\. lie g1 lie 'ir _. -.,.A, chmmxr) HILL, ONT., .1 an. E}. was 2: _ . . I J O C A 14 .3 . l)i\'i“.iorrConrt will he held here next Saturday. Miss Sadie Smith is sxi-errdiug two Weeks in Toronto. p.14 K Mr. Frank Itowledge. of Flight Mills. was in _'I‘rrr'rrrrto visiting friends. The Richmond Hill curlers defeath rl‘lrornhill last Friday by 5 points. Mrs. Home and Miss “'innifred Home spent. over Sunday in the (‘it_v. The. Kodaks defeated our hockey team in a game here last evenng by 7-1. M“ Fl'imk Sl“""."~ T'H‘Ml“, \'l‘~'ll(‘llr for the‘otaarsiou. wascongratulated on ever Sunday with Mr. Starr Mr:- Mahon. A meetingof theAgrirarlt uralSor-iely will he held-in the Lorne. Hall. Satur- day, at 2.30. Mr. E. M. Byrne attended the funer- al of his eldest sister in Toronto. to- day (Thursday) lourr, Richmond. A. 0. F., meets Friday evening if this week. Instal- lation of oï¬lcers. etc. Japan t.err".speri:rl quality 23:: lb. Special Blend \\'ood‘s coffee. 30c lb. Atkinson LV: Switzr-r. Mr. Harry \Vinrpeniiy of the Trib- une stafl’. Toronto Junction. . spent over Sunday with Mr. I). Stung. Mr. and Mrs. (7. Kerswill (‘allt-(l on friends at lillgin Mills and Richmond Hill Saturday afternoon and evening. Mr. McFarlane of the Head Ofï¬ce. Townto is relieving tor a couple of weeks Mr. E. M. Byrne. manager of the Standard Bank here. Clearing prices on Newlandsfur-liued over-coats. and men‘s beaver over-coats, 30% discount. It will pay you to buy now. Atkinson S: Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kline and two children of Toronto Junction spent the past Week with Mrs. Kline’s father and sister. Mr. and Miss Kinnee. The Thornhill Hockey seven defeated "ichmond Hill. Monday evening in the rrr-turn match here by 5 to 2. Tire ntatch was refereed by Dr. Johns of Thornhul. Two Richmond Hill rinks go to Toâ€" ronto to-morrew to compete for the Ontario Tankard. and next Tuesday two other rith will playinNewmarket \ for the District Cup. \ 'I‘HE LIBERAL is pleased to acknowl- \lidge the. receipt of a beautiful calen- dar from an old friend. R. \V. Hamil- ton of the Parkiuson-Trent Mereantile Company. Okmulgee. formerly of El- gin Mills. Last Sunday “'orld refers to a ser- mon prearrhed by Rev. A. II. Brace. .pastor of Park-street Baptist. church, Peter-borough. and father of Rev. A. 1’. Brave of this place. The sketch is accompanied by an excellent photo- graveur. Special-From the issue of THE Ianuaar. this weeit till the close of business on Saturday night. we will give 23 lbs. extra granulated sugar for $1. 5 lb. package Saxon or Quaker pits. for 250. tillbs. Tilson's rolled opts for 25c. Our regular 30c. Japan tO-at for 271:. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. The Mission Band of the Presby- terianUhurch will have a social eveningIr on 'I‘hursday evening in the Basement. of Church at Eight o‘elock. An ad- dress will be given by Mr. Armstrong of Toronto. Light. refreshments will be. server]. Silver collection at door. All are Welcome. r Trial Uatarrh treatments are being mailed out free. on receipt, by Dr. Shoop. Racine. \Vis. These tests are proving to the peopleuwithout a perr- ny's costâ€"the great value of this seientitie prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Rem- edy. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. HOCKEY AT THORNIIILL.~ The Thornhill Hockey Team defeatâ€" ed the Richmond Hill intermediates \Vedrresday evening at. Thornhill. by the score of 4 to 3. Line up ‘.' nerves get Weak. [Ill-ILIIH'M‘ organs at: “"33 l.Nil- l‘)olr't drug the Stomach. Ilor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a pr-esr‘rlpllon kuowu to IJrnugists H't‘l y- Wlil'l'eas Dr. Shot-p’s Ilrstoratch. The il-sloralive is prepared expressly for these \\‘r'ak inside ner \‘i's. Strengthen these oer-res. build them up with Dr. Slltrop‘uIii-stormiveâ€"tabletsorlirruidvâ€" and see how-quickly help will tome. Free sarrrple test sent on request by Dr. Snoop. Ilaeine. \\'is. Your health is surely \vorth Ibis simple test. Sold by \\'. A. Sanderson. I?er\\".