I 1†. AN EASY VICTIM 3 TO CONSUMPTION , The run down syntcm is an inviting i field (or the norm of Tuberculosis. You cannot avoid breathlii in the germsâ€" they are ovorywheroâ€" it a robust sys- tcm is immune from their attacks. l‘o rebuild a wcokrned system there is nothing that contains no much virtuo as COD LIVICI! OIL, but the virtue is not in the grease. In fact the grease retards tlio beneï¬cial action of the really vnlunblo principle of the OIL by derangiiig the digestion. In “BRICKS TASTEIJCSS" the grease is eliminated. it r-rmcnts the valuable principles of ('Oi) LI VICR Oil. in n. paint/ab 0 term, combined with phosphorous In the form of tho Cinn- puunit Syrup of Hyiinplio-aphltrs. the nutritious Liquid Extract of .\i:ilt and the Bronchial 'l‘onic iln’l S‘rlntlvo Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry Burk. ARM YOURSELF An A INST CON'i‘AtIION. I l ! "BRICK'S 'I‘ASVI‘ELESS†will build I up tho cnervated system and Will euro i Bronchitis, Pulmonary Ailbt'llllll‘l. and l the deraiizcd or disordered nervous ' aystcm. Make your body healthy and ’ you need have no fcrtr of germs or diseases. Itead Brick‘s guarantee with each bottle. " BRIC K'S TASTICLESS' is put up in eight (3) ounce bottles. retail price ï¬fty (50) cents, and in twenty (20) ounce bottles, retail price one (1 dollar. BOYIIOOD‘S DAYS. This poem was composed and writlcn by the latc Joseph Laughlin, Si‘., Bowâ€" manvillc, about the your 1862. Dear boyhood days when I loved to stray By the plcasant may. Down by the meadows grccn; Where the lurk poured forth its lunc- ful lay Through't the long, long summer day. When I caught the trout in the mur- inuringar slrcain. rills that did gcnily These were the days of happiness, That passed away in innocencc, And fcw wch the cards of tlic mormw When youth and boyhood were in their prime, Free train the blighllm.T hand of lime. Or life‘s perplexing sorrow. Dear boyhood days, hOw you've passed away, Left me far in the eve of munhood‘s (lav; Your fleeting breath to mourn. l-i sorrow 1 oil mourn my fate, But, ah, alas, alas, too lateâ€" You'll never on Earth return. The verdant groves where oil I’ve been, My strolls along the haunted stream, The hills oft wandered o'er, My boyish foolprints in the snowâ€" All those bright visions haunt me so, They oppress my heart full sore. The hawthorns robed in richest bloom ,Where the linnct sang its lovcslraincd tune, \thre oft l’vc lingered near; The primrose and the daisy gay, .\thre I and brother oft did play; Ah, ain‘t those memories dear? My parents, whom I loved most. dear, Their voices I no longer licar; All these have passed away. The brother and sislcr group so dear, \Vc all are parted far and near, This long:r and many a day. The old (loonslonc \vhcrc at evening late. hlolhcr listened to the childish prate Of the lilllc group going.r on; The room where stood my little bod, .thrc mothcr pillowcd oft. my headâ€" All these loved scenes are gone. Ah, can those momorics pass away, Or from my mcmory c'cr decay? Ali, ncvcr, ncvcr. never, Till death shall end my vcry last. day And take me from this life away-â€" 'I‘hcn I‘ll rcnicmbcr ever. But why nrcl I laman my talc. O! mourn now when it is too lalc? Mankind havc shared the same. Hope bids mc lack bcyond the tomb V\'hcrc boyliood‘s days again shall come, chcr, never, to pass again. Farcwcll my lmyliood’s (lavs on earth: I-‘arcwcll swccl days of nianhood’s mirth: You‘re all passal likc a drcam. Faith's anchorcd now beyond the skics. OI‘ endless rilis and Izidclcss jcvs \Vlicre I'll be a boy again. ' 1 __.1._ Their is an old-fasliioncd prccaulion of liC‘Opllng a goat in a slalilc. Suppos ing always that the animals arc lo<)sv,; Ihc goal. will lcavc ilic alalilc on llli‘ outbreak of tirc. and the horses will ifollow the goal! whoh no amount of :pcrsuasion from man will get th- lei» nï¬cd creatures to budge. . The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2265 ‘ «at f:‘ favor-is . .. SAVES HIGH-PRICED “'OOD. 