Jackson‘s Point. Leaveâ€":1. m., 7.45; p. “1.. 2.45, 5.45. Rourhe's Pointâ€"11. m., 8.00; p. m.. 8.00. 5,00. Kes\vick-â€":L. m., 8.10: p. m.. 3.20. 6.10. Keswickâ€"amn, 9.10; p.m., 5.10, 7.10. Runche’s Pointâ€"~a. 111., 9.15; p. m., 5.15. 7.15. Jackson's Pnint, Arriveâ€"a. m.,10.00; p. 111., 5.40, 7.40. Sharonâ€"2L. 11).. Newmnrkmâ€"n 9.00. 11.00; p. 111., 7.00. 9.00. Aumrnâ€"n. m Newmcu-ketâ€"u. m.. 7.40. 8.40, 10.40. 12.40; p. 111., 2.40, 4.40. 6.40. 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€"u. m.. 8.50; p. 111.. 4.50 Queensvillwâ€"a. xu.. 9.00; p. 11)., G. P. R. Grnssing (Toronto). Leave, ~43. 111. 6.00, 7.001â€. 8.00. 9.00. 11.00, p. m., LOU. 3.00, 5.00. (1001‘. 7.00. 9.00. Yurk Mills 1’. O.â€"a. m. 6.15, 7.15. 8.13, 9.13, “.15.; p. m., 1.15, 3.15, 5.16, 6.15. 7.15. 9.15. Thur-nhill P. O.â€"-:1 3.35, 9.35. 11.35; p. m 0.35. 7.35. 9.35. 6.45, 7.45. 9.435. Bond‘s Luke Jct.â€"n. m.. 6.55. 7.55, 8.55, 9.55. 11.55; p. m., 1.55. 3.55, 5.55, 6.55, 7.55, 9.55. Auroraâ€"~11. m.. 7.15. 8.15. 9.15, 10.15. 1115; p. 11]., 2.15, 4.15. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15. 10.15. Winter Time Table 1907 some NORTH 8.40. 6. 40, Th 8.50. a 1:1 t we Richmond HilLâ€"a. 8.45, 9.45. H.451; p. 111.. 3. (ll, Toronto 6': York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION nigh fur I Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING .. EVENING “.300 N. Fir-Raginmred letters must be handed in at least Fitcuan Minutes outlier than an above muntiuued hours for closing. OFX ICE CLOSES AT 7.80 P. M. M. TEEFY, l’ostmnater _li§éhï¬xï¬a_n7{fl6alio. k f‘E‘E'd A M -ueeto Mon- dov on or before full moon . “Camp Emnjs 0 S â€"-Meets aocond and foul“! Wednesday R ’1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Moon ï¬rst Wednudn! 0! Mb munch FirehBrignde-Meeta ï¬rst Monday of every mono Public Library and Beading Roomâ€"0P0“ Tuesday. and Snturdav evening!- )uwnrlb Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Manda! Junior l‘lpwonh Lelgue meets ovary 5103‘ dmy Afternoon at 4. mm for . Ivy Lodg'eT'A 0 U Wâ€"-Moets thirzl Wednesday a! each month 7 A nay} __Sun§iny§ 539 y. :13. n.n_d 10.90 a. In. Until further notice Mails will be closed at. the lhuhmond Bill Post Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" MOKNING 8 35 EVENING .. "6‘35 "371356512: cniEoELEJuâ€"ï¬Ã©oéIi'wï¬oiimu and 1 u 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Goneml pnyor mgqsbjng Tb‘uESxiï¬y. qveging._ ‘ N33 5 ‘52.; i V Church of Englandâ€"Services map. 12:. Int, 2nd and uh Sunday. Third Sunday as 11 n m. Pxeubyteriau Churchâ€"ammo: n 11 s. m..n_nd 7'06 11:. Sunday School as 2.30. Prsyer maetmg dnoaday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Sonic“ on 51%:- Dourt iiic'hmond, A 0 Eâ€"Meeu sacond and opt!!! Fï¬day tll LH quensvilleâ€"a. 111., 8.25; p. m.. 3.45. I(IN 'm \V 30 N: All In POST OFFICE NOTICE I'ul'uâ€"u. 11)., (5.10. 11.10; p. 131.. 1.10, 3.10. 9.10. , 1]. LL), 9.2 mnnd 40. ll. Village Directory. Jill Lake JCt.â€"-:l. 11.40: 9.40. 11.50; 9.50. GOING SOUTH. ills P. O.â€":\. 111.. 12.10; p. m., 2.10, L110. unto. Arrivewd. m.. L40. 