Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1907, p. 4

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‘ the Liberals have carried thirty-three The Liberal party won three Dom- inion bye-elections on Monday 0f.Llll.S.~1. week. In Labelle Mr. Major was returned by acclamation, in Ottawa lllr. Caron was elected by a tnajority’l of over 3,000, and in Centre York Dr. P. D. McLean defeated a strong candidate in the person of Capt. Tom : Wallace. Altogether forty-two bye- elections have been held, and ofthcse Beats. And yet the Mail and Empire and some other Conservative papers ai’tiyingitoinake their readers be- lieve that. the Laurier 'G0vernment is tottering and ready to fall. # Much depends on how a thing is said._ The World of Tuesday puts it this wa_':â€"“Capt. Wallace made substantial gains all along the line, ex~ ccpt in Richmond Hill which convert- cd a‘Conservative majority of 36 into a liiberal' majority of 16. The turn- over in Richmond Hill is accounttd for by the fact that Pugslev,who‘was the Conservative candidate in 1004, lives there." We believe it would have been perfectly correct, and would; have sounded much nicer, had the World said it this way:â€"-â€"“The; Conservatives had a majority of 3G in Richmondflilb in 1904, owing to Mr. Pugslev’s popularity in that village: where heis esteemed and respected‘ by both Grits and Tories." M At the nomination me'cting at 'l‘horuhill on the 16th inst Dr. Mc- Lean, the Liberal candidate, publicly declared to the electors present that he wanted a clean election, and that if elected he wanted to feel that he was elected by the honest votes of an honestpeople. Mr. Claude Macdonell M.P-., of~,'I‘oromo, who followed on be- ‘ half of Capt. 'l‘om Wallace just as plainly told the assemblage to take no ubticeot‘ what Dr. McLean had said, as he.had' no faith in. such utterances, but to watch for bribery and corrup- hthe pupils pl csented their Lear-her. Mr. tion on the Liberal side. Political corruption, bribery and graft will never be removed as long as one political party says “Watch the other fellows but leave us quietly alone.” 5:32.“: The Mail and Empire the morning of the Centre York election referred to Dr. McLean as “the candidate of the Ottawa grafters," and said that “The electors of Centre York would do their country a service if they would make it a point to go to the polls early and register their votes against graft.” We wonder that a metropolitan. daily of the 20th cent- ury will endeavour to impose on the- credulity of. itsreaders in this way. There is guilt in politics as Well as in civic alfairs, but any honest person will admit that graft in polities is not confined to one political party. If the Mail and Empire wishes to dis- courage gi‘aftvin political corruption of any kind it can do this country a real service by condemning graft and corruption in the ranks of the Con scrvativc party. m TILE NATIONAL LIVE STOCK CONVENTION. The Convention of theN'ational Live Stock Association to be held in Ottawa on February 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1908, promises to be a most important meet- ing. The programme being prcâ€". p u'ed provides for the consideration ot‘such national topics as the export, 1 import, and‘ inter-provincial trade in breeding and commercial“ live stock. The relationship of transportzuion c anpanics to the live stock industry will be dealt with by foremost a ut‘ior- ltiL‘s‘. The health of Canadian live stock. proposed amendments of cus- thc Scottish' toms regulations and premium system ot hiring,r stallions, will all be considered with a view to improving present conditions in Canâ€" ~1mdl§xhibitionAssociationswbicbpaid ,in cash prizes for live stock in 1907 a .ka’l‘ white taffeta silk, and \\'llltt‘ felt ada in regard to these mattm. 'Alrcady an attendance of repre- sentative stock men from each of the several provinces is assured, Mist of the Record and Provincial Live Stock Associations have fulfilled the requirements of allilia‘ion. It is the privilege also of Agricultural Societies out Newspapers P Subscriptions for weekly and dairy papers taken at “The Liberal” Office. "Note the following:- â€" Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tion, ti'lJan. 1, 1909 P’ , 1 oil e. Weekly Mail and Empire, with premium “Golgotha.” F? C silo. 2.5% 2.59 2.3235 the 850. 