Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Dec 1907, p. 5

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MIN. J. Harris has {:1 (-uuple nf \\ (mks with fl 'sluuk. 7 m'mvn (-xlru fimu lint-st gnld & Swilzvr. Sonntnr A rr'h \ ilizlgv Munduv ml :1. nuanh '1- 0f Mr. J. H. Imws Ih‘tmning Officvr nn Mnmluy. 23rd take place in Skew @3233 Rpm‘iul v.- "1:110th us lur Hmlvhv lwst. Alki Miinrlny m‘ this (Thurs stunner m unclu Mr. llvarl and Monday. Rn l'nnm of “.10 Mel hvl‘n l'l-plum-«l lly .‘I apparently will gi\‘ huLIwy :u- (-rgunizzltir Gn tn THE LIBERAL Office Calendars. Christmms cards. hunk pnddvd poets. \Ir-lhndist Hymn Bl l’wxhytmiuu Books of Praise, p1 diaries, &c. V Raisin< th- hr'sl Atkinson & Swiw the Shns of held at Pmt B.l).. was r Ra-v. E. H. Tnye will pronul) at Melhndist. Church m-xt Sunday In inq. In llw evvniug Rev. A. 1’. I; will preach a sermon rolnllvv (n 'l lu-rnncv Pznhihitl‘nn and Moral Rafi Bl gnnd ‘ friends Richmond Hill has at, load one “Jimmy Reynnltls.” ()m'own Ohnrlirl (llm‘er- \vnlkml In Tun-unto nnn day recently. doing the trn-k in 2 hours: 45 minuu-s. (Mn :1ny (fiber of mu citizens lnwer that 11-00111? garded as :I vm-y ('rt Besides “Hick-5 on number :‘unluins p “'ultm- Cul'niah, \Vilfrid Cumphvll. Our stuck of Chi-i full and cumplch-t w (mm-rs with nunrly m-ed. Atkinson &: ‘l‘h- UI IL The Newton their (Thlistln nwut nu Fm emits; children commencing m l‘he p13 'l‘lw Epwm'th vning will [)0 1)::11111vnb. A - prvsvmod. \\’esl 80]“th ‘mw l‘he ‘ an. “19 old \vad s The Christmas Nunth umde Mugazinv. nuw ( At [ht [1101' ft‘ A large ne illU‘l'E mdidule I. LiHinn days \ViL Yalph (innum- v [)m‘h-I'. The mk Ruck and ’J THE LIBERAL‘ nd Christmas nul \ f. \‘errnl lure in \. Inwond. aux-s 11!) rudivs In IMHN’D HILL, ONT” DI'C me of the e speuke l. ‘Minis mplwll: TIIORNHII k vex-youth“ ursduy evei - the {nu-post H‘ in] vuluv in sulphur and p:ll'lnl ‘8 us qunn-d lust wuvk;1‘W0p;u'« HChPs fur 50. quality the very Atkinson 8L Swilzor. r liwnl‘hs on 1h Mr. \V. H. l’ug‘ DH ied, \V v (Milk MEETING AT \VE 1‘29 and enllmsinsti 2d \‘nh-n {u isim. iV CHRlSTM s PIN-[e nrthy I an “11-1 the SAL} tux-cs llh’l‘i‘Sth in the game of ‘ reqnusted tn attend an n mealingâ€"pustpnnod frmn Inningâ€"in the High School lzny) :lftvx'nmm at 2.30. tak Ill-'1 I) Fridu 11nan mnur's V l The Man and Thv E ERAL OFF} Ikiu'g lig‘ dlLtt'S. 8t lll ‘lh Lung;an next. Mnnd-iy ln- umlm- [ho- \liwirunrv A good prngmuunu will iiiiarmi. li Brnwn who “pi-fit“ {he “HIP-IS r (‘vnt It Annual Convention of Twlupvmmw of Ontario, «nd the I‘ll] 1d fr xnd iml Le ‘ York; Hump! Lflvrlu I‘lll Christmas novelties is 4r: w» can supply cusâ€" vnrly evvrthing they n & Switzer. H 1y evening, we 1-. will consist of witutiuns. solos Admissinn. adul {staff in spvndi‘n nds in Guelph. 0F “'ORK 1‘!“ the position atriumh. will he the Dvpntv :15 the l-y« inst. Pulling will ladi new furl):ch v good sntisf yDn ‘ditnhlo pr vurwnt v: u-tical 50k Vinm Sh 0k \Vnrks, including n fmm Gleng‘m'ry. ‘Sky Pille furs-ale more. Tht‘st’ make I-vsents for your :18 TR EE hnp‘ return: lisins s at, least one» ()m'own Charlie ‘nl'uum one day (5': 1h 1(15‘ ivnds in \Vnud 31C in the school- ;L Churvh has furnace which .>d satisfaction. \Vm'k held in of m'duy afternoon ":uxsnines of the Mni-y's Uhm‘ mtly. A In: s. l’mgr sharp. ns‘ California (lusm- table - in Ontario. mspi ligx‘ 1nd w out. is 1‘0 10 pruduutiun 5 gifts and use- ‘ (if. and in the 11 mag 'zunme rofxeshments 1‘h D. Allen; F. remry of the influx). The XV I i) "IS; ,‘m‘vnts L119 :olectiuus by Sheurd and ms in tho und culled Hills of his at Indian led hmxw ’1‘ II): the Atkinsun Pond and tmnized. TON the will hold entertain- Dec. 20. 