'I‘IIC Vcnrcr Cutter “'ill Makc 150 Slices to the Inch. “Tho vcnccr cullcr :s unv of tho won- (Zcrs of iiiodcrii tinich say a illl‘lllilli‘0- wan, "Pooliln who han- iicv‘i-r .‘H'I‘Il ii work have not littf t.i.iitc\t Jtlt'ii what it can <10. "(it mini-5n it is (inc icsull (if lilo scarcity and hiin pricc «if \uiuulih- limâ€" ll‘l‘, ivi‘ it Illilll puny, l(l~4'\\(l<iil. .Aixiny .':n.I I'Iil‘ll'tl lllill'ii‘ wrru us i'liciip as 31-1. ï¬-Iiw pinc lhcrr‘ wouid lu- iin II’I‘tl lul‘ It \‘i‘llt‘t'l'lllg illill'll,ll(‘, liul llii' hiin pi’iciux (ii illt'M‘ wniii~ C(lillllt‘lll‘il cixiliiiiiiy. “.-\ 511W 1'lllli‘i' will will ‘3?» or 30 slim-s oi \(Ilt‘l‘l‘ il‘illll illl iiltIl of wm-ll. most, pioiili- would iliilik that a tulci'nlily (‘L't‘lltllllit‘ill usc, i'cscw'ond. "ilut tho kn.fc cullcr shaves (ill llir “WWI ill a shcc so thin that from 12?) la 15‘) vcnrcrs to thc ill"l1 can l't‘ l‘lll, and .~iill cvm-ycnc of lhcsc shavings lii'csri'vns lhr‘ mlur and shows illl‘ lcx- turn of tho original woodl. and so .KIIIUHllllY i~ tho tlliiillg donc that vci'y oflcn no polsliing is ncCcssnry. .. __._.,x,- Flipson “Young “apples has got the laugh tm-ncd against himsle in his little jmkc against lhc Illuxcs Fire In- surance Company." Flopwn~“llow?" lilipson~r“ilc insured Still cigars, smokiyd thcm. and llicii scnl in a claim on the ground that ilicy hiid bccii dcsiroycii by ï¬rc.†Flopsonâ€"“And they laughed at him, I supposr?’ I’liipsonâ€"“No. They had him arrested on a charge of ar- son.†and llils is "\t‘ll (ll Thcy arc Not Violcni in Action. â€" “tau.â€" nt-ritl‘ql-v. '. Sonic prisons, wlicn “my wish to cleanse the slomach. rrsort to Epsom v _. and othcr purgiilivc sails. 'l‘hi‘sc urc ' spccdy in th-cir action. but scrvc no “i pc'i'mi‘incnt good. 'I‘hcir usc producns int-ipil‘lli chills, uni if pcrsistcd in lhcy injure thc slomacli. Nor do thcy act upon the inlcstincs in :i hcncli-cial way. Parmclcc’s \i'cgelablo l‘ills answer all purposes in this respect, and have no superior. ANCES’l‘ORIAL. Thcrc i; no ('ibjccticin to one’s having notable ancestors if they hr honestly Come by. But he should ncvcr forgot, Address our Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s shears,â€"can't go wrong. They lock on all four sideshare self-draining and water- shcdding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buddings ï¬re-proof, weatherproof and proof against; lightning. Cost least. in the long run. gauge toughened sheet steelâ€"only one quality used and that the bestâ€" bent cold and double-galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily- Galvanized STEEL until 1933. Cheap as Made of 28- tempting us send .3...“ “c .<. . aw... -. . _ Semi for FREE Bookâ€"“Rooting Right†Get Our Otter Belore You Root 3 Thing OTIAWA 423 Sussex St. TORONTO 1! Colborne 8t. painted. Guaranteed in every Ought to last a century. wood shingles in ï¬rst cost; far cheaper in the long run. “Oshawa†Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only 10 ft. x 10 ft. area of any roof and hear our ' offer for With the cheapest can really afford to buy. about this rooï¬ng questionâ€"tells some things you may not know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century LONDON es Dndas st. fl ll’. way $450 a square, Tell us the covering it roof on et you FREE booklet; that a good dcs'ccndant is much beltcr than cvcn a good ancestor. 'I‘hc laltcr is gcncrally dcad. A SECRET. Uncloâ€"-“You sccm to be living vcry comfortably licrc, my boy, but are you saving any money?†Ncplicw goodness sake dcn't iLll my wife.†Allen's Lung Balsam. in which there IS ".0 o iuin, cures sore throat and sore lungs as It aiays the inflammation and rids you of the mucous that stops up the air pus sages. 