Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1907, p. 1

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._ wavy w , 4‘ /\-p ‘ OR. H. ‘ ANDERSON, ' . "on. ‘ $I per annum, In advance. _ .. . -._.. ._.._V.__,l_,h. “In Essentials, Unity,- iu Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." {Single copies, 3 cts, VOL. XXX. 7...-.. ..._ ,-.4-~ â€"«â€"â€"â€" r... _ .â€"â€",,- r... , ,: A in? “ Elie ‘éytbflfll (S PUBLISHEDEVEBY BHURSDAY MORNING “Mi Mulock, Lee, Milliken &. Clark I I AT THE . B , l E ~ ~ urnstus. Sn icitors. te. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBL SHIN USE I 6 "0 DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. RIOHMONDHILLvONT' S. IV. Corner King & Yonge Streets, . TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan utl Iuwcs! curwnt rate-s. G G S Lindseyfl C A G F In“ reuce W ltldout Wadsworth _> Lindsey. Lawrence & J. IRWIN ()ISSIDY Wadsworth. \l M my Q ‘ Barristers,Sclluitors. Notaries, ac. l 1“ _ . . . ‘ Home Life B 'ld' f ' I'l ' F‘0 (nadu-lte of 'I‘rnnl Medical (Jolie 9 m mg. ( mm” :1 "e and Univm‘ity‘ TUKIMU‘ MHHIWP if hold L\oap Bldgzl. (an. Atlvlflldt‘ & College of Physicians and Surgeons of “Low.” .bts“ Tm‘mto‘ Ontario and New York. ”" “‘"NL'MM’ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 'ro DIS- EASES on THE HEART AND LUNGS AND J' L A 'ro \\ onus AND CHILDREN. Barrister' Solicitor‘ Etc. Chico and Residence- forulcrly (I(.":ll pied by Dr. Boyd, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Office. south-cast vor- ner of Lorne Bldg., every Thursday - afternoon. 1'. F. MoMA'HON. Burton £5 Paoenrn‘on. - BUSINESS CARDS. ‘illi‘ill. Phone Main 2984 glottal. Toronto Office, 36 Toronto street. “WILLIAM COOK Ger. Carlton and Yonge Sts.. BARRISTER’ SOLICITOR! NOTA RY. ETC. Toronto Toronto Office, 33 Richmond St. Will he in Richmond Hm on \Vei- Wes" “'“Sloy B“”‘“"qs‘ 1)entist, nesday of each week. BRIEhlmlml Hm Offices Slandilfll Office, next door north of Stand- “:3” Bluldmgv 8"91'3' bi‘llll'dél)‘ after- ard Bank. Ma le, Thur ‘d: 'i - 031cc Hoursâ€"3.303.. m. to 5 p. m. p 5 l) lftmmmn. Money to loan at. Five Per Cent (57;). «7-, . LENNOX A.ITORGAN, Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan enland andchcttel mortgogesat lowest rates ' Auroraofliceâ€"nemoved to the old post omc.’ one door west of the entrunc Ontario Hunk e to me Newmurket otilceâ€"Three doors south of the post oilice T 3131:3331 szuox G 81V Honour ~ Aurora. Newmurket “fl ;jt_..........“ JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘llornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Danton. ann & Boultbee Barristers, Sr nlictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada. ‘ J. H. SANO‘fiiSON’, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL edls by day and night. promptly ut- tendcd to. FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF 1. ll. PI entice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yo k (lqus call on consignment Genfirul mice not: etc promptly sttendedto at renao 01 total Residence Uuionville n. t G 1‘ 6"“1‘Im". Newton 13- , above ° 100k. or out {or the Phone Main 311. IAS. N EVVTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN 311L142; J 'l‘ Saigeou. J K McEwen gap» Weston Salgeou & McEwen. Licensed .