AT THE LIBERM. PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.0NT. VOL. XXX. IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY EEURSDAY MORNING Graduate of Trinity Medical Gnllpgv and University. 'l‘numtu, Mmuhm- uf (Jullegv of Physicians amt§urgeuns m OnLuI-iu and New Yurk. HPECIAL ATTENTIU'N GIVEN T0 DIS- EASES 01» THE HEART AND LUNGS AND To \VoxIEN AXD (mum EN. OIL-J, stud ltvsidvm-o fm-ruerly occu pied by Dr. Boyd. Richmund Hill. magmas». Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. DR. H. w. ANDERSON, Dentiast, “'ill hv culls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Lioenseu Auctioneer for the county of Yo k (iqus said on ounsigumeun General sales ' "on em promptly Latondeflbo at. roasonanll ratesr Residence Uniuuvillo I T Saigeou, M Lp'e JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. sues mneudodto on shortesmmticeaud a. tea- I'mablo rites Patronage solicited J. H. SANDERSON. ‘. F. McMAHON. G d Gouumg, Newton Brook.ngent for the flame License klctioneex for thaConnty 0! Yet i re- pmnmllg wholes your patronage and friendly iudueune sales uttnuded on the shortest notice and at reasonabemtas. P. 0.0.ddress King $1 per annum, in advance. ‘6 A Urge stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places RICHMUND HILL & THORNHILL J. IRWIN CASSIDY Pupil nf and J. l VETERINARY SURGEON Money interest pruperty 46 t-f Cur. Czu-iton and Yonge Sts., Turuntu ill be in Richuwnd Hill on \Vetl nesduy of each week. Ofï¬ce, next. dmu‘ north of Standâ€" ard Bank. Undonukors .5: Embnimors, J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Ehornhill. Instruction in Money to Loan. RICHMOND HILL Elle gimx igeou, J K McEwen M we Weston Saigon" & NlcEw I. VVRIGHT BROS, Eamon £5 Pnoommon. Hoursâ€"S .l. ll. [‘1 entice. I). G. BLOITGH. M. D., C. M. “gt ‘diml. An Wefcriuury THE LIBE 5:32am. ï¬rst 30 3,. m. to 5 p. m. Piano ‘heory MUS. Dm ‘IAEGE RAT. OFFICE 1in )nc. (Piano) 0. (Theory) pm‘ 1nd cent. farm RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1.907 Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark an-x-istexs. Snlicitnrs. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Gumm- King & Yunge Streets. TORONTO. Private U G S Lindsayï¬ C A G F Lawrence W Ridouv. Wadsworth Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building (furva-1y Free bold Loan Bldg. ), Um. Advlaide & Victoria Slsu Tun-unto. Richmnnd Hi“ Oflice‘ smith-Past mur- m-r of Lorne Bldg., every Thursday afternan BARRISTER, SOLICIToR, NOTARY, ETC. Torlmtn Oflicv. 33 Richumnd St. “(6.3% \VV"S[9}'_E§l_ildings, Richmond ' Hill Office, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- noon. MONEY To LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. LENNOX & MORGAN Monev to loan on land xudchnuel mortgages“ lowest rates Auroranfliceâ€"Bemoreu to the old post of!ch one door west. 0! the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarkel valueâ€"Three doors south of the pwst olï¬ce T Hnnnsnu-Lsxsux G STV MORGAN Maple, Thursday aftornmm. Money to [mm at, Fiw. Pel' Cunt, ( NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. O. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BOI'LTBEF JAS. N EWTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN 31114145 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . NOTARY PUBLIC. OOMMISBIONEBIN THE Richlnonc. Hill} 3 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Toronto Ofï¬ce, 36 Tumnto strm-t. Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Commerci travelling public Phone Main 311 AG Lindsey. Lawrence & w adsworth. (Id SIOXER. CONVEYANCER. H. A. NICHOLLS Banish-rs and sollollors. Commissiunex, Cnnvoynncor. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC {blemun THE PALMER HOUSE n‘rENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. THORNHILL RI. 