MHH+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ++++++¢ -._. twwwmnwwiwwww q. CHAPTER XX.â€"(Con tinned). “I can realfzo now what occurred. Usher was, as l have said. in the din- ll’H-room when we talked to Carlton. He was in darkness. and through the glass doors he could see all that we did. After i the visit of that girl he must have seen from our faces the success of his plIiiiS. and stolen round into the passage and to the other door of the drawing-mom. either to let her out or to hear better what we said. Watching there stealth~ ilyâ€"llie only cool one of the threeâ€"ho suwv Carlton seize the knife; and the poor boys _inad frcnzy must have flashed into his mind the terrible idea which he after- wards made useof. The last insult and its effect upon Vivienne and myself gave him his opportunity; and like lightning he seized it. By his hand. By his hand. at the entrance to the mom, was the but- ton of‘ the electric light. At the instant when l sprang forward to strike Carl- ton: when Vivienne, maddened by the :insult of her mother and herself flashed round on him; when Carlton. himself. looked wildly about. realizing too late what he had said. be pressed the button. and the mom was in darkntss. Carlton was not too yards from him; at his hand was the table with the knife. which the unfortunate boy had just thrown down; be seized the weapon. stabbed furiously through the darkness. and darted from the room. Carlton was out of his way for ever. With any luck. and with any luck. too. he had a hundred chances of escap- ing suspicion. For an instant he may have hesitated between flight and re- maining; I know not. He did not hesi- tate long, but with an infernal calcula- tion he dared all. Returning to the door. he turned on the light. and looked at us. Carlton was dead; nly hands were covered with blood. and in Vivienne's eye’sâ€"l can see it nowâ€"â€"was the fear and horror of what. as she then thought it. was my deed. l. fool that I was. know- ing myself innocent. and misled by her wordsk could not doubt that it was she that had been carried beyond herself and {struck the blow. . “It had probablyâ€"I am. of course. only guessing. with the help of what that vil- lain let out while torturing me todayâ€"4t had probably been Usher‘s idea that we should put the poor boy‘s death down to the act of his Oivn hand. He had al- ready seized the knife with the intention of striking himself; why. when he rea- lized what he had said. should he not have completed the resolve? But the blood on my hands. Vivienne‘s words. .and the expression on our faces. must have given him a better idea still. an idea which might make his pursuit. of Vivienne a certainty. The only thing necessary was to prevent any possible explanation between Vivienne and my- self. He suggested instant flight, and forced it on us. Vivicnne’s fainting might have spoiled his plans even then. but l-‘atc again stepped in and helped him in the person of that drunken friend of his. I went off alone to the address which he gave me. and I have never seen ,‘v'ivicnne since. When Usher returned to 1 “\I‘. flat you had. of course. been there. 'yand Vivienne had gone. lie must have ‘wondcred what had become of her. but he never gave a sign to me. He knew ‘he was sure of finding her again. I sup- pose. and he did. The sooundrcl. he do ceived me all along. and I was a fool to believe in him. Yet. believe in him as I ilid. I must confess it was a surprise to me when I received a letter from Vivi- enne. informing me that she was en- gaged to marry him." ‘When did you receive that?" Gordon asked quickly. Mr. Gaunt mentioned a date. and Gor- 134m thought rapidly. It was the day after Usher‘s unceremouious visit to Vivienne at his house in the Park. “I think you would not be surprised if you knew all the facts I know." he said. “Miss Gaunt does not like or trust this man. I am certain; nay. she has al- most told me so. But he has deceived. her as he did you. and her love for you put her still more into his power. Mr. Gaunt. after that night in Regent Street. you thought that it was your daughter who struck the fatal blow ‘2" .. "Yes. yes; I don't know how I ever could have thought so. but I did." “this it never struck you that. she. in hcr turn, might have considered you guilty †“Me? Good God! Why. of course. poor child. she must