Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1908, p. 1

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VOL. XXX. Gills by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. atuc rites {Amused \uctioneers torthe Count.on York. H Lies. anemia-1w on ihottgstnobict‘nnd a tea- n>u1bla mtes Patronage solicited G R. G abgve Graduate of Trinity Medici] Cullng alml UlliVPl's‘ity. Tulnutu. Melnlwr uf U-fllvgv of Physicians and Surgeons of Galh-gv- of Physicians and Surgeons of (Intmiu and New ank. SPE‘LH. A'I‘TENTION GIVEN T0 Dus- msus OF THE HEART AND LUNGS AND '1‘1) \VUMEN AND Ganmnmx. ONE? and lb-sidc-m-c fnrmefly ne':u~ pied by Dr. Buyd, Iiivhmnnd Hill. MVWW DR. H. W. ANDERSON, > E)enti:st, RICHMQND HILL & THORNHILL DHURSDAY MORNING (BERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHMONDHILL,ONT. 1'. F. MUMAHON. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, A ltu nd 11!.)- lllL. II [In :! {-rtalu‘rs a- Emhahnrrs,_ ‘6 J. EARLE NEWTON [ID J. IRWIN CASSI’DY cans e A action“: (0': the County of 1101- ( re- qm‘ufiy lezcxrs your pasronage and friendly dance Runes :xttfluded on the shurtest notice [at rusouabemtus. P. 0.u.ddreas King Cur. Carlton and Yungt‘ Sts.. Turnntu ill be in Richmond Hill on \Vcd ussdely (91' each \vevk. Office, next dum- north of Stand- ard Bank. ‘ Instructiun in .\[ VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Phornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. 33.0119? WWW per annum, in advance.] s .ugoon a: NlcEwen. @112 @iheml VVRIGHT BROS, ()f IS PUBLISHED EVERY M41) 9 stnnknf Funan kept at both pl III) DIOM EDITOB a P110931 mow. .I. II. Pa eallice. An 11' Pianist wetcrinary HIE LIBERAL OFFIC M. D., U. M. 2m ‘diral G. BLOUGH. AT THE genial. Piano-playing :und hem-y 31) 11.. m. to 5 p. m. {'0 2.303431. Lou Brook. agent for tho Mus. Dnc. (Pianr R. C. 0. (Theory E W l Furnishing uces J K McEwen Wuswn ‘nl FARM NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. 12.. TORONTO, Cunudu. FRANK BENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. M CLOCK BO‘ULTBEF S. \V. Gumm- King & Yunge Streets G G 8 Lindsay"): C A G F Lawrence W Riduut Wadsworth Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Private Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, 83:. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Lnun Bldg), 00:. Addaide 85 Victoria. Sts., Toronto. Richmond Hill Oflice. south-vast. (-01-- uer of Lorne Bldg, every Thuraday afternoon. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toruntn Ofl‘ir‘e, 33 Richmond St. West, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- unnu. LENNOX & MORGAN Maple, Thursday afternoon.- Muuey to loan at Fi\e Per Cent (5%) Money to loan onland andchauel moxtgugesat lowest rates Auroranfliceâ€"Romuved to the old post office one door west 0! the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket orificeâ€"Three doors south of the pascomco T Ennnxnu meox G 81:? 146125»: Aurora. Newmarket JAS. N EVVTON Mome TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, leJG’EN REEL] 4533 Riohrncnu 13-1111 NOTA RY PUBLIC}, Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Phone Main 311 AG ENC- Y I AME Fâ€"Tarr'v Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1.908 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c- ssuer of Marriage Licenses. COMMXSSIO Barrfister, Solicitor, Etc Toronto Office, 36 Tumntn street. J. EDWARD FRANCI REAL E Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. RIC Barristers and Solicitors. unmissionel, Unnveyancer, e Insurance. and lie-u] Estate Isslzur (If Marriage Licenses. L A\ NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Stuliclurs, Etc. [DUI WILLIAM COOK ’ HMOND H J. M. LAING and Trust. Funds to loan at luwest current, rates. OOHSIXSSIONEB IN THE puh TORONTO. $35211. mmmdat 2, CONVEYAXCE YAL AND B ICA ASS. COS Travelle rs LMER STATE. ETC In Essentials, Unity; in NonnEssentials, Liberty gin all things, Charity" ILL POST O FFH Wright. PROPRIETC PUBI Phone Main 2964 on HOUSE etc. TOR ISH the The Lorne Hull was \ve-II fillvd Mun- dny evening when muninutinns were taken by tho \‘illzlgl' ulvrk fur uu-u'. four cunncillms, and three Public schnnl trustees. Thu fullowing ars- tho nmninntinns with the. mm 91-5 .1126 m-ct;udv.-x-s:â€"â€"- \V. H. Pugsh-y F. McUunnghy. H. A. Nivlmlls, Thos. Trench. Fur Councillors. John Palmer, by J. H. Brvdnn and F. Lym-tt. Juhn Hmn-v Sanderson, by Isaac Crosby and “71". Harrison. David Slnan, 'luy S. M. Brown and Thus. Hopper. Edward Barker, by J. H. Sanderson and Isaac Crosby. Thomas Henry Trench. by A. G. Savage and Gen. Cmvie. Hvrhm-t Henry Hopper, by D. Hill and F. E. Sims. Julm Brydun, by Geo. Cuwie and F. N. Hopper. ‘ Geo. Redditt, by Isaac- Crosby and John Bz'stnrd. Davul Hill. by H. A. Nicholls and J. H. BI-ydnn. G00. Cowiv, by A. G. Savage and John Palmer. Tln three. tlnstoes were declared elected by avr‘lal’nation. Shortly after 8.30 Mr. A. J. Hume. Village clerk. was elected chairman, and the speaking t‘UlnnH‘lllfl'd. Mr. Pugsley was the first to addresu the elm-tots. He thanked the electors for past patronage. and in coming again for the position of reove, he wished to“) judged by the work in the, \illage during the past ‘year, as Well as his record in the County Council. This year’s council has: made a, good road to the station. they have improv- N] the, fire pmtection lly putting in a numht‘r of cement tanks “‘hlt'h are tilled with water. He had hops-s that before long we “‘(mld have. electric light by Niagara power, and helivved that. we would soon be supplied with Water from the wells at. Lemnnrille. Mr. Nicholls. who followed. stated that $1,350 had been spent this year on lentre street, the Work having lwen started by last year's council. The rink was a. paying institution, having netted last, \vintel $141.55. The ex- penditlne this year under the Control of the Council was $2,346. and we have on hand a balance of $500. He had spoken to several firms relative to industries hern, but they all Sulll We must, first get. electric light and a better water supply. He. drop. ped out of the, reeveahip r-t ntest last year on the assnram-e of Mr. Pugalev that the latter wanted the position for one year only. Mr. Nicholls said he was :unlfltionv, Mr. Nichoils said he was uthtiuu-x and zllw lys wallth to gvt In the tun of the lnddrn'. He had served the village two years as cuunciilm‘ and thnught that was lung enough lwfnre aspiring to the ufl‘ice of rem-(I. YPHI‘S ago thu posiciun had to seek the mun. hit in this prugressive age the man must $90k the pnsilimt. IIis mm intm-usts wen-’th \‘illngv‘s Interests, and if Pivot- ed he wvuld do his hmt for the people. Mr. Pugslvy in “1wa said he did nut look upun this Plot‘t‘h n as one uf pm. mutivn, but us a hueiness matter. It was fox the vie-ctm-s 10 say whetth he or Mr. Nichnils would hes-t son 9 “NH”. As to any pmmiw made last, y did not go to Mr. Nit-hulls but. th Came to him and ufi't-red his sup Mr. Palmer thought that :1 was needed in the Council p90plv'smunvy is being: sqnm He concluded with u pursume (In Mr. J. H. Snndvrsml. nisfie-fl Mr. TN 5 (zmmci muld w: Ml VILLAGE NOMINATIONS. Flu Fur Schmul Trustees. additt was n Mr. anie r the 'Jitâ€"‘nCP W; h hit“. Buy 1] would l 'm Reeve. by J. S. Ill Ismc Crosby and t present .1 his Suppurl that :1 chm .‘numtil :Is 1 15C Vem mutter. whethr‘r sen e the Inncs anti 1\tfi [It In! (01 1) es DOT u !d ‘ A Nomination Inertin‘g ftfi‘ the nom- math of reeve. de uty-nbb‘\'§i,nnd thi'be r‘nlinbmnra fur 1R9 Towns lib hf Vaughan was hem ut the annship Hull, Vcllm-e, on Monday: The Hall wus crowded and much interest was" manifvstvd in municipal math-r3. Thé following nmninutiuns \Vt‘l’v made:â€" Ful~1-eevvâ€"Is.~mc [)evins. l'o-elected. .; dvputy-reeveâ€"D. C. Lungnouse. H'helectod. For (:("lllCiHUI‘Sâ€"J. ,Cnmernn. Jacob \Villiums. \Villiam min-‘9, J. Sent}, Mr-Nair. \Vm. Timms. Ruliert Jam-s. Alfred Luhmvr, Noah Built-S, P. Bass- ingrwnitv. At the after-meeting Mr. J. B. Mc- Lea n was elected clmii man. He called on themndidutes numinutod. themem- lwls of the present Colillf‘il being the first tn address the electors. Reeve Ill'VlllS and the yther candidates 0x-‘ plaiued their views on such matters as the Metrupulltun Railway, huilding hridge over the Humlwr. putting uni gmvvl and other live questions. The. audience was gnud humm'ed. and mztny ‘ pm-Unent questions were asked the old] members of the Culxncil us well as the. new aspirants. I The following handed in their resign mutiuns 10 the returning nflicer:~â€"\V. Kinm-P. R. James. Thu f'nllnwiug namns will :Ippvm‘ on the ballot papers fur the posilibn If cmmcillm’s next- Munday: J. Scntf MC- Nnir, Jns. S. Cameron. Jurnh W’ill- iums, Alfred Luhmu', \Vm. Thomas. Mr. T. H. Keys has been appointld Master of the Masunic Lodge. In humour of the event Mr. and Mrs. Keys entertained a large number of the members and their wives U) a sup- per at their home last Friday night. Mr. J. B. McLean has heel. appointed schuul trustee in place of Mr. J. Ur. Guustahle who has held the positiun for nine years. Large congregations u'ele present at the anniversary services at ane on Sunday. Sermons \vere preached ly Rev. A. P. Bruce, and the (:linir was ahly assisted lw Mr. and Mrs. ll. Reynnlds. and Miss Lelia Reynolds of Aurnra, and Mr. H. Galluway nf Tur- nnln. A f'ree~\\‘ill ofi'ering was taken at each serx ice. \Ve are, surly tn state, that 311'. “h Knight is sex inust ill. Christmas was spent quieth hero. Quite a large number uf Visitors spent the (lay in the village. Special sm-vives will begin in the Methodist church “th Sunday. The pastors will he assisted by Rev. \V. A. Rodwell, cvungulist‘, for the: next two wwks. Th» fnllnwiug thp ballot [)upl‘ cnnncillnr‘s next Nuil‘. Jns. S. ( The fullmving is the report nf S. S. No. 3 Markham, fm- Dvcmulwrtâ€" 31-. IV.-â€"Vernu Irwin, Flurenchh-h- nrds, Muly Irwin, Arthur Ugurper, Ida. B I'kPI'. Fwenmn Barker. Jr. IV.â€"Emm:l Barker, Elias Elliott, C-lvlluud Caldwell. David Hlslup. Sr. III.â€"MnryCooper,HulUvBl‘Udie. Gladvs Hvlmknv. I’vH-y Elsun. I’rvstnn Elsnn. “Viv” \\'(-llm:1n, Rhndu Barker, Murray We mun. Jr. ll.â€"Al\fin Smith. Jrssit‘ Lily. win n Elm that they gradients ih SV 'UHII JrflIl SJ VAUGHAN NOMINATIONS. ggists in this town and vicinity shown the prescription. stntm :hey can eilhpr supply these in ants, or, if our readers prefer will compound the mixture f0 SHAKE IN A f1 um tm El Ah‘in Smith, Jrssit Mum] Hurt, Char u Unldwvll. Fred 1 lsie um Unlthvvl. sv Hem-i H‘eadford. 'mmn m Maple. time “'11 1 [ho ps1 l‘Hlp 1h 3‘ Smith, \Vultor Hi “LB 1. 1h BOTTLE. ’ckie Fountain, ‘ctm- Piltl'l‘shl', Elsnn. “"in Charlie [‘r'd ”( Liliun( the 'his is Ll) nuthuz'itv medicine m 11V 11!] "ITE’eLondon Mu’g- gual and British é AmerioaJFire Ens. ' Cos. , London and 1Lanoash1re Ass. A tickling cnugh, from any finish iA quickly stopped by Dr. Shaun's Cough Unre. And it is so Him-mu:th ‘hm-m- loss and safe. that DI. Slump it“? mntlwrs (-vm'ywhm-e tn gi'u- it. withhitt befiitufiun. 9V9!) tU h‘ifl' young balms. urnlllIllI'II. C‘Y‘II L" Vl-‘l :V‘Illll le-vl‘w The whnlusmne gn-Ph IvM‘us éthd temlvr stems of n. lung-healing nmunmihlgH-a shrub, furnish the curative prnpt-rtim‘ Yd Dr. Simop‘s Guugh Cure. IL cnhne the ’cnugh. and hLuIs the sure and sensitive hrtmL-hiul mvmhrum-s. NH opium. no chloroform. nothng harsh used to injure or snpprvss. Sniibl}? :r. reginv’xjs plnnt. extract. that helps hi 11ml anhi'xfg futl‘gs. The- szmiards calf thisshruh which th buchh- “593'. “Th” Suul'od Hvrh". Always dorinnna Di: Slump’s Guligh Cure. sun by “H A. Sanderson. fiiiw B the ancoptbtl time ((3 My nv'erc’iu‘nts. . W'e offvr sludghler pricm nu fululiiibd :ltiii'iilb'm- ovucoiité'. AL- kimnn & Switz‘tlr. Verdict for Dr. Pierce Sending truth after a lie.“ It is an old maxim that‘ “a. He will travel seven leagues while truth is getting its, boolx' on." and no doubt hundreds of thousands of good people read the unwarranted and malicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce and his" Favorite Prescription " publislmd in the May (1904) number of the Ladies" Home Journal, with its great black dis- play headings, who never saw the humâ€" ble, groveling retraction, with its incon- spicuous heading, published two months later. It was boldly charged in the sland- erous and libelous article that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for the cure of woman’s weaknesses and ailments, con- tained alcohol and other harmful ingredi- ents. Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit against the publishers of the Ladiva‘ Home Journal, for $200,000.00 damages. Dr. Pierce alleged that, Mr. 150k, the editor, maliciously published the article containing uch false and defamatory matter wit the intent of injuring his busine ‘ urthermore. that, no alcohol.or jurious. or habit-f0rming,drugs er vere. contained in his "Fa- ever i d that Mr. Bok‘s maliciousstatc- were wholly and absolutely false. (‘l Q'l the: rotr erI Lion “ f om emlm \\ E \mhed d f c?) hq ifiese facts were also proven in the trial of the action in the Supreme Court. But. the business of Dr. Pierce was greatly injured by the publication of tho libelous article wiih its great. display headings. While hundreds of thousands who read the wickedly defamatory article never saw the humble grovelingr re- LracLlon. set in small type and made as incon- spicuous as possible. Thepatter was. how- ever brought before a jury in the Supreme Court of New York State which promptly rendered a. verdict in the Doctor‘s favor. Thus his. traducers came to grief and their base slanders were refused. RICHMOND HILL AGAINST THE Ladies’ Home Jou‘i‘flah [Sin'gle.copiés, 3 bté: AGENT FOR Farm CULLLA. ful my [ite 1:13--

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