Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jan 1908, p. 8

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Village Directory. Church of Englandâ€"Services M. an. to. 1st. find and 4111 finndsy. Third Sunday lit 11 n m. Presbyterian Church-services at 11 n. in.,end 7 [1. in. Sunday School at 2.110. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. _ Hamlin ()iitlirilic Churchâ€"Bernese an alter- nate Sundays MS) n. in. and 111.30 11. n1. Methodist Church-Services “10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. in. Humility School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- diw on or nature full moon ConrtRiclimand. A 0 F â€"Meets second and ourth Friday . . Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"~Meets third Wednesday 0! each month Cs my Filmms O S -Ii!eots second end Iomtl: Wednesiiw 111 T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public Library and Ben-ling Boom'Open Tuesday. rind Suturng evenlnae. Enworth Immuneâ€"Meets evnrv Monday Junior Iii-worm League meets every Mon- diy afternoon at 4. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until forthri- notiv-e Mails will be closed at the Richmond 1110 Post Oflicu as follows:â€" MORNING .... 886 EVrJNING . . . £1.85 MONEY ORDERS Home for issiiiniz Money Orders:â€" MORNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EVENING 600 N. B.â€"Hogisterod letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOBES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Winte- Timex Table 1907 some NORTH C. P. R. Crossing (Toronto). Leave. -â€":i. m. 0.00, 7.001". 8.00, 9.00. 11.00, p. m.. 1.00. 3.00, 5.00. 0.00%. 7.00. 9.00. York Mills P. O.â€"â€":i. in. 6.15. 7.15. 3.15. 9.15, 11.15.: p. 111., 1.15. 3.15, 5.15, 0.15. 7.15. 0.15. 'l‘liornliill P. 0.â€"-:i. m.. 6.35, 7.35. 8.35. 0.1151. 11.35; p. 11)., 1.35, 3.35, 5.35, 0.35. 7.35, 9.35. Richmond Hill’s. m.. 6.45, 7.45. 8.45, 0.45, 11.45; p. m.. 1.45, 3.45, 5.45, 0.45, 7.45, 0.15. Boiiil‘s Luke JOLâ€"n. m.. 6.55. 7 8.55. 9.55, 11.55; p. 111.. 1.55. 3.55, 5.5’. 6.55. 7.55, 0.55. Auroraâ€":1. m.. 7.15, 8.15. 9.1.”, 1 12.15: p. m.. 2.15, 4.15, 6. 5, 7.15, 10.15. Netvniarketwn. m.. 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. 12.10; p. m.. 2.40. 4.4 6 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€":1. m.. 8.50; p. 111.. 4.50, 6.50. Qiieviisvilleâ€"u. m.. 9.00; p. 111.. 5.00, 7.00. v'KC‘SWleâ€"HJIL, 9.10; p.iii.. 5.10, 7.10. Roiii‘he’s Pointâ€"a. m.. 9.15; p. ni., 5.15, 7.15. Jackson’s Point, Arriveâ€"ii. ni.,10.00; 13. n1., 5.40, 7.40. GOING SOUTH. Jackson‘s Point, Leaveâ€"21. 111., 7.45; p. 111.. 2.45, 5.45. Rom-he’s Pointv-n. m.. 8.00; p. m.. 3.00, 6.110. Keswickâ€"a. in., 8.10; p. m.. 3.20, 8.10. Queensvilleâ€"n. m., 8.25; p. m.. 3.15, 6.25. Sharonâ€"~21. m.. 8.30; p. m.. 4.00. 6.30. NewniurkoLâ€"a. 111.. 6.00. 7.00. 8.00‘r, 9.00. 11.00; p. 111., 1.00, 3.00, 5.00, 6.001, 7.00. 9.00. Auroriiaa. m.. 6.10, 7.10. 8.10, 9.10. 11.10; p. 111., 1.10, 3.10, 5.10, 6.10. 7.10. 9.10. Bond's Liiki' Jetâ€":1. m.. 0.25, 7.25, 8.25. 9.225, 11.25; p. m., 1.25, 3.25. 5.2.1. 0.2-3. 7.25, 9.23. Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.40. 7. 8.10. 9.10, 11.40; [1. 111., 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.10, 9.40. Tliornliill P. (1â€"3. m.. (3.50, 7 8.50. 9.50. 11.50: p. 111.. 1.50, 3.50. 5.50, 6.50. 7.50. 9.50. Yoik Mills P. 0.â€"â€":1. m.. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10. 10.10. 12.10; p. 111., 2.10, 4.10, 0.10 7.10. 5.10. 10.10. North Tnionto, [\I‘l'lVPâ€"wl. 111., 7.10, 8.40. 9.40, 10.40, 12.10: p. 111., 2.410, «1.40, 0.40, 7.40. 8.40, 10.110. \Vednvsdny and Satin-day evenings a. 1:110 cur leaves 0. 1’. R. Ci-oSSing for Newmnrket and intermediate points i1t11.iiiip. m. Every \Voilnosday and Saturday night :1 1:110 our will leave N£'\T[11ill‘ki‘1. for Toronto and intermediate points at 10.1.‘1p. in. it‘uniwct with Siahoinlicrg & Aiii-orii Riiilwn)‘. 111 :iililii ion .to tho regular service he- t\V£‘1‘II vain'irket. nnil .1.1ck<oii's Point A spui-iul our will leave Nowâ€" 111ill‘kk‘tPVt‘l‘y Saturday 111 12.40 noon for .1 rickson‘s Point. \V. H. MOOR E. Manager Lax-sis 5 $513013: Aieiiaiie item; For RICH MOND 1111.1. and surround- ing Country to 51‘” our 1",»11101'8‘ PEERLESS APPLE TR 1513.5. A 1311‘- 11AR11Y 1111111 \VINTER APPLE that sells on sight. also :i gviwrul line: of! fruit and minuuwntul trees. including (1111”1' \‘illli 11119 spu'uallii's. Guml pay weekly, outfit iron, oxcluâ€" v $1\'i‘li‘ll'i[41r_\'. \\'1111- ii 1W in 1’1‘Il.11_\ 11 NI'RSERY (10.. (ii'mvvrs of High-grads Nursery SitiCk. Toronto. Out. 5?. BAS‘puciul tvrins to suit :1:-»nt< Working purl time. 21 1:11 “Looking for We have a. ve‘ry assorted line of: Very suitable for presents at rcasonabl Furnaces, ctc. W MHz/4,7. GEO. iiicONAL .- k,’ W" 45‘ 14;", H / issue a policy free iro and with protection an wards. I‘apr, ho. 4 x1010 am 0121 Pan. no No.‘ ii SOUTHB(117ND(R0ud 1111) x Jinn pin \‘Vin PHILLIPS. G. P. A. N TARIO RA IL WAY Time Table ’l‘lii- following is a ('nnilonsr‘il timv Ialilv of the Giiiiiiiliiin Northern Ontario (lh'YllIL'.(1 Hill. Mount Albert .. .. Toronto ..11('[LV81‘1. . .1 1-ry Sound. 1 Lunch Counter d Purl-v Sound:â€" Psr r. I'rur. 1‘1). 1 UANADIAN NORTHERN O 1{:\ilw;iy lwiwvon '1'i-ronlo iLii NUIt‘I‘HIIOUNINReml down) x I‘uily, cxv-ept Sundiiy. 13 SII‘YV k (Vim-t tho suitiVTii-ii‘ Aynnm Xmas presents? Spoons, also Heaters and Ranges. Tinsmithiiig of all kinds promptly attended to. '11)Bl‘(“S more comfoit to 111‘ 111111 in ii Fur Robe > than in any other kind. and there is greater \‘nluo in those wv “110111113111 is usually found at Lht‘st‘ prionsâ€"$8.00 to $10.00. Our TI aimless is the host: our prices are not high. Single harness. all our own make. from $15.00 up. Heavy twiin harness from $25.00 up. Blankets. mitts. gloves. lmlls. and other supplies at the lowest pi ices. D, Richmond 1111 to restrictions, with gun zintee values d investment all combined. .Anccident Policies from $1.00 per year up- This is what every man should have. _._. Fire Insurance ’/ a 1 . r . Mercantile. Western, Norwrch bmon, and iork Fire. All husiness will have my prompt attention. W'rite for rates and literature. P. G. SAVAGE AGENT RICHMOND HILL 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Dasmns ‘ Common-rs &c. Anyone sending a sketch and desert tion may Quickly usCertnin our opinion free w ether in) Invention is probably putentable. Communion. tlone strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest a ency for securing ntenta. Patents taken t rouizh 111an 65 0.1'ece1ve tprctal notice, without charge, in a th 0 .. u scientist timescale. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any seienrmc journal. Terms for Caiiadn.s::."5 A your cats 6 re and. Sold 11 all uewsderilers. 'p g p p ' iiiuiiii a 30.3mm» liew ink Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. Ihuve founda. tried and tested cure for Rhon- mntlsm! Nota remedy that will stmightcn the i F I L 2.3.009 Nev; ‘Wor’ds ' New Gazetteer cf the “lurid '_ a : xritlimm'ctliun 3.680 t;L1cs,Lz_:eLl on the f 4, . . 1' ialld lllgilcst posmble prices distorted limbs of chronic cripples. nor tum bony growths back to flesh again. That is impossible. ‘ But 1 can now surely kill the pains and pangs o! ‘ this deplorable disease. In Germanyâ€"with e Chemist. in the City of Dormsmdtâ€"I found the lust ingredient with ' \vlilrh Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made . e Di‘l’ft‘Ctl‘lL dependable prescription. Without . that lost ingredient. 1 successfully treated. runny, runny oasis of Rhcninntisn: - but now. 111 1.1.9:. it iziii. iornily cures n11 C11m1J1L‘ (351% of this heretofore i muCli dreaded dispose. Thosn sand kc granular itotlissolvs \rus‘u-s. Conn} in Illn-liniiitir‘ 1110011.. and pass away under the action of this remedy its ‘ freely as does sugar when adili-d to re watt-r. And then. \vhvn (lissolveduhusopoison-31;); wash 3 6 advance on cost. I 1 How to Succeed iiiisiimsiisii’i ‘1 ISTABLISHED 1 073 THE SNOW BANK fl OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Dcposils may be made or withdrawn by This form of account is specially Sllli.llll€ for [11115: > In cos: of death, the ninncy may he Wilhiliawn \Vrii: or call 1111' {unlit-i- puriiculars. can attend to ihc honking when in 1 .wn. by the survivor without delay or cost. riihi r of the two mtnilx‘rs of: household. living in the country, as either membcr interest added four times a year 13.1 Connection with all Branches. RICHMOND HELL BRANCH E. M. Byrn‘e. Y’Ranag’cr BRANCIiES ALSO AT MAPLE: P’ilthlia‘rl/ll‘fi AND STOUFFVILLE AND PARRY SOUND WINTER TIMETABLE MlRTIIIiOUND M. I No. 3 TORONTO . WASHAGO .. PARRY 50115 . 3.10 pm . . . . , . . . . . BOUND No. 2 No.1 PARRY SOUND .. x 9.00 11111 x .. . WABHAGO .. ...ll 25 nm 0.45 nm' TORONTO .......... . 3.00 pm 10.10 am Observation-Dining Parlor Cars between Toronto and Pnrry Sound, serving meals a 1:1 came. xDiiil y ext-e pt Sunilny. Ofiinar: 111Stat.iuim,sisom-r. Kiln: rind Toronto niiil Union Station. Plume, .\ 3170. 27-07 1 yr A Bread Busi= Why not eat 11 e s s which grows . . . the bestbread Be honest with your cus‘ tomers, be liberal, be ac- commodating, be court- eous, be ready to strain a point to do :1. service \Vith these, be prepared to give people the goods they want. All 11113 foregoing features mark this bake shop and store. 80 it succeeds and its business grows larger every day. 31101118200. :RICHMOND HILL BAKERY I -;Y. Recent! y Enlarged WITH 1 j latest cousin returns. . persons, tluie of! ~11). 'lo 41:, (11'. ; .T‘V‘wll vV.'. '1‘. ' ‘ T"i.h,. L..;.ml;‘»i.vios(.'ei.__ elites 8333 QL‘. - 1’ L) 111111.111. :3. l {Wkly Puss from the 53‘514’111, and 1111; 0mm: of . L ‘ Blicumutisni is gone forever. There is now no resl rived-no actual i-xcusi- to snfi'cr lullgl'l’ with. ‘ out half). We sell, and in confidence recommend 01'. Simon’s Rheumatit itsrnstii W. A. SANDERSON. i 1 $1.00 iii ADVAHSE. + + You;i- ylillltir-ll. \voi-Lliv and 3: Lili- 1’s 3mm r, ' \‘ 9.00;am .\' 5.30 pm 12.45 am 9 00 pm I ~r ++++++++++++++++++i ' mntnininc t {in liillr‘.’ 3 of over 1 10.10 mutt-1 L i l i ' newsman} l This “'lil'lil iri :i lig pluri’ iinil has plviilv of lll(llll illlll llll-ll~‘- -< find“ if oppriilliiiilii-s lnr IlliNI’ who :ii-i- worthy :iuil prepared. ‘2‘ TOR-ONTO. ONT. '1' can qualify you. (‘iiiiiv now iiiid gi\'(‘ll>:1l. (1pp(111111111_\‘ of slimv- iiig you how we pi'i-puio _\'-'lIllg I}: "11111:in \VUIlIi‘II fur livi's of Il-Qih fiiliwss. Our catalogue gin-S :2: full pilitiuiiluis. \V'iiio for one. w. .I. ELLIOTT, Principal .«o' e 1 (Cor Yongo and Alexander sis.) , n‘. +++++++++++++++++++++i~hÂ¥+ My Stock of Woolens ior FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Black and Blue Wolsth Twilis. Scotch 'l‘weeds, 1‘2incy 'J‘rouseringls, Overcoming, etc. Best. quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, fraiior, Richmond iiiii GOAL 7 For sale at the C. N. 0 Station, or delivzred in the village and vicinity-â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. N U T, STOVE, I“ U RN‘ AC 15 Best Scranton coal. Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American com (0111li All kinds of grain bought paid at the Elevator. J . Fri. BAKER. F'CAMDIAN PiCTORiAL" Till: NATIONAL llLL'STllATED 1-‘l.v'-.G:1ZI:\E lix:p1i>it«-ly piiiiti‘il (‘11 fine m nicil imp-1. I‘ii-tiiii sol' \1'1‘ll-kilhnrl pm 1111'. mi i-uiii-iil (‘Vl‘IIi-‘i. i-l' llliligs ill"1llll‘ Itii ninl i'iiiioiis. [\1111111(Illi‘rlliirilflilni >(111illi’lll(‘11£‘$lifpiffiill'l‘Sillt‘ili'ilisfll". :‘11Ilt‘111.~ill (,‘niiriiiiuiis :is [111' gnu: il< lii>11:1li-il pupils of 141111111111 f1]!11"‘i1‘ lilt‘ English pimplv. Nun {hi ' Almiliiiily [lip uxn 1(1 giiiiil. it.» :1 III >1'11’1_\'1(l]111‘2l>i‘ (Illil 11' lliflillH. Mun lie semi to lw :ippii whit il. '1: 1; (viii ~ 4113111112 ()111‘11171i711 ;- )1-111‘. 3111‘ 1'il‘~ lniinl l’ulilisliing ('11.,1 1:1 5‘1. 1’:-t~-i' Si” ‘ Montreal. 3141'

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