Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1908, p. 4

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on account. .lnpl Edward: “"45 paid $106.00 1e M‘l'\'.'ce< as sanitary inspector. 0n Inoliun uf Mr. McMurchy cnnnril adjourned to meet utMmic Hall. Nubia- um. nn Monday, Dec‘ 30th (,0 confirm the minutes. Rut hcl‘fm‘dnnd Lloyd Hnllings- ]wud cullvctme were paid $60.00 each A quiet \voddlng tnuk place here on Chrismxus day at, the reside!ch of Mr. Iosvph Farmer, whvn his oldosb daughtm. M nggie. was unin in mat- rilnuuy tn Mr. Asa Hvise of Regina. Swim. va. Thus. Dunvr pmfnnued (5. J. Fuller. réps. m culvert. ... .1.UU Robert. b‘tewurt, gravel and mud . \vm-k . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.01 Gem-g9 case. mud wm k and cedar.17.50 Jnhn Auwy. 3 yds. gravel . . .. . .. 30 John Olwrry. 137 yds. gravel . . . . . . 13.70 Joseph Egan, rvps. tn culvert, . . . . . l 3.0!) GPO. Patton. damage to Wagon...15.00 \Vm. Sit-wart. 10px. tncnIveI-t . . . . . 4.00 Sew-n sheep raluntm-s received. Lhn 5mm of $14 re semicos valuing shvvp killed hyllngs. -n‘ ‘u- ,u n S1 Council met at McCurter's Hotel. Nobletun. on Monday, Dec. “Shh, 1907. Members all pn-sent. RPeVP nggv in the chair. Minutvs of last met-Ling lead and confirmed. The innuwing accmmts'wvw (.rdl-wd to he paid:â€" Joseph Billings, munths Salary. 33.33 M. J. Kehne. 10nd wm-k... . . .. . .3.8l) Joseph Billings, blacksmithng .. 2.70 \Vm. Kennedy. digging ditch” . . .7320 Hum. \Vhitt'. 3; yds. gravel .. . 35 A. Nm-lun. HIV 6 in . .. . . . . . .‘ . . .9.00 John Wells, services as member of- H. . . .. ..l.50 John C. Black. services re small- [III ROM. \Vrir. hamlng LilP. Hi mu Potter, road wm'k pox cusps. . . . . . .. . . . . . 14.Uu A. G. Nicol, supplies furnisth L. Hulman, 11- B. of H . .. .. 8.55 Albion 'l‘p.. road wm k on tnwn line.1.U() \V. J. Bren-ton. M.I).. snhu-y etc" as M. 11.0.. ....30.00 J::lne§1’mfi'snn and Edward Marshall I-eSpeuLEN-ly H-l rived the fullmving sums for inspecting wire fences:â€"â€"$7.2!) and $12.08. vanly ratepayers l‘E‘CPiVOd the sum Hf $122.72, re snow fence bonus (m_cortific:|tes of inspectmwx. . n the ceremony m the pl't’St'nCe of im- mediate i‘elutivvs and a ieW invited guests. Mr. Heise is the eldest sun nf Abram Boise (If GUI‘III‘Py. and huids a good pnsition \vitlmn largo lumlwr firm in Regina. They left, for their new home on Now Year‘s Day. Mr. James Bowman and Invidp. of near Staynm-, Ont., are on thoir Ved- ding tour \‘isiling nâ€"lutivps and friends in this vicinity. and attended church how on Sunday lust. The stalliun at "\Vesl, Gnrmlvy" pre- sents :\ busy sceno when the nun-hing truin pulls in. Abuut sixty cans of Mount! fluid are rapidly lmstlvd on hunrd hy the elwrgolic farmers of this luculity. The elm'utm at this place is it marvel of its kind. Fxom the cu- pnln, which is reached ‘ay :4 fire-escape stnilcase nn the outsidv. n grnud View m-ly he obtained of Unevwhole town- ship of hrkham. @112 Eggiheml. Mr. P. \V. Siuver and wife-«J Gm m- lvy have returned from an extended VINL to friends in MiL-hignl. mu- stimnlute the Heart, or Kidneys. That, is simply n. makeshift. Got 2t presm-iplinn knnwn tu [)ruggisis every- whoroals Dr. Slmnp’s Resturntivr. The Reslurntive is prepared exprrssly fur these weak inside nerves. b‘trrngthrn these nprves. build {hum up with Dr. Shnnp's Restorativeâ€"tnhlrtsurliquidâ€" and see how quickly help will rmno. Froo sample test; sent on rvquust luy Dr. Snoop. Racim’. Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold “'ht‘n tlemmach, Hem-t. or Kidney nerve-s get, weak. then these organs ul- Wnys fail. Don‘t drug the Stumm-h, I‘Ul' stimulate the Heart 01- Kidneys. Tho mrmhms: Olfâ€"Huud Rifle ( 9"".- prm-licu un l)e(‘.21<t. Vex-v made hy Mr. Rohort Agar, rvspm-livvl)‘. nnmml mwt fullmving ()fiil Dr. Snr-nfi. Racim’. Wis. Ymâ€"u- is surely worth this simple test b y \\'. A. Szuulersuu. a nurse m Ru ward at nc Rwuiaoxn HILL. 0NT.. Jun. 2. 1908 Ml On nde by M: int fit ng you] *sidentâ€" a Metmpnlitan car or at Thorn- I‘uesdzly evening, Decvmhel‘ 31. meg contammg a sum of money. GORMLEY GLEANINGS. Thns. szld made the high '01- the past smlsnn. viz. 91. w! untt made the higfeat aver; The follo‘wing are (lu- th averages for NOEâ€"Mr. \Vu] 73 6.13 points: Mr. Thums Rn -.) 6 points; Mr. Ruhext Agar, 1.. . Victoria Square KING COUNCIL. ant-«Mr. â€".