Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1908, p. 3

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The etiquette pertaining to tea-drinking in China. is curious. It a lady asks you 10 drink tea with herâ€"and especially if the tea be sweetenedâ€"you can count yourself as well received and much liked. 1! she does not. like you, the tea is bitter. .and report has it that in cases of this scrt drainings are often used. Of course it is needless to say that after one sip -of such tea the unliked visitor makes a prompt exit! When paying a. call, if the servant should bring in a cup of ten there is no need to take. any particular notice of it. Allow the servant to place it where he likes near you, and continue ycur conversation as though nothingr had happened. If your business is pleasant and agreeable to the mistress or the master of the house. he or she will pass tho beverage to you; if not, you are ex- pected to leave it untouched. otherwise you are likely to have a quarrel on hand‘ and a Chinese quarrelâ€"either with a man or a womanâ€"is unpleasant. No man fears the woman 1 matter. 10 can Biliousness Burdens Lifo.â€"’l‘he bilious man is never a oompanionable man lbecause his ailment renders him mo- mse and gloomy. The complaint is not so dangerous as it. is disagreeable. Net, no one need suffer from it. who can procure Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. By regulating the liver and obviating the effects of bile in the stomach they restore men to Clieeriulncss and full vigor of action. brightness, That 1‘ perchance, have cheered a faint- ing heart, I will not grieve that fame has never beckoned Since love has given me the better part. way, But just that some dear heart will {and 1y whisper: _ “Your presence here has made a bright- or day." â€" II I can PIITIIII AMERICAN DYEING CO. L mom SHIP To us. The OLDIS‘I' RAW FUR HOUSE in Ctmdn. We pay highest New York prices. We pay express. No Commis-lon. Vlrlta fnr MONTHLY OATALOD: if choice were mine of fame or world‘y glory. If I might choose of all file world might say ' [31' me. it would be this, a sad heart‘s tribute, D. H. Bastcdo & C0 FUR MANUFACTURERS, 11 Klnz an. East - Toronto All ladlaa' and Men‘s Furs at Cost Clunlnfinnd Curling Ind KM Glou- olunod. Th.- 5 can e In: by pout. 10 pt! 0:. m kn pllco ll ’1'110 d FEATHER DYEING this \\‘ ask no p many, 7 cheering Above 2.000 modem desist" in every Ilyle of good ulfiv'dc-walll la match in humony with interior drewâ€"adapted to any color-Ichcmc or architectural motive. Allow us to tend you illwnled deuih And quote prim. Addrcu 209 The PEDLAR People 735'} Olhun Montreal on": Toronto London “'lunlpog RAW PURS ETIQUETTE OF CHINA TEA y Jun nae Ceiling is ideal for chu-rcbcl Ind lchoo’I, for in beauty. delnhneu, economr‘for iu upilary perfection (no nun: to catch dimâ€"for m fire-proof quilih'eu a y PEDLAR P feel that I have scattered is brighter for she passed way.” plaudits from the hands of MY AMBITION. Write {or Catalog things to mark my onward V Churches and Schools [um eople mu] resioveJhe afiecled organs to 'hoallfiy conditions. Use will show its value. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. Ice eight feet thick on the ocean, and snow falling even in summer. Such is the weather experienced in the Polar re- gions. When the air is dry and still. it is remarkable how low a temperature car be borne with ease. One explorer tells us that, with the thermometer at 9 deg, it was too warm for skating. The summer weather in this region is. more. over. in some respects pleasant and lnallhtul. Within the Arctic zone there are wonderhflly-colored sunrises and sunsets to be soon. They are bolh bril- liant and imprefsive. But the nightsâ€" Time tries all things, and as Blckle’s AnLi-Consumplive Syrup has stood the icst. of years it now ranks as a lcarb- ing specific in the lreatnmnt of all all- ments of the lhmat. and lungs. It will soften and subdue [he most stubfom cough by relieving the irritation. and thL A Ti 8130“ No Reasonable l’lan expects to cure a neglect- ed cold” in a. day. But time and Allen's Lung Balsam will overcnme the cold and stave off consumption. Cough will cease and lungs be as sound as a. new dollar. Tramp thus.” There is Only One Eclectric Oil. â€" When an article. be it medicine or any- thing else, becomes popular, imitations invariably spring up to derive advant- ages from the original, which they themselves could never win on their own merits. Imitations of Dr. Thomas Ecleciric Oil have been numerous. but never successful. Those who know the genuine are not put. off with a sub- stitute, but demand the real thing. “Here,” said :1 lady to a beggar, “is a glass of waterâ€"pure, cold delicious wu- 1e1' What? You refuse it ?” He shook his head and sighed. “l have to ma’nm,” he said. “You see. I’ve got an iron con- stitution, and water would rust it !" Madam: “No, _il was your other am] you had in a 51mg yesterday.” The Greatest Tonic is "Ferrovim." It is pleasant in taste and contains jun the nourish- ment and strengthvgiving qualitles that are need- Id by those who are sick and weaklv. Mil‘fkins: “The happiest hours of my lib were when I was going to school.” Biffliins: “I cannot tell a lie, old man. The happiest hours of my life were when I was playing truant from school l” Zam-Buk cures Cuts, Burns, Chapped Hands, Chafings, Cold Sores, Itch, Chi!- bluins, Eczema, Running Sores, Sore Throat, Bad Chesii, Ringworm, Piles (blind or bleeding), Bad Legs, Innamed Paiches. Rheumatism, Neuralgiu, Scia- tica, Abscesses and all diseased, in- jured and irritated conditions of the skin. or all druggisls and stores, 50c., or .post paid upon receipt of price, from Zam-Buk (30., Toronto. 500. a box, 6 boxes $2.50. Baby, listen while I pray llcav’n to guard you night and day. Angels watch you from above With the tenderness of love; 111 and evil CvH.0 nut near To o‘ersha'low thy young cheerâ€" Only life and joy be thine, Gift. of living love divine! Alice: “Don‘t you think a cookery book is fascinating reading ‘1” Clara: “Yes. indeed, it contains so many stirring incidents.” Baby That Love Love Baby lislcn while I sing 0: your life of golden spring, Bringng to the barren earth Beauty of flth blossom's birth! Baby, listen while I tell That. I love you very wellâ€"- Checks and chin‘ and nose in Neglect a cut or a scratch and it may turn to blood poisoning. Mr. Joseph Lalibei-Iicoi 3iArtillcrie Slrcct‘ Quebec, says: “i cut one of my fingers on a l'uSlzy piece of tin and had no idea it would become so serious, but in two (lays blood poison had set in and my fingers became terribly discolored, and my hand and arm swollen. I was alarmed and began using one ointment ailei- another, but none relieved me. I was about to consult a doctor when a friend advised me to try Zam-Buk. This l did. Zamâ€"Buk began by drawing out the inflammation and in one week the wound was nicely healed. I feel so grate- fuiiormy speedy cure thatI unhesitat- ingly give my testimonial to the merits of Zam-Buk." Love yo Love yo Love yo For our Baby, listen w} That. I love yo Checks and chi And your lung the HAND AND ARM ENDANGERED h forts. .urn ; 1 and a your language, wonder W] a your 11.1116 smile of glee, a your laughing melody; : you [or the joy you bring our constant harboring! listen while I 1011 I love you very wellâ€"â€" your little lips and eye your language, wonder your IlMle smile of glc your laughing melody; TOWARDS THE POLE Pay A MOTHER’S SONG AL’I‘ERED. “Madam, I was not always IIIOI 11m ge _un 1t LAUGH 1‘1. But the n ous and rel in ever rlen ' wellâ€"â€" d nose and eyes, wonder Wis-cl wondér wise; ck how their or cash! 3w can I dues to ny the kin At a party recently they were playing n game which consisted in everybody in the mom making a race, and the one who made the worst face was awarded 1 prize. Thoy all did their level best, and than a man went up to one 01' the women and said : th‘Jl. Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- [nrd's Sanilnry Lolion. It never fails. Sold by all druggisls. Magistrate: “You gave this youngr “‘0an such a hit on the face that she cant see out. of her eyes. What have you to say for yourself?" Accused: “Well, she often told me she‘didmwant to see me any more." Why go limping and whining about your cams when u ‘25 cent bottle of Holloway‘s Com Cure will remove them? Give it. a trial and you will not regret it. ‘ To provide :1 restful environment without. sannlorium restrictions, to en- able tired humanity to recuperate na- turally, to secure to the average man or woman the needed change from wor- ry and cure, and to do these at mod- erate cost, is the mission of “The Wel- land,” the home of “The St. Catharines \Vill.” Apply the manager. St. Catharines. or any Agent of Grand Trunk Rail- way System. Father: “Remember, my son, that hon- esty is the best policy.” Son: “Why, father! you allus said you wanted me to follow in your footsteps.” But how utterly puny and insigni- ficant are these achievements of man compared with the work of the Omni- potent Creator Who has start-ed on their course through the dread abyss of the illimilahle, untold myriads of mighty globes, at a velocity infinitely exceed- ing that of any cannon ball. And yet this Almighty Being in His wondrous condescension and love has provided a means by which all who have in any way Lransgressed against iIim, instead 0' receiving the condemnation due to justice, may, if they will, receive a free and immediate pardon. For the atone- ment made by the Son of God upon the cross is a full, perfect, and com- plete satisfaction for the sins of all who will lay them upon Him; for H( here the punishment, due as their Sub- stitute. r the summit of the mountain. The thun- derous, deafening roar of there ponder- eus missus as they hurtle iin,their deadly course is altogether indescrib- able. It is as though a furious hurri- cane were raging“ a hoarse eras-hing blast, angrily Pending the air with a discordant, grating s‘ridor. which. as the distance increases, changes to a snarling hiss; until with a dull thud the projectile strikes the water, raising a fountain of foam high in air, follow- ed half a mile luvther away by an- other foaming geyser, as the ricochet- ting shot again rebound-s; sometimes raising quite a long series of these watemponils right away into the far distance. During the past. three or tour de- cades the science of gunnery has made enormous strides, and the modern gun as far excels the old 37-pounder or Not- son. and Napier as that time-houorul old weapon exceeded in lighting value the catapult of the old Romans. The Obsolete IOU-ton gun, for instance, was capable of thmwing a great. steel pro- jectle weighing atout a ton a distance -.'f fivo mil<s, the cartridge being about. the size of a sack of coals, and every grain of powder about the appearance and size of the coals in a scuttle. And when the monster was discharged it was necessary for those working the gun to open their mouths wide, or the drum of their ears might have been damaged, and to hold their caps on tightly or they would have lien blown off as by‘a hurricane. Windows. too, of houses within, perhaps. a couple of miles of the fort, if not opened would be blown in. But the mighty ordnance of the Dreadnought is far more CfIKCL:VC than even those monsters, for they throw an enormous shell no less than fifteen miles; one of these guns therefore plan!- e.l on. Epsom racecourse could throw a shell into the Bank of England; and. according to a statement of the great- est British authority on gunnery, "f Mont Blanc were situate between those two places the flight of the projectile would be some hundreds of feet above the summit of the mountain. The thun- derous, deafening roar of there ponder- “Well, madam, I think you have won 3 prize." . “0h,” she smd, “I wasn't playing." BEST AND RECUPERATION. TIIUNDEROUS MISSLES. WON THE PRIZE (By A. Banker.) EXAMPLE. morph mving Just I Word 01 caution; Where the skin in iestroyed by burns nr scald: apply Weaver's (:0th immediately : the sooner the better. Norah: "An’ phwcl'e do your mis- lhrcss be goin‘ to-night?" Bridget: “Shurc, she didn't. inform mo, but Wm the looks iv her 01 take 1'! shebe goin’ to wan iv lhim comin’ out parties.” Men seldom fly for llzcjr livcs when they meet. a woman who dressed to kill. his 0“ looked like you Useful all. ,All Timos.â€"In winter or in summer Parmclcc‘s Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome [my irregu- larities of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of i'csidcnce, or variation of temperature may bring about. They should )0 always kept at hand, and once their beneficial action becomes known, no one will] be with- out them. There is nothing nauseating in their structure, and the mesa doli- caLo can use them confidently. The Eflccls Produced by Witch combined with Menthol 9.: found in Menthol Plaitol‘ are truly magic.) specific for rheumatism and neuralg! f‘Compelent mend." “Doc,” said the man who was trying h get a free prescription, “what's the rest thing for a, cold ?" “Oh! come now,” he protested, “you To not s9 heavy as all that." “It would please me mightily, Miss Stout," said Mr. Muglcy, “to have you go to the Lheatre with me this evening." “Have you secured the seats?” asked Miss Vera Stout. Peruna has acquired a lasting reputa- tion in relieving cutar-rh of the throat. bronchial tubes and lungs. This should prevent the lubercular bacilli from gain- ing any foothold in the lungs, and: saves the patient from the inevitable result. ATARRH of the bronchial. tubas often very quickly becomes! catarrh of the lungs. Catarrh of the lungs makes the patient an easy victim to the germs that, cause tuberculosis. Sound lungs protect themselves against dis~ case germs. BREE m: HHUNBHIAL cmnnn x \ Pamfllwm Bum-mm Mother Gravcs’ Worm Extenninntor pleasant to take; sure and effedual destroying worms. Many have tried with best results. I. C. llcrvus Pellntier, Dep'l de l‘,\gricullurc, Ottawa. Ont, writes: “The Pcruna is particularly efficacious in the cure ol calarrhal affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes. mud it is in consequence the remedy most amu’ccialcd'hom in Ottawa. Six botllcs cured me 'lhis winter of brqnchitis. I am completely restored and I owe thanks to line Peruna. [have rewm- mondrd this remedy to a large number of my lrlcnds alflirled with the same trouble, and they have verified my good opinion of this valuable rmnedy." man who does not mind awn expense says he \w list’s recently and asked {.5 before [1 ex“ calling 0 response .' over his 2 ho is the shnir I sec :e a W tomcr MR.J.C.HERVUS PELLETIER SEATS WERE SAFE. ilhc Tl THE CURE BUDDING MIXED. spec » ab: (2 he nudical 1 ed by Witch Hazel when ‘1 3.: found in “ The D &. I.” truly magipql, it. being I ne pre Bill of our universities ry absent minded. can the roll each tux'e. One mornâ€" ure. One mom 9 to which there looxecl up, and :les. asked sharp m boy in UK 1d H16 advice, ‘gia‘ mp1 kn my Shileh’s Cure Cures Coughs and Calais “For some time I sulfiereg with cp- Larrh of the throat and bi‘onéhial tulres. I tried many remedies. but could fipd nothing that, would give me relief. “Finally I tried Pcruna. Three bottles cured me. macle me sound and well. I belieue it will do as much {or othch as it (lid- for me. I shall be glad to I‘cr‘ommend it to those suffering with calm'r‘n." Mr. Wickliffc R. Smilh, Editor of The ’otlalch Herald, formerly amncnpal of the, Schools at Cameron. Idaho, Writes: QUICKLY Accessible. Quiet and E‘mgnne. Within Five Minutes’ Walk or 'l'heatms, shops and Clubs. Now Dutch Grill Rooms Lzu‘ est in City. Cable Cars Pass Hotel to a! Railroads. Eurupean Plan. $1.50 per day without ‘uath, 82.00 per day with bath. Suite: 83:50 upwards. Sand for Booklet. WHEN IN Wise Tm Ave. and sum at. 800 FEET WEST or BROAGWAY, HOTEL NAVARRE Maximum of Luxury at, Miuim um Con NOT A CASE FOR NEW YORK THE NEW FIREPROOP STEARN‘S & DAHB. Prop: mun who l relucme Use. Shiloh’s Cure lot the worst cold”; “the sharpest cough â€"â€"try it on a guar- a n t e e of y o u 3 money back if it doesn't actually CURE qm'clg'ef than anythLdg you ever tried. Safe to take,â€"-nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of 25c, 5i ___',. â€" , success commend Shiloh's Cureâ€" H REPAIRS what ail: paging it timepiece and aaid the jew 5°C.. 3!. 31.1 knows what 5 not to say )ils this it over >~¢ â€"1

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