Sharonâ€"u. m., 8.50; p. m., 4.50, 6.50. Queensvilleâ€"u. 1u.. 9.00; p. m., 5.00, 7.00. Keswickâ€"- .11)., 9.10; p.m.. 5.10, 7.10. Ronche’s )intâ€"a. 11)., 9.15; p. m., 5.15. 7.15. Jackson’s Point, Arriveâ€"a. m.,10.00; p. m., 5.40, 7.40. K'eswickâ€"a. m., 8.10; 6.10. Winter Time Table 1907 GOING NORTH "iié'wnm-ketâ€"a. m.. 7.40. 8.40, 9.40. 10.40, 12.40; p. 111., 2.40, 4.40, 6.40. 7.40, 8.40. 10.40. Jackson's Pnint, Leaveâ€"n. m., 7.45; p. m.. 2.45, 5.45. Rom-he's Pointâ€"u. m., 8.00; p. m., 3.00, 6.00. . A-.. I “JA 10.15. C. P. R. Crossing (Toronto). Lem-e, â€"â€"x. m. 6.00, 7.001. 8.00. 9.00. 11.00, p. 111., 1.00, 3.00,‘5.00. 6.00%, 7.00. 9.00. York Mills P. 0.â€"a. In. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15. 0.15. 11.15.; p. UL. 1.15 3.15, 5.15, 0.15, 7.15. 9.1-5. 1 8.35, p. 111., Richmbnd Hill~a. 8.45, 9.45, 11.45; p. In., 6.45, 7.45, 9.453. Sharonâ€"a. 11).. 8.30; Newman-ket-n. 111.. 9.00. 1.00; p. m., 1.00, 7.00. 0.00. 9.10, 11.10; p. 7.10. 9.10. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on unar- nlbe Sundays M9 9.. m. and 10.30 a. m. Mechanism Cnurchâ€"Bervicoa “10.30 a. m.. 3nd 7 p. In. Sunda School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thurs! ay. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M ~Mee¢a Mon- dny an 9:: nature gull mgon -., AA, ----_: __.I Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION 6.35, 7.33. 9.35. q \Vednesduy and Saturday evenings a late cur luau-s C. P. R. Crossing for Newman-lam and intenncdiute points at 1130 p. m. . Until lurtbernotive Malls will be closed M the Bwhmoml Bill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MOBNING.......... EVENING. ..6.35 Hours for issuing Money Orders MORNING . EVENING N. B.â€"Rogiatered letters must be handed in at least Fifi/eon Hinubes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closmg. Evoryl \Veduosduy and Saturday night a lute. car will leave Newmarket tnx- Toronto and intermediate points at 10.451). In. . H‘umwct with Suhmnbt-rg & Aurora Railway. In :ldditiml m the regular service he- tu'm‘n Nuwuru-keb uml Jackson‘s ln :ldLliLiml tn the regular service he- tu‘cvn vauru-keb uml Jackson‘s Puint. :1 special car will leave New- lnm'ket. «vex-y Saturday at 12.40 noun Iul' Jackson's Paint. -ué};;b“y;¢;;i;5Eigfch:éérvicea at: u I. m.,nnd 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesda evening. Roman atholic Churchfsprvices on alter- AReiiableAgent For ingz sells fruity other Church of En lungâ€":Senicea ntsp. m. lat. 2nd and 4th Sun ay. Third Sunday a: 11 a m. Prnnhvmrinn Churchâ€"Services at u a. m.,qnd PEE} UAR Lax-ets 5 Bond’s Luke Jot.â€"a. m.. 6.55. 7 55, 9.55, 11.55; p. m., 1.55. 5, 5. 55, 7.55, 9.55. Auroraâ€":1. m.. 7.15, 8.15. 9.15. 10. 2.15; p. 111., 2.15, 4.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8. 41 Queensvilleâ€"a. m., 8.25; p. m Au rumâ€"a. York Mills 1’. 0.â€"11. 111., 7.10, 10, 10.10, 12.10; p. 111., 2.10, 4.10, 10. 8.10. 10.10. Nul'Lb’l‘muntru. Arrivvna. 111.. 41). 9.40. 10.411, 12.11); p. 111., 2.41), 10, 7.40. 8.40, 10.40. Thm-nhill P. 0. \V l POST OFFICE NOTICE RICHMOND HILL and surround- cuunm?