'h at, tht LV morn of The- Svnat n-esent 1907 ih K L In 51 uume for lets, mku, chm-- diu- .egls 1h ‘l-m win 1‘1 ll] 1d )l' Rubbersâ€"â€" fe'ail' prigng m itL-MN‘ Elgiu d Th isLI PIA WP}! kt" (z‘nurlr-y nf 'l‘m-m [I'ilCl‘d the hf}l (vf . thv young mun Wu the gI-ivu m4 mist hut. express-ad 21 he um? and (mun-st. died ut‘ pencv wil h was nucurdmi u hm randy hm‘ll duty in Ih fur Cr-nu't mlvt‘l'tise'tl Hr. [he An nun: Lin- Epwm evening. the chair, Marv 'I‘rvl Rii'hmund sp¢ nn mutinu M T. F. MuMMu Dr. 1’. I). Ml'LL‘mI. (he LHH-‘l‘ill Candi- date for Centre York. will he hold in [he Masonic Hall tu-mm-i-mv (Fliduy) evening. omnnwm-ing at. 8 o'clock. Besides lhu Lihm-ul Candidate the lllt’Ptlllg will h» :uldrvswd hy Hun. G. P. Graham. Minibu of Railways and Canals: Hun. A1-ch.C.-unpln-ll. senator; and J. \V. (‘m I‘y, K. (7.. Lihm-nl Candi- date. East, ank. fur the Lima] House. The Conservative CulliduLB 01- his re- pl'esvnluLive invited tn address tho meeting. Ladies sprainlly invited to hPar the questions of the: day discuss- The Cm I‘l't‘SPlll .1 meeLiug he‘ar the ed. “'hon {ht-Stomach. Uri-«wt. m-Kidney nerve-s gen weak. then these organs ul- wuys fail. Don’t drug the Stomach, nur stimulate the Heart nr Kidnoys. That is simply a makeshift. (3% a presm iplinn known to Dx-uggists every where as Dr. Shunp’s Hestumtive. The Resturative is px-e‘puwd expressly fur these \venk insidu nerw-s. Strengthen these nm-vvs. huild tlwm up with Dr. Shmvp‘sllestmwxbivvvmhlvtsurliquidâ€" and sue how quickly help will conw. Free sample Lust smnt. on l-t-quest, hy Dr. Snnnp'. Runinw. “'is. Your heuth is surely wmlh this simple test. Suld by “X A. Sanderson. bPen arm“ W 9d nc-sduy Friday. 13. Saturday. 1 day, 16 (m the nfternn p.m., and nghlnnd Unwk at. 25 p.111 Hun. Gen. P. Graham will speak a' Riqhmnnd Hill, Mimicn and Mark hum Among nthvr' spmkms will be Dr. P D. McLean. the candidate: H. H Dewart. K.(}., J. “7. Curry. K.G., am DELIVERING “THE LIBERAL.” “"9. learn that :1 number of news- papers in towns and villages have stopped delivering the local papers ill, suhscrihers’ dun-s. The change was made owing to Cnntinual complaints being made that, the snhscrihexs did nut receive lheir papers I‘legularly. The same trouble exists in our own village. Week after week suhsciihers cmnuinand tell us they (lid not get their paper. we believe our present carrier boy is as careful as any we may ever expect to have. and yet there. is not general satisfaction. He has to call at ahuuL 100 homes in the village, and has to hurry frmn phwe to place. Occasionally he may forget a customer, but we have reason to think that frequently the paper is picked up by some passer by. We Lind also tlmtunmâ€" plaints are more frequent on windy days, which indicates that the pupel‘ may be blown away. Would our village patrons rather call at THE LIBERAL OFFICE or the Past Office for their weekly papei? \Ve shall be pleased tn hear frum you, Mr. A. J. Anderson, luu'f'iétm ho] GA M PAIGE UONSF The follow {. Gnml-y \Vl-iszm; :Ilh't'l (ix u] [H Tl Tl public mvr‘ l’. I). MvLU fur Gem.“ din msuully interest mth [mugne \vu :. M12 H. Slum ir. Rev. MI. B l't‘llCh gave \‘ll(‘,:l fm llwevcning' 111.: 1nd PU BLI G M EE I“ I‘f ul w \VOR'I‘i-l LEAGUE â€"T‘uis your’s goods all new. nul neat fit. at. Nunghlun's R V ATIV E M EETING S. nngvd in UP 13'. Dec. 11. “W L Richmond 1* . 14, Mimicn at nominations), nn-m; Tuesday : Fl-iduv. 20. A 1 l t“ pm hel u-Ly Y {x 1" k Hill Hi ju K1. nrk. Mot-Lnng are also i}>Ilmvszâ€"lslinglnn. Fri- (h'inlnn'g. Monday. 