75c. (Elaborate at sum of $500 or upwards to alliliatc with the National Association by ‘ sending to the Live Stock Commission- , or, Ottawa, :1 list of its nicmlwrs. Societies alliliatcd in this way arecn- ' 0 titled to representation at. the Convetr tion by its president or secretary. _â€"-I-Aâ€"â€" . Perfumes of Quality COLERMN E. Miss Annie Bla‘ck Was visiting Ma- i ple friends recently. Miss Maud Johnson has returned from her hnliday greatly invigorated. Mr. Thus “’cbster is at. [il'vh‘t'lil hauling,r gravel as he intends putting another wing to his barn next spring. Gunrl sleighing has come at last, and the merry pearl of bells is thi- order of the day. Concerts are now in the air. \Vcddigg bulls .'|l‘(‘ about to ring in the near luturc. Miss Annie Kcllani was visiting ln-v sister at “’t-slnn last week. Mrs. McGinnis is spending.r the Christmas holidays at Mrs. Robert Paul‘s. » , â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ow Victoria. Square, Elegant Perfumes at a . Small Cost Thefglgglfltgos Dally World ‘People 'of taste like a The GlObe, one year nice perfume. See our York County Oflly stock of cut glass and case perfumes. Our selection 'I'he and Em- pire, one year (York was never more complete, ranging from 25c. to 232. County) The Daily Star, received ‘ ‘ on day of publication The Daily Star, not receivs ed day of publication Family Herald and Wee}:- - 1}] Star New Idea Woman’s Mega.- ine Did you ever hear of PETER PM A delightful odor. The cantata and Xmas Arc at. Vic- toria Square did credit to the enter- prise und ability of the S. and those in charge. A fine owning, good slrighing. and a great crowd, lent the necessary spirit. The cantata, “Santa ()laue' Doings.” under the leadership of Mr. Chas. Sanderson, who was ably assisted at every point, was finely giv- en and warmly appreciated. No pains were spare-(l to make it the success which met the effort. Santa Claus lost no time in incling out good things to all around; the larder of the preach- er and also the sexton is the tie-ho: as PRICE 25, 50, I oo. A law Choice I)olls a result. Excellent. order and plenty , . . . of good humm- niarkcd the evening. lcit. ‘ i Pl l M The trustees of the Victoria Square , . _ l Methodist. cb‘rch have decided to hold 3“ i0“. [1.0 ' . their chlnch anniversary and thanle ofla‘Pr-ing on Sunday, Jan. ill. I On Sunday afternoon last Rev. A.P. " Brace conducted a reception service in the church lit-re when 2.") persons we] 9 ' received into full membership with the Methodist church. o Concord. Conn!) and Brush Shaving Sets MoOlure’s Magazine 150 ’7‘ giril __:.:__...â€"_.’ tiiiiSTttlA’SEiESSAGE Nowisthetimetoselect.llAn Opportunity to Carry Gladness to the and We will be glad to show ' . you our goods. F Suffering and Needy W. A. Slilflifiiflll D-ruggist ~ Richmond Hill B1‘llShGS:Cloth,Hat,' 5““ Q and Hair. . . ifs; Upon the closing of the public school for the (lhltistinas vacation, T. llchorniack, with .tv hulidsnnw shaving Set in a silk-lined ruse. and an address. Mr. McUnrinack Wu.“ taken , completely by surprise, and replied in . a few words, thanking the. pupils for the beautiful gift, and for the kind wmds in the address. The firlluwing is the addressz~ DEAR 'l‘EACHIEIi,â€"â€"\Ve, the pupils of . S. S. No. 7. Concord, as a mark of ap- preciation of your efforts in onrbe- 4‘ half, and also to show in some small degree, the esteem- in which you are held throughout the section, desire to present you with this small token. Trusting that our associations in the future may he as Wasant as in the past. we wish you a Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year. Signed on behalf of the pupils. Enxa FISHER. \VILERED KEFFER. Toronto, Cad, Dec. 11th, 1 Dear Friend :â€" ‘ A Christmas message, “Peace on Earth: Good Will to Men," was sent to this old World long ago to bring gladness. ‘Vas this poor fellow included? The Place. Not Africa. or Pagan India, but Christian Canada. The Persons. A son pleading for his