M‘ Tllll iiiw INSURANCE LL Introduced in the House By the Finance Min A dcspatch from Ottawa says: The Covernmcut insurance trill wits intro- duced by the Finance Minister III the “(use on \\'rdiic.\itay :liir'l'litutn. 'l'lit‘ Government, Mr. Fielding said, had had the help of able amt impartial experts. in preparing the measure. The bill rlrals with the wlu-le question Of insurance, and is a consolidation of all, insurance legislation, the changes being made chiefly in regard to life in- suranee. The powers of the Government are enlarged in the matter of the with~ 't'fl’uwallor refusal of a license renewal. The Minister iuay cut off or refuse to geciliew a license for any violation of the Fowl-ins or INSPECTION. The powers of the, insurance superin- tendent are widened and he is empow- ered to inspect the offices of U. S. coni- pames. The superintendent is also em- powered to make valuations where deemed necessary; Trust funds are to be. held by trust Companies, the private trustees as they drop all, being replaced by sucli com- panics. DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS. .Inslead of calling off annual distribu- tion _ of surpth on deferred dividend policies, as suggested by the insurance commission, the bill calls for a distribu- tion once in three years. These funds are to be shown as liabilities in the re- pute, but depreciation in the value of securities are to be. allowed for. The insurance commission recom- mended that the expenses of new busiâ€" ness be shown separately. The bill con- tains a clause to provide for it. FIXING SALARIES. [lead oftiee officials are not to have ï¬ny Share in commissions. This was another insurance commission sugges- tion. N0 salary of $5.000 or upwards is to be paid except by order of whole Board of DH‘OCW‘S. This. too, the commission suggested. No salary agreement is to he made for more than live. years. In case of all salaries or commissions over $4.000 per year are to be shown in the annual reports. REBATING PENALTIES. _ Rebating is not to be visited upon the directors or managers, as recommended by the Insurance COIIIII'iISSIOII, unless the director or manager knows of the re- bate. 'l‘hc penalty is $1,000 and the giver and taker of a rebate is liable to a $100 penalty. Pension funds may be estab- lished when authorized by the share- holders and policyholders entitled to vote. The United States regulation as to voting, recommended by the. commis- sion. has been dropped as difficult, and of doubtful expedience. The bill, how- ever, provides that proxies may only be used when executed within two months of a meeting. The commissit‘in's recommendation for standard policies has been moderated. the bill providing only for standard pro- visions to be contained in all policies; other provisions may be allowed by the superintendent of insurance. Several changes are made in regard to fraternal insurance. NE\\’ BUSINESS SEPARATE. Existing business is to he kept sepa- rate from the new, which is to be conâ€" ducted according to the National Fraterâ€" nal Congress of mortality. 