BACK TO Dl-ZVILd lf-il E. Bight Escaped Frenri tiomirts \\'iIt be Returned. Eight convicts who escaped last month from Cayenne, lll‘ Fri-nun ptizai scttleuient known as fitv'l‘s Island, where Dreyfus was, are La be handed 'back to the French authortl'cs alter desperate adventures in British Guiana. They arrived off the coast of lissenqui- be, 400 miles from Cayenne. on Novem- lcr 3, utterly without food. and in a boat that was rapidly sinking. After a strenuous struger they reached shore exhausted. Rendered desperate by Ilttli- ger, they greatly alarmed the. inhabi- tants of the township of Anna Regina. but a strong body of police, took them into custody, subsequently releasing ttieni on the understand ng that. they would at. (are leave the British colony. Next day, ll.v\‘.0\'Cl‘, the attitude of the Frenchmen became more threatening, and they were sent under a small cs- cort. to the county jail at Suddic. At a desolate part of the road the French- men overpowered their guard, and es- caped into the dense bush. An alarm was carried back to Anna Regina, and police and villagers set out in their tracks. For some time the efforts of the Searchers proved unavailing. Ow- ing, however, to the close watch kept‘ in the vicinity of all houses. the refu- gees were unable to obtain food, and overcome by hunger they were arrested in twos and threes, exhausted and in a very low state, and taken into safe custody. Of late the arrival in British Guiana of escaped prisoners from Devil's Island has become more common. it they are quiet, no objection is taken and they can find employment in the rice ï¬elds. The French authorities, as a rule, ap- pear far from anxious to receive the refugees back. ~E Lt'l‘TLE GIRL‘S FACE COVERED “’lTll ECZEMA. Cured by Zam-Buk. The followingcasestestifying to the marvellouscures broughtabout by Zam- Buk is convincing argument that. in Zam-Buk we have the very hes! skin cure offered to this or any other coun- try: Mrs. says: LITTLE GIRLS FACE of Eczema. use it for Cuts and Sores also." Mrs. G. A. Kerr, Denbei’gli, Ont... says: “My Baby's Legs were so bad witli Eczema that I could not keep stockings on her. A box of Zain-Buk cured her after the Doctor had failed." Dame J. R. Smith, Hawkesbury, Ont, writes: "After three applications I was better of Eczema and before I had used half a box, I was cured.†Zam-Buk cures Cuts, Burns, Scalds. Ulcers, Ringworm. itch, Barber‘s Rash, Blood Poison, Bad leg. Salt Rheum, Abrasions, Abscesses and all skin in- juries and diseases. of all stores and druggists at 50 cents or from Zam- A. If. Grass. St. Catharines, "One box of Zam-Buk healed my \Vc Buk 00., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50. I'OS’I‘MICX'S \\'.-\I.KLVG l‘liATS. Distance Traveled by Men Long in llritiibh Mail Service. There inus't to few. even among "men of letters.†who. like .l~'~‘c;\li limit, a Lincofnsthire postman. can claim to have tramped a distance of, roughly, 24mm miles. not much less than the equivalent of ten journeys around the earth. says the \\'cstmiiistcr Gazette. ' Not long ago George 'I'honipson, re- tired from service as postman in the Langrick district of Yorkshire, after covering on foot l2:'i.00,0 IIIIIIS in twenty- six years of letter carrying, 'a service fourteen years shorter than' that of his Lincoliishire rival. in thirty-four years Ol‘lllc M. Brown walked filth) miles as postman he- twecn Cupar and l{iliii:iny and Logicâ€" a distance, as was stated at th" ulth‘O- priate presentation to him of an‘easv chair. neatly equal to half that which scparalm the moon from the earl-h. John Simmonds. of llcnley-ou-Tliamrs, retired with a record of 191.000 miles of fair "fleet and too" the result of forty years li'iiniping: while most amaz- mg of all. 