Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1907, p. 4

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E119 “flibcmi. Those who attended both political meetings in the Masonigfiflal‘l had a good opportunitv of judging the ad- dresses by Hon. Mr: Graham and Hon. Mr. Foster. The former was pleased to talk on large questions such as the postal department, and railways and canals. The latter kept pretty clear of those questions, but was elcquent in telling his hearers why Hon. Arch. Campbell was elevat- ed to the Senate. ‘ The three Conservative speakers Monday evening gave as a chief reason why the electors should not vote for Dr. McLean next Monday, that: the Liberals promised to abolish the Senate and had not done so. We believe that the Senate could be very well dispensed with. but neither Mr. Foster, Mr. Borden nor any other prominent Conservative has ever advocated the abolition of the second chamber. Hon. Mr. Foster‘s picture of the Canadian farmer bound down with ropes and chains in the form of the "people's taxes" was not appreciated by the many well-to do farmers pre- sent. The Laurier Government has given the farmers a lower tariff with yearly surpluses, whereas the former Conservative Government had a high» er tariff with deficits year after year. The farmers of Centre York will make no mistake in voting for Dr. McLean, who will be a supporter of the most progressive Government this country has ever seen. RICHMOND HILL. 0812. Dec. Victoria Hall. Thnrnhul, was (‘1 owdâ€" ed with Centre York electors. Monday afternoon, when Relurping Officer R. NOM'INATED FOR CENTRE YORK rhonk {n17 $100 in : Ere St. E. The TH ed to uclmuwh-dge A dvpntntiun of Club waited 011 (h (‘d the use of (,1 afternoons. at n. afternoon it is nsr be frnm 3.30 In 5 (7 The 'l‘renslu-or p A be frnm 3.30 In 5 o'clock. The 'l‘rensuror presented the mmual l‘l‘pnl'l’. of the receipts and expenditure of the village tn Dec. 15. On motion the Clerk was instx-nctvd tn have 100 eupios of the same printed fox dis- Lrihutiun. ‘rmlncil adjourned to meet at the A tickling Cuugh. from any cause. is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm~ less and safe, that Dr. Shnop tells mothers everywhere to give it; without hesitation. even to very ynung hahos. The wholesome green 19:1 ves and tender stems of a lung-healing nmuntninuus shrub. flu nish the curative pl-npm-tivs to Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and hauls the sore and sensitive hrunchial membranes. Nu unimn. nu chlnrnfm-m. nothing ha sh the cough, and heals sensitive ln-unchial mer opium. nn chlm'ufm-m, Y usnd tn injuw or suppre I-vsim-us plant. extract. heal aching 11 this shrub wh Sacred Herh‘ Shnnp's u Sanderson all of the revive DON Q'T BE DEC ELV ED. VILLAGE COUNCIL. h Cur Treasurer w ige sumo. \vi of [he Ludi the council the rink 1 a fee of ‘75 used: hour: '5 o‘clock. 1‘10 'l‘Iensul-er of the arkhum enclusing ud of wmk-nn Con- n-«surer \ 'ns instruct- -sume with thanks. the [.udies‘ ankev e council and “Main- 10 rink nu Mnnduy fee of ‘75 cunts each *d: hours uf play tn The Spnni .he Dnctm- us Alwavs dvm A. J. HUME, Clerk 19. 1907 lug bars Simply pl 1‘ be Dr. Capt. Wallace’s Meeting. Speeches by Mr. Gamey, M.L.A. Hon. G. E. Foster, and the The Musnnic Hall “ms put-km] Man- daly evening when :1 meeting was hold in support of Capt. T. G. \Vullmw, flu- (Junsm-vntive candidate in tho Centre York elvetinn. The chair was fillrd by Mr. J. H. Sanderson. and the spunk- (-‘I'S of [he m‘vning wore Capt. \Vullmro, R. R. Gumey nf Manitoulin and Hun. Mr. Foster. The stage was nean du- mmith with flags, :1 picture uf King Edward, etc. After singing the Natinnal Anthem Capt. \Vallace was the first to speak. ,He briefly stated the cause of the elec- tinn. which was owing to the lute mem- ber Mr. Arch. Campbell, getting a seat in the Senate. The Laurier Gnvel'll- Inent should hedismiSSed because they had brnken all their prmnises made be- fore they were elected to power in 1996. They