Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1908, p. 4

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Liberals were elected in South 1111- ron and Stanstead, Quebec,‘ to Pant liament yesterday. InVSOnLh Huron Mr. McLean'é majority was 134, and in Stanstead Mr. Lovell Secured a majoyity of 273. csc emigration to Canada would be re- stricted, that emigration companies will be suppressed. and that emigra- tion of Japanese by, way of Hawaii will cease altogether. Such a re-as- :uring message looking to the settle- ment-of a great and dangerous inter- national qnostion must be received with unqualified satisfaction all our Canada. @112 ibihcrnl. The trip to Japan of Hon. Mr. Lemieux, accompanied by Mr. W. L. M. King. has apparently been a suc- M... rm". mmigmr renorth in the rmss. The minister reported in the House of Commons Tuesday that; as- surances had been given that Japan- The Senate is not a popular insti- tution in this country. That fact was made more evident. in a discussion in the House of Commons Monday night. Three different njbtions were placed before the House, ne being to reform the Senate, and another ask- ing_ for its abolition. It is now gen- erally conceded that the Upper Cham- ber has been a failure, and that as at present eonstituned it will almost in- variably side with its political parly whether thorlutter is in office or not. l-prerience teaches that the Senate does not act as a check to hasty legis- lation. Few people would care to send the present Senators to their homes. yet many are free to admit that the paying of senators is a use- less expense on the country. It is to he hoped that; some good will result from the recent: discussion. RICHMOND I'IILL‘ ' On F‘ridny, Jun. 21H). at, 2 p.m. Lht> Rev. Mr. Cnhm-n will preach the pro- pm‘utul'y sermon in the Presbyterian Church. The annual mpnting 0f the Thm-nhill branch of lhi‘Bihlo Suuivty will he ht-ld in the Methodist Church at 8 Wu, . In. 24th. The Rev. D. P. Smith, lute agent nf tho Society in Africa. will con- nlnct, [he SPl'\‘lC(‘. The '1‘hhrnhill Division of the Sons of Tamponrnce. \villqloet, at the hmnu nf Mr. \Vm. Buwvs. on Friday, Jun. 24th. Nearly 500 people attended the sknt,» Eng carnival in the nmununth link at Thm-nhill lust. evening. The prizes given for host ropresentntive costumes weie won by the follmvingFâ€"Ladys Unstumr‘. lsr. prizv‘ \liss Llnyd, King, “Dnlly Varden"; hun’s. lst. Mr. R. \V. lienly. “Rnynl Cavalier of the 17th ~-ontury“: Girls. 18L Miss Jvnn Buylv. "Highland Lassie": Buys, lst, \Villie \Vnuds, “Royal Page“. ‘ The funeral of Bin-t. oldest ’sun of ih‘. Maurice Emns. nf letmrd. may; )lace tn the oemotery here un Saturday Iftel‘nnon. H16 Rev. \V. A. Rndwvll left: on M fter conducting revival sex-vi. he past. two wot-ks. He goes I on to engage in evangelistic how. ’ ' ‘ The- i’nmnheys of St. Paul‘s :' \ndrew‘s cnngl‘w minus mvt l:l.~ 1m ut tv lust. 'l‘hm-sdn Miss Bella MCN nnltuu Unlh'gu. \V :mnu HS luwmen's Hllll giving a call tn » nu decisinn in umber frmn hr supper-pf th_e Thornhill. Maple. ‘. 05TH Jun. 23. 1908 St. Paul‘s-and ions met Inst \ filth lltende :lmn :u (mdux‘ niste 1mm 1 and King ship with that institution. A resnlutinn was passed authm'izing the payment (if a large numbm- of gravel and mad accuunts. 