'l‘tioiiia< Phipps. a postman in the Chippingr Norton district. was credited with an aggregate journev of 440.000 miles tctwccn the years lS-lOVand 1899. .___.y.._-_.... 'I‘\\‘O IN ONE. Mp5, sparks: “0h. hat. big dog isn't. the one i lost and advertised for. My dog wa< a little fox terrier." Tommy Traddlcs: “Yes. ina'am; yoiir dog's inside this one." Fol‘tttii'itviy the world isn‘t able to see a S‘u’it‘l} \hitiitlll as her maid sees her. (hie can judge some men by their deeds and MiillC others by their mis- deeds. 5"“‘5’19 x. --\:.»..-: 3!: '-:-;-:;.~-.<.. s. Get acquainted with Stack Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of . its richness and pleasing flavor. III-'nle-N ‘ '1 if W". .‘C 4:1,“ )0." ‘w‘ ‘i“.-/ callus DARING ESCAPE {NINII'RED IN ASYLUM ON ACCOUNT His Wife. Who Was a “'ashcrwomnn’s (lie of the most famous German famil- on-Main on Nov. 29, and forcibly car- ried off to the asylum, where he was cation of his father and relatives, who (I this insanity lay in his romantic mar- Ol" LOVE MATCH. .â€" Dauuhler, llride an Asylum Attendant. Count Erasmus tirlarh. a member 0t 309, and until recently heir to estates \voith Sl.:.’.’iu,(lt'l{l a year, IlltlS just mfldC It dramatic escape from an asylum at .~\hlweilcr, Germany. and has disap- prared. The count was seized at Frankfort- ilaced under close guard. His arrest was made on the appli- declared that. he was insane. The proof ring: with Dora Fischc, the pretty daughter of a washcrwoman. When the count refused to give up his wife, A SPECIAL TRIBUNAL. was appealed to, and the marriage was declared null and void. There was a further development In the romance later on, when the count was formally dispossessed of all rights of succession, and his uncle, Count Ar- thur, was elected in his place. Count Erasmus’ escape from the asy- lum was planned and executed by the washcrwoman's daughter. The plucky girl-wife acted with great energy and dctemiination from the moment of her husband‘s arrest. She first bribed an attendant of the asylum and persuad- co thim to help the count to obtain means to escape from the building. Then she worked out detailed ar- rangements for his flight outside, and llhrough the attendant communicated her instructions to Count Erasmus. OFF ON MOTOR CAR. The attendant supplied the count with it's-tout rope, and early one morning the count made use of the rope to low- er thimseif from the window to the ground. The descent was extremely perilous. owing to the great height of the window, and the least slip would have caused the Count to drop to cer- tain death. Fortunately, no mishap oc- curred. and Count Erasmus got away withom molestation to a spot where his wife was waiting with a powerful mo- tor car. The fugitives dashed off at. express speed news the Swiss frontier, a dis- tance of a little more than 200 miles. They intend to be married again in Switzerland, and thus defy the oount’s parents. The asylum attendant. has also fled for fear of punishment for the old he rendered to the fugitives. --x<â€"â€"â€" For the O\'crworkcd.â€"-What are the causes of despondency and melancholy? A disordered liver is one cause and a prime one. A disordered diver means a disordered stomach, and a disordered stomach means disturbance of the nerv- ous system. This brings the whole body into subjection and the victim feels sick all over. Parineiee‘s Vege. iujdc Pills are a recognlmd remedy in this state and relief will follow their use. David Slowpay: “I sliall__ bring you back those dark trousers to be resented, Mr. Snip. You know I sit a good deal.†.‘dr Snip (tailor): “All right; and if you‘ll bring the bill I sent you six months ago, I will be please to receipt that also. You know I‘ve stood a. goad deal.