promised that if returned they would abolish the Senate. But had they dune so? No. but they had made Mr. lainpbell n senatm. They made provincial rights part “1' their platform, but, they afterwards passed the. Autonomy Bill in the North-\Vest. He said that disgraceful scanduh had taken place at, Ottawa. and these he would endeavour tn reetify if he Were elected a member of Parliament. He believed in Public Ownership and the platform laid dmvn by Hun. Mr. Bur- den. the lender (If the uppnsikinn, and asked for the support uf the electors on the 23rd of December. Mr. R. R. Gamey. M. L. A. was the next to address the meeting. He said he was pleased to he in the riding to assist his friend, Capt. \Vallaue, a young man who should make an ex- cellent representative" The Liberal party had given pledges previous to 1896, which they had not carried out. He had no (ltlllllt Sir Wilfred Laurier intended fulfilling those pledges. but he found out he could not do so. The Liberals claimed when in opposition that the general expenditure of the 'country was too high. but when they got into power they spent far tnme than did the. Con- servatives. He would expect the, ex- penditure to increase, but. allowing for the needsand growth of the population the expenditure was 'far Loo great. They didn’t, abolish the. senate though they said they would. The “'hilnn-y Government made. pledges and had carried them out. The Ross Govern- ment, had made pulp concesflons to their-friends. but the \Vhitney Govern- ment, advertised for Lenders and saved thousands of dollars. The Dominion Government had fitted out an ice hunt, on the River St. Lawrence in an ex- travagant manner paying mer $60 for milk jugs. They Were equally extrm a- gain, in cream jugs. champagne glasses, soup plates and ice pitchers. Some- body had made enormous~ profits. and he had no doubt some of this money was passed back to the Government to he used in election campaigns. The LaurierGovernment was a corporation ‘Guvernment. Some of the ministers should he [tuned out for not; lu-haVing themselvw. They divided 'the lands among grafters and made man like Hon. Clifford Sifton rich. He appealed to those present to vote for Capt. Wallace. Hon. Mr. Foster complimented the previnus speakers nn their addresses. Mr. Gamay he had heard for the first time. He. was pleased to see 50 many ladies and young men present. The election was hrmght on because Mr. Campbell was nut given a seat, in the V cabinet. lf Dr. McLean is elected it \vithe an indication that you apprm'e of the. acts of the Laurier Government. The Government received a thlY last week in lusmg C(vlchester, N5. It was necessary to have a strong opposi- tiun. V Mr. Fnster next drew a picture tn represent the Canadian farmer tied dnwn with ropes and Chains in the form of high taxation. The Liberals had broken all their pledges made in 1893, and promised either to end or mend the senate. They had done neither but were filling the vacancies with their friends. some of whom were octngenarians. The Liberals boasted uf a large snrplus every ycal, but how did they get it? By taxiugjhg people. The taxes came out of your pockets. In conclusinn Mr. Foster asked for a heal ty support of Capt. “'allace. the representative of a party that would give cl ‘an, hnnes governnn-nt. (Jan- ada is 21 a good pnsi'uium Give us a I lift next, Monday and help Canada by ada is 51 a good finsi'uium Give us a. lift next Monday and help Canada by helping Capt. \Vulluce. The meetingplosed with the usual cheers. ‘ Christmas thoughts cm econmny thoughis me fL Atkinson & Switzer’s Fan Ono dollar is a small sum to inve \vllen it, is considered what wunderf value can be had if properly placed. dollar sent now to the Family Hera and \Veekly Star. of Montreal. “7 mean that cxery Week during 1908 Y( will receive the hrs: fnnuly _and_f:u~1 Herzl] wand afiulf enij ll! 11L“ GC ceiv «per 1 am Thu ibi Hon. G. E. Foster. 