12.40; p. u)., 2.40 ~10, 10.40. MONEY ORDERS y and Saturday evenings :st O. t’. R. Crnssing for and intellnedmte pumts Agent dnesduy and Saturday ul’ will leave Newmzu-kvb and intermediate pmuts Hill m the regular service beâ€" ‘1 xrket. :md Jackson‘s inl car will leave Newâ€" b‘atulduy at 12.40 noon I’nint. Y. 11. MOORE. Manager ‘h Schmnberg & Aurora p. m. 8.30; In HILI C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel nuns Ill fl. 6.10. 7.10. 8.10. HI m.. 6.45, 1.45, 3. 45, "1.. 1.50. and surroundâ€" uu' FAMOUS 111.. 4. 00, 6.30. 6.40, 3. 4â€"0, 6. 50‘ 4.50, 650. y s 4.1.. 97. S. 10. 6.10, 'DI-NUI 44. pl. Rm 40, y l, 50. 50. 40. ~10, iSSue a policy free trom restrictions, with guarantee values and, with protection and investment all combined. ALccident Policies from $1.00 per year up wards. This 15 what ever» man should have. Mercantile, Western, Norwich Union, and York Fire. All business will have my prompt attention. \‘x'rite for rates and literature. P. G. SAVAGE AGENT GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Looking for Xmas presents? We have a very assorted line of Skates, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Carvers, Scissors, Knives, Forks, Spoons, also Heaters and Ranges. CONFEDERMIBN UFE ASSQGEETEGN Very suitable for presents at reasonable advaHCe on cost. Jacob Eyer & Son Furnaces, etc. Tmsmithing of all kinds promptly attended to. 14‘ \N Fire Insurance Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICH BIO-ND HILL Lax-ets 5 $3232.31. w. 'niéa‘ééWaso‘Nh no USE PAINTER, - Topmveun uestionably.and beyondany that Catan‘h o the pose and throat cnn_‘be 1 am‘ furnishing panama through druggmts, free Trial Boxe’s of Dr. Shopp‘s Cabal-m Ida this because [am so cgrmm. that Dr. SI (Dawn-h Cure will bring mutual substantial Nothing certainly. is so convincing us_a ph test, 0‘ any 311101901 real. genuine ment. Bt article must. possess true merit. else the tcs condemn. rather than advance it. Dr. S! Oman-h Cure is a snow whim-healing ant: balm. put up in beautiful m‘ nkel capped gm at 500. Such soothing ageï¬s as 0“ Era-a1 Thyme], Menthol. etc.. are incomomte-l 1‘ Velvet-y. cream hke Petrolatumepnm-d I 811009 from Europe. If (htarrh of we nos throat has extqnded to the stonmch. than 1 meansalso use Luberunuy. Dr. Sheep's Restox Stomgch distregas. a luck of general str: bloatmg. belchmg. biliomnm; had taste Bagels call iqxj m._snoop's Restorative. Our Work is standard, and it Is the cheapest you can buy. We can offer ynu special inducmuvnls in ull lines uf harness‘und other up-to- date horse furnishings. Here is a. chance for real economy. Rune in have a. look at what we have. V FOE uncomplicaka {Moat nothms else. The man who pun-fumes pour harness is simply burning his mnuey up. PURCHASE ONLY STANDARD 4:? <_ IODS RICH MON D HILT. onably. and beyond a‘ny doubt lose and throat can be cured. ants through druggists. small "Dr. Shoop's Oman-h Cure. n so‘cgrtain. that. Dr. Sheep's ring actual substantial Ins-19'. s so convincing us a physical ‘ real. genuine merit; But that, true merit. else the test wzll an advance it. Dr. Shoo 's ow whim-healing anti. :2 ltlful nuke] capped glass 1 ng age‘atsas Oil buxhvlus. m. are Inc-onion ted into a Petrolatum. lmpnm-d by Di If Oamrrh of the nose and to the staunch. than by all 1 tally. Dr. Sheep's Roster“! v0. a. luck of general strength, ; M33 19 crediims Exquisibnly printed m; ï¬ne routed paper. Pictures at well-knuwn Ye‘uphl, of current events. (If things mantiâ€" ful and curious. About one thousand square inclws nf pictures in each ismv. Appeals to Canadians us the great, i!