have done so ! My hands were Eovcrcd with blood; I had sprung forward to strike Carlton. She could have no more suspected the real truth than I didâ€"why. of course. she must have believed me guilty! And do you mean to say thatâ€"" “That Ushcr traded on that belief. and 11st her love for you for his own pur- poses? \‘csi I am Sure of it. sure as I am that not any liking for him. but a desire to save you. inadc hcr accept him as her liancrc. Bill I have reason to knew that the sacrificc has provcn be- yond h_cr strength. and she has taken another alternative." “What do you mean '3" “i mean that. considering herself the real cause of that tragedy in the flat; considering flint if was she that brought it about. and that it was. to a great. ex- tent. for her that you struck. as she thinks. the blow. she has determined. rather than iiccrpt the help of that man. and the consequences case hx‘rself of tlic crime.“ Not Guilty; @@@®@@@@ Or, A Great Mistake. - M+++++++++++++++++++ Hm of his aid, to 313- would make + ++++++++++++++++++++ ‘ “And so save me?" ' “And so. as she imagines. save you ’ Mr. Gaunt's eyes filled with tears. "That is like my little Vivienne.†hc said; “but. thank heaven. there is no neces- sity now for sacrifice. We know who it was that killed poor Carlton; and we can put our hands on him. But ï¬rst to soc Vivienne; where can your man have got to?" CHAPTER XXI. Gordon. startled. looked up quickly. It was true; where could the cx-corporal have got to? Dccply intercstul in Mr. Gaunt's story. he had lakcn no count of time; and when he looked at his watch he saw that Sterrctt had been gone near- ly an hour. . n “I cannot understand it." he said. I hope nothing has happened to him." “Is it possible that he can have seen Usher again 7" said Mr. Gaunt. "It is certainly possible. He is a very sharp follow. It is entirely owing to him that I found you fo-day. But. yet I hardly see why he should follow Usher. really. lie was put on to find you. and not that man." Good “To find us? what is be ?" Gordon hesitated for a second. "It was stupid of me. I need have said nothing about it." he returned. "But he was in the: detective force. He is now. however. entirely on my side." n “They were looking for us. then ‘1 ' “Yes; but merely. 1 think. with the idea of getting information. But if they had known you were present that night when Carlton was murdercd~ â€"" “There would be a warrant out for our arrest? Good heavens. what fools “N were to let that sooundrel go. If they are looking for us. they will find us. whether this man of yours is now on your side or not. They Will find us. and with Usher gone. why. what could we prove?“ . “We must find him. that‘s all.“ said Gordon. “Stcrrctt said that he could put his hand on him. and I have faith in the man." At that moment a step was heard on the stairs. and the two men looked up anxiously. They heard someone fum- bling at theâ€"door. and then there was siiencc for a moment. “I must see who il is." said Gordon. and creeping to the door. he looked through one of the cracks. Thrre was only a small boy standing on the land- int.r outside. and Gordon opened the door. The boy stared at him for a moment or. two. “Are you the gent that's going to set father up in business?" he asked. Gordon hit his lip. “Are you a Ster- rett?" he said. “You look like one. But I think. my boy. your-father would have done better to keep that little busmcss matter to himself.†' I _ The boy. a thin. pale indiVidual. thh a remarkable resemblance in his man- ner and expression to the “Stool.†shook his head. . “Father don't mind me." he said. “He knows I don’t talk. I'm going to be in the office with him. He wants you to come on after him to I’entoni'ille. he says. as quick as ever you can. Ive got a cab for the lame gentleman.