11 is proposed that there he a separate policy for each line of business, such as life, accident, sickness, etc. Underwriting by persons not in an incorporated company is forbidden. (kwernment deposits are to be in Do- minion or Imperial securities, direct or guaranteed, and foreign companies may ‘lowcd where necessary by the Governor- tee on its second reading, the compan- ies being: free to put their cases before t‘w committee. ieter. 'tlepo~it the naiimal securities of their own Countries. The present art OIIIIIUI'I'IJ‘S investment .i.i public .xt‘t‘tll‘lin's. ‘l’lirre is iu’. rtiundn ‘lit‘i'i', lull IIlt‘ li"(l\i.\itlll is enlarged. mini. Ipanirs being allowed to invest in guar- anteed (.m‘ri'iiiueiit or Imperial or I‘ro~ vincial securities, Outside of Canada, where a Canadian company does business, it {nay invest in bonds secured by real estate at a twentyâ€"live per cent. preniiui‘n, with no default of interest. for live years. Do- bentures on seven years preferred stock, paying four per cent. for seven years, and common stock paying five per cent. for ten years, may also be invested in. The Government reservixs the right to refuse foreign securities. \Vhile com- panies may invest as a bond it is pro‘ vided that no more than..20 per cent. of stock of any company may be purchased prevents the by one Company. This subsidiary formation or thtllII>IIltJll of companies. Loans may be made up to 00 per cent. of the real estate securities. Out side investments are termed to ‘20 per cent. of the securities instead of 10 pe cent. as formerly. Companies are given five years in which to readjust. their ii’ivestments, farther extensions to six years being al- in-t‘ouncil. The bill, l\1r. Fielding said. might not please everybody. but the Government had looked for the happy medium be- tween the wants of the companies and the recommendation of the Insurance Commission. The measure will be sent to the Banking and Commeree Commit- ._...._._.x..__4... FIRED SISTERS CLOTHES. Boy \Vas Imitating His Parents Singe- ing Fowls. A despair-h from Owen Sound say<z 0n \\‘e:lne_<day morning Mrs. J. (Lalhrea. of Rydenham 'l‘ownship, near Walter‘s Falls. killed and prepared a quantity of fowl for the Christmas market. and in so doing, used a roll of lighted paper to singe the, down after the birds had been plucked. The operation was wit: ixeswd by her two-and-aâ€"halfâ€"yearâ€"old son. That same evening when Mrs. Calhrea went out to do the milking she left her son with his sister, eightemi months of age, in the house. and. dur- mg her absence, the little lad got a roll of paper and lit it at the fire and an dertook to imitate the morning's op- erations by holding the burning,r paper In his sister‘s clothing. “hen the mo- ther returned shortly after she was hor- riï¬ed to find the little one terniihly burned about the body. and in half an heur death ended its sufferings. .__.__i,._..._ ' DANGEIIOI‘S EXPLOSIVE. Found in Room Occupied by Two Con- victs at Montreal. l A despatch from Montreal says: Enough nitioglyecrine to blow up a big,r building was found by Mr. .\lillon ller- sey. city analyst, in a hand satchel taken from the room where Baulne and “ar- douln. two dangerous criminals, were living at 88 (:hamp do. Mars street. The two men were brought up before Judge Choquct on Friday and pretended to know nothing about the explosive. Beâ€" sides nilro-glycerine there were a few sticks of dynamite. four dctmiabti‘s with fuse altar-bed, a bottle of cyanide of mer- bolllc of chloral liydrine, i be‘)’ and a commonly called “IleOCItâ€"UIII drops.