tis Nuughton’s, for mine. at [he Elgin.†Miss Maude Johnston is at. present visiting fi iends in Laurel. Mr. Thm. Cnle has got :1 new man. Mr. A. E. Johnstnn paid H. visit. to Bil-amptnn Inst wvek. Mr. Adam Cnï¬lter hm; ï¬nishod lhn‘nhing fur this season. Mrs. MéGinnis was visiting Mm. Robb. Paul recently. A sporty young man named Millignn \Vure sipk boots that Wouldn‘t. get. well 01d chum (in B. G.) Mr. \V. D. Smith. Do not expect too much from " Favorite Prescription; " it. will not. perform mira- cles; it. will not, disolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It. will do as much to establish vigorous health in most weak- nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as an medicine can. It must be given a {air c ance by perseverance in its usgfor a. reesgnalzle length of tlme, o ‘ t: . WW trum as a. substitute 0 gredlents printed i plain English. Ii you are an [m id woman and sufler from freq em. headache. backache. gnaw- in stomach, periodical pains. e. caturrhal. pelvic drain. down distress in lower abdomen ' . perhaps dark spots or speech danci 3 before the eyes, faint spells and kind sym tomscaused by female weak- th derangement of the feminine organs. can not do better than Lake Dr. Pier 8 Favorite Prescription. I The 11 s ital, surgeon's knife and opemo‘ ting ta may be avoided by the timely use of avorite Prescription" in such cases. lherebyï¬tlie pbnoxlgug rgnma cmï¬e 6f lWï¬ "Ta/OH“ Prescription " Is compose o e very best. native mediclnal roots known to medlcal science for the cure of woman‘s pecullar ailments, contains no alcohol and no hal‘mful or habit-forming grugs._ ‘ Sick women are invited w consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond- ence is guarded as sacredly secret and womanly conï¬dences are protected by rofessionztl rivuc . Address Dr. R. . ierce Buffao N. , Dr. f’ierce’s ’Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of the bowels. They lnvlgorate stomach. llver and boxvels. One a laxative; two or three I cathartic. Easy to take as candy. For the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines are composed, as given by leaders in all the several Schools of medicine, should have far more weight than any amount of non-professional teq- tlmonlals. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- tion has Tm: BADGE OF HONEST? on every bottleâ€"wrapper. in a. full list of all its in- gredients printed in plain English. m r ysncnan canpegvoided an #37 Haw u Mr. 'VVm. Smile-r has 0va across hia n gnjn. Implements [Single copies, 3 cts. Words of Praise successful treafmem, AGENT FOR Coleraine. and BIN G No 24