“ “’f‘o Pentonvillel†exclaimed Gordon. “But why? what; has happened?" The boy shook his head. “I don't know." he said. “He didn’t have time to fill me. He was after someone. That's all he said. Come on at once to Pen- lonvillc." Gordon turned back to Mr. Gaunt. and then stopping: “Can you help me carry that gentleman?" be asked. The boy nodded. “Yes. Sir; I am very strong. We can get him down all right." ~ Mr. Gaunt started when he heard Gor~ don's news. “Let us go at once." he said. “If only you can get me info the cab. Good heavens! I hope nothing is wrong with Vivienne. Can Usher have gone there. do you think?" Gordon (lid not reply. but as he and the boy labored to get the huge man down the narmw and shaky stairs. his mind worked anxiously. The some thought had come to him. too, and made him tremble. flad Usher gone to hcr‘? And. desperate. in danger. as he must know himsle now to be. what had be gone there for? A few people starcd curiously at them as they got Mr. Gaunt into the four» \‘xlicclcr. which was waiting at. the ware- house doors. but nothing occurer to de- lay them. and they were soon making their way in the direction of Pentunvillc. Slcrrelt‘s boy taking his seat by the diivcr. with an air of accomplishing an cvcryoay performance. Both Gaunt and Gordon were very ri-stlcss as they drove along. psi-tally seemed almost unable to re strain his impatience. “Since I know that scoundrcl. I am devilishly afraid of him." he said. anxiously. “I'ct Vivienne is ii clcvcr girl. What can he do. after all. but frighten her. poor child ‘3 Ym, don't think tic will try to get her away again. do you?" he added. “Oh. no." said Gordon. “He must know that he is in danger of pursuit. And. after all. we do not know that he has gone there at all." But in his heart he did think so really. Something.r told him that Usher. driven to desperation. a last effort, and he prayed. as they hurried along. that they might be heavens l flicn l»: unfounded. They caught sight of Stcrrctt pacing up and down outside the house as they drove up, and Gordon sprang quickly out of the cab. “Ila is here. that man ?" he asked. “You have got him ‘3" “Yes. he is there, sir. ISnW him again. and I thought it better not to lose sight of him. Luckily. I met my boy. who's sharp enough for halfâ€"aâ€"dozcn. and I thought you would do well to come on after me as quickly as you cr.uld. But, no. sir. I haven't got him. It's nothing to do with me. you see. I've no warrant for his arrest. All I could do was to follow him and let you know where he went." "\‘cry good." said Gordon. done well. But help Mr. Gaunt out of the cab, while I go inside." And house. and entered the hall. the door of which was open. Scattered about in the passage were some boxes. and coming down the stairs towards him he saw Miss (jaunt, vitli lit-i hat and gloves on. She started and gave a little cry as she "Colonel Gordon?" shc ex- "Youf Why. what (lacs this saw him. claimed. mean?" “I have brought. your father back to you. Miss Gaunt." “My fatherl Oh, impossible! I was just leaving to join him at Liverpool." “To join him at Liverpool?" “fie sent Mr. Usher to take mcâ€"but I see by your face what. am I saying? that. there has been some mistake; and my father is here himself. you say? Oh. where? Let me see him quickly. Dcar. dear papa l" But Mr. Gaunt was already in the hall. supported by Slcrrett and his son; and Miss Gaunt flew into his arms. lionaie conversation and mutual ques- tioning. before either Gordon or Miss Gaunt rcincnilwrcd that Usher was in tin house awaiting her. Gordon entered the room where he had spoken t: the young girl on the former occa- sion. Usher must have board and gucSScd what was happening. for he was stand- ing. as if at bay. with his back against the wall and his look turned eagerly toâ€" wards the door. As he saw Gordon his white face turn~ ed paler and his green eyes glared fur- iously. but he said nothing for a mo- ment. Then he moved towards Gordon. me pass." he said, with a contemptuous gesture. m3 this yet. Gordon barred his way. with arms folded. and look-ed at him quietly. “I don‘t think you can go 50 easily as that.“ he said. you ï¬red at me.“ Usher raised his hand. I was a fool not to kill you.".he said. “Let me go. orâ€"._.." He had raised his hand, but Gordon seized iiicnt there would have been a struggle. when suddenly a little cry made them toth turn. Vivienne and her father were in the room. Gordon dropped the gamblers arm. and turned away, \ iile Usher stood for a second looking into Vivienne's eyes. The expression in them made him grow pale and stagger for a moment like a drunken man. Then he passed his hand across his forehead quickly. “Miss Gaunt." he said, with an attempt to steady his voice. But Vivienne stopped him with an in- dignant motion of her hand. “I know all." she said. “It was you who murdered Claude Carlton. and you