1‘. Foster complimented the Lankt-I'S nn their nddtesws. y hp had hem-(1 for 1110 first was pleusvd to see so nmny n\| candidate. }OOD .INVESTM E he “'1 tithe] ‘y to have a strong opposi- nstm- next drew u pic-tun- thP Canadian farmer tied ropes and chains in the \Vepkly such u- {lint ts combined with He found around ‘5 Fancy Goods. )l‘ Star 'et; it th wf )I mtre 36 A mot-Ling fur the formal organiza- tirm uf Um Lndivs Hm‘key Uluh “’ils lwld lust Thulsdny anftvrnmm. The following nfiicvrs were vlectud: Hun- m-m-y President. Mrs. T. M. Hmu-y; President. Mrs. A. Savagv; Viru- Prosident, Miss Lgmon. B. A.; Set-re- tary-'I‘reusurer. Miss Edwards; Man- ;lgt-mcnt Gmnmittw, Misses \\".Hmm>. L Duncan, Juan Boyle, Hamel Swit- The following tennis weie chosen: N0. 1. Captain. Miss E. Switzer; Nu. 2. Miss G. Lynett; gnu]. Miss Marjorie Boyle, Miss LPumn; Point, Miss M. Tlenvh. Mrs. Savage; (:nverâ€"pmnb. Miss L. Lvnless. Miss L. Duncan; fur- wnrd fin». Miss S. Murphy. Miss Ed- wards. Miss Jenn Boyleâ€"Miss \V. Humv, Miss O. Mnrtsnn, Miss Agnes Bnylv: referee, Miss Annie Boyle. A tin-cling of the club is cullvd for hill?" past two, Fliduy aftm-nunn. at the High School, Lu discuss the Cunn- cil’s hlfvr fur the rink. Anyone desir- ous of jnining lrhl‘ Clnh may do so, and will he welcome at nur meeting. SECRETARY-TREASURER. Amateur night will he observed each Friday night at the Gayety ’l‘heatte. Toronto, at the conclusion of the regular performance. Amateurs from all over Canada are invited to show what they can do on the stage of the handsome Toronto playhouse. The establishment of a National Thea- tre, where American) talent shall pro- vitle the enteitainment in all its branches, has long beenle aim of the Columbia Amusement Company, with whom the Gayety is associated, which promises that amateur performers will be given an opportunity to be seen by the public. and by the theatrical man- ageis looking for clever acts. It goes a step further and agtees to hook for its own extensive eilcuit the acts which to the judgment of the tesident manager appear good enough for pro- fessional engagement. The advant‘ age. of this liht-ral ufl‘er cannot fail to appeal to those. who have dramatic aspirations. It may be the means of opening the door to a theatrical ca» ‘ reer. A chance tn he seen is the oh-‘ stale which amateurs find so difficult to overcome; at the. Gayety Theatre this stumbling block will he removed each Friday night. Fame on the stage. is often made in a single night; the strength of a sketch, monnlogue, acrobatic or musical act cannot be de- termined until seen. Amateurs this is your chance. Gash prizes amount- ing to $15 will be awarded the contest- ants so that those who really have talent will be reimbursed for any ex- pense that they may have incurred in presenting their act. The Colum- hia Amusement Company, under whose management the Gayety Thea- ,.tre is conducted, (I erates forty thea- tres and forty road ampanies and its influence is powerful. and the scope of its operations extensive. Amateurs desiring to appear are re- quested to send their name and ad- dress to Thus. R. Hem-y, Mslnagw. Gnyt-ly Thvatre. Toronto, Ont., and they will he untifiS'SLUPUH what date they can appear. IMPORTANT T0 AMATEURS. LADIES' HOCKEY CLUB an." he illustrations otrtbis‘issm auctions from the actual phs, the reality of which 31 public will appreciate. u-nghly appreciated. we - readers t0 secure and c (1 this splendid holiday ich goes complimentary}: A CHRISTMAS GREETING. per copy ; tennis wele chosen: Miss E. Switzer; Nu. 2. ; gnu]. Miss Marjorie mun; Point, Miss M. Snmge; cnverâ€"pmnb. ‘ Miss L. Duncan: fur- reciate. To he ted. we advise re and carefully holiday number photo iscern This publication has mudv gI-e-ut stride-s under the new nmlmgvumnt. The Dvcmnher numlym- cmmisLs nf thirty-six pages of bright. intorosiing umLLvr. Cupiunsly illustrutvd. The special fmtm-t-s uf this issuv. whit-h is at Holiday Number, are “Mt-smgos ft nm the Chm-ch03.” illmstrutq-d Ivy puny-nits of the )e-atlexgs of the evangelical d9- nmninatinns, and "Mvssn m from \Vu- men." with portraits l-f wading Unn- udian wman wurkvrs. A u-pI-odno- Lion uf "Eventidv," J. “V. L: li‘t»1~st}-x"s tvion uf "Eventidv," J. “V. L. Flush-1’s hilt-st painting. is Well \vmth framing. Judge [{outhim- gives :1 lnstm-y of the writing of the Chant Nutinnnl and this is :xcnnmfmnied by a new arrange- Inent. nf Lavnllvv’s pivu» by Mr. lid- wmd Browne, of the TUI'UDU) Cun- sorvutory. An illustrated article cl»- Scrihvs le pl-mlnvtiun of the “stuff of life" in an ux-tnâ€"dnte hrth factory. Two m'iginnlg shunt stem-it’s. rvnp hv l‘he-odm'v Roberts and another by S. Deu'idsun. another Canadian writer, are in ndtlitinn to the «vthm' fiK'LiOl). The nthm' dppnrtnlents nf tlw Journal are! full. as usual, of crisp, interesting. plat-lira] puinters for the hnlnP. 'l‘lw nmraltnne ()fIthinI is such as should exercise a wlmlesmne influence where- ever it; guns. It. is issue-ll by the ‘mnadian \Vnmpn's BIagHPinr‘ Puhlish ing (10., Limited, 5’.) John Street, Tux-onto. , Infant’s “Bustm Brown" knittrd worsted Swvutvr, Imttnnml (lmvn hunt and ht-lt all :n-unnd, (‘ulm-s Cill‘tlilwl. and navy with Cardinal. $.35. Atkinâ€" snn & Swim“: +++++++++++++++++++++M++f b+++++++d°++++++++++Â¥++++++ LECTION. MONDAY, DEC. 23, 19.07 Your friends may come just before thas and present you with a hand- some gift. \Ve likely have somPthing quite suitable to give in return. Unexgected TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS am. Any no lending a sketch and description may quick ascertain our opinion free whether an mvemlon is probably atentahlo. Commuana. tions strictlyconfldent 3.1. HANDBOOK on Patents pent. tree. Oldest azency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann & Co. recalve marital 11021.06. without. charge. in the .-4-, m,....§--.. 3M. 5, WE v'-'â€""â€"â€"â€"v wâ€" .v A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest, ctr- culatlou of any scienuflo journal“ Terms for Canada. $3.75 a, year. postage prepmd. Sold by all newsdemers. MAIN"; £6036: EE““1".‘T£:!ۤWXQVK Silver cake dish ., . . .. . . Silver syrup jug. with tray. . . . . . .H. . . . . . . China biscuit jar . . . . . . . . Sterling coffee spoons . . . . Sfiéfiiiiiélfifififigfi’ESQfifig Fancy ink-stand, gold plut- [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ $3.00 “Hill In! UUo' " nun u v- Branch Omce. 625 F St" Washington. D. C. YOUR VOTE AND ) INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY I SOLICITED FOR Electors cf CENTRE YORK JERRY SMlTH n" kllittt‘d dmvn front ’3 cunlinnl. .35. ALkin- @Ezriafinam at Smfime PCI’fll/‘IZES of Quality Small Cost Eiegant Perfumes gm S mug SW6 Peopie of taste like a nice perfume See our stock of cut glass and case perfumes, Our selection was never more complete, ranging from 25c. to $++++M++++++$+é+++++++++~h ’1' The Old Rename § A tew Choice Dolls leit. Comb and Bring}: :ifâ€"Pé‘M'E-i'fi‘++~P++++++++++++++fl fifianicure Shaving: Sets Now is the time to seiect, and we will be glad to show you our goods. Drugqist - Richmond H'ilI Among the many things to choose as an Xmas gift is the old re- liableâ€"a gold watch and chain. Remember, we do not sell cheap watches, but the kind that is worth more than you pay tor. etc., at. the Maplg Maple,theprop91‘t Sale at 12.30 p.m. Oct. 1, 1908. Self AucLioneex-s. Highest grâ€"ade Waltham. movement, in same case as above, $17.85. Highest grade W a 1 th 21 in movement, in 14k solid gold case, $28.55. silver case, 5 Ladies’ size, Waltbam move- ment. in gold-filled case, war- ranted for 25 years. $12.50. Highest grade Waltham movement. in same case as JERRY SMHTH TUBDAY. Dec, ar-loud of heav Did you ever hear of PRICE 11 If; Goldâ€"filled l( 4.00 to $10.0( Subscribe for rusheg: Cloth, Hat, and Hai , Waltham movement, in coin A dclightful 0d Auctio )n LIBERAL d1 CrPdit Sale of a. 11ft. horses, cults. Jeaf hotel yards. )fJ. H.Brillinger. arms, credit until um & McEWen, Sales

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