‘ The men already stand convicted of rob- bery of furs. EXPLOSIUN IN DUAL MINE « 12t_5_Men Believed to vanian Be Dead in Pennsyl- Colliery. A dcspatch from Connellsvillc, Pa, says: A great trembling of the earth. a dense cloud of smoke from the mine opening; on Thursday told of the fourth great mine disaslcr (if this district. The scene was at the Darr Mme. «if the Pill:- liii'g Coal Company. 17 miles west u" C(JIIICIISVIIIV. and m the neighlmrlwul of two previous mine explosions that have already claimed upwards of 100 lives. \\Ilt‘ll IIIL’III SA‘IIIt‘tI down ever the stricken IIltllileJ village it was alâ€" most certain that 175 miners had per. ishcd in.the flair. 01lie:at> ant miner's. disagree upon the number of men 'n the mines. The f‘ I‘lm r claim that af- ter cherking the lozks they had lifi men in the mute w~ rl.in,-_v on check, and inwards (if :10 or l0 working as day lalwrers. haulers and lrackuren. 'llio lilitht" say that there are at least 250 nun in the yzt. :\IIII' w. rklng all any the rescuing parties weie “Lie .1 locate mtiy five todiek ’l'he explosirn is one (if the most rc- markabte in the history of this region. for it is absolutely devoid of any of the great mine Scenes witnessi-d an“ a disaster. \\‘.imrn have been sitting all day alxut the mine mouth. and sin. lid faces listen to the COlliincnt of the miners and the spectators. \\‘h;te the fan was not destroyed iv the .xplmhn. the ventilation was seri- (lusty itIItCIt'I. and the partirs were unable ts: penetrate the mine for any Considera‘riie d;.~lanee. The 1.7.1505 (If ltn Illt‘II hand in the main headin'r were h‘ rribly munch-d. C ‘ l)p*(*i;[_.\’ in (rent it the res‘cuinu Hm: which ywnirtraled to .\'o. '21 hp pug. Is an immense fall. and it. is ‘1‘.'_:,.\k\l l.) lgr- I\\0 IL’illtIl't‘tI ICC! Ill- ltngth. This null have to be I‘Cliliiv- .ri reaching the eulrmhed men. «inly hope given ,the men is that :e'lll‘l‘i‘l‘lt may penetrate to them. and lll,ti< keep those who were not. hyped try the {area of the explosion alive un- It.| the great fall can be removed. The out for the Eives (.1 rd lef- re Itll‘iilvl‘ tire-grew mm 1-0 “duet the force of the air.‘ BilliAllS't't'I’FS. 'I‘ul‘t'uitt), lbw}. 24..\I:riilto‘.za \\’l.rfd No. i northern. about iimiiwizil at SLIK; No. 2 ll.1l"tIIt'lll. $1.13; No. it northern. 50.10; feet \'.Il‘ili. tile to rule; X0. 1' Itt‘tI. file In 32c. IilI\t‘ LONE. Ontario \\'li.‘:il No. ‘3 \\'llllt‘ or red. We. to 03¢. .iiilxiil-q Nu, 2 imxrl, 01c to l'.’ 4 t1i>1tt¢‘; goose, N'u'. t’lulli'wtliitariu winter wheat patents, 1‘ r t‘.\]).'l'i. $3.130 bill: ‘.\l:it\lt~|iv;\ patcut<. Marital brand, $3M) in $0; seconds. S-Vr it); Hiking Milo-1's, 5.3.10. Bill‘lt'y 'th. I, 703 to 730; N0. it 70" outside; No. 1‘. extra, tine to 070, (IalsrrNo. ‘3 while. Hi.- to outâ€" sidi'; mixed. 43c to tie, outside. l‘va.\‘*slt‘/._,c outside. Rye-No. ‘2. 7872c. (Burnâ€"No. 3 yellow American, "large 10 71c 'I‘ononlo freights; new, No. 3 _\'t".- low, (Si-xi: to fine, delivery after Jan. 1: new No. 3 yellow, kilri»dricd, Gti/LQC to 07/3. Buckwheat-0‘20. outside. Bran~$10 to $20, in bulk outside; shorts, $21 to $22. We 11.31;, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter-«Receipts are about equal to requireim‘nts. (iii-amery prints .. 