'l‘hmnas-GaIm-l-()n~â€"'l‘li:lt the treas- uwr b0 nuthm-izvd to pay Lu J. Ross Ruht-rtson for the Sick Children's Hospital. the sum of $lU.â€"(3nx~ri0(l. McNairâ€"Lnnghnuseâ€"That, the clinic be authorized to subscribe for six copies of Municipal \Vorld for the use of the council and clerkâ€"Curried. Callie-r0nâ€"-Thomasâ€"That Archibald Cummings be appointed caretaker (If the ’l‘mvuship Hall. stable, and gruunds for HMSâ€"Carried. ' Lunghouse â€"â€" McNair ~â€" That this _____ J . The following members-elect hnvmg executed the declaration of qualificat- tinn and of nificn. to‘uk their seats and procreded to business: reevo. Isaac Devins; deputy-xeeve, D. 3. Long- hunse; J. A. Cameron. \Vm. Thmnus. and J. S. McNain cnunnillm-s. Several communications were re- C(‘lVPtl including unc from Mr. Little, manager of the Sterling Bunk, usking a pmtion of the business of the town- ship with that institution. A resnlutinn was passed :Inlhm'izing the payment of .1 large number of Oahu-Ironâ€"Thomasâ€"Th Cummings be appointed the 'l‘mvnship Hall. m-uunds for 1908. â€"Currie( Longhouse â€"â€" Manir ~â€" That this council hold its regular meetings nu the secnnd Tut‘sduy uf each nmnth. at, 10 :L. 111., during the remainder of the year (except. the month of May. when said meeting will ho. held on 'l‘nexday, the 26th: nlso the J nno meet,â€" ing in he held nu June 16, and during August and September meetings {11 I11- hn-ld 11L 1 p. 111.). The clerk was in- structed tn have 100 copies printed for distribution. with the mum‘s of fence viewvis and pound kPepeI-s included in said m1ticv.â€"Unr1~ivd. Longhnuse â€" Thomas -â€" That. the treasurer pay the following general :urcuunt: Ed. Brmvn, printing BUD copies minutes and trousurer’s state- ments, $57.60.â€"C:u-1~ied. McNairâ€"Thomasâ€"That this council comply with the request ofthe Ontario Municipal Association by petitioning the Legislature to repeal section (306 of the Municipal Act, and thereby relieve municipalities from a portion of their present responsibility for the non-re- pair of highways, and that Dr. God- frey, M. 1’. P., be requested to presmrt the petition and Suppull the bill in the LoCal Housuâ€"Carricd. (hunger-on-â€"Thomasâ€"That the appli- cation in reference to the Sterling Bank he laid over for further consider- Minnâ€"Carried. The following hy-‘laws were passed: No. 841, appointing Geo. ML Arnold and Neil W. Malloy, Auditor... No. 812, appointing Joshua J. Kaiser and Edward \Vhite, Assessors. No. 843, appointing a Local Board of Health, Medical Heiilth Officer and Sanitary Inspector for the year 1908, as follows; Board of Health, Isaac Devins, J. B. McLean, Amos. Agar. Lepds Richardson, and Andrew Mc- Neil; Medical Health Officer. Dr. T. H. Robinson: Sanitary Inspector, James O‘Connor. - The council made provision for grants fur gravel as follows:_ Mill Road, between lots 48 and ~19, con. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . é Um rville side-line, con. 1 . . . . . . . . Patterson side-line . . . . . . . . i . . . . . ()an‘ville side-line, con. 3 . . . V . . . . Thomhill side-line . . . , . . . . . Second com, lots 16 and 17 . Third concession . . . . . .. . . .. .. Fourth. com, lots 1 to (5.. . . . . . . . Fourth con., lob 18 . . V , . . . . . , . . Fifth COIL, lots 1, 2, 3.. . . . . . . . . . Fifth com. lots 13 and 11.. ' Fifth com, 10131 . . . . . . .. Sixth (5011., lots 19:111d'20 . . V . . . . Sixth c011,, lot 26 . .. . . . , . . . . Ninth com. lots 5 and 6.. . . , . . . Tenth con., lots 20 amp 21 . . . . . . . Hnwlands Hill. Kleinbnrg . . . . . . Uoopex’s side-line, east, of Klein- hm-g ,. .. . . . . . No. 814. appointing fence-viewers an}! anIEd-keeps-rs, u - , ,,,J .I Nu“ 845. regfllating salaries and :II- lmvanoes to officials of the township fur 1908. The- council adjourned to meet on Feb. 11, ab 10 a. m. \Vhen an eminent; authority nu- nmmced in the Scranton (Pm) Times that he had found a new way to treat that. (ll'led American disease Rheuma- lisinl with just? c’mnnirmhevery-day drugs funnd in any drug stprv, the physicians were slow indeed to attiuzh much importance to his claims. This was only a few months ago. To-day mun-1y every newspaper in the country irly an t. FEW HERE KNOW THIS. VAUGHAN COUNCIL- 1n in the country lily is announ- rcsults achiev- of Vaughan 13th (If Jun- That, this elings ml h nmnth. minder of 'iLy nu- ) Times to treat, Lheumn- $10 00 . 80 00 ’70 (ll) . 80 ()0 125 ()0 , 50 ()0 150 00 ‘100 ()0 . 110 ()U 50 ()0 100 01') 100 00 100 ()0 NM) 00 100 ()l) 100 (H) 15'.) ()0 100 ()0 ll) hi! ll] )untl Mix The first meeting of the cnuncil-t-Iocb for 1908 was lu-ld at Unionville on Monday, Jan. 13. The civil; in thv chair. The nwmlu-rs subscribed to the declaration of office and uf qualifi- cation and took their seats as fulluws: \V. H. Lupp. Rvevo. Jno. Nigh. Ihany-Roevo. 091). B. Pally-L. Gun. 0. Morrison, and Ed. Kirk, Umncillm's. Applicatiuns were received from M. R. Frotz. \V. J. Ramsay. A. S. Curry, and A. Sumlnm-frldt fur the position of Assvssur, vast half, and C. 1*}. Stivvr and Dunuld Carmichael. west half. (Immuumuutinns fl-nm National] Cnmnmnlcutiuns frth National Sanitarium and Sick Children's Hus- pilnl for grant. From A. 8. Scott, soc. Bnys’ Hump, 'I‘nmntn, asking for remum-rnmm fur the keep of boy named Shank from “'hitcvnlu. ‘ \Vm. Can-rumors applied for culls-ct- mship for west half at 2| snlnrv of $55. Nighâ€"Morrisonâ€"That tho Twas. uf S. S. No. 16 be instructed tn pay Ed- mund Clendvnning the sum of $3.34; also Jnn. Mpycr. $1.15: h0ng 0.11:0,“ nf schmrl taxes paid by said parties nn in re. for (11 man, 3 years; Ruhr. Campln-ll, Sani tary Inspector, salary $2 a day whml Clnplude and 7) cents a. milo miloagt‘. A hy-law was passe-d providing fur the maintenance of Yunge- street, be- tween Markham and Vaughan provid~ ing for the sum of $600 to lw approp- riated. and that J. E. Francis lw cum- missitmm' at, $25 pox year. he to report, frmn time to time on all accounts dun for material and lalmr. Nighâ€"Morrismiâ€" That. the troasm'or be instructed to pay the treasurer of Vaughan township xhv fullmving ac- cnunts 101* 1905-07: 1906, $118.22; 1907. $457.82. account. of being assessed in the wrong schva section. On motion the clerk was instructed to return to several people $1 each, A by~lnw was passed nppninting :Bnard of Health: \V. H. anp, wave. 0. II. Stiver, clerk, by \‘irluo of thvil office, and J. H. Mitchel, one your: Duvid James. 