Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1908, p. 8

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7.00 5.15. 7.15. 10.40, 12.40; p. 111., 2.40. 4.40,16‘-§0.» 7.40, 8.40, 10.40; I I '1 '- Shayonâ€"«a. m., 8.50; p. "1., 4.50, 6.50. Queensvilleâ€"a. m., 9.00; p. 111.. 5.00; Winter Time Table 8.35, 9.35, 11.35; 6.35, 7.35. 9.35. ’.~ Richmqud HiDâ€"a. nu 8.45, 9.45, 11.45; p. 11)., 1.4 6.45, 7.45. 9.45. Bond‘s Lake Jct.-â€"a. m 8.55, :9.55, 11.55; p. m., 1.5 "Kuim-ziâ€"a. m.. 7.15, 8.15. 9.15, 12.15; p. m., 2.15, 4.15, 6.15, 7.15, 10.15. Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Jackson’s Point, Leavku. lu.,.7.4Z-; p. u1.,,2.~15, 5.45. Roncbe’s Pointâ€"Qt. 11).. 8.00; p. m.. 3.00. 6.00. Keswickâ€"a. m., 8.10; p. m., 3.20, 8. 10. of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public L1hrary nnr‘l Rea-ling Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Euworth Leagueâ€"Meets evan Monday Junior EpwonhLongue meets every Mon- d.~y afternoon at L - Hours for issuing Money Orflers:â€" ‘1 MORNING . 8,00 EVENING ...600 N.B.-Rnsziamred letters must be handed in 3t least Fifteen Minutes cal-Her chnn the above mmtioneu hours for closing. Sharonâ€"a. m.. 8.30; p Newman-ketâ€"a. LIL. (i. 9.00. 11.00; p. 111., 1.00. 3. 7.00. 9.00. 9.10. 11.10; p 7.10. 9.111. {086‘ Until turthernotice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. when as {allowazfi ' MORNXNG .. .835 EVENING. .85 8. 41), 6. 4| I, .. m.,.5.10, 7.40. ru ’Né‘wnmketâ€"a. 111.. 7.40. 8.40, ’K’eswickâ€"am" 9.10; p.111..5.10, 7.10. Ruagche‘s Pointâ€"a. 111., 9.15; p. 11)., Ulicksun’s Point, Arriveâ€":1. m.,10.00; Queensvilleâ€"a. m., 8.27 Aurora- Bond's 'l‘ht n-n hill 2?. 7.25. 9.25 Richmond POST OFFICE NOTICE Off ICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY.-Pustmasber ~10, 40 Village Directory. Lake Jetâ€":1. In 11.125; p. 11)., 1.2 11.40 9.40. GOING SOUTH. 1907 GOING NORTH MONEY ORDERS 111., 6.10. 7.10. m., 1.10, 3.10, 5.10, Hill p. 111., m III m. m.. 6.45. 1.45, 3.4.3, 111.. 1.7“) "L. 1.50, MERE (5.40, 3.40 6.55, (i. 50, 3.50, A M . m‘. lat. ll 5 m. .m..n.nd meeting. .006 U! 01 Jul. 9P4 5.45, 3. ~15, 0 6.10, :0, 4!), issue a p‘olicy free from restrict3o-nsgvswj'éhuigp‘aggnfigfié' v‘dlue's and with protection and Investment all combipgd: . ‘ ALCCideni I’olicié.s;from $160 per Vyg'zif‘up wards. ,This IS what every man Sfiomd hd'v'é.‘ -‘ ' ‘ ' ' GEO. McDONALDg'R'ichmdnd} Hill Mercantile, Western, Norwich, agwjlliQiI‘l,‘ and ~Yo‘rk Fire. All business will have my projn’pt;attention;‘ Vx’riiezfor rates and li‘erature. ~‘ : Vin , . i P G- SA? ‘ I I K \. AGENT ' Looking ‘for Xmas} presents? We-rhaveaa ..very aSSOrted line 0f Skates, Hockey Sticks} Pucks Car‘VefsfiSoissQrs, Knives, Forks, Spoons,» also ,Heaters and Rang-es. fififiEEDERATIEN i LE§7E‘1E§§$%§EMEQH Very suitable for presenté at reasonable advance on cost. Tmsmithing of all kinds promptly mended to. Furnaces, etc. Fire I n s in i‘fl‘l‘fié‘é is the lmsf: on!“ prim-S :u‘o- mu]; 'h‘igh: Single vhvwness. vun'wil'n- - own" make. fynjm $157!!) up. . Heavy mun hurnesx fim'm $25.00 up. 3; ' . U : I ‘Z‘Blnnkets. mitts. gloves. bells. find other supplies at;_{lle.lo\\'é‘st prices. v ' than i’h any'othoi' kind, unflghereis grPuléi‘ V'Mfierin those \ve‘ufl’m- thém is usn‘n‘lly fmm‘d uh them-y fiF?C'csâ€"$8.00 to $16.00. » - ‘ - ' Baked sweet apples. with some peovle. brim prompt relief for Constipation. 