291301300 do solids Etielo ETC Dairy prints . L’ZIi‘toï¬ix‘ do solids; . 532clo35lc Inferior . . . . . . . Quetozlc tilier5e~131lgc for large and 133/; for twins. Eggsâ€"Storage, 230 per dozm in case lots; sel cls. 26c; strictly new‘laid. nominal at 30c to 35c. Poultryâ€"For the best Class of stock there is a a fairly good demand. Chickens. choice Soto 0e (‘th fowl Sclo 7e Inferior chicks and [owls . lit-to Tic Young {arse . . . . . . Scto Do Yourâ€: ducks Scto 90 Young turkeys. choice ....-iltct(312?/lc Thin turkeys .. tie to Sc l’olallocsâ€"Steady at 80A: to 85c per lag in car hits on track her . Beans-$1.75 to $1.05 for primes and $1.35 to $1.95 for hand-picked. Vt‘JIIS-WIIâ€"rIIIIItIâ€"qudl’Icl‘S. 1134c to 12c; front quarters, SC; carcuscs, Shy: lo 0e lioneyâ€"AStrained steady at lie to 12¢ pt‘l‘ pound for (impound pails, and 12c to 13c for I) to lit-pound pails. Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Ilalcd Hayâ€"Timothy quoted from $17 to $17.50 per ton on track here. Baled Strawâ€"Quiet at $0.50 to $10.50 per ton on track here. PROVISIONS. Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Long Clear baron. 100 lo 10%;; for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, lie to 150; heavy. 1'1}4c to 13c; barks. 10%: to 17c; shoulders, 100; rolls 10c to huge; breakfast. bacon. 15c to 15m; green meats out. of pickle. 10 less than smoked. Porkâ€"Short cut. $22.73 to $213 for barrels; mess. $18 to $10. Lardâ€"'l‘icrces, 1134c; tubs, 12c; pails, 12}(c. MONTREAL MARKETS. r\l<:sntretil. Dee. ‘lt.â€"There is a very ï¬rm tone to the local llour market. tlhoiee spring wheat patents, $0.10; see- onds. $3.50; winter wheat patents, , 7.3 straight rollers. $5.50: (10., in bags, $2.60 to $2.05; extra, $2.05 to $2.10. .\tillfeedl‘.\lairiliilia bran. $23; shorts, $25; Ontario bran. $23.50 to 52'; mitt. dlings, $27 to $20 yer ton, including grain mouille. kit?) to $37 per ton. Rolled Oatsâ€"~5235; corn. $1.00 to 81,. 70 per bag. (IliecswrNovembcr ItllIâ€"(‘IIIIF. til/22", (‘htnbera 12};c to hers, file to 11%}1'0. Ilullerâ€"t‘irass goods. 23c; current re- ceipts. Qtiï¬c to 0'“ 19C 10 12171.6; Septem- hit. EggsiNcwly-laid eggs, Selected SIUCIv‘. 25¢: to 23c,- slorugr. timed. 20c; No. :2, per dozen. Provisionwliarrels short cut. moss. $22.50 to 3232 half barrels. $11.75 10 $12.25; clear fat barks. $23.50 to Sum); lung cut heavy mess. $21 to $23; halt barrels 110.. $10.50 to 311.25; dry salt long clear backs. 10,34 to Iltgc; barrels plate beef. $13.50 to $1.3; half barrels (10.. $7.23 to 87.75; barrels heavy mm; lent. $10 to SI]; half barrels (10.. $5.50 to 30; compound lard. 10c to 11¢: pure lard. 12,140 to 13c; kettle rendered. 13/14 to Mr; hams, IZIQC to Jill/.10. accord- mg to size; breakfast baron. 14c 10 15c; \\‘indsor bacon. 1'.ng lo Mtge: fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs. $.50 to $3.71); alive, $5.73 to $0. .701) No. 1-10 to 320; 1 coldâ€" to 15c BUFFALO MARKET. i .\'l-‘.\\' YORK \\'Ill’..\'l' .\l.\RI\'E'I‘. New Yerk. Def. 2i.'â€"\\.Ill"lit â€"â€" Spa ,slrady: 2 ml. $1.04“; in cit-ya. - :snd $116!; I.«.'.I‘. CiIiuLtI; NC. 1 IILI'III- ~.rn Duluth. $1.21“; f.e.b. title-at: Ne. i‘..ai‘d w.uter, $1.137, Lamb. afloat. _â€" CATTLE MARKET. not in particular (It'lllflnli. Sold at $3.25 to St per ewt. Good to choice steers sold a $1.60; medium brought $3.50 bugs; milled inuuitle, 5523 to $152. and‘ Toronto, Dee. Yi.