‘ tn 59!] our FAMOUS ERLESS APPLE TREES. A BIG RDY RED \VINTER APPLE that nn sight. also :1 general lim- of : arid ornamental twes. including - arid (mm 1‘ valuable und pay we tt‘l‘l‘itfll‘v- PELHAM NUI wars of High-gm OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster WANTED Village Directory. GOING SOUTH. MONEY ORDERS \V. H. MOORE. Manager m., 6.10, 7.10, 111., 1.10, 3.10, 5.10, ekly, C Sweet to Eat I A Candy Bowel Land". ‘ al “"983, including \lties. outï¬t free, exclu SERY CO 11)., '6.35. 1.35, 3.35‘ p. m., 6. 40, 3.40, 6.50. 3. 20, 3.45, 7. 45. 5.45, 5.35, 5.25, 50. 50, issue a policy free trom restrictions, with guarantee values and with protection and Investment all c0mbined. 4&ccident Policies from $Loo per year up wards. This 15 what every man should have. Mercantile, Western, Norwich Union, and York Fire All business will have my prompt attention. Write for rates and literature. » P. G. SAVAGE GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill AGENT for s Imp Looking for Xmas presents? We have a very assorted line of Skates, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Carvers, Scissors, Knives, Forks, Spoons, also Heaters and Ranges. PLE GUNFEDERMIUN LIFE ASSGGIMEBN Very suitable for presents at reasonable advance on cost. Jacob Eyer & Son Tmsmithiug of all kinds promptly attended to. Furnaces, etc. SA NT VIEW FARM Ltle and Irire Insurance nhill) has HO USE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. than in any other kind. and [hm-e is greater value in thnse We offer than is usually fuund ML those pricvs-â€"$8.00 to $16.00. is the best; our prices are not high. Single harness. all our own make. from $15.00 up. Heavy tram harness from $25.00 up. Blnï¬kets, Iluitts. gloves. hens. and other supplies at the lowest pl ices. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Lax-ets mam w. HEWISON Pain in the headâ€"pain unywhere. has lts muss. Pain iscongestion. pain is blood pressure-nothing else usually. At least. so says Dr. 81100)). and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. Tlmt hbletâ€"oalled Dr. Sheep‘s Headache Tahletâ€" coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers. Its eflectischarming. pleasinglydelightful. Gently. thgugb safely. it surely equalizes the blood circa:- latimr. If you have a. headache. it's blood pressure. If it's painful periods with women. s: If you are sleepless, restless. nervous, congestionâ€"blood pressure. That 51 certainty. for Dr. Shoop‘s Headache T It in 20 minutes. and the tablets Ksimply the unnatural blood pressure. ‘ Bruise your flug‘ swell. and pain yol gestion. blood pres bâ€"always. It‘s 8 There’s more comfort to be hm] in $85611 ()ur Harness Dr. Sheep’s 13:25 IF‘ur Robe RICHMOND HILT. 0f( y rccomnmn and No. 2 No. 4 PARRY SOUND .. WASHAGO .. TORONTO . 3.00 pm l0.Io am Observation-Dining Parlor Cars between Toronto and Parry Sound. sening monis a la carte. XDn-ily except Sunday. omen: All Smhions. also our. Kxu-J and Toronto and Union Station, l’nouu, Main 5179. 2.7-0'7 ) yr WINTER TIME TABLE. in enect Dec. 9. '07 NORTHBOUND TORONTO .. .. . VI ASHAGU . . . . PARRY SOUND TORONTO 8c YORK RAD- IAL RAILWAY In addition to the Rogular Service, cars will leave N. TORONTO fur NEW’MARKETM 2.0031_nd 4.00 p. In.» DECEMBER 215E to 25th (inclusive). LATE (JAR leaves N. TORONTO for NEVVMARKE'I‘ and intvrxlledinte paints at 11.30 p. m. LATE CAR leaves NEW’MARKET fur N. TORONTO and intermediate points at 10.45 p. m. 21-3 Also DECEMBER 31%qu J ANUARY Notice in creï¬iiars The Cl'vditm's of \Villiam Beatty. late of the. 