who tried to make my father believeâ€"â€" but. oh. how can_l talk to you! I never thought such men existed; I never dreamed the world could contain any- one so wicked. so cruel. so horrible l†Usher listened to her silently. with his eyes ï¬xed on hers. “i love you." he said. and Gordon in spite of his dislike. cr uld not help feeling how extraordinary handsome the man was; and involuntar- iiy he glanced with a little pang at \'ivi- cnnc. But her face was cold and con’ toii'iptuous. “f lave you. I loved you from the first moment I saw you." the gambler went on. “Yes. I did kill Carlton; it was for you! I wrote those letters; I sent that. girl to you with her story; it was for you! It was 1 who brought about the quarrel that nightâ€"for you l And to win you. I would have let you think your father a murderer; I would have evenâ€" if I could have won you in no other way â€"havc let you give y-ourocll up for your father's sake. and have saved you even then. My God. is there anything I would not have done to win you. anthâ€" and. by Ileavcn. you are not worth it after all! But you shall belong to no other man. I su'rar it 3†lie was standing between Gordon and Vivienne. and before (Jordon could move. he had drawn a revolver and flied straight at the young girl. He raised the weapon again; but Gordon struck it from. his hand. and almost. in- stantly Illlutllt‘l' shot. rang out. Slurrclt had drawn a pistol. and firing. had hit the gambler. The man screamed and slumblcd. but did not fall; and as Gor- don and Stcrrctt turned to catch \‘lviâ€" cnnc. he dashed to the window. flung it open. leaped six foot on to the pave- Gilunl 05> mom and ran limping down thc street. Gordon had caught \‘fvicnnc as she l'cll almost into hot†father's arms. ' “You are hurt 1' You are wounded?" If? Cl‘it‘d. She slmk lll‘t‘ brad. “.\ little: :1 very little." she said. “860 5" and she raiscd ll): dark hair from her temple. pkod was flowing freely. but Gordon in time. or that his presentin‘ients might “You have he Sprang up the steps of the There was a moment or two of alloc- was the first; and. passing swiftly by Vivienne and her fathcr. he “Let “I am going. You have done time. but you have not won his "If only lei that shot “Curse you ! it quickly. and in another mo- I .tiiiic. The ' and _\Ir. Gaunt saw to their joy that flic" wound was not dangerous. though had “i0 . right she must have born killed. .Slie bore herself With great courage. I l-~r2n.; lh- ll -. flu the shock must have been great. liil ! III†grubby l:~.l she was on the pOlfll of giving way. :i: h I ‘ v talcl the men could see; and it was a r bulk-f gum an inch lll"ll't‘l' to flu" l l l t l l k' them when Miss Wrent. the lady of the house. appeared, startled by the shooting. and took her in charge. For- tunately a poli‘mman had not appeared on the occur, and the little crowd atâ€" tracted by the noise to the scene. finding nothing to amuse them. vanished. “Thank God i" said Mr. Gaunt. as they were left together downstairs. “What a terribly narrow escape. 'l‘hat scalin- drcl ! And he has got off." “He was Struck. sir." said Sterrcll. gloomi'ly. "I hit him: but he's got away. I ncver thought of running after him. Ilullo. here's the boy!" For at that momcnt Stcrrett's son on- tcrcd the paSSagc and beckoned to his father. “I lost him. father." he said. “I went after him when I saw him run. but he lack a liansom. I heard where he told the cabman to go~to the place where the animals are." “Are you sure ?" Cried Mr. Gaunt. “Then we shall get him yet. with any luck. flow I curse my useless legs that won‘t carry me. just when I need them J Gordon. I shall need your help again." But Gordon had disappeared. (To be continued). --+ MAKING BUTTER [N \VINTER. Buttermaklng in winter is not very differentfrom making butter in summer. It might. be said that, in winter cream is ripened and churned at high tem- peratures. In summer more care is nceded to keep the cream from becom- ing too warm and sour; in winter it cream is kept too long and at too high a temperature it is apt to become bit- for. After the cream is ripen-ed it is rcady to churn. The first step is to cool the cream from 65 degrees 17.. the tempera- ture at which the crczim is ripened. to about 55 degrees in winter. If at these temperatures the butter should come to 10 minutes and the butter is soft the next churning should be cooled somewhat lower; say two degrees. 