-â€"li.\'port cattle were Export bulls I [O to $1.25; grBJi too late. l ‘Terrible Ravages of A tlcqnzileh from Ithaca. N.\'.. says: A startling: rrvvâ€.att«':n of the pi evalt-nre of lawmn lui “reiilwis ill .\'ww (if iiit: tltit'l‘ tri'rli-ln York Stali- and an mpmuh Etistillirirtir-y ( f the means itnw' fill‘iiidict‘i try the Legislature for the mullet of ihn‘ disease this pi‘t Iri'i‘ll made lw-lvl'e the 'l‘iimpkiiis (ioniin Medical Society try 131‘. V. .\. Moore. litirteriologiat «if torni-ll University and the foremost expert in hi4 line in the I'nited States. llr. Moore stated that of 1,086 cows tested by llcan common to medium. $2.25 to $3.30; choice cows. $3.25 to 3’: common rows. 51.51) 10 $2; canners, 85c to St per ewt. Prices of milch cows ranged from $19 1: $50 each. Calves ranged from 3 to tie per lb. Export ewes FOIL) (it $3.77) to Sit-.23; ht "va and culls, $3 to $3.50; lambs, {$1.50 Ill $5.50 [101‘ CWI. The tap price of hops was cwt. Lights and fats sold at $5.). ' sows at $3.75 per cwt. ..______.}. 'l‘\\‘l£2\'"l‘\'â€"FI\'E KILLED. Powder Magmlino Blew l'p of Palermo, Sicily. A (Ir-spalrh from Palermo says: A terriï¬c explosion occurred on Thursday (Writing in the. military powder maga- zuic, where a large quanlily of dynamite " stored. and was followed by a numâ€" I‘t’rt' of lower explosions. the whole town Military ,being badly shaken and the, pwplc thrown into a panic. Almost immeâ€" diately flames shot high in the air and spread to the ruins of houses that had fallen. adding,r grealliy to the terror of those who were in the immediate neighâ€" bt rhood of the disaster. It is estimated that about twenty-live persons were killed and a hundred others injured. \\’ild rumors followed faSt upon the exâ€" plosion. placing the numbers of killed and wounded intr: the thousands‘, and troops were ordered out to aid the tire- nicn in clear-lay,r away the wreck and sneeorin;Y the wounded. Several IIOII>1Ԥ that stood above the magazine partially collapsed and their destruction was com- p‘eled by the fire. One of these was an emigrant? lodging house, and a num- ber of emigrants were killed. LATER. It is known that up to Friday 03 per- Snns met their death and no loss than Ill-.1 were injured by the terrific explo- sions on 'I‘lnirsday night in the military powder magazine at I’alermo. The work LI i'OSCtIilig the wounded was continued until daylight under conditions of the greatest ilillirully. Alter the fire had been extinguished the troops uth an electric searchlighl. The lodging house It emigrants. destroyed by the llames, has given the largest contingent of vic- tims. There were many heroic rest-aw. rgz‘ NEW PACIFIC SQL‘ADRON. lisquimall “'ill be Made the Base for Cruiser Flee“. A despat'ch from London says: For some illlll‘ past. reports have been eur- rrnt. that the British Admiralty was cwiisidcring the new naval distribution. and it is now announced that a l‘aixi- lie and North American squadron will b~ ron‘litutcd in May next, with Esqui- malt as the probable base. The new squadron will C011si<t of six eruLsers of the county class and the present. fourth cruiser squadron, which comprises the