'l‘mvnship uf Mai-khan) in the County of York, Fan'nwr, deceased. who died on m- nhnut the 26th day of September. 1907. are he! eby notiï¬ed Ln send to the undersigned by post, pre- paid, on ur befnre the 20th dny nf De- ce-Inber, 1907. full particulars uf their claims and the nature of s90uI-ity. if any, held by them properly veriï¬ed. Immediately nftor the mm of Dem-luâ€" her, 1907, the assets of tht‘ said deceas- ed will b? distributed numngst the parties entitled lhe-x-eLu. having u'gnld nnlv tn the claims of which the Ad- her, 1907, the ass: ed will I)? (list parties entitled ll uniy tn the clnil Ininistx-uuu-s sh; and all others w such distribution In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. Of \VILLIAH BEATTY, Deceased. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. mama). Richmond Hill, 0m. SPECIAL SERVICE THE SWDARD BAN K Superb Confectionery Just received a fresh suppIy Robertson Bros. famous Chocolates and Bon-Bonsâ€"the best of their class. Gladden the heart 01 your wife, children or sweetheart by taking a box home to day Prices 5c. to $2 50. Also a good variety of Fruits and Nuts at right prices tor the Xmas trade. mediater nftor the mm of U ‘, 1907, the assets of tht‘ said (1 will b? distributed numng: ties entitled lheretn. having 2 y to the claims of which th uistx-utnrs shall then have i all others will he vxcludud Metropolitan Division PARRY SOUND E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT FKAPLE. MARKHAM AND STOUFFVILLE 'ur Beatty. Ad HIGGINS & DOUI ‘ 1H) legp‘St. * John “"111. Beutty RiCHMOND HILL BRANCH SOUTH BOIJ SHORT I.le AND OF CANADA Head Office - - - - MUSKOKA $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT No. I x 9.00 am x .12.“ am 3.10 pm ISTABUSHED ‘ITO 31L L' lst. from ++++++++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ is now complete comprising Black and Blue Woxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best; quality. Low prices 4’ Location nf (Julie-g9: I (CurYunge and Alt-xnndersts 1 For sale at the C. Station, or delivared village:â€"â€"- STEAM COAL cattle and hogs. and highest possible price paid at the Elevator. “CANADIAN HtTUR’IA‘L†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE of current I ful and Clll'il square- inch- Appeals to ( Exquisitely printed ( pgpcr. Picturvs uf well- Appeals to Can lush-Med pupa: the English p AhsnluLely no solely to pleasé be see-n to be : a. cupy. One dd tmial Publishiu Montreal. NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE ' "Business Knowledge" and “Ever- : lasting Push" are two essentials to success. Attend FALL AND WINTER My Stock of Woolens for A. J. HUME, J. H. BAKER And prepare fnl' ï¬rst-class busi- m-ss positions such us :n-o "pen tn mu- stndn-nts. Hundreds of our students am going into gnud pusiï¬uns evvry year. Lvt, us train you fur one. “’9 will do it right. \VINTER TERM JPENS JANUARY 6. VVI'ile fur catn- lngue and 509 \VhPl‘l‘ill we excel ordinary business colleges. Bran and Victor Feed for All kinds of grain bought COAL ) file. Tailor. Richmond Hill TORONTO. ONT. Best Scranton For threshing engines. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal HIS ‘s “I pictures in ( Jaumdinns as the pers ()f Lnndnu 'oronto § of Ricuu'e penpl lpp lull: ++++++++M++++ uted or. ï¬ne coatt fwell-knnwn 00p! i, of things )eaul About one lhuusur inform coaL n in the great wow ; aim Must Pu