\ :ctionoers (ox-the Count.on York. 8 ties uttendodto on ahortestnoticeund I. reu- gonable M. "TEE'FY. NOTARY PUBLIC, aoumsalonnnxu In: HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. I . ‘HTA. NICHOLI s WRIGHT BROS. NOTARY PUBLIC Undertaken-s & Emhaimers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A lrlrge stock of Funeral Furnishin kept at both places rates Patronage solicited o. G. BLOUGII, Linens e Auctioneer for the County of Yor r re- pectiully solimts your patronage and friendly Influence soles attended on the shortest notice and at gazisonubcmtes. P. 0.3ddress King Commissioner. (‘ouvcjv'ancelz etc. Illsurunm‘. and Real Estate Issncr of Mn: riagc Licenses. g Riohmonc. Hill I . . g: urn. _ Â¥ ~7__ “A ‘_V_A{ J. EDWARD FRANCIS ‘ HE [] NOTARY PUBLIC ' ~3“»‘\\\‘-’l~‘lt'\‘ - ~-: 2.».- _ . COMMISSIONER. (‘U.\'\'l{Y.\.\‘CER. En: Planlst AGENCY HoYAL AND BRITISH; ‘ AMERICA ASS. COS. ‘ Instruction in Pianmplaying and 1 REAL ESTATE, ETC. I THORNHILL Theory Flllhil of A. S. Yogi. Mus. Doc. (Piano) and .I. II. Anger. F. R. (‘. 0. (Theory ). Money to Loan. THE PALMER HOUSE 1 “curvy in loan. at 5:. por cent. firm-v an ummodalion for the lnh lost on hrst mortgach -farm ' 7 property. ‘ I ll':l\‘t‘lllllg public. Good rooms tor Apply (‘omva'Lial 46 If 7 fl 'rul; LIBERAL or‘ru'r‘. i H a T (I a sin I mnull. {1- ." .. _ y. . . n ’ “9 Harry W fight I SLuQ Ill AIIIJANGE. I I’llOPRI E'I‘OII. 'l‘I-avcllcrs. Allelzlh r Moan T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. ' ' llu‘V DR. MCLEAN BL P. for Centre Yolk. NICOMONO MILE m ’s’cnoOL. and Dev. Examinations. arranged in order of merit. with aver- age pclcentage aflixcd:â€"~ For m lV.â€"â€"OtloJ:um-s 38. Lloyd Soules 37. Geo. 'I‘vppI-r 25. Form lll.â€"â€"Rnland Henry 84, Ada ‘Ialhoun 83. Ilannah Hislop 77, Fred. Page 77. Irving Perry 7”, Stella. Murphy 68, Hazel \Vclsh (i6. .le-an Topper 65, Eva \Valsnn 6‘4. \Valtvr Scott 63. \Vil- flid Redditt fil. Ereâ€"re“ Cox 60, Joseph Elliott 60. E! hel McNaughloan, Harry Naughlon 59. Ella Cosgrovcw. Gladys lmgg‘e 58. \Vm. Ground 57. Marjorie‘ Boyle 53, Norma Mmgan 5i. Foster Hickth 4ft. Maud Hrlmkay 49, Percy Hagerman 45, Maud \Vatson 43, Jennie Gamble 35. Form II.~â€"Jean Scott 89. Fred Hit-ks . 70, Adrian KilloughGS, LouicMcDonald 67, Minnie Houck ($5, LorneGuilder-ham 65, Newton Blydon 64, Ella Quanl'l. 64, M uriel Risehrough 63. Edna Houck 62. Reginald Little (iU. Clara Cosgrovu 58, Ilene Marsh 5'7, Lavina Harry Busc 55. Edna NIL-Nair 54, Mm» ray Vauderhurgh 53. Olive Morgan 52, Florence Fanffil. Luella Kclfcr 5|. Gladys Grice :30. Ethel Mortson 49. Math Vandelhurgh 49. Roy Jackson 48. Belle Read «17. .I no. Breaku 46. Ma y Clement ll. \Vesley Palmer 43, Jesse B(HV('S 42, Hannah Chapman 42. Laura Naughtnn {2. Haxland Palmer 37, HaI~ old Smith 28. Form I.