'l‘LCEP‘XK very NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Sunlictnrs, Etc. and Trust Funds to loan lowest current rah-s. J. M. LAING rry Wright accommodation Emmi. Aurora. In Essentials, Unity,- in No Tra \ellers g‘vll. Phone Main 2984 PROE 1‘00 [1) S Newmarket 'Ol‘ Ltentive at, the DR. McLEAN’S Good Speeches by Hon. G. Graham, F. G. lnwood, and the Candidate. A musing meeting in the inlervsis of Dr. P. D. Mchâ€"un. Lilwrul muulidutu in (it'lliPI‘ Yin-k fur the House of Unlu- IIIUIIS, was held here Friday night. Thi- hull was crnwdpd. and lhes‘wnke-rs weie enthusiastically receive-d. Hon. George P. Graham. Minister of Rail- ways and Canals. spoke on behalf uf Dr. McLean. In opening the meeting, the chailw mun. Mr. T. H. Trench. read a letter of regret from J. \V. Curry, K1). The Candidate Dr. McLean was intmduced. and was gn-oted with lnud and prolonged cheom The doctor did nub intend In lose his individuath in enterng pulitics, and whatever happened he wuuld not part with his nmnbvod. ‘ Hon. George P. Graham. I Hum. Mr. Graham received n rousing racoptiuu when ho "ruse. He opened ihy saying that the riding of Center ‘ York was almost sacred grunnd. In» i cnusP of [he strenuous struggles it lmd I [msst‘d tliumgh in the days th-n I'vâ€" ‘Spnusihle gm m-nmL-nL was 21 warm sub- ! jr‘t't The doctor Pxpwssnd hilllsP‘f as fully in accord with the Liberal pulicv. and hem-tin endorsed the leadership of Sir \ViIfl-ed Lam-11w. Things had changed In Canada dur- ing the past; few years. At, one time there was a great, influx into the United States. but the prusperity and growth uf Canada had reversed the order. and now people were invading Canada. The inueasingprnsperit an the Domin- iun was evidenced in the trade returns. In 1896 our foreign trade amounted to $239Jltl0JXJO. 'l‘n-day the \‘nlume of trade had reached the ennrmons ï¬gures of $650,000,000. Dr. McLean emphasiz- ed his desire fur a. clean elm-(inn. and prnmised that if he were returned he would representCanada ï¬rst, foremost, and all the time. J. leferring' to the cause of the lect- inn. Mr. Grahznn said thaLContex- Ym k wnuld not be robbed nf its fnrnwr rep- I‘Pst'ntuthe. as Hun. Arch. Campbell‘s twice \vuuld he heard in the St‘nute in “hich body he had been tx-unsfexwd. In Spl'flkini’ fur Dr. McLean, Mr. Graham did not intend to slungwhnng the other pznty. He did not helivve in hlavkgunrding his neighhul'. \Vhen that. time came he “'nnld got, nut of public lifv. In the wards nf Him we all profesv. to fullow, “lvt the man with- n y I ,1 éixlrtln-hw the- ï¬lst stone,†declare-(l Mr. Graham amidst applause. “The man who indulgvs in vilifying his neighhpur is generally the man whu can least stand the lu-ig‘hl. white light." Rural Mail Delivery. The Ministernf Railways and Canals then Lnnk up the questmn of rural mail delivery. Thousand; (ff pgqple I _in :nmdn only received their nmilinatter once or Lwice a week, and he beliele in extending the servil-e Lu “thew. so that they might enjny the same privi- leges as the electms uf Cvmvr Yoxk. The surplus in the dvpurtnwnt cnuld be expended on the rum] mail service. I 1 4L -"i“liév{{19;\l cunditinn,†declared the spvakm; “is a rural delivery such as that. of the Unith Stntps.†He said, however. that the United States had 80,000.000 of pvople. and Canada had only 6,000,000, with alumst the same territory to cover. \thL- «vex- surplus is misml in the Post-Ofï¬ce Departmenb should he turned Lu still further perfecting the department. (Luud applause). Agricultural Development. Mr. Graham then tunk up several questions uf Agriculuu'e,.\vich u view uf shuwing the increase uf trade in ten years. In 1596 the-rs- was 81.(l0(l,U(lU wm th of lnuttvr EXle‘lï¬â€˜ll; in 1906 there was all inert-use of ()\'L‘l' TUU per cent†in tutulliug Simunno. In 1596314,ouu. was zin increase of over 700 per cent" it totalling $7.000,000. In 1898314.000. 