\l I‘IN'S BANQL‘ E'I‘. "Better than ever" was a common r remark in relercnce to the annual l banquet of King,r and Vaughan l’low- ' men's Association held in Lloyd's Ilall. i King: City. last Thursday evening. l The nurnla-r of guests was very large. l 232 tickets being taken at the door of i the bampu-ttirnpr hall. The entertain- ment pleased everybody. aird the pro- prietor of the hotel. who was caterer l r-\ery hand for the excellent spread. and for the, able manner in which the, large crowd was handled. Before starting the cnlrrtuinnn-nt President. J. A. (‘amr-ron, who made an efï¬cient chairman. called on the secretary. Mr. J. T. Haigcon. who made a statement. showing that. after paying all prizes and providing for the oyster supper the association still has a. neat balance for the next plowing rnatrh. Mr. Harry Dannett was at. his best in the programme. and other musieal num- bers were any given by Miss Myrtle Saigeon. Mr. IE. Brown. Mr. \Veir. Mr. Sanderson. Messrs. )IeIntyre. Lloyd. Malloy. and others. During the men- inc short; addresses were given by MPSsrs. F. Under-hill and J. Ill. \Valton of Aurora. (2". L. Stewart. and T. F. McMahon. The Editor of the Canadian Poultry Reiiew. the people's popular poultry paper. tells us that this paper has been greatly enlarged and is tilled with all that pertains to poultry. both from a praetir‘al and a fancy standpoint. l’r-of. A. :‘r. Gilbert. Manager. Doâ€" minion wovernmcnt. I’oultry Far-m. Ottawa. is still in Charge of the l’rae- tirral Poultry Department. while Prof. \V. R. Graham. Manager of the. Poul- try Department- of the. Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph. has char-gent the Artiï¬cial Ineubalion and Broodng Department. Rev. J. N. \Vilhams. one of England's most noted experts. writes interestingly each month on poultry doing:r in the Old Land. Mr. H. S. Babeoek. Providence. R. l.. is another prominent writer and breeder on this paper‘s regular staff. Each phase of. poultry breeding. poultry exhihiting. etc... is fully covered and the pages of the Review are replete with half tone reâ€"preduetions from life. of famous birds. plans of up-to-date houses. utensils. etc. The subscript ion rate is 50 cents per year. but readers of this paper can have it at. three years for $1.00. and sample will be sent free on applieation to ()anadian Poultry Review. 18~1Ad elaide Street. West. Toronto. Ont. MARRIAGES. JACKSONâ€"SAIGEONâ€"At the residence of the bride’s father, on \Vednesday. January 22. by the Rev. P. Jones. Daisy Ethel. eldest daughter of Mr. J. T. Saiueon. to Mr. G. H. Jackson. all of Maple. HOBSt)Nâ€"\VII.SO.\'~â€"At the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Henry \Vil- son. Elqin Mills. on \Vednesdav. Jan- uary 22. by the Rev. G. \V. Robin- son. Miss Annie Elizabeth “'ilson. to Mr. J. H. Robson of Purpleville. DEATHS. VANDEImURGIrâ€"At Richmond Hill. Tuesday morning. January 21. 1908. \Villiam Henry Vanderburgh, in his (illth year. > Funeral from his late residence to Riehmond Hill cemetery. Thursday. at 3 p. m. N ews Notes. York County Counr-il will meet. on Tuesday. Jan. 28. The contest. for the wardenship will probably be between Reeve Henry of York, Gardhouse of Etobicoke. and Keith of Newmarket. One hundred and eighty~eight barri- sters have been appointed K.Us by the Ontario Government. __._a..â€"â€"-â€" JEFFERSON. The many friends of Mrs. \V. II. lFindley of this place are pleaer to ilearn that she is recm‘ering from a severe attack of heart trouble. and i that under the care of Dr. Cassily of I Richmond Hill she expects soon to be l able to be around as usual. â€"â€"â€"74¢-.