16(1); ill, ’l‘IM-sdny. Dec. 1'7; \Vl‘unt‘sllny, Dvc. 1’5. (“F‘ib’k'd Ln he pn-smlt, are N. L. A. lerliluulm: A. L L. Bm'dvn. ledm‘ Unn- ,y: \V. F. Mauleun. M.P.. M. L. A. \Vcst York, and Thornhill. 1m Ll) lhv C1 7 interest” vague was H. Shaw, . MI. Br; 5H9 \‘ll(‘,:ll: evening \v Ling in the inlet-est of mm the Lilwl'nl Candi- - York, will he hold in all tu-mm-I-mv (Flidzly) min “In. (It): lit mar-Lin CENTRE YORK. heml Meetings have n Centre York:â€" chin Mm- - was hwhl Mundzly haw. B.A., was in Bruce and Miss «wall snlns, and the Hg was M 1-. Robert 4:. The speaker mnh. slimved how rank to suffer by {as hu had made, r-f that My repent- »rnyvr Jzu-(uh bud ind. Mr. Gum-lay Ly vow of thanks I ;. G. Rozmmn and f Mn Chm-ch intend stx-ee and supper on )90. 20th. A gnod mic. x'ecitatious and th Lmzul House. uliduLe m- his re- tn address tho I-cinlly invited to f the: day discuss- in! in: meeting .s‘ huhl Mum! '. B.A., \Vm: TING. [v X p.m.; Mun. Thomhill, in y. 17. MnlvH-n. Markham. at 8 i-ovk at. 8 p.111. 1: present t as have al- H-st Inf ()upL. mtivv l-undi- bytnoluctiuu Igs are also Iinglnn. Fri- nnduy.16(h; stun atSpJn. ill at 8 p.m. R n.m.; Mun hoo 1'i( Igugm Lune} Lhc 501d ‘1 p” Keep the bowels regular WIYH'KyBF'E Pills and thus hasten recovery. IS COMPLETE, we’ll offer ew suggestions for Xmas gifts:â€" 5 DNA. Dollars. $ Duz. Linen Handkerchiefs Mob J.O.Ayl A no mum: yeris stock Swell range of Boats and Shoes and Huusw Shoes for Ladies. A pair nf nnr special-priced Boots or Huuse Slim-'8. A suit of Uudm we +++++++++++++M+++ a+++++++ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly Cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You knowltlstrue. And your own doctor will say so. in mm school snvcveds, becauw we px-nvid» sensihh) courses. Pmplny succeqsfnl tum-hers. :1an give indi- vidnulinstnmlinn. Entm'unytime. \‘Vl'itfl‘ fm catalngun. British American Business College TORONTO é++++++++++++++++++++++++é UV cmnhinntinn of S Bands, and Guru-1's HI We invfie you to inspect our Xmas For Lung Trouéles The best kind 0! a testimonialâ€" “ Sold to: over sixty years." You will study what to give your friends until you see our Xmas goods, then your studying ceas- es. We have a variety of things that will please. W’e quote just a feW‘ ARM}. SAVAGE EVERY STUDENT ,wlLdosigned Broadway Suit m- l‘l‘(‘,l);lb. W9 h;vo no ucrotsl We punish tho formulas of I”. our medicinal. mhrelln. swtvle Cl1x-i:;ty. ‘ Camel-hail- House Coat. nf Gluves. MM. b .T. 0. A16!- Co., Laval]. mu. A no munnnwcurax-I o! Tic Pin 0! Cuff Links hiI-t) THAT OUR XMAS STOCK @uffir'fer of Suspenders. Arm SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Ill and +++++++++++¢+$++++++++++++I~++++++M++' P++++++++++++ {-40%- BY MAIL BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTO. Practical anll bhnrougu S Matriculation. Y. M. C. A. flee. 53.0055i1way {are uaid i! this R. A. FARQUHARSON, B.A.. Yonge and Bloor sis ++++M++H~++++++++++++ ++++ ++++++M+++++++++++Â¥ b+++§+++++ ++++++++++++++++++++4-++++++++++++++++‘ Having bought early, we can offer you a. great variety of Japanese and German China Glassware, and other-Fancy Articles Also Dolls, Doll Heads, Mechanical, Friction, and other toys. A LARGE ASSORTMENT. Dec‘ Richmond Hill Hardware Store And assure you satisfaction In quallty and price. Tinsnlithing' in all its branches. We solicit your order for Wanted Katie mu. [0 7 p.m. \V. SHEPPARD *. 5, 1907. Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. Atkinsm Switzer Christmas Trads G. SGULES Rnges and eaters \VHI H +++++++++++ +++++++M++++H++++H++~Â¥++ BRITISH VCANADIAN LYRI For the the will b m RICHMU NEE“ lav thé ( HS Ton rthanfl Mflo‘ ND HILL AT COLLEGE IQC

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