Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1907, p. 8

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LOOking for ‘Xmas presentsPi ' unausnsn 1913 We have a Very assorted line ofi Bi Skates, Hockey Stloks, Pucks OF CANADA Carvers, Scissors, Knives, Forks, Head Office . - - . Toronto Spoons, also Heaters and Ranges. Village Directory. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. 11:. 1st, Jami and 4th Sunduy. Third Sunday ex 11 e m. Presbyterian churchâ€"Services at. 11 e. m.,nnd 'l in. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Q'Bnesriuy evening. Mmun Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays an) a. unend 10.30 I. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services 3:10.30 11. m.,nnd I? p. 'm. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- dnv on or before full moon Courtkicbmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and .onrth Friday Iv Lodge, A O U W--Meete fhirj Wednesday of 0 ch month _ Cempflilnin, S 0 B â€"Meots second and fourth Wednes lnv R '1' of'l‘emperenco-Meotl first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of We” month Public Library and Beading Roomâ€"01)an Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enwortli Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Month! Junior Epworch League meets over} M0!“ Ray afternoon at. 1. «an... i The Standard Bank pays interest ' , ._ four times a 'year on all Savings Very suitable for presents at reasonaole advance on cost. I 1 Bank deposits . . . . ’ 8 nl D artme t in Connectionv'tl llB . Tinsmithnig of all kinds promptly attended to. sangs a ‘ W n a ‘a ram“? ‘ RICHMOND IHILL BRANCH E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCIIES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARIIEIAM .AHD BTOUFI‘VILLE Furnaces, etc. ‘ POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further native Mails will be closed at. the .Ricbmonrl Bill Post Office as follows:â€" MORNING 835 EVm'NlNG MONEY ORDERS .Heurs for issuing Money Orders’â€"- ' MORNING ............. .....8.nO EVENING . ........................ 600 NIHâ€"Registered letters must be handed in at. least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for cloning. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 1’. M. M. TEEPY. Postmaster Mai-4»:-1-4-4»:-+1-+++~i-+~i-+++¢++Ir++ a. ‘ ‘5' “Business Knowledge“ and “Ever- T lasting l’ush" are two essentials to Who-1'1"!- - success. Attend MUSl‘iOKA , ELpIo'r'r Son PARRlKANPSOUND / TORONTO. ONT. inn-2»: ,_L _ . ._ 7. - Toronto & York Radial Railway Co, WINTER TIME TABLE. in effect Dec, 9, '07, And pl‘Ppnl'P for first-class hush M â€"» 7A; «7 m r we 7-, - w e NORTHBOL'ND . .- ~ . . , . .. ,_ . MET OPOL‘TAN DIVISION N ll V ‘ ni-ss positions suih .In .111 opon R There’s more Cnillfol'l. to he hnd in ii TORONTO. 9‘.‘(l‘.)am x ghospm 1" "n" 51""1"""" .Hm'dre‘ls “f p-I‘Afisgémiawo “"1233 am goopml oni- stndvnts zuv going into good \ , 4 billr Rol)e . s ...................... 3.10 pm ........... positions every year. Lot, us SOUTHBOL'ND train you for one. “'0 will do 1 O , _ v, I l , _' 'No. 2 No.4 it right. \VIXTER TERM JPENS 9 7 than in any other Lind, and theie is PARRY SOLM) .. . .1 9.00 an x 1 JANUARY 6' “rm? fm. can,“ ...... n 25 am 0.4581111 greater value in those. WP offer than is W‘Sflmo GOING NORTH . . TORONTO 1 _ 3.00 10.10 1011119 and SW When-in We excel nsnullV found at these pricesâ€"$8.00 to 9'“ am - - . ' Obs v 110,111 1 g p m c. . h . 0111111111" husmcss (.‘(lllt' es. 0. P. R. Crnssmg (Tm-ongn). Leave, $16.00 » 2.11:.“ stuns. sinusitis? “m” ’ g .41. m. 1100. 7.001. 8.00, .00, 11.00, _ a in cane. I w' . ‘ ' - - p. n)” LOU. 2100‘ 5.00. (5.004;, 7,00. 9.00. 0‘11. Hal'lless X1)1llly except. Sunday. i J Fl Princ'pal Offices: 111 S Minus, also cor. Kim: 11an Toronto ‘ York Mills 1’. 0.â€":i. In. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15. 9.15. 11.15.; p. m., 1.15, 3.15, 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 9.15. Thornhill P. 0â€"11. m., 6.33, 7.35, 8.35.035, “.35; p. m., 1.35, 3.35, 5.35, 0.35. 7.35, 0.35. ‘ Richmond Hillâ€":1. m.. 6.45, 7.4 8.45, 0.45, 11.45; p.‘m., 1.45, 3.45, 5.4 6.45, 7.45, 9.45. Bond‘s Luke Jct.â€":1. m., 6.55, 7.55, 8.55, 9.55, 11.55; p. m., 1.55. 3.55, 5.55, 6.55, 7.55, 9.55. . Auroraâ€":1. m., 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15. 12.15; p. m., 2.15, 4.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 10.15. Newmarketâ€"al. m.. 7.40. 8.40, 9.40, 10.40, 12.40; p. m., 2.40, 4.40, 6.40. 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. Sharonâ€":1. m., 8.50; p. m., 4.50, 6.50. Queensvilleâ€"ii.1n., 0.00; p. m., 5.00, 7.00. ‘ Koswickâ€", 9.10; p.m., 5.10, 7.10. Rouche’s Pointâ€"a. m., 0.15; p. m., 5.15.115. v i ‘ ‘ ° 1 . , , JileSiln’SPMnt,Al‘1‘11‘H\.lll.,10.00; lice (1.3111 POIIOlts from $I'OO per lear up / p. m" 5.40, no wards. This 13 what every man should have. GOING SOUTH. ‘ Jackson’s Point, Leaveâ€"a. m., 7.45; Location of College: (Cor Yonge and Alexander 315.) is the host; our prices are not high. “"‘l “mu” 8"”“0”' I"“‘”°"““‘“ 5'” I “2.7â€"0? 1 yr Single harness, all our own make, 1.1.0711..- 4.1 from $15.00 up. Heavy temn harness from $25.00 up. a Blankets, mitts, gloves. bells. and l 5 other supplies ill, the lowest piiccs. ‘ , D H E H & . 1 CG. GEO. MDONALD, Richmond Hill +++++++4°+++++++++++++9 Fifi"! 0+++~P++++'?i‘+++é++4 '1‘ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' t Va;- 5.; 1:913, » x . ,1,,.\..» ,_.--; i_,,»..'r_ -. I“. , , Superb BUNFEDERATIDN LIFE 13 Bllllllll Confectionery issue a policy free lrom restrictions, with guarantee values . . . - . st " and With protection and investment all combined. Ju recened 3 "65h 1 supply Robertson Bros. famous Chocolates and BouBonsâ€"the best of their class. ’ Gladden the heart 01 Fire Insurance My Stock of \Voolens for . fl - . , your wife, children or 11.13;.‘0'21-‘5’8. 01313;)th. m., 8.00; p_ m” Mercantile, Western, Norwich Union, and York Fire, sweetheart by taking a 3.00, 6.00. All busmess Will have my prompt attention. \Nrne {01 box home to daY- I Keswickâ€"u. m., 8.10; p. m., 3.20, is now COmPlete comprising 6.10. Queensvilleâ€"u. m., 8.25; p. m., 3.45, BIaCk and Blue VVQlSted 625. - ' Also a C100d variety of Twills Scotch Tweeds Sl - â€"â€"n. 1).. 8.30; . m.. 4.00, 6.30. - b . ‘ . ! Nzlivl‘iiiiu'kotâ€"lâ€"n. m.. 0.00, 7.00. 8.001, P. G. Fruus and NDtS at fight Fancy Trousefmgs. rates and literature. Prices 5c. to $2 50 9.00. 11.00; p. m., 1.00, 3.00, 5.00, 6.001, prices ior the Xinas Overcoatmo etc_ 7.00. 0.00. . ' trade h, I Auw..,,__a_ m., 6,10, 7.10, s_m, . RICH MON D H I L L ' Best; quality. Low prices 1," 9.10, 11.10; p. m., 1.10, 8.10, 5.10, 6.10, 7-10 9-10- A. .1. HUME, Bond‘s Luko Jct.â€"a. m., 6.25, 7...5, C Sweet to . t 8.2:". 93”, 1l.‘.5; . 11., 1.25, 3.25, 5.2.5, 0 o . , _ p I i ; Richmond HI", Ont. Tailor, Richmond Hill Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.40. 0, Amt-MIME ' _. , AW, _ ".1 8.40. 0.10. 11.40; p. 111., 1.10, 3.4.0, $.40, ___-‘ 7. _ ,7 _-. o .- . ,_ TORONTO 60 YO RK RAD- 3.1111123031131333532';115630312331 I ' ‘0 i ‘- IAL RAILWAY 6.5 l. '7. 50, 9. 50. COAL For sale at the C. N. O. ing Country to snll n-nl' FAMOI'S PEERLESS APPLE TREES. .-\ liltl _ HARDY RICD \\'l.\'1‘l’.R APPLE ili-it 7 v M "A . sells on sight, also :1 gi'llr‘i‘al lino of: _ ~ , , j fruit and ul'lltllile'lllul tires. including"i . Ulllt'l' \‘ulimlilo >111"l£|lllt'~. l , , . .. . (ithul lmv wechlv. until: five, cxcluv ‘ 11‘" 1""1‘1'lm‘". “f PIP‘W‘H“ \ WW Si“: “qr-HG”: ‘ 111-111 Holstein (‘illllt‘ :inil Bl't‘t'tll‘l' of “vii,” “Mg, m 1Improved (‘liwsYi-i- \\'hiic Hogs. Lot V . _ v 120 151 (‘on.. Vulnrlinn {Thornliilll ll‘li . . )‘v 3 y . . ‘ . - . _\.\1.\l l.§1.l\\ ( 0., ml. 8,1,. 5mm. gmn} yum“: stuck. ; self what. it can and will do. We sell and chew"- lully recommend .9. Yu‘i-k Mills P. 0.â€"â€"-:l. m., 7.10. 8.10, I ~ ‘ Metro olitan Divi ion,12.10; p. 111., 2.10, 4.10, 6.10. i" ‘5 A 3 HOUSE PA IN'IER p S S ' - . - 7 m 810 m w <5 0 a as d (3 _ 1 _ tation, or deliveied 1n the ,...,.. . _ 3‘.ofi. "- q 41:0[SliuTtfirglfuiofial‘IVPâ€"wl.£116 g ; v: .32 Ed“; a; village.’ ..~.,...,., 3; o 3‘. ' 11.10. 7.40. 3.10. 10.40. 1-3 5 ‘5 ' _ H 5-: {:1 a a w, - DECEMBER let to 25111 (inclusive). \Vcdnesduy and Sutniday evenings <1 :; :5 cf" 5-_ :0_=° 7) Calls from a dicta“ 1 Also a. latc czu- leaves 0. 1’. R. Crossing for 3: j o s; 5.: awe: E ° 0‘3 prompt y DECEMBER 3151 and JANUARY 1st. For threshing engine: ' . . . ‘ -. ‘ - a: "‘ ‘ ~"- ' ' r r W .\c\vni.ukot and llll-t‘llllt‘dldle points 7: m x Q amended to. . . D ‘ "t “30 [L "L O E H a ‘ ) y In addition to the ngulni- Service, Every \Vodncsdny and Suturdnv H E D :2: REbIDENCE. LICHMOBD HILL cars will MW“ N- TORONTO f”? N U T STOVE F U R \T A C 1: night,“ “m, m. “in 1mm. Newnmkg, a: g g, Nnivii‘An‘Kni‘ui 2.00.1...1 4.00 p. m. ’ ’ ‘ ;or 'l‘in-onto and intermediate points‘ <0 . v , . t , g 7 H I f I‘Qifl‘vaigfgifilws TORUETU BeSt scranton coal-- '“t‘lltli-‘iiiiiii;:‘ii'ith Suhoinlwl‘g & Aurora 2 2 g I 2 I I 111- d:Fl\:t: :18 mu: A150 Railway. “5 a: f ;_ " ‘1 J. eaves ' 4 '. r RKIET v In addition to 1119‘l‘l'gllliu‘si’l'vlm‘llP< 0 Pg 3.? :12; 531' fol: ’59)}{401‘1'1‘0 and lulu-“’Edi‘ue ' .. v ., .w ,\ dug, i. g: o:' ff: t.‘ l.' . . ‘4 - ‘ ‘1“3‘” . M“. 1”"..9 3-“ ,1 3‘,“ 3,”? 2 El 1 5 3:£3§§E§§ 1’0"," a. . OJ.) "L, . A l Bran and Victor E eed for Joint .1 slittinl (.11 \\Ill lriui {\iu- ~T =z<~ch-;m . .,. . lnurkct m t'l‘_\‘ Saturday :11 12.40 noon in CD ': Q, ‘33“ 3 i’ g ‘ §>- i. ' j for Jackson’s Point. ‘51 g .E I“ i": E35 .3: E cattle and hogs' -' \V.H..\100R1‘1.Minimum-1m E, r E :32“, ' 'é -:e. a . ' B 2:21. -â€" s: ‘ a . I u- . . _._ of--. --. W - r : â€" - .: Stomach trouble 15 buts symptom of. and not ‘ .' . ‘ . . a Z ‘ k1 itself a. true disease. We think 01 Dyspepsia. l‘lnds Of 3mm b‘HJth 5 C sweet to O ,2 .1 A E l Heartburn. and Indigestion as real diseases. yet d I ."I "t q ) ‘_ c F . ACandyBoweluutln s a 2 1 they are smvwmsomv 0‘ a “mm 5W“ a“ “a 19> 130-51 C l IICCJ ‘ z u 3 - Nerve Sicknessâ€"nothing else. . 1 N.-. . - W - .. fl, 7 W ,V l i "c g Rwasthisfactthat.firstcorrectlylcdDr.Sh00D ‘ paltl at the 1118111101". [A z '3 " _ >2 . in the creation of that now very popular Stomach . Make mm (Sure *" WA N T c D 4 El .2 52 I g Remedyâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative. Going direct Everybolyrhoiihl‘ju'n r L... V H .3: Z: ‘ x 3 5 to the stomach nerves. alone brought that success l gig-£3332; Ii?" 1 7' J. B A 15:3 1 Q E :2 and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. \l'iih- [ n 4:- ' ‘1‘-.. 511.5- 1...: A R I I h I A I < LE 3 g 3‘ out 1111113 original and highly vital 11113011112111) V r ‘ ‘ .;_ :; :_.‘"f C a such casting accomplishments were evcrto be ad. H o l e I a e g e n 21 ; 5L: ’5‘ , ' For stomach distress. bloating.biliousness, bad {fliu'ifi‘fl “ ix N [J l R I ’ ‘ v 4 f g 'H“ 1 breuth and sallow comph-xion. try Dr. Sheep's rue! » 111m 1‘ or 111(‘113103 D Hll.1.:in:l sni-i'oninl- 'J ' ’ Rustomtii‘câ€"I‘nblcts or Liquidâ€"mid St‘x: for your- -‘ “Ty " “F 1111: NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZL‘QE v. l‘zxtllli\lll'l)’ piintvil oi. llllt‘ (-outml pup-i. 1’14'1llll'<lif\\'i‘ll-l{llfl\\'nlll'illlil', of i‘Llllt‘lll Hints. of things ln-ullti- 1:11 :illll curious. About ono [llilllsilllil >li‘l-‘l1‘i‘ inches of pic-1111's in i'lli‘ll i~.<in-. Appeals to (,‘uinidiuns ;1\ Lllr‘ grout il- lll‘llflli'il pnpi-is of Lomlon alipr-tll to tho English pi-oplo. Non political. -. Ahmlntoly no :IX“ to grind. Its aim . r 1 which you (a t . drau‘uny time want to (10 S') m i don‘t care Lo 5, x-iontlnmcmlx this o sum! in yr '1! «topm- f(.>PL(‘. m. ‘(ylt-13"(I‘JI‘.;L‘[- Hipl lu llil'illlll. Illust V . . , .. ‘ ' v - _ i i .. - v ._ a. w .v . 010‘“ 1:01 High‘gl'ml‘. xiwgm'y bind" Th“1”“§:hh1‘9d hull “"‘1 hog 1W1“ {"1" ' “Mylku WM m“ n”, ‘ f 1-11., ln- will In 111‘ ill‘llll oi iloil. 11-11 (‘or‘Tou'nlu' on.“ 5““ it“ “3 lb" lne'l'i‘l’c' ' 45143:”: 11" (lilo (lllll'll' :» \‘t'ill‘, Tl... Iii;._ N. 11-5 )‘i‘iul ~ i,- “ \- :. . ,,. .3 D. U. GODDEHII.\111, l L LET-FEAR? 5n)“. 6LTBI twin] PUMA m)” (.H 3,, S. ,I I. 1 L I tt‘llL 1 .im .icintsl ) t , _ yaxl'wâ€"m V Yb” ‘ k, H ._ LIN” Sr.» working purl. tnnex :1 1m 1 iopi-iutor l ;z-:::'u'fi;,;‘_3";;._£* ‘ £52555 > Monti-mil. 314, I

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