~ ‘ To cheek a cold quiekly. gr‘t from Thornhill Richmond. Hill llenry . . . . . . . . . Goal . . . . . . . . \V. Hall F. Hooper . . . . Point . . . , . . ..U. Hall \Vingr‘r . . . . . . 0. Point . . . . . . . F. Hoer \Vright . . . . .Forwards. . . . . . l’ethick l‘lehliu .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown ‘. \Vieo .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palmer , \Vatson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naughton _.â€"_.fâ€".»_.._ - ‘ A NEWSPAPER CASE. A ease of some interest. especially to newspaper men. was tried in the Division Court at. Toronto Junction. before His llonor. Judge Morgan. L‘ISL {r-irlay. The publisher of '1Ԡr: lam-aux. s red \\'. B. Gram of \Vest on for sever- al yeais' subscription for a newspaper. The plaintilf claimed he had sent the paper in good faith and that he had never been notiï¬ed to diseontinne it. The postmaster at \Veston was sunr- monrd as a witnes- to prrn'r‘ rhar srrnic member of the defendant's frrmily had , taken the paper fr our the other regular- lv. and thatlre had never been inquest. "i1 to return a eopy to the publish“... The driendant claimed that. he hurt ver-bailv told the publisher several years ago to discontinue the paper, inrd 'li:it he rlriinselt'l had not taken the pun-r from the ofï¬ce. Judgment ‘md cow fr-r plainttr‘r. ‘ your druggist some Little t‘andy ('olrl "l‘ablets called I’r'mentir's. lll‘llgu’isls lever-ywhr-re are now dispensing I’re. venties. for they are not only safe. but deeidr-dly certain and . Preventies eontain no rpiinine. no lax- ative. nothingr harsh or siek'ening. Taken at the "silee'l.e stage" Prevent- it-s will prevent Pneumonia. llronchit< is. La (irippe. etr‘. Preventics. (loud for vat‘l'lSll child- ren. ~l\’ I’reventies ‘13 rents. Trial I boxes 5 vs. Sold by \\'. A. Sander. son. #4.-..“ ORANGE VALLEY. Ilir. Matthew .\lr~Qn:rrr-ie h::s pur- Mr. Dunn $3.500 wrs chased Mr. Iluzrean's larm. an reserves the 190:“ crop. the p..;e paid. _\lr'. Albert lone; of lilgin Blillw and Mr. l‘flVl‘l 5:1 ‘r' ' [32.1w :10 In. y undo: »;Ivrr!::-- r .l~'ri, worn it. . i I -there[o. u’hen t iii-Slurnaeh. Hear-t. (rt-Kidney Fraser's. . OOOO¢§6¢¢Q§¢¢¢+§¢¢§§6000") r the Z-ltli day of li‘ebritary. Till. Mr. Peter Jones has purelmsed the \Villirrm Galloway property. Mr. John Darling and son of Rich- mond Hill puid us a flying visit on Saturday. 'l‘hi-r must be a prosperous plaee. Mr. Isaac Bales has re-tilted up his house in good shape. had a well bored. a windmill ereeted. and has put a bank stable imder his barn. Mr. \Vm. Thomas was notified to open up the side-road between 3rd and Jill. He. decided. however. that the expense of shovelling the snow would be too great. I don‘t think the pig buyer-sin Maple would llllet' on rich. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns of To- ronto came up Saturday with a swell horse and left. the same at his father‘s. returning home on Sunday. Mr. P. Jones is recovering Very slowâ€" ly: not able to be out. of the house yet. There is one thing that will cure itâ€"Ayer’s Hair Vigor. j 1. It is a regular scalmeedicine. _. : It quickly destroys the germs ,y The unhealthyscalp becomes healthy. The dandrqu disap- r pears, had to disappear. A 7 healthysqalp meansa greatdeal VI : ‘to youâ€"healthy hair, no dan- - :3 drufl",no pimples,no eruptions. ‘ Thé best: kind of a testimonialâ€" "Sold for over sixty years.†.1. C. ero.. Luwal, . 3: A" no manuf-aturers or - ’ SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. r3 CHERRY PECTORAL. V? . ‘ Ms... ariuaxuas is a good time to start. New term opens on Jan. 2nd. \Vrite for cat- alogue: our moderate rates and other advantages will interest you. - British American Business College. Yonge and Mcï¬ill Sts.. Toronto. ....