Dr. P. D. MeLennof Woodbridge, the choice of the Liberal Convention for the bye-election in Centre York, Was born in Oro~. Simcoe County, in 1856, and after attending the public school there he unended the Barrie High School, and then for two years taught school; one year at Craighurst and. one at Edgar. He then went to the Unlverslty of Toronto, graduat- ing in 1879, and after two years further study settled in Woodbridge in 1881. and has practised there ever since. For several years he was a member of Wuodbridge Council, and for years was president of the West York Reform Associatxon. He is a Methodist. in religion, is a Freenmson, and hue been mnster of his lodge, “Ulnckwood,†Woodbridge. He is also :1 member ofrhe Sons of Scotland. the Canadian Order of Fox‘eswrs, and nther‘fraternal orders. Dr. McLean is popular wherever known. At a recent; meeting the County Orange Lodge of Toronto passed by a large majorityY a resolution for- bidding the leaders of the order to appear on the platform 01' in any way ausisn in the elcction to political powar any member of the Roman Catholic Church. The minority afterwards appealed to the Grand Lodge, and Dr. Sproule as Grand Master dis- approved of the resolution, saying that. the County Lodge has no power so lay down such an order. <g)’ ,, V I So little is being said about munic- ipal matters in the village we are in- clined to think our citizens will be weased to return all the present mem- bers of the council by acclamation. We have been inclined to occasion- ally criticize some of their minor acts, but on the whole thev have done rc- markably well this year. Their gudicious work in Centre Street lead- ing to the station is sulï¬cient in itself to give the members another year. if they are preptrcd to accept the lionorvâ€"aud. the work. The nomination meeting in Thorn- hill next Monday when Dr. P. D. McLean, the Liberal Candidate for Centre York, and Capt. T. G. Wall- ace, the Conservative Candidate will be noininated for the seat in the Dominion House of Commons, made vacant by the elevation of Hon. Archibald Campbell to the Senate, should be largely attended. Both of the candidates and their supporters will address the electors, and those who attend will have an opportunity of judging between the candidates and their platforms. Everybodv in- terested should endevour to attend the nomination meeting. under the heading, “Is Canada a Christian Land?†paints out that Rev. W. 1". Wilson, D.D., made a public statement to the cï¬ect that "recently in One of the public schools in Toronto, in order to meet the views of a certain Hebrew Rabbi, a piétux‘e of Christ which adorned the school-roam was turned with its face to the. wall." me attention of the 130 :ion the latter called I Hughes to report. H stated positively that t not been turned with walk but had been Cal; 1y :1 year ago by order or on the ground will According- to all th The Guardian should I: Dr. W ilscn had been When the incident. w lucumoxn HILL. The Board concur their ‘onv 42‘ SC “'00 .ctions of DR. P. D. MCLEAN. parents [11113 Chrissian Guardian, Jewis 051.. Dec. 12. 1907 11d to the w the cicy DOW )C misinformed Lrou of Ed at apers ‘lll’. Form 11Lâ€"Sr.: Edith Clomvm, Gel-lie \Vindas; J1'.: Maud Jam-s. Funâ€" nie Gray, Jul]me Orr. Pivkm-ing Mc» Qtlan‘io, “’ilfrid \Vlndas, “'illie Huiles, Alvin Barry. Furm II.â€"-Dz~lln. \Vudn. Bvrthn Lee-c9, Emma. Gray. Flnssie \Vntsnn. Annie O‘Brien. Sidney Janos. Alvin Walker, Ruv Espey, Fred Judges. Thnmas Judges. Form Lâ€"Part 1.: Jumps: Gray. May Judges, Juhnny \Vindas: Part [1,: Vittul‘ Orr, Vern Orr. Isaac MoQunr- l'ie. Em-nic “'indas Hudwvn Mqumr- rie, \Villie Jones. Alhert O'Brien. Hus- sel Espey. FMle china, mechanical luys. dolls. albums, in gre-at variety. Sun!"- tbing Lu suit eve-:y man and woman. boy and gill in this vicinity M. am easy pricc. Atkinsnn & Switzer. S. S. No. 5. Vaughan. The‘ names given in order of standing:â€" ann V.â€"-Flm-ence Nixon. Annie» Hailed. Eldnn \Vade. Form 1V. Sr.â€"Eltu \Vad», Emma McQual-rie. Hattie Nixon. Elhel Mm Quinn-iv, Myrtle McQuul-rie: Jr.: Los- Ler \Vulkur, Rny Crooks, Edna \V'au- St)" Mar .. «Myrmh‘s. fur {Iva Uniluzi Smuw. Cnnudu, Euchnd. i‘rnm-o. Germany. 