†If I do; bites you don't; be scared. Bathe the around With cold water and cover it; with a. cloth m which Weaver‘s .Cerato has been freely I read. The Come relieves the pain caused by s e sting of insects She: “You here again?" Tramp: “Yes, kind lady." She: “Well, I won‘t help you again. I don't believe you have done a thing all the year." Tramp: “Indeed I have, mum; I've just done thirty days.†The superiority of Mother Gravcs‘ \\'orni lixtcriiiinator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase .3 bottle and give it a trial. Tommy: “So glad you‘ve come, Mr. Bewiegs!“ Mr. Bowlch (fishing for ccmplimcntS): “And why are you so glad I‘ve come. my little man?†Tommy: “litlicl and I are playing at trains, and you'll make such a lovely bridge." A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- mass is always the case when “ Farrovim " the [list tonic is used. It builds. it: strengthens, it. gives new life. Try it: . oâ€"â€"-â€" T\\'INS BIT AT SAME MOMENT. Strange Coincidence is Revealed at In- quest in England. M an inquest on twin children, aged 1;; months. at. Stoke .\‘c\\’ington, ling. land. recently. it was stated that tilicv uicd exactly at the same, moment. life “may oi death in cagii L350 bong bronâ€" (hits and tnenmonia. ti, stcwns. a iizedical man, stated that in all Its forty years" experience he had never come neioss a similar v'dw‘. ‘I have kitcwii 0! a s'milarity of mind in twins." remarked Dr. \\'yii.ii \\'cst- cell, the con nor. ‘aud of cases in which i rm- tell (u: «i svrts when the other was ill. but I never Ivefore heard of al case in which the death of both occur- red at the some moment.’ __.____..x.. .\ia_v heaven help the rich; have no automobiles. the roar up, so that I breath. I thought at. times that I would smother, especially at night. The noise in peered. eld. ISS SUSIE M. KINGSWORTII. 466 Quebec St, London, Ontario, writes: "I began using l‘eruna last. January' when I had such a bad cold, and lcouid not get anything to help me. “My nose and head were all stopped could hardly get my “I have no trouble with that now. my head has all disap- “I know Pcruna will do just what, you say it does. I cannot praise Pe- runa too highly, as it has done so much for me. I hope my letter will reach other sufferers." Mrs. S. J. Kounfz, 1015 $00ch street, Nashville, Tenn, writes: “I have had a very bad Cough nearly all my life, and I am forty-five years I have taken almost every kind of cough medicine that has ever been made, but. none did me much good. I would have spells of coughing that I thought I would cough myself to death. I took Peruna, and last winter and this winter I have had no cough and I know that Peruna cured me." Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908. ____________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" EXPLORING. "Do you expect to discover the North Pole 7" . “Not immediately, answered the Arc- tic explorer; “for the present. I am con. tent. with discovering new methods of discovering the Pole.†n A CHANGE ‘is NEIEDED. Through the long winter one needs a change. Why go South when “The Welland,†St. Catharines, offers an en- vironment at moderate cost which will minister to tired nerves and worn out bodies? Try the tonic influence of “The St. Catharines Well†and the restful in- fluence of “The Welland.†Apply the manager, St. Catharines, or any Agent. of Grand Trunk Railway System. Mr. Mcanly: “It’s your birthday to- morrow, my dear, and here's a half a dcllar for you. You’d better, perhaps, keep it by you, because it’s my birthday next month.†' ~Whilc more prevalent in winter, when sudden changes in the weather try the stiongcst. constitutions, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat may com, in any season. At the first sight of derangeman use Iliekle‘s Anti-(lon- suinptive Syrup. Instant. rrlicf will be experienced, and use of the medicine, until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest. weakness it can- not be surpassed. FAMILY PRIDE. Mrs. O’Raffi‘rty: “.