'Witli others. coarse all-wheat broad will have the some ellct-t. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to can but f strikingl: The bu Defy "’Péz’em’é mixed upng 110mm, vgfi Anyone sendipg a sket quick] ascertain our or Invent. on Is probably Pa Hons gummy confident 31 sent. free. Oldest ency‘ Patents taken 71; tom: A handsomely illustrated week}: cclauon of guy scientific jonru‘ Canada. 83.70 a. you. Postage pm: All newsdealers. Then-‘3 more cmnfmt, tn ballad in Scieifiéfis mg lUNfi & 68.3%?“de New Y0? Branch Office. 625 F BL. Washington. D. C. fimgfiéé ()lir Tiarness mm; bark of a cer :gmda-ofi'ers my a box of 11"111“ Robe with regard to ( g a sketchgmd descflEHon may I our opinion [we w ether nu )9.ny azentable. Communion- ment 3]. HANDBOOK on Patents ency for securing atents. t rourzh Munn & o. recuve pout. cigar-go, In thq 10m: 1 3m imea‘écaage 5 gm in( :ly. 90011021. Newark it clr- ‘id'fii No. 2 No. 4 .“x 9.00 am x.. WASHAGO ., ....ll 25 am 6.45 am TORONTO ..... .; 3.00 pm IO.I0 fll'l ObservaliénADlning ‘Parlor Cars between Toronm _- ' and Parry Sound. serving meals p a la carte. anily except. Sunday. Qflices: \11 Suzious. also can Klug and Toronto and Union Sstnsiuu. I’nonu, Mun 5‘70. «mm u 1 3-» ~ :PARRY SOUND TORONTO . WASHAGO .. PARRY 50mm Notice to DQHEEE 82:60. In our Savings' Department. Depodtr; of$1 and 1 on which the highest current rate of inter Richmond Hi1}, Gm. No Delays in making Withdrawab Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Dapartment in Connection with all Branches. Superb ‘ . Cfinfiectimery Just received a fresh supply Robertson Bros. famous Chocolates and BontB-onsâ€"ethe 'best of their class. ( Gladden the heart of your wife, children or sweethehrt by taking a box home to day. Prices 5c. to $2 50. Also a good variety of Fruits and Nuts at right prices tor' the Xmas trade. T1 PARRY SOUND V E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCXIES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARHHABE' AND BTOU‘FFVILLE WINTER TIME TABLE NORTHBOUND RICHMOND HILL-BRANCH SCUTHBOL’ND SHBRT [ENE ‘1: your new “F OR ES STREAM AND MUSKOKA Head Office - - - - Toronh $1.00 fifiNs AN ACCOUNT Na. I No. 3 x 9.00 am x 5.30 pm .|2.45_am 900m 3.10pm . in count T AND (STABLISHED 107$ OF CANADA ++++++++++++++++ cattle and h and Dam Station, or deli: village:â€" STEAM COAI For threshi NUT, STOVE, I For sale at the C. A1 +++i¢~+++++++€~N'+W+++++++ is now complete comprising lack and Blue Wmsted TWINS. Scogch Tweeds, Fancy 'l‘rouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality My Stock of \Noolc FALL AND WENTER Lmriitiun of College: (Cur Ynnge and Alvxandm “Business Knowledge" and “Ever- lasiing Push" are two essenfluls to success. Attend And prupare‘fur first-class buyi- m'ss. pusiLiuns such as :In- (-lu-n to our stmlvuts. Hundreds nf ('m' studouts sue going intn gm «1 pusitiunsvvm'y year. Lwt, “5‘ train yvu fur (mu. “"0 will do it right. \VmTER TERM JI’ENS JANUARY 6. Write for ( tn- lngue und‘soe Wham-in We. excel .(g-diuary business (:Ullt‘gPS. Br All Tailor. Richmond E1 TORONTO. ONT. )C ighest kmds and upwards are rccciw interest is allowed. Toronto W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal esmn HU red 40w prices n5 tur ill the zht

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