â€"l\lilton \Vellwond 82., Stella Cox 76, Fergus Jones 73, Rolph Mc- (Tonaghy 7i, Flownce Hook 7“. Annie Jones 69. Frances Gibson 68. Ella Ilea- man 68. Vernon Gibson (56. Burn Tomlin- son 65, Alice MrNair 65. Leslie McNair (52, Ambrose Summers 622. Margaret lowie Gl, Elmyntrude Little (50. Irene Gordon F9, Carl Hill 58, Roy Rise- hrough 58, Edith BOIH'UI'k 57. Florence Jom $56. Stella “lit [y 56. NL‘ISUHCHUPLT Alice Pageirl. Hazel Reaman 54. Henry Brown 54. Myrtle Pom-son 53. Florence . MrLean 53, Verna Realnan 51, Geo. Allison 50, Hairy Bowes 50, Lloyd Hill 48, Garland Langslaff 48, Myrtle Comisky 48. Geo. Street 47. lloxcy Topper 46, Pearl Ileaman 4i. Kenneth Campbell 42, Gertrude Nelson 36. MAKE IT lDâ€"URSELF. There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that [In- l'ol- lo\\in;,r advise by an eminent aulhor- ily, “ho \\'III('s for readers of a largo caslI-rll daily paper. will be highly ap- r pn-I-iatud Ivy Ihosc who sul'fvl: (lct from any good pharmacy mu»- hqu oulnrc I’luid l‘lxtlacl ol' Dandelion. mu- Ulllll't‘ ('mnpound Kargon. lhree ounces of (‘ompnund Syrup Salsapa- lilla. Shake llIcsv wcll in a lmllle and lake Ill leaspvouful dosI-s after each Inrul and at lu-dlimi: also drink lll1'lit5'lif‘3‘rlfllll water. It is ('laiIm-Il that llll‘ll‘ arc l‘I-w \ic- lims of lhis dread and tullulousdisâ€" «also who will {all In lllld I'I-mly ls-li-‘f in [his \illlpll' and in Hurst 1‘.l\l_‘ a permanrnl cum . in; the l't‘>lll1. This simple l('lll(>’:l}’ is said to smngllwn and L‘lcunsv [he elimina- ll\(' [issues of lhc Kidneys so that > can Iille-r and shall) l'II-m ll.“ lnlmvd and >_\\trlu Illc I)1:l.\nl.>. hi‘ll1> ,and Wash lllilllf’l“ which can..- not only lihr-umallsm. hut nunu runs “Ill! 1' dist-uses. Every mail It] woman lll‘ll‘ “lltv lil‘l‘lts lllul lllt'll‘ lxlilllry> illi‘ not lll'ullll) and :u-lhc, I'l'\\ll(l§lll1‘l‘lfrom any milme lltllllllt‘ whalcu-r. sln-uld lltl Ill‘slldlv In lllu‘ril‘ upthls Inian .:s It is ('(‘I'iillll In do l|lll’ll good. and lllu)‘ svu‘ \‘nu flulll nullvll, min 1}‘ and ‘Illl‘k’lllll: .uflvl .Iwhllv'. (’l‘l home dluugists say {In-y will t‘llllll' supply lhc Inglulivnls "I LII); Ill!- plvsvliplinll lvmly LL‘ ialx‘c ilkn‘ll I'tii‘xlt‘l\ ml. lllt‘lll. .- l The followingare thu- results of Nov. , Names are i Rankin 56, ‘ llUllH‘â€"ll|:ult’ lnixlulu,‘ Centre York I Returns Dr. McLean’s Major- ity 23 Thu Retui‘lling ()flicer. Mr. R.Mason of Markham, will not make his official rrturu until Saturday. He told THE LIBERAL. hmw-ver, over the phone, that reports from every polling sul» (li\ ision wore- imand that the majority is 23. Although the nmjnrity is not I I l 1 large the Liberals have good Icas‘on tn - 111- well satisfiud with the result of the vote. Everything considered. Ilr. Me. Lean made an excellent run. Cuived the "(animation less than u. month heft-r:- the election, whilc his opponent. Capt. “warn-o. (‘ulnusslllg the riding for SI‘VPI‘HI months. The following are the re- 5 ts by suit-divisions, but. the figures n-u-c not 5131 ict'y correct» Polling k. I __ \Val- Sub-Division MLLhm lace Richmond Hill . . . . . 16 .. \Vc-slnn .. . . . . . . .. 25 “ (ludhrillgf‘ . . . . . . . . 