llrre “list-L103» armored cruisers. tires. Links protected cruiser-s lndefaligable and Brilliant. Though it would Le a mistake to exaggl rate the importance v 1' this move. it possesses Some sight» liianev as >I10\\‘liig the British Admin olly's View of the changed situation, which the cruise of tire American bat- IIt‘nIlIIJ Ilm-t will brim.V about. The po- sition of (laiiada in the scheme is not ~\ct known. _____.1. T\\'O COBALT ACCIDENTS. Joseph ’l‘esniere Found Dead at Bottom of Shaft. A dtt‘lHlICII from Cobalt says: Joseph 'l‘t-r-‘nicre. aged about 30 year. , a French- man with a married {sister in Montreal, was found dead at the bottom of the [our shaft at a depth of 132 feet on 'I'iit'>tt:i}'. IXCchQtI was working in the drift at the tin-foot level. Havingr left work with his let‘mpanions he returned to Sï¬â€˜l‘lll'c a pair til" said to be lost. and Iin‘ drum. liar... no hopes of saving his life, Supt. 1.4-}- '.«’u i< cut about the tar and hu~ tr." 'wrvt belie l.ro‘.~‘.i-n. it appear» \l' ‘ltnight encountvrml loose [wander in 0.:- ‘ : . .i~ r :end of the draft. proballj; in .i 1. .tml Inâ€. wit title unknown In 2.13:1. Supt. (“use to McKnight when the expiminii leek place. 9...†tieâ€"‘â€" tu dear to ’vii Pratt u. what. it is sows ‘ Canada's lit III‘ A: III Japan, impel": \\'. I. ll. Fail frosts nip winter“ seal. bnvsaus~~ the teizdri'lccl 0.5 "xv lilil'yuliu and Ilogus, and the third») warmers llltE than iii llllllltlllll Bovine Tuberculosis in New York. 'Iaw of the (Vil'iiril \‘l'idl'lllltl‘y ruliegfe 10 lwi "-‘llI. liml iii.» lI‘l'lI.‘l‘. 'I‘iu‘ Ulili'lili initials of the Slab,- in 100’. 5I1<.=\\'t‘il that iril ;’.ll7 aiiiiiiuls tested 113 [01' out. had tlil‘ tlin‘t‘lixt'. The State tcsis It'il' iin‘ yer- im'. of 1001-0. iiii-llidrd 3.058 animus, of l\‘.‘I.l('Il 2‘3 per cent. were infected. Ili‘. Munro i‘iaclif'ii the ("olu‘ltision that of the one Illiiiltill eight hundred thou- mud mileh rows in this State “0000 ‘ar‘ infrrtml with tuberculosis. This. he Said. ‘i'tuild be at surprise even to calilcv ilit‘li. BLEW' TRAIN OVER. Railroad Accident From Sardinia. “'IND Curious Reported A rlespatrh from (jngliai‘i, Island of Sardinia. on \\'cdncsday. announced that a strange railroad dualster had oc- curred \lt‘til‘ I.t\llti.\'€i station. A severe pale of wind w tr. blowing as a locomo- itive drawing ten passenger cars fairly full (if people approached Lanusci. Suddenly a stronger gust titan usual Struck the train. which, after balancing (n the rails for a few secoiidS, was coin~ p'elely (IVI'l‘illl'lll‘tI. the locomotive and cars being,r tumbled into a ditch along side the track. llappily. however. only twelve persons \vei'e whom being severely hurt. 4~-.~â€".~’v..â€"__â€".. INSANE MAN DROWNED. Suicide of John Strong at the London Asylum. A despalch from loudon. Ont. says, .l<hn Sir-ring. inmate of the (asylum, broke away from a party on Friday and drowned illllh‘SI‘If in the reservoir of the institution. tic dived through a helc in the ice and disappeared. The- irtly was it it foun'l for 13 niiuu'es. Ile was sent-fiwn lie-1150]) a year ago as not dangerous. ___..