210. Hum: Bonk about Patents neut (rue. Thinv-snvun yg~:xm'cxpurience. Putams obtained thrnlwh MUNN A- (‘0‘ Mr noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMIcmnns. the largest. lest. and mom. wideh circuintad Frziemiflc papen 83.2011 year Weekly. Splendid encnn'inca and lnrqresning lu- mrmuiion. Specimen copy of the ï¬cleunï¬o Amer- Imul sent. frve. Addrvss MUNN &: 20.. SCIENTIFIC mums omce. 21.31 Broadway. New York. must win upon their1 merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. University, England, has recently said of it: It is indeed a marvelous work; it is diflicult to conceive of t: dictimmry gnoge exhaustive and complete. _Everyth1ug 13 in itâ€"not only what. we mxght expect to ï¬nd in such a Work. but also what few of uswouldever have thought of lopkï¬ngfpr. A supplement to the new edition has broughtit full up to date. I have) been iooking throng me latter with a feeling of astonishment at its completeness. an 1mg) ï¬ncunt of labor that has been put I: . F R EE â€"-â€"“A Test in Pronunciation" in. structive and entertaining for the whole family. Also (a illustrated pamphlet. wmnws (the highest award) was given to the In- ternational at the World's Fair. St. Louis. G. &C. MERRIAM CO AN OPEN LETTER Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided in this good work last year. sending us $26,000. The Trustees have faith that a. still larger number will help. The Physician‘s ofï¬ces. throat. rooms, etc†up to the present have occupied rooms in thehospital that rightly belong to patients. To make better provision for the Work, and furnish more accommo- dation, a. new administration building is now under Way. A cottage for dution. a. new administration building is now under way. A courage [or the Physician and his young wife had also to be built. To provide for this outlay, and to care for patients for the coming NOVEMBER SCHOOL REPORT. A. II. 78379:}, Ii'II.D.,‘D.D., o! Qxforg THE GRAND PRIZE PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. All. GOOD THINGS Problem of National Importance C. MONKMAN‘ Teachex From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto Is refuse ll I‘( Edith Clommn. Maud Jam-s. Fun- .-r. Pickering Mcâ€" \Vindas, \Villie Free Hespital for Consumptives never refused a his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom :fuse. It cares for those Whom other people are wms‘rcn's W least; $50,000 SATURDAY. Doc. TUESDAY. Dr hnrsva. Catt! pnlitan hute u'cluck. TH W EDNESDA '1'. fn-sh milk m Tlmrnhill, lh Suh- nt 1 0": credit. Saig; {\TURDAY. l)(‘(,‘, cur-load of hvnv (‘16.. at the Map Mththprnpm Sale at. 12.34) p.m Oct. 1. 1908. S Auctium-ers‘ I). G“ Blullg ]( L1 on Sales. ns, )0 munth cxedit. Auctiuueor. PC. )8â€"AncLinn Sale of '3. M c at H ughes Hotel. pmporly of M. Patton. wk. Terms. 3 mnnths n & Mclflwen. Auction- harm Kim: y (11 116- I I'Ly 2! commendation. Ving heart your ealth and joy to :, nobody wanm (-nn Crmlib Sale of :aft hnrses. Cults, ,oaf hnLt-l yards, m. H.13rillingm-. ‘nns. credit, until Credit sn'e hf m. M, the Metro. City. Sale at 2 munth exodit. & McE 'ures ro- [lestgons wen, The Toronto Daily 4 months The Daily Globe, one York County only The Daily .ii’Iail and. pire, owe year a“ County) , The Daily "Star, T806: on day of publioa‘o The Daily Star, not re; ed day of publioam Family Herald and W 1y Star New Idea VVOman’s ine v Canadian Pictorial Weekly Mail and. Emplm‘ with premium “Golgoma†(752 p ' Subscripaions for weekly anti dafly papers taken at " She Liberal" Ofï¬ce. Nate the foilewing:-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated. edi- tion, tthan. 1, 1909 f" ‘ Q) (J o ï¬g For sale at the Station, or deliv3 village:â€"â€"â€" STEAM COAL MoGlure’s Magazine NUT, STOVE, FU RVACI Al cattle and hogs. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. um Nil J. H. BAKER 50 file. Bran and Victor Feed for RF ‘1"! Electors of EL ECUD Best Scranton coal. or threshing 2% wow; CIT} CENTRE YOR 23! 190 FOI mes 1D ‘ One Buggy. one nut, hin. Apply at Illâ€"hf THE L El sum and THE A \‘Vhite 1 The owner m W‘éï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬f PORONTO 8c YORK RAD- IAL RAILWAY TRADE MARKS DESIGNS » COPvaHTs &.c. Anyone aendlpg a sketqh and description may quickly ascertam our opmlon free whether an invention is probably patentnbte. Communlc» uonuamcclyconfldentml. HARDEUBK on Patenu gent. frea. Oldest agency for seem-mg patents. Patents taken t rough Mum: 15‘: Co. receive 81!:ng gotta, without. charge. in the‘ v-â€"-n-â€"â€"v- -â€" v r 7 A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest- cin- cDJation of any scientiï¬c journal. . Terms for Canada $3.75 a year. postage prepanL Sold by all neWEdealers. Mm; gmguggsggwmv- New Yng L. Wuhington. D. . ‘IBI SPECIAL SERVICE 'Séiééitéii: ï¬tï¬seaican Estray Notice. 60 YEARS’ AEXF’ERBENCE sum of m :AL 01712qu ite Sow came to premisv 1* may have same by provix and paying oxpensvs. GEO. THOMPSON. Richmond Hill. U l) For Sale rid )scribe for 'J‘H'E LIBF bout-an Division mgst IN LIBERAL uï¬â€œ NT mm: .50 RAL OFFICE {£343. )i fï¬cc and the :hum on the ndy's Chat?!- mndkex‘chit-l 111111955, ODE )NTO MARKF l‘lu8( ARY l d at ISIVE N’I th