29 Markham Village . . . . 54» Markham Township-â€" No. I. .l. \Vicc’s No. 2, R. M‘l.’s 8 No. 3. B‘s Crs . .. . .. 12 No. 4, Vic. Square“ . . No. 5). Unionville... .. 25 : No. 6. (lashed . . . . . 2:3 NU. 7. Crosby‘s ... l- . N0.8.Mt..luy..... 56 No. 9. Kaiser’s“ 51 I No. 10. llamor’s 15 NH. 11. Mongolia .. 25 Majority for Mela-an 171 SC-u-holo Townshipâ€" No.1, 1‘. Hull .. ., .. Ill) I No. 2. SPHI'IH IN) V. . .. 6 No. 3. High C . . . . . 21 No. 4-, Jenkins . . . . . . .. 12 No. 5. Malvcrn .. . 8 No. 6. Agincourt .. 44 No. 7, Loveless .. .. 6 Maon ity for \Vallace 11. Vaughan Townshipâ€"â€" No. I. 'l‘hornhill. . . . 9 i No. 2, Patterson” I . Sl No. 3. Edgvlcy 5:3 I N... 4. Maplc . . . . . . 19 .. I No. 5, Pine Grove. . 18 ; Nu. 6, 'Purplm‘ille . . .. 18 . No. 7. Manse . . . . . 43 | r N“ s. Kleinhurg .. l7 Majority for McLean 1335. Elohicoko Townshipâ€" Nn. 1. N. Tor. . . . . . _ r, o.) No. 2, H. Bay .. . .. 1“ No.3, L. Mills...... 67 I No. 4. lslington .. . 54 I No. 5. 0‘5 Crs. .... .. 32 * No. 6. Smithford . . 27 ‘ Majority for \Vallace. Pnlllll‘" \Vul- Suh-Divigion “01 e ‘“ lute Richmond Hill 16 . \Vcstnl) . . . . . . 3") \Vuodhl idgr- . . . . . . . . . 29 Markham Village . . . . . . 5% Markham Township. . . . 171 .. Seal hmo Township .. . . .. 11 Vaughan Township. . . . 138 . Elohlu3kc...... . 157 Maple. He re~ ‘ had hcen i I I I The Christmas Trcl- entertaimnmd in I count clion with St. Andrew‘s Sallhalh ‘ School last Friday c\ i-uing was a suc- cess. The proceeds amounch in $17. The Sahhath School entertainment at Hopn‘ was well altcndwd. A good pI-ugramnn- was given. an I a collection taken of $17.20. > MI. (7. Monkman is spending his holi- LIsf. Frid Ly his pupils pl'cscllll-(l him with a hcautil‘ul shzu lug set. .d lys at CastlL-derg. l llcv. w. G. and Mrs. Back of Icglin- ' lon. spent last Friday night with ' friends in the village. I Rev. .vas. E. “'ilson of Mimicu Was Iiu the- \ illagr- on Monday and cullwl on ‘ a number of friends. ' In spite of the im-lrInI-ut wwatlm of Monday a got-(l vote \\';-.s polled llo-u'. giving: I)I. McLean a majoriiy of 1H. â€"â€"a.o MARI‘IIIAH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. I (‘ounril met at l'niomillv on the .llizh inst. with all [helm-miners present. and llrmrs Slater in [llv "ll:lll‘. ('I-Inmuniralions r: cvi\ mlzw 151nm \\‘. (i. 1:. lilfflil.llylllllllllll,11'â€" good loads Inarhinr-ry. V l"ltl1l (llllnl‘lu )llnlt'l‘ Leagm' (UL. wilh ('llt'l]lll“' for $11M. ‘_’nd llllli‘ :l\\':hl(lv'll Kl'lll‘ham 'l‘nunship fwr Inilv i-f luud lillll. also ('thm- 32.3 In I..- lblt'w'lllwll [1| .‘-ll, Jlrllilé {’Ilz‘. '. Illr‘ m‘w src-r \llltll‘l' \\ hm c >llll('l\‘l~llvl1‘lln ‘]'(v:|(1\\'H>IlllIll_ l‘vl’l‘lll Dr. \V. Iluln-Ilsnn. “Sill .1» lt'r uni as acting llvdical ll: “I'll (Mi ‘1 during lilumd‘uiztlnu-al;I l‘ w illv‘l {m v: illsl \‘-Illlt'l’. A largo Immqu I fir: In": and gmwl .. .‘-.LLl'\'I.l.I\ \\'I'1L‘lll\ll'lv‘kl :I- Ic paid. I I ORANGE VALLEY. Election day was lively in lh's place. Grits and Tories Whi'kt'd like 'I‘Ioj:usallday. and scarcely a man over 21 years of age was left at home to carry in a pail of water or a stick of wood. \Vc read in the. good hook that “A righteous man rI-galdcth the life of his lu ast." 'l‘hv proverb is tru ' hut. apparently that man Slim-y is an exception on election (lay. Frmn' morning till night his old nags could be seen climbing the hills of Honey» pot. and sliding down on the opposite side. He must have I'N‘Pll at. work early as we learn that he Umk one man out. of hvd to record his vote. Howmer. “All is well that. ends \VLll.“ ..7 STRANGE. Anniversary services will he held in St. Andrew's church hero on Sunday Der. 20thfl Rm. Dr. Gray of Toronto will (‘oudlch the services at. ll '4. m. and ‘7 p. m. M h“ A A Square Deal Is assured you when you buy Dr. Pierce’s family medicinesâ€"for all the ingredi- ents entering into them are printed on the bottle-wrappers and thclr formulas are attested under oath as being complete and correct. You knowjust what you are paying for and that the ingredients are gathered from Nature‘s laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American (ores hlle potent to cure p i 1 es us a - “Elia filicerlne. This agen possesses lotrmsnc me to n ropertles of Its own. being a. most valuab e antiseptic and anti- (erment, nutritive and soothing demul- cent. Glycerine plays an important part in Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion. dyspepsia _nnd weak stomach, attended by sour rlsmgs. heart-burn, foul breath,fcoirited . 10115:“), or appetite, gnawin ee ng In s m- igh. biliousncss and tlv'indred derange- ments of the stomach. liver and bowels. Besides curing all the above distressing ailments.the“Golden Medical Discovery " Is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes. as cutarrh. whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach. bowels or pelvic or ans. Even in Its ulceratlve stages it will yield to this soverel n rem- edy if its use be persevered in. In .hronm Cntarrh of the Nasal passages. it Is well. while taking the “Golden Medical Dis- covery " for the necessary constitutional treatment. to cleanse the passages ~freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sagc‘s Catarrh Remedy. Thls thorough course of treatment generally cures the worst (33.505. ln coughs and hoarseness caused by bron- chial. throat and lung afl’ections. except L‘Oll‘ sumption in Its advanced stages. the “Golden Medical Discovery” is a. most efllcxent rem- edy, cspeci ly In those obstinate. hang-on coughs caused by Irritation and congestlon of the bronchial mucous membranes. The " Dis" covery ” is not so good for acute coughs ans- lng from sudden colds. nor must it be ex- pected to cure consumption in Its advanced stagesâ€"n0 medicine will do thatâ€"but for all the obstlnate. chronic coughs. which. I! nest- lected. or badly treated. lead up to consumD‘ (ion. it is the best medicine that can be take- A GENT FOR London and Lancashire Ass. 00. The London Mut- ual and British Arnerianire Ins, Cos. and DEERING Farm Implements RlCz‘l ‘zl.’ \\' T) HILL

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