000 \vmth uf uheesv was produced. In 1908 [here was $24,500.000 manufac- tured. Ham and bacon in 1896 reached $4,000,000. Last, year $12.000JKJU was the total of the output. The Gm eru- ment had spent milliuns in enabling the farmer to conveni‘ently reach the Eurupwm markets. Fm" every dollar thntthe Guvenuuentspent in subsidivs ï¬ve dollars wvre put intu the. farmer‘s until we can ry and part. of th I shall make t ties of Cmmd: bmad busme th ,dn. Three fail“ less acmss the (‘0 n. Mx~.(z‘rrah=uugu the m bu; I'nmel H theh-eigï¬t « MEETING intials, Libwn'; in allthings, Charity." r‘nr every an: spent in subsié intu the. fax-nu g In spend mm {ht of Uanu nited Stat Tuition fac will amthisb ill, and H'sbip 5 given I )0“ gl'uph lines Wore under the Gn\‘(-‘l‘n~ nu-nt ur in the hands of companies. [The oxPress cnmpanies are now nmler .Ihejurlsdictiun of the Railw-AK. “And itis my intt-nLion tn shortly ring he- i fnre the Hnllsu‘ a hill In place the tele- grth and lvlvphnne lines under the Board's jurisdiul ion also.“ (lvclured the, Minister nf RuiIWays and Canals, amidst loud applause. - Mr. Graham vxplained the working inf the Interculuniul Railway, uwned by the Gnvernmenh :1 nd ended an ex- cellent spevch hy saying he d9plol‘ed the actiun of the Gunsm-vativee at, -0tt:lwn in trying tn Innke pnlitical capital nut uf (hut, distressing Quebec Bridge disaster. Pleasant rI-fm'vncos were madv by a“ the speakers to the presence of so many ' Indies. | After a vote of thanks tn the chair- imnn. mnde by Dr. McLean. the "wot- ing clnsed with cheers fur The King. Sir VVilfI-e-d Laurier and the Liberal , candidate. The last speaker was Mr. F. G. in- Wood. Ho nump‘inwnted the Lillf‘l'fllï¬ (m the chuico nf their t-andidntp who if Solm‘lvd \vnuhl support Sir VVi‘Ih-(‘d l n Lulll‘lt’l' u gmnlemun who was doing more in welding the links of friendship :Ine gnud will amnng val-inn»: seclinni in this cmmtry than pussihly any Olhl r man could do. ' Dr. McLean, Lihvml candidate for Centre York. has addressed the ful- ln\_v_iug__lotm-rl[n his (‘zunstituentSkm MY DEAR Simâ€"As you are douht- less aware. the appointnwnt of Mr. Art-h. Campbell to the Senate has mum-(l :1 \‘ncnncy in the representa- tion for Centre York, in the House of Commons. 0n the 23rd inst. you will he- culled upon to exercise your fran- chise in elvcling a rppresenmtivm As a. rrsident physician of \Voodr biling for twentyâ€"Six years, I have hf'l-‘ll closely associate-d with tho affairs of this riding. I am making a duin Plfurt to pm-sonnlly see as many of the ulvctors as ihe limited time will per- IniL. I desire to address you in He form of this hrirf letter and to ie- spvctfully soliriL your vote and in< fluvnce to elect (no as your represent- ative in the Home of Commons. 1 might, state that I am in hoarty act-old with the policy of the :idliiilii~‘- [ration of the Right Honolnhle Sir \Vilfrid Lnurior. whosojudicious man- agenwnt of public affairs (lurng the hut eleven years has rn-snlted in the material progress and prosperity tln-oughoub the whole Dominion. 1 have been unanimously selected hy a large and represzntntive convention of I‘llH'l‘illS as their candidate. and if I have the honor of heing eh-cterl as the lepresvntative of Gentle Yolk. I shall spare no effort to forwmd the interests of the county no.1 country generally. Belivremm Yours faithfully, P. D. MULEAN. \Vuodhridgo, Dec. 10. 1907. 