\lr. Ch Read m ‘mts wore e11- *s of the Vi :- Cllll) met m. Saturd: ry creditul Thunms I namely 89 After the Lost FRANCIS’ STORE '. Al nu ls fire amount of un the \:n‘ y aftm-nm all\i e scures w 92”] and 1 whuii ted for Thornhill and Mr. 88 points Iling. the when the Ian quare 12.00 . 3. 80 2. 70 . 7. 20 '. 9.00 ll. Yum Vote and Infllmnro are Respet fully Snlicited fur Your Vote and Influenca- :uv Respect- fully Solicin for V{our Vote and InfluencP are Respect- fully Solicited for Your Vote and Influence are Ruspech fully Sulicited for Your Vote and lufluvnce are Respect- fully Solicited for Your Vote and Infltwnce are Rn-spcct- full Solicitod ful- Your Vote- and fully Municipal Elections Your Vote 1m3‘1 Influvm-v :n-e Respect- fully Snlicited fur PENNYROYAL WAFERS. 17‘01' Councillors Jas. A. Cameron {901- Councillors J. Scott McNair Jacob William s Alfred Lahmer Gee. B Padget W. H. Pugsley Richmond Hill Markham Tp. Wm. Themas Vaughan Tp. Walter 803% 1“ 0 1' I} o 0 v 0 PW ) l. I} «u ‘ l ,v (I As Councillor for 1908. As Councinor hp 1908. As Ununci-fim‘ for 1903. As Councillor for 1908. As Counciilm- l‘m- 1908. As Councillor for 1908 AS RPEVL‘ fur 1903. As Reeve for 1908. Influeâ€"ncp :u'e Respect Sulicited fuz- +++++++$+++++++++++++++4-4-4 THE PeOpIe of taste like a nice perfume. See our stock of cut glass and case perfumes. Our selection was never more complete, ranging from 25c. to $2. +++++++M+M++++++++++++§~i~ at a Small Cost Jonah and Brush Perfumes of Quality Brushes : Cloth, Hat, and Hair. Now is the time to select, and We will be giad to Show you our goods. Elegant Perfumes A taw Choice DoHS leit. Shaving: Sets gem S 9ng Store Druggist - Richmond Hill Saflder= (“Dittifihamfi JER Busy Repairing Servant Wantefl S ubascribe for Did you ever hear of PRICE'25, 50, I oo. delaved with our re- pair work, but now we are busy at re- pairiJg every day and expect to be up with our work in about a week. mas season we were anicul'e A delightful odor. PEER Pm During the Christ- 69¢ LIBERA S‘\\’I'I fWhat about Subscriptions for wee-lily and daily papers taken at “The Liberal” Office. Nate the following-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tion, tillJan. 1, 1909 Q Weekly Mail and Empire, with premium “Golgotha.” F7 g p The Toronto Daily World 4 months The Daily Globe, one year York County only The Daily Mail and Em- pire, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receiv- ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New Idea Woman’s Maga- 1ne Canadian Pictorial B‘ McClure’s Magazine AN OPEN LETTER Dear Friend :â€"-â€" A bright young lawyer at the Muskoka. Sanatorium for Consump- t-ives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon him by having consumption, said: “ One has to lead a. life of concealment. If I go away from this place people are afraid of me.” This is the sad lot of those who suifer from this dread disease. On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be reCeived by other hospitals, I make this appeal for the Muskokn. Free Hospital for Consumptives. 11'] us Nearly 10,000 people from everfi' part; of Canada aided in this good work last year, sending us $26,000. - The Trustees have faith that a. still larger number will help. The Physician's offices, throat rooms, etc., up to the present have occupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients. To make better provision for the work. and furnish more accommo- dation, a new administration building is now under Way. A cottage for the. Physician and his young wife had also to be built. To provide for this outlay, and to care for patients for the coming year, We must secure'nt; least; $50,000. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a patient. because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom 01 1101‘ hospitals refuse. It cares for those Whom other people are afraid of. Lickwhcat Richmond Hill Grain Market. \Vheat ‘ e \Vheat Toronto, 1907. 3 IN _ n 31.0 §¢ was sick and ye visited me,” was Christ‘s commendation. mi; a, richer benediction be yours if from a loving heart your 1:;‘A'os 0. golden visit to this hospital, bringing heaith and joy to Mm other people fear, and whom. in many cases, nobody wants. i you have the luxury of giving P Faithfuliy yours, mix), 1907. ( Pmblem of National Importance From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto Newspapers E 92 G1 RESIDENCE. R LaxÂ¥et§ 5 Cans from a d azier. Grair V. HEWESON HOUSE PAINTER, Hanger ' 850. -mw m0. 750. 35G 1161‘ C Sweet to Eat' A Cand" Bowel Laud". MEG. 2.5% 2.50 nd Pacer pron Ha. '.'

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