__J:¢_._._ BREAK: ALL RECORDS. Torpedo Boat Destroyer Tartar Strains 37 Knots'per Hour. A despair-h from Southampton, Eng: land. says: The turbine torpedo boat (I stroyer Tartar broke all records in fast. Sit‘ftlllll’lf.’ in her final t‘ials over" 1m- (JIIICIEII course on Tuesday, attain-- ing a speed cl 37.037 knots. She also (‘Htttbiisilt‘li a new record for a six hours trial. covrring.r 233 mites in that time and marnta'ning the unpreCedcnted. speed of 35.363 knots. __.â€"â€"â€"â€"'F BIG \VIIEAT CONTRACT. 1C.P.R. Will Ship :1 Million and a Half Bushels to Europe this Winter. A despatch from Fort William says. Eastern line»; of the Canadian Pacific tailway will be busy this winter. The (I.l‘.R. have made a contract for the de- -li\ery of 1.500.000 bushels, of grain to 2European markets this winter. The grain will be shipped via the all-rail route to St. John. where it will be taken ft the old country as ballast in C.lâ€.ll. strainch A large amount of grain is. being shipped through here now. -,b_,__._,_ $50,000 FIRE .‘I'I‘ .IRNI’RIOR. Premises of Suspender and L'mbl'clla: Company Destroyed. A dos-patch from Arnprior says 1 At six o'elork on Saturday night the premises of the Montreal Suspender- and Umbrella .t'ranpany. a fine four-storey solid brick factory, were burned to thr- ground. Suin- rounding.r buildings caught. but were' savtxl. The loss is estimated at 830.000.. [The town has a claim on the building for . 6.000. It is totally covered by iris-up- .iiiec. One hundred cinpleyces were on. the list. mâ€" .‘f- â€".â€"â€"â€"n SENT TO A FORTRESS. hitterateur DISpleasu re. Famous Russian Ineurs- Governmental A despatch from Petershurg says: I‘rof. Anitchkcff, the Celebrated liltera. tcur. has been sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment in a fortress for carrying on a propaganda against the (JOVCI'IP‘ (item. .___.,__+.___..__ BI.I€\\' GIT IIIS BRAINS. lKingston Student Commits Suicide gm Winnipeg IIuicI. lluffaln. Doc. ‘31. â€" “heat. -â€" Spring of mitts before aseending. and nothing V \\._ . _ firmer; .\'o. 1 northern. R1.it:'.;: _\'(i_ 1,1.more was $0011 of him alive. .-\ «.li|~lv=1lt‘t\:ll‘-‘!':l lltlllltrhfjli‘. Lil-'1 “up 51.03. “mid. high,“ “Com Ml \\rdlc~tiu_\' intri'iiiiii.r Supt. Irysmi (ii-ril‘ilIIhll III‘Iil‘di. :1! flit-til‘1..‘.‘>tt'.(ItiI)IIIIi'tiftl. .‘lIEL‘ith: 1; - - : x0. x “Lillie 'lwwnslte mine and .I. .\lr.\ight. a 1\‘lll‘r‘““-‘“~ “I‘d-khf“ “HR,TILL.‘;‘!"JHE“ 1. MC. nm._ \~‘, .) “Wk.†._vrung Scott-lunar]. tiu't with a binding 1-1“. will il-‘in‘l'r-lb In it: . id amid till, . V .1 Wm“, . ‘68,.{k,\7_,,.‘lc' 1‘ ,a tribal. McKnight was Sr‘I'It'lth Ill-{II/d'd ‘ 1‘ *‘“T’_“'I“i‘1_ I} l‘I-‘flfd 10 Ir diu- :31 if, liraâ€"No (,nwiï¬lcp' J Vll-ied about the head and was returned I l} 1“ rm" Hildin It; IZHHZI) flldt'iiiiui. nt . . . _ . .. l“ the “HI Uh», “qumll. “(Nil 6).â€. ‘ 1., l\â€1'1__!\iliII. li.‘ Int ill 141.115 .1 llitIl'\~(,1_ at (Jib (’II 3 l'ii.\rr>it.. '2‘ tiltl-ZYI‘ I’IIth 1T ST. JOHN, QI'E. Ext-din Buildings uI Drain Pipe Factory ‘ Destroyed. _.\ llt“ltiII('II from St. John. Que“ says: Tiii‘ Illilltt I‘llitiltl‘rf CI Iii†Fifllillirtit [)1'113“ I‘ijw («initially were itittiily (It‘xfrt twl be hit“ llII Sunday night. A heavy wind lininrd the Ila/m. and in a short “1111* the inhiueti-e >Il‘ilt tziri; was a 17'». (,1 Hum“. i'l'bc lii'f'int'n saw-ll the jr'JV-t‘f' Iltill>t- and II. ' CIIiC“. 'IIIIL' I‘.:..>' \‘i'III [:I‘tJLuldl.‘ I.I>_';l(:lk “125,010. injured, two of