\n' phoy did yes give th' name av Goldstcin at th’ police station,/Oi dunno?" O'Raffcrty : “Faith, an‘ Oi was arristed for being dlirunk an‘ disorderly, an‘ It's meself as wudn't be afther disgr-raciu' tii’ name av O‘Raffcrly, b‘gorra 1" .\tr. Jawhack: “Let's celebrate our {.1 Iden wedding Mrs. Jawbnck: “Ilow silly! We‘ve only been married six years!" Mr. .lawhuck‘. “is that all? How .yi did, I get it into my head it. was fifty 7†ISSUE N0. W/ziclz Pe-ru-na Relieved in a Short Time. Power, Heat, Central location. four floors and basement. .177;¢._‘,.r¢‘,,,..-Iu_q,r;c. f u..â€" “Don‘t talk like a fool, my dear," re» iiionstrated Johlols to his wife. “I won’t, Mr. .loblots, I won't," she answered. “People wouldn't know us apart if I dir." \V‘liereupon Joblots suddenlyr remem- bercd that he had an engagement down town. Something More Than a Purgalive~ To purge is the only effect of many pills now on the market. Parmelces Vegetable Pills are more. than a pur- gativc. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills weaken it. They cleanse the blood by regulatingr the. liver and kidneys, and they stimulate where other ,pzill compounds depressi. Nothing of an injurious nature, used for merely purgative powers, enters in- to their composition. POOR CONSOLATION. “The man who ianguishes in jail," rc- markcd the home-grown philosopher. “has one consolation, at least.†“What's that †queried the easy one. "That he occupies a position from which most. of the world is barred out." anSwered the philosophy dispenser. lmposslble to Find. A plaster equal to “le l D £2 1." Menthol. For side ache nothing equals it. ' ‘1 yard roll cuts 7 plasters. Mailed on receipt. of . price. Davis &MWmnce_ 00., Montreal (to wife): "Welldtiaria, I‘mj gring to stay at home with you toâ€"day and help you to tidy up the home. l‘ll‘ tack down the carpets and hang up the pictures to begin with.†Mrs. J. (to the children): "Children, you may go over to grandma’s, and stay all day.†(aside) “I know my husband is a dea- con of the church, but for all that he's. just as apt. to hit his thumb with a liam- l Johnston mer as any other man.†Where Weakness is, Disease Wiil' Settle.~lf one suffers from any organic weakness, inherited or contracted, there disease will settle when it. attacks the body. Therefore drive out the pains that beset you, do not let a cold or a- cough harass you, and. keep the respir~ alory organs in a good healthy condi- tion. This you can do by using Dr. ’I‘homas’ Eclectric Oil. Prevention is the wisest cours . ’ Teacher: “Now, children. remember the text, ‘Eat, drink and be merry, for tc-morrow you die.‘ †Pupil: “Please. teacher, in our family we don’t. We all take castor oil next. day.†ITCII. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ierd‘s Sanitary Lotion. it neVer fails. Sold by all druggists. A peasant in a remote part of IrelandI was one day standing at the door of his eahin, when an English tourist. passing stopped to speak to him. As he did so he saw the children inside the house playing with a pig. “My good fellow,†ti: said, “why have you that pig in the house? It does not seem right." “Why not, sot-r," answered Pat, “why not“? Sure, an’ hasn't the home every accom- modation that, any raysonable pig would require '3†Corns cause intolerable pain. llollo way's corn Cure removes the trouble. is saved. _._/ The Guest “after dinner): “your wife is such a beautiful woman it‘s a wonderl yet. are not jealous of her." The Host: “Oh, I am I l nmer invite any man here that any sane woman would take a fancy h, .. Try it. and see what amount of pain’ The Luxury of a. sound throat and robust lung: is most keenly enjoyed by peuple who, h-iving :utfered from a. “little cold, you know," have been rescued from misery and danger by Allen": Lung Balsam 'I‘IGER'S REFUGE IN TREE. News of a tiger being brought in from a village atout three miles from the ct‘pilul. Ilih (ihicf 0f Illt‘ State \vciit fut with a party. says the Bombay Gillette. 