father. Father, with one arm (the other lost in railway service), stands with tears streaming down his cheeks as he tells his story in the doctor’s office, Muskoka Hospital: “1 have been a railway conductor. I have been turned out of my boardingâ€"house, where I lived foe seventeen years, because I had consumption. Then I had to leave the hotel for the same reason. The hospital of my town refused me. I have trayelled for two days to reach here. For God's sake, doctor, let me stay. I have got money to pay for all I want.” If this was the story of a. poor fellow with money, what about the hundreds who are seeking admission to the Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consumptives, with their money all gone in the struggle with this dread disease ? The Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consumptives has never refused a - patient because of his or her poverty. It now cares for seventy-five patients. It would care for three hundred if the'needed money was forthcoming. It has no endowment, except in the kind hearts and the generous gifts of the people of Canada. His Excellency Earl Grey has shown his interest and sympathy in this greatwork for the needy consumptives by accepting the position of Honorary President of the National Sanitarium Association. Your golden dollars may be the Angels of Mercy this Christmas to- bring the glad tidings of Good NVill and Returning Health to some pooe v fellow seeking admission into his only refuge. the Muskoka Free Hospital for Constnnptives. A last word~will you help to care for these whom others do not â€"i want? ~ m- wâ€" ++++é+++++++++++++++++++4~l '1- + I LEEKuBRODlE. 3 A very iwutty wedding took place at chdfnrd UH \Yednesda)‘, lb'tb inst”, at the home of the bride's parents.Mr. and: Mrs. Chas. Brodie, when Um'abel, their cldcst daughter, was united to Mr. Albert F. L. Leek, by Rev. A. P. Brace of Richmond Hill. At 5 p. m., i to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Lain-a Leek. the bride, who carried‘a beautiful bouquet, was led to the altar by her uncle, Mr. , Dunn, and accompanied by Miss Mary ‘ (llnimberlain, her cousin. who acted as bridesmaid. She was met there by) the groom, who was supported by his ‘. cousin. Mr. Cline Burr, whilst littlcl We are thankful to our patrons for their patronage during the Xmas season, and we were pleased to find that first choice. Master Harvey licek. son of Mr. John LPt'l‘, made a: pretty ring-bearer. There under an arbor of white wedâ€" ding bells and holly, in the presence of relatives and friends, the magic words \voi-e pronounced. Thi- bride was dressed in pale blue ladies-cloth with waist of white point d'esprit mig- cd with valciuzicnm-s and pale blue panne velvet. and blue punne velvet Our policy of selling only first-Class goods proved a success. We Wish you a pros- Faithfwyyomsf perous New hear. hat with pale blue match. The bridesmaid \vus attired in champagne cnlionnc with not yoke ulnlsh'rvesnver \vhitc tatfela, trini- nud with pale blue Velth ribbon. The presents“numerous. choice and valuablefishmv the high csti-em in which the, young people are. held." " F "7 ‘- Aftt’l' 2L striviptuous world-in; dinner 4. it'lll(>f\\ml by toasts, [he'happy couple“ , “on. toller home anetd aluundancei of good \\ islies and rice. 5 _. ..,,., Avl'ti- - 7 "7" Po .\ U . Richmond LIL-l Gram JERRY SMITH +++++++H+++++++++++$+++ +++*2a?+++++¢i+++++++++++++$Â¥+ ++$++++H+++++++++$+H4~b++ + ‘1' + s- + or- e '5 i § 4- .1. o + + + 'i' + + + Z the best goods were the ’1' at- + .g. + -t- ~!~ + + as + + ’1- + + + '5' .g. + + + + + + f d- tiinnnings {11‘ l ', . . . l w *â€" Aâ€"-- jaw . \ is s“. ' l. , . .“ *Lt' ' ‘ 1"” Market. , PENNYRO ZAL VJAFERS. Wanted ‘ '“ ’“' W a we _, - Esitt‘hssorixbe tor l 55"“ “"R‘I‘l'i‘ [-- ~ -~ 5i“ l" fi‘.‘ f1}, ' 1"“ - ' ruiisr I' . ., '. 'â€" r Agents in city for (‘aiuida‘x llllllll‘l'fi , Uni Icy . |. ,| .... . . . ” 7’ " 73 (Q iii'r‘éiugiga 1 ’ ’ only (Ln --- lum- u ens \\'ccklv. l.ilu'l;il t'.i:}ttlll>:lull. (LL. _ ‘ ~ -- .H n - _ Tut: WHITE LYh‘l-Z, lufflfié'jm H H y .. a, -- j “itizitlrtio - LIBERAL ; us: 1-121:

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