~ 7 m'r O0éï¬OOéé颧§¢§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢6¢6 January gï¬lï¬ 0r um. Quilting » ï¬t 250/0. hismunt Store closes every evening at 8. except Saturday. Milli. SAVAGE 4* 9 6 ¢ ¢ 9 O 6 6 ¢ Q Q 9 ¢ 0 ¢ Q Q Q 6 4» ‘1 § {I 9 6 6 O O Q Q Q Q 9 9 6 Q ¢ 0 ¢ Q Q Q. 99¢¢0¢4§§6¢§¢¢§90¢9¢¢O§¢0 O¢¢¢§¢9¢§§¢Q¢¢O¢¢QOOOQQ 909 § 9 9 9 Q Q 0 0 0 Nance to Crediï¬Ã© 0f JONAH LEEK, deceased. The creditors of Jonah Leek. late of1 the 'I'ownsbip of Markham in the County of York. Farmer. (IL-ceased. who died on or about the 19th day of September, 191l7. are hereby notified to send to the undersigned. A. F. Leek. Dollar I}. 0.. one of the execu- tors. by post prepaid. orwr before the 21th day of February. ltlllH. full par ticâ€" ulars of their claims and the nature of the security. if any. held by them, propeer verified. lrrrnrediately after .. the as rsets of lilk' said tlr'tfr'tlsl‘tl Will be (lis- tributcd among the parties entitled having regard only to the lt-lairns of which the eXecutors shall Hence the name. their have notiee and all others will be excluded from such distribution. Dated Janua:y 22. INNS. SPENCER l UVI‘L Jam-s Building. eor. King and Yonge Stu-etc. Toronto, solicitors for the executors. j J. A. LEEK. Mount Albert. A. I“. IEI‘TK. Dollar. l J. I). Tllll’l’. ISUI tenor-n St.\\'est. Toâ€" l‘r‘illtrl. 30-3 ' flit-ans Tabuliesiwfér sour stomach.â€â€" Riruns Tahules cure ï¬atulenca Hip rs Twines cure bad breath. r A Candy Bowel Lawn ', é++++++++++++++~r++~ml+++++r-r-ilMM-r-He r»r++++~:‘~-:’~r~-é~++-:‘+.r- 4-4-1. Our Holiday trade was good But our Stock was Large here is Plenty Leit $23.3; Atkinson & Switzer’s DOW. . o @199. Ergqins Bea Piles oi useful Dry Goods reduced'4o, 50, 60 per cent. Splendid Maple Syrup, in quart gem jars. jar and syrup. 25c Tomatoes, perfect goods. too. can; Sugar Peas. 3 cans for 250; Sugar Corn. 3 cans tor 25c.; John Bull Pickles, 16.02. bottle, 10c.; Ll; nned Peaches at % price; excellent quality Japan Tea. 25c. 1b.; very superior quality Japan Tea, 40c. lb.;' Cleaned Cur- rants. 3 lbs. for 25c.; pint bottles Manzanilla Olives, 22c bottle; quart bottles Tomato Catsup, 152.; Til- son’s Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. for 25¢. ++++~9++*+++++4~+H++++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ï¬m+mt+++++¢+++++ + Examine at your leisure . Buy at your pleasure Jan. 23. 1908. '++4'+'§‘~§"§-k++++++++++§¢+++ ++++++++~E+++++++++++++t+++ Ar+++++++~r~+++++++++++++++a 'l-++++'§'+++++++++++++H++++ o 0 +++++++++4°H+H+++++++++++ +4-4‘VH‘ ‘1‘ a ‘>§°+-X‘++-} +++++++++++ ++~r++++++++++++++++m+we +++++++ - +++~ .... .v .,r, » Richrrrrrrrrl llill Hardware Slug To provide more space and save carrying over we offer the following in - , SEGllil-lillilfl HEATERS Athenea Parlor Cook, Large, $7.00 Royal “ " 4.00 Art Countess Special Value 12.00 Tortoise Heater, Medium Size 6.00 We Will sell at cost our remaining HEATERS AND PARLOR COOKS. at Tilrsnlithing in all its branches. '3 L4 AT COLLEG ‘ BRITISH CANADIAN RUSIYT-ISF‘ COLLEGE. TOllt).\'l' '. l’rw-iir-al .n r Minion; r Soortlurrrl. (‘ 'mm‘r‘; Ll."1ll l Matriculation. Y. 31.0. A. free. item rur‘rw-ry far-u rurer it this paer mm “oneâ€, Adâ€... ‘ R, A. l-‘ARQl'HARSON. ILL. huge and Ulnar sts.. TUFUHZU. _ rrrsrui - tau 3 El One Buggy. one set of harness, one ; [mu m“. ‘\Dpl\' “L The Next Sittingr of Dix hint] t'onrt for r L’l-tf 'l'lll‘l lilBERAL OFFICE. l XU- 3, (‘ollnty of York. \\ ill, be livid ‘ l in the t‘ouri llo-rnr. . _ .. ._ . l > RICHMOND hlLL r House to Rent it _ - l _ ____ . A groll Brick House on I’rirlrmond i Saturday, January 25, 190') Street. Richmond Hill. ‘ . h . . , (r-nrnrenr-un" at It) :I. in. i ,\[ pl} to r | f _\. l" GLASS 'l‘. l“. .‘dr‘llAl'ON it! t ‘1