'Il‘he Sabbath School at Hope is hav- ing its (lln'istnms tree entertainment next Friday mpning. A programme will be ghen by the children uf the sclmol. Themonthlymeetingnf the \anen's Institute- was held lust, “Wednesday at; the bunn- (If Mrs. '1‘. Cousins. The subject “Uln-ishnas Ideas", was dis- cussed by the members. Miss Myrtle Saigenn with a friend from Tun-unto spent from Friday ull Mnnday at her home. Here is :1 simple home-made mix- ture as given by an mninunt authority on Kidney (“50;ISL‘S, whu makes the statement, in a New Yurk daily news- paper, that it will relieve allnust'any case of Kldnvy trouble if taken be- fore the stage of Bright’s disease. He- states that suvh symptmns as lame back, pain in the side. frequent desire tn urinate. especially at night; pain- nun 0'1“ ful ily it: '1‘ DR. MCLEAN’S LETTER. uriun and d 1 ll) SAVE THIS ANY\\'AY )Lllt‘ espe< lourv Maple. teciully at M; red urinatlon Here is the 1 L‘I'S- nu with a friend ‘n “noâ€"halt} § “1' HM. ful (illll('(‘:§ lhlw; ufim‘ ; i a, S try by shaking Well in a bottle. This mix- ture hasa peculiar healingandsoothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urin- ary structurv. and after. nvel-cmnes the Wurst fnrms of Rheumatism in just a. little whilv. This mixture is said m nunnve all blond disorders and rurv lhv Rheumatism by forcingthPKidneys [0 ï¬lter and strain from U]? lnluurl mul- sysm-m all uric acid and foul. devnnzs pnsvd “Inst? math-r. which cause them- nfl’lictions. 'l‘ly it. if you aren‘t wvll: Save the presm-ipliuu. ANNIVERSARY. Anniversary sermons will he preach- ed in the H1er Methodist church nu Sunday. Dec. 29. it, 33:30 p.ln. and 7 :1“ p.m., hv Rev. A. P. BI-acu. B. D. A free-will uï¬ei-ing will he taken up at. each sen-vice. The chair will he assist- ed by Mr.. lllls., and Miss Lelia Rey- nnlds. of Aurora. and Mr. H. Galloway of Toronto. most i teliigent people to use oniy m i ineï¬ oi newn composition. Then.» fore t. is 1113 Dr. Pierce‘s medicines. the o w ich print. every ingredient. entering o hem upon the bottle wrap- pers and an 5 its correctness under oath. are daily gr 'ing in favor. The com position of, D . Pierce‘s medicines is open , L_:__ AAAâ€"Ana W xgn turned fullv E6 ieverybbdnyr. Pierce conï¬dehj; nized Being who iy ma e of the active medicinal principles extracted from na- tive forest roots. by exact ~processes original with Dr. Pierce, and without the use of a drop of alcohol, triple-reï¬ned and chemically pure glycerine being used in- stead in extracting and preserving the curative virtues residing in the roots employed, these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doing harm by creating an appetite for either al- coholic beverages or habit - forming drugs. Examine the formula on their bottle wrappersâ€"the same as sworn to by Dr. Pierce, and you will ï¬nd that his "Golden Medical Discovery," the great. blood-puriï¬er, stomach tonic and bowel regulator-the medicine which. while not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced stages (no medicine will do that) yet does care all those catarrhal condi- tions of head and throat, weak stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak lungs and hangâ€"on-coughs. which, if neg- lcctcd or badly treated lead up to and ï¬nally terminate in consumption. Take the “Golden Medical Discovery " in time and it is not likely to disa point you if only you give it a thoroug L and fair trial. Don‘t expect miracles. It won‘t do supernatural things. You must exercise your patience and persevere in its use (or a reasonable length of time to get its full beneï¬ts. The ingredients of which Dr. Pierce‘s medicines are composed have the un ualiï¬ed endorsement of scores of medic-a loadersâ€"better than any amount of lay, or non-professional. testimonials. They are not given awa to be experi- mented with but are sold y all dealers in medicines at reasonable prices. Londqn and Lancashure Ass. TheLondon Mut- ual and British AmericaFire ins. Cos. Lrno xcineg [Single copies, 3 cts. COMMON SENSE RICHMOND HI LL Farm Implements DEERING AGENT FOR upon his formulae. being and {Siï¬mwn tï¬e mbr iLie 'com bging ErinvesmgT No 23 dash-bug [6n