- lustrated pupva of London appeal to the English penplc. Nun pnlit‘ical. Alï¬nlnu'ly no ax!x to grind. Its aim soh-ly to please and tn inform. Must. be seen Lu hp. np H‘PCiflt-HL Ten cents a cnpy. One do )nr 4- year. The Piu- tmiul Publishing (30.,142 St. Peter Sh. Monti-ea). THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Nov 2 No. 4 msmao 1:25am 6.] 5-5 TORONTO . r 3.00 pm lo.luan: Dburvnuonï¬lnlng Parlor Cars between Toronto and Parry Sound, serving meals a la cane. xmmy except Sun-lay. Ofï¬ce»: All Stations, also our. King and anonto and Union Stat-inn. P110110. Main 5119, SE7 1 yr PARRY SOUND *‘CANADiAN PICTURIAU Evniher, 1907. full claims and the u ~ The Creditm's of \Villinm Beatty late of the Township uf-Mzu-khzun i; the County of York. Fauuer,» deceased who died on or about the 26th day 0 September. 1901.111l heleby notiï¬edh send to_ thtl undersigned by post, pm paid! on or befoyg the 20th day of De any, held» by Immediately bar, 1907. the ed will he ( pal-ties entitic TORONTO . WASHAGO PARRY SOUND WINTER TIME TABLE, In effect Dec. 9, '07 NORTHBOUND Of \VILLIAM BEATTY, Deceased . £299. Richmond Hill, 0m. The Standard Bank pays interesi‘. four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. Superb Confectionery Just received a fresh supply Robertson Bros. famous Chocolates and Bon-Bonsâ€"â€"â€"the best of their class. Gladden the heart 0( your wife, children or sweetheart by taking a box home today. Prices 5c. to $2 50. Also a good variety 0! Fruits and Nuts at right prices tor the Xmas trade. THE SWDARD BANK PARRY SOUND E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE, MARKIâ€"IAH A?!†STOUFFVILLE RICEMOND HELL BRANCH SOUTIIBO‘JND the {be SHBRT LENE th OF CANADA Head Office - - - - MUSKOKA AND no. i No. 3 x 9.00 an x 5.30 pm 12.45 am 9 00 pm , 3.10 pm which " :n have ESTABL 2I-Lf $3 GET THE BEST ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Black +++++ ++++~z~+++-:-++++++++++++ My Stocklot Woolensrtor FALL ANS} WINTER Location of Cullvge: (Cur Yonge and Alexander sis.) And prvpux-e fur ï¬rst-class busi- m-ss pusiLinns such us are opt-n lo our students. Hundreds of mu- studvnbs me gning into gnud pt-sitinns every year. 1.9L us train yuu for (mu. \Ve will do it right. nyrxm TERM JPENS JANUARY 6. Write- for (-ata- lngue and see wherein we excel on (linnry business college‘s. “Business Knowledge" and “Ever- lasting Push" are two essentials to success. Attend ,ck' and Blue Twil’fs,’ Scotch I} is now complete (1 1373 TORONTO. ONT. Raccnfly Enlargefl W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Toronto - EXAM cog, v - a"! ;u.._4- New "Words itecr cf the Vim-Id 1 23.003 1 Springfield. We hical Dicii oryiicme Riuh Lindinzm loathe .cJ f; 0 Embed £258. ++++T ash