'Ihe guns were placed in trees and thr tip-r living drivrn out. the Millarnju wounded him lit the jaw. 'l'nti r thereupon sprang into :i (‘Illlil ti'm- .. l, {Jl'il‘lilll}: the trunk with his I'II’I' tiff ~,‘ and resting lllx hind lig. HE! :t li;. 'n,‘ remained hirid~ ii in the f mg:- fir inc. minutes. Then IIIP ls ,\ let ltwi'st‘l alter the tiger. Ilut he in: a; his seat; and would not .'oi:i-- down until the] docs. g‘ttzng :i went «f iziiii. ,uizipcd iipi to catch his tail. which \‘»ll\ lust ‘ltlll-g ling over lllt‘ll‘ lin‘utik. le ii spi‘ai‘lg the- «if the faithful dogs. lzl'f'ftli‘ cord and wounding an- Riit Ills. mislaught I" .. tiger (Ill hill“ in; lii< spinal other at the glands. brought on his own ruin through a deadly Luilct of lllS Ilighnesss rev.- rifle. WITH to Lease for a Term of Years. About tan thousand square fast In Standard Fire Sprinkler System. MURRAY F. WSLSOH, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Electric. Light, Excellent shlpp n3 facilities low Insurance rate. «Mae my; - u; 'cAPiic'ceLiTMiura can, in): Capital Shires Sm. To investors with small capital desirous of safer Invontmeat-i for their funds yielding largo returns we oï¬er shares on the followmg tonne; 50ij upon lubscrtpllan. 25'/ Feb. I. I966. 252 May I. I 06. Write at. once rur particn or: of this proponitiam before onttre stock Is acid. J. J. VAN NOTE, Treats, 101 Summer 5b., Boston. OHENI’LLE CURTAIN! and all kinds of ham!- unruly", lllo LAGB UURTAINS my... eru to u- Ilgn: 1min. um“ AHIWOM IVMNG 0... I9! 168. :1an Esï¬hlemaa u inter-cued and Ihonf know about all won (lat ' MARVELWhtrting Spra no new "ulna! Dy: 3 Bub-Momma (at your drawsth It. be e 0% Inpmy m iA 11% I. accept no ' 4., mm. but and sum for «9,, [Haunted hookâ€"lo ad. ft [1m .14 . mil articular: and direction: In t J ' l t I . wxlï¬nwn Sb?va (20.. Wlndsor. Guam-Bl Azonu to: Canada. NEW YORK THE NEW FIREPROOF Hï¬TEL NAVARRE 1th Ave. and 33m 8t. 300 FEET WEST OF BROADWAY, Maximum of Luxury at. Minimum Cost. WHEN IN Accessible. Quiet alnd Elegant. Within Five Minutes' Wall: of Theatres, Shops and Clubs. Now Dutch Grill Rooms Lur est In City. Cable Car: Pass Hotel to at Railroads. European Plan. $1.50 per day without I: th, $2.00 per day with bath. Suites $3f50 upwards. Sond for Booklet. STPARNS & DAI$B, Pgopg Side-Walls for Modern Homes Far "mum Wood. plnxte'r or paper In beautyâ€" matchcn perfecll any uluhcmcâ€"rany color scheme- ' makes the raomn IKEALLY nnihry-g|ves protection " again-I ï¬reâ€"these are mm: the muons why YOUR house-why any modern buildinaanywhuc should have _ ART STEEL SIDE WALLS 1' Cod little-Int indeï¬nitely. Let u: send. you the ‘ whole tale in print and pictures. 111: book II cc. $03 ‘24"0 ‘ The People 1w). 1 Ont-w. Ilontrul Ottaw- Nmnto undo: Winnlm 1r ' g 2 _____ _ :TT'""' A \\':\l‘..\l ALLL'siox. / “Do you see that man across the strict?†“Yrs; who is he?" "the greatest fellow for giving you ll(tl air you ever Paint: aeruss.‘ “Uh. :i ll‘lllt‘l'.†“\ it. at all. He is at the head of a big heating i'oiiiginiiy.’ Shiloh’sï¬fï¬l‘i‘ï¬: 5513?. ’the sharpest cough â€"try it on a guar- an teebofkypiui: money ac Coughs and Colds QUICKLY CU RE quick: than anything yo ~ ever tried. Safe to takc,â€"nuthing i it to hurt even a. baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cureâ€"â€"‘ 25c., 50c.. $1. an