2 years, and \Vm.Mnnk- Padgetâ€"Kirkâ€"Thnt the Rvpve be appointed munnissinnei- to rvpresent municipality lo adjust nccmmt. heâ€" twvon Pulicv \illages of Uninm‘ille and Mount Joy and Tuwnshipnf Mnrkh'nn . By wsolutinn the clerk \vasjustruct- ed to pay zL large. number of general accounts. Kirkâ€"~P;ulget,â€"~Th:1t the treasurer he and is hereby authorised to pay ouch deputy retul Hing ulficer the sum of $3aud milengw: ouch pull clerk $2; each constable $1‘ and for each pulling hon“) $3. Mnrl~isuuâ€"Nigh~â€"Th:lt. the clerk be instructed to order six Cupi-Ps of thv Municipal \Vurld for the use of the council. A hy-lnw was passed:â€"-Appninting A byllzuv was passed:â€"-Appninting assessors as fulln\\'s:â€"\Vm. Brown. A. S. Clan-y. cast, half. Auditorsâ€"- J. F. Davidson and Walter Svntt. Kirkâ€"«Nighâ€"Thnt Mr. Nigh be com missioner to enquire into the cutting of certain trees UH side-ling between lots 30 and 31, cm; 2. and report, at next meeting of councii. Council adjourned to meet on Satur- day, Feb. 8th, at 11 mm. ' THgnsuu‘, Jan. 2.3â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements etc. the pmperty of E. A. Stone, Hmdford. Tex-ms‘lU months Snigeon :35 Mc- Ewen. aucts. SATURDAY, Jan. 25â€"Auction sale of huusezmd lot, being part of lot 10, con. 6. Markham, the pmpex-ty uf T. Dennis. Sale at 2 o’clock. J. H. Prentice, auct. \VEDNFSDAY. Jan. 29â€"Fa1-m stock, MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Tm Lax-e1 ll‘lu \V. Cc mths. RSDAY m I xl-tbi 5 C Weet to Ea? A Cand" Bowd Land's, Auction Sales. of John Elsn Nine months \D )asnceliation in impl [TAN DlVlSl RADIAL RAH Credit dit ‘lSh sale ( furnitum ,l-m stock, 33, can. 7, of D. Mc- nine mus. ll nitl 1163 of m lot perty Nine WAY nt th 1] Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with“The Liberal” at$la year at the following prices:-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tion, tillJan. l, 1909 C Weekly Mail and Empire, with premium “Golgotha” 7g} (1 The Toronto Daily World 4 months The Daily Globe, one year York County only The Daily Mail and Em- pire, - one year (York County) , ’ The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receiV- ed clay of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New Idea W’oman’s Maga- BLUEBENG me Canadlan Plotoma McClure’s Magazine $350001) first mortgage on real ea. bate. Farm property preferred. Ap ply 1v . ‘th‘rrtir‘rc‘ One No. 2 Chathzun incubator out-dour broader. Only been thrice. In good ordvr. ADM}: A moméd h shop and w i Lh Servant Wanted Young mnily of Apply tnâ€" \‘zlll Pig Tromghs M HS. R. \V TH( 1hHK property on Yo (m acre of land. Gav ouso, witfi stuhlv. sin c ( hm- Conveniences. Apply tn [1. A. 3310 iWianted' To Loan For Sale For Sale girl For Sale lll EQESaIe Aleknm Qm'c MRS. S\VITZER Apply [0 THOMSON, H LI] H. A. NIUHULLS 291191 H. A. Nio'HOLLS .1 d r EYRE Il'k 1H 5110 H OLLS Yongo St 861' 'am. in thL- b2 ‘ulge gu per f Dams hulls \V’ bu] $+++++++++++++++4~++++++++§ MERRY gmsmg 3‘ 't‘ +1-44-+++§H+++‘P+++++{P+++**% 1319ch SH id t< 'VVell Ladies’ Watchas The best watch for; ladies is not as good as: we would like to see in: theretore we can do no: better than sell the bestE kind. .g. The following include a goid case. warranted 101' 25 yearsâ€"the best kind we know of. RATE “L a d y grade 178% m [lie Mmitoba “Feed. Electric BEES Low grade \Valtham, Adjusted 6o. Full-jewelled \V ey of Elgm Mi hruth Medic-AU gnetiq npplinug Whe at 4m (3'. 2.25 356 856. \Valt‘nam \Valtham, a; th C am with- \ Mills um itY

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