_ Nu \ The E. L. will then take charge. bind. Rm “your HILL, t).\'I‘., Ill-e. 26, 1907 It? IJԤ')(J A1451}. Eilnajoilly. Skidoo to (.‘apt. \V'all- to e. The (rm-leis had their ï¬rst game in the rink Chi Istnias day. \Vith favourable weather tlie rink will lie open to skaters Saturday even- ing. llev. l‘l. Harold 'I‘oye \vill preach hereL morning,r and eieniiig next Sun- (lilj'i The ruilers have engaged Mr. J. Andrews to keep the ice in good con. diti-iu (lining the present curling sea- Son. The Village Treasurer's accounts up to the 15th of December have been piintrd. Interested citizens will get a copy by calling at Mr. Hume's office. ï¬ll good citizens are expected to at- tend the nomination meeting of l‘eeve, eouiicillois and school trustees in the Council (‘Ihamlier next Monday even- ing at 7.30. ' Rev. A. l‘. Brace will preach at Ileadford next Sunday morning. In the afteinoon Mr. Iii-ace will preach the anniVersary sermons at Hope Methodist.church. Master Iieay Grant. THE LIBERAL cairier. will present his annual gift to hispationsNewYear’sinnrning. May we here wish all our readers and friends "A happy New Year." L'turrstaff Public School spent a so- cialaftt-rnuuu Inst. li‘iiday when the pupils presented their teacher, Miss I'Iarrison, with a Picture Post Card Album to contain a thousand cards. Mr. II. A. Nieliolls has announced himself a candidate for the reex eship. The contest will therefore he hetween Mr. Pugsltyâ€"tlie present I-ee\eâ€"â€"and Mr. Nirhollsâ€"a member of the preswit council. At a meeting of tlie(‘urling(.‘vlnh held in McDonald’s shop 'l‘hIn-sday evening the following lnemhers \vere elected skips to select their rinks for the Smith iiicdalzâ€"T. A. Lainon. A. G. Savage. J. Michael. G. Cowio, G. McDonald. (2. P. \Viley, l". E. Sims. J. H. Sanderson. Trial Catarih treatments are being mailed out free. on receipt, by Dr. \Shoop, Racine, \Vis. These tests are - inning to the peopleâ€"-\\'ithout a penâ€" iiy’s costâ€"the great value of this scientiï¬c prescription known to drug~ gists everywhere as DI-._Slioop’s Rem- edy. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. A meeting of electors for the noniin: ation of reeve and four councillors. for the village. and three trustees for the Union School Section, will be held in the Council Chamber next Monda evening, 30th inst. The three P. S. trustees whose terms are expii ing are J. Ptlullll. D. llill, and G. Redditvt.’ The Richmond Hill Liberals were particularly “‘t‘ll satisï¬ed with the re- sult of the voting on Monday. In 1904, the majority in this village. for Mr. Pugsley. GOIiServative. was 36. That majority. on Monday. was changed to 16 in favor of Dr. McLean, ' theLiher-al standard-bearer. There will he a \Vi‘tch-Iiight‘ Ser- vice in the Methodist clinrch on Tuesâ€" day. evening. Dec. 3lst. Song service for 15 minutes will begin at 10. 30 pm An excellent and varied program is being prepared. .The meeting will close a few minutes after the midnight; hour. In spite of the wet. snowy evening the‘ S. S. Xmas Tree. and entertain- went at Headford was all that could he desired. The. programme was choice and well-rendered. Santa Claus remembered everybody. not, omitting.r the preacher-'8 goose. Noth- ing can damp the ardor of the Head- ford young peopleâ€"or older ones either. \Vc direct the attention of our read- ers to the advertisement of the popular Elliott BusinessCollege,‘l‘oronto. The opening of the winter term occurs on Jan. 6th. when a large number of new students will he enrolled. This school is under very able management and has a. constantly increasing patronage and is training hundreds 0 students each year for linsiness positions. The college has an excellent reputation for first-class work. To check a cold quickly. get from ‘ ' ‘ ‘ your druggist some. Little (.andy (told ’l‘a.hle.ts called Preventies. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre- ventics. for they atenot only safe. but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no quinine. Iio lax- ative. nothing harsh or sickening. Taken at. the‘ "sneeze stage" Prevent- ics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchit- is. La Grippc. etc. Hence. the name l’revcntics, ren. 4S Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cis. Sold by \V. A. Sander- eon. AN [OLD RELIC. . Nicol Bros. while. tearing down the l Good for feverish child. . l old house in the Williamson property ‘ at Elgin Mills. which is lieing replaced ' liy a new one. found an old relicin the shape of a school hook to teach young children to Sfm‘dlfllld read. The book “as printed and published by East- wood and Skinner. Toronto. and hears the date 1833. The book contains a number of Inaxiins of which the follow- ing is a sample: “The drunkaid looks like a Iuan. lint acts like a beast.“ The hook though neatly TU years old :5 Ii a fair state of preservation. l O l l . l I . and Mrs. Garnï¬s, a: Elgiu Mills. : PRESBYTERIAN S.S. XM The annual Xmas Tiee and (lantalzl of the Presbyterian Church 5,8, tank place on Monday night. and despite the inclement nature of the weather a good turn out “as the result. The program included drills. ter'llallHIHv ‘etc.. and the cantata “An old time| Xmas l’nl ty†which was \yell l‘l‘l](l"lt'(l. The (lllft‘lt’lli parts \vere well carried out. After the performance the child- I'en receiu-Il snilalile [H't'flt'llirfl and t‘veryoiie seemed happy. Much pia se is (llle iii the l‘lltll'u‘tilll“ of Mrs. Mr,“ Kenziq. Mist: liovle. and Mr. Newton . in training the I'llildi en. The perform- ance Illll\llt‘ll wit h “God save the King.“ The procemls realised $l7. OFFICERS ELECTED. The following oflicers for ISMH were elected in l\ _v Lodge, No. lll. A. 0. 1'. \\'.. at the December IIICI ting:- - M. “’4 I)-. Hill. For-email. I‘iyei‘. AS TREE. l Miss Alice Garness, of Elgin Mills. was in the City last week. and spent n few days with friends at I’arkdale and Toronto Junction. Mr. and Mrs. (‘. Mash-n \V‘rnt to AllandaleTuesday ltlSIlt'lltl llii- holi- ‘days with their soll~itI-la\\' and daugh- lel', Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Paul. Mr. Dennis, accountant in the Stand- urd Bank has been tiaiisfel‘red to I'lial- ham. Mr. I)i-nni~‘ place has Itb't'll till ed here by Mr. Reid of Bradford. .' Mrs. Geo. Grainger, 63 \\'est Lodge ‘ Ave†ToII-nto, leaves to-day (Thurs- day). for a three Inontlis‘ visit with ' her sistei. Mrs. E. V. \VI'iglit of Ed- : in‘niton, Alta. l l Mr. Charles of Didsliui-y, and Mr. R. l V: Vanderliuigli or (.lill'lllilll. Man.. «Ii-rived Christmas eve to spend part of l the winter at their old homes. Miss Porter left for her home at St. Paul on Tuesday morning, after rend- Overseer, J. 'l‘. Startnp. Financier. A. .I. Hume. lie-cinder. 'l‘. I“. McMahon. Treasurer. l“. .\lc(loiing|iy. Guide. “7. A. \Vriglit. 0. “h. M. Ransom. .I. \V.. A. .I. (lampliell. Auditors. G. A. McDonald. T. A. Lanion. _ } Grand Lodge Representative, D. Iill. Alternate. I. Uiosliy. WHAT‘S IN .iiccia'IiE‘s. McLTlIn-e‘s has gone up in quality as Well as in price. There is a discussion of the relation of hypnoiisin to crime and disease by Professor llIunsterlierg. and Ellen Terry, continuing her IIIPItI: oirs. tells "\Vliat Henry Ining Did. for the English Stage." Mary Stew- l art Cuttinyz's new serial, “The “'ay-' farers." which has been most favor- -nlllv received. runs into the second In- stalinent. Theie is plenty of good slioit ï¬Clltltlâ€"-"(.l‘lll-' Elopemeiit." liy Fielding Ball: "The Color Bearers.“ a new Ezr-kial story by Lucy Pratt: “The Coimnodore. a touching child story for grown ups by Anna E. Finn: and “South of the Line.“ astoi-vof ad: l venture in the South Seas. Rosalie, M. Jonas contributes a poem. “A Sel'~ Inon in Black and “'hite,†and Louise. 'Imogen Guiney. “His Angel to His Mother." The cover design is by {4“3'Pl‘dccker. and Alice Barlier Steph- ens and other artists l]:l\ e ContIihnted to the completeness of this numlier. “'hen tlFStoniach, Heart. orKidIiey nerves get weak. then these organs al- ways fail. Don’t drug the Stomach. l nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. ’ That is simply a makeshift. Get a presciiption k nnwn to Druggists every~ whereas Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these \veak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves. build them up with Dr. Shoop'sRestiirativeâ€"taliletsorliquidâ€" and see how quickly help will (:tnllt‘. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Snoop. Racine. \\'is. Your health Is surely woith this simple test. Sold by \\'. A. Sandersonw , ,,, A l s. s. ANNIVERSARY. l ‘ Thotnhill Methodist church will hold its S. anniversary services on ‘ Sunday and \Vednesday. Dec. 29. 1907. and Jan. 1. 1908.â€" J. A. Jackson. B.A., ‘ Gi’t‘ierai Secretary of the Ontario S. S. ‘ . Association. will address the children at 10.30:!“ in., Sunday, 29111. and will ‘ speak on Adult Bilile Class \Vork in l the evening. at 6 o’clock. Mr. Jack- son has devoted many years exclusive- ly to S. S. \vork. January I. an oyster supper will he given imt’rte church follmved liy a let:- ture entitled “A l‘Iip Through Ire- land.†by Rev. J. H. Hazelwood; D.D.. of Toronto Junction. A gentleman speaking of this lecture said “It was instructive. interesting. inspiring, and ‘ entertaining." Another said charming lecture.- eharmingly git en." Special music liy the children and choir of the church will he given on Sunday. Miss Trench of Richmond Hill. graduate of Toronto Conserva- torv of Music. and Missâ€"Mam)insoluist. of Toronto. will take part in \\'edilc::: (lay evening‘s programme. Supper Served from 5 to 7 p. m. Programme commences at8 p. ui. Admission, 40 cents; children. 25 cents. A tickling cough, from aiiy'c'lmse, is' quickly stopped by Dr. Slioop’s Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm- less and safe, that, Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it, without hesitation, even to very young hahes. The Wllolt‘Stllne green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative prnpcrties to Dr.»Shoop‘s Cough Cure. -It-calnis the cough, and heals the antenatal- sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium. no chloroform. nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a Iesiueus plant extract. that helps to l heal aching lungs. The Spaniards Call this slirnli which the Doctor uses. “The Sacred Herb". Always demand l)r. SlioI-p‘s-Cough Gurc. Soï¬l liy \V. A. Sanderson. BERSONALS. _Mr. IV. D. Brace is spending his‘ Xmas holidays in town, _ Miss Annie Cooper of Toronto spent Xmas day at the Parsonage. i Messrs. Alex. and Sidney Boyle came from Montreal to spend ChIistâ€" was at home. Mr. Garnet Duncan has returned rom the I\orth-\Vest where he had been since harvest. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage .spent 1 Christmas In Tort-Iito.aad'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Proctor. l ‘ Mr. Henry Hudson of Brantford Q spent a few days-wiIh his cousins, Mr. i ROY. If. Hut-old TIch is A the holidays IIIIdeI the parental root in the parsonage at Caledon East. l spending : r l 0n the evening of . “- [IAI . An Umbrella. ’ A pair of Gloves. ering valuable aid to the Xmas Tree and entertainment on Monday even- ing. at lleadford. . Mr. Robert (‘llrtis of Burlington Beach is spending a few \veeks with his sister. Mrs. Hain Legge. and in‘ videntally assisting his hrother-in-latv during the lnlsy Christmas si'aisoii: Miss Adan \Vincli who attended the Colllity Model School at New- market has been RWarded a teacher’s certificate. Miss Olive Kean was also successful at the recent examinations Mrs. J. H. Dolison and (laughter Nomi of Chatham, and Mrs. HfBenâ€" net and little daughter Kathleen of Fort \Villiani arrived Saturday even. lug to spend the holidays with Mr. T. F. McMahon‘atid family. Mrs. Doh- soti received a telegram Monday niorll‘ ing informing her that the Alexandra Block on King Street. where she had a suite of rootns was burned. They returde to (.‘liatham Monday evening. BIRTHS. DRURYâ€"On the 2nd Con. Maikliam. on Saturday. Dec. 