25c., 500.. $1.00 bottles. COULD NOT FAIL. “Our club is going: to give a big cn~ it‘l‘id'illmelli ncxt month." "ch, so I lirard. Do you think it will 1.0 a success?" “Sure to bc. We've arranged it so that every nicmbcr is chairman of some committee or other." An End to Bilious Hcadaciic.â€"Bili- ousimss. which is caused by cxocxsivc bilc in the stomach. has a vmvkcd cf- fcct upon the ncrvcs, and often maniâ€" fi-sts itself by scvcr-c headache. This is tin, most, distiicssing hcadachc one can have. There are hcudachcs from cold. ions hmdachc. Pills will cure lIâ€"CIII‘C it almost im- nicdialcly. It. will disappear as soon as tho l’ills opcralc. There is nothing surcr in tlic ti'cuimcni of bilious headâ€" ache. Molhcr Gravcs’ Worm Extcrminaior has the largest salc of any similar prc- paralion sold in Canada. It always givcs satisfaction by restoring health to ili litllc folks. chct are the uscs of adversityâ€"for our neighbors. The iicigliLors may know what you have got. but what lhcy don‘t always know is how you got it. ITCII. Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human oi animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. A Gcncral Favoriic.â€"In cvcry place whcrc introducrd Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- lric Oil has not tailcd to establish a rc- pulation, showing that the stcrliiit,r qua- lilics which it pOSScsscs are valncd cvcrywlicrc whcn flicy bccomc known. II is in gcncral use in (ianada and (lhcr Counlrics as a household incdi- (inc and the dcmand for it cach yrar shows that it is a favorite whcrcv r uscd. Gentleman (to house agcnllâ€"“The gl‘cill, disadvantage is that. the house is so damp." Ilousc. Agentâ€"“Disad- vantage, sir? Advantage, I call it. In case of ï¬re it wouldn‘t be so likely to burn!" She had acccplcd his offcr to escort hcr homc in the rain. “I havc bccn wondci'ing,“ he rcmarkcd. on the way, “whcthcr it is on account of my ulll‘ l‘l‘t‘llfl or my company that I am allow- ri to come with you?†“II is neither." slio rcplicd. “It is on account oi my new hut." _..’ A Great Combination. “Perroviin " the best tonic is. It should be taken b all invalids, by all who are run down or out o sorts. It builds up, gives new life. IIIS NAME \\'.’\5 ALEXANDER. There was a chap who kcpt a store, And though tlicrc might. be grander, 11c sold things clicap, nor asked for Illol'i‘, llis name was Alcxandcr. Mlny Thanks are due from the proprietors of Weaver's Comte to friends who have written to tail of the Cerate‘s good word in curing scrotuiuus humors. scald head and other skin diseases. An Irish lawyer. no'lcd for his wit, was cngagcd by a lady to defend an action her husband was bringing tor judicial separation, \\'hilo cross-ex- aminingz the plainlilt hc askcdzâ€"“i'oii wiin lo lcavc this woman bccausc slic iiiiiiiks‘l" “Yrs, sir.†“ilo you drink: y'lll'N‘Ii?" "'l‘liiil's iiiy buxincss!" â€"â€" angrily, \Vllt‘l'lllllhn llio iiniiiovi-d law'- _\cr quictly axkrd hiuizâ€"“llznc you ;.ll)' olhcr bllbllli‘bs‘r’ IIc mixed his good; with cunning hand Iic was :i olillilli l)l‘illltll'l‘; And since his sugar was half sand, ’l‘hcy called him .-\lo.\»$iiiiilcr. II. had a girl, our day she came, 'l‘livii l0\lll;_'l_\' he sraiincd hci'; iic uskcd licr would .~l1c Change hrr Jiamc? A ring.)r did .-\lk‘X-llillltl»ll0l'. It is only Ilt‘t‘i".\\lll'_\' to road tho ch’li- niuiiiuls to to L‘vll\'illt‘i‘il that Ilullo- way's ('orn liuro is uucqniilhxl lul' llic i‘iiuoval of C‘i‘i'lLS. warts, etc. it is U. itoinplctc t’xlillgllblli‘l‘. "Oh. yrs." she said. with smiling lip, “If 1 can IlI‘ i'iiiiiiiiuiidcrl†And so tlii-y fi'aiiicd u partncirliip, And callcd it Alcx-and-lier. ill? TOOK Till? BLAME. Muggins~â€llch<’ld in me a sell-mud: iiian.†Higginsâ€"“I congialulatc you because (l your cluii‘ilzil»lciic_'\<.' Hugginsâ€"“l ling paidon‘.†Dwnvï¬â€˜You aic crrlainly chari. Itllni‘ in taking all do l‘lililIC on your- Sill." , #â€" l‘apn cnlirc F.iiill‘_vl'- om and discov- '(‘I‘S daughlcr and yi llll;_‘ llQlJilh‘I-ll .\ll.