0n the other hand. if the cream is slow in coming the temperature should _be raised. It should not take over 20 to EU minutes to churn a bath of butter The time that it takes to churn de- pends upon five things: (i) the ripeness (-f the cream; (2) the temperature of cream; (3) the thickness of the fat in if; (4) the length. of time the cows have l-ceii milking; (5) the kind of feed that the cows are being fed. A gallon of†cream should be heavy enough to churn three pounds of butter. When the cream is cooled to proper temperature 1 should be strained through a hair sicvc into the churn. Doing this will remove the large chunks of curd from the cream and prevent the butter from having while specks. After straining the cream. butter color. if used. is put into the cream and then the cover lo the churn ls securcly fixed. The churn should not be turned too rapidly but at a speed that will produce the most concussion. A churn should never be filled more than half full ‘rf cream. When the cream begins to break considerable care should be exercised not to gather the butter granules into one lump. Cliurning should cease. when the butter particles are about the size of wheat kernels. When the butter is well drained from buttermilk rinse 1t with a little water at a temperature 0! 55 degrees F. After this is draincd away put the cork in the churn and add a half pail- !‘ul of well water to every fifteen pounds of butter. put the cover on the churn and revolve it slowly at least. six “1110.â€. then draw off the wafer and id. the butter drum for fifteen minutes. FALL AND WINI‘ER FEED FOR SHEEP. So long as there is a fair supply of grass. little else is needed for the flock though some additional fccd may bc. supplied with advantage as the pas lures begin to fall. For the transition from posture to winlcr loci lhrrc should be in l’th'Jl!lt‘-5\' some succulent crop on which the flock may be folded loi u few hours daily until fully iic~ custoiucd to the change. after which lhcy may remain on the ground all the For this purpose. rape form; a rut-able crop. Care is necessary not to allow too free access at first: as uhcn wet with dew or rain there is danger of bloating; but such troubles may be avoided by keeping the flock on a near-by pasture and turning into the rape patch for a few hours daily dur- ing the middle of the day. returning to the pasture in the. evening. Later the sliccp may be allowed to remain in the rape patch all lhl- lino Confinmg them flux-Eng “10 night in filinf’tu-Jlla promotist i eaten off and .siiihvlyiiig a small fccd of hay in racks Following rap-x a patch of turnipsl l.) b» t‘iltL‘ll {ff «in thc ground. ullh aii‘; (it with my room full of waiters and my. 4 grains. such as oats. bran and corn, will benefit. Com never should fonn but a small portion of the ration for breeding ewes. Ensilagc. though not. generally fodi to sheep has been used with success’ l;_v many in wintering their flocks. and no doubt by judicious use of this sue-r cuient and roots better results wouh’ tie obtaincd than in fcediiig an entirely dry ration. Wintrring the flocks on’ straw and a little buy without grain orâ€. roots of any I: ml is certain to perpetuâ€" ate a dcgcncratcd annual. M \\'li\"l'lil’. FEEDING 01* HORSES. A mislakn in feeling that is gci'icrak lg criticised by farm journals and in slitute speakers is the giving of too much hay to working horscs. During the time they are idlc iii the “infer. the rations may well contain a larger pro- portion of hay and bulky food than when they are working. but cvcn at this i.'ll{l it is \vrll to remember the liinile'Lons of the horsc‘s stomach and to give him merely \ihui bulky food he will clcun up in about an hour and a‘ till“. . The, grain iatfou is cut down lo suit. the amount of Work done. it. is a inisâ€"' taken kindness to lump the lira-5r- on :i‘ llcttv)’ grain ration when he is idle.5 Such ills as Monday morning discuscf (lymplmngills). amturia. and various filo-rid troublescarc apt in follow such‘ a Course. But. on the other hand. it! i: also poor policy to feed the horses) loss than is required to keep them in.1 ï¬rstâ€"class condition. Willi generous but judicious feed-g ing. the horses will take a good dual ct exerciser. and should be given it :‘n' the yard if not on the road. The bran mash once or twice a.1 week should not be ovurlookcd. and; the horses will be still better for car- rots. if they are available. or for other- vcgetables cookcd with the mash. ._~â€" ADOLPHL‘H B.