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Drury, a son. MARRIAGES. \VA'rsox-RAWLIszâ€"At the parsonâ€" age. “'ediiesrlay Dec. 25th l_lltl7, liy Rev.A. Philip Brace B. 1).. MI. Frederick \Vatson of Toronto to Miss Minnie Rawlings of Elgin Mills. to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all ~ aboutAyer’s Cherry Pectoral, i: and they prescribe it for ' coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- :' f: sumption. They trustit. Then you can afl’ord to trust it. 1 Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a testimonialâ€"â€" “ Sold for over sixty years.†.7. O. Aye:- Oo.. Lowell. Mass. ' A no aunt-0mm:- of ' 9 SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. We hvo no Search! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Undo er Pll ' ite Femoral In breaklng up a cold. AFTER XMAS is a good time to start.’ New term opens on Jan. 2nd.- \Vrite for catâ€" l alogue; our moderate rates and other advantages will interest you. British Anion-ism: Business! College, Yonge and mat“ Ste, Toronto. OW THAT OUR XMAS STOCK IS COMPLETE, we‘ll offer a few wggestions for Xmas gifts:â€" 4,_.. _...e,_ A swell-designed Broadway Suit yr overcoat. A newâ€"style Cliriwty. A line Canieldiair llouse Coat. A fine shirt. 5 Doz. Collars. 5 Hot. Linen Handkerchiefs. A new Tie. A combination of Suspenders, Arm Bands, and Garters. A nice Tie Pin or Calf Links. < pair of our specialpriced Boots or House Shoes. A suit of ['ndei wear. A Swell range ef Boots and Shoes and House Shoes for Ladies. We invite you to inspcc: our Xmas stock. ARM. SAVAGE 1 611512733.†l .g. .3. a. J. . I‘M-M .; °+++++++++++ v o n Is now at its height China, Toys, e++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++ lars, and Belts. (1 6‘ a Dec. 19, 1907. ï¬M++++++++++++++§+~l~ ++++++++++++++e+++++r+e+++ ++++++++++M++W+++++++§++ ++ MM+++++++++++++++++ ++ + 'I‘ ++++++é++4~Â¥M++++++++++++'r ++++++++++%W++++++++i‘+++ '1- M++++++++++++~i ++++ . lhlimumllflllflrare Store -++++~M++~I~-:-+++-x~+++++++++++i~ez-+++~:~+++++- lut~++++++++++ +4»!-'1“?++++++++++++++++M++'++-I~++++++++++++++++ Iiolitlay Buying Gomg With a swing and force which is the natural result of our extensive preparations for It, and the grand values we are oflering. Nowhere can gifts be purchased to better ad- vantage than herehwhether they be Fancy Novelties, Goods, Ladies Fancy Handkerchiefs, Col- Gent’s Collars, Ties, Suspenders. Fancy Fur-lined Overcoat. Black Beaver Overcoat. Fancy TWeed Suit, Regal Brand. or any oi the other varied lines that ï¬nd such a ï¬tting and profuse representation through- out the store. all at money-saving prices. The Up=t0= Atkinson &, .. Switzer +'l'+ ++++++++++++++++ ++’l‘+++‘l‘+++’l'++++++++++++%+++ +++++++ ++~z~+++++ .t. 'l' ..:..;. +++++¢ + at our establishment. Albums, Fancy date Store "Hap-g- +++++ t+¢++++q¢+++. +4.4. +¢++.M++++++++H§++H++ +év++++++€vlv+W++++++++~1~+++ + ++-§-+-§:+++++M++++++++ ++++*++++++++++W++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++H+++++++++++++++++ l- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++M+M+W+$ We solicit your order for Ranges and. Heaters And . assure you satisfaction Inl quality and price. Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. I Tinsnlithing in all its branches. G. SOULES BY MAIL BRITISH BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTO. Matriculation. Y. M. (I. A. free. eases,- 33.00 railway fare vain 11' th Is page: uztiLtioLed. h CANADIAN Preeticzrl tin-l thumu: u Shorthand, Commercial. and Address R. A. FAROL‘HARSON, ILL. Yongc and Elder 515.. Toronto. For Sale 7 One Buggy. one set of harness. ciz-‘e oat hin. Apply at Tllli LIBERAL OFFICE. Br-[H’E‘t‘ll Dr. Langstaft's office and the Third (‘llIIt‘f‘SbIUII of Markham on the Elgin Mills sideline. a. Lady‘s Chatel- .aine containing a pocket handkerchief ‘ and a sum of money. {cw-nil at the TI‘IE LIBERAL Ul~‘l-‘l("_-J. AT COLLEGE 1 DIVISION - Bfllllll. lThe Next Sitting of Div lslUl] Court for J No. 3, (‘onnty of York, will he held 1 in the Court Room, I RICHMOND HILL . ’0)?â€" l jSaturday, January 25, 1908 (.‘oimncncinz at 10 a. m. T. F. Mcxmuox CLch