- l$.11; .xiili- i~y .‘llli‘ in Nita. “All. Mr, I'.~‘i-lllNll.u l'l‘!llill'l\'i.‘.l lic. altalily, “you in.- a crawl alhli-lc. aren't you.†“Oh; lulunscn. lll<ill‘:il}'. “i can do :1 that linc. \\'h:it mailc you Hunk it.“ “You show such niai'wllmi: slaying: iw'wi r. you SM." said the old lcinllcman. with a glance at the limo» >;itil lzllli' Ell Robinson took the hint and H.009. wan ISSUE N0. 1â€"08. UN-ANSWERABLE. Little Gordon was sluinng his Sun- day school lesson. “Say, papa, he qucnicdi, “what did (wliispcirumâ€"“Wes; but for the Dead Sea die of?" The greater the irriiutzon in the thnoat. the more distressing the cough be- comcs. Coughingr is the effort of Na- ture to cxpcl this irritating,r substance from the air passages. Bicklc‘s Anti- (lonsumptive Syrup will heal the iii- Ilamcd parls, which cxude mucous, and rcslorc them to a healthy state, the from fcvcr, and from ollicr causcs, but cough disappearing undcr the curative the most cxcriicialiiig of all is. the Tillâ€"loflccts of the medicine. Parmclon's Vegetable to the Instr. and the price, 25 cents, is It is pleasant within the reach of all. HOSPITABIE. Polite Shopwalkcrâ€"“Good afternoon. madam. I hope you will call again.“ Mrs. Iv‘latlci'bickvfl’l‘liat's kind of yer. So I will, and ye must. come to sec us.’ i _.__ Did you notice that old main limping along a day or 303. 0? Well, it he will put on his back “The D & ." Menthol Plaster, in a. week he Will walk as straight as any one. PHILOSOPHICAL. “Beg pardon, ma‘uin,†said the but.- k-r, “but your son has just clopcd with the. parlor maid." “Oh, that isn't so bad." rcjoincd Mrs. Uppson. “Hc might have clopcd witii lllt cook~anJ I never could have rc- placcd licr.†IIaroldâ€"“I am glad you havo lakcn oil that horrid vcil.†llcrlliaâ€"-“Indccdl \\"liy‘!†Haroldâ€"“it was like a piccc of paper around a lump of sugar." HM the cough Get a bottle to-day from RIGHT AND WRONG THINKING and Their RCSUIIN. by Aaron Martin (li'anc. At all booksvllcrs or postpaid for 9.50. Lollirop, Loc 8; Shepard 00.. Boston. ARPET DYEING Ind Olnnlnl. This II 3 specialty with the RITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. load putloullrl by you. nod no are lure to III-id; m lo: 1". Ilonlroal. Eiieigwiimal inimer d and mould know ‘< About the wonderful é MARVEL WhIrIIngS ray TIN new Va Innl yr '1'... Moneonven-, tumult cleanses, . . l y, ‘ I it n: as Iccept fno ethanbgaoen nun orn [llama bookâ€"5e . given lull portlculnro and nations In- . , In] Vain ble to l -\ I 'v n 311?â€? Y 00.. Windsor. om. Dspflonorol sent; {or Canada. NOT A FAMILY NECESSITY. “Momma is all alone io-(lay, Bessie, (lcai‘, and it anyone rings you will an- swcr the boil.†Presently the toll sound-0d. As Bcssic responded lo the ring hcr mother in- quired. “\Ylio is ll. dear?" “'l‘honionc lliclling lhilvcr polish," announced the child. “Say no. thank you, and close the ‘door,†continued the mother swcctly. The child obeyed. and a moment lai- c" tho bell again was heard. “Who is it this time?" asked the mo- lhci' in a tone of :iiiiioyancc. “0h. lllllildt‘l', muddi-i-l here‘s a man with u Wooden leg." “Mcrcy! anolhcr pcddlcr?" voiced the susccplive woman. “Tell him we don't want any.’ 5 . :,, » Quickest & cold your druggist. If it doesn't cure you QUICKER than anything .. OUC VCI‘ tried he’ll give you your money back Shiioh's is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine for your children's coughs and colds. 25c., 50c., and Snoo a. bottle. «ar- 1 :-' » Power, Heat, to Lease for a Central location. About four floors and basement. Standard Fire Sprinkler System. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto It has been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. WITH v-:-r :65" 1'» -.-f .»»'-’F.':'~' (Raï¬-Liv». - ‘- Ali druggistsâ€" Electric Light, Term of Years. ten thousand square feet In Excellent shim) :1; facilities tow insurance rate. '~‘---‘a":.:§.¢ I;- » “by;