\.\'TEII’S GIIEAT IDEA. How He PerOsed to Get liven Withs the Opposition Restaurant. ‘Adolphus Baxter?" queried the mag- istrate. looking over his glasses at that prisoncr in the box. “Yes. your worship.“ that individual. “Is that your right name?‘ . “Yrs. your worship.†responded the prisoner. with dignity. “You don’t think I would play any tricks on the Court. I hope?†“You are accused of being in a 534‘ humbly repliedl state of inioxtmtion yesterday after- noon. What have you to say for your~ scll?" “Ouilc true. your worship. I ccrtain. ly was intoxicated; but I had an ex- cuse. Lis'cn before you convict me. I am a n taurant keeper by profession. Across the street just opposite my place‘ is an eating den kept by a miserable. rcd-hcadcd man by the name of Lob‘J. stcr. who has been an obstruction to. my business ever since i opened." “Well. wcll.’ interrupted the magis» irate. “what about It? I'm in a hurry.) Mr. Baxlcr.†) “One moment longer. your worship." replied the prisoner. “and I‘ve done. Last week I found that my expenses were $7.3. and my receipts were $17.07. I had only $100 left. I had to make. a stir in some way. so I hired a young man. bought him a new suit of clothes. and started him out with a big pla- card lash-med to th coat fall. which raid: ‘1 cut my lunch at Baxter‘s Pa. lac-c Rcslaurunt.‘ “As he walked up the street no (It-1 ti'aclcd universal attention. and bust-i. nose began to pout in. About noon [I! noticed that it suddenly stopped. On going out l discowred the cause of theI trouble. Lobster had got hold of m,’ man. made him quite drunk. and stood him up in front of my door. Ills clothes| were covered with mud. and his hat.I was jammed over his head down to‘ his chin. Of course. no one would come in to my place with such an in.’ ducemcnt as that at the door. That. ex! D‘L‘I‘Illli‘nt cost me $20. The next 'day a brilliant idea came to inc. and I hastJ cued to seize upon it. I went to a‘ show which had come for u wcck‘s stay. and engage-d the fat man and tho’ living skeleton. I paid them $30 cac'qnl my last penny, I put a huge card on‘ the fat man‘s back. which read: ‘I eat at Adolphus Baxter's}. And on tlior' thin man I put another Sign: ‘I don't.’ “Then I started lhcm down the street. ai'in-in-arni. The effect was prodigiousi} Crowds followed in their wake. Ant. the populace at once bog-an to say.‘. ‘\\'lici-c is Baxter's? Let us go to this wondcrfu rcstauraul.’ l was in ec-' stasies of joy. I contemplated renting {11.7 next house and hiring ten new. waiters. When I was in the Illii'ht at this dclliium of delight l was ogai hui-lr-il from the lilglu‘~i. pinnaclc a]; hope to the lowrrt depths of despaj. vii-min flu} summit of my prosperity}; into an ally»; of rum. It was the work Lobster. I waitcd all the iiioruing.‘ kilclir-it crowded with 't-xiihsainc viundsy‘ tut no one came. Then yaur worship. I look '1) drink to drown my sorrow. But I {hill be i'r‘n‘ligt'al (in Lobster." “\Vllul (154.1 111} M iiijiii‘c you the he alimvniici- of boy. will put thr- fldgk in u _ V , good ('Undlllull for going inf.) “mim- lzisl lime? llltllllll‘t If.» lllilglx-il‘fltt'.‘ quarters, “\VILM (1H ilw flu? I'l‘in'ullo'n} Ulw‘ pris- )“nl'lld‘\1‘:Ill-f'l’.i3:0n.fls f€.f'1i\l‘.ll;‘l1~ “11W? "310 “Md-1*"! “'0 “'r‘l“ ago ‘rl«.i(‘\. tlzi-"l- is Twill} lt'ftvi' fflilll â€"~â€""â€>I“‘â€"‘ “and clovï¬l‘ ‘f'u" - 1' llr'lli CG": " i , . . Fat .v- i ' .- in...- i Al-v Fruit" (inc ‘ilri'W-Wdfâ€3’3311‘111life‘isthat . .. .v = in t' i." ' s ‘ ‘ l i I . . ‘ '~ ‘. L. ' ‘1‘“) inf :1 ' if†“11" ‘1‘" 8Phil six- \\‘..h go of l<“l \ Iii Lil’llillill \I'lzt‘l'C“ .‘ , ..: . . .. .x . ‘ ' i I†)1“ [1‘ gr \ ‘ ‘ r _. 1... My .f,.fii;_ .1 innudnunn min a "K ‘ "J" " ‘ i‘ l \']H' rosy-N iti'filr‘ ~l/J’ filial \‘lTILM‘. fillil “iv†in " ‘1‘ r L t L ' . l 5 1 " " r ' - 1 ' i ' "If‘l ‘- (“'1’ '-‘ “AL-“1 I in. 11"ttifllgl'tllllilllgfll'VIIIll :isnpuf t1\.ll 1). his it‘ ". IT]. M" “II-“.1; Eyl‘l‘]]\ mm‘ sun."an Ht†Wk )1,†fun will :upply hall I} though tin: 'iiil i‘4.\i ;' iio‘ i'sl.;:il_n‘.. lziV'illvl j iigrvlitllilflll llll‘) It: ad i;'.uli of I 0', siiigcdiicss. .iiirtrogiiiwl-l.x no»: