The Victoria Square Puhlic St'hnul um having a closing Concert tu-mon-mv afternoon. Children’s wool (-lunds. in plain m!- m-s. Culdinnl and white, 25. 40, 50c. Atkinsun Sc Swilzer. Mirmes Lizzie and Helen Bensmx have wLm-ned hnmu after making u want with relalhes in Turontn. Mrs. E. McMahon and Mrs. E. J. Quanta and sun of Aurora spent, Thurs- (lny nt Mr. T. F. McMahon s. The High :url I’Illllic schools here will ulnse rnâ€"mnrrmv (Friday) uml will re- open Mnnduy the: (5th of January, Tho. \annn's Guild uf St. Mary's Church n-pnrls Lhe pmcoeds uf their recan mile uf Work to be $1.20. Me flibmfl. Christmas dinner will taste him-'1' if sm-ved m1 Atkinson & Switzt-r‘s beau- tiful china. Hemlfm-d Mnllmdist, Sunday School are gh ing an PXCPHPIIL Xmas 'l‘ree en- turluimnent next Monday evening. 23rd. RIC-I)! um Hum, ON'I‘.. Dvc. 19. [907 Lmt-A guld masonic “Chapter†em~ blem. sh 1le of .‘l. key-stone with eight ll-Ltm-s (m .1 circle in tht’ centre. Re- wan-d at, “THE LIBERAL.†Mrs. C. G. Derry. Tm-rmtu, and Mrs. Rogers. neur lEdmnntnn, eldest daugh- ter of the late Dr. Mum-Hun spent yesterday with M rs. G. \Viluy. MI. A. Mt-Ks-nzie of Dnuglns, Ont. will preach in SL. Andn-w’s and St. Paul's, Vaughan. on Sunday. the 29m of December. The Lvnguv asks all who are subscrih ing for the News (21 Ham-Wing suh- scripLinns ln endnrw (hv voting slip fox Mr. Rulnsa'y Sinclair nf Stouï¬villv. Hung up tlw lmhy's stacking and ï¬ll it will) Alkinsuu & Swilzvl's loys. designed especially for the wee (mes. As Christmas and New Year’s full on n \Vetlneslluy Dr. H. \V. Andmsnn. dentist, will Hut, \‘lSlt Richmond Hill px-nl’vssiunully until \lestday, the bth day of J illlllzll'y. Thn-ro will he no Epwm-th Lenguv Servin nch Munduy. Thv nexL meet- ing \sill ln- hulll un Tuesday, Dec. Bist. when the League will take charge nf bhe \Vatcl) night. svrvice. An emergent meeting of Richmond Lodge A.l<‘. & A.M. will he held uIl Friday (lo-nmn'nw evening) for the NIPPOSH of initiating a candidate. {eh-eshmenls at, [he cluse. Fancy navel oranges. 3 sizes, at 2:3. 35, and ~15r. duz. Patlurson’s funcy chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes. Atkinsun 65 Switzvr. The mllsical cmnmitu-‘e of the Sun- day Schuul at Victoria Square are sparing no pains U) have their Xmas '1 re? Cantata in grand shape for next Tuesday evening, 24th Dec. The limited club rate of one dollar 1' year for Canada’s Humorous Vockly lasts the balance nf this year. Send in your suhsm-iptinn. The \Vhile Lyra. Dinecn Bldg" Tux-unto. Mr. “'m. Martin has pu whut is knuwn as the Hub property. about a mile south village un [he Mil led. Mr. will not occupy ll) place until Ladies klmmms. in fancy stitch, (‘01- ors whiu- with blue. cardinal with white; price $2.40. Atkinson & Swit~ zer. A meeting of he held in MC this (Thursday interested are 1‘ as skips :uc tul Modal. At a. meeting of the Board of Educa- linn yvstcrdzly Mrs. MoUonaghy’s salary was raised from $300 to All {he othx were re-ehg: uries. Mr. H. A. Nicholls reports that Mr. Jacob Eyer has sold his farm on the 2nd Can. of Markham tn Mr. Charles L‘xmliskv of Cobalt. The price paid was $3,300. Mr. Cumisky moves here In the spring. Yesterday‘s Gluher porn-d a. robbery at the hardware sung uf Messxs. Pad- gett, & Huy's. Uuiunville. It; is said Unit hm-glursvbtnined anticlus valued at $1.500, hy cutting it hole in the winan of-Lh’e frunt door during the night. G0 to Atkinson & Switzer‘s for lnjst- 'alue in Raisins. Currants. P Figs, Dates, Nuts, Sug:u-s,’1‘cus, Some good work was done in the Lorne HullTuesdzwevening in the pre- liminary practice luv the cnupl'mg cou- tvst for prizes by members of the Fire Brigade. The fastest time. namely 1 minute 9 seconds. waanzlde by B. 'ewtou and J. Tifl‘in. Trial Cntnnh nailed out free ~lmnp, Racine, ‘ u owing to the p Ly‘s oustâ€"the ,cie-ntiï¬c presuri :iets evorywhom Sold by \ A]Ju‘. y'gn. Martin >hus__pm~phused f the Curling Club will cDmmld‘s harness shnp 5') evening at 8.30. All rvqnested m be present be selected for LheSmiLh h .trezxtxnellts are. being we. on receipt, by Dr. », \Vis. 'l‘hosv tests are penple pleâ€"wiflwut a pen- out value of this ion known to drug- 5 Dr. Shunp‘s Rem. A. Sanderson. the Hlxtchinsnn (If this Martin spring. - the 'eels. and I The sprvicesih [lu- Mvthndist Chm-ch . next Sunday will lm uf grth ilILl-m-st. 'S Pcinlmusicalpmgrmnswnllln-rvndvr- I!‘( at. Hluh service by the choir. In I the morning the service will be taken : by RM‘. AL 1’. Bruce. B.D. who will ', Luke- fur his subject: "\tht Xmas gift 'spe-uks the lmulosl?" In the swelling va. E. Humid Tuye will preach on I “Xmas Joy. Fule and True. By an art-nngvnwnt with the publish- ers Rev. Ml. Bruce has succemlvd in gg-ttiug a large numln-r of the “Sum-v- 1H1" Bunklt-t" uf Hu- Melhudist Church l't-optming. Any desiring to uhtuiu some to send us Christums gifts mm gilt; them at THE LIBERAL ()ï¬iuv. W- A. 'Suudersm'l's drug store. and Atkin- EUH (Y Swilzt-r’s at 250 each with em-el- opes of prayer side fur mailing. Examine our ant‘s Brave-r OVCI'A cunt, fur-lined, Pvrsian hunh collar. \Vntex-pI-(mf inlm‘lining, at $35. AL- kinsun 55 Swilm-r. Mrs. \V. H. Findlev’s mother Mls. Luckhvm-t (If Bickfm‘d, Mich. and two daughters Mism-s Irene and Laura. arrived Tuesday to spend Christmas with Mrs. FindIt-y. the fnrmer's duughtvr :11, JCï¬Pl'SUh. But: on their arrival thry rem-ind the sad news of the serious illness nf Mls. ’1‘. Russell. st. Luckheurt’s daughter at, Sund- ridgv. Ont. Av'cumpnnie-d by Mrs. Findley Hwy hfo for Sundridge in the midnight lruin. Hnnvycnmh shmxls, cI-lul‘s black, white. and groy. at. 750. and $1. At,- kinsnn & Switzvr. “'9 have always made a. special Pï¬tll‘t to he on (up with our Christmas meats. This your we me nxcopliunally pmud afoul-display. Athough we haven‘t Glmlpli’s ï¬rs! plize steer. for usefulness in the eyvs of compete-nt- judges we have very much supel-iur lwef. \Ve pnirl onnrmuus [ii-lees but as usual will dlsll'llllllt‘ to mu- trade at a very mod- erate price. Every fumin in tnwn shuuld not fail to have some of this choice meat. Our stock :yf poultry will be large but, we are not able at the presvnt moment in quote prices. \Ve expect. thm to he roasnnuhle. Orders for cvlery mnnnt lw ï¬lled uftm- Sutur- (lny. Dec. 21st. Store closes Monday, “'ednesdny, Thursday, at 6 Glass Bl'os. “An old time (Thlktmus quty" into which, I‘vcimtiuns. from the [menus of Jarst “'itcmnl) Riley and others have been introduced. The cantata. will he fullnwed by a short misoellnne‘nus pro- gramme of drills. I‘PCitiltiUHS, etc. The (-hildren have the. wm-k well in hand and a u-x-y eujuyahle swelling is conï¬- dently 9x poets-d. Admission for adults 150. and fur child1~enlOc. Pl'tvgramme to begin at, 8 n’clnck. ' The main fmlure 0f the Christmas tree (Intertuinmmnt at th' Presbyterian Suhlmth Sc-hnul will he the cantata Mr. Hopkins, one of the partners of the Richmond Hill Creanwi-y, has just wturned from England. He reports that trade in the north of England is very good and that many more cream- eries are being established in the country. as the farmers ï¬nd the ex- pense of sending milk daily to the railway stations is very heavy. Hav- ing to purchase cows and and feed to keep up their supply is also a heavy item. The CI‘PHnll‘X‘lOS take out the cream and sell the skim milk in the cities. and when they have an over- supply of skim milk they sell it to the poultiy farmers 01' uthols, at a. cheap lute. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some Little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventits. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre- ventics. for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no quinino, no lux- nlive, nothing harsh or sickening. Taka at. tho "sneeze stage" Prevenï¬ ics :vill prevent Pneumonia. Brunchxt At the Epworth League meeting on Monday evening last a. Missionary de- bate kept interest keen during the evening. The subject was “Resolved that the Chinese are better equipped to meet the economic conditionsuf the 20th century than the Anglo-Saxons." The afï¬irmative was led heriss Lemon while the negative was championed by Miss Edw‘ards; Miss Trench and Mrs. Switzeg also took part. Miss Mabel Smith sang a solo. The League by resolution decided to endorse Mr. Rum- saySinclaii- ofStoul‘fville as a candidate for “The News Rmind-the-\Vm-ld Trip" for commercial ~tmvellex~s. Mr. Sin- clair promised to take, an excellent camera with him. if success meets his effort, and give us a lantern lecture trip round the World on his return. is. La GrippP. etc. Hence the name Preventics. Grmd fur fevelish childâ€" 1'9â€. 48 Preventics 2:3,centys. Trial lmxes S cts. Sold by \V. A. Sander- son. A case of interest to all parents. parâ€" ticularly to those in the countiy. was last week tried in Toronto. The plain- tiff in the suit. Mr. Jnseph Stephenson (if Thornhill. sued Mrs. Lvslie. of the county of \Vellington for ï¬ve years board and lndging of two of her child- 'i-en. whom she had left with the plain- tiff. The defence was that there was no intention on the p:u-tu1‘Mi-.Stephen- son to charge. and that his keeping of the children was purely voluntary. The taking of the evitlvnce occupied most of the day, when uan thendvice of thP judge, a settlz-ment was i-cached, which practically gaveitn the plaintiff all that of Tom‘ MONDAY. DECEMBER 23rd. rontl) C 1-1 It ISTM AS M EAT. SET I‘LED IN COURT tlxs “(1' f5] i! nt Mr. J. M. Laing, nix-village week- . and Mr. G fend-ant. PRSBYTERIAN CHURCH. I ‘3"?‘F+**++++++'§'+++HH+++++4‘P+++‘¥Q‘++'§“P+' Â¥+$+++H+H+++++ Theeholrnf the Presbyterian Church, I under the direction of Mr. J. Bulll‘l Newton. will proser the. fullnwing wen-in] music. Ohl-istulns Sunday. Dec. E :++++++++++++++++¢$$++++++ ++4'++++++++++++++++-E 'I' 3': _ I ++++++ ++++++ . Morning. OrganPrelude-Cunzrim-Ltn..Armatrung Umuls (“â€"0 little town of thhlehom , . . . . . Bm-nby u "(m-Christmas Bvlls . . . . . . Cruss (3)â€"-â€"\V9'l‘hree Kings of Orient Are . . . . . Stainer (Male Voices) (4)â€"-VVh:LtChildisThis. an‘hby (SJâ€"Theredwolt in Old Juduu . . . . . . . . . . . Jackson Anthemâ€"The First Christmas Murm . ‘ . . . . . . . .Nowton Supmno Soloâ€"Christmas Mnrn Hath Dawned. . . \Vooler Anthemâ€"Blessed be thH Lm-d Gud.. . . . . . . . . Simper Oï¬vrtm-y Snlnfl‘he \Vondruus (Soprano) Stm-y.. . . Lemmol Organ Pustlude~S )lendvnte Te hens... . . . . .Mozart Evening. Organ Pl'ellxde*P|")cessixmal Mal-ch . . . .Batiste Carols (1)â€"-It came upon the mid- night clean. . ..VVL-stlake (2)â€"â€"Huly night! peaceful nighLI. . .‘ . .. . Barnhy Anthomaln the Fields with their Flocks. . . . . . . .Bmckett Tenm- Soloâ€"Thn Gift. ... ... Bohrend Anthemâ€"Hark! \tht mean those Huly Vuicos.. . . . .Jeffers Ofl’m-Lory 8010â€" Before the Shop- (SopI-nno) herds came. . .Sudds Organ Pustludeâ€"Tbe Arm of the Lord . . . ..Hnydn MORTSONâ€"At Patterson. December 9, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morbsm). twin sons. - MICHAELâ€"In Richmond Hill. Decem- ber 13. to Mr. and Mls. J. Michael u SUD. MARRIAGES. LEEKâ€"BRODIEâ€"At the home of the bride's pat-Jen Ls. Hezldfm'd, on \Ve-d- nesdny. Decemhor 18, by Rev. A. P. Bruce. B. D., Mr. Albert, Leek to Miss Com Brndiv. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Brodie. MORTSONâ€"At Patterson. Monday, December 9. twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mm-tsnn. There is one cure itâ€"Aye It is a regular ; It quickly de: which caus« The unhealth healthy. The NOW THAT OUR XMAS STOCK IS COMPLETE, we’ll offer 21 CW suggestions for Xmas gifts:â€" Swell range House Shoe stock A nice Tie Pin m Cuff Links. A new-style Christy A ï¬ne in Umbrella A pair of Gloves. A suit of UDdCI wear. A pair of our special-priced Boots 01 House Shoes. is a good time to start. New term opens on Jan. 2nd. \Vrite for cat- alogue; mu' mndemtn rates and other advantages will intPI-est you. British American' Business College, Yonge and McGill Sis", Toronto. There is one thing that will cure itâ€"Ayer‘s Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthyscalp means a great deal to youâ€"healthy hair, no dan- drufl",no pimples, no eruptions. AFTER XMAS Duz overcoat combination of Suspenders, Arm Bands, and Garters. ï¬ne 110W We invite swelbdesigned Broadway Suit 01‘ F0? that Dandruï¬ )Z ARM. SAVAGE The best kind 0! a. testimonialâ€"- “ Sold for over sixty years.†Camel-hair House Coat Shirt. Linen Hundkorchie Tie. mm: by J. c. Ayer 09., 'ï¬dv’véii.'mai. Alla manufneturern of llars. DEATHS. BIRTHS. of Boots ‘ ‘s for szdi .‘l' ' {at SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. met our Xmas nd Shoes and out, bin. 'ï¬â€˜ +++~Â¥~§~+++++++é~é +++~§~+++++++ ++++++++H+H+M+++m*++'b Third ( One Buggytone set of harness, one DE BY MAIL BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTO. l’ructica. Mabticniutio n. Y. M. C. A. tree. 53.00 railway l“??? ++++++++++4§+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$ Mills untaix sum 1 en Dr. Langstgatf‘s ofï¬ce and the I Concession 0 Markham on the . ~ Mills sideline, a Lady‘s Chutel- saturday’ Januaty 23 nntainiug a pucke}1 haudFerphief ! Commencing at 10 a" I Is now at its height at our establishment. Going with a swing and force which is the natural result of our extensive preparations natural result of our extensive preparations for it, and the grand values we are offering. Nowhere can gifts be purchased to better ad. vantage than hereâ€"whether they be Fancy China, Toys, Novelties, Albums, Fancy Goods, Ladies Fancy Handkerchiefs, Col- lars, and Belts. Gent’s Collars, Ties, Suspenders. “ Fancy Fur-lined Overcoat. “ Black Beaver Overcoat. “ Fancy Tweed Suit, Regal Brand. or any of the other varied lines that ï¬nd such a ï¬tting and profuse representation through- out the store, all at money-saving prices. Holiday Buying Dec. 19, 1907. Richmond flill Hardwai’e Stare And assure you satisfaction in quality and price. Tinsnlithing in all its branches. For Sale 5"1'1’EI113ERAL OFF ICE mme & Swim? m Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. Lost The Up=t0=date Store Ranges and Heaters solicit your order for FARQL'HARSON. But. Yongc and . SMILES BRITISH 'C'ANADIAN EfliVISiï¬N - BURT. The no Daid {ext Sitting 0f Diwsion Gt 3, County of York, will In in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL wrougu'Shorthand. Comm: yid if this Duper montioued moor sls., Toronto